The House Mate: New Chapter added

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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The House Mate: New Chapter added

Post by Eoworfindir »

This is my first attempt at an ENM-type story, I do have more parts in the work. Hopefully, it's coherent and readable, the first part is probably a little tame.
Part One

Jennifer or Ginny for short had struck gold, she’d been after a roommate, someone to share the high cost of city living with. Though it wasn’t like she couldn’t afford to live alone after all the house had been her aunts and had been left to her and her sister, though Mia was still at school so lived with her parents. But some company would be nice, perhaps a new friend? So she posted an ad locally, and after three weeks of terrible candidates, not sure if it was her high standards or just the lack of chemistry during interviews that had caused the lengthy search. Her younger sister Mia would have certainly said it was her.
An email had dropped and asked if the ad in the local shop was still relevant, they’d attached a CV as well. Just a brief outline of who they were, their interests, and previous addresses.

Jesse was 23, three years older than her, and worked as a baker, a female baker piqued her interest. Scanning down the page she’d seen a few other things that had caught her attention, their film and music tastes were aligned as well. She smiled and called the number provided, after a few rings it went to voicemail, she suggested a time and date for a meeting to get a better view of her. Mainly to see if their personality clashed with hers. Ginny liked to take charge and liked things done a certain way, so any Alpha females were out.

The interview was set for two days later at 1400, and at 1355 there was a knock at the door, good they’re at least prompt she thought. She took a deep breath to calm her nerves. Pausing at the full-length mirror in the hall, she looked herself over, dressed in business attire as she’d nipped home early, smoothing down her skirt and jacket, touched up her hair then headed for the door.

Stood in front of her was a man, around 6ft2 with broad shoulders, dressed in a pair of tight beige trousers and a t-shirt that showed a muscularly frame, his hair short and well kept, he must have noticed her puzzled expression as after what felt like ages he opened his mouth and spoke to stop the awkward silence between them,
“Hi I’m here about the flat share” it almost sounded like a question
“Oh I’m expecting someone else so can’t interview right now, and the ad said to email first!” she was annoyed had she even left an address?
“Oh I’m sorry I did email and you gave me this time” before he could finish she interrupted
“Yes Jesse” He smiled awkwardly “were you expecting someone else?”
“Yes kind of, I was expecting a female, I did advertise for female preferred!” It came out a little ruder than she expected and she attempted to temper it with a smile, but it looked odd, her mouth was smiling but her face frowned, would living with a man complicate her routine? How would it even work? But her very nature meant she couldn’t turn him away it would rude and unprofessional, she chastised herself for assuming they were female. Interview and reject was what she decided.

“Oh really, it's just the card says male preferred” he whipped his phone out and showed her a picture of her ad then slowly zoomed in, bugger it did say male preferred, well the f and e had been smudged and were now illegible “Well it seems I owe you an apology and an interview!”
“Oh no apology needed, everyone usually does the same, in fact, I once had a date with a girl who thought I was female, we’d been texting and got on and agreed to meet only when I arrived I was excited to see her, but she looked crestfallen, she’d been expecting a female”

Ginny had turned on her heels and left him standing at the door, waving she beckoned Jesse to follow her inside and watched as he clumsily stumbled into her house, there was an awkwardness to him
“Oh, that's terrible, what happened? Did you have the date?”
“Yes, but it went downhill from there, turns out she had fallen for me and I’d dashed that by not being what she wanted. I tried to be nice and friendly, said maybe we could be friends, but it seemed to make it worse and halfway through the starter she started to sob, she’d take a bite to eat, gulp, sob, gulp, sob, and then ran out in floods of tears”
“the poor thing! What happened then?”
“I was left sitting in a restaurant with everyone looking at me like I was an arsehole who’d just taken a girl out and dumped her before the main course!”
Ginny burst out laughing then on seeing Jesse's face drop she controlled her laughter “Yes yes that’s awful, why don’t you sit there and we’ll get this done”
Jesse obediently sat where she pointed and she noted this.

After a few questions and a lengthy chat about his life and work up until now she’d found herself liking the guy, he was warm and kind, sensitive, she noted his well-kept appearance, someone who looked after themselves would certainly look after her house, and was toying with the idea of saying yes to him, maybe a few tests, she’d didn’t want to say yes and for him to be some lecherous pervert after all. “Where are my manners, I haven’t even offered you a drink? Tea, Coffee, or something cold perhaps?”
“Cold please”
“Good choice” striding into the kitchen and out of sight, she whipped her jacket off, underneath was a loose-fitting vest top with thin straps at the top, not something she’d wear on its own to work but hidden under the jacket it was smart enough to pass as professional and cool enough for her to wear it around the office in the summer heat. If she bent over while giving him the drink she could test to see if he looked down her top, not a great test but a simple one. The idea of sexualizing herself to test this man appalled her, Mummy had raised her better, but needs must. What was she doing? She didn’t usually behave this way!

