The Marie & Lisa Series

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Sad Ken
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The Marie & Lisa Series

Post by Sad Ken »

Reposted from the previous board.

Disclaimer: These are long. Even the ones that are meant to be short. Sorry.

A Christmas Pantomime Revenge

Lisa pulled her car up outside the community hall and turned off the engine. She look at her watch. 5:57pm. Hours of hard slog was ahead of her, all for the sake of the local Christmas Pantomime. Lisa was 23 and had been in the local musical society since she was 6. A fantastic dancer and actress, Lisa's lack of a signing voice was all that had restricted her to supporting roles and villains instead of lead roles. She didn't mind though, and as her friends left to go to colleges in distant cities, Lisa opted to continue her education locally. She became more involved with the production team in the musical society and her keen interest in dancing saw her become Dance Captain and soon after, coreographer. It was her third year in the latter role and she now had complete freedom from James, the producer, to organise the chorus and dancers as she saw fit. Her charges were teenagers (mostly girls - boys generally started to lose interest en masse around 12-13) and chilren with only a handful of stalwart adults left in the society, none of whom danced.

Lisa was only 5'1'' and of slight build, barely breaking 100 lbs on the scale. She was quite attractive though, with long black hair, a pretty face and a slim figure toned through her hobby of dancing. But with her circle of close friends only just starting to filter back from college in the past year or so, work, and a lot of her free time taken up with the musical society - outside of their yearly Christmas Pantomime and Summer musical they did a lot of charity work - she didn't have quite the social life or love life she wanted. Still, the sense of pride and accomplishment she felt at a successfully executed show made it seem like an even trade.

The leading ladies were Alice and Marie. Both 16. They were virtually equal in terms of acting, dancing and singing ability but Lisa preferred the quieter and more reserved Alice. A couple of years ago, Marie sprouted a large chest, seemingly overnight, that the rest of her body still hadn't quite grown into yet. And then, possibly spurred on by a lot of male attention and female jealousy, quickly sprouted an ego to go with it. She still learned everything perfectly, but Lisa always got the impression she thought she was better than everyone else and was doing the society a favour by turning up, an attitude which didn't come from Alice. She was also a complete air-head. But the talent was undoubtedly there, and rather than pick one or the other for the female lead, Alice and Marie generally shared the lead role, with whomever wasn't playing the lead on any given night retreating into the chorus. It was a system that had always been used in the musical society and it worked well.

A few years ago, James had decided to write his own musicals and pantomimes rather than use an existing production, Lisa suspected it was just so could he use whatever songs he liked, steal bits he liked from various musicals and also cut costs by re-using characters, and consequently costumes, year on year. The end result of was usually a curious mish-mash of overblown melancholy, comedy and bawdiness with some serious emotional acting thrown in. It always looked like utter nonsense on paper, but came good on stage.

Tonight was the first dress rehearsal, theoretically the same length as the show would be. But as it the first time the band would be in, and the first time costumes and props would start to be organised properly, it would take all night with constant starts and stops as the band sorted out the cues, the cast complained about not being able to change in time, and props didn't work. Plus James was particularly keen to try a particularly ambitious piece of stage dressing. He'd seen a musical number in which a girl's dress changed, on stage, mid-song, to signify her 'transformation' into a new person, and he was certain he could copy it on a budget that was made up of a lot of good will and very little actual money. And, as usual, he'd persuaded the rest of the production team that it could be pulled off.

The initial idea was to use two dresses, pink on top and blue underneath, for the scene and the chorus would at the appropriate point in the song fall in on the singer, played by either Marie or Alice, and quickly remove the pink one before dancing away from her. But it became apparent quickly that this wouldn't work. Both dresses had to be relatively tight so the audience wouldn't realise there were two of them until after the change, and Alice, who they tested the idea with the previous week, was struggling to move properly in the them. Which meant they'd probably have difficulty getting them to fit on Marie at all. Marie had a curvy figure, even aside from her large chest, she had a round backside and a near perfect hourglass shape between her hips and waist. But at the same time, she was short, half an inch shorter than Lisa with a narrow body from the shoulders down. Effectively, she had the shape of a volumptous super-model, but on a smaller scale. The look was completed by long, curled dark red, almost bronze, hair and pale skin that never seemed to blemish. Alice was taller and broader overall, but her less curved figure meant the two could just about fit into the same outfits with a little alteration, with Marie having a little less room to breathe.

But James didn't give up and hit upon the idea of having just the front of the top half of the pink dress attached to the blue dress and then pull it off using cords operated from a crawlspace under the stage. The skirt section of the blue dress was virtually white, and the combination of the pink top half and stage lighting would hopefully 'trick' the audience into initially thinking the whole thing was pink. The dance would have be redirected slightly to ensure the leading lady didn't ever turn her back to the stage and include a brief instrumental section for the cord pull, but it was do-able - if the pink section came off cleanly. The "costume department", James' wife Betty and one of her friends, arrived three hours into the rehearsal with the dress complete. By this stage the kids' cast had been allowed to leave and all that was left was the senior cast - mostly teenagers - the band, the sound & lighting crews and the production team.

"Comfortable in there, lad?" Rob, the bassist, teased the stagehand in the crawlspace.
"We all ready?" James asked.
"Yeah." The stagehand shouted.
"Yeah I'm covered underneath if this goes wrong." Alice replied.
"And pull."
It worked a charm. The cords went taut and pulled the pink piece on the front, for a split second the blue dress underneath lifted off Alice's body causing her to reflexively reach towards her chest, despite the tank top and bra underneath. But the two pieces seperated, leaving Alice standing on stage in a seemingly perfect blue dress.
"Did it hurt?" James asked as Betty closed in to examine the dress.
"No, I just felt a tug." Alice replied.
"Good. Try not to move your arms next time."
Alice jokingly stuck out her tongue.
"Looks okay. Nothing's ripped." Betty said examining the dress. "Might throw a couple of safety pins in it to make sure."
"Ehm... yeah... see about fitting it on Marie."

Alice was rehearsing the lead tonight with Marie in the chorus, and Marie was making little effort to hide her boredom. She missed two scenes having the dress checked for size, and came back out without her chorus costume on properly. The chorus costumes for this scene were black dresses and tights with a different coloured strip of material down the front depending on which line of the chorus they were in. The strip had to be tied to the dress at the bottom to keep it in place. Marie hadn't bothered to tie hers. Lisa was tired, having been on her feet for the entire time, swapping between dancing with her chorus girls and watching it from the middle of the hall to see how everything looked from where the audience would sit and Marie's inattention to her costume annoyed her more than it should.

"Marie, you have to tie these at the bottom or they flap all over the place..." Lisa moaned as she bent down to tie Marie's strip in place.
Marie initially rolled her eyes at being babied, but then smirked as she saw the tie for Lisa's dress sitting on the back of her neck. It was just too tempting. "Like this?" she asked as she pulled it open. Because of the rotation between the main cast and chorus and the need to grab an outfit quickly to be changed in time, the black dresses for the chorus weren't specifically tailored for the individual girls and instead came in three sizes, relying on ties, accessories, belts etc. to stay on the girls. And even though she was the oldest, Lisa's naturally small figure, constant dancing, generally hectic life and ultra-healthy diet meant she was by far the slimmest girl who was ever going to wear this particular dress.

As soon as the tie was opened, the top of the dress loosened and fell off her body exposing her from the middle of her stomach up. To make matters worse, she had put on a brand new bra this morning, only to realise a couple of hours later that it wasn't quite a perfect fit. And she had come straight from work to here to make the rehearsal on time. The discomfort had gotten the better of her about 20 minutes previously and she'd taken it off and stuffed it in her handbag, leaving her topless on stage. Her breasts were barely a B-cup, but on her slim frame looked perfectly rounded and proportional. And now, the rest of the "senior" cast, the production team, the band, the lighting crew, the stagehands and the sound crew had all gotten to see just how perfectly rounded and proportional they were.

Lisa was so stunned that she was momentarily unable to act, bent over, having just been half-stripped by the girl who's costume she was trying to fix. She was probably only in that pose for two seconds, but it felt like an eternity.

"Oh... my... God!" Marie exclaimed, giggling. "I... I... didn't realise... I swear." She clamped her hands over her mouth in an effort to stop giggling.
Lisa screamed, bolted upright and pulled the dress back up to cover herself.
Marie was still giggling uncontrollably between words. "Why aren't you wearing a bra?"
"Well I'm glad you find this funny!" Lisa snapped, as one of the other girls started tying her dress back on. She could feel a burning heat in her cheeks, throat and chest. She knew she must've gone bright red.
"I don't... I..." she burst out laughing before squeaking out another quick "Oh my God."
"I don't find this funny either, Marie" James said sternly. "Would you like to go home?"
"No no no!!" Marie exclaimed. "Sorry. Sorry." She started meekly tying the strip.
"Alright, look, take five everyone."
"No, it's fine. Let's just keep going." Lisa said. By the time the musical director had taken the opportunity to have a smoke, James had sorted whatever crisis the backstage team had concocted since the last break in proceedings, and bored and tired teenagers were prodded back into character, 'take five' really meant 'take fifteen, minimum' around here. She wasn't going to be stripped half-naked and have to direct dancers until 1 am in the same night.
"Yeah, let's just get this over with."
"Alright." He pointed at Marie. "I'll talk to you later."
Marie glanced at a couple of her friends in the chorus and made a joking 'worried' face at them. Great to see she was taking what she'd done seriously.

The rest of the night was a blur of trying to get props, costume changes etc. to fit in properly. Lisa was too tense and annoyed to concentrate on watching her dancers properly, plus her and Marie just couldn't make eye-contact with each other. Actually very few people made eye-contact with her. Maybe she should've taken those five (or fifteen) minutes after all. At the end of the night as they were packing up, James approached her. "Look, I have no problem kicking her out of this year's show over that." he said quietly.
Lisa thought about it for a moment. "Don't bother. I'll get over it."
"She could do with being made to take things seriously, and Alice is well able to play the lead for all ten nights."
"Yeah, but then you'll have the crying and all her friends having sour faces on them, and her bitch of a mother around your house tomorrow morning. It's just not worth it."
"I'll tell ya what, I'll take her off the lead role for the opening night. Might get her attention."
"I don't mind if you wanna do that, but it'll roll off her."
"Well, I want to do it, so I will. Sure you're okay?"

But she wasn't okay, at least not for tonight. She was still so tense that when she nearly walked into the bass player on her way out, she gave him an earful despite it being her own fault, before meekly apologising to him almost immediately afterwards. But at least it gained her enough sympathy for him to carry her stuff out to her car.
"My tits being out is one thing. I've enough body confidence to deal with that," she explained to him as she leaned against her car. "It's another thing when a bunch of teens who are supposed to respect and look up to me get to see them. At least there's only four boys."
"And me." Rob interceded.
"Oh you don't count."
"Aw, thanks. I'm not that much older than you."
"That's not what I meant. I mean I don't have to try and tell you how to dance whilst you're thinking about my boobs. And you'll be adult about this anyway. I assume?"
"Oh yeah, of course."
Lisa glanced back at the hall door just as Marie and her entourage of friends came out snickering and giggling. The stopped quite abruptly when they caught sight of her, and quickly turned the other way, making it obvious what they had been laughing about.
"See what I mean?" She sighed. "I'm having a bath when I go home, might calm me down a bit."
"Enjoy," Rob replied as he headed to his own car. But he stopped a meter away and turned back to her. "You know Lisa, I don't get mad about things. I get even."
Lisa looked at him in disbelief for a few seconds as he continued to his car. Did he really just tell her to strip a teenage girl? The words stayed in her head during the short trip home, but she tried to ignore them. She checked her phone as she let the bath fill. Facebook notifications.

"Nice job Marie. :D" It was Stephen, one of the teenage boys still hanging on in the musical society, posting on Marie's page. Lisa and Marie were friends on Facebook, as nearly all the society were, so she could see it.
"Shhh! Not much 2 c anyway." Was Marie's reply.
The conversation was completed by a stern message from James saying that if they wanted to keep talking about this, they would be ejected from the society immediately without any further warning. But it was too late to save's Lisa's mood. Rob's words about getting even were practically being screamed in her ear now. Not only had that little bitch stripped her in front of people and not so much as attempted an apology, she was now teasing her about her chest. How dare she? Just because she liked having huge tits doesn't mean everyone did. Lisa was quite happy with her breasts, but having a 16 year old poke fun at them still grated.

By the time she was neck deep in hot water with the minty aroma of the bath bomb filling her nose, she was struggling to think of anything else other than a revenge attack on Marie. She'd seen a bit of cleavage in the past year as Marie had no shyness about stripping down to her underwear in front of other girls in the dressing room. But Lisa suspected from the bit of teasing Marie occasionally gave the other girls, and now Lisa herself, that she was just trying to use her body as another means to elevate herself above the others in her peer group. She bet Marie wouldn't be quite so proud an exhibtionist if she had to display her curves involuntarily to a hall with everything from teenage boys to old men in it like she had. She could just imagine Marie's perfect pale skin turning crimson as she desperately tried to cover her ample chest from many pairs of interested eyes. God, imagine if something went wrong with that two stage dress James had concocted and it tore off her completely? On a show night too. How many people would see her then? Capacity was 270, plus the band, cast, sound, lights and backstage crew would push it over 300. Marie would never live that down. She might even leave the society...

"Oh grow up, Lisa, you're 23 fucking years old!" Lisa shouted aloud to snap herself out of it. She lived alone, so there was no one to hear. "She's just a kid being stupid. Everyone will forget soon enough."

Lisa pulled up outside the Community Hall for the second dress rehearsal a week later and sighed. They'd had two shorter rehearsals for a few scenes and songs during the week and in both of them she found it a struggle to concentrate on keeping her dancers in line. There had been no more Facebook comments, but any time someone looked at her oddly, or didn't look at her, or stopped talking when she was near, she was convinced they were talking or thinking about her exposure at the first dress rehearsal, even though they probably weren't. Worse still, since costumes weren't used during the short rehearsals Marie (who was still completely avoiding eye contact with her) had done most of the second one in a tight tank top and a bra more suitable for an Ann Summers party than for dancing which she seemed in constant danger of bouncing out of. By the end of the night, Lisa was practically willing it to happen, but it didn't. And then she spent most of the following day at work feeling guilty about how petty she was being. It was time to forget about Marie, and people seeing her boobs last week, and do her job.

"What's that doing there?" Lisa said, looking at the foldable screen cordoning off a corner of the dressing room.
"Oh, it's for me!" Marie replied chirpily as she disappeared behind it. "Y'know because of the later scenes where I have the backless dress and can't wear a normal bra. And I hate adhesive ones."
Lisa froze. It was like all of the temptation in the world for revenge was being thrown at her. Not only would Marie be bare chested under her costume for the show, but the foldable screen suggested that Lisa was right to suspect there was limit to her exhibitionism. Now all she could picture was the pink and blue dress being spectacularly torn off Marie's body and her oversized chest bouncing out in front of a packed hall. She needed to get the idea out of her head.
"Is that really necessary?" she mumbled.
"Alice can be unprofessional and let everyone see a bra strap when she's playing the lead, but I won't."
Alice had been in the society since she was 7, the word 'unprofessional' applied to her didn't sit at all well with Lisa. "It's a bit ott..."
But Marie wasn't listening, and was clearly determined to dig herself in deeper. "I think I'm more comfortable braless. I can see why you don't bother with them."
"That was a once off-"
"Plus I don't need a bra to help fill my figure out anyway."
That was it. Lisa had wanted to be the bigger person, to be the adult, but this stupid little cow was begging for it. She resolved right there and then to do everything she could to render Marie topless in front of a full hall containing around 300 people.
"Suit yourself, I guess." Lisa responded, faking a more upbeat tone, and headed out of the dressing room. Betty had been poking at the two-stage dress a little more today, so it hadn't been put in the dressing room just yet. Lisa was going to take the opportunity to get a proper look at how it was sewn together. And if it could be sabotaged easily.
"Hey," Marie called, just as Lisa reached the door.
"Um... we're cool now? About last week?"
Lisa was staggered. How tone-deaf was this girl? They'd barely exchanged two words since it happened, much less a proper apology. Even aside from the two rehearsals since, Marie had Lisa's phone number and was her friend on Facebook, so it's not like she didn't have a chance.
"Right?" Marie pressed.
"I'll be okay by the end of the show." Lisa smirked. She leaned over to have a quick peek around the screen. Sure enough, Lisa caught an impressive amount of sideboob as Marie had just popped her bra off and was about to slip into her outfit for the opening scene. She was obviously planning to do the entire dress rehearsal, and by extension, the entire show, braless. Too perfect.

