A Doctor's Pay (Part 2 posted 6/19)

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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A Doctor's Pay (Part 2 posted 6/19)

Post by jastes22 »

A Doctor's Pay - Emily pays for some of her student debt by selling off her clothes to her friends.
  • Part 1: The Deal - Emily's friend make her a deal to help her pay for her student loans.
  • Part 2: Submission - Emily's agrees to a whole night of torture to help pay for an impending student loan payment.

I wheezed, laughing so hard I thought my lungs were going to give. “Oh, my gosh, that is the most I’ve laughed in a long time.”

Kylee laughed, patting me on the shoulder. “I’m glad you had fun, Emily. You just seemed so stressed out with med school and everything. I hate seeing my best friend like that.”

“Yeah, I’m glad we could give you a good time,” Tom said. “We made some cookies last night. Do you want to come over and have some?”

"Oh, I probably shouldn’t,” I said. “I got to study.”

We just took you out to have fun, Emily! Forgot about studying for one night!” Tom said. “Besides, it’s late, and you wouldn’t be able to get much studying done anyways.” He guided towards his apartment.

I stuck out my tongue as he led me through the front door. “Easy for you to say. Your family is loaded. The only way I pay for medical school is academic scholarships. That means I have to study my butt off.”

Tom rolled his eyes. “What does med school cost, like $10,000?”

“Try more like $50,000. Per year.”

“Yikes,” Tom said. It was hardly a drop in the bucket for him, but it was still a significant amount. He pulled out a Seran-wrapped plate and started to uncover it. “Doctor’s pay isn’t too bad, though.” He held up a cookie. “Well, it’s not $50,000, but have a cookie.”

This time, it was my turn to roll my eyes, but I took a bite. It tasted good.

“You know, if you need money...”

“I told you already, Tom. I’m not a charity case.”

He shrugged. “I know that. But I still want to help. You’re trying to do something for people. I think that’s a worthy cause.”

Kylee wrapped her arms around Tom’s. “See? We care about you, Emily. You really have been stressed out.”

“Look, I appreciate the thought, but I’ve got this.”

It didn’t seem like Tom was going to let it go. “Oh, come on. Let me help you. Maybe you could work for me. That way, it wouldn’t be charity.”

“Oh, really?” I said. It came across a little more sarcastic than I meant it to be. “And what could I possibly do for you?”

“You could let him strip you,” Kylee said suddenly.

We both looked at her incredulously. “That’s crazy.”

“I’m serious. Tom takes off a piece of clothing, and then he pays you like a hundred bucks for each piece.”

Tom coughed, trying to keep his composure together. “I mean...sure. Seems fair to me.”

I glared at him. Of course he wanted to see me in my underwear. Kylee was his girlfriend, but I knew he thought I was cute, too. Kylee would tease me about it endlessly.

If it had been anyone else besides Kylee who suggested it, I would have disregarded it outright. Still, if he was serious, it was a tempting offer. A few hundred dollars just to strip down? I could keep my underwear on and not really show anything. Plus, Kylee would be here to make sure things didn’t get too out of hand.

“Alright, fine,” I said. “You’re serious about the money?”

“Yeah,” Tom said.

“But I get to call it off whenever, okay?”

“As long as Kylee or me are the ones who take it off.”

I bit my lip. I didn’t like that. They’d be touching me all over. “Nuh-uh. “That privilege will cost you. $500.” It was a ridiculous amount of money. Tom would never agree to it.


What? Crap. What had I just done?

“I want to tie you up, too,” Kylee said. She looked at Tom. “Another $500,” he said.

A thousand dollars without even having to take anything off? “...fine.”

“Great,” Tom said. He disappeared into his room.

Kylee grinned at me. “This is going to be fun.”

I glared at her as Tom appeared with a rope. How did Kylee know that Tom had rope? It wasn’t like it was a normal thing to have in an apartment. Had she...done this before?

Kylee walked around me, helping Tom pull my arms out and tie them snugly behind me. Then he raised them and tied it to the light fixture above so I couldn’t move. This was becoming very real, very quickly.

