Disclaimer: These are long. Even the ones that are meant to be short. Sorry.
A Christmas Pantomime Revenge
Lisa pulled her car up outside the community hall and turned off the engine. She look at her watch. 5:57pm. Hours of hard slog was ahead of her, all for the sake of the local Christmas Pantomime. Lisa was 23 and had been in the local musical society since she was 6. A fantastic dancer and actress, Lisa's lack of a signing voice was all that had restricted her to supporting roles and villains instead of lead roles. She didn't mind though, and as her friends left to go to colleges in distant cities, Lisa opted to continue her education locally. She became more involved with the production team in the musical society and her keen interest in dancing saw her become Dance Captain and soon after, coreographer. It was her third year in the latter role and she now had complete freedom from James, the producer, to organise the chorus and dancers as she saw fit. Her charges were teenagers (mostly girls - boys generally started to lose interest en masse around 12-13) and chilren with only a handful of stalwart adults left in the society, none of whom danced.
Lisa was only 5'1'' and of slight build, barely breaking 100 lbs on the scale. She was quite attractive though, with long black hair, a pretty face and a slim figure toned through her hobby of dancing. But with her circle of close friends only just starting to filter back from college in the past year or so, work, and a lot of her free time taken up with the musical society - outside of their yearly Christmas Pantomime and Summer musical they did a lot of charity work - she didn't have quite the social life or love life she wanted. Still, the sense of pride and accomplishment she felt at a successfully executed show made it seem like an even trade.
The leading ladies were Alice and Marie. Both 16. They were virtually equal in terms of acting, dancing and singing ability but Lisa preferred the quieter and more reserved Alice. A couple of years ago, Marie sprouted a large chest, seemingly overnight, that the rest of her body still hadn't quite grown into yet. And then, possibly spurred on by a lot of male attention and female jealousy, quickly sprouted an ego to go with it. She still learned everything perfectly, but Lisa always got the impression she thought she was better than everyone else and was doing the society a favour by turning up, an attitude which didn't come from Alice. She was also a complete air-head. But the talent was undoubtedly there, and rather than pick one or the other for the female lead, Alice and Marie generally shared the lead role, with whomever wasn't playing the lead on any given night retreating into the chorus. It was a system that had always been used in the musical society and it worked well.
A few years ago, James had decided to write his own musicals and pantomimes rather than use an existing production, Lisa suspected it was just so could he use whatever songs he liked, steal bits he liked from various musicals and also cut costs by re-using characters, and consequently costumes, year on year. The end result of was usually a curious mish-mash of overblown melancholy, comedy and bawdiness with some serious emotional acting thrown in. It always looked like utter nonsense on paper, but came good on stage.
Tonight was the first dress rehearsal, theoretically the same length as the show would be. But as it the first time the band would be in, and the first time costumes and props would start to be organised properly, it would take all night with constant starts and stops as the band sorted out the cues, the cast complained about not being able to change in time, and props didn't work. Plus James was particularly keen to try a particularly ambitious piece of stage dressing. He'd seen a musical number in which a girl's dress changed, on stage, mid-song, to signify her 'transformation' into a new person, and he was certain he could copy it on a budget that was made up of a lot of good will and very little actual money. And, as usual, he'd persuaded the rest of the production team that it could be pulled off.
The initial idea was to use two dresses, pink on top and blue underneath, for the scene and the chorus would at the appropriate point in the song fall in on the singer, played by either Marie or Alice, and quickly remove the pink one before dancing away from her. But it became apparent quickly that this wouldn't work. Both dresses had to be relatively tight so the audience wouldn't realise there were two of them until after the change, and Alice, who they tested the idea with the previous week, was struggling to move properly in the them. Which meant they'd probably have difficulty getting them to fit on Marie at all. Marie had a curvy figure, even aside from her large chest, she had a round backside and a near perfect hourglass shape between her hips and waist. But at the same time, she was short, half an inch shorter than Lisa with a narrow body from the shoulders down. Effectively, she had the shape of a volumptous super-model, but on a smaller scale. The look was completed by long, curled dark red, almost bronze, hair and pale skin that never seemed to blemish. Alice was taller and broader overall, but her less curved figure meant the two could just about fit into the same outfits with a little alteration, with Marie having a little less room to breathe.