Lisa sighed as she examined the dress. Betty had butchered and sewn together three dresses to create it, but the most important part, the blue top section was all one piece with high quality seams holding the front and back together. No amount of safety pins or her own meargre sewing skills (if she even had the time) was going to make the connection between the pink front and the blue dress stronger than those seams, and there was no way she'd get a tailoring scissors inside them. It was odd because anything they didn't make completely from scratch themselves was usually bought on the cheap, but the blue piece seemed of high quality. Then she thought of something. She turned the dress around on the hanger, unzipped the back a little and looked inside, and to her delight, found where the corner had been cut. The zipper was only fully enclosed in fabric on the outside, on the inside the plastic flaps holding it to the dress were visible. Lisa had a quick look around, and certain the coast was clear, slid the tailoring scissors under one of the flaps and cut. It worked, half an inch was now seperated from the fabric of the dress, she'd cut the rest on revenge night. The plan was to leave just the very top and bottom of each side of the zip attached, and hopefully it'd fail. It was still far from guaranteed to work though, and she needed to think of a way to reinforce the connection between the pink piece and the blue piece so the zip would give first. The pink piece was attached with breakable plastic clips. Gluing them closed was low-tech, but she couldn't think of anything else that wouldn't be detected. Hopefully it would be enough. Now it was a matter of deciding which night to execute her plan.

Having been bumped off the opening night, Marie was playing the lead role on the second, fourth, fifth, seventh and ninth nights. The fifth was tempting, as it was one of two nights to be recorded, potentially enshrining the moment forever. But the DVDs of the recording were sold to raise money for the society, and they could hardly sell a DVD featuring a half-naked 16 year old girl. She settled on the seventh night, assuming the first six nights had gone well, there'd be less panic and no constant checking and rechecking of props and costumes that there would be on earlier nights, giving her the opportunity to work on the dress.

Making the decision to get revenge on Marie initially proved liberating. Lisa was flying, full of energy as she hopped from the stage to the middle and back of the hall to get a better look at the coreography and keeping her dancers on their toes. Her positive mood continued into the final dress-rehearsal and the dancing was better than ever. The first sign of any nerves over her mission came on the opening night when Alice stood on the front of the stage in that infamous dress. The pink piece came off perfectly without a hint of damage to the blue dress underneath, but Lisa's body was burning through the entire scene, as she kept mentally picturing Marie in Alice's place and her successful revenge. The tension was multiplied by a factor of ten on the second night when Marie was in the dress. For a brief second, Lisa thought the dress was about to split as the pink piece was pulled, but as with Alice, it worked perfectly and the beaming Marie continued singing. She wasn't going to be smiling like that in a few days...

Lisa pulled up at the hall for the seventh night of the show. She'd been nervous all day and had seriously thought about abandoning the whole idea. But the decision to do it had cleared her head no end for the dress rehearsals, she wasn't going to undo that by backing out now. The dress, along with all girls' costumes, would be in the girls' dressing room which would soon be a hive of frantic activity. So she had to sabotage it in two stages: She was the first in so she'd glue the clips closed now before the rest of the cast arrived, but she couldn't risk cutting the zip so early as it might be spotted. She'd get a minute to do it as everyone was assembling on stage for the opening number. She got the gluing done no problem, she even had enough time to make sure it was nice and neat with no leakage. She briefly wondered what would happen if she didn't get her minute to cut the zip, would Marie be dragged off the front of the stage into the orchestra pit and end up in the MD's lap? She changed into her own costume for the opening number and than then got her makeup done by Betty's friend before a queue developed. By the time she came back, she could see Marie's handbag by the side of the foldable screen. She peeked around, needing to know if Marie was still going braless. Sure enough the little redhead was just unhooking it. Lisa quickly retreated before she was spotted. Her heart was racing. She was really going ahead with this.

Lisa stood on the side stage at the head of her chorus, her breath shallow and entire body tense. The show was moving towards half time and Marie was on the front of the stage in that dress delivering her partly serious, partly comedic monologue about feeling like a new person. Lisa had gotten her minute to cut the zip just before the show and the moment of truth was now half a song away. She just about registered the drummer counting the song in as Marie said her last line and she skipped onto the stage with her dancers in tow. As she crossed the stage behind Marie, she could see just a sliver of bare skin at the zip. No one had found and fixed her handiwork. The song was a blur, the music seemed to sound hollow and echoey and she could barely feel her own legs. Yet as the dancers froze for a couple of vamped instrumental bars at the end of the second verse to allow the pink piece to be removed, the moment when Marie's humiliation would happen or not, she ended up in the right place and in the right pose, so she must've have done the routine correctly. She was on the extreme left of the stage, but at the front and level with Marie so she could see the whole thing.

Marie was posed front and centre with a massive smile on her face and her arms stretched out in front of her reaching towards the crowd. The cords went taut and pulled the dress, but unlike in every rehearsal and the past six shows the pink section went nowhere. Marie, ever the star, stayed in her pose. The stagehand couldn't see the stage from the crawlspace, all he knew is the dress hadn't gone anywhere because the cords still felt the same in his hands. He responded by aggressively jerking the cords a split second later to achieve the desired effect. The pink piece still stayed firmly attached to the front of the dress, but, to Lisa's delight, the zip broke and the back of the dress seperated. The packed audience let out a collective gasp as both pink and blue material were yanked off Marie's arms and upper body, and her naked breasts sprang out in front of them. Lisa could barely believe how big, round and firm they were. She'd seen Marie in just a bra, not to mention many tops that barely qualified as anything more than a bra, but the sheer size of her breasts relative to the rest of her figure had never been laid so bare as now, not to mention that they'd barely moved from their usual bra-clad position. Lisa thought a girl that size would need at least a little lift, even at Marie's age, but obviously not in this case. The combination of the stage lights and the contrast between her natural complexion and her face slightly darkened by make-up made her fair skin seem even paler than normal, almost completely white on her exposed body. The nipples themselves were small and neat, but they were completed with two large, pale pink areolas that blended into her breasts so perfectly that it wasn't quite possible to tell exactly where they ended. And because the stagehand had pulled so hard, Marie had been jerked forward slightly, causing the two glorious orbs to bounce just a little as they were exposed. Better still, the cords had ended up pulling the dress to just below Marie's knees exposing her red thong to the audience. Her ass, although more in portion with the rest of her body than her chest, was another piece of pure female perfection, with Marie possessing just a tiny amount of excess fat to make both her ass and hips that little bit rounder. Lisa hadn't ever wanted Marie's boobs, but she was genuinely envious of her backside.

Cool air from the backstage and dressing rooms wafted onto Marie's back and exposed rear causing her skin to goosebump whilst the warmth of the stage lights dominated the sensation on her chest and stomach. She looked down at her beautiful body, dominated by her ample chest, not fully comprehending that she'd just been forced to show it to so many people. She had no problem teasing boys with a bit of cleavage or flaunting her curves around other girls to make them jealous, but this far beyond what she was willing to show anyone. For a split second it seemed like it was happening to someone else and she was floating above them, until she felt her face burn with embarassment and her knees go weak as the realisation that she was nearly naked on a stage in front of hundreds of people struck. She screamed and covered her breasts with her arms, squishing them up into her body before turning and trying to run off stage. But the dress was still caught around her shins, tripping her up. She fell forward and ended up on stage with her round, mostly bare ass sticking up in the air before, mercifully, someone on the lighting crew had the awareness to kill the stage lights, shrouding her nudity in darkness. From the initial exposure to the lights being turned off had taken, at most, six seconds, but as with Lisa at the dress rehearsal, the time seemed to pass in slow motion for Marie. As James stuttered out the announcement for the interval over the PA (a scene early), Marie managed to kick the dress off her ankles, get to her feet and run off the stage in the dark, clad in only her thong and shoes. But her legs were like jelly and she stumbled after only a couple of strides, falling straight into Stephen who was in his position in the wings. She shrieked as she felt his hands against her bare skin, not knowing if it was attempt to grope or an involuntary reaction to protect himself, shoved him aside and continued for the dressing room, almost falling again a few strides later. Lisa stayed put in her position on the stage as several girls, as well as Betty, rushed after Marie into the dressing room. Her plan was to deny everything if asked. Hopefully it would look like a genuine case of the costume giving up.

Marie proved unconsolable and quickly put on her clothes as soon as she got to the dressing room, before running home in the dark, refusing to talk to anyone. After a 40 minute delay, and James phoning Marie's mother to confirm that she'd gotten home, they opted to continue the show with Alice as the lead. Marie didn't turn up for the remaining three nights of the show and Lisa was never confronted with anything more than a suspicious glance from James. Although no one ever talked about it in an 'official setting' there were whispers in the town about the incident and rumours that James had been cautioned by the police over the matter (although he denied them). But it all died down by the middle of January and Lisa was left to contemplate her mean streak on her own. No one in the audience had moved quickly enough to snap a photo, but image of the stuck-up, overendowed mini-supermodel being stripped almost nude in front of hundreds of people was burned onto Lisa's retina. After the initial adreanaline and nervous excitement at her success on the night, she ultimately ended up feeling neither joy or shame at what she'd done, almost as if it was a simple necessity to deal with her own stripping.

Curiously, Marie never even de-friended Lisa from Facebook, and in a few weeks she had seeminly got back to her usual self, as Lisa was once again getting familiar notifications that she was posting her usual vapid musings about which member of One Direction was hottest. She even tagged Lisa when commenting on a video James posted of a dance routine done by another musical group that he wanted to steal. Maybe she was truly dense enough to not realise it was a revenge attack?

As winter gave way to spring, Lisa started to wonder would Marie re-appear for the summer musical...
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Sad Ken
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Re: The Marie & Lisa Series

Post by Sad Ken »

Marie's Musical Melancholy Part 1

(This story is too fucking long, btw)

"... two, three, four, left!" Lisa directed as she watched her dancers. Her eye kept being attracted to the small redhead in the second row, though. Marie was back for the summer musical. "Two, three, down and stay in position until the end!" She mentally counted the bars as the song ended and the dancers relaxed.
"We're gonna need to change that," James said.
"Yeah, stage is too busy," Lisa agreed. "Might cut it to three on each side."
"Am I okay?" Marie asked.
"Yeah, you're fine," Lisa replied. "You guys are all fine. There's just too many of you."
"Okay," James addressed the cast. "The musical director will be here in about five minutes to go through keys. Take a break."
Lisa headed outside to get some air, the hall got stuffy in the summer sometimes. It struck her as suspicious that Marie had asked about her dancing, and it was the third time tonight. She normally never bothered.
Marie's eyes followed Lisa the whole way out. She knew Lisa had been the architect of her Christmas humiliation. She couldn't prove it, but she knew it. And she was going to get even. She'd only told her two closest friends, Rebecca, who was a chorus girl in the musical society and the shy and reserved Hannah, who'd become too self conscious for the stage a couple of years ago. They both knew Lisa, and initially didn't believe her, but she persuaded them. Unfortunately for Marie, however, between the three of them, they hadn't come up with a remotely feasible way of getting back at Lisa. Even if they could somehow get her out of her costume on stage, she'd never leave herself as exposed underneath as Marie had at Christmas.
"Coping?" Rebecca sat down beside Marie as the rest of the cast dispersed, leaving them as the only ones still on the stage.
"I wanna rip those sweatpants right off her," Marie replied coldly.
"Still no ideas?"
"Depends on what the new chorus outfits are like. There are points in that dance where I'm close enough to whip a skirt or dress off."
"But she wouldn't be naked. And you'd get caught."
"I know. I wonder could I get someone to do it for me."
"Marie," Rebecca sighed. "You're not going to go teasing the boys again, are you? They're all going to end up avoiding you."

"Well, look what the cat dragged in," Lisa remarked as Rob approached her, carrying his bass. "What the hell are you doing here?"
"Thanks Lisa," Rob replied. "It's nice to see you too."
"Sorry. I mean this isn't a band call, is it?"
"I'm receiving musical director training. The old man says he's not doing this until he's 70, so he wants me to start figuring this MD stuff out."
"Oh, sounds like fun."
"Sounds like ten extra nights that I probably won't be able to charge for. On the plus side, I do get the pleasure of more of your company."
"Well spare a thought for the people who don't get paid. And try not to look up my skirt so much this year."
"Try to keep your top on this year," Rob retorted.
"Oh very-" Lisa snapped back, before realising something. "... funny..."
"Um? Was that a bit soon?"
"No... it's just..." Her mind was drifting towards Marie's odd behaviour. She'd hardly figured out, had she? Surely she'd have gone crying to her mum to fight her battle for her if she had.
"It's just...?" Rob prodded. "Look, I'm really, really sorry if that was out of order."
"Hmm?" She came back to reality. "Oh, don't be so serious."

A few minutes later, they were testing out keys for the leading lady's songs, Alice was up first. As she sang the opening number, making sure she could reach the high notes, Marie found her eyes being drawn towards Rob. He was looking straight at Lisa the whole time. Or more specifically, since she was standing in front of him looking at the stage, trying to visualise what she was going to do with the dancers, he was taking a good look at her ass as she tapped her foot and gently swayed her hips in time to the music. He must be desperate if he was checking out that skinny bitch, Marie thought. The cogs started turning in her head. How old was he? What would happen if a girl with some actual curves tried to get his attention?
"Marie?" Lisa tried to get the redhead's attention.
And how badly did he want to see that ass?
"Huh?" Marie suddenly realised she'd zoned out. Alice had finished singing and now it was her turn.
"You wanna see can you do that song in that key?" It was serious effort for Lisa to try and talk normally to her, but she was about managing it. 16 years of acting on that stage had to be good for something.
"Um...y-yeah. Sorry," Marie stammered.
"Heat getting to you?"
"No. I was daydreaming. I'm sorry." Marie despised grovelling to Lisa, but like her was able to hide it with her acting skills.
Marie and Alice quickly got through the rest of the numbers, finding keys that worked for both of them. Throughout the entire process, Marie found her eyes again being drawn to Rob, who in turn was still drawn to Lisa whenever she stood near him.

"Did you see that?" Marie asked when they were done and everyone dispersed for another short break. Her eyes were focused on the space where Rob & Lisa had been.
"See what?" Rebecca replied.
"Rob. He couldn't take his eyes of Lisa's ass."
"Oh! That. You've only noticed it now? They're flirting nearly every time they talk. And it's been like that for at least the last three shows."
Marie hadn't noticed. The two of them had never registered on her radar as being in any way important to her. Until now. "So, are they dating?"
"Nope," Rebecca answered. "Remember when Lisa dated a guy from the society a few years ago and it was really messy when it ended? She doesn't want to do that again."
"Oh yeah, I do remember that. Poor guy cried on stage when he was trying to act with her."
"But I think she'll change her mind. I have a bet with Anna that they're going to get together during this show."
"Sorry, Becky, but you're gonna lose that bet," Marie smirked.
"What do you mean?"
"If he's willing to look at a stick insect like Lisa, I wonder how he'll react to me."
"Wait, you're going try it with him? Ewww! Marie, he's way too old."
"He's not that old!"
"You sure? He's gotta be nearly 30."
"Well I'm not going to try to seriously get with him. Just enough to manipulate him. You told me not to tease the boys, so I won't."
"Yeah, but even it wasn't really gross, it won't work." Rebecca cautioned. "He's not a 15 year old boy. He's probably touched a few girls by now."
"Yeah? Well men are just bigger, stupider boys. I'll have him."
Rebecca shook her head. It was this sort of arrogant nonsense that sometimes made her wish she could bring herself to stop being friends with Marie. She had no real experience with boys, yet here she was boasting that she could seduce a grown man just because she had chest measurements that a lot of women would be jealous of. She wished the old Marie, the still ditsy, but sweet girl with considerably less ego would come back. "So, you're going to shake your ass at a guy who is AT LEAST 9 or 10 years older than you, in the hope he'll help you humiliate a girl he likes in front of hundreds of people? You don't see anything wrong with that plan? And what are you going to do if he does taking a liking to you and ends up trying to get your pants off? Marie, are you listening to any of this?"
"He won't get that far."
"Please Becky, I know you're only trying to look out for me. But I have to try this."
Rebecca sighed. "It's really gross and a really bad idea... but what's your plan?"
"I need to get him on his own. Eh... I got it! You know my parents are in Salou and your Mom said she'd drop me home tonight?"
"Tell her I don't need a lift. I'll get one from Rob instead."
"But you know what my Mom is like. You can't tell her you don't need something from her with her saying 'are you sure?' at least 20 times."
"Just make 20 excuses!"
"I hate lying to my Mom... ugh... alright. But if he turns out to be some sort of fucked up pervert don't come crying to me."

