The Little Indian Girl - ( Ch.5 - 16/02/24)

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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The Little Indian Girl - ( Ch.5 - 16/02/24)

Post by SDS »

This story is a gender switched and plot edited version of Hooked6's story Cowboys and Indians. It is one of my favourite stories from many years ago. Originally created for a story contest but I never got it finished. These first two chapters are VERY close to the original and 99% of the credit is to Hooked6 :D. I did get prior permission too in case anyone wanted to know ;)


The plot does diverge significantly as the chapters go on with a very different ending.

I would link to the original work but I can't seem to find it now so if anyone has it let me know.
Chapter 1 - Pantsless Bet

Edith or Edie as she liked to be known, had been bored for most of the summer. Being an only child at the awkward age of fourteen, she had no other girls her own age to play with as her few friends that lived nearby were away for the holidays. The only other kids available to spend time with were her neighbors Marci and Patty, who were both only eleven years old.

Towards the end of that fateful summer, Edie's dad had to travel away on business for a week and the only way her mom could accompany him was if they found a suitable place for their daughter to stay while they were away. Despite their best efforts, none of Edie's relatives were able to accommodate her that particular week. All seemed lost until at the last moment, Ms. Herzog, Marci's mom, came to the rescue and offered her home.
Edie's parents were in such a hurry to leave that they didn't even pack Edie's belongings for her. Instead they just handed their daughter a spare key to the house, gave her the usual lecture on behaving herself and minding Ms. Herzog. They quickly hopped in the car and left for the airport leaving their daughter to make her own way down the little country road about a quarter mile to Marci's place. Not being one to plan ahead, Edie simply set out to join her friends forgetting to collect any additional clothes for the night or week ahead.

Edie didn't really mind that her playmates were much younger than she was. After all, they still liked playing outdoors and getting into mischief, things that Edie still enjoyed. Other girls Edie’s own age were too wrapped up in more mature activities, like boys and makeup that didn't seem to interest her. Yet Edie knew that she was changing, both physically and mentally and soon these days would be long behind her. Though she was small for her age, her womanly curves were starting to bud if not yet blossom. Pubic hair, however, the outward sign of becoming a woman, had yet to make its appearance something that worried young Edie as many of her classmates had already noticeable growths. She had managed to sneak a few peaks at them during school showers. Still, it WAS summer and a time to make the most of her unexpected sleepover week.

"About time you got here," said Marci.

"Yeah we've been waiting for you," echoed Patty.

"Sorry girls, my parents just left," explained Edie.

"Hey, where's your stuff? I thought you were staying the whole week?" asked Marci.

"I am," Edie said. "My mom gave me a key. I'll just get my stuff at the house when I need it."

Marci, Patty and Edie soon were playing their usual games of hide and seek, keep-away and jump-rope in the yard. After a while, all the girls ended up in Marci's room. As tomboys usually do when they are bored, the three began roughhousing around with the two smaller girls quickly ganging up on Edie. It wasn't long before Edie was pinned on the bed and her T-shirt pulled up. The younger girls seized upon the opportunity to look at the older girls' new crop style training bra, a garment they hadn’t been allowed to wear yet. It was white and clearly showed the outline of small but very perky tits. As they fought to keep Edie's shirt up her house key fell out of her jeans pocket in their scuffle.

"Lookie what I've got!" exclaimed Marci. "I've got Edie's house key!"

"Hey! Give that back!" shouted Edie. Marci and Patty began a new game of keep away tossing the key back and forth between them taunting Edie to try and catch it. Edie became more and more irritated at her inability to snatch the key back. Finally growing tired she stopped trying and said, "Come on guys, I need that key. I need to go back to my house and get some new clothes before it gets too dark out."

"Why should we give it back?" asked Patty. "Maybe we'll just drop it down the drain."

Edie was losing her patience but realized that the kids were just playing a game so she decided to give in and play along. "Ok, I'll trade you for it."
"What have you got to trade?" asked Patty. Reaching into her pants pockets Edie discovered she had nothing really to trade. "Well, I guess I don't really have ANYTHING to trade ON me right now. I'll give you something from my house when I go back."

"I know!" said Marci excitedly, "You could trade your pants for the key."

"You're crazy!" said Edie. "I'm not giving you my pants."

"What, are you CHICKEN?" teased Patty. "Are you afraid to show us your knickers? Are you ashamed or something?"

"I'm not CHICKEN!" protested Edie. The girls had used the universal C word, like many times before this would make any budding young person lose their reason and go along with something ridiculous.

"Then give us your pants," demanded Marci.

Edie realized that the only way she was going to stop this silly game was to give in. "OK, I'll prove I'm not a chicken," Edie said as she started unsnapping her jeans and pulling them off. "Here," she said as she tossed them across the room with a silly flourish. "Satisfied?" Despite her words a blush tinted her petite cheeks.

Marci quickly picked them off of the floor and joined her friend in staring at Edie both giggling at the older and now half naked girl. Edie suddenly felt very silly about standing only in her little white knickers as two of her younger friends stood there gawking. Her T-shirt was short and so didn't quite cover any of the exposed underwear. She didn't want the others to tease her anymore however so she tried to act brave and as though standing half-naked was a purely natural thing to do.

"Are you nervous?" asked Marci sarcastically.

"Doesn't bother me in the least," replied Edie.

"Come on, admit it, you're embarrassed to death, aren't you?" asked Patty.

"Not even a little bit," said Edie proudly. "I can stand here all night. I'm not embarrassed at all."

"OK, tough girl. Prove it," challenged Marci. "I'll bet you can't stay in your knickers for the rest of the night."

"Aww, she won't be able to do that, she's too big a wuss!" shouted Patty.

"I AM NOT!" yelled Edie. "You're on. I'll prove it to you silly little girls. You'll see."

"FINE!" snapped Marci as she carried off Edie's pants to hide them. "I'm positive you'll be asking for these back in a short while. You'll never do it."
Edie resolutely crossed her arms across her chest and stood her ground as Marci left the room leaving her alone with Patty. The two stood eyeing each other until Marci's mom shouted from downstairs, "You girls come on down now, dinner's ready."