But James didn't give up and hit upon the idea of having just the front of the top half of the pink dress attached to the blue dress and then pull it off using cords operated from a crawlspace under the stage. The skirt section of the blue dress was virtually white, and the combination of the pink top half and stage lighting would hopefully 'trick' the audience into initially thinking the whole thing was pink. The dance would have be redirected slightly to ensure the leading lady didn't ever turn her back to the stage and include a brief instrumental section for the cord pull, but it was do-able - if the pink section came off cleanly. The "costume department", James' wife Betty and one of her friends, arrived three hours into the rehearsal with the dress complete. By this stage the kids' cast had been allowed to leave and all that was left was the senior cast - mostly teenagers - the band, the sound & lighting crews and the production team.
"Comfortable in there, lad?" Rob, the bassist, teased the stagehand in the crawlspace.
"We all ready?" James asked.
"Yeah." The stagehand shouted.
"Yeah I'm covered underneath if this goes wrong." Alice replied.
"And pull."
It worked a charm. The cords went taut and pulled the pink piece on the front, for a split second the blue dress underneath lifted off Alice's body causing her to reflexively reach towards her chest, despite the tank top and bra underneath. But the two pieces seperated, leaving Alice standing on stage in a seemingly perfect blue dress.
"Did it hurt?" James asked as Betty closed in to examine the dress.
"No, I just felt a tug." Alice replied.
"Good. Try not to move your arms next time."
Alice jokingly stuck out her tongue.
"Looks okay. Nothing's ripped." Betty said examining the dress. "Might throw a couple of safety pins in it to make sure."
"Ehm... yeah... see about fitting it on Marie."
Alice was rehearsing the lead tonight with Marie in the chorus, and Marie was making little effort to hide her boredom. She missed two scenes having the dress checked for size, and came back out without her chorus costume on properly. The chorus costumes for this scene were black dresses and tights with a different coloured strip of material down the front depending on which line of the chorus they were in. The strip had to be tied to the dress at the bottom to keep it in place. Marie hadn't bothered to tie hers. Lisa was tired, having been on her feet for the entire time, swapping between dancing with her chorus girls and watching it from the middle of the hall to see how everything looked from where the audience would sit and Marie's inattention to her costume annoyed her more than it should.
"Marie, you have to tie these at the bottom or they flap all over the place..." Lisa moaned as she bent down to tie Marie's strip in place.
Marie initially rolled her eyes at being babied, but then smirked as she saw the tie for Lisa's dress sitting on the back of her neck. It was just too tempting. "Like this?" she asked as she pulled it open. Because of the rotation between the main cast and chorus and the need to grab an outfit quickly to be changed in time, the black dresses for the chorus weren't specifically tailored for the individual girls and instead came in three sizes, relying on ties, accessories, belts etc. to stay on the girls. And even though she was the oldest, Lisa's naturally small figure, constant dancing, generally hectic life and ultra-healthy diet meant she was by far the slimmest girl who was ever going to wear this particular dress.
As soon as the tie was opened, the top of the dress loosened and fell off her body exposing her from the middle of her stomach up. To make matters worse, she had put on a brand new bra this morning, only to realise a couple of hours later that it wasn't quite a perfect fit. And she had come straight from work to here to make the rehearsal on time. The discomfort had gotten the better of her about 20 minutes previously and she'd taken it off and stuffed it in her handbag, leaving her topless on stage. Her breasts were barely a B-cup, but on her slim frame looked perfectly rounded and proportional. And now, the rest of the "senior" cast, the production team, the band, the lighting crew, the stagehands and the sound crew had all gotten to see just how perfectly rounded and proportional they were.
Lisa was so stunned that she was momentarily unable to act, bent over, having just been half-stripped by the girl who's costume she was trying to fix. She was probably only in that pose for two seconds, but it felt like an eternity.
"Oh... my... God!" Marie exclaimed, giggling. "I... I... didn't realise... I swear." She clamped her hands over her mouth in an effort to stop giggling.
Lisa screamed, bolted upright and pulled the dress back up to cover herself.
Marie was still giggling uncontrollably between words. "Why aren't you wearing a bra?"
"Well I'm glad you find this funny!" Lisa snapped, as one of the other girls started tying her dress back on. She could feel a burning heat in her cheeks, throat and chest. She knew she must've gone bright red.
"I don't... I..." she burst out laughing before squeaking out another quick "Oh my God."
"I don't find this funny either, Marie" James said sternly. "Would you like to go home?"
"No no no!!" Marie exclaimed. "Sorry. Sorry." She started meekly tying the strip.
"Alright, look, take five everyone."