"The start's a pain the ass cos it feels like Cut Common even though it's written in 4/4..." Rob was discussing one of the songs with a semi-interested Lisa outside after the rehearsal.
"Hey Rob?" Marie interrupted.
"Yeah?" he answered.
"Can you give me a lift home, I had a little breakdown in communication with Becky and she's gone home without me."
"You mean you had a fight?" Lisa asked.
"No! No! No!" Marie denied. "We just got mixed up and she thought I was sorted. And I don't wanna ring her and drag her and her Mom back here."
"Well actually..." Rob looked at Lisa for a few moments, but realised he probably wasn't going to get anywhere with her tonight. "Nevermind. I'm not in a hurry to go anywhere tonight. Gimmie five minutes to get the rest of my gear."
"Great thanks!" Marie enthused.
Lisa looked at Marie suspiciously as Rob headed back in the hall, taking a slightly rueful look back at Lisa. "Why him? Me & James are both going in a few minutes."
"Afraid I'll take him off you?" Marie smirked before flouncing off.
That struck a chord with Lisa that she hadn't expected. What was that little cow up to?

Marie sat in the passenger seat of Rob's car as he loaded his gear into the back, trying to breathe deeply. She was used to getting 15 and 16 year old boys to melt easily, crouching over them when they were sitting to display her cleavage, sitting on their lap, or a little bit of kissing would usually be enough. For all her earlier boasting to Rebecca, she knew Rob would be a bit more of a challenge. And with no traffic, she'd only have about five minutes to work on him. It'd probably be the most sexually charged five minutes of her life and the anticipation was making her nervous. She had taken off her tights in the dressing room, claiming they'd ripped, to show off her legs, and was carrying rather than wearing her hoodie, leaving her just in a tank top and short skirt. The skirt had rode up her thigh a little as she climbed into the car and she hadn't bothered to tug it back down. Another inch higher would expose her lacy underwear.
She pulled her top forward and looked down at her bra-clad breasts.
"He's already seen these, hasn't he?" she murmured to herself before letting go of the top, her body tensing further as it recalled her Christmas humiliation. Her ample cleavage probably wasn't going to wow him all that much since he'd already seen her breasts fully exposed, but she really wasn't overly keen on showing them to him again. However the memory of her stripping also re-focused her on her goal: Revenge on Lisa. How much was Rob's potential help worth to her? The driver's door clicked open.
"Okay, where am I going again?" Rob asked as he climbed in.
"Oh, Greenvale," Marie replied chirpily, using her acting skills to hide any edginess. "It's the big new estate on the far side of town."
"Okay, I think I know where that is. You can correct me if I'm wrong anyway."
He was decent enough looking, Marie figured she probably wouldn't hate herself for this. Probably. Time to make sure she had his attention. "Um... can I take my bra off? The straps are digging into me."
Rob fumbled the keys as he went to start the car. "Could you... yeah okay. I won't look."
"Oh, you can look all you like. You won't see anything." That was a lie. Marie was well capable of quickly slipping her bra off from under her top without showing anything that wasn't on display already, but this time she did it a little sloppily and slowly, almost letting her right nipple slip out in the process. But as she straightened her top back up, she realised he hadn't been looking. Round One to him. As they pulled out of the sports centre, his eyes were focused on the road, not even catching a glimpse of the barely dressed girl in the passenger seat. Showing off wasn't going to work if he wasn't looking. Time to try something else.
"Hey, what were you like with girls?" She probed. "When you were my age, I mean?"
Marie proceeded to spin tales about how boys her own age didn't seem to be able to handle a girl, emotionally or physically, and dropping unsubtle hints that an older man might make her happier. Rob initially didn't bite, instead explaining that teenage boys were generally less emotionally developed than their female counterparts and they'd catch up over the next couple of years.
"But you're able to talk me normally, why can't they?"
"First of all, I'm 26, and secondly I'm not trying."
That was her door. Damn guys were dumb. "Not trying?" she asked quizzicly.
"You know."
"... I mean I'm not trying to get you to like me. You know, I'm not hitting on you. That makes a big difference."
"Why not?" Marie pouted, feigning disappointment. "Don't think I'm attractive?"
"No it's not that..." he looked over at her for the first time in the trip. Marie was turned towards him, leaning forward slightly showing an obscene amount of cleavage. Even with only the glow of streetlights making its way into the car to illuminate it, it was an enticing site. And the knowledge that only the thin, slightly stretched material of the tank top was seperating him from another look at those gorgeous breasts was enough to make him wish he hadn't looked. "It's just with the age gap and stuff..."
"So you are attracted to me? Left here, by the way."
"Well there's more to wanting someone than just physical attraction. And you're a bit young for me."
"I'm 17!" she pretended to protest. "It's not that bad. Besides it's just a number anyway."
Mercifully for Rob, they reached Greenvale before he was embarassed into saying anything else. But the estate was vast and sprawling, with different branches of it called different things like "Greenvale Avenue", "Greenvale Court" and "Greenvale Heights".
"Uh Marie, where am I going?"
Marie thought about ransoming the answer, but then she got a better idea. "Second right, and then left after that."
"Ok great." His ordeal would soon be over. Beyond her looks, Marie didn't appeal to him at all, and wouldn't have appealed to him even if she had been 21 or 22 instead of 17.
"So, do you think I'm too immature?"
"Ehh..." Rob trailed off trying to think of a polite way to explain how what she was suggesting was completely inappropriate and possibly illegal. He couldn't. "It's more a case that I'd be an old man compared to you. It'd never work."
"We could still have a little fun though."
"It's best we don't... wait did I take a wrong turn?" They were down a cul de sac with no houses or street lights. Marie had directed him to an unfinished branch of the estate. He stopped the car and put it in reverse.
Marie quickly undid her seatbelt and leaned across the centre console and got right up close to his face.
"No one has to know. What are you worried about?"
"Marie, this is silly. You don't really want me. Where is your house?"
"I'm not telling you."
"Okay, look. I'm not stupid." She moved closer to him. She was now kneeling on the passenger seat to get her face and upper body as close to him as she could. "We can't get together, I get that. But I want a man, not a boy, to touch me. Just a little. I've seen how you look at me."
Rob didn't think he had been looking at her. "Marie, no. We can't."
"Just kiss me once. The way you want to kiss Lisa."
"Oh great..." Rob sighed. "I guess subtlety's never been a strong point of mine."
"I won't tell her."
"If you've noticed, then she's noticed," he sighed rubbing his forehead. It worse than that, if Marie had noticed, the whole Musical Society had probably noticed.
He felt Marie's hands on his shoulders and back. She might have been annoying, but she was easily the one of the best looking girls he'd ever seen and she was practically begging him to touch her. The whole experience was proving quite uncomfortable. "Marie, just tell me where your house is."
"One kiss," she gently placed her hands on his face. "A real one. I'll tell you then."
Rob took a deep breath. "Goodnight," he said. Then he opened the door and stepped out of his car.
"Wait!" Marie shouted after him. "What are you doing?"
"Going home," he replied as he turned and walked away. "Nice night for a walk."
Marie got out and ran after him. "What? Why?" she asked as she caught up.
"When I said 'we can't', I wasn't joking. I'll go to jail."
"No you won't! Anyway, who's gonna know?"
"Me!" Rob exclaimed. "Marie, I'm sorry but I have to be clear on this: I'm a grown man, I can't fool around with a 17 year old girl. Even once. I'll never be able to play music in this town again."
Marie sighed and folded her arms.
"Now, we can get back in the car, and you can tell me where your house is, or we can both walk home."
"Alright fine..."

It only took about two minutes for them to get back in the car and get to Marie's house, but it was enough for Marie go from annoyed to embarrassed. Rebuffed, she felt stupid for even trying. She should've listened to Rebecca.
"Look, I'm sorry if I upset you," Rob explained. "But it would've ended up worse if I'd gone along with it, trust me."
"Yeah, I know... I just..." Marie tried, but couldn't really explain. "You're not going to tell anyone?"
"Of course I'm not!"
"No... I suppose you're not."
"If you want my advice," Rob said hesitantly, as Marie opened the passenger door of his car. "You don't have to over-do things with boys now. You're only 17, you have a long time to find one who can handle you."
"Yeah... thanks..." she murmured as she got out. She took a couple of steps away, but then decided to dig one last time. If he wasn't going to help her, maybe he could at least distract her nemesis. "What are you doing about Lisa?"
"That's between me and her."
"Goodnight Marie. And maybe try turning some lights in your house on if you're home alone."
Marie turned towards the darkened house. "Heh... ooops..." She took one last look at Rob before heading in. She heard his car slowly drive away as she opened her front door.

"Ha!" Marie yelled triumphantly as Lisa's clothes were torn from her. She surveyed her vanquished opponent. The normally proud, confident coreographer was crouched over slightly, her legs crossed in shame, in the middle of the stage. She was completely naked, her slightly sallow skin (which always tanned instantly once the summer started), along with the treble clef tattoo on her left hip that few outside the girls' dressing room knew was there, on display to the crowd. Only her hands and arms kept her pert breasts and and pubic region from their eyes. She was staring at the floor in sheer mortification.
"How does that feel!?" Marie gloated.
Lisa suddenly stood up straight and her expression twisted into a confident smirk. "I dunno, you tell me."
Suddenly an unseen force ripped all of Marie's clothing from her, even her underwear. At the same time the stage spotlights turned on at full power and blinded her, making her instinctively raise her arms to her face rather than protect her nudity. Huge cheers erupted from the crowd at the sight of the pale skinned beauty rendered nude on stage.
"She's all yours boys," Lisa chriped, strolling off stage, completely untroubled by her nakedness.
Suddenly Marie was surrounded by the teenage boys left in the society. They grouped around her so tightly that they blocked out the stage lights, she couldn't make out their faces, and soon they began to help themselves to everything her body had to offer. Her fabulous breasts were the obvious target and they were big enough that more than one boy could grab at each one, but other hands went for her shapely rear, and her thighs. Soon there seemed to be hands everywhere, more hands than boys to own them. Marie's ears filled with their perverted laughter. She opened her mouth to scream, but nothing came out. Her nipples were starting to harden with each squeeze and pinch, and gradually the hands were moving closer and closer to her sex. As they kept touching, her body became more and more sensitive and hot, causing the arousal and embarassment to snowball. She was starting to leak wetness, and she almost lost it when a boy took one of her now erect and hypersensitive nipples in his mouth and sucked it.
"Stop!" A stern male voice snapped. The groping and laughing stopped as suddenly as it started and the wall of boys parted. Rob was standing at the front of the stage. Unlike the boys, Marie could make him out clearly. "She needs a man!"
Marie went weak at the knees and folded forward into a kneeling position as Rob approached her, unbuckling his belt. The boys completed the position by grabbing her shoulders and pulling her onto her back.
"Please..." she whimpered as Rob positioned himself between her legs, slipping his jeans off.
"Shhh... I'll be gentle," he whispered.
Marie watched with a mix of fear and anticipation as he started guiding himself inside with his hand.
"UGH!" she bolted upright in her bed just as he was about to push it in. She quickly looked around in confusion. No boys. No Rob. Just an aroused, over-endowed redhead in a nightdress soaked with sweat. She sighed and let her head fall back on the pillow. This was all Lisa's fault. Now she was having sex dreams about what had happened to her. She rolled over onto her side and looked at her bedside clock. 8:14. With her parents away for another couple of days she didn't have any summer work, so getting up early was pointless, but she knew there was no way she'd go back to sleep.
"Might as well finish off..." she mumured to herself as she let her fingers slide into her panties. They were even wetter than her night dress. She took a deep breath, lifted her night dress off over her head, lay on her back and got to work.

An hour later Marie was wrapping her recently washed hair in a towel when her phone vibrated on the bedside locker.
"Well, where did he bury you?" Rebecca's message read.
"I'm fine ty. He won't help tho" she texted back.
"Don't worry. Saw d new chorus dress last nite. Bare shoulders. EZ to pull."
That cheered Marie up.

"You weren't kidding," Marie said as she examined the clothes rack of dark green chorus dresses. She'd snuck in early for rehearsal with Rebecca.
"Told ya," Rebecca responded. "Betty was around my house last night to show one to Mom."
"There's more than 3 or 4 different sizes here," Marie beamed as she rooted through them. "We're being spoiled."
"That's going to be a clusterfuck back stage though. Hey look!" Rebecca pulled out one that seemed to be designed for a narrower figure than most of the others, but it was still a little too big to go on one of the younger teens. "This one's gotta be for Lisa!"
"Wow, does she even eat?" Marie remarked looking at it. "Is there another one the same size?"
"I don't think so," Rebecca replied, continuing to leaf through the dresses.
"Eeeee... yes!" Marie enthused, clenching her fists with excitement. "This could be the break I need!"
"Marie, are you sure you really wanna do this? You're starting to freak me out a little."
Before Marie could reply, the door opened and Betty and Lisa walked in, chatting to each other.
"Hi girls," Betty acknowledged them.
Lisa gave Marie a slightly suspicious look. Why was she early?
"Here you go Lisa," Betty pulled the dress Rebecca had found off the rack and handed it to Lisa. "That's yours. Ehm... Marie... Marie...always a troublesome fit. What can we squeeze those into that won't look completely shapeless? Let's try this one."
Lisa was only in a t-shirt and jeans was able slip the dress on over her head without taking anything off. Marie could've done likewise, but decided to take the opportunity to remind everyone who'd won the genetic lottery and took her tank top off first, showing her bra clad breasts off. As usual, Marie's choice of underwear was impractical: a dark purple bra that left plenty of skin on display out the top. She smirked as she looked back at Lisa who just shook her head. Rebecca did likewise. Having found a dress for Rebecca, Betty was now checking the fit of Lisa's dress and paid no attention to Marie's display.
"They seem bunch up around the shoulders," Betty fussed around Lisa. "So I'm not worried about them slipping down or anything falling out of the top. I think it's more likely they'll ride too far up the leg if we're not careful."
Marie had her dress on at this point. She didn't like the feel of it, cheap costume crap. She had to pull it down a bit to get the neck to stretch out fully and sit in the right position off her shoulders. The natural level of elasticity in the material wanted to keep the dress a little tighter and sit a little higher up, as Betty said, but it seemed willing to stretch out a bit more if encouraged. Betty was still fussing around Lisa and Rebecca was trying on one of the dresses, so Marie quickly turned away from them and gave her dress a sharp tug downwards. Even with her massive breasts in the way, the dress opened out a bit more and it slipped down her body. And there'd be significantly less in the way of Lisa's dress as it slipped down. Yanking it off was definitely possible.
"Strapless bras for the duration," Lisa remarked, as Marie fixed her dress back into position.
Marie instinctively opened her mouth to make a comment about how Lisa's breasts didn't need much support, but managed to stop herself. Now was not the time to attract extra attention.
"Well make sure you do wear one," Betty replied, in an unusually stern tone for her. "Both of you. We don't want a repeat of Christmas."
Both Lisa and Marie blushed. It was the first time that the two incidents had been mentioned since. After a few seconds of awkward silence, Betty started to fuss over Marie's dress.
"Oh dear," she flapped as she inspected it, particularly around the chest. "You've gotten bigger again, haven't you? You poor thing, you're going to have such problems with your back."
"I'll be fine!" Marie grinned. Her mind was already trying to concoct ways to get that dress to catch Lisa's bra as it went down, and then a way to pull it without being caught. It wasn't a plan, but it was a start.
"It's a little loose at the waist, but I don't think anyone will notice..."
After enduring another 10 minutes of Betty flustering around them, Marie and Rebecca were finally dismissed from the dressing room.
"Okay," Marie said excitedly. "How do I get it to catch her bra on the way down?"
"Marie!" Rebecca replied in a sharp whisper. "Could we get more than three feet from the door before we talk about this?"
"Oh.. oh yeah.. sorry."
Rebecca shook her head. "Outside."
As they were heading out the back door opened and Rob strolled in. He'd come early to help move part of the set. Marie and Rob made brief eye contact and quickly looked away from each other. Rob did it so obviously that he nearly walked into the wall. Marie kept walking down the corridor.
"What was that?" It was Lisa's voice. More specifically her 'don't give me bullshit' voice. Marie looked over her shoulder to see Lisa sticking her head around the dressing room door, looking at Rob as if he had 12 heads. She'd spotted their encounter.
"N-n-nothing..." Rob replied, quickening his step towards the main hall.
"Get back here Rob! You're not able to lie to me and you know it!" Lisa took off after him as Marie and Rebecca disappeared out the back door.

