The Cup of Tea Daughters by SwimKid

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The Cup of Tea Daughters by SwimKid

Post by PhilMarlowe »

SwimKid wrote: The Cup of Tea Daughters by SwimKid

My Mom had her friends over for a cup of tea. I knew what that meant, all of their daughters would be here. It was made a tradition for them to humilliate me as I was the only boy there. I knew nothing good would happen if I didnt do something. I thought I'd been so smart this time... Turns out I wasnt...
I was playing some videogames when I heard the girls talk about "A Plan" of what they'd do to me. They were mumbling a lot, but I heard "Go into his room" and "Pin him into the ground". I had an Idea! I'd hide from then when they got into my room, and when they got out I'd play again.
When I heard footsteps leading to my room I quickly threw my headset and ran to the closet, where I hid. I heard the girls get in look for me and not find me. After that I heard the door close after them I opened the door of the closet and started to go back to my PC.
I was so happy I'd tricked them I didnt even notice when I was thrown to the ground and my arms were grabbed by one of the girls.
Turns out they'd only made the "door closing" noise to see if I was hiding. And it worked. I looked up to see Vero who is 12, Caroline who is my same age at the age of 14 and Dawn who is 15. Dawn was holding me down in the floor and the other two girls are just smiling at me. Im scared of what they'd do to me this time...
-You thoght you could hide from us, didnt you? -Said Caroline taunting me.
-Maybe we should punish him even more for not making this easy...
-No! Let me go! -I said.
-Well, you arent in a position to ask anything, are you? -Said Dawn
-Please just let me go -I begged.
-No! We must complete the tradition. Plus this time we have Vero with us!
There was no getting out of this one. They were going to embarrass me as always. I just gave up and decided to let things happen.
-Okay, so if you dont want us showing everyone embarrassing pictures of you, you are going to do what we say, okay? -Said Caroline
-Okay -I replied.
She smiled. She knew I was at her mercy. Vero got up and locked the door so they wouldnt get interrupted while humilliating me. After doing so, the two girls that werent holding me started undoing my belt and slowly started to pull off my jean.I started to struggle and tried to cross my legs so they couldnt pull it out completly.
-Dont struggle -Vero said- Or we post the pictures!
I stopped pressuring the legs together. Caroline took my Jean off and the three girls laughed at the sight of a boy only wearing a shirt and a pair of briefs. I was bright red. They usually just embarrass me a little and mess with me. This was the first time they'd stripped me. And they seemed to be enjoying it a lot.
Caroline took pictures to blackmail me next time we'd met and the Vero said:
-Weren't we going to punish him for not making this easy?
-Right! -Said Dawn- I'd almost forgoten about that.
Oh crap. They werent done! I was terryfied. Being in my briefs in front of those girls was bad enough, but they'd do even more to me!
-Maybe we should nudie him, what do you say girls? -Said Caroline
-No! Please -I begged almost crying- I'll do anything.
Anything would be better than the girls seeing me naked. They'd remember me about it everytime we meet. It'd be embarrassing and humilliating. No. I wouldnt be abble to get over it.
-I say we do it! -Said Vero with the most evil grin on her face.
-Dont be so mean Girls -Said Dawn giving me a moment of relief- Lets do some other things to him first.
Dawn being a really big girl had no trouble overpowering me when I tried to struggle to evade them stripping me and doing who-knows-what. After grabbing me again she locked me inside my closet while they all got out of my room to discuss what they were going to do to me. I was really scared. I really didnt want to be stripped. Specially in front of Caroline who was my age and Vero who was even younger than me.
About 10 minutes later I heard them come back. Without wasting anytime Dawn opened the closet grabbed me and pinned me back to the ground where I was a few minutes before.
Once I was in the floor in just my underwear, Dawn crossed my arms together and sat over them. Now she had her hands free to do whatever. She grabbed a bag and pulled out a big ice cube. She teased me and rubbed it over my chest before grabbing the waistband and slipping it in.
I was shaking because of the cold, the girls were laughing and recording. They seemed to be really enjoying this, but luckily for me, the ice cube ended up melting.
-Are you sure its melted Vero? -Said Caroline.
-I dont know, lemme check.
She reached out and grabbed my crotch area. The three girls giggled while Vero squized and played with my balls. Normally I started to get a stiff. They of course knew that, it was all planned. Vero got up while laughing adn checked that the door was still locked.
Meanwhile Dawn said to me:
-Okay, you are going to stand up and do as we say, or we will take you naked outside, ok?
-O... ok. -I replied.
Dawn got off me so I could finally move my arms and move arround. I stood up and waited for my next embarrassment. Caroline came near me and pulled my shirt out leaving me in just my briefs with a stiff in the middle of my room with three girls looking. I was mortified. I tried covering the best I could, but Caroline said:
-No covering. Hands on your head at all times.
That was trerrible, but I had no choice. I moved my arms up to my head as the girls got a fantastic view of my briefs with a tent formed in them.
-Alright, remember, if you try to stop us, pictures of you naked will go in the internet and you will be thrown outside with no clothes -Said Dawn- For every time you move your arms we will give you a spank with this.
She pulled out my belt and I nodded.