Edie hadn't thought things through when she agreed to challenge her friends to a test of wills. She was mortified at the prospect of having to go downstairs and face Ms. Herzog. Her bare legs suddenly covered with goosebumps and a fresh flush feeling came over her face. She was about to concede her defeat when Marci came back into the room and teased her some more, "Ready to beg for your pants back already? I knew you couldn't go through with it."

Hearing Marci's tone from a younger girl hardened Edie's resolve. "Who said anything about giving in? Besides, if I get into trouble I'll take you down with me."

The two girls were giddy with excitement. They couldn't wait to see what happened next.

The three girls bounded down the stairs. Patty and Marci took their usual seats at the table along the wall of the dining room as Edie was forced to take a seat at the end of the table in clear view of the room. When Mrs. Herzog came in carrying a bowl of vegetables and she was surprised to see Edie sitting with her underwear on show. "Edie! Where are your clothes?"

Patty, not wanting to ruin the fun they had planned quickly spoke up. "They got ruined playing outside, too muddy to wear in the house. She doesn't have anything else here. Edie has a key to her house but it’s getting late so she’s going to go in the morning"

"I see," said Mrs. Herzog in a somewhat disbelieving tone. "And none of your clothes will fit her, is that it?"

"No mom. She's bigger than us. She doesn't mind though. She always sleeps in her underwear anyway at home. Isn't that right Edie?"

Edie looked at her playmates and saw the gleeful look in their eyes. "Yes ma'am. I don't mind." Mrs. Herzog was used to the shenanigans and pranks her daughter frequently pulled and decided just to let things be.

No sooner had she returned to the kitchen, the front door opened and in walked Marci's older sister, Karla. She was seventeen and in high school. Edie had forgotten about her too when she accepted the girls' challenge. Seeing Edie sitting in her white knickers brought a smile to her face and some good natured teasing. "Oh, I didn't know clothing was OPTIONAL for dinner, now," taunted Karla.

Edie's face flushed at her words and she tried not to look at her, preferring instead to keep her gaze fixed on the table. Karla actually went to Edie’s school but they were so far apart in age and maturity they didn’t see each other often. It seemed that Karla was actually unaware of the fact that Edie was even a teenager as she looked over her sisters and friends. Mrs. Herzog brought the remaining parts of the meal into the dining room and everyone sat down. Karla chose the chair next to Edie and Mrs. Herzog was seated at the opposite end of the table.

Edie sat in awkward silence only looking up occasionally. "So what's Edie doing here...and why is she eating in her knickers?" asked Karla with a smile. She looked right at Edie when she asked her question causing the half dressed girl to blush all the more.

Marci spoke up quickly, "She's staying the week with us while her parents are out of town. The silly girl fell in a mud hole and her jeans are filthy."
"Oh," replied Karla matter-of-factly. "I guess little kids get into all kinds of trouble, huh, mom?" the teenager teased. Her words really hit home with Edie as that's the one thing she didn't want people to think she was a little kid.

The rest of the dinner went as usual with nothing much mentioned about Edie's attire. As they were clearing the table Marci spoke up, "Hey sis, tomorrow we're going to play Cowboys and Indians. Edie is going to be one of the Indians. Could you do that make-up thing you do so that she looks like a real Indian?"

Karla let out a sigh as only a teenager could, she really didn't want to be bothered by the silly girls but knew she would only be pestered all night. "I guess so...but you had better be ready when I am. I am meeting some of my friends tomorrow and I am NOT going to be late."
"We'll be ready," Marci said plainly.

Edie wondered what that was all about but forgot about it as the three began watching TV in the front room. Edie felt very self-conscious sitting in her underwear and tried desperately to conceal the front of her knickers as she sat. The pair she was wearing where quite small for her so showed the outline of her sex somewhat depending on how she sat.

When Mrs. Herzog announced it was bedtime, Patty got up to head for home. "Don't forget to bring Julie tomorrow," Marci reminded her. "We'll need her to play the other Indian."

"Don't worry," replied Patty. "I've already asked her. I'll bring her along when I come back in the morning."

When Marci and Edie reached the bedroom they'd be sharing Marci said, "You did better than I thought you would."

"I told you I could do it. I wasn't the least bit embarrassed. Now give me my clothes." Edie replied.

"The night's not over yet," answered Marci. "I'll give you your clothes in the morning. Now let's get some rest. Tomorrow's going to be a long day."
PS. Let me know if I failed to change any names or misgendered anyone!
Last edited by SDS on Fri Feb 16, 2024 10:45 am, edited 10 times in total.
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Re: The Little Indian Girl - (Origonal story twisted from Hooked6)

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Chapter 2- Little Indian Attire

Upon awakening Edie was first to get to the bathroom and took a warm shower. Wrapping herself in a towel she headed back to Marci's room only to find it empty. Edie searched for her jeans but couldn't locate them or her Tshirt anywhere. Just then Marci burst into the room finding Edie still wrapped in only the towel. "Good. You've had your wash. Patty and Julie are coming right up."

Edie looked over at her friend to see that she was already dressed in a cowgirl outfit complete with a cowboy hat and a realistic-looking six- gun and holster. Edie felt a bit envious as she had never owned anything like that when she was younger. Her mum always bought her girly toys like dolls. Patty came into the room next wearing her cowboy outfit which was also pretty authentic-looking.

When ten year-old Julie entered the doorway, Edie's mouth fell open. Standing before her was a little girl wearing a brown fabric skirt that barely covered her knickers and a similar halter top that covered her no more than a bikini would. Both were held up by coloured string and decorated with patterns to look like Indian attire. Julie also wore a band around her head that contained a lone feather and wore a pair of sandals to complete the look.

"Gee, when you girls play Cowboys and Indians you go all out, don't you?" Edie commented. "Too bad I don't have..." Edie's words were cut short by Marci who interrupted her excitedly saying, "Oh, we have an outfit for you too!" Marci stretched out her hand towards Edie holding what looked to be an exact duplicate of Julie's costume.