Marie spent pretty much the entire rehearsal thinking about disrobing Lisa, not picking up on the daggers that were being stared at her by the coreographer the whole time. It was something of a testament to Marie's acting ability that she managed to rehearse as well as anyone else without actually concentrating properly. In the breaks she kept pulling Rebecca aside to brainstorm stripping ideas, not realising the extent to which Rebecca was torn between her loyalty to her, and knowing the whole thing was a gigantic mess that they both should forget about. Needless to say, she wasn't coming up with too many ideas. It was a relatively short rehearsal where James was testing out some re-writes and after 90 minutes they were done.

Rebecca had gone to the bathroom, and Marie was wandering absent mindedly out the rear corridor to the girls' dressing room to pick up her handbag and have another look at the dresses. So absent mindedly that she walked straight into Stephen.
"Ah!" Stephen exclaimed, quickly hopping back from Marie. "Sorry, Marie! I-I didn't mean to."
"Oh, it's okay," she answered.
"I didn't mean to at Christmas either!" Stephen blurted.
"Huh?" Marie responded in puzzlement. But then she remembered running into him as she tried to scramble off stage back at the Panto. "Oh, I know that."
"Okay... that's... good, I guess?"
Marie realised no one was around and sensed an opportunity. Maybe Stephen could pull Lisa's dress for her.
"So... how did I feel?"
"When you touched me back at Christmas." She leaned forward, getting her face close to his, and drawing attention to her already prominent cleavage. "How did my body feel? Did you like it?"
"Um... um..." Stephen, like the rest of the boys in the society found Marie annoying, but also incredibly hot. None of them really wanted to be her boyfriend, but they all wanted to see her naked. They'd occasionally tried to put together plans to somehow trick her into stripping for them, but they'd never come up with something that had even a notional chance of working. And the fleeting glance they'd got at Christmas had just whetted the appetite rather than satisfy it. But annoying as she was, they were all a year or two younger than her and if she got any of them one on one, teen hormones went into overdrive and she usually got what she wanted from them. Her conversation with Stephen was no different.
"You can say you enjoyed it, I don't mind. You're a man, aren't you?" She stepped in close to him, took his hand and gently guided it under the bottom hem of her tank top and onto her hip. Stephen almost started hyperventilating at the sensation of Marie's bare skin on his hand.
"Did you like it?" she pressed.
"Yes!" Stephen suddenly pulled Marie's body against his, squishing her breasts against him. The hand under her tank top started to wander upwards.
"Easy there big guy," she grabbed his hand to stop it going any further and extracted herself from his embrace. "I need you to do something for me."
"I'll let touch any part of me you like if you do."
"A-a-anywhere?" he stammered, looking down at her chest.
"Yeah," she whispered seductively. "And under my clothes too." In reality, she had no intention of letting Stephen go that far, but he didn't need to know that right now.
"Wh-what is it?"
"Meet me outside in five minutes and don't tell anyone," she whispered.
"Bye now..." she gently ran her fingers across his cheek as she skipped past him and down the corridor to the girl's dressing room. Stephen looked around quickly to make sure no one else had heard his conversation with Marie, and then ran off in the opposite direction.
A few seconds later the storeroom door opposite the boys dressing room opened and Lisa stepped out. She'd heard the whole conversation, and coupled with what she'd extracted from Rob, she had a good idea of what Marie was up to. She wasn't keen on confronting the little bitch, but she wasn't willing to let her disrupt the show by ruining the concentration of every boy in it.

Marie was closely inspecting the chorus dresses when she heard the someone at the door. She quickly pulled away from them and started fiddling with her handbag. Her body tensed up as Lisa came through the door. She didn't look exactly pleased.
"Oh, hi Lis-" Marie put on her best 'ditzy' voice.
"Don't 'oh hi Lisa!' me!" Lisa snapped. "Have you no shame?"
"I was in the storeroom and overheard your conversation with Stephen."
Marie's face dropped. How could she have been so careless?
"And I know you threw yourself at Rob too! So that's what you're going to do, is it? Shove your boobs in guys' faces until they do your bidding?"
"Shut up!" Marie shouted back. "You stripped me in front of all those people! Do you know what that feels like?"
"I do, actually!" Lisa hissed, not even thinking to acknowledge that Marie knew it was her work. "Or does it not count because I have small boobs?"
"You knew who saw you! Complete strangers saw me! It was way worse!"
"Yeah, you're right. I know everyone who saw my tits. I know you, I know Rebecca, I know Anna, I know Alice, I know Chris, I know Stephen, and all the rest of the cast. And you're all supposed to respect me. Do you know how hard it was to look you guys in the eye knowing what you were thinking about? Not to mention James, the band, the lighting guys, and let's not forget that fucking pervert who does the microphones. But you thought that was funny. Just because yours are halfway out most of the time, doesn't mean everyone's happy to show off."
Enraged by the last comment, Marie charged Lisa in anger, knocking her to the ground. To Lisa's shock, the little redhead jumped on her, grabbed her t-shirt and tried to rip it off. Lisa heard a slight tear as a seam somewhere started to give, but she managed to slap Marie's hands away and knee her in the stomach, knocking her off. She then pounced on her and decided to return the favour, grabbing the front of her skimpy tank top, pulling it down to try and rip the straps. Marie's bra showed off ample cleavage and was barely able to stop what was covered from from spilling out, as they jiggled and threatened to escape their confines with each movement. Marie grabbed at the bottom of Lisa's t-shirt and tried to pull it over her head. There was a loud knock at the door.
"What's going on in there?" It was James. Marie and Lisa both froze for a split second and then let go of each other's clothes. Neither of them wanted to be kicked out of the musical society.
"N-n-nothing..." Marie stammered, fixing her top back into place.
"I heard shouting?"
"Um... we were just trying a scene?" Lisa said, slowly climbing off Marie.
"But there's nothing like that in the musical?"
"W-we thought of maybe... putting on some dramatic scenes... during... the Field Day this year! We just got into it a bit much." Marie tried.
"Okay... maybe you should take it easy though."
"Yeah, we'll stop now," Lisa agreed. Mercifully, she heard the floorboards creak as he walked away. The close call had taken the edge off Lisa's anger. She got to her feet quickly and offered her hand to Marie, but it was slapped away as the now red-faced redhead got back to her feet on her own. She was visibly still a little winded from Lisa's knee to the stomach, and more importantly, quite clearly still angry.
"Marie, this isn't going to work," Lisa appealed softly.
"Fuck off," Marie growled. She at least had the sense to keep her voice down this time.
"Marie, come on. We can't fight with each other forever. I'm willing to move on from this and apologise for what I did, but-"
"I'm not!" Marie cut across her. Months worth of contained rage was finally being allowed to surface and conciliation was not an option. "Not until we're even."
"So what are we going to do then?" Lisa asked rhetorically, her anger bubbling up again. "Keep trying to strip each other until someone goes to jail or the musical society gets shut down?"
"No. We finish our fight. Then we'll move on."
Lisa rolled her eyes.
"We'll do it on the rugby pitch on Sunday when no one's using it. Loser walks home naked."
"Are you 17 or 7?" Lisa answered. "Grow up!"
"Afraid of me?"
"Y'know what, if that makes you feel better, then yes. But either way, I'm not spending my Sunday trying to rip your clothes off in a cat-fight. I'm done with this, even if you're not."
Marie stared at Lisa with incredulity as she started for the door, checking her t-shirt for the torn seam.
"Fine!" she snapped, just as Lisa put her hand on the doorknob. "But enjoy double and triple checking your costumes for the next four weeks. And at Christmas. And next summer too. I won't forget this."
Lisa stopped. That little cow was right, she worked hard during during shows and having to be paranoid about what Marie and her friends were up to on top of her usual workload would probably prove unbearable. Surely Marie wouldn't be able to keep up scheming her downfall forever though? She turned and looked at Marie, her normally soft, pretty features contorted into a vicious scowl, anger radiating from her grey-blue eyes. It was the look of someone clearly in it for the long term. Lisa couldn't live with this over her for God knows how long, and she knew it. She was ending it.
"Alright," Lisa responded evenly. "If you want to be naked again that badly, I'll strip you. But remember I gave you an out just now, and you didn't take it. So don't expect any mercy."
"Don't expect any from me once I've torn every stitch off your body either!"
"Speaking of which, how many stitches?" Lisa asked curtly. "Y'know, seeing as I normally wear more clothes than you. I wouldn't want you at a disadvantage."
Marie glared at her, but she was right. Plus she knew Lisa had all sorts of undergarments designed to keep her modesty intact in the shorter chorus dresses and skirts, including cycling shorts and at least one leotard which would no doubt prove difficult to forcibly remove. "Five," she settled on after a few moments. "Panties, bra, pants, t-shirt and top. 3 o'clock Sunday. Just you and me. And don't bring your car."
"Okay," Lisa twisted the doorknob to open the door. And then, in a deliberate mockery of the advice she normally gave her dancers to wear conservative underwear, something Marie routinely ignored: "Make sure you wear something sexy, you look so cute when you're mad." she teased, before walking out of the dressing room leaving Marie to smoulder in anger by herself.
As she walked out the back door and into the carpark, she spotted Stephen.
"She's not coming!" she called out to him.
"I uh... uhm... what?" he stammered. "Who's not coming? Dunno what you mean."
"Yeah, sure you don't."

A few minutes later, Lisa was at her front door fiddling with the keys when the realisation of what she'd truly agreed to struck her. The thought of losing made her slightly nauseous, but she might be able to live with it. She didn't have far to walk and could probably stash some clothes somewhere along the route. But it might actually be worse if she won. Marie would have to walk much further than her and might even be stupid and angry enough not to make a contingency plan for if she lost. What if some sicko came across her as she made the walk of shame?
"Gotta stop this!" Lisa pulled out her phone and scrolled down through her contacts to Marie's number. As she was about to press the button to dial it, she stopped. What was the point? Marie clearly wasn't going to have sense talked into her and if she just opted out herself, she'd be back where she was before she agreed to the fight - looking over her shoulder and inspecting the stitching on costumes with a magnifying glass for sabotage. She had to fight Marie to end this, but if she let Marie win, or if she won and then let Marie off the hook, the little air-head mightn't learn a damned thing. What the hell was she going to do? She needed to bounce this off someone, share the burden, but who could she even tell? She quickly realised there was only one person she could swear to secrecy. It was a road she was hesitant to go down, but she didn't think she had any other choice. She took a deep breath, scrolled further down her contacts list and dialled.

It wasn't all plain sailing for Marie either. Only after issuing her challenge she realised that she had more at stake than Lisa. The community hall and rugby pitches were on the edge of town and her house was on the other side of town. Plus it was a seaside town that was always busier in the summer, even though it wasn't peak season yet. She'd ran it in about 25 minutes after the Panto last year, but that was going the direct route straight through the town centre, obviously not an option whilst naked. Trying go along the sand dunes near the beach was out of the question, there'd certainly be walkers, and the inland route, through the suburbs and developments of holiday homes, would take close to an hour. Ample time for many, many pairs of eyes to drink in her beauty. Lisa on the other hand had recently started renting a cottage a litte further out the road from the hall. It was barely a mile away on a quiet road, and actually it was possible that Lisa might be able to get home across a few fields and not need to risk the road at all. In the positives column though, Marie was confident she could overpower Lisa. She might have been younger and less toned than her opponent, but having played soccer until she was 14 (there was no girls' team after that age group) and having generally lived a healthy lifestyle, she was in good condition herself and had enough stamina to keep dancing for a night's rehearsal without tiring out. Plus, whilst being petite by any normal standard, she was of more substantial build than the ultra-slim Lisa. Marie reckoned she had to have at least 10 lbs on her despite being a little shorter, and was certain she was the stronger of the two.

Still though, the stakes were too high to take any risks. She spent two hours having Rebecca pull various items of clothing off her to decide which would work best. Her big problem area was, unsurprisingly enough, her breasts. Her need to show off meant all her bras were flimsy, lacy numbers leaving a bit, or in some cases, a lot, of cleavage on display out of the top, and after Rebecca had removed 3 of them relatively easily (breaking the fastener on one) she decided something else would be needed. Rebecca would also accompany her, along with her other most trusted confidant, Hannah. They'd hide around the side of the hall and if the fight was going against her, they'd intervene. Lisa couldn't possibly overpower three of them. Finally, she texted anyone in the society she thought she could trust and told them to be on the road to Lisa's house to get an eyeful of nude coreographer.
Last edited by Sad Ken on Sat May 07, 2022 9:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Sad Ken
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Re: The Marie & Lisa Series

Post by Sad Ken »

Marie's Musical Melancholy Part 2

The day came around faster than both expected. Clear and sunny, Marie thought to herself as she walked to the Community Centre with Hannah and Rebecca, hopefully that might bring some extra people around to witness a humiliation.
"Uh, is that Lisa's car?" Hannah asked, pointing at the station wagon sitting conspicuously in the middle of the car park. "Thought you said she couldn't bring it?"
Marie squinted at it for a brief moment. She didn't know much about cars, but she knew Lisa's car was silver and this one was black. "Nah. Probably a dog-walker or something."
"If there's someone around-" Rebecca began.
"Then they get to see Lisa's ass too."
The trio got to reached the building.
"Okay guys, round you go."
"A-are you really going ahead with this?" Hannah stammered.
"C'mon Hannah, we've always been tight." Marie put her hands on her friend's shoulders. "Don't let me down now."
"Okay... I just... okay!"
Marie nodded to the alleyway. Rebecca and Hannah scurried down it. It was enclosed by the Community Hall on one side and a 6ft wall on the other. There was a gate at the end leading out onto the rugby pitch that they could hide behind, but burst through when needed.
Marie walked around the other side of the hall. Lisa was standing in the middle of the pitch wearing a black hoodie and tight jeans. She was also carrying a sports bag. As she got closer, Marie realised the jeans were falling slightly short of Lisa's ankles and hugged her toned legs like a second skin. She'd obviously picked a pair that were a little small for her in the hope they'd be hard to pull off. Maybe they'd rip instead? Marie was wearing equally tight denim shorts that showed her rounded rear off, a white t-shirt, which didn't quite reach down to the shorts because of the size of her chest, and a light blue hoodie. Plus her secret weapon underneath.
"Afternoon," Lisa smirked.
"What's that?" Marie hissed, gesturing to Lisa's sports bag. "Better not be spare clothes!"
"It's empty," Lisa opened it and tossed it on the ground. "It's so I can take your clothes home with me."
"Oh great, I'll take your clothes in it then. Pity nothing you have fits me."
"If you like," Lisa shrugged. "Last chance to talk this out?"
"No. Let's go!"
"One thing first."
"Shoes. We didn't say anything about shoes."
Marie looked down at her own red trainers and then across at Lisa's black ankle boots. It was a no-brainer as to which would be a bigger obstacle. "Fine, let's take 'em off," Marie growled, kicking her trainers off aggressively, followed by her socks. They weren't of any real benefit for a strip fight and would only be a distraction.
Lisa crouched down and calmly started undoing straps on her boots. She had them off in under a minute, but Marie found the delay infuriating. She was barefoot under them.
"Done?" Marie prodded.
"Yeah, think so," Lisa replied.
"Great!" Without a further word, Marie lunged straight at Lisa. The older girl was caught off guard and Marie managed to knock her down and get on top of her. The redhead went straight for the bottom of her opponent's hoodie, easily pulling it up over her head. Lisa had a black t-shirt with a pink love-heart with a skull shape cut out of it underneath, but Marie wasn't interested in it. Instead her next move was for the button of Lisa's jeans. But the jeans were practically painted onto Lisa's body and Marie struggled to slip her fingers between them and her opponent's toned, lightly tanned midriff. The split second of fumbling was enough for Lisa to lock her legs around Marie's body and throw her off to the left. She struggled to get her hoodie out of her face quickly and in her haste accidentally pulled her right arm out of it completely. Marie grabbed at the hoodie and tried to pull it off the other arm. Lisa focused on her opponent rather than trying to save her first garment. Marie's hoodie had a zip on the front, and Lisa managed to partly unzip it and then yanked the two sides apart tearing it open and breaking the zip, exposing the familiar sight of Marie's oversized bust through her tight t-shirt. They seemed bouncier than usual. Marie continued trying to drag Lisa's hoodie off, which still clung on to her left arm.