-If we spank you three times you will be punished with what I said before.
Vero came close to me and started to slowly pull down my underwear grinning. The little ammount of pubes I had started to show. I couldnt take it anymore. I pushed Vero's hands off my underwear and she laughed.
Dawn came to where I was and pinned me down to the ground, only this time I was facing it. Once she had my arms secured behind my back she sat over me to make sure I wouldnt go anywhere.
Caroline stood next to my face and said:
-Kiss my foot and I may have mercy on your butt.
I did as she told me. It was terribly humilliated, but if I could get a softer spank it was worth it.
-Oh wow, you are really desesperated -Said Caroline- but of course Im not going to have mercy.
I figured that would happen, but it was still a low blow to my autosteem.
Without wasting a single second, Caroline grabbed the belt adn WHACK! Hit me really hard in my butt. I let out a small curse and Vero says acting overly offended:
-You shouldnt say those things, we may get offended
-Right, you jsut earned another set of spanks -Continued Dawn.
The girls laughed and Caroline got back to my butt with the belt. SMACK!
-Awww, you are not going to say anything? -Taunted me Caroline- I want to hit you a bit more, this is fun!
Now it was Vero's turn. The young girl was really enjoying my humilliation, and if I had to choose one of them to not be here It'd be her. Being seen almost naked is one thing, but by a girl younger than me its terrible!
She grabbed the belt, but instead of hitting me right away she started teasing me, rubbing the belt in my butt, putting arround my leg and when I least expected it! SMACK! She hit me, waiting for more teasing I calmed myself down, but Vero hit me right away again. The pain was starting to take over me and 2 spanks still remained.
Dawn got off me slowly, making sure I wouldnt get up without their permission, but I couldnt after those spanks. Lea didnt mess arround, she grabbed the belt and WHACK! SMACK! Hit me as hard as she could once on each cheek.
-Stand up if you can -Said Dawn taunting me.
I barely could, I felt like my butt was fire after the spank, but I still managed to stand up. Vero came back to where I was, guided my hands to my head and went on with her job of pulling down my briefs.
She kept on doing it slowly and painfully. A few of my pubes started to show and the girls cheered and laughed. She pulled them down a bit more, now the start of my penis was begining to show and the girls were all looking very carefully at it.
Meanwhile my face must've been as red as my butt. I felt the blood run up to it as soon as Vero started pulling my briefs down again, but I couldnt do anything. The pain would kill me if they did another round of spanks. I just had to let it hapen.
Vero was still slowly pulling them out, she was halfway done and my penis was almost on full show. I really didnt want them to see me naked, but there was no stopping now. Vero finally pulled my briefs down enough all my private area was on show. The girls giggled and looked surprised at it. Caroline said:
-Oh wow, thats so small!
-Boys in my class have willies bigger than that -Said Vero.
-Its a baby willy -Said Dawn.
I was fighting the impulse of covering myself, but I knew I couldnt. Caroline got closer to me and started doing the same thing Vero did to get me hard the first time. She did it while giggling and taunting me:
-Lets see how big can the baby get!
It didnt take muh for me to get a stiff and the girls laughed when I did. Once I was hard, Caroline flicked the tip of my penis, and that hurt so I let a small scream, that seemed to make them happy, because Caroline did it a few more times.
Suddenly it hit me, if they kept on doing it, I'd cum all over them. That'd be the final humilliation, I couldnt live that one through, but Caroline kept on flicking the tip of my penis and now Vero had joined her.
Having my thing seen by a girl of my age and a younger one was bad enough, but actually cumming for them to see would be TERRIBLE!
I tried to hold as long as I could, but as a horny teenager, there wasnt much I could do. Caroline's flicking and squeezing my balls combined with Vero's stroking made me start moaning out of control.
The three girls found this amusing and Vero started stroking me faster.
-P...Please stop -I said
-No! We have to see the baby boy cum!
-Nooo! Please stop! -I begged
Dawn came to me and put her hand in my mouth so I couldnt beg for them to stop. Vero moved out of the way and went really fast, almost to the point where it started to hurt me. Finally, after a few minutes of stroking I cae all over me as the girls laughed and pictured the moment. Needless to say I wanted the earth to eat me. I was crying of embarassment, it even got worse when Caroline said:
-Sooo, whats stopping me from posting all of this cool videos and pictures?
-Nothing -Said Dawn and Vero at the same time.
I started to panic and rushed an answer:
-No! please! I'll do anything you want!
-Anything, you mean?
-Yes, anything! Just dont post them!
-Alrighty this is going to be fun. See you next time our mom's meet -Said Caroline- Oh, and before I go, Dawn, could you use what we brought to originally embarass him?
Dawn came close to me holding a rope. I tried fighting her off, but weakened by the orgasm and the spanking, the already bigger girl tied me up eagle spread to the bed with no trouble.
-Good luck getting out of that one! -Said Dawn, and after that she left, not without giving me a slap in my balls.
M wrote: Nice by M

Always appreciate a story but how about some revenge? Do the same to one of them the next time?
Janie wrote: What can I say? by Janie

Lol, the most humiliating male stories on the web.
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Re: The Cup of Tea Daughters by SwimKid

Post by Ryan »

Wish there was more
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