They came back into my field of vision. “Alright, let’s get started,” Kylee said. I realized, too late, that my trust in Kylee making sure it didn’t go too far may have been misplaced.

“Well, first off, how much for your shirt?”

I blushed. Was he asking to value my own clothes? I realized that, by doing so, I would effectively be giving him consent to strip me, and I couldn’t stop him by using some sort of logical argument. My hands would be tied in more ways than one, so to speak.

I realized he was still waiting for an answer. “Umm...another $500?”

“Hmm...That seems like too much. If you can quit at any time, I don’t want you to just rip me off before you really show anything. How about $200?”

I opened my mouth to haggle the price again, but I realized he was right. I went running all the time wearing just my sports bra, and I wouldn’t be showing much more than that without a shirt.


Tom grinned. “Great! Now, let’s just...” He reached for the hem of my shirt.

“Wait,” Kylee said. “Let me grab some scissors.”

“What? No way!”

“Oh, you were saying earlier you never liked that shirt, anyways,” she said. She grabbed a pair of scissors from the countertop and handed them to Tom. “Besides, with your hands tied like that, we wouldn’t be able to get it off completely, and that was the deal. Plus, you never specified how we were to take off your clothes.”

I paused, unable to think of an argument.

Tom decided to take my silence as consent before I could stop him, and suddenly the front of my shirt was being snipped off. He cut the hem of my shirt, and then the arms, and then threw the tattered piece of clothing to Kilee. My stomach was breathing hard, making my bra rise and fall.

“There. That wasn’t so hard, was it?” Kylee said. “Like a surgeon cutting open a patient. Isn’t that what you’re going to medical school for?”

Tom stepped back to admire my chest with her. I felt myself blush a little deeper. I would never admit it to myself, but a small part of me was turned on by my friends looking at my body. I’ve never been particularly proud of my body, but to see them ogle over it was a little flattering.

“Okay,” Tom said, eager to continue. “Next are your pants.”

“$1,000,” I said quickly. I tried to sound confident and show that I wasn’t going to haggle.

My faux confidence didn’t seem to impress him. “Again, it doesn’t show any more than I’ve already seen you in a bikini. I would say another $200.”


“$400,” He countered.



I thought he was just going to just tug my pants down, but instead he grabbed the bottom of my right pant leg and started to cut up the center. I groaned, trying to pull away. In response, he grabbed my leg tighter, pulling me forward. His fingers touching my bare skin made surges of warmth run through me. As he started to work on the other leg, I felt my vagina grow wet. Crap, was I getting turned on by this?

He cut the waistline of my pants and they fell to the floor.

And, then suddenly, I was in my underwear. In my best friend’s boyfriend’s apartment. It would’ve sounded like a sitcom if my heart weren’t beating so fast. What was the medical term for that? Tachycardia? Arrythmia? I couldn’t think straight.

Tom stood up, his fingertips accidentally—or purposefully, I couldn’t tell—brushing my leg near my crotch. I involuntarily shuddered in pleasure, his touch sending me into overdrive. I tried to suppress it, but it was too little, too late. Tom gave me a look, just enough to let me know that he had seen it.

“You know, Emily, you got a really good body,” Kylee said. “You really ought to show it off more often.”

“Okay,” Tom said. “Time to get serious.”

“I’m not letting you take off my bra,” I said.

“Really? Cause it seems to me like you’re enjoying this,” Kylee said. She pointed to my panties where a slight dampness had begun to appear. “I think you should be paying us to keep this going.”

I bit my lip. She was right, darn it. I could feel my defenses crumbling.

“Tell you what,” Kylee said. “We cut your bra, but we leave it on your chest. That way, you stay covered. At least if you can hold still. $500. Take it or leave it.”

I opened my mouth to argue. My bra was definitely worth more than my pants. But they would leave it on, and I was pretty sure I could keep still enough that it didn’t fall. Again, I could just call it off as soon as they did, and that would be $500 more. With that, what would I be up to? $2,200?

“Okay, but Kylee is the one who does it.” Holy crap, what did I just say? I was actually going through with it?