Jesse watched as Ginny came back out of the kitchen with a tray of drinks and some chocolate biscuits, bounced over to him and laid the tray on the table, and held the pose for a few seconds, it felt unnatural to her alien. A quick look told her enough, blink and you’d have missed it “Er how long have you had this place? Its quite a nice place for someone your age, if you don’t mind me saying?”

She smiled, he had noticed but had purposely looked away, and she told how she’d come to live here as she walked around the room and was about to sit when she noticed some dirt and quickly bent to pick it up, bending from the waist her top slipped up her back and she more flashed him more naked flesh than she had intended, embarrassed at having exposed her skin to a stranger she immediately crouched down and smoothed her top back down, the tightness of her skirt caused the zip to undo and now the six-inch zip had come fully undone. The air in the room forced its way into the now open gap in her skirt and caressed her skin, she flushed red realising he could see the top of her black thong, she swivelled on the spot and gracefully rose up, quickly did it back up and tried to regain some composure. Had he seen?

The colour in his cheeks had reddened, he had noticed and they both blushed, neither saying anything, “Well would you like to see the rest of the place?” that’s it control, regain your authority, quietly repeating a mantra in her head, she watched as Jesse shifted uncomfortably in his seat attempting to adjust his trousers. The bulge in his pants caught her off guard and she stared at the mass. Well, she had had an effect on him after all, any sense of decorum she’d regained flew out the window as she walked heavily into the table and knocked a full glass of juice straight into his lap. Bugger, all she could think was he’d never want to stay now, she’d blown it.

Jesse stood up, hoping the damage wasn’t as bad as it felt. It looked like he’d wet himself, his brain panicked, the thought that he has to cross town on public transport made his stomach leap, he looked at his watch 1530, kids would be finishing school he’d have to ride the subway with teenagers laughing at him, thinking he had the bladder of a 5-year-old. What the fuck was he going to do? It wasn’t just kids, by the time he got to the tube station and swapped lines it would be rush hour, half the city would be pouring down into the stations and he’d be the centre of attention

“Oh my god, I’m so sorry, let me get a towel” Ginny raced off hoping to repair the damage done to her reputation, come on girl get it together, control the situation. She returned with a towel and gave it to him, he gladly took it and tried to absorb some of the wetness. It was no use, there was no drying this with a towel. “I’m so sorry, I wasn’t looking and…”
“It's okay, these things happen” he tried to smile warmly at her but it looked weak and there was no hiding his annoyance.
“Why don’t you let me wash them for you? 30 minutes in the washing machine and an hour in the tumbler and they’ll be good as new!”
“No no, it's fine I’ll just go” He clearly didn’t want to
“Don’t be silly you can’t leave like that, schools are breaking up for the day and I couldn’t possibly let you leave and be humiliated because of my clumsiness” her voice was now authoritarian and insistent.
“I can’t, please it's fine you don’t have to” He sounded urgent and embarrassed to her and his cheeks were flush
“It's nothing, please let me help, I’ll go fetch you some bottoms from upstairs. I’m sure I have some male clothes in a cupboard!”
“I” he really didn’t want to leave
“Look, I’ll go upstairs and find something for you to wear so you can take those wet things off, and at least if you're not going to stay you’ll let me clean and return them?”

“Okay, okay thank you” Ginny disappeared up a flight of stairs and into the spare bedroom, sure enough there were some things. She picked out a pair of cream chinos and headed downstairs. She stopped in tracks at the sight of Jesse standing up bottomless and covering himself with a cushion, the sight of him vulnerable and trouser-less made her tingle, she was about to give him the trousers when she glanced at the glass door out to the garden, the reflection took her breath away, he was nude from the waist down, no trousers and no underwear, his tight round arse visible in all its hairless glory. No wonder he’d been so reluctant to remove his trousers. It was beautiful, he was standing uncomfortably, his right hand held the cushion against his groin and his left held the wet trousers, instinctively she tossed the trousers at him, a little too high and wide and without thought he had gone to catch them, his right hand let go of the cushion and she watched eagerly, it slipped tantalizingly out of his grasp and for a moment her heart raced and she could feel the nervous excitement in her stomach, the thought of seeing his cock by accident was almost to much to bear. The cushion began to fall slowly and she could see a few strands of dark pubes, now more appeared and she saw the top of his thick cock, her breath was deep, her heart beating fast. At the last second Jesse realised what was happening and drop his wet trousers and caught the cushion. A thin triangle was all that covered him and he bent forward and laughed nervously.