As Marie dragged on her hoodie, Lisa quickly yanked her arm out of it, and the sudden loss of resistance caused Marie to roll on her side. Lisa quickly rolled her the rest of the way onto her stomach, squishing her massive breasts uncomfortably into the ground, and pinned her there.
"Ah... ow!" Marie protested. "Lemmie go!"
"Nope," Lisa retorted. "Time to use those tits you're so fond of against you." She pushed her opponent into the ground more, and at the same time pulled the hoodie off her arms. Marie flailed and threw an arm at her opponent, but couldn't make clean contact. Lisa grabbed the bottom of Marie's t-shirt and began trying to rip it off, but her fingertips registered a smooth material instead of Marie's soft skin underneath.
"What the?" Lisa pulled the back of Marie's t-shirt up, and instead of Marie's pale skin saw blue lycra underneath. "You cheating bitch!"
Marie used the momentary distraction to wriggle her way out from under Lisa. "It's not cheating!" she panted as she got to her feet. "It's my 'bra' for today."
"Bullshit! That's a swimsuit!"
"Yeah, but I've still only got five pieces of clothing!"
"You said bra, panties..." Lisa trailed off realising the futility of the argument. "I hope it wasn't expensive, cos I'm going to ruin it!"
"Come and try!" Marie goaded.
Lisa feinted to go for Marie's upper body, but as the redhead set her hands to block, Lisa ducked down and went for her shorts instead. She got her fingers into a belt loop on either side and pulled as hard as she could to break it open. The lunge for her opponent's shorts left Lisa's crouched over with her back exposed, and Marie grabbed her t-shirt and pulled it up above her strapless, black bra. She wasted no time in snapping the clasp open causing it to fall off Lisa's body. As her pert breasts and small, light brown nipples felt the gentle evening breeze blow across them, Lisa only had a second to silently curse her carelessness as the button on Marie's shorts finally gave way. The zip parted and Lisa quickly managed to yank them down to Marie's knees. Desperate, Marie reached round the front of Lisa's body and grabbed at her t-shirt hoping to rip it off and render her truly topless, but Lisa took charge of the situation and pushed Marie back. With her shorts around her knees she fell backwards and landed on her swimsuit clad ass. Lisa quickly pulled her t-shirt back down to cover her exposure and then jumped on top of the redhead. Marie took a couple of swings at her but soon found her arms pinned. For a few seconds they looked at each other, both panting from the effort. Marie contemplated screaming for her backup.
"Marie!" Lisa gasped, shaking her head. "Enough is enough!"
Unfortunately, that was like a red flag to a bull. Marie summoned all her strength, freed one of her arms and used it to push Lisa back away from her. But Lisa was quick, and as Marie tried to get back to her feet, Lisa grabbed her shorts and pulled them the rest of the way off, with Marie tripping as her left ankle got caught in them and ending up on her backside again.
As she once again tried to get to her feet, Lisa grabbed her t-shirt and started pulling it off over her head. Marie reached out to have another go at ripping Lisa's t-shirt off, but soon her own t-shirt was up over her arms, restricting her movement. Seams began to stretch and tear as Marie desperately tried to get in a meaningful attack, but Lisa was firmly in charge now. She finished wrestling Marie's torn t-shirt off, leaving her standing in her swimsuit.

Lisa stepped back and found herself stopping to admire her opponent's attire. It was navy blue with electric blue & white trim and complimented Marie's white skin and dark red hair perfectly. The leg was cut perfectly around Marie's thigh, and it was a shame she could see a sliver of her pink panties sticking out underneath it. Marie looked amazing in it: It displayed her curved figure but in a more subtle way than usual, without her massive cleavage being shoved in everyone's face. It was a real pity such a gorgeous body was wrapped around such a vain, immature and ditzy personality. But Lisa was also taking tactical notes: Marie's breasts were contained completely and the material wasn't overstretched, so it was obviously the correct size for her chest. She knew from overheard complaints from Betty that Marie's boobs pushed her up two dress sizes, so if she'd bought the swimsuit to cover them properly, there had to be slack somewhere else in it. Lisa's eyes scanned for the telltale little folds where the lycra was bunching up on itself and she spotted them on Marie's waist, where she was smallest. That was where the slack was and that was where she was going to grab.
"What?" Marie snapped, noticing Lisa's eyes scanning her. "Did you think I go swimming naked or something?"
"It's so cute, where did you get it?" Lisa teased.
"Don't patronise me!"
"If you walk home in that, I'll call it quits."
"Hah! Why would I do that, when you're going home nude?"
"Really?" Lisa asked. "I've got more clothes left than you."
Marie just glared back at her without saying a word.
"Oh, and I know Rebecca and Hannah are here." Lisa pointed towards the side gate.
Marie's jaw dropped at her trump card being rumbled, but it was nothing compared to what happened next. As she turned towards the side gate, Rob stood up on the other side of the low fence around the pitch, hopped over it and then stood at the side gate. He was on the opposite side of it to Hannah and Rebecca. Most importantly, he was now between them and the fight. That was HIS car out front. Marie could've kicked herself for not recognising it. She'd even been in it.
"What the hell?" Hannah yelled.
"Don't worry," Rebecca assured her. "He's too old to touch us."
"Now who said anything about touching you?" Rob said as he casually leaned back against the gate.
The gate opened outwards from the alleyway Hannah & Rebecca were standing in, and Rob was now holding it closed. They pushed as hard as they could against the gate, but Rob was a big man and there was no way two teenage girls were going to be able to move him.
"What'll we do?" Hannah exclaimed. She was starting to panic. She wanted out.
"Let's just think... if one of us stays here and the other goes around..." Rebecca explained.
"Nu-uh!" Hannah bolted. "Sorry Marie!" she yelled as she fled.
"Hannah!" Rebecca called after her, but she was still running. She turned and looked at Rob through the gate. "Ron..."
"It's Rob," he replied curtly.
"Whatever. Just please don't let Lisa humiliate Marie. She's not a bad person, I swear. She's just... kinda stupid."
Rob shrugged his shoulders. "It's out of my hands. I'm just here to keep the fight fair. Gonna watch?"
She couldn't. "Hannah!" she cried as she set off after friend.
Marie, now abandoned, turned back to Lisa. Her friends running had knocked some of her confidence, but she was sure Lisa would struggle to get the swimsuit off, plus she was now bare under her t-shirt. Rob wouldn't touch her, not unless he wanted to go to jail. She still had a shot and there was no way she was giving up.
"It's over, Marie," Lisa said soflty. "C'mon, let's go for coffee and talk about this."
"No," Marie growled in reply.
"Marie, I know you're angry, but this can't be worth it. We can work this out."
"No! No! NO!" Marie lunged at Lisa. Lisa dodged to her right and caught Marie around the waist, grabbing the swimsuit by the slack and with all her strength tossed Marie to the ground.
"Oof!" the readhead complained, before Lisa once again pounced on her, rolling her onto her front yet again. This time, she dug her knee into the small of Marie's back for a second, who cried out in protest.
"I really didn't want this," Lisa said grimly as she pulled something out of her pocket. Marie's eyes widened as the evening sun glinted against the metal object. It was a pair of tailoring scissors, the same pair Lisa had sabotaged her panto costume with.
"Th-that's cheating!" Marie protested.
"So is wearing a swimsuit instead of a bra. So is getting your friends to come along to try and gang up on me!"
The straps of Marie's swimsuit crossed over at the back. Lisa cut through where they crossed. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Rob walking along the edge of the pitch back towards the carpark. He'd done his job.
"No!" Marie whimpered, as the light strain of the suit against her breasts suddenly ceased. "You can't!!!"
Lisa didn't reply. She took a deep breath and started peeling the swimsuit off Marie's lucious pale skin. Marie struggled with her and tried to slap her hands away, but Lisa just dug her knee into her back again, momentarily disabling the redhead. She cried out in pain, but Lisa ignored her and was quickly on the move again. The swimsuit was soon pulled off Marie's chest and she felt the touch of the dry grass against her naked breasts. Curiosity got the better of Lisa and she paused briefly to reach around and help herself to a quick squeeze of Marie's right breast. The teen's skin was incredibly soft and warm, and whilst the breast yielded easily as she squeezed it, she could feel the weight of it in her hand at the same time. It felt much heavier than her own, and she wondered how Marie was able to stand up straight, much less dance and act. She felt her fingers start to toy with the nipple almost automatically and decided to pull her hand away before she went any further. Marie uttered a pitiful monosylabic protest in reply, but she was beaten and Lisa had no problem wrestling the swimsuit the rest of the way off, leaving her opponent in just a pair of pink boyshorts with lace borders. They were conservative by Marie's standards, but still left half of her gorgeous round butt on display. Lisa slid her fingers into the back of them, her body getting slightly flushed by more contact with Marie's bare skin, but then hesitated. Marie had stopped fighting back and she'd won. Was this necessary?
"Lisa..." Marie tried. It came out as a hoarse whisper.
No. She'd given Marie at least five chances to walk away from this with some dignity, but they'd all been rejected. It was obvious the stupid girl wouldn't learn unless the humiliation was complete. Lisa started to pull the panties down, but Marie summoned up her last ounce of will and strength, grabbed the waistband and held them on. After a couple of seconds of tug of war, Lisa quickly got off Marie, grabbed her arm and spun her onto her back, getting a full view of her perfect boobs as they bounced around in the process.
"Eek!" Marie reflexively put her arms over her jiggling breasts to cover them, leaving her panties unprotected. It was the opening Lisa was trying for. Before Marie realised her error, Lisa yanked the boyshorts down to her ankles in one quick movement. Her pubic region was shaved completely clean, leaving her pale, silky looking skin uninterrupted all the way down to her slit, which Lisa got a brief look at before Marie pulled her legs together tightly, squealing with embarassment.
Lisa then completed the job, pulling the panties of Marie's ankles and then triumphantly dropping them on the ground as she stood up. "You lose. Which way is your house again?"
Marie sat up and pulled her legs into her chest to cover her nudity. The humiliation and embarassment physically hit her. Her skin felt like it was on fire, she couldn't take proper breaths and her limbs were numb. She tried to think of something, anything, to do or say that might get her out of this, but couldn't.

"Nothing to say?" Lisa enquired after a few moments.
Marie continued looking at the grass in silent embarassment.
"Oh well, it's a warm evening, so enjoy your walk. I'll just take these away." Lisa retrieved her sports bag and started bundling up Marie's clothes. "That was a really nice swimsuit too. Shame."
"Lisa... please..." Marie eventually whimpered. "I'm sorry..."
"It's a little late for that."
"I... I... I can't walk home... like this..."
Lisa continued gathering up Marie's clothes.
"Please don't make me do it..."
"If you won, and I was begging, would you have any sympathy for me?" Lisa asked.
Marie's head dropped. Up until this moment, she wouldn't have had any sympathy for a nude, defeated Lisa, and she knew it.
"Lisa... I know I was a bitch... but this... this..." she buried her face in her hands and started sobbing. The tears were genuine, she'd been so angry, so determined to get back at Lisa that she hadn't mentally contemplated losing, and now that she had, it was like her whole world had collapsed. All her anger was gone, replaced with fear and shame. What was she going to do? She really couldn't walk through town naked. Could she curl up here and hope that Rebecca and Hannah would come back for her? Try and sneak through the small wood that skirted the inland edge of the town and hope that'd get her close enough to make a dash for home? Most importantly, why hadn't she just apologised to Lisa after untying her dress all those months ago? Why had she even done it in the first place? It hadn't been funny, she only truly realised that for the first time now. Her sobbing elevated to bawling. She wanted the ground to open up and swallow her.
Lisa crouched down over her victim. "I'm sorry, Marie," she said softly, almost maternally. "But if I don't follow through, you won't learn anything. Here, I don't want you cutting your feet." She placed Marie's trainers on the ground beside her and then turned away and started walking off the pitch. But as Marie's sobs continued to pierce the quiet afternoon air, Lisa quickly realised she didn't have it in her to leave her there in such a vunerable state.
About halfway to the sideline, she stopped and turned back.
Marie was still looking at the ground, sniffling and whimpering, not realising that Lisa had turned back until her skin goosebumped as her advesary's shadow cut her off from the heat of the sun. A physical reminder of how exposed she was. She looked up.
"I can't let you off scott free," Lisa sighed. "You do know that, right?"
"Ok!" Marie blurted. "Just don't make me walk home naked! Anything but that."
"I'm gonna need a minute to think of something else."

In the carpark, Rob was leaning against his car waiting for Lisa. His view of the finale had been blocked by the Community Hall, he'd made a conscious decision not to watch it anyway. Lisa came around the corner, and to Rob's surprise, with Marie behind her. She wasn't necessarily 'dressed' per se, but was at least covered, wearing her blue hoodie. Although with the zip broken, she had to hold it closed, and her bottom half was only clad in her panties.
"Well?" Rob enquired as they closed in. Marie was bright red and wasn't making eye contact with him.
"We've come to an arrangement," Lisa answered. "First, she has to pay you for the help you gave me today."
Marie closed her eyes, took a deep breath, threw her hoodie open and held the two sides of it as wide apart as she could. She had nothing on, save for her panties, underneath.
Rob was no virgin teen boy, he'd had three serious girlfriends, but he couldn't take his eyes of the fabulous breasts in front of him. They were a little big for Marie's otherwise diminutive figure, but in isolation they were absolute perfection, and this uninterrupted look close up was far better than the few seconds he'd seen them under the stage lights. Her skin was milky white, her areolas a delicate, pale pink and the mix of embarassment and adrenaline had caused her nipples to start to pointing a little. Her breasts had even gotten a little bigger since Christmas, and were impossibly firm, with the tiniest amount of droop to give the barest hint of a 'teardrop' to their shape. Rob could do nothing but stare.
"Y-you can put them away now," he finally gasped after about 30 seconds.
Marie exhaled deeply as she pulled her hoodie closed again. As she opened her eyes again, she made fleeting eye contact with Rob and quickly looked away.
"That's part one done," Lisa said with satisfaction. "Now, I believe there's a few people on the road waiting for a show?"
"How do you know about that?!"
"My fault," Rob said sheepishly. "Chris told his mate Jonathan, and he's my cousin."
"Ugh..." Marie sighed.
"It's a small town Marie," Lisa interceded. "Should've been more careful."
"I can't stay in the Society if they all see me naked again!" Marie protested.
"Yes you can. I'll make sure it won't be talked about after today."
Marie sighed again.
"Well, the alternative is you walk home. I'll let you keep the pants. Occassionally there are topless girls on the beach, so you mightn't look completely out of place."
Marie instinctively pulled her arms tightly over her chest. "Okay... let's go."

A few minutes later they were driving along the road to Lisa's house.
"T-they should be on the r-right... no! L-left!" Marie stammered.
"Okay," Lisa replied. "Remember, big smile now!"
Rob slowed down as they approached a small gap in the hedge, Marie rolled down the window and leaned out, still holding her top closed.
"HEY GUYS! COME SEE MY TITS!!!" she shouted, before quickly retreating back into the car. "Hnngh... Oh God!" she yelped, covering her face in embarassment as she plopped back down on the back seat.
A few seconds later, Chris, Stephen and Jonathan, who had ducked down out of sight as the car came all stood up.
"D-did she say what I think she said?" Chris asked.
"I dunno," Stephen answered. "But I'm finding out!"
The three set off after the car.