"Oh no! I'm not wearing that!" Edie protested. Before anyone could say anything else, footsteps were heard bounding up the stairs and Karla yelled out, "Are you guys ready yet? I don't have all day, ya know." At that same instant Patty grabbed the towel Edie was wearing and gave it a quick tug, yanking it off the young teen leaving her stark naked! Edie screamed covering her privates as she was suddenly exposed to her younger friends. Laughter, giggles and madness erupted around the room as quickly Patty ran away ready to play keep away if necessary with the towel. Hearing Karla's footsteps growing closer and the realization that she was about to be seen naked by a seventeen year old girl from her school, Edie grabbed the skirt and top from Marci and hurriedly tried to put them on. Anything was better than to be caught naked by Marci's sister. If she wasn’t careful it would be all around school, everyone would know about her lack of curves and pubes. For the moment the adrenaline of fear kept away the humiliation of being naked in front of the younger girls. As Edie stepped into the outfit Marci came over to assist her in tying the sides of the top. No sooner had Edie gotten her small boobs concealed by the fabric strip, Karla walked into the room.

Seeing Marci and Edie struggling with the costume brought a smile to her face that made Edie blush a deep red. Karla stood there watching the two as they finished tying off the sides. Edie looked down after Marci finished and discovered to her horror that, since she was much bigger than the little girls that Marci usually played with, the skirt only came a mere 2 inches below her bottom, any real movement or bending down would reveal her lack of underwear.

"Very NICE!" Karla teased, obviously enjoying the view of an older girl embarrassed in such a skimpy outfit. "Let's get this over with. Who's first?" she asked.

"Start with Julie" Marci directed as she handed Edie her head band and feather. Karla proceeded to use her dark lipstick and draw war paint lines on Julie's face. Using a different color she made a few stripes on her arms and several lines on her belly. Julie just stood there. She was obviously used to this and liked being an Indian. When she was through, Julie looked very much like a miniature Indian brave. Karla then got a huge smile on her face as she turned toward Edie. I guess you're next, huh?" she asked playfully. She reached out and pulled Edie’s arms forcefully toward her causing the skirt to flip up briefly exposing her nudity. Edie was hoping that no one saw what had just happened. After all, the skirt only moved for an instant before returning to its proper place. The smile on Karla's face and the look in her eyes told a different story, however, and Edie resigned herself to the fact that she must have seen.

Karla grabbed Edie's cheek and carefully began applying the lipstick to her face. Her hand felt soft, it was an odd sensation for the young teen. Karla then began drawing jagged lines around each of Edie's bare arms that looked like large teeth on a saw blade, little triangles that encircled her arms completely. Marci's sister started drawing on her chest and belly, making Edie squirm as she touched near her budding breasts. “Stop wiggling, hold still” chastised Karla.

"I've got more room to draw on Edie than I did Julie," Karla remarked to her sister. "I need to get a bit creative since she's so much bigger in order for this to look right." Karla kept drawing and Edie's nerves continued to stir. By the time Karla finished with her chest and changed colors of lipstick, Edie's was a nervous wreck. Her cheeks flushed red as her small chest area was closely examined, without a bra and the tight nature of the top meant her size was fully exposed.

"Now for the belly," Karla said as she got down on her knees to keep from bending over. Edie held her skirt down the best she could, biting her lip nervously. "Looks as if you like playing an Indian, huh, Edie?" she said playfully as the other girls giggled at Edie’s discomfort. Karla drew a circle around Edie's belly button and made some Marks to each side. "There!" she announced "I think that does it. Looks pretty genuine to me," She remarked with pride. Karla looked Edie over, ostensibly inspecting her handiwork, but Edie was sure she wanted to prolong her embarrassment.
As Karla was leaving she turned back to the younger girl grinning. “Oh, I forgot to say, mum told me to bring some of my old underwear that we were keeping for Marci as hand-me-downs. We didn’t want you running around bare-bottomed all morning before you went home for your clothes.” She gestured to a small bag full of knickers making Edie blush all the more feeling a total fool.

"Well, my job is done. My friends will be here shortly to pick me up. You LITTLE girls have fun," she said as she left the room. The fact that she emphasized the word "little" wasn't lost on poor Edie and only added to her growing shame.

Edie quickly grabbed a pair of pastel yellow knickers, they were plain and childishly cut but it was better than being bottomless under the tiny skirt in public. Before she could pull them on however the cowgirls had a laugh at her expense flipping the skirt and giggling that they had seen her naked. “Get off!” spat a very annoyed Edie pushing Marci backwards onto her bed as the younger girls laughed and stating chanting “We saw you naked … we saw you naaaked…we saw your little boobies… we saw you bare bumie … we saw you titties!”

Once poor Edie, still blushing, had finally got as dressed as she was going to get, she followed the younger girls down the stairs. "I've got some bow and arrow sets for you to use. It's in the garage," Marci told Edie as they went along earlier teasing seemingly forgotten.

When they reached the kitchen Marci's mom looked up and her mouth fell open a little at the sight of the girls. "My, don't you all look like genuine Cowboys and Indians!" Edie couldn't help noticing that Marci's mom kept her eyes fixed on her the longest. There was an awkward silence and then she spoke again. "Edie, are you sure you want to play along with them?" The tone in her voice was ominous at best, as if she had some misgivings about the whole affair. It was as if she knew something that she didn't know, but perhaps should know. She wasn't at all sure what she was driving at. Edie figured it was the skimpy costume that made her uneasy.

"Uh, I guess so," Edie answered cautiously.

"It's just that the girls can get a bit wild at times. As you probably can tell they take this pretty seriously. Have you ever played Cowboys and Indians with them before?" She asked.

Marci quickly interjected, "SURE! she's played with us many times, haven't you Edie?"

Not wanting to prolong her embarrassment of standing in front of Mrs. Herzog or show her friend that she would be staying with up as a liar, Edie quickly answered, "Yeah, I played before. It's fun...I guess." Edie hadn't really ever played this game with them before but didn't want to upset her friends either.

"Well, I guess you're not too old to be running around like that. If you've played before and are OK with it, it's fine with me. Have fun," she said as she went back to washing dishes.

"BYE MOM!" Marci yelled as the four of them went off into the garage.