Kylee grinned again. I knew that she knew that my resistance was dwindling. She took the scissors from Tom, stepped behind me, and snipped the clasp of the bra. I felt the pressure from my bra loosen, and my breath hitch. It just hung there on breasts. It was a lot looser than I expected it to be.

Even though it was still on, it might as well have been cut off based on the embarrassment rising to my face. My vagina felt like it was on fire. I should have asked for more money for my bra, cause $500 wasn’t worth it.

Okay. I was done. I opened my mouth to say as much, but something stopped me. I had never been an exhibitionist—I was quite shy as a premed student—but all of this was exciting. I wanted to see how I would go. I was among friends and having their respective boyfriend/girlfriend in the room acted as a check, so they wouldn’t go too far.

“How much for the panties?” Tom asked. I could see his erection through his pants. Part of me was flattered that he was getting turned on by someone who wasn’t his girlfriend.

I looked at him with a mixture of disbelief and terror. The way he said it made it very clear that I was not getting out of here without losing everything. How did I get here? I only came in for a cookie. I wanted to be studying! My breath quickened, and I couldn’t peel my eyes off my bra, trying desperately to keep my body still.

“That’s got to be at least $1,000. No, $1,500.”

Crap. I had just revealed how low I was willing to go. And I had revealed that I was willing to!

“How about $800?”

“What? No! If I’m going to get naked, then I want more.”

“Eight. Hundred.”

I growled. Crap. He knew how far gone I was. I just wanted to get this embarrassing night over with. “F-fine.”

“I want to do it,” Kylee said. She stepped around in front of me and stepped very close, her chest nearly touching my own. Silently, I was grateful for her body in the way of Tom’s line of sight. She reached down and grabbed the side of my panties, pulling it out so she could cut. It was made from a material that was difficult to cut with regular scissors, making her take several smaller cuts.

Snip. Snip. Snip.

My panties hung there, the static friction between my pubic hair and the fabric the only thing keeping them on. Kylee stepped aside to give Tom a good view. She noticed that the panties were still technically on. “Oops, let me get that.” She reached down and grab my panties. Her fingers were rougher than they needed to be, and they pressed down on my vagina. I moaned loudly at the sudden pressure and the feeling of the bubbling orgasm that threatened to break. I closed my legs, trying to suppress the urge, but the action pulled out my chest just a little. The sudden movement, combined with Kylee’s manipulation, was enough for my bra to slide off my breasts and onto the floor, just as Kylee ripped off my panties.

I shrieked, struggling against my bonds. I was completely naked! In front of two of my friends!

Both of them were just staring at me, drinking in my whole body. I doubt either of them actually expected to see me like this. I watched Tom’s eyes specifically as they rested on my breasts, and then my vagina.

“Okay, that’s enough! You’ve had your fun! Let me go!” I said. I struggled against my bonds furiously until I realized that the useless jerking around was just opening up my legs and giving my friends a better view of my vagina.

Tom frowned, looking a little disappointed.

But Kylee was undeterred. “No. You’re not done.”

“But we agreed—”

“I know you liked that, Emily. And I think you want more. I have another deal for you, before we get you down.”

I froze. Crap. I was in the palm of her hand. While every part of me wanted to resist, another part of me, one I didn’t know I had, was begging for more. What was she going to suggest?

“You let us grope you.”

“What?” She couldn’t be serious.”

“Just let us touch your body, explore it for a bit. We’ll set a timer. $200 per minute, for 5 minutes. That another $1,000.”

If possible, I blushed even more. I would never take Tom away from Kylee, but just the idea of him touching me was enough to make my vagina go wild.

“Okay. But don’t touch my vagina.”

Kylee giggled. “Ohhh, ‘vagina’. Such a technical medical term. You’ll be a doctor before you know it. Alright, deal. Five minutes, and we won’t touch your pussy.”

“I’ll get the timer,” Tom said. He walked over to the microwave, out of my field of view, not even trying to hide the fact that he was staring at my body. I was surprised that Kylee was okay with her boyfriend blatantly checking me out.

Unless...she had been the one to plan this.

I swear, I was going to kill her after this.


