Getting Even With Sara

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Getting Even With Sara

Post by dazed »

Sara thought it strange that no one was in the restroom as she entered the stall, but it was the end of the school day, and everyone was heading home. She pulled her skirt and panties down and took her seat. Just as her bladder began emptying itself, she heard the creaking of the door and the sound of footsteps approaching the stall. She saw the door being attempted to open.

"I'm in here!" she called out, hoping to send who ever it was to the next stall and give her some privacy.

The bathroom was of older construction and there were no locks on the doors. The door swung open and Sara shrieked, trying to cover her crotch.

"What the hell? I am using the bathroom bitch!" Sara stormed. "Get out!"

The tall, dark haired girl instead, came all the way in, closing the door behind her.

"I heard you have been talking shit about some of us?" she growled.

"I don't know you, now get out of here!" Sara belted.

"You gave quite a speech against lesbians. Called us some vile names."

"Look, that is my business. Get out of here and let me use the bathroom bitch!" Sara barked in desperation as she cut off the flow of her water.

The girl moved with lightning speed. Grabbing Sara by the hair, she pulled her off the toilet and began slapping her roughly across the face, before slamming her up against the side of the stall, as a stream of pee followed poor Sara. Sara desperately tried to pull her skirt and panties up, but the girl was all over her, slapping and pounding her. Grabbing Sara by the hair, she spun her around and shoved her to the floor.

The ambush had been carefully planned. Everyone had left for the day, and the girl's that Sara had spoken against all waited behind to give some just deserts.

the stall door burst open again, and other girls who were in on the attack began filming Sara laying on the floor of the toilet, trying to conver her exposed pussy and looking up with a deer-in-the-headlights look on her face. In a rush, the girls all forced her to her feet where they stripped her completely naked, confiscating her clothes, then some of them dunked Sara's head into the toilet while others filmed her naked humiliation.

Under the false pretense of giving Sara her clothes back, they made her sit naked on the cold bathroom floor, her stringy wet hair dripping wet, with legs spread wide and masturbate to orgasm for the camera. They then laughed and mocked her to shame as they put her clothes in a bag to toss into the trash somewhere.

The girls threatened to release the video, and even make her do degrading things with them, if she ever told anyone or made any more cruel remarks about them. Sara was weeping hysterically as she called a friend to bring her something to wear home. From that day, Sara never spoke out against lesbians again.
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Re: Getting Even With Sara

Post by dazed »

Thanks for the reply. Sorry it was not to your liking.
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Re: Getting Even With Sara

Post by cober »

I think was good sure it’s quick to the point but sounds like a good opening setup! Only thing I would have liked in little more detail on actual humiliation part.

Maybe have girls mock her she tries earn her clothes! Or even help as they lesbians .

I hate rude reply’s always from guest accounts !
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Re: Getting Even With Sara

Post by dazed »

Thank you kindly. Admittedly, that one did lack some finer detail. It was kind of a quickie. Appreciate you reading
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Re: Getting Even With Sara

Post by Girlspns »

Of course the rude comment comes from a guest account, they don't have the balls to actually log in and say it with an account.

That said, the story did seem to lack some structure, you've done short stories with very simple premises before, this one feels more like a drive by stripping than a fully fleshed out story.

Maybe you could have explored the premise a bit further, maybe make her streak for her clothes back or force her to apologize after dragging out the humiliation a bit.
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Re: Getting Even With Sara

Post by Darky »

Well maybe I’ve read stories from you that are having more depth. But I always love your stories, and what is wrong with a quicky? I kinda enjoyed this one too, So Don’t bother a little negativism ;)
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Re: Getting Even With Sara

Post by dazed »

Thanks Viredae. That is good advice for the future. :)
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Re: Getting Even With Sara

Post by ENFfanatic »

Can't say i disliked the premise. I always enjoy people getting hteir just desserts. You might say it's one of my favorite things. It did end a bit too quickly for my liking though.
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