He breathed a deep sigh of relief, and tried to relax a little, still embarrassed he was bottomless. He watched as she picked up his trousers and walked off to the kitchen and out of sight. Had she seen? If she had she didn’t say. He quickly popped the trousers on, they were a little big and a little short but he was no longer balls to the wind. “Thank you for this, you don’t know how much embarrassment you’ve saved me” relief evident in his voice,

“Oh really it's no trouble, I’m actually glad you’ve let me help” her body was racing at what had just happened, or didn’t. The experience brought back old memories, of excitement one she had felt before but long forgotten. A playful thought hit her and after popping the wash on she returned to find him dressed and drying the sofa with the towel, “look I’ll be honest with you Jesse, you are not what I expected or was hoping for” he’d braced himself for the rejection “but apparently your exactly what never knew I needed!” It took him a few seconds to catch up with what she was getting at “So if you still want to I’d love to see more of you” she knew exactly how she worded it “When can you move in?”
“Oh cool, how does the weekend sound?”

Jesse made to leave and they traded numbers in case anything happened.
As he walked up the path she called out “Just one thing” he turned and smiled “There was a reflection in the doors behind you earlier” she paused to give him enough time to realise was she was insinuating “No wonder you were so reluctant to let me have your trousers!!” She laughed and watched as his face flushed a deep red again and watched him turn and scamper off wondering if she’d gone too far. And suddenly regretted embarrassing him, but the feeling of seeing him redden delighted her. Had she gone too far? Would she see him again? She hoped so.
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Re: The House Mate

Post by GeekGuy »

cant wait for more. good job.
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Re: The House Mate

Post by Executionus »

Neat start! It honestly reminded me of those old cartoons with the cannibals where the main character walked right into the stew pot unaware that they were on the menu.
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Re: The House Mate

Post by Eoworfindir »

Executionus wrote: Wed Jun 29, 2022 12:54 am Neat start! It honestly reminded me of those old cartoons with the cannibals where the main character walked right into the stew pot unaware that they were on the menu.
Thank you! He's certainly going to find out how hot the pot can get.
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Re: The House Mate

Post by Eoworfindir »

GeekGuy wrote: Tue Jun 28, 2022 7:42 pm cant wait for more. good job.
Thank you for the kind words, more is coming.
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Re: The House Mate

Post by Eoworfindir »

Part 2 of 3

A week later Jesse moved his stuff in, there wasn’t much, just some clothes and a few odds and ends and after an hour he was settled. Disappointingly she had barely seen him, he worked early in the morning and she didn’t finish work at the office till six, then she'd hit the gym so it would be nearly 8 pm before she got home and he would be asleep. This routine continued for another week, and when the weekend had come around he was at work and she was helping her mother, who was preparing things for a big party for her club's annual gala, there were flyers and invites to post and they’d gone to fetch them from a local supplier.
It had become a yearly event, for her mother and sister, and this year granny was also helping out. They’d have a few drinks and fold envelopes while chatting. This year was the first without her aunt and they’d decided to hold it at Ginny’s house, as it was the closest thing to having her aunt there! Mother had brought around some new curtains to hang as the living room had full-length glass windows that looked out to the garden, and with the light on the neighbours could see straight in.

On arriving home she’d realised too late that her house keys were still in the house, an easy mistake as she didn’t keep her car keys with her house keys, no one drove in London if they could help it. Ginny carried one box and her mother and gran the other, Mia just strode up the path her head in her phone, Ginny struggled to keep hold of the box “Fuck!” she called out
“Language Jennifer” came a reply in unison from behind her “what is it dear?” her mother called out
“My keys are inside, sorry!”
“Goodness child!” came her mother's stern reply, Mia sniggered, she loved anything that embarrassed her older sister
“I’ll just knock, I’m sure Jesse’s home!” please be home, please be home she thought
“Is he fit?” Mia asked casually, knowing the question would cause embarrassment
“Leave your sister alone Mia” who just smiled slyly, seeing Ginny’s face blush slightly gave her the answer. She aggressively dumped the box in Mia’s arms and hammered on the door, what was taking so long, she was sure he’d said he’d be in! After a few moments, the door swung open and the four ladies looked up to see a flustered Jesse, soaking wet and wrapped in a towel.

“Sorry I was taking a shower and didn’t hear you knocking” came the apologetic reply as he sight of the four ladies, Mia walked straight at him and dumped the box in his arms, and glanced down at the knot. It wasn’t lost on Ginny that he had been subconsciously patting the knot of his towel before Mia had given him no choice but to take the box. Stepping back to help her mother she watched as her younger prettier sister, casually brushed up against Jesse, quite firmly as she walked past, for a brief second she thought the knot would give way, as the split in the towel separated showing his upper thigh. But he had everted the move and side-stepped at the last second, sensing the danger. It had moved slightly and then returned to its shape, her sister sighed as she walked past, that was on purpose she was sure of it. Again her heart was racing, her thoughts wicked. Jesse was watching as she innocently walked away and opened the door to the living room, her short yellow sun dress lit up and was practically sheer under lights illumination, a casual look over her shoulder and a playful look, and she vanished from sight.