Before long they were parked at the bottom of the short driveway to Lisa's house. The last few meters were lined with the dozen or so teens Marie summoned to get a peek at Lisa, plus Hannah and Rebecca. Now they were all going to get a peek at Marie instead. With a couple of exceptions, they were all members of the Musical Society and Lisa was busily making it plain that anyone who used a phone or camera would cease being a member, or they weren't a member, whichever of their friends had brought them along would be thrown out instead. Afterwards, she came back to the car and got into the back beside Marie.
"Okay," she said. "I've told them no videos or photos, and no talking about it after today on pain of a damn good kicking. Ready?"
"I guess..." Marie answered.
"Oh. This is meant to be a show. So I'll need the hoodie back!" She slowly slipped it off Marie's shoulders and let it fall onto the seat.
Marie just looked at her with an annoyed expression as she pulled her arms out of it. The time to resist or protest had long passed and she knew it.
"Don't look at me like that," Lisa smiled. "I didn't say you can't cover, and I'll unlock my front door to give you a chance." Lisa then stepped out of the car, went around the other side and leaned in the driver's window to talk quietly to Rob for a minute before heading back up the drive to the door.
Marie pondered her tactics. Using her arms to cover would leave the least amount of boob on display, but she'd need to crouch over a bit to make sure they didn't slip out from behind her arm. That'd make it difficult to run. She could cup them in her hands and hold them in place, it'd be far easier to run than with her arms squashed across her chest. But her hands covered a lot less than her arms. Not to mention that half her ass was on show either way. As Lisa unlocked the door and beckoned her to come up, she eventually decided on hands, so she could run and get it over quick. There probably wouldn't be that much more on display than in one of her skimpier tank tops. Rob opened the car door for her. He was quite deliberately not looking at her, a small mercy. Marie reluctantly stepped out of the car, with her boobs cupped in her hands.

She took a deep breath and began to run, the pace being somewhere between a jog and a sprint. Lisa smirked and made another beckoning gesture. Marie thought it was to her, but realised it wasn't a few seconds later when she heard the crunch of loose stone under a car tire. Rob was driving after her. He was barely rolling the car forward on tick-over and was in no danger of hitting Marie, but it was enough to make her panic and try to run faster. Too fast. She stumbled a little and instinctively put out her arms to prevent a fall, exposing her massive breasts to the crowd. Lisa laughed and the boys (and some of the girls) cheered as her breasts jiggled and bounced with her body movement, before she regained her balance and managed to cover them up again. She managed to avoid eye contact with them all as she finally reached the door. She put her left arm across her chest and pulled the handle with her right hand, but it wouldn't move. She tried again. It still wouldn't budge.
The crowd were starting to close in around her. "Ah..." Lisa held out her hand. "That's close enough."
"You said you'd open it!!!" Marie yelled as she furiously fiddled with the door handle.
"I said I'd unlock it," Lisa replied. "And I have. It's just a bit stubborn. It's an old house, you know?"
"How do you?" Marie hyperventilated, still trying to get the door to open.
"Taking too long," Lisa remarked, looking at her watch.
"You're gonna break it." Lisa reached out and stopped Marie from trying the handle again. "Pull it towards you into the frame, and then drop the handle. It doesn't line up exactly."
"Okay," Marie panted and started to pull the door towards her. But as she did Lisa suddenly grabbed the waistband of her panties and yanked them down to her knees showing her perfect round ass to everyone. The crowd cheered and Marie screamed as the door finally opened. Lisa managed to land a quick slap on her exposed rear just as she stumbled into the house, landing on her knees in the hall. As she tried to get her panties back up, she heard Lisa address the crowd.
"That's it," Lisa said. "We're square now, she's learned her lesson. So no one is to bother her about it. Am I clear?!"
A murmer of slightly discontended agreement was the response. After waiting a few minutes to make sure they were dispersing, Lisa followed Marie into her house.
Marie had her panties back up and was sitting down against the wall, using her knees to hide her breasts. "Did you have to do that!?" she complained.
"Maybe not," Lisa replied. "But I just want to make sure you know not to pick another fight you can't win. Big bad world out there, I have to make sure my girls don't get into trouble."
"Am I meant to say 'thanks'?"
"No," Lisa held out Marie's hoodie to her. "But we are done with this now, aren't we?"
"Yeah," Marie nodded after a few seconds as she stood up and accepted the garment. "I won't cause anymore trouble."
As she put it back on, Rob tapped on the door.
"Come on in," Lisa replied. "Nothing here you haven't already seen."
Rob only leaned his head around the door. "Am I dismissed?"
"Not yet," Lisa grabbed his arm and pulled him in to the hall. "I promised you something."
"Eh... so you wanna go see a movie?"
Lisa thought for a moment. "Nah. Might as well just swap tongues now," she eventually answered. "We know each other well enough, we'll either click or we won't."
Before Rob could respond, she grabbed his collar, pulled herself towards him and kissed him. They broke apart after a couple of seconds, but didn't back away from each other. The tension between them was broken, and after a few more seconds of looking into each other's eyes, they kissed again. And then kept at it.
"Eh... guys?" Marie tried to interrupt. Rob by now had put his hands under Lisa's ass and lifted her up as she wrapped her legs around his waist and draped her arms over his shoulders. They moved a couple of steps forward so Lisa's back was resting against the wall for extra support.
"I-I-I'm still here..." Marie tried again. She watched in amazement, and, to her shame, arousal, as the two had completely lost themselves and were practically dry-humping each other up against the wall. It was turning Marie on more than any porn she'd seen, or anything she'd fantasised about. And she had started to develop a fairly vivid imagination lately. Lisa finally remembered where she was as Rob started kissing her down along her neck and her eyes met Marie's.
"Stop stop stop!" she gasped.
"What?" Rob answered, but then looked across at Marie. "Oh..." He gently lowered Lisa back down.
"Let's... eh... get you some clothes," Lisa panted, looking at Marie.
Marie smirked. It was kinda fun seeing Lisa briefly lose control of herself like that. Not nearly enough to make up for being naked in front of everyone again, but at least the day wasn't a total loss.
Little did she know it was the start of an 'interesting' summer for her.
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Sad Ken
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Re: The Marie & Lisa Series

Post by Sad Ken »

Marie's Beach Bounce

Marie, Rebecca, Anna & Alice huddled around Alice's smart phone.
"I think we need to concentrate more on the hand movements," Alice said pointing at the video they were watching. "If we get them wrong the dance looks crap."
"How does Lisa manage to keep all this stuff in check?" Rebecca wondered aloud. It was late summer, the musical was over, but the four girls had decided to use a side hall in the Community Centre to keep their moves sharp.
"And maybe Becky and Anna should swap places," Alice continued. "That way the heights are more symetrical. Tall girls on the outside, not so tall girls in the middle."
"You saying I'm short?" Marie joked. Her bout with Lisa had mellowed her a little. Just a little.
"No, just 'vertically challenged'."
Suddenly they were interrupted by excited teenage male shouting. Musical Society stalwarts Stephen and Chris burst in, along with Chris' mate Jonathan, who was carrying a basketball, and the self proclaimed local 'Alpha Male' Damien. Without so much as acknowledging the girls, they broke into a 2v2 basketball match at the other end of the hall, and the shouting was now punctuated by the ball slamming against the wooden floor.
"You have got to be kidding me," Alice sighed.
"No way!" Anna complained. "We booked the hall!"
Marie started pacing towards the boys. The others followed soon after.
"Hey!" she yelled as she got close. They either hear or didn't acknowledge her. She made a beeline for Damien, grabbing his shoulder. "I'm talking to you, asshole!"

Marie and Damien had history. They'd gone to school together and Damien had been in the Musical Society until he was 13. He used to tease and annoy Marie, who at this point hadn't yet developed her large chest, pulling her hair and calling her a "day walker" in reference to a South Park episode about gingers. Once she gained her now infamous curves though, he opted for an entirely different tactic of boasting to the entire school that he'd seen and touched them. When she challenged him on it, he had the nerve to offer to shut up in exchange for a quick flash. Marie opted to thump him instead, and everyone quickly realised Damien was lying. They largely only interacted to antagonise each other since, and Damien only ever talked to her to make some comment about her boobs. Needless to say, she hated him.

"Get lost big ti-" He snapped before realising she had company. The sleaze was immediately turned on. "Well if it isn't my four favourite girls. So much beauty in one place."
"None of us want to sleep with you, Damien," Rebecca replied.
"Becky, I'm heartbroken."
"You better hope that's all we break," Marie said icily. "Look microbrain, we're trying to dance here."
"We're not stopping you," Damien shrugged. "We'll even rate you if you like. It's pole-dancing, right?"
"Wow, you are really classy aren't you?"
"Only matched by you."
"Knock it off you two," Alice interrupted. "Damien, we booked the hall and we can't dance with that racket you're making. Take a hike."
"No..." Damien replied cautiously. "I'm pretty sure we booked the hall."

A few minutes later the girls were at the front desk with the elderly caretaker. The boys were standing back a bit chatting quietly among themselves.
"I'm sorry Marie," he dothered over a computer he was barely able to use. "Damien came in this morning and booked for the next five weeks."
"I came down here last week and booked us in!" Marie answered indignantly before hesitating a bit. "Wait... I did, didn't I?"
"You're not in the diary."
Marie started recounting the past couple of weeks. "Musical ended three weeks ago, so I didn't leave the house that weekend. I went to see my Gran the week after that, then Mom took me to see Hairspray... what did I do last weekend?"
"Not booked us in by the look of it," Rebecca sighed. She knew should've handled it herself.
Marie groaned. She was sure she'd booked them in, but they weren't in the diary. She must've forgotten.
"It's okay... I'll get you another time. 10am Saturday?" The caretaker suggested.
"I'll be working in Mom's salon," Marie protested. "We need Sunday or late evening on weekday."
"Ehm... I haven't got that many slots open. Sunday 2pm?"
Anna shook her head. "I wanna make the most of the summer, I'd rather not be in here in the middle of the afternoon."
Rebecca and Alice voiced their agreement with the sentiment.
"I don't think I have anything else. I can't take the boys out. They're in the diary."
"It's okay!" Damien chimed in, beckoning the girls over. "We've been talking and we'll let you have it on one condition."
"I am cringing already," Rebecca answered as the girls walked over to him.
"We'll give you the hall if... Marie gets the twins out."
Marie instintinctively put her arms across her oversized chest as the other girls shook their heads at Damien's predictable perversion.
"Get f*cked!" Marie snapped. "They've been out too many times in this town already!" At least Damien hadn't witnessed her strippings.
"Maybe the team would like you take one for them?"
"Forget it Damien," Alice said. "We're not making Marie expose herself to you."
"How about a game of basketball to decide who gets it," Chris suggested.
"Yeah, that seems fair," Marie replied sarcastically. "The four of you are only about seven inches taller than us on average. How about football?"
"Hahaha! No way!" Damien laughed. "How many red cards used you pick up a season?"
"Not that many. Chicken?"
"No, I just prefer my ankles unbroken."
"How about beach volleyball!?" Jonathan shouted, his perverted mind imagining the four girls jiggling around in bikinis as they played.
"Oh come on!" Alice groaned. She knew exactly what Jonathan was thinking about. "Are all boys this thirsty, or is there something in the air here?"
A lightbulb lit up in Marie's head. "Wait! Beach volleyball is perfect!"
Rebecca leaned into her ear to whisper. "Do you even know how to play?"
"No," Marie whispered. "But I know someone who does. Trust me."
"Two seconds guys," Alice pulled the three girls back a bit so the boys couldn't hear. "Marie, do you know what you're doing?"
"Yes! I promise! Besides, do you have a better idea?"
She didn't, and neither did Rebecca or Anna. "Alright, we'll give it a try."

The day and time for the game were fixed and soon the girls were walking home.
"Y'know they only suggested this cos they think because it's the beach we'll all be half-naked, right?" Alice commented.
"Yeah I know," Marie answered. "Let's all make sure they're disappointed."
"Speak for yourself," Anna replied. "You're the one who usually under-dresses."
"Well not this time. I'd wear a burkha before I'd let Damien see anything."
"Is this one of this hate actually equals love things?" Rebecca teased.
"No!" Marie retorted quickly. "The only reason I haven't killed him is because I don't know how to get rid of the body."
Rebecca just laughed as they reached the t-junction that linked the Community Centre to the main road into town.
"Catch you guys later!" Marie waved as she headed in the opposite direction to the others.
"Wait, are you going to Lisa's?" Anna asked. Lisa's house was the only thing out that road for miles.
"Yeah," Marie replied. "I have to get her to teach us how to play beach volleyball."
As Marie strolled off the others looked at each other in confusion.
"That's her plan?" Alice asked incredulously. "Does Lisa play volleyball?"
"I don't think so," Rebecca responded in puzzlement. "Even though she's really fit I'm pretty sure I heard her say she's useless at any sport."
"What has she gotten us into?" Anna groaned.

" I need your help." Marie finished frantically explaining her story to Lisa.
"Okay," Lisa replied. "Why did you come to me specifically, though?"
"Cos you used to play beach volleyball? And were really good at it?"
Lisa rubbed her temples. "No I didn't. My sister did."
"Oh..." Marie rubbed her hands nervously. "Is that the same sister who emigrated to Australia?"
"Well I only have one."
"But you know how to play too..?"
Lisa shook her head. "Not co-ordinated unless I'm dancing."
"AGH! We're gonna lose our practice space! And Damien gets one over on me! And he'll keep trying to get me to show him my tits! And-"
"Okay okay! Stop!" Lisa took a deep breath. "Rob owes me one for letting him blow me off to go to a Magic tournament last weekend. If we get him, and me and the four of you, that'll be enough to practice a bit."
"Thank you!" Marie spontaneously hugged her.
"Ah! Lemmie go!" Lisa pushed her back half serious and half joking as she found her upper body practically enveloped by Marie's double-Ds. "Let's google the rules."

Marie and Rebecca arrived on the beach on their designated practice day. Anna & Alice were marking out a court by dragging a large stick through the sand to draw lines and Rob was erecting a volleyball net under Lisa's careful guidance.
"Wow!" Marie enthused as she approached Lisa, who was plainly enjoying ordering her new boyfriend around. "You got a net and everything!"
"Actually, you got the net," Lisa replied, before pulling a receipt out of her pocket and handing it to Marie. "I won't start charging interest until September."
"Ugh..." Marie groaned as she looked at it. "You know my Mom doesn't even pay me minimum wage, right?"
"Not my problem. Rob, you done yet?"
"Nearly," he replied.
"Hurry up or I'm not sleeping with you tonight."
Alice and Anna had finished marking the court and strolled over to Marie.
"So looking up the rules and then practicing is your plan?" Anna asked.
"Heh..." Marie replied nervously. "Well, you guys didn't come up with anything better."
"True," Alice shrugged.
"So, I think lover boy has the net up," Lisa chimed in. "One team serves, you can have three touches to return it. Scoring's meant to be done in sets or something, honestly I think you guys should just do first to ten instead and keep it simple. We ready?"
"I guess..." Rebecca answered on behalf of the girls.
"Ok. Anna, Alice & Marie over that side. Becky, you're with me and Rob. We'll switch around as we go."
They got into position and Marie got ready to serve. She looked at the ball and took a deep breath.
"Just imagine it's Damien's head," she said quietly to herself. She threw the ball into the air and smashed her fist through it with a surprising amount of ferocity. It cleared the net, but unfortunately it flew well past the bounds of the court.
"Maybe a little a more finesse, Marie?" Alice remarked.

After a couple of hours of practice, only the fiercly determined Marie and the ultra-fit Lisa still had the energy to continue, so they were done. Marie was able to hit the ball with a lot of power, but she wasn't always accurate, and her short stature meant she didn't have much reach when defending. Alice was the tallest and had some chance with high balls. Along with Anna, she was reasonbly good at reading the flight of the ball. But neither of them struck it with much conviction. Rebecca was okay with her striking, and was taller than Marie, but she tended to lose the flight of the ball every now and then. Between them, there were some respectable rallies but also lots of bouts of terrible play where none of them would seem able to do anything right for a few balls. Any possibility of bringing in Lisa to "cheat" was rendered pointless, as true to her word about being not co-ordinated unless she was dancing, she was the worst player.
Marie sunk downwards in the passenger seat of Lisa's car as they headed home. Alice was walking home, and Rebecca and Anna were getting a lift from Rob.
"I hope you're not planning to cry," Lisa said.
"I'm not," Marie replied quietly. "I'm just going to sulk. And maybe pout."
"Maybe they'll be just as bad."
"No they won't. We're going to lose our practice space. And it's my fault."
"You'll get another one."
"Yeah, maybe... but... I really hate Damien getting one up on me. And the girls will be pissed off."
"Well..." Lisa mused. "We do have a little 'nuclear option' if you want to win that badly."
"'Nuclear option'?"
"Something extreme. I don't think you'll like it though."
Marie sighed. "Try me."