Marci handed Edie and Julie a bow and arrow set. The arrows had rubber disc-like tips. There were four of them. As she took them from her friend, Marci explained the rules. "We're going out back into the woods to play. If you manage to hit each of us cowgirls with an arrow, we are dead and you win. If you shoot an arrow and miss you can't pick it up and use it again. If you still haven't hit us after your arrows are gone and we surround you and point our guns at you point blank, you are our prisoner and we win. Got it?"

"Yeah, I got it. Do we have to play out in the woods? Can't we just play in your backyard? Someone might see me in this ‘get up’," Edie asked.
"Aww that's no fun. The back yard is too small. The boundaries are your house way over to the left and Patty's house way over to the right and the next street over way out back. If you go farther than those boundaries, you lose. Now you and Julie go hide and we'll try and find your camp, Julie can explain all that. We'll give you the count of 200 before we look for you. One...two...three...," Marci said as she started counting.
Little Julie, obviously having played the game before, was in a hurry to get on with hiding. She grabbed Edie's hand and said, "Come on, we have to hide!" They both started running. Edie soon realized that her ‘skirt’ exposed her knickers with every step she took. Still, a game was a game and it beat sitting around the house all day. In fact secretly she thought it added to the excitement as she ran freely through the woods, her short skirt flipping with every step.

They came upon a clump of large trees and Edie said, "Let's climb these trees and hide here."

"No, that's no good. They find me here all the time. Let's find someplace else," Julie said excitedly. Off they went again.

"How about these bushes?" Edie asked hopefully.

"Naw, that's the second place they will look," Julie stated.

"Where then? Where's a good place?" Edie asked, hoping to get on with it.

"I dunno. They always find me." Julie answered. Edie noticed that Julie's face seemed flushed when she answered as if she knew something Edie didn't know.

"Come on then. Let's make them at least work for it," Edie said as they took off toward the street that was the back boundary. After running a good way, they saw the street. "Let's hide in these bushes here. You get on one side and I'll get on the other. When they come you shoot your arrows and I'll shoot mine. Maybe we can surprise them."

"Aw, I can't ever seem to hit anything when I shoot," little Julie said. Obviously those two cheated a bit when playing with Julie alone. She wondered how they would do when faced with two Indians now firing arrows from both sides.

Not long after they heard the rustling of leaves in the distance. "SHHHHH!" Edie whispered to her partner. "Here they come. Hide real good, now, OK?"
"OK!" Julie whispered back.

In the woods it was hard to tell exactly from which direction the girls would be coming from. Edie listened carefully all the while trying to remain hidden behind the bushes.

Just then she was startled by two male voices coming from behind them, "JUST WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING OUT HERE?" one of them asked authoritatively as the other boy was giggling. Edie immediately stood up and turned around to see two boys, one near her age and the other about Marci's age. She didn't recognize them but they must have seen the girls hiding as they walked along the street and wondered what was up.
Before Edie could respond she noticed both boys looking her up and down and smiling. She immediately became aware of her state of dress or rather undress and got flushed all over. It was bad enough Marci’s mum and sister seeing her in the skimpy outfit but now some random boys had seen her too!

"I know what they are doing!" the little one said. "They must be playing Cowboys and Indians with Marci!" There was excitement in the little boy's voice and the older boy laughed out loud as he obviously realized that his brother was correct.

"Yes we are playing Cowboys and Indians and if you don't mind..."

Edie's words were interrupted by the older boy, "Aren't you a bit old to be playing that game?" There was something about that smile on his face that told Edie that there must be something more to his question than it seemed on face value.

Stupidly Edie defended herself saying, "No I'm not! Now if you don't mind..."

Her words were again interrupted by the sound of two cap guns firing a short distance behind them.

Edie picked up her bow and shouted to her partner, "Start firing, THERE THEY ARE!" Edie put the first arrow inside the bow string, pulled back and nervously aimed at Marci. Her shot missed. She fumbled with the second arrow and pulled back and shot at Patty. This also missed by a pretty good margin. She blamed her poor marksmanship on her new male audience who stood in the background laughing at her and cheered as she missed. It was quite distracting. As the two Cowgirls came ever closer, Edie fired both of her last arrows each missing their mark. In no time at all Marci and Patty stood in front of the two Indians, pistols drawn and ominously aimed at each of them.

"You're surrounded," Marci exclaimed confidently.

"OK, you win this one," Edie said, expecting to play another round.

"Oh no, the game is not over yet," Patty said with a smile on her face. "You two are our prisoners."

"See," Julie said disappointedly, "they always catch me!"

"That's OK," Edie said to Julie reassuringly. "We'll win next time. Let's play along and finish this up so we can play again."

"Now what?" Edie asked the two Cowgirls.

"Put your hands behind your backs." Both Julie and Edie did as instructed. Although Julie didn't seem fazed by what happened next, Edie was surprised to see Marci produce several long pieces of rope. Soon both of them were tied up with their hands behind their backs as the boys looked on giggling. Patty tied a longer piece around Julie's neck and Marci did the same to Edie much to her shock. The victors pulled their captives along by these ropes as if they were two dogs on a leash.

Edie felt humiliated by the treatment. "Hey!" Why are those boys coming too? It was because of them that I was distracted. Tell them to leave! They're not part of our game!!"

"Oh, they don’t play with us, but they do sometimes watch" Julie said matter-of-factly. "That's why I hate to lose!" Edie got a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach when she heard Julie's remarks and saw the blush on the young girl's cheeks.
Last edited by SDS on Tue Jul 26, 2022 10:43 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Little Indian Girl - (Gender twisted story originally from Hooked6)

Post by Executionus »

Fun idea swapping this story, since it's a classic.

By the way, with down, all of it's content up to a certain date can be accessed via the backup mirror. So Hooked6's library is at
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Re: The Little Indian Girl - (Origonal story twisted from Hooked6)

Post by salen »

Excited to see where you take this, like getting a story from 2 of my favorite authors.