"No, it's fine. Let's just keep going." Lisa said. By the time the musical director had taken the opportunity to have a smoke, James had sorted whatever crisis the backstage team had concocted since the last break in proceedings, and bored and tired teenagers were prodded back into character, 'take five' really meant 'take fifteen, minimum' around here. She wasn't going to be stripped half-naked and have to direct dancers until 1 am in the same night.
"Yeah, let's just get this over with."
"Alright." He pointed at Marie. "I'll talk to you later."
Marie glanced at a couple of her friends in the chorus and made a joking 'worried' face at them. Great to see she was taking what she'd done seriously.
The rest of the night was a blur of trying to get props, costume changes etc. to fit in properly. Lisa was too tense and annoyed to concentrate on watching her dancers properly, plus her and Marie just couldn't make eye-contact with each other. Actually very few people made eye-contact with her. Maybe she should've taken those five (or fifteen) minutes after all. At the end of the night as they were packing up, James approached her. "Look, I have no problem kicking her out of this year's show over that." he said quietly.
Lisa thought about it for a moment. "Don't bother. I'll get over it."
"She could do with being made to take things seriously, and Alice is well able to play the lead for all ten nights."
"Yeah, but then you'll have the crying and all her friends having sour faces on them, and her bitch of a mother around your house tomorrow morning. It's just not worth it."
"I'll tell ya what, I'll take her off the lead role for the opening night. Might get her attention."
"I don't mind if you wanna do that, but it'll roll off her."
"Well, I want to do it, so I will. Sure you're okay?"
But she wasn't okay, at least not for tonight. She was still so tense that when she nearly walked into the bass player on her way out, she gave him an earful despite it being her own fault, before meekly apologising to him almost immediately afterwards. But at least it gained her enough sympathy for him to carry her stuff out to her car.
"My tits being out is one thing. I've enough body confidence to deal with that," she explained to him as she leaned against her car. "It's another thing when a bunch of teens who are supposed to respect and look up to me get to see them. At least there's only four boys."
"And me." Rob interceded.
"Oh you don't count."
"Aw, thanks. I'm not that much older than you."
"That's not what I meant. I mean I don't have to try and tell you how to dance whilst you're thinking about my boobs. And you'll be adult about this anyway. I assume?"
"Oh yeah, of course."
Lisa glanced back at the hall door just as Marie and her entourage of friends came out snickering and giggling. The stopped quite abruptly when they caught sight of her, and quickly turned the other way, making it obvious what they had been laughing about.
"See what I mean?" She sighed. "I'm having a bath when I go home, might calm me down a bit."
"Enjoy," Rob replied as he headed to his own car. But he stopped a meter away and turned back to her. "You know Lisa, I don't get mad about things. I get even."
Lisa looked at him in disbelief for a few seconds as he continued to his car. Did he really just tell her to strip a teenage girl? The words stayed in her head during the short trip home, but she tried to ignore them. She checked her phone as she let the bath fill. Facebook notifications.
"Nice job Marie.

"Shhh! Not much 2 c anyway." Was Marie's reply.
The conversation was completed by a stern message from James saying that if they wanted to keep talking about this, they would be ejected from the society immediately without any further warning. But it was too late to save's Lisa's mood. Rob's words about getting even were practically being screamed in her ear now. Not only had that little bitch stripped her in front of people and not so much as attempted an apology, she was now teasing her about her chest. How dare she? Just because she liked having huge tits doesn't mean everyone did. Lisa was quite happy with her breasts, but having a 16 year old poke fun at them still grated.
By the time she was neck deep in hot water with the minty aroma of the bath bomb filling her nose, she was struggling to think of anything else other than a revenge attack on Marie. She'd seen a bit of cleavage in the past year as Marie had no shyness about stripping down to her underwear in front of other girls in the dressing room. But Lisa suspected from the bit of teasing Marie occasionally gave the other girls, and now Lisa herself, that she was just trying to use her body as another means to elevate herself above the others in her peer group. She bet Marie wouldn't be quite so proud an exhibtionist if she had to display her curves involuntarily to a hall with everything from teenage boys to old men in it like she had. She could just imagine Marie's perfect pale skin turning crimson as she desperately tried to cover her ample chest from many pairs of interested eyes. God, imagine if something went wrong with that two stage dress James had concocted and it tore off her completely? On a show night too. How many people would see her then? Capacity was 270, plus the band, cast, sound, lights and backstage crew would push it over 300. Marie would never live that down. She might even leave the society...