The timer was set. I couldn’t see it from my position, but I knew it was going to be a very long five minutes.

Kylee was the one to make first contact. She touched my stomach. I gasped at the foreign feeling of someone touching me, and suddenly I couldn’t breathe. She grinned, moving her hand up to cup my breast. I groaned and moaned, shuddering furiously in pleasure.

It only tripled in intensity when I felt Tom’s hands on my buttock, stroking them like kittens. His hands wrapped around my hips, tracing the outline of my pubic mound. He didn’t touch my pussy, as promised, but I realized with shame that I wished he had. The pressure in my crotch was growing intense, and I felt like the rope was the only thing holding me up, as my legs were turning into jelly.

Kylee stopped groping my breast and placed her mouth over my right nipple. I screamed as she rolled it around in her tongue and bit into it. Tears of pleasure started to flood my eyes, rolling down my face. Suddenly, both of them were in front of me, each worshipping a breast. My “groping” had turned into ful on breast abuse

The timer went off. Tom stopped and stepped away to turn it off, but Kylee hesitated, taking her sweet time unlatching herself. She brushed the hair out of my face. “A thousand dollars well spent.”

I gasped for air, completely out of breath. Forgot the $1,000. My body was overflowing with pleasure, and the pressure, warmth, and wetness in my pussy was almost too much. I needed more. I needed release. I needed to go home right now and let myself go.

After years of being my best friend, Kylee could read my face and knew exactly what I wanted. “You know, Tom, I think lil’ Emily here is starting to regret her wishes for us to not touch her in pussy.” She started to untie me. “How about we make an offer if she touches herself and orgasms right here?”

My body was conflicted. Part of me screamed for it, but another part of me recognized how truly humiliating that would be, to cum all over his apartment.

“Sounds good to me,” Tom said. “How does another thousand sound? That’ll bring up your total to a nice $5,000.”

I didn’t trust myself to say anything. Instead, I silently started to rub my pussy. I didn’t even care that I wasn’t on a bed or chair. Just right there on the floor like a dog. The pace quickened. I plunged a finger into my pussy while another stroked my breasts, still raw and super sensitive from my friends’ treatment.

It took shamefully little to get my body to orgasm. I fell on my back once my body started to writhe. It climaxed, and cum squirted all over Tom’s hardwood floors. My head dropped to the floor in a mixture of complete exhaustion and shame. I tried to curl up in a ball in an effort to cover myself, but my limbs didn’t have the strength.

“Amazing,” Tom said. “You’re amazing, Emily. That was well worth it. I guess we should call it a night.”

They helped me to my feet. I glanced back at the pile of cum on the floor. Had all of that come out of me?

“Wait,” I said. “All my clothes are useless now, but I need to get back to my apartment.”

Kylee shrugged. “Not much we can do about that. Guess you’ll have to streak it.”

“My apartment’s on the other side of the complex!”

“Oh, you’ll be fine. It’s late, anyways.”

I stepped outside, wrapping my arms around my body.

Tom took one last good look at me, his eyes running up and down my body and taking mental pictures. “You know, Emily...$5,000 is still not that much compared to $50,000 in student debt for the year. If you ever want to come over again...we could find some...other ways for you to work for me.”
Last edited by jastes22 on Sat Jun 25, 2022 3:51 pm, edited 10 times in total.
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Re: A Doctor's Pay

Post by clockspinning »

Did that cookie have any special ingredients by any chance?
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Re: A Doctor's Pay

Post by jastes22 »

clockspinning wrote: Mon Jun 06, 2022 2:36 pm Did that cookie have any special ingredients by any chance?
Nothing special about the cookie, but they may or may not have been baked for the sole purpose of luring Emily into Tom's apartment to get the ball rolling. :)
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Re: A Doctor's Pay

Post by jastes22 »

TheBlushingPrincess wrote: Tue Jun 07, 2022 3:55 am So much I love about this story! Very sexy and fun. In a sequel, they could pay for the right to tickle her. (Sorry... couldn't resist suggesting it. ;) )
Thank you! That's high praise. And I wouldn't expect anything less from you, TBP. That, and bare feet. (Which...I have an idea for a story for :) )
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A Doctor's Pay: Part 2 - Submission

Post by jastes22 »

A Doctor's Pay - Emily pays for some of her student debt by selling off her clothes to her friends.
  • Part 1: The Deal - Emily's friend make her a deal to help her pay for her student loans.
  • Part 2: Submission - Emily's agrees to a whole night of torture to help pay for an impending student loan payment.