Instances of misgendering pronouns:
SDS wrote: Mon Jul 25, 2022 2:28 pm Just then he was startled by two male voices coming from behind them
There was something about that smile on his face that told Edie that there must be something more to her question than it seemed on face value.
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Re: The Little Indian Girl - (Gender twisted story originally from Hooked6)

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Thanks! Fixed the this now! So tricky when proof reading these haha!
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CHAPTER 3 - Tie Up Games

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CHAPTER 3 - Tie Up Games

Marci and Patty pulled their two captives along, occasionally yanking a bit too hard causing Edie or Julie to stumble through the thick overgrowth. It was surprisingly hard to walk through the woods with your hands tied behind your back. Edie ended up tripping with a distressed cry landing on her front causing her skirt to ride up at the bac exposing her knickers briefly to the boys. How EMBARRASSING she thought as she quickly tried to right herself, which was difficult with her hands bound behind her! The boys just laughed loving the brief flash of yellow cotton teasing her “Nice yellow panties” said the older one, casually maneuvering to try and get a better look . Edie quickly tried to get up onto her knees so as to avoid further exposure but needed Marci to help her back to her feet. Everyone was giggling apart from the red faced Indians at this treatment.

"Where are we going?" Edie asked nervously after a short walk. She really wanted to tell the girls the game had gone too far at this point. Edie however was suddenly worried about her predicament, tied up and at the younger girl's mercy. There was little she could do to stop them now and trying to resist could end up very embarrassing for her.

"You'll see," was all that Marci answered much to the older girl's annoyance as the younger girl spoke in a sickly sweet voice.

Shortly they came to a tree in Marci's back yard near the separate carport that had a long, low lying horizontal branch. Any relief about being somewhere familiar was quickly lost on the older gir as they were mangled towards the tree. They first untied Julie's hands and without saying a word to her, Julie stretched her arms over the branch above. The cowgirls then retied her hands together and then removed the rope from around her neck and used it to secure her bound hands to the branch above.

"Your turn," Marci said to Edie. Marci began untying Edie's hands and then, once free, told her to imitate Julie, which after a sigh, she reluctantly did. She was very nervous about being tied up in such a skimpy outfit, especially now the boys had taken up a position nearby to watch. She also knew how much the younger girls liked roughhousing and figured if she didn't go along with their game she would be in trouble. Besides it was actually quite a thrill, being tied up might actually be a fun part of the game she thought foolishly. Now both Indians were standing with their hands tied above their heads unable to move. Edie actually tried to test the strength of her bindings and found that they were indeed very tight. She looked over at the boys who both had big excited girns on their stupid faces.

"OK, now what?" Edie asked, hoping to get this game over with.

"We interrogate you," Patty said excitedly, practically bouncing with anticipation.

Marci walked around Julie and smugly asked her. "OK little brave, where is your camp and where is your chief?"

So THAT was what came next. Edie felt relieved. They would play along and then after a few minutes of gloating by their captors rubbing in their victory, Edie and Julie would make up something about the location of the fake Indian camp and the game would be over. That wasn't so bad. She thought.

What she didn’t know however, was that Julie, her fellow little Indian, had withheld some key information from her in the hopes of winning the game that she always lost alone. In the woods next to an overturned tree by the lake was a feather decorated walking stick with the words ‘Chief’ painted down the wood. This was the prize that the cowgirls were trying to find the location of. If they did, the Indians would lose again and would have to be Indians for the next game afterwards. The older girls had told Julie if she ever managed to keep the location a secret from them they would swap roles for the next game. Thus letting her have a higher chance of winning and letting her tie up and torture them instead. In reality it was just a great way of inflicting more and more embarrassing punishments on the younger girl, increasing their fun of making her talk as she tried her best to reist.

Julie just stood there looking at the ground and saying nothing, she was determined today to keep the chief’s location a secret and hoped they would pick on their new playmate instead, who didn’t actually know where the chief was!

Marci then turned her attention toward Edie. "Where is your chief?"

"I'm the Chief!" Edie answered, "and she's my brave!" smiling as she indicated little Julie tied up next to her. She was actually enjoying getting into the silly role even if it was in front of two grinning boys, one her own age.

"NONSENSE!" shouted Marci. "You have only ONE feather. A great chief has many, many feathers. You lie!" Marci said convincingly in character.

Marci then went back to Julie and bending down looked her straight in the eye. "Where is your camp? You had better tell us. You know we have ways of making you talk don't you?"

Julie just nodded her head without saying anything out loud.

"TALK!" Patty shouted behind the younger girl making her jump. "It's your last chance!"

Edie looked over at Julie as she just stood there in defiant silence. Edie thought she sensed Julie shaking but dismissed it as just her imagination.

"OK we warned you." Patty continued and produced a ping pong paddle. Before Edie could take it all in, Marci yanked Julie’s little skirt to the ground and tossed it over by the youngest boy. Edie let out an audible gasp! Julie finally looked up at the two boys standing in front of her. They watched her closely with her little knickers now on show causing the two boys to laugh out loud at her embarrassment. It wasn't long before little Julie was blushing a bright red. Her little white knickers were covered in cute pink bunnies. It was then that Edie heard a loud "WHAP!"

Patty had apparently smacked Julie's butt with the paddle. "Talk!" Marci demanded. Julie still said nothing, biting her lip to not yelp out. "WHAP!" Another blow was delivered to her little behind. Still Julie said nothing. "WHAP! A third blow was delivered. Edie was so shocked at the sight before her she wasn't thinking clearly and watched in silence. A Fourth "WHAP!" was delivered and still Julie was quiet. Edie deduced that the blows weren't really as hard as they sounded because Julie wasn't crying and didn't even yelp when the paddle struck its target. Her face was awfully red though from the public embarrassment.

Then Marci did something that even Edie wasn't expecting. She stood off to Julie's right side and called Edie's name. "Edie?" she asked playfully to get the older Indian's full attention. Marci then took her right hand and gently put it above Julie ' makeshift chest covering, she gestured as if she was some game show lady calling attention to some prize a contestant might win. "How long are you going to let your fellow brave stand here humiliating herself like this..." Marci paused for emphasis then slowly pulled the top down over the girl's flat chest drawing everyone's attention to her nudity once more. She didn't have anything to show, still a child, but it was still very embarrassing for the poor helpless girl. "How long are you going to let her embarrass herself in front of these boys? What kind of friend are you?" Marci continued putting pressure on before Edie could think of anything suitable to say. "Maybe you don't understand how horrible this is for little Julie here."

"I understand," Edie replied nervously, suddenly having an idea where this was going.