"I thought at least one of them would be in a swimsuit," Jonathan muttered in disappointment as he strolled towards the makeshift volleyball court with the other boys. The 'big day' had arrived and the girls were already there. They were all dressed in shorts and t-shirts, except Marie who was wearing a tank top as per her usual style. But it was a conservative one with a relatively high cleavage line. All of them were quite well covered. Although the presence of a couple of sports bags suggested that at least one of them had a change of clothes.
"Nevermind," Damien replied. "Let's just whip them and get out of here."
"You're late," Marie chided as they approached.
"Sorry Mammary!" Damien mocked.
"Nice, did you look that word up in a dictionary before you came down here?"
"Don't start you two," Lisa interrupted, causing the boys to notice her for the first time.
"Hey, you can't have five players!" Chris protested.
"I'm not here to play. I'm just gonna referee and make sure everyone keeps up their end of the deal."
"You've no power over me!" Damien boasted.
"Maybe not, but I do have access to all the Musical Society's archives including those adorable pictures of you in that teddy bear costume. I think we should do a brief history lesson on the Society's Facebook page?"
"Alright, jeez, I'll behave."
"Okay guys, first to ten, I don't want to be here all day."

The girls served first. Marie with her striking power was the obvious choice to serve. Lisa smirked as she tossed the ball into the air and hit it. To the disappointment of the boys, her massive chest didn't move, even slighty. She'd finally discovered sports bras. Jonathan batted it into the air and Chris returned it to the girls' side. Anna got under it, but didn't get a clean contact. The ball spun out towards Alice, but the awkward spin meant she couldn't get it over the net and hit the sand on the girls' side.
"One-nil to the boys!" Lisa called.
Stephen served for the boys. His serve wrong footed Rebecca and made it two-nil.
"Come on, concentrate!" Marie urged, before serving. It was a good serve, but Damien just about scrambled to keep it in. Chris helped it on to Jonathan who put it over the net to the girls' side. Alice was close to the net and blocked, but only succeeded in batting the ball into the net. Three-nil.
They got a reprieve when Damien, trying to show off, overhit his serve out of play.
"Three-one." Lisa called.
Marie hit her third serve, once again the boys returned it, but this time Rebecca got clean contact to send it back first time. The boys hadn't been expecting that and it floated over Stephen's head, just hitting the deck inside the corner of the court for another point for the girls.
"Three-two." Lisa called.
The sides exchanged points from their serves to make it four-three, but then it started to go wrong for the girls. Damien scored one when Anna slipped as she was about to return his ball over the net. Marie then overhit her next serve to give them a second point in a row. A relatively long rally followed, but the boys eventually won out. Then Jonathan scored after another short rally. Four for them in a row. Eight-three. The girls' heads had dropped and the boys were now laughing and joking at their expense.

As Marie got ready to serve, she contemplated hitting the launch button for the 'nuclear option' she'd prepared. She glanced across at Lisa who just shrugged. The message was clear: your call.
"Today, Marie," Damien pushed.
"Eh... it's just..." Marie dallied before managing to think of an excuse. "I think the clasp on my bra broke. Can you guys give me a minute?"
"Happens a lot with those massive tits, huh?" Damien gloated. "Go on, you're just delaying the inevitable anyway."
Marie picked up her sports bag and disappeared over a nearby sand dune.
Chris slowly started to walk away from the group intending to ascend the other side of the dune for a peek, but Lisa spotted him.
"Chris, one more step and I'm going have Rob rip your arms off and shove them up your arse."
"You guys really are obsessed with that girl's boobs aren't you?" Alice remarked as Chris meekly returned to the court.
"Oh come on, Ali," Stephen protested. "She wants everyone to look."
"Yeah, but there's a limit. Haven't you guys got any restraint?"
"There's no need to be jealous," Damien said sleazily. "I know yours are a lot smaller than Marie's, but they suit your body so well. Busy tomorrow?"
"I think I'd rather date a skunk," she replied.
"What about you Becca? I'll treat you like a Queen."
"I have a boyfriend," Rebecca answered.
"Get f*cked!" she snapped.
"Well, that's what I'm trying to do here. Lisa?"
"I wouldn't want to keep you up past your bed time," she remarked.
"Sorry guys, I'm back!" Marie interrupted.

The chatter stopped as Marie strolled back down the dune. Gone were her shorts, tank top and impressively solid sports bra, and in their place was a black string bikini. Well it was technically two halves of two different size bikinis, given the mis-match between her chest and hips. Both halves were very much designed for showing off: the bottom tapered off into nothing but string around the sides and sat low on her, appearing to lengthen her midriff. The top fit her well, with no side or underboob spilling out, but it was a low cut that went right down to a thin length of string the middle, showing off a massive amount of cleavage and leaving her pale nipples just a well placed tug from exposure. The boys stared at her, their mouths agape at the amount of her pale skin she was displaying. Even the girls were stunned.
"M-Marie..." Rebecca stammered, noticing the flimsiness of the garment. "Is that going to stay on?"
"Possibly not," Marie replied nervously. The chances of a boob falling out were high and she knew it, but a provocative display was the only way to turn the game around. She gestured to Anna for the ball, and took a deep breath as she prepared to serve. "Ready?"
The boys didn't respond, unable to take their eyes off Marie.
"Hey! Wake up!" She wanted them to look, but she didn't think they'd be this bad.
"Oh.. yeah," Damien responded after a few seconds.
Marie picked her target. They were all staring, but Chris seemed to be the most absorbed. She threw the ball in the air and slammed her fist through it. As she stretched on her toes to strike the ball, her breasts appeared to lift in a gravity defying manner before dropping back down, bouncing and jiggling as she dropped back onto her feet. Stephen was near the net and supposed to block, but he didn't move. Chris was completely hypnotised by the movement of Marie's tits and didn't even see the ball as it flew at him, struck his arm and rolled away.
Marie cursed silently under her breath, she had aimed for his head.
"Eight-four," Lisa smirked as she called the score. She didn't think Marie would actually try to pull this off.
The boys immediately started arguing.
"It was right at you!" Stephen shouted.
"You were supposed to block!" Chris retorted.
"Haven't you guys ever seen boobs before!?" Damien admonished both. But he'd been staring too.
Marie checked her top. She'd just about stayed in. At least this time anyway. As humiliating as this was, she knew they'd surely manage to stop looking eventually, so she had to make the most of it.
Damien picked up the ball to serve for the boys, but his eye was caught by Marie stretching seductively.
"Don't look at her..." he murmured to himself. But as he threw the ball into the air, Marie started boucing on the balls of her feet in readiness to move. It was enough to make her boobs bounce up and down. Damien couldn't stop his eyes from being drawn to them just as he was about to strike the ball. His fist caught the ball at a 45 degree angle and it flew it off to the side and out of the makeshift court, nearly taking Lisa out.
"Watch it!" she snapped. "Eight-five!"
Marie straightened up her top again. Her left nipple had ended up about half an inch from freedom.
The boys managed to concentrate long enough to return Marie's next serve (her boobs again just about staying in her top), but Anna managed to get under it, allowing Alice to return it to the boys side. It wasn't a great strike, but Chris had let his attention shift to the scantily clad redhead again and he couldn't react in time.
"Eight-six!" Lisa was thoroughly enjoying this.
Another argument ensued and the boys resolved to stop looking at Marie. A short rally later and the result was nine-six. One more and the boys would win.
Alice rolled the ball along the ground to Marie to serve, who was checking her bikini top after her last burst of movement. It was time to go for broke, she didn't bother fixing it fully back into place.
Marie took a deep breath, threw the ball in the air and struck it. As she did, her bikini top slipped as far as her right nipple, leaving a decent slice of areola on display. The dull thud of the ball hitting the sand on the other side told her the boys had seen it, pale as it was.
Marie looked away from the boys in embarrassment as she tucked her breast back into her bikini. But she had the presence of mind not to tuck it all the way back into place. Her goal was to constantly keep them on the edge of popping out, but without it actually happening. It was a high risk game to say the least. Rebecca and Alice exchanged nervous glances. Sure, Marie had gotten them into this by forgetting to book the room, but it seemed extreme for her to expose herself to get them out of it.
As the boys prepared to serve again, Marie needed to provide another distraction.
"Is my top coming off?" she asked loudly, gently poking at the front of the bikini and pulling it slightly forward.
Jonathan was serving and any possibility of him not looking at Marie ended as soon as she spoke. His serve went straight into the net.
"This isn't fair!" Stephen protested to Lisa.
"Well, you know what she's doing," Lisa replied. "Stop looking at her."
But they couldn't. They all wanted to have their eyes on her boobs if one did finally fall out.
Marie prepared to serve again. Her right hand was starting to hurt from smashing the ball.
"Marie..." Alice tapped her shoulder. "You wanna put your top back on?"
"But they'll win," she replied.
"So be it. That bikini's gonna fall apart. You don't have to do this for us."
"Yes I do."
"She's right, Marie," Rebecca agreed. "They've already seen way more of you than they deserve."
"Thanks guys. But I'll keep going. I made a mess, now I have to clean it up." That was only half of it, she wanted to get one over on Damien too. "Besides, the twins will stay in."
Alice motioned to protest further, but Rebecca gently grabbed her arm and shook her head. She knew Marie wasn't for changing her mind.
Marie threw the ball up and stretched up to serve powerfully again. As she smashed through the ball her body momentarily froze, disturbed by the sudden feel of the sea breeze against an exposed, pale pink nipple. She quickly pulled her top back across it. Had the boys seen it?
"Nine-nine. Level game."
They had.
Marie's face was as red as her hair. The nipple she'd just covered was poking through the top slightly, as was its counterpart on the other side. They weren't fully erect or hardened by any stretch of the imagination, and no one else could really see them, but they were standing to attention just a little, betraying the mix of embarrassment and slight exhiliration Marie was feeling. She put her hands over her mouth and took a deep breath. Match point. She could do it.
"Okay! We all saw that right?" Damien shouted to his team-mates. "Now can we finally stop looking?"
"Easier said than done!" Chris replied. He was the only one there man enough to admit it.
"Oh for... okay, conference boys!" Damien beckoned them in to a huddle so the girls couldn't hear them. "Do you any of you guys give a shit about having that room on Thursdays?"
"Eh... not really," Stephen answered.
"Me neither," Jonathan added. "We can just play basketball outside or something."
"Great," Damien said. "I don't either. So here's what we're going to do. We're not going to look at Marie's tits for the next five minutes to win the game. And then when we do, we make the girls an offer. We'll give them the hall if Marie strips naked for us. Completely naked."
Chris and Jonathan's eyes lit up. They were happy to go with it. Only Stephen doubted it.
"She won't go for that," he argued. "She's stupid and all, but not that stupid."
"Sure she will!" Damien answered. "Think about it. When we win, she'll have had her tits falling out for half the game for nothing, and all her friends still pissed at her. She'll take the offer to get something out of it. And even if she doesn't, I bet the others will make her."
Stephen shrugged. He still doubted Marie would take the offer, not to mention that Lisa might intervene, but it beat hoping for another nipslip. "Might as well try I guess."
The boys resumed their positions. Damien served, he served well, but Marie wasn't in the mood to lose and returned it. Jonathan punched the ball up into the air awkwardly before Chris managed to bat it towards Damien, he twisted his body to strike it diagonally across the court to the girls' side. It was a really good strike and seemed to have the girls beaten.

Marie watched in despair as the ball drifted over her. It seemed to go in slow motion, all her effort, all her near (and not so near) nipslips, not to mention the cost of two bikinis and a volleyball net, for nothing. Then amazingly, Anna some how dived backwards and connected with her fist to keep it in the air, and even better managed to direct the ball back towards the net. Rebecca was next, spiking it into the air for Marie to attack it. It seemed to hang in the air, begging for a powerful hit. Marie obliged, leaping into the air further than she thought possible and smashing the ball over the net into the boys' half, past the dispairing attempts of Stephen and Jonathan to block it. It threw up a huge cloud of sand as it skipped off the ground, well inside the court.
"Ten-nine! Girls win!" Lisa confirmed the victory.
"YES!" Marie yelled punching the air with both hands. But instead of disappointed looks from the boys, she was greeted with wide eyes and mouths hanging open. She looked down and realised her breasts weren't just peeking out from behind her bikini, but were actually completely bare. The weight of them had proved too much for the bikini top on the last jump and the string holding it on her neck had snapped in two, leaving the garment hanging down along her stomach uselessly. Now her massive and nearly perfectly round breasts, crowned with two pale pink, slightly pointed, nipples and wrapped in her flawless white skin were on display for the boys, the girls, Lisa and a handful of passers by. She stood there motionless for about five seconds looking down at her breasts in disbelief.
She moved her arms to cover herself, but then stopped.
"Ugh..." she sighed. "What's the point? I guess you've all seen them now."
She ducked under the net and paced right up to Damien, her boobs bouncing slightly with each step. Damien silently followed her breasts as she paced up to him, which left him looking downwards by the time she reached him, forcing Marie to crouch down a bit and then shove her face right up in his to look him in the eye.
"Do we get the room?" She pressed.
"Oh... yeah... whatever..." a still mesmerised Damien replied.
"Great!" She punched him right in the balls. He crumpled to the ground in pain. "I hope you got a good look, because you are never getting near these."
She turned back to the girls. Alice and Anna were looking away from her, Rebecca had seen them a few times at sleepovers, as well as her attempts to practice before her ill-fated cat-fight with Lisa, and wasn't really bothered by seeing them anymore.
"Thanks Marie..." Alice murmured. "We're all really greatful, thanks ever so much for getting us the room back. Now... please put a top on."
Marie shook her head as she fished her tank top out of her sports bag and put it on. "After all that, I might as well have just taken them out to begin with."
On the other side of the net, Damien painfully got to his feet, silently vowing to get Marie totally naked before the end of the summer.
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Sad Ken
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Re: The Marie & Lisa Series

Post by Sad Ken »

Marie's Second Beach Adventure

Rob cleared the rock groyne on his morning jog on the beach. The groynes, designed to stop the beach from being gradually washed away, were about a half mile apart and he'd just cleared the 2nd one. 2 groynes, 1 mile so far, but he had to remember the return trip along the coastal path would be the same length. He wasn't overweight per se, but waking up on weekend mornings with Lisa, who hadn't an excess ounce of weight anywhere on her body, sprawled naked across him was making him self-conscious, hence the jogging.

As he proceeded along the beach he saw something strange in the distance, an oddly shaped sliver of red on the beach. At first he dismissed it as rubbish or plastic debris washed ashore, but as he got closer, more colours appeared and the shape constantly changed. He eventually realised what he was looking at: a girl. Her skin was just so pale that she was invisible against the white sand and the colours were the towel she was lying on and her swimwear. Given her pale complexion, he figured out who it was well before he was close enough to recognise her.