I just sat there, staring at the tuition bill in front of me. $75,000? That was half as much more than what I thought it would be! There was no way I would be able to pay for that, scholarship or no scholarship!

I glanced at my phone, flicking through my contacts. I was going to call Kylee and complain.

Instead, my eyes fell on Tom’s number. Something stirred in my crotch. I had come home a few days after our “adventure” nearly two weeks before to find fifty $100 bills in my mailbox, placed neatly in a sealed envelope. In it there was a note:

$5,000, as promised.

Let me know if you ever want to do something like that again.


The $5,000 had been a real boon, helping me pay my rent as well as making a dent in my student loans. Relatively speaking, it still wasn’t much compared to all my expenses, but it was something. Though it had come at a cost. Even though I was turned on I as much as I was throughout the whole thing, thinking about how Kylee and Tom both sucked on my breast, followed by a complete orgasm all over Tom’s floor was so embarrassing. I had seen Kate in the following days, but I avoided Tom.

That was, until I saw the huge tuition bill. And nearly $10,000 was due in two weeks. I could default, but that would kick up the interest rate to an outrageous amount, and I would never be able to pay my loans off, even if I was earning a doctor’s pay. I racked my brain for any way I could make some money or cut down on my costs. Any way out.

I couldn’t think of any. I wasn’t sure if that was because there were really no options, or because I didn’t want to find any. Either way, I didn’t really see that it mattered.

I clicked on Tom’s name. The blinking cursor stared back at me. Slowly, I started to write. I wrote the message, and then reread it multiple times. Despite being only eight words, I had to make sure everything was right.

We need to meet. I need some help.

His response was almost immediate.

Saturday. 10:25 PM. Be there on time, or no deal. And wear something nice.

I could hardly concentrate the next couple of days, which was unfortunate given how breakneck speeds med classes were. The day before, I texted another one of my friends to take notes and I stayed home, unable to get the sick feeling out of my stomach.

At 10:24 PM, Saturday night, I knocked on Tom’s door. Figuring I was probably going to get my clothes cut off again, I tried to skirt the line of wearing something “nice” without it being too “nice” that I would miss it if were unceremoniously cut in half. I wore khaki pants and a nice blouse that I didn’t wear much anymore. While it didn’t matter, I wore a matching pair of lacey black panties and bra.

The door opened immediately. Tom beamed. His eyes ran up and down my body. Apparently, my outfit was satisfactory. “Emily! It’s so good to see you!” He gave me a big hug, pulling me into the apartment.

“Hey, Emily!” Kylee said, jumping up from the couch. I wasn’t sure how I felt about her being there. On the one hand, it was nice having my friend there. On the other, I was pretty sure she engineered the original night, and wasn’t afraid to push the envelope when it came to my humiliation.

“Okay, first off,” I said, quickly, before my nerve disappeared. “I need $10,000. I know that’s a lot more than last time, so do whatever you want to me, but I need that $10,000.” I imagined trying to give myself 10 orgasms on Tom’s floor and shuddered a little.

“Actually, we had something a little different in mind for tonight,” Tom said. He grinned, reminiscent of Kylee’s usual grin.

For some reason, the tone of his voice filled me with dread.

“It’s almost 10:30,” Kylee said. “Tom and I are going to take turns telling you what to do. At any time, you can say “no,” but if you do at any point, then you get nothing. You do all of our tasks and make it to midnight, then the $10,000 is yours. No haggling, no tricks. Just our helpless servant until midnight.”

I mused over the offer. Last time, I at least had some control over what happened through my ability to negotiate, but what they were suggesting opened a lot of possibilities for more intense things. And I knew once I was invested, there would be nothing I could do to stop it.