Ginny was still transfixed imagining, that the towel had fallen and Jesse’s naked body was on display to all who could see, his face red with shame, desperately trying to hide his cock with the box, the sharp shrill beeping of her phone's ringtone brought her back to her senses, “Hi Jennifer its Marcus from the office, look I’m sorry to ask but there’s an alarm going off at work and I’m not going to be able to make it there, would you being a champ and go see to it? I know it's Saturday and you’ve got that thing you’re doing, shouldn’t take you more than 30 mins right?” this was her boss all over, why do it yourself when he could make me her do it instead! She wanted to tell the lecherous bore to shove it and find another lackey to go but all came out was,
“Sure no problem” walking a few paces back inside she quietly asked Jesse if he could look after her family while she was gone, she didn’t wait for his response, maybe she was more like her boss than she wanted. She took a last look back at him, her thoughts drifting back to more wicked things before driving away.

Ms. Wentworth as she now preferred people to call her had followed Mia and Granny inside and was watching her daughter drive away, “Where’s she going now” came a frustrated question
“An alarm at the office I think?” was Jesses' answer
“Well, let's pop these inside on the table!” Jesse followed her inside, Mia was tapping on her phone and Granny had placed herself down in a large single chair that made her look like some grand matriarch waiting to be served.
Maggie as Ms. Wentworth was called by family and friends popped the box down and pointed at a spot next to it, and turned to look at her family. She let out an exasperated sigh. It was pointless to ask her teenager to help as she’d spend 15 minutes arguing about why it was unfair, she wouldn’t ask her mother, she knew better than that, there was no choice “Jesse is it? Looks like you're helping me then!”
“Umm can I go and get dressed first?” he really should have been more dominant and insisted as Maggie looked at him like he was a small boy asking a stupid question

“Nonsense, it’ll only take a minute” and that was that and she turned away and strode over to the window. The teenager was now watching eagerly waiting to see if he would refuse and walk away
“Okay, um sure” a meek response, such a good obedient boy she thought and tried to hide her sly grin as he walked over to the window. Maggie was stood near the window and pointed to the long curtain pole on the floor.
“Pick that up and stand here” he now stood hands above his head holding up the pole as Maggie moved a chair to the far end of the window and hoisted up the pole and began screwing it into the pre-prepared holes,
“Would you like me to do that” he offered
“Nonsense! I’ve been doing this type of thing ever since” she trailed off in thought at this pointed
“Ever since Daddy got caught fucking his secretary in the office”
“Mia please, for goodness sake, such base language is not how you were raised”
“Well he was caught naked at the office, wasn’t it? A fire broke out as I recall and he and that girl” Granny helpfully added
“Fucking” Mia repeated and made a motion with her finger while looking at Jesse
“Both caught naked in the street, such an embarrassment” Granny or Jocelyn “Josey” Wentworth was clearly enjoying the embarrassment this was causing her daughter in law
“You could use a good fuck!” Josey smiled “Perhaps you wouldn’t be so uptight”
“Jocelyn please, you know how I feel about those” Maggie paused “Types of things”
“There’s nothing wrong with sex dear, I still have a very healthy sex life!” With a twinkle in her eye, she winked at Jesse who blushed
“GOODNESS, DO I…….” on seeing Jocelyn's face change she calmed herself and regained her composure “I know what you're doing, you two are so alike” with that she returned to the job,
“Sorry Mummy” Mia sweetly replied.
Jesse looked at Josey, who had gone back to reading, then at Mia who was now sitting upright and was deep in her phone again. And felt uneasy.

He studied Josey, despite her 72 years of age she was still glamorous and held herself with the grace and poise of a woman who’d once modeled for countless labels and posed for many well know photographers, in fact, she’d been somewhat of a celebrity back in the mid-sixties and early seventies, her hair was white, her skin pale with piercing grey/silver eyes, and a stare that would make you shiver. But then change and have the warmest grandmotherly smile as she looked upon Ginny or Mia.

The 18-year-old clearly took after her and could have been a younger version, she had the same face, it was like looking at the aging process through different stages of life, her long brown hair had wisps of lighter shades, that looked golden under the suns light, her grey/blue eyes had the same piercing stare that held your gaze and sucked you in, with the svelte body of a young woman and a devilish smile it gave her a mischievous charm. He watched as she gazed into her phone, she lowered her left shoulder and was leaning to one side he watched as one of the thin straps that held up her dress slid, and now sat at an angle almost hanging off the edge, he stared at her and watched as she changed positions and leaned to the other side, the other strap slid off her shoulder and down her arm, the right-hand-side of her dress came down, and he watched as the material slid over her skin, like the sea leaving a white beach, exposing the pale skin of her right breast, but she hadn’t noticed or made no effort to cover back up.