Still standing by Julie 's side Marci remarked, "I don't think you do!" Just then, Patty suddenly came up behind Edie while she was distracted and yanked the ties of her skirt, letting it fall quickly to the ground. Edie let out a loud shriek as her own childish knickers were exposed. Patty then tossed the skirt to the older boy who was now standing directly in front of Edie ready to see the older of the girl undressed! Usually he didn't hang around for the younger girls games but today he was happy to make an exception. Everyone got quiet as Edie's embarrassing yellow knickers came into sight. Edie blushed, heart racing in shame and disbelief.

The younger boy nudged his brother's arm and said, "Look Kenny, that big girl got knickers like our little sister!"

His remark totally humiliated Edie but not as much as the older boy's reply. "Now we can see her upclose, she isn't very big upstairs either. Our twelve year old cousin has bigger tits" The others all just laughed at the boys scaving remarks! “Maybe she’s just tall for her age”

Edie couldn't help catching the older boy’s eyes then. They were sparkling in excited amusement, he was loving every moment of her predicament.

Kenny walked up to Edie and took a long close look at her knickers. The pair were already a bit small for the teen and although conservative in cut, clung to the girl’s womanly secrets, damp from the exercise of the morning. The yellow fabric practically glowed in the sun attracting every eye. He then looked back up into her eyes grinning at the fear and embarrassment flushing her cheeks. "How old are you anyway? I first thought you were maybe a teenager with your height but after seeing these," he said chuckling, "I'm guessing you are only eleven or twelve at most. Am I right?" Now it was Edie's turn to be silent.

"I must be right," he said looking at Marci. "I was wondering why a teenager would play this game with you girls, but I can understand now that another little girl might join in. How old is she anyway?"

Marci laughed out loud jumping up and down excitedly! "She's FOURTEEN! REALLY, she IS fourteen!"

“Really? No way, she doesn't even have tits” Kenny continued faking disbelief.

“She really is! We saw naked and her boobies were small but pointy and she had pink nip..”

“Marci!” Cried Edie in mortification, cutting off the younger girl.

At that everyone laughed heartily, except Edie who sunk to a whole new level of shame.

"Are you really fourteen?" Kenny asked Edie up close now still staring at her little childish knickers.

Edie was stuck between wanting to prove she wasn’t a little kit and hiding her shame as a stripped teenager! She wanted to strangle the younger girl but was currently not in a position to jump her. To Edie’s shock, he reached over and pinched the string ties of her chest covering. He pulled them slowly away lightly inch by inch, dangerously close to pulling the loose knotts free he waited for an answer from the mortified teen. Just before Kenny reached the pressure point of unfastening the ties Edie blurted out, "YES! I'm fourteen." The tension broke and again there was laughter all around at this shameful admission.

Kenny withdrew as Marci approached Edie pushing the boy away from her captive. "So where is your Chief?" Marci asked again, slipping back into the role of the cowgirl game.

"He's ah...he's down by the clump of oak trees!" Edie said nervously hoping to put an end to all this.

"LIAR!" Marci yelled as Patty planted a loud "WHAP!" on Edie's butt.The pandeling stung but it was the embarrassment that was worse as the boys laughed at the sound of the impact and her little yelp of shock. Her half attempt to hide her knickers was thwarted as she thrust forward with her crotch towards the boys as her bottom was assailed.

“Stop that!” Edie cried looking behind her as Patty prepared again for another wack.

Where is your Chief?" Marci asked again.

"OK, He's...ah...he's down by the bushes near Patty's house," Edie replied hopefully. WHAP! The paddle once again landed on Edie's butt, this time however Marci also tugged up on Edie’s knickers causing them to wedge up her bottom exposing her pale cheeks for the impact. Now with her bottom exposed you could clearly see the red mark from the paddle on her otherwise pale skin.The boys all laughed harder at this stepping around for a better look at the teens exposed bottom.

“Girls please! Not like this!” Edie begged trying to turn away from the boys.

Marci took the paddle from Patty and placed it in front of Edie's chest "Maybe we should slap the hell out of her little tits. That ought to get her talking, eh boys?" Marci asked.

"NO!" Edie yelled, not sure if they were serious or not.

"Naw, I can't do that," Marci said after a few seconds of fake deliberation and turned away from her captive.

"I CAN!" the younger boy said enthusiastically. "I can do it! Oh, let me, PLEASE!" he begged jumping up and down. Edie's heart raced faster and sweat began appearing on her forehead. It was embarrassing enough being in her knickers but more paddling would be unbearable, especially on her small sensitive tits. She didn't trust her skimpy top to stay on as well if the group started wacking near it.

Marci once again turned away from her captive and announced. "No, that won't make this brave talk. Maybe the old ‘Tug of War’ trick will work though."

Edie didn't have time to try and figure out what Marci meant. She felt Patty reach into her knickers. For a moment she feared with an icy dread she would be stripped bottomless, a fate she hadn’t thought about until that very moment. Instead a piece of thin washing cord was looped through both leg holes. “What are you doing!” cried Edie at the unwanted intrusion into her private garments, although public garments might be a more accurate current description.

This cord was quickly tied off at the back of her knickers and then thrown up and over the branch above her. Any misgivings were quickly washed away as a quick tug down on the rope gave her a sudden stronger wedgie as the fabric tugged up further at the back into her exposed bottom.
A sudden dread washed over the poor half naked teen as she knew what was about to happen. She saw the cowgirl tormentor go up to the older boy and lead him towards the new rope'. "Grab it tight!" she instructed him. Edie let out a last begging cry as Marci shouted. "NOW PULL AS HARD AS YOU CAN!"

He didn't waste a minute. Using all his might he tugged on the rope letting the knickers ride indecently up Edie's bottom and even dig into the front of her kitty! She let out another shill scream. She felt herself lift off her feet for a moment as all her weight was distributed to her underwear. The exposure was unbearable as the fabric stretched revealing her pale cheeks in the back and the outline of her sex in the front to the surrounding tomentors.

"YEEEEEEAAAAAAHH! Edie yelled. "I"LL TALK! MAKE HIM STOP!!!!" she screamed. The boy loosened his grip but not before tugging a few more times in quick succession, making her yelp out as he toyed with her! Mixed in with the burning shame was a new strange tingling feeling of excitement as the soft fabric of her knickers rubbed her most sensitive areas.