Kylee could see I was struggling. “This offer ends in 5...4...3...”

“Make it $12,000.”

“Done,” Tom said.

I blushed, my fate now sealed. I wasn’t sure how I felt about it. The butterflies in my stomach could’ve been interpreted as fear or excitement, or a combination of both.

“Should I just take my clothes off now?” I asked.

“Not yet,” Kylee said. “We’ll let you know when you can.” She giggled. “My, you’re quite antsy to get those clothes off. Emily...are you looking forward to this?”

I blushed deeper and felt a wave of shame come over me. Was I? I wasn’t sure. It certainly hadn’t taken me long to call Tom once I had a reason to.

“I’ll go first,” Kylee said. “Emily, take your shoes and socks off.” A pause. “Please,” she added.

I bent down and untied my shoes and threw them to the side. As I took off my socks, I took a deep breath. Looking at my bare feet was a physical teaser to my brain as to what was going to happen in the next hour and a half.

When I stood upright again, Tom was returning from his kitchen, holding a pair of scissors. I knew that they were going to make an appearance, but the sight of them still made my heart race.

He handed me the scissors. “Emily, please cut off the top two buttons of your blouse.”

I gaped at him. Asking me to cut off my own clothes was several times worse than one of them doing it. It really highlighted the power structure of the whole thing. I was completely at their mercy.

Tom just looked back at me, waiting patiently. I turned away, and with trembling fingers, I pulled out my shirt. The scissors made a distinctive *snip* sound as they severed the button from the string dropped to the ground, and my blouse parted open, revealing my bra underneath.

I took a deep breath, looking at my bra rising and falling with my chest. I turned to hand the scissors back to Tom. “Hold on to them,” he said. “You’ll probably need them later.”

Kylee’s turn. “Emily, please pull down your pant zipper, but don’t take off your pants yet.”

I nodded, pulling the zipper down so the top of my black panties was in view. It was an odd feeling, still wearing clothes but my underwear being in full view.

Tom took his time with his next request, just looking at me. I was content to let him take as long as needed—the longer it took, the less I had to do to make it to midnight. However, as it dragged on, I started to squirm under his gaze like an ant under a magnifying glass. I reached over to cover myself with my arms.

“No covering,” Tom said, almost absentmindedly. I blushed abashedly, dropping my arms. “Emily, pull your blouse off your shoulders.”

I swallowed. With the top of my blouse already cut open, it didn’t take much to tug it down so my shoulders were exposed. However, moving my blouse down just a few inches exposed more of my chest and stomach.

Kylee was apparently growing bored with the constant teasing of my body. “Emily, cut off your panties but leave your pants on. Then, let Tom finger you.”

I opened my mouth to say “no”, but the thought of the pending $10,000 payment stopped me. I couldn’t stop this, and Kylee knew it.

Tom blinked, apparently a little surprised at Kylee’s audacity. I knew then that Kylee was behind everything, from that first fateful night to today. Tom had gladly gone for the ride, but Kylee had been the mastermind behind everything.

I started down at my legs, trying to muster up the courage.

“Go on,” Kylee said.

I reached down my pants. Without the zipper, the pants sagged a little, falling another inch or so as I pulled at my panties. Warmth creeped into my crotch as I snipped my panties and peeled them off. Tom stepped to me, his body almost touching mine. He reached down and inserted a finger. I groaned, nearly collapsing on the ground from the sensation of pleasure racking through my crotch and up my body. My body threatened to orgasm, right then and there, but I held it in. I doubted I would last the whole night, but I had to make it far as I could. For the sake of my dignity.

He pulled out, giving me a look hidden from his girlfriend. He communicated with his eyes that he wasn’t trying to hurt me and wanted to make sure I was okay. I gave a small, almost imperceptible nod. Tom, satisfied, stepped away.

“Emily, please let Kylee cut off the rest of your pants.”

I felt my heart drop a little. For a brief moment, Tom had felt like an ally. I had hoped against hope that with that, I would somehow get through the night without going completely naked, but Tom’s request made it clear he wanted the same thing as Kylee.