And all he could do was watch, his gaze willing the other side to slip as well, and like some Jedi force power, it lurched as if the strap willingly obliged, it slipped down and the front of her dress plunged lower and lower with every breath, daring to expose more cleavage. It was now so low he swore he could see a faint outline of areola peaking out and yet she still hadn’t noticed, he felt his balls tighten and his cock twitch as the blood flowed into it, like a balloon being blown up his cock swelled. Jesus what the fuck was he doing? here he was standing practically naked, with his arms raised and he was looking at her breasts! Nice breasts, really nice breasts, his mind kept repeating, ignoring his mental protestations. Look away, think of something else you idiot, statistics, accounting software programs? Anything boring.

Mia casually looked up, making sure he was looking, then having caught his eye pretended she’d only noticed just how exposed she was and thrust her hand across her body, then straightened herself. Carefully and slowly she adjusted each side, pulling the dress tight across her chest making sure he could see their full shape and size. And her erect nipples poking through the delicate material. She gave him a look that made him feel like a dirty schoolboy peaking where he shouldn't.
There was an uncomfortable look on his face, he looked away from her. But she saw the movement in his towel, an unmistakable sign, men were so predictable, give them too much and they’ll lose interest but tease them with the possibility of seeing a little more each time and you’ll hook them easily. She knew she had him, if he wasn’t going to watch her game she’d just have to get closer.
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Re: The House Mate

Post by Eoworfindir »

Sorry for the mess up, appears I posted the same part twice. This is me clearing up.
Last edited by Eoworfindir on Sat Jul 02, 2022 1:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The House Mate

Post by Eoworfindir »

Part 3
This part concludes this particular story, if there's interest I will continue. Also, any feedback you could give me would be appreciated, as I'd like to improve. Thanks.

From the corner of his eye Jesse noticed Mia rise from the sofa and move to the armchair closer to him at the far end of the room, she bent at the waist and pushed out her bottom and the dress rose at the back showing off her thighs as she moved the cushions to one side, then sat sideways, swinging her legs over the armrest, and kicked off her pumps. She breathed a sigh of relief as she wiggled her toes. He pretended he wasn’t looking, his eyes darting back and forth. The hem of her dress sat mid-thigh and he stared at her ankles and up half calves, then up her thighs, wondering if it would get any lower and he might see, her eyes flicked up from the phone screen and at him. Caught! You looked too long, idiot. Looking down he saw the bulge in his towel and wondered if she knew, could she tell?

There was no need to wonder as he saw her eyes flick to the bulge and stared at it long enough to make him uncomfortable, before catching his eyes and slowly raising her finger taunting him, realising she knew made him redden, and her eyes widened with glee, he caught the devilish grin on her face, “How much longer Ms. Wentworth” he asked trying to hide the desperation in voice,
“Not much longer” she replied “there” came an almost triumphant call. He relaxed slightly as Maggie stepped down and moved the chair past him to the other side, almost out of the woods he told himself.

He was looking up at the ceiling when he heard her voice tut and call out to him,
“Higher, higher, pay attention”
“Look I know your arms must be aching but we’re almost done” and he instantly obeyed at the sound of her stern school mistress voice “could you move a little closer and hold it up level”
“Closer?” his question annoyed her
“Yes closer, here, right here” and pointed to a spot directly next to the chair Mia was now sitting in. Now just feet away from her, he looked down, and she smiled like it was no coincidence she had sat right there. He looked up at Maggie who was now fussing with one of the screws and hadn’t started. This was excruciating, seconds felt like minutes and he could hear the ticking of the clock on the wall, each second louder and louder.

From his new position he immediately noticed her moving her thighs side to side opening her legs slightly and he saw the briefest of glimpses of something sheer and black, then again only longer this time, this was all on purpose, and he felt her foot slide up past his knee and glide under his towel rising higher and higher barely touching his skin, the touch excited him more, and he looked at her, but she paid him no attention, still seemingly engrossed in her phone, it was almost like this was nothing and he wasn’t there. He jumped when her toes connected with his balls and flicked them. He gave her a look begging her to stop and she sighed and relented, lowering her foot, and he watched in horror as that foot caught the end of his towel between her toes.

At first, all she did was wiggle her toes, then the ankle, like someone stretching, it moved in circles, the towel moving with it. Her right leg lifted slightly and moved a few inches to the right to widen the gap. With her left leg, she caught the other corner of his towel and began to slowly pull the sides apart, she shifted forward in the seat and her dress caught beneath her bottom pulling the hem down, he gulped and like a rabbit in headlights all he could do was stare. The slight shift she'd made had exposed her panties. A thin strip of pubic hair was visible under the sheer material, he followed the line down, the material pulled tight against her and soft flesh had escaped either side. Mia pulled the two sides as wide as they would allow without coming apart. The towel was now loose at the front and he felt his cock swell and move as blood rushed to his groin.