She was breathing hard and trying not to cry in front of the boys. The combination of shame, pleasure and pain was so intense she had never experienced anything like that before. Her knickers were sodden now from a mix of sweat and excitement. "See, I've still got it!" he laughed flexing his muscles that he had just used to expose and excite Edie in equal measure.

At that point Edie didn't know if she wanted the game to continue or not. She didn't know why exactly but now he was getting weird thoughts like maybe this game could go on forever! She just hoped she wouldn't be stripped further like the other little Indian brave. At least for a ten year old it didn't really matter about being topless as she had nothing to hide. Julie probably still ran around in her underwear at the lake in no more clothes than she was currently wearing.

"Let's go check on those bushes Edie told us about next to Pat's house. We can get something to drink while we are over there." Marci said to the group. They all agreed walking off leaving little Julie and Edie still tied half naked to the tree limb.

“Come back! You can’t leave us like this” Edie cried suddenly, very aware of her public exposure.

"Do they always play like this?" Edie asked Julie when the gang was out of earshot.

"No it’s usually worse, I’m usually naked." The younger girl let out a relieved sigh. “It's kind of bad but kind of fun, you know?" Julie said which about summed up Edie's take on the whole thing. Although surely they wouldn’t even think about stripping her naked, she was clearly too old for that especially in front of boys.
Last edited by SDS on Tue Nov 21, 2023 7:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Little Indian Girl - Adapted by SDS, origional work Hooked6. ( Ch.3 - 4th Aug)

Post by Hooked6 »

Glad to see you are continuing your diligent work on this gender swap story of mine. It is a fun read and I am enjoying what you are doing with the plot. It is no small task to take another's story and keeping all the pronouns (gosh, I hate that silly over-used word), characters and their personalities as well as maintaining an enjoyable plot. You are doing a commendable job.

Looking forward to the next chapters.

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Re: The Little Indian Girl - Adapted by SDS, origional work Hooked6. ( Ch.3 - 4th Aug)

Post by SDS »

Thanks! Glad you are enjoying it! Nearly done up to the bit where our stories totally diverge.
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Re: The Little Indian Girl - Adapted by SDS, origional work Hooked6. ( Ch.3 - 4th Aug)

Post by SDS »

Chapter 4 - Unwanted attension

"Now what?" Edie asked.

"Oh they'll come back maybe in a little while, maybe after a long while. You never know. They might play some more or maybe they'll turn us loose. We just have to wait and see," Julie explained. Edie looked down and was embarrassed by her still exposed knickers pulled up exposing her bottom.

A half an hour passed and Edie was getting bored. She hoped they would come back soon and end this game. Then she heard the sound of a door shutting and to her horror Marci's mother came around the corner carrying a laundry basket. How in the world was she going to explain this, she wondered? She would surely get into all sorts of trouble, both with her as well as her own parents when they returned from their trip.

Edie pulled with all her might at her bindings again, hoping she could break free and run away before Marci’s mother saw her standing there nearly naked and tied up.

"Hello, girls," she said casually as if it was normal to see two almost naked girls hanging from a tree in her backyard. "Lost again I see," she said to Julie .

Julie nodded her head. "They're good at finding Indians," she said innocently.

She put the basket of clothes down and began untying the little girl's hands. "Julie , Your mom called and she wants you to come home right now. She has to go out."

When Julie 's hands were free Mrs. Herzog told her that her costume was in the house on the dining room table. Julie thanked her and ran toward the house, turning momentarily to Edie to say goodbye flashing her a warm smile.

"So Edie," Mrs. Herzog said as she picked up her basket again, "Are you having fun?" Edie couldn't help noticing that her eyes were slowly drifting down toward her exposed childish knickers, an amused smile failing to stay hidden from her lips. When Edie knew she was definitely looking at her underwear she got all embarrassed all over again and her face grew hot. What was her friend's mum thinking as she looked at her, she wondered?

She didn't have to wait long to get an answer as the middle lagged woman looked up and smiled a gentle smile and said cheerfully, "I guess you aren't too old to play this game after all. For some reason I thought you were a lot older than the other girls. Oh well, never mind. Do you want to be released now or are you going to play some more?" she asked Edie plainly.

"I uh...maybe I had better wait until the girls get back," Edie said, worried how the girls would react to an escape and deep inside she wasn't sure WHAT she really wanted right then. She had experienced all sorts of new feelings thus far that morning.

"I understand." Mrs. Herzog said. "A lot of the kids seem to like this game for some reason. You know I'm glad you don't think you're too old or too good for my daughter and that you like to play her silly games. She needs someone different to play with, you know. She has so much energy, that one. There is never a dull moment around here I can tell you. As long as you are having fun, it's OK with me." She then winked at her and turned to go into the house.

Edie couldn't quite understand what had just happened. She was sure that Mrs. Herzog thought she was much younger than she actually was, a fact that if true was really humiliating. Maybe it was OK with her for young kids to be seen half naked but not older ones. Maybe she was just being polite and didn't want to cause a scene. What would happen if the woman EVER told her parents about the Cowboys and Indians game.

More time passed as Edie pondered all these things in his mind. Where were Marci and Patty? Maybe it hadn't been as long as she had thought. After all, she didn't have a watch to really know the time. She then heard the sound of the back door closing around the corner. She thought it must be Mrs. Herzog checking on her laundry.

Instead it was Karla, Marci's sister carrying the laundry basket and she was being followed by two more friends of her age. Please don't let them see me, Edie thought! She could hear them talking about music and their favorite songs when one of the girls squealed, "What the...!"

Karla looked up and laughed upon seeing Edie tied to the tree limb. She changed course leading the girls toward Edie as she explained. "That's Edie, a kid friend of my sister. They must be playing Cowboys and Indians again." The girls all laughed and another finally said, "Why is she tied up in her panties like that?"

Karla laughed and responded, "cause she's an Indian, silly. Haven't you ever heard of a naked savage before?" They all laughed as they now stood directly in front of Edie.