"Oh grow up, Lisa, you're 23 fucking years old!" Lisa shouted aloud to snap herself out of it. She lived alone, so there was no one to hear. "She's just a kid being stupid. Everyone will forget soon enough."
Lisa pulled up outside the Community Hall for the second dress rehearsal a week later and sighed. They'd had two shorter rehearsals for a few scenes and songs during the week and in both of them she found it a struggle to concentrate on keeping her dancers in line. There had been no more Facebook comments, but any time someone looked at her oddly, or didn't look at her, or stopped talking when she was near, she was convinced they were talking or thinking about her exposure at the first dress rehearsal, even though they probably weren't. Worse still, since costumes weren't used during the short rehearsals Marie (who was still completely avoiding eye contact with her) had done most of the second one in a tight tank top and a bra more suitable for an Ann Summers party than for dancing which she seemed in constant danger of bouncing out of. By the end of the night, Lisa was practically willing it to happen, but it didn't. And then she spent most of the following day at work feeling guilty about how petty she was being. It was time to forget about Marie, and people seeing her boobs last week, and do her job.
"What's that doing there?" Lisa said, looking at the foldable screen cordoning off a corner of the dressing room.
"Oh, it's for me!" Marie replied chirpily as she disappeared behind it. "Y'know because of the later scenes where I have the backless dress and can't wear a normal bra. And I hate adhesive ones."
Lisa froze. It was like all of the temptation in the world for revenge was being thrown at her. Not only would Marie be bare chested under her costume for the show, but the foldable screen suggested that Lisa was right to suspect there was limit to her exhibitionism. Now all she could picture was the pink and blue dress being spectacularly torn off Marie's body and her oversized chest bouncing out in front of a packed hall. She needed to get the idea out of her head.
"Is that really necessary?" she mumbled.
"Alice can be unprofessional and let everyone see a bra strap when she's playing the lead, but I won't."
Alice had been in the society since she was 7, the word 'unprofessional' applied to her didn't sit at all well with Lisa. "It's a bit ott..."
But Marie wasn't listening, and was clearly determined to dig herself in deeper. "I think I'm more comfortable braless. I can see why you don't bother with them."
"That was a once off-"
"Plus I don't need a bra to help fill my figure out anyway."
That was it. Lisa had wanted to be the bigger person, to be the adult, but this stupid little cow was begging for it. She resolved right there and then to do everything she could to render Marie topless in front of a full hall containing around 300 people.
"Suit yourself, I guess." Lisa responded, faking a more upbeat tone, and headed out of the dressing room. Betty had been poking at the two-stage dress a little more today, so it hadn't been put in the dressing room just yet. Lisa was going to take the opportunity to get a proper look at how it was sewn together. And if it could be sabotaged easily.
"Hey," Marie called, just as Lisa reached the door.
"Um... we're cool now? About last week?"
Lisa was staggered. How tone-deaf was this girl? They'd barely exchanged two words since it happened, much less a proper apology. Even aside from the two rehearsals since, Marie had Lisa's phone number and was her friend on Facebook, so it's not like she didn't have a chance.
"Right?" Marie pressed.
"I'll be okay by the end of the show." Lisa smirked. She leaned over to have a quick peek around the screen. Sure enough, Lisa caught an impressive amount of sideboob as Marie had just popped her bra off and was about to slip into her outfit for the opening scene. She was obviously planning to do the entire dress rehearsal, and by extension, the entire show, braless. Too perfect.
Lisa sighed as she examined the dress. Betty had butchered and sewn together three dresses to create it, but the most important part, the blue top section was all one piece with high quality seams holding the front and back together. No amount of safety pins or her own meargre sewing skills (if she even had the time) was going to make the connection between the pink front and the blue dress stronger than those seams, and there was no way she'd get a tailoring scissors inside them. It was odd because anything they didn't make completely from scratch themselves was usually bought on the cheap, but the blue piece seemed of high quality. Then she thought of something. She turned the dress around on the hanger, unzipped the back a little and looked inside, and to her delight, found where the corner had been cut. The zipper was only fully enclosed in fabric on the outside, on the inside the plastic flaps holding it to the dress were visible. Lisa had a quick look around, and certain the coast was clear, slid the tailoring scissors under one of the flaps and cut. It worked, half an inch was now seperated from the fabric of the dress, she'd cut the rest on revenge night. The plan was to leave just the very top and bottom of each side of the zip attached, and hopefully it'd fail. It was still far from guaranteed to work though, and she needed to think of a way to reinforce the connection between the pink piece and the blue piece so the zip would give first. The pink piece was attached with breakable plastic clips. Gluing them closed was low-tech, but she couldn't think of anything else that wouldn't be detected. Hopefully it would be enough. Now it was a matter of deciding which night to execute her plan.