His semi-erect cock pointed straight out and lifted the towel up it was now painfully evident to anyone who cared to look just how aroused he'd become. Only a small strip of towel either side stopped his cock from poking its head out, and Mia almost squealed in delight at the distressed pleading look he gave her. Each time he thought that this was the moment she’d expose him she'd stop and would smile sweetly as if nothing was going on. For a few minutes nothing happened, Mia then let go and he hoped perhaps maybe she’d stopped that her game was over, and he'd escape,
“Nearly done Jesse” came a voice next to him, had he made it through this? He looked up at the ceiling and breathed deeply, but cats never kill their prey straight away. They like to toy with it, play with it, tease it, give a sense of hope that they're free and safe, then just then they pounce and mercilessly kill their prey.

Mia caught the corner of his towel, a gentle tug to catch his attention, he watched the knot shift ever so slightly then again as her foot lowered pulling the towel with it. Panic shot across his face, he could hear Gandalf call out "FLY YOU FOOL" and then the painful realisation that she hadn’t in fact given up at all but was just waiting, biding her time. Then she pulled a final time and he watched as the knot came undone and loosened completely, it pulled at his cock and it sprang free and bounced up and down as the towel slipped off his body and nestled at his feet, his arms dropped wanting to cover his shame, without looking Maggie called out, “Goodness Jesse keep that pole upright”
“Yes Jesse keep your pole upright” Mia giggled loudly at the choice of words which alerted Josey to the now naked young man, he watched as she slowly popped her glasses on for a better look. He wanted to run, so why was he still standing rigid? Glued to the spot.
Maggie was the only one seemingly oblivious to the stricken man and only looked when she heard her daughter speak “Gran is he getting harder?” the question was as cheeky as it was innocent and only done to highlight just how naked he was,
“Yes, I believe he is!”
All four of them stared in disbelief at the now fully erect and exposed cock, he willed it to subside but like a body-builder at a contest, it was in its element, it flexed its muscles at the crowd, its veins prominent, enjoying every moment of its freedom. And like it was its own entity separate from him he begged it to disappear, but it was having none it "FUCK YOU JESSE, I'M OUT, LOOK AT MY CROWD THEY LOVE ME!!"
“GOODNESS ME YOUNG MAN ARE YOU ENJOYING THIS?” came Maggie's blunt response “are you some sort of pervert?” it wasn’t a question but an accusation, all he could do was feebly blurt out “NO”

Ten minutes after Ginny left her boss called again, "Look Ginny, no need to go now Roy is already on sight so don't worry about it cheers!" She turned the car around and rushed home. Looking around the room Jesse saw Josey watching him her face not giving anything away, Mia was still laughing and Maggie was looking, a blush had come over her face "I think you had best be off young man!" her voice now sympathetic and soft "Oh no, can we not keep him like this? I think he looks like he's about to explode!" Even Mia, though clearly delighted at his predicament, her cheeks had reddened ever so slightly. Jesse let go of the pole and needed both hands to cover himself as he fled the room.

Ginny opened the door and heard the sound of laughter from the living room and the heavy sound of feet above her, she saw her sister who looked like an out-of-breath sprinter, her mother's red face, and the slight smirk on her grandmother's mouth.

"What's gone on? Where's Jesse?" said with the puzzlement of someone not in on the joke etched all over her. She then saw the towel, the same towel Jesse had on just minutes ago lying alone on the floor. Puzzlement turned to anguish "What the hell have I just missed?"
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The House Mate: New Chapter added

Post by Eoworfindir »

Hey all I wrote this chapter just after but thought I'd lost it after a PC crash, but found it again. I've added it as a new Chapter instead of a story as its not really long enough to merit it.

It was almost a week before Ginny saw Jesse again, their schedules only allowed them to see each other at weekends. She’d wanted to cheer him up, joke about it, ease any fears he had about his exposure in front of her family. But really she wanted to grill him about it. At least get his side of things. All she had were some sketchy details her sister had shared with her. Mainly how big it was. There was also some fear that he might be so embarrassed he’d move out.

So when the weekend came around again she purposely stayed at home, hoping to catch him as he returned from the gym. On hearing the key in the door and a bag plopping down she called out from the kitchen,


“Yes thanks” any fears he held some sort of grudge against her, for putting him in the lion's den, were quickly eased as he flashed her a broad smile. They made small talk for a while,

“You should join me in the garden, it looks like it's going to be a lovely day” this sounded like a great idea.