Edie just looked at the ground and prayed that none of them would recognize her from school

"Hi, I'm Nikki and this is Susie. Having fun little girl?"

Edie looked up to see three smiling faces but they weren't looking at her face, they were all looking down at her exposed yellow panties. The childish style of them definitely helped her hide her identity. This made it even harder for Edie to maintain control and put on a brave face, tears once again threatened to explode from the teen. The last thing she wanted to do was look like an even younger girl in front of the older girls.

"Aw, look she's embarrassed. See how red her face is?" Said the girl called Nikki. "I'm sorry. We don't mean to embarrass you. We've all seen little girls in their knickers before. It's no big deal."

Susie piped up and added, "Yeah I have an 8 year old sister who looks just like you. You don't need to be shy she loves running around in her underwear too"

The more the girls tried to console her the worse they made it for Edie. She was sure they meant well but their comments about their little sisters mortified her. She wanted to shout out that she was fourteen! But she knew that would only make things worse and let them know they were in the same school as her. She decided just to keep quiet and let them think what they wanted, hopefully they wouldn't recognise her once the summer was over and classes resumed.

Nikki turned to Karla and asked, "So why is she tied up really?"

"They were playing Cowboys and Indians. She must have lost and been captured. My little sister 'tortures' her captives to make them talk."

Nikki was shocked, "tortures?!"

"Yeah, you know, strips them, tickles them, paddles their butts and stuff to find out where the rest of them are hiding. That's probably where they are now, looking for the others."

Edie was embarrassed at having to hang in front of these girls while they talked about her. She tried not to think about her exposed body as they stood there gabbing like she wasn't there.

Karla finally turned toward the laundry room and said, "Let's get this laundry inside and put away before mom comes back."

Nikki said, "I sure would like to see that game played sometime. Sounds like fun!" She said chuckling. Her comment brought Edie blushing again in an embarrassed flushed state. The last thing she wanted was the older girl staying around to watch this humiliating game if it resumed.

Just then Marci came back alone.

"Where are the others" Edie asked, relieved but also curious to what had happened.

"Oh, they'll be around later. They had something to do for me." Marci answered. "Let's get you down from here and go inside to get you something to drink. I'm sure your arms must be tired." Marci began to untie her friend. Once she was free Edie realized that her friend was right, her arms were a bit sore. She quickly pulled her indecent knickers out of her crotch and bum.

"Where's my skirt?" Edie asked.

"I don't know. Patty gave it to that older boy. I have no idea what he did with it. Don't worry about it. Let's get something to drink." She headed off toward the house and Edie followed along, not really sure what choice she had. She knew the girls would probably be inside and she wasn't sure what would happen when they saw her again. Marci opened the door and marched right in like the Cowgirl she was. She smiled big when she saw her sister and her company.

"Well, There's the Cowgirl now," Nikki pointed out and the others who were sitting at the table all turned around. "She's a little cutie isn't she?"

"You wouldn't think she was so cute if you had to LIVE with her," Karla added sarcastically.

"Look! She's got her little naked savage with her too" Nikki said her voice raising with amused delight.

"I see you've met my friend, Edie," Marci said politely. "I'M the COWGIRL and SHE'S the Indian. We're taking a break. Can we have a Coke, sis?" she asked nicely.

"I guess so. Just don't hang around and bother us right now. We're busy, OK?" Karla added emphatically.

Susie got up from the table and said, "Here, I'll pour you both a glass so you don't make a mess," and went around the corner into the kitchen. The younger two girls followed her.

She gave Marci her glass and as she was pouring Edie's she asked, "So Marci you like to play Cowboys and Indians?"

"Sure I play all sorts of games." She replied enthusiastically.

"What's your favorite part of that game?" Susie asked with a bit of enthusiasm.

"I like to STRIP the Indians!" Marci said, "And make them talk!"

"Oh...I see," Susie said with interest. "So you do this in front of other kids or do just the two of you play alone?

"In front of a bunch of people sometimes," she answered "Why just today there were four of us girls and two boys too!" Marci continued proudly.

"You STRIPPED Edie here in front of all of THEM?" she asked, her voice hardly hiding the fact she was so amused.

"Oh no. We stripped Julie too!" she explained.

"Who's Julie ?" Susie asked.

"She's another Indian that played with us today. They both lost. I guess she had to go home before you got here."

"Do the Cowboys ever lose? Have YOU ever been stripped?" Susie asked.

"HECK NO! The COWBOYS ALWAYS win. It's the law of the West, ma'am." Marci said in her best Western accent bringing an amused chuckle from the older girl.

Edie was beginning to blush again by all this talk about what she had been through that morning and once again found herself trying desperately to conceal her exposed knickers from the older girl. Marci finished her Coke and Edie still hadn't been given hers. Susie was still holding Edie’s glass in her hand as she was talking to her prolonging her discomfort.

"Drink up and we'll go watch some TV. I'll find something good for us to watch for a while then we'll continue our game!" Marci said as she left the room.

Susie smiled as she finally handed Edie her glass. "You must like playing this game to let them do that to you. I saw you out there. Tell the truth, you like being stripped don't you?"

Her words made Edie's freeze in terror, what it if got around school she was some kind of streaking weirdo. Susie smiled and immediately said, "Never mind, I've got my answer." Edie's face grew red again and Susie felt a bit bad for her so she changed the subject. "You make a cute little little Indian girl. Maybe you could come over and play with my little brother sometime. He doesn't have anyone to play with much of the time. Most of our neighbors are all teenagers."

Edie braved crossing the kitchen to join Marci in the other room just as Nikki remarked. "That's pretty nice war paint you've got there and I love the feather. Who helped make you up?"

"She did," Edie said pointing at Karla. Karla went on to explain that she does that to a lot of the friends her sister plays with. She explained that she had lots of makeup ideas for the many games her sister invented.

Edie joined Marci in the living room and watched TV a Western of course, while Karla and her friends visited. The feeling of the soft carpet on her bare legs felt very unreal for the poor teenager as she covered up her exposed yellow knickers the best she could.
Last edited by SDS on Wed Mar 01, 2023 12:17 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The Little Indian Girl - ( Ch.4 - 12th Oct)

Post by reader0085 »

Can't wait for more chapters
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