Having been bumped off the opening night, Marie was playing the lead role on the second, fourth, fifth, seventh and ninth nights. The fifth was tempting, as it was one of two nights to be recorded, potentially enshrining the moment forever. But the DVDs of the recording were sold to raise money for the society, and they could hardly sell a DVD featuring a half-naked 16 year old girl. She settled on the seventh night, assuming the first six nights had gone well, there'd be less panic and no constant checking and rechecking of props and costumes that there would be on earlier nights, giving her the opportunity to work on the dress.
Making the decision to get revenge on Marie initially proved liberating. Lisa was flying, full of energy as she hopped from the stage to the middle and back of the hall to get a better look at the coreography and keeping her dancers on their toes. Her positive mood continued into the final dress-rehearsal and the dancing was better than ever. The first sign of any nerves over her mission came on the opening night when Alice stood on the front of the stage in that infamous dress. The pink piece came off perfectly without a hint of damage to the blue dress underneath, but Lisa's body was burning through the entire scene, as she kept mentally picturing Marie in Alice's place and her successful revenge. The tension was multiplied by a factor of ten on the second night when Marie was in the dress. For a brief second, Lisa thought the dress was about to split as the pink piece was pulled, but as with Alice, it worked perfectly and the beaming Marie continued singing. She wasn't going to be smiling like that in a few days...
Lisa pulled up at the hall for the seventh night of the show. She'd been nervous all day and had seriously thought about abandoning the whole idea. But the decision to do it had cleared her head no end for the dress rehearsals, she wasn't going to undo that by backing out now. The dress, along with all girls' costumes, would be in the girls' dressing room which would soon be a hive of frantic activity. So she had to sabotage it in two stages: She was the first in so she'd glue the clips closed now before the rest of the cast arrived, but she couldn't risk cutting the zip so early as it might be spotted. She'd get a minute to do it as everyone was assembling on stage for the opening number. She got the gluing done no problem, she even had enough time to make sure it was nice and neat with no leakage. She briefly wondered what would happen if she didn't get her minute to cut the zip, would Marie be dragged off the front of the stage into the orchestra pit and end up in the MD's lap? She changed into her own costume for the opening number and than then got her makeup done by Betty's friend before a queue developed. By the time she came back, she could see Marie's handbag by the side of the foldable screen. She peeked around, needing to know if Marie was still going braless. Sure enough the little redhead was just unhooking it. Lisa quickly retreated before she was spotted. Her heart was racing. She was really going ahead with this.
Lisa stood on the side stage at the head of her chorus, her breath shallow and entire body tense. The show was moving towards half time and Marie was on the front of the stage in that dress delivering her partly serious, partly comedic monologue about feeling like a new person. Lisa had gotten her minute to cut the zip just before the show and the moment of truth was now half a song away. She just about registered the drummer counting the song in as Marie said her last line and she skipped onto the stage with her dancers in tow. As she crossed the stage behind Marie, she could see just a sliver of bare skin at the zip. No one had found and fixed her handiwork. The song was a blur, the music seemed to sound hollow and echoey and she could barely feel her own legs. Yet as the dancers froze for a couple of vamped instrumental bars at the end of the second verse to allow the pink piece to be removed, the moment when Marie's humiliation would happen or not, she ended up in the right place and in the right pose, so she must've have done the routine correctly. She was on the extreme left of the stage, but at the front and level with Marie so she could see the whole thing.