Ginny wasn’t exactly confident in a bikini, in fact, didn’t own one at all. But not wanting to pass up the chance to impress him she through her caution aside. The spare room had a drawer full of Mia’s stuff, perhaps there was something there?

The draw had, bras, panties, and a few odds and ends, and there nestled at the back was a bikini. It was small, much smaller than she was really comfortable with, the bottoms were out of the question. Her sister had always been much more comfortable with showing off her body, well half sister, same father different mother. And been heavily influenced by her Grandmother, who is a former model, and had a very relaxed attitude to nudity. She was much more conservative like her mother was. No there was no way she’d pop on those tiny things. The top on the other hand was just about right. A little big on her as her sister's chest was larger than hers which left the ties rather longer than normal. A pair of shorts completed her look and she headed outside. Jesse was outside already and had pulled out two chairs from the shed. One a folding deck chair the other an old wooden thing.

The day was spent laughing a chatting, finally being able to spend a bit of time with him was great and at a quiet moment, she thought she’d broach the subject of last Saturday. “Hey erm Jesse, I just wanted to apologise for leaving you alone with my weird family!” careful not to outright say what she was thinking,

“Oh er it was nothing, family is important” was the safe reply

“Yeah, my sister is” she carefully chose her words “a handful sometimes” she looked at him hoping to gauge his response, his cheeks pinkened at the mention of Mia.

“She’s a character” he chuckled, his face still pink

“Can I ask what happened?” it was careful and compassionately put to him, at first it looked like he might say nothing at all and clam up, but eventually he spoke

“Well um your mother needed help with the curtains and seemingly I was the only one available”

“Yes mother can be quite demanding at times”

“She can be quite scary” Ginny laughed

“God yes, I’m still scared now!” their laughter relaxed him and he went into more detail

“So I was stood facing the room holding up this pole, hoping to dear god that my towel would stay on”

“Why didn’t you go and change?” she enquired, why had he stayed there? Was he an exhibitionist? She thought, well hoped, he trailed off, thinking long and hard about whether to open up, but opted for,

“I guess I didn’t want to be rude you know? It sounded like I had no choice in the matter and she said it would be quick” his answer was a deflection of course

“What happened then?” the question came out a little too hungrily and Jesse shifted uneasily in his chair and sighed

“It came off, all the way down”

“Oh my god, in front of my mum sister, and gran?” now eagerly waiting, his cheeks had reddened at the memory

“Yes, your sister was feet away and got a really good look”

“God that must have been so embarrassing for you, I don’t know what I’d have done in that position” yes she did and it wasn’t printable she thought “Did you cover-up? Run away?” Jesse clearly wanted the topic to end and stammered a short reply

“I...I...I couldn’t I was holding the pole still” and he quietened to a hush as the sentence ended, she wasn’t if he was aroused but she caught subconsciously pull at the front of her shorts

“God grief, no wonder Granny left early” and she laughed, after a few seconds he joined her “You're handling it well though?” they both smirked at the ridiculous choice of words

“It's not the first time it” Ginny looked at him

“I’m a bit of clutz, not my first rodeo” and with that, he changed subjects “Geez did you put in cream on your shoulders?”

“No, I didn’t, I am red?”

“Nah but you better get some on quick” he leaned over and picked up a bottle then chanced “Want me to do it?” he expected no but Ginny surprised him by just saying

“Yes okay” the thought of him touching her made her heart beat a fraction quicker. She leaned forward in her seat and he scooped up her hair which was loose and hung down her back. He shocked her by carefully wrapping her hair up and tying it up on her head the move surprised her “Wait you do hair as well? Oh god it all adds up, good looking! Looks after his body and styles hair?” she playfully teased

“No I grew up with much younger sisters and my mum wasn’t around so I learned how. Became a regular thing he calmly answered.

On reaching her neck he moved the knot, “You can undo it if it's in the way?” She felt the knot loosen and she held the top against her chest as he finished putting on the sun cream and sat down again. She made no effort to redo it and felt comfortable enough to sit like she was. She could feel the tension growing as Jesse removed his shirt and tossed it aside. This was fast becoming a great day she thought and lowered the chair so the legs came up and the backdown.

The quietness was broken by the sound of wood snapping and Ginny was thrown backward tumbling out of the seat and fell in a heap, they both burst out laughing and turned to look at her and opened his mouth to tease her about it, but said nothing as she got back up and brushed herself down, she then saw the bikini top hanging from the broken chair, she was topless.

Covering up quickly he threw her his t-shirt to cover up with “Sorry I didn’t mean to laugh so hard”

“It's okay” she could see the funny side, at first she was embarrassed, did he like them? Came a thought.