"Hi Marie," he said once he was within earshot.
Marie lowered the trashy 'romance novel' she was reading, and looked at him for a few seconds. "Oh... it's you." she said eventually. "I was hoping it'd be some really sexy man looking to show me a good time."
"Little early in the day to sunbathe?" Rob enquired. Marie was wearing the same black string bikini bottom that she'd used for her volleyball match, but the destroyed top was replaced with a white bandeau style top that securely encased her massive chest and was tied in a thick knot at the back.
"With my skin, it's not a good idea to be outdoors between 11 and 3. No amount of factor 50 will stop me from burning to a crisp."
"Why bother at all?"
"Cos I really like how the sun feels. Whilst you're here, you might as well make yourself useful." She tossed him her bottle of sun lotion and rolled onto her stomach. "Do my back."
"Ehm..." Rob hesitated. With Marie on her stomach, the sight of her breasts was replaced with her lovely round backside, which unlike her breasts wasn't completely covered by her bikini.
"You've basically seen me naked twice, and you're worried about touching my back? Besides you owe me. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be with Lisa. So get to work."
Rob sighed, defeated by a rare bout of nous and intelligence from Marie. He opened the bottle, put some on his hands and started to rub it into her back.
"Mmm..." Marie sighed, his hands felt nice. "Make sure it really goes in to my skin."
"It's going in fine, Marie, I'm not going any harder."
"Aw..." she answered in mock disappointment. She felt him go all the way down to her hips and along the line of her of her bikini bottom. Part of her wanted him to overlap into her bikini bottom with his finger tips, but he didn't.
"All done," he declared.
"What about my legs?"
"You can reach those yourself."
"Yeah, but I'm lazy."
Rob shook his head and started on her legs.
"Why aren't you with Lisa? I though you'd spend any day you have off with her."
"She has a morning shift today," he answered as he ran his hands up her right thigh, making sure that they didn't go anywhere they shouldn't. "I'm meeting her for lunch."
"And what are doing after that?"
"Mind your business," he switched to the other leg. "Nosiness doesn't make you popular."
Marie was starting to idly fantasise about Rob being a bit more intimate with his touching. She didn't seriously want him, her imagination was just being overactive, a common phenomenon for her lately.
"Make sure you go all the way to the bikini line," she instructed as he was finishing up on her legs.
"I'm not touching your ass, Marie."
"Well, you can't blame a girl for trying," she smirked taking the bottle back to do it herself. She knew he'd refuse, but it might have been fun if he hadn't.
"Am I dismissed now?" he asked, looking away from Marie rubbing sun lotion into the exposed bottom of her ass. "I've another half mile to go, and then back."
"I suppose so. Say hi to Lisa for me."

As Rob jogged off, Marie returned to her book. It was dreadful, poorly written and not a turn on. Having sun lotion applied to her back had proven more stimulating. Soon her mind started to play out a far more interesting version of the back rub from Rob. Of course, Fantasy Rob wasn't really Rob, he had the body of a professional body builder, no shirt, a much tighter pair of shorts, and long hair. Marie put her book down, closed her eyes and lay flat on her stomach as she imagined his strong hands pressing sensually into her back, making her body hotter and hotter. Unlike the real Rob, he pulled the knot on her top open because it was 'getting in the way', and then proceeded to make sure there was plenty of lotion on the sides of her breasts. Marie had normal fantasies about boys as she'd gone through puberty, they got more intense as her chest developed and boys started paying more attention to her. But in the past few months, she'd really kicked into overdrive. She was regularly imagining things like the boys from the society gangbanging her backstage, even though she wasn't really bothered with any of them in real life, or having to be rescued from somewhere by half a dozen hunky firemen, to whom she'd happily show her gratitude. Fantasy Rob had now moved onto putting sun lotion on her legs, which quickly developed into squeezing her butt and 'accidentally' grazing her sex through the bikini bottom as he rubbed her inner thighs. In the real world, the now quite flushed Marie rolled slighty onto her side. She wasn't daring enough to touch herself in public, but she began to press and grind her thighs together to provide herself with a little stimulation. Back in her imagination, Fantasy Rob had now given up all pretences of putting sun lotion on her, he pulled her bikini bottom to one side and started gently penetrating her with his fingers.
She let out a soft moan as she imagined his fingers sliding in and out of her, slowly working her faster and faster as her hot wetness enveloped them. He gently kissed her on the shoulder and a couple of more times down her back before taking one of the knots on her bikini bottom in his teeth and pulling it open with his mouth. He repeated the move on the other side and then yanked the bottom clean off. The sea breeze on her hot, wet, naked sex felt so real. Wait, it WAS real.

"What the f*ck?" she screamed, reflexively getting up. As she'd been lost in her sexual fantasy, someone had managed to prise her bikini off her undetected, leaving her completely naked on her towel. As she looked around in a panic around she saw two male figures disappearing over a sand dune. They'd not only made off with her bikini, but they'd gotten her backpack with her clothes and phone in it too. At least they hadn't been able to take her towel, and no one else was on this stretch of beach. She regained her composure and picked up her towel to tie it around herself to cover. Unfortunately after several attempts, she realised that to stop it falling off she had to hitch it as high as possible at the top of her massive chest. This left her very short at the bottom. If she stood perfectly still, she was covered, but any step, even at walking pace, would lift the towel and expose her, both at the back back and the front.

She briefly contemplated going after Rob for help, but he was out of sight having cleared the next rock groyne and she realised she hadn't a hope of catching him. Her only option was to follow her attackers. She knew where they were going, a large dip in the middle of the sand dunes, that was hidden from the view of both the beach and the coastal path, where teens regularly held parties and bonfires. A slow nervous walk later, during which she found herself constantly looking around for dog walkers or tourists, thankfully seeing none, she was overlooking the dip, and two familiar faces: Damien and Jonathan.

"Gimme my clothes!" she demanded immediately, before shimmying awkwardly down the slope to them.
"You're in no position to make demands," Damien smirked.
"You guys will be in so much trouble if I tell. Now give my clothes and I might forget this happened."
"You have to find someone to tell first. How far will you have walk in that towel? I could see right up it when you were up there."
Marie reflexively crossed her legs slightly.
"It's okay, though, I'm a nice guy. I'll give you your clothes back if you do something for me."
"Let me guess, I have to show you my tits."
"Not just that. We wanna see you totally naked. Drop the towel and don't cover."
"No!" Marie snapped.
Damien shrugged. "Guess you don't get your clothes back."
Marie pleaded and threatened, but Damien wasn't budging. Jonathan was less confident, but he was following Damien's lead. Chris and Stephen had passed on involving themselves, they were too afraid of incurring Lisa's wrath. After a couple of minutes of arguing, Marie realised that her bag or bikini were nowhere to be seen and must've been hidden somewhere else. The boys only had a couple of minutes to hide them, so they couldn't be far away.
"Screw you, Damien!" she shouted. "I'm going to find where you hid my stuff, and then I'm going to ring Lisa, and then she's going to ring Rob and I'm going to have him murder you."
"Ehm?" Jonathan turned to Damien as Marie stomped off.
"Don't panic," he answered cooly. "She won't find it. Give it ten minutes and she'll be back."
Unfortunately for Marie, Damien's word proved prophetic, she couldn't find the bag and was reluctant to go wandering too far. Aside from the possibility of meeting someone, there was only so far that the boys could've gone, hidden the bag and then gotten to their current location so wandering too far off was pointless. They must've stashed it the long grass that grew in patches on the dunes some way that she couldn't see it. And she couldn't go rummaging through the grass because she'd have to either crouch down, which would cause her towel to part and fall off, or bend over, which would leave her most intimate area completely on display to anyone passing by.
She was nearly in tears by the time she got back to the smirking Damien.
"Come crawling back?" he sneered.
Marie sniffled, but held back the tears, she wasn't giving him the satisfaction of seeing her cry. "Fully naked and then I get my clothes?"
"Not exactly," Damien replied. "The price has gone up."
"What?!" she pleaded. "Come on Damien, this isn't fair."
"Life isn't fair. You want your clothes back, first you have to get naked. And then... you have to get yourself off in front of us."
"N-no-no!" she stammered. "You can't make me do that."
"It's that or we take your towel and leave you here. You should've watched your mouth."
Marie groaned, she had no choice, but as far as she was concerned Damien had just signed his death warrant. She was going to kill him and the cops would need months to find all the pieces of his body.
Damien laughed pervertedly as Marie took off her towel and spread it out on the sand, exposing herself fully to him and Jonathan, who could only stare blankly. She lay down on the towel and tried to arrange her legs in a way to at least partly cover her pussy.
"Ah!" Damien stopped her. "Spread 'em."
Marie hesitantly opened her legs, giving them a clear uninterrupted view, to their obvious delight. It was basically the only part of her they hadn't seen during the volleyball game and it looked even better than they could've imagined. She was waxed completely clean and her spread legs had opened her up just enough for them to see how incredibly pink her labia were, and to make out the rough shape of her clit as it hid under its hood.
She closed her eyes and began slowly rubbing herself, trying to think of how long she'd have to do it before she could fake an orgasm. She was just rubbing herself on the surface, if she truly wanted to get off, she'd slide her fingers inside as she needed at least some penetration to have an orgasm, but there was no way she was opening herself up that much in front of them.
There was little pleasure in it for her, but as she worked herself, she realised the boys had gone completely silent. No dirty laughing or perverted comments.

She opened her eyes. Damien and Jonathan were still there, but they were completely fixated on her, staring open mouthed at her display. She also noticed a bulge in Jonathan's pants, it made her wonder had she now got a little power over them, a chance to even up the encounter a bit. It was worth trying.
"Get your cocks out!" she ordered.
"Haha what?" Damien answered. "You're not in charge here."
"Oh come on, I know you're both dying to jack off to me," she panted. Even saying that started to genuinely turn her on, along with the raw unfiltered lust etched on the boys' faces. "So why don't you do it now when I'm here in front of you instead of later when you're trying to remember?"
The two boys looked at each other slightly awkwardly. "... no." Damien said after a few moments.
"Really?" she smirked. "It won't make you gay. You'll be looking at me and not each other, right?"
They didn't reply.
"It might even make me lose control completely."
That was enough for Jonathan, he immediately pulled his cock out of his shorts and began to stroke it. Marie exhaled so hard in arousal upon seeing it that it felt like her breath was literally being pulled out of her body. She'd never seen one in real life before. Damien followed suit a few seconds later.
Marie began to rub herself harder and harder as she watched the two boys wank themselves off to her. The combination of seeing them work their hard cocks and the knowledge that she had power over them, that her body was making them do that made her hotter and hotter with each passing second. It quickly reached the point where she had to really concentrate to keep her fingers out of herself and avoid giving them more of a show than she wanted to. It was a battle she might lose, but she was going to at least try. Then, as she kept shifting her focus from one cock to the other, she realised something. And it made her laugh.
"What's funny?" Damien panted after Marie had started laughing so much that she stopped touching herself. "Whatever is, it's interrupting our show, so you better stop thinking about it."
"Is that it, Damien?" she giggled.
"Is that as big as your cock gets?"
"Wh-wh-what do you mean? My cock's fine!"
"Yeah, maybe it is. Until you look at Jonathan's!" She now was rolling around on her towel with laughter. Damien, the self-appointed Alpha Male, who made no secret of his belief that he thought himself God's gift to all the local teenage girls, even hitting on Rebecca who had a boyfriend, and Alice who Marie was certain wasn't into boys, was at least 2 inches shorter than Jonathan. And he was well behind on thickness too.
His jaw dropped and his face went red as he looked across at Jonathan's dick, who looked away from him awkwardly, and then at his own.
"Fuck you, slut!" he snapped in anger and embarrassment, putting his cock back in his pants and storming off over a sand dune.
"See you, microdick!" she howled. All of a sudden, there wasn't the same need to kill him for what he'd done today. But she might do it anyway, just to be sure.

Jonathan stood there awkwardly with his dick in his hand, not sure what to do. The whole thing had been Damien's idea, and without him he lacked any real bravdo or confidence. But at the same time, Marie was sitting nude on a towel in front of him, her massive breasts with her nipples proudly sitting erect on top, perfect pale skin, gorgeous thighs and beautiful pink pussy all on diplay. She was the best looking girl he knew and he could see her in all her naked, sexy glory. He wanted to do her, or least be allowed finish himself off.
"Oh.. oh boy...too funny..." Marie panted as she stopped laughing and began to regain her composure. "Hey, is he going after my stuff?!"
"Uhm... eh... I don't know..." Jonathan stammered as he tried to think about anything other than what was in front of him. "No! No he isn't! It's the other direction."
Marie smirked. "Great. Bring that over to me."
"B-bring what?"
"What you have in your hand," she panted seductively. "I want it."
"Oh man... oooooh man..." he slowly walked over to Marie, still holding his dick.
"You know where my clothes are?"
"And you'll get them for me?"
"Good boy," she took his cock in her hand and began to stroke it. She was surprised at how it felt, she thought it'd just be hard like a plastic sex toy, but the surface had softness and a little give to it. Like a soft layer wrapped around something solid. It was nice and warm in her hand too. She thought about how much pleasure she wanted to give Jonathan, after all he had, along with Damien, stripped her in public and asked her to humiliate herself to get her clothes back. He deserved nothing from her. But at the same time, his cock felt nice and playing with it was turning her on even more.
"AGGHHH!!!" Jonathan yelled in pain as Marie suddenly roughly squeezed his cock.
"You are such an asshole for what you've done to me today!" she snapped at him as she relaxed her grip and resumed stroking. "But you're an asshole with something I want. Lucky you."
"M-Marie... I-I..." Jonathan was learning that having an attractive girl's hand wrapped around your cock was a good way to suddenly become very interested in being with her. "I'm sorry... it was Damien's idea, but I shouldn't-"
"Shut up!" Marie grabbed his hand, pulled it downwards and placed it between her legs, forcing him to bend down on one knee. As far as she was concerned, Jonathan was nothing more than a living sex toy and she was going to get value out of him.
Jonathan nearly started to hyperventilate, he couldn't believe how hot and wet she was. Along with her hand moving up and down his shaft it was by far the the most intense sensation he'd ever experienced.
"Move your hand!" she ordered.
Jonathan awkwardly began masturbating Marie as she stroked him. He'd never touched a girl before and wasn't exactly brilliant at it, but Marie was so turned on that it was enough to start building her to an orgasm. Jonathan's free hand began to grope her breasts and gently pinch her sensitive, erect nipples.
As she continued stroking Jonathan's cock, Marie began to think about sucking it. She'd watched blowjob vids on the internet and never saw the attraction of it for the girl, but with a hot dick in her hand, she just wanted to see how it felt in her mouth.
"Nhhhhhgggg!" Jonathan moaned as Marie kissed the tip, before taking the first inch in her mouth, exposing him to a new sensation. He responded by sliding his finger right into her. He tried to get a second one in, but she seemed to be tightening up and he couldn't. Her back started to arch and she took his cock out of her mouth to gasp for breath.
30 seconds later, Marie suddenly let go of Jonathan's cock completely and came. She came harder than she had in her young life to now, her hips bucked, her legs wobbled uncontrolably and her pelvic floor muscles contracted so much that she forced Jonathan's finger out of her. She bit her arm to stop herself from screaming so loud that the whole town would hear her.

She lay staring at the sky in a haze for a minute aftewards until she suddenly felt Jonathan's hand gently stroking her stomach. He was lying in the sand beside her.
"Marie..." he said softly. "I...I..."
"Clothes!" she ordered as she regained her senses. She noticed a pool of cum on the sand a few feet away, he'd obviously satisfied himself.
"Yeah... I'll get them," he got to his feet, walked a couple of steps and then looked back at her. "Marie, I just wanna say that-"
"That what?!" she cut him off. "That you're sorry and you love me?"
He looked back at her silently.
"Jonathan, just get me my clothes."
He slinked off and returned with her bag, complete with her phone, street clothes and bikini a couple of minutes later.
She dressed in silence with Jonathan watching her ruefully.
"Forget about it," she finally said as she pulled her top on. "Whatever it is."
"Marie..." Jonathan pleaded. "Really, I'm sorry."
"That's too bad," she answered. "If you wanted me, you should've thought of that before you ripped my bikini off."
"Yeah..." he sighed.
"Now if you don't mind, I'm off to have Damien killed. Tell anyone about this and you can join him."
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Re: The Marie & Lisa Series

Post by Anonymoose »

Ken, I know this is a bit late as this thread has been here for months now, but seriously, thank you for re-posting these. I’ve been kicking myself forever for only saving the first, Christmas part when you posted them originally on the previous board. This is great stuff; I’d love a continuation, but even getting to read these again was fantastic
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Sad Ken
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Re: The Marie & Lisa Series

Post by Sad Ken »

Thanks anon. I enjoyed writing these, but there are a lot of words relative to the amount of nudity in these stories, so they're not the most efficient form of titilation. Nice to know someone likes them.

My idea for the third main (ie. on stage) story is that they're in some sort of drama competition and after an incident in the dressing rooms with another drama group during rehearsal, Marie & Lisa team up to expose their opponents on stage.

I also have a couple of shorter stories detailing unfortunate nudity incidents for Marie half-plotted in my head.

Main problem is just getting time & motivation to coincide so I can just sit down and write properly. That and avoiding the temptation to just have Marie get stuffed full of cock or les it up with Lisa. Anything like that probably won't quite fit tonally.

Hopefully I'll write new stories in the not too distant future.

EDIT: If I was really shit-hot (I'm not though), I'd write the script for a full on stripping musical.
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