Marie was posed front and centre with a massive smile on her face and her arms stretched out in front of her reaching towards the crowd. The cords went taut and pulled the dress, but unlike in every rehearsal and the past six shows the pink section went nowhere. Marie, ever the star, stayed in her pose. The stagehand couldn't see the stage from the crawlspace, all he knew is the dress hadn't gone anywhere because the cords still felt the same in his hands. He responded by aggressively jerking the cords a split second later to achieve the desired effect. The pink piece still stayed firmly attached to the front of the dress, but, to Lisa's delight, the zip broke and the back of the dress seperated. The packed audience let out a collective gasp as both pink and blue material were yanked off Marie's arms and upper body, and her naked breasts sprang out in front of them. Lisa could barely believe how big, round and firm they were. She'd seen Marie in just a bra, not to mention many tops that barely qualified as anything more than a bra, but the sheer size of her breasts relative to the rest of her figure had never been laid so bare as now, not to mention that they'd barely moved from their usual bra-clad position. Lisa thought a girl that size would need at least a little lift, even at Marie's age, but obviously not in this case. The combination of the stage lights and the contrast between her natural complexion and her face slightly darkened by make-up made her fair skin seem even paler than normal, almost completely white on her exposed body. The nipples themselves were small and neat, but they were completed with two large, pale pink areolas that blended into her breasts so perfectly that it wasn't quite possible to tell exactly where they ended. And because the stagehand had pulled so hard, Marie had been jerked forward slightly, causing the two glorious orbs to bounce just a little as they were exposed. Better still, the cords had ended up pulling the dress to just below Marie's knees exposing her red thong to the audience. Her ass, although more in portion with the rest of her body than her chest, was another piece of pure female perfection, with Marie possessing just a tiny amount of excess fat to make both her ass and hips that little bit rounder. Lisa hadn't ever wanted Marie's boobs, but she was genuinely envious of her backside.
Cool air from the backstage and dressing rooms wafted onto Marie's back and exposed rear causing her skin to goosebump whilst the warmth of the stage lights dominated the sensation on her chest and stomach. She looked down at her beautiful body, dominated by her ample chest, not fully comprehending that she'd just been forced to show it to so many people. She had no problem teasing boys with a bit of cleavage or flaunting her curves around other girls to make them jealous, but this far beyond what she was willing to show anyone. For a split second it seemed like it was happening to someone else and she was floating above them, until she felt her face burn with embarassment and her knees go weak as the realisation that she was nearly naked on a stage in front of hundreds of people struck. She screamed and covered her breasts with her arms, squishing them up into her body before turning and trying to run off stage. But the dress was still caught around her shins, tripping her up. She fell forward and ended up on stage with her round, mostly bare ass sticking up in the air before, mercifully, someone on the lighting crew had the awareness to kill the stage lights, shrouding her nudity in darkness. From the initial exposure to the lights being turned off had taken, at most, six seconds, but as with Lisa at the dress rehearsal, the time seemed to pass in slow motion for Marie. As James stuttered out the announcement for the interval over the PA (a scene early), Marie managed to kick the dress off her ankles, get to her feet and run off the stage in the dark, clad in only her thong and shoes. But her legs were like jelly and she stumbled after only a couple of strides, falling straight into Stephen who was in his position in the wings. She shrieked as she felt his hands against her bare skin, not knowing if it was attempt to grope or an involuntary reaction to protect himself, shoved him aside and continued for the dressing room, almost falling again a few strides later. Lisa stayed put in her position on the stage as several girls, as well as Betty, rushed after Marie into the dressing room. Her plan was to deny everything if asked. Hopefully it would look like a genuine case of the costume giving up.
Marie proved unconsolable and quickly put on her clothes as soon as she got to the dressing room, before running home in the dark, refusing to talk to anyone. After a 40 minute delay, and James phoning Marie's mother to confirm that she'd gotten home, they opted to continue the show with Alice as the lead. Marie didn't turn up for the remaining three nights of the show and Lisa was never confronted with anything more than a suspicious glance from James. Although no one ever talked about it in an 'official setting' there were whispers in the town about the incident and rumours that James had been cautioned by the police over the matter (although he denied them). But it all died down by the middle of January and Lisa was left to contemplate her mean streak on her own. No one in the audience had moved quickly enough to snap a photo, but image of the stuck-up, overendowed mini-supermodel being stripped almost nude in front of hundreds of people was burned onto Lisa's retina. After the initial adreanaline and nervous excitement at her success on the night, she ultimately ended up feeling neither joy or shame at what she'd done, almost as if it was a simple necessity to deal with her own stripping.
Curiously, Marie never even de-friended Lisa from Facebook, and in a few weeks she had seeminly got back to her usual self, as Lisa was once again getting familiar notifications that she was posting her usual vapid musings about which member of One Direction was hottest. She even tagged Lisa when commenting on a video James posted of a dance routine done by another musical group that he wanted to steal. Maybe she was truly dense enough to not realise it was a revenge attack?
As winter gave way to spring, Lisa started to wonder would Marie re-appear for the summer musical...