“We better get this cleaned up,” he said and got up. Now it was Ginny’s turn to laugh as the chair came with him. He was bent double the chair sticking out behind him, and he casually sat back down again but it wouldn’t budge, his calmness turned to frustration as the old wooden chair stayed exactly where it was. And Ginny was no help, this it seems was the funniest thing she’d seen, “can you take them off?” she smiled as she asked and he flushed at the questions

“I’m not taking them off out here” Ginny had now grabbed hold of the chair and was trying to pull, Jesse lean forward, “I think it's working” the commotion and noise had pulled a crowd,

“Hello, Jennifer!” Mrs. Jameson, a woman in her late thirties was standing at the fence

“Hello Ally, Oh Jesse is stuck in the chair here”

“Have you tried pulling?” she was her suggestion

“Yes” Ally turned and shouted inside to someone

“Gary come out here and help” A bear of a man appeared at the fence along with two girls who Ally introduced as Cory 12 and Jamie 15 who were now recording the whole thing. Jesse looked at Ginny as if to ask for help but she just shrugged her shoulders at him. Gary spoke up

“Hey, Jen let me have a look” Gary stared and inspected the chair then said “Looks like the glue and resin whoever tried to repair this has used has melted in the sun, it's stuck pretty fast now,” he said apologetically “We could try and give a tug again?” he suggested, not convinced it was going to work,

“Okay,” said Jesse, and they both went in opposing directions, Gary was much stronger than Ginny and he felt it shift “oh I think we’re getting somewhere,” he said enthusiastically. They pulled again, this much harder and the movement caused them to move and now Jesse was facing the fence. He used all his strength. He panicked as he heard the faint ripping sounds” STOP STOP” he yelled.

Gary duly let go and Jesse breathed a sigh of relief. “Have you tried sliding out of them” it sounded plausible but there was no way he wanted to take off his shorts in front of a crowd, “we’ll try it inside” addressing Ginny in particular

“No way, I’m not having that broken chair scuffing up my nice wooden floor, you’ll just have to take them off out here” came a resolute answer


Ginny smiled she was loving this, it was true her housemate did have a way of finding himself in unfortunate situations, Jesse looked up and saw Ally and her daughters all smiling at him, Jamie clearly glad she was recording the event. He began pushing down on the arms and trying to shimmy out, it was working and he was working his way free, again he delicately shimmed side to side, fuck he silently mouthed. His underwear was coming down as well, “It's not working” he’d have to think of something else.

“Did it not work Jesse?” enquired Ginny

“No, we need to think of something else” he pleaded

“There’s nothing left but to cut them off you!” smiling from ear to ear, over the fence Jamie was still filming and was clearly disappointed he’d stopped shimmying. He was about to protest but knew there was little else they could do.

“Okay, okay do it” Ginny disappeared, and Jesse was left bent awkwardly, not knowing which way to face. He had slid out of his shorts enough at the back for an inch of butt crack to be on display, Gary immediately realised why Jesse was trying to keep as still as possible and being the prankster he was began teasing the lad,

“Need me to help lad? Here, let me give the chair a pull, we’ll have you out in no time” Jesse panicked as Gary pretended to try and grab his shorts and he‘d twist and move which caused him to swing the chair from side to side and slowly it began to move, just a few cms but enough for Alison to see and realise the danger,

“Gary please our daughters are watching!” he knew when he’d been warned and stopped. Ginny returned with some pruning sheers and tossed them to Gary, who now had changed tact and was trying to be helpful.

The sheers were sharp and he carefully cut up one leg, on reaching his upper thigh he spoke, “Alright last part, better be careful here, wouldn’t want to make you Jewish!” his joke fell flat. He felt the cold steel on his leg and realised much too late that Gary had caught more than just his shorts, twang! He'd cut right through his underwear and felt them snap and they now hung loose inside his shorts. Clutching his hand tightly he gripped the two sides together. His eyes darted left to right, no one else had noticed.

Gary gave his wife a puzzled look, “perhaps he’s stuck?” she mouthed back silently. He grabbed hold of the chair and yanked it back hard as he could freeing Jesse from his shorts, the chair, and his underwear. He tumbled forward his arms flailing as he went head over heels and landed spread-eagled on the floor just in front of Alison and her girls. Before he hit the ground, Gary had seen him fall and picked him up in a bear hug, Jesse feet off the floor with his arms tight by his side. Everything was now on display, and there was nothing he could do about it. Gary plonked him down on his feet, almost hurling towards the fence and the watching girls. He was feet away from them and the fence, they all looked downwards, including Jesse.

He looked at the girls, Alison let out a shocked “ooooh” and covered Cory’s eyes, Jamie zoomed in and Ginny burst out laughing, Jesse turned to see his housemate with her camera in hand pointed at him. With his hands covering himself he streaked for the door, to the laughter echoing outside.
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