She grinned, jumping up and grabbing the scissors from Tom. As she reached down my pants, Kylee let the side of the scissors just glide past my pussy, sending a shockwave through my crotch. Feeling just the slight sharpness, even though I wasn’t in any danger, was enough to make the warmth in my crotch explode, and suddenly I couldn’t think of anything except keeping my legs from collapsing. It hardly registered in my mind when Kylee lifted my leg to remove my destroyed pants completely.

Kylee stepped back, a grin on her face. I was really starting to hate that grin. Her eyes ran up and down my body. I stood there, completely naked except for my bra and torn blouse that hardly covered anything.. I was afraid to look at the clock and see how much longer my torment was to go on.

“Well, in the spirit of our last outing, I think it only appropriate. Emily, please cut off the rest of your blouse and your bra.”

I took the scissors from her. Not giving myself time to talk myself out of it, I grabbed my bra and cut off the rest of my buttons. The blouse fell to the floor.

With trembling fingers, I grabbed the center gore and pulled it out, and with a single snip, the cups fell to the ground, useless.

My fingers clenched and unclenched, resisting the urge to cover my completely naked body.

Tom whistled. “I’ll say it again, Em. You really have a great body. Maybe that’s why the two of us enjoy this so much.” His words seemed to have an underlying implication: They knew that I was enjoying it, too.


I groaned. I was naked. What more could they want?

“I hear you’re a pretty good cook. You want to make us some cookies?”

Cookies. That’s what started this whole thing. If you give a mouse a cookie...

I silently walked over to the kitchen, taking small steps to prevent my legs from spreading too far apart, though the burning in my crotch threatened to take out my legs from underneath me.

As I started to mix the ingredients, buck-naked, all while the two of them watched me, I felt something come over me. I felt submissive, willing to give myself completely to my tormentors, almost willing them to do as they pleased to me. Finally, I admitted to myself that I called Tom because I wanted to, not just because of the money. Doctors were supposed to be confident and able to take charge in stressful situations, but I was crumbling like a pile of Jenga blocks.

Kylee stepped over to me. She grabbed a pinch of flour and threw it on my chest. “Oops.” She pushed me against the countertop and took some more flour, spreading it over my stomach and crotch. I wasn’t particularly tan, but the flour was in distinct contrast to the rest of my body. Another pinch, this time in my hair. Kylee grabbed a large pinch of flour. “Emily, spread your pussy.”

My ability to resist gone, I reached down and spread my lips. Kylee’s flour-covered fingers inserted themselves, and I groaned as twisted her fingers, depositing flour all over my pussy. She turned me around, starting to do the same to my butt. She didn’t do it all at once, either, instead taking her time going in and out of me. Each penetration was like a jolt of lightning, each threatening to make me climax, but somehow, I kept it in.

Soon I was covered in flour, and somehow the feeling of the stuff on my skin only served to highlight my nakedness to myself. Finally, I finished making the dough and pulled out a pan and sheet to cook them on.

“Tom? I think Kylee here needs some help putting the cookie dough on the sheet. Emily, please let Tom help you.”

Hands wrapped around my waist. I shrieked at the sudden feeling of Tom pressed up against my back. I could feel his erection on my leg, and I could myself blush again at the thought of being the source of it. I would never take Tom away from Kylee, but the image of me lying prone and naked on his bed flashed through my mind.

Tom grabbed my wrists, manipulating my hands to scoop out the dough onto the sheet. His fingers left little trickles of electricity on my skin. He placed his hands on my butt as I leaned down to place the unbaked cookies in the oven, kneading them like dough. I felt my clit come in and out of his view. He moved to squeeze my breasts and fondled them. I worked as fast as I could to finish placing the dough on the sheet, but Tom’s “help” made my hands shake and tremble and I had to re-scoop the dough multiple times.

Once I had finished with the dough, Tom pulled away, and I took a deep breath.

Kylee, however, wasn’t going to let me rest. "Emily, please lay on the table.”

I felt my stomach churn. I needed to stop this now. But I couldn’t bring myself to stop it. I needed the money. And even more than that, I needed to explore this side of myself, the feeling of submitting myself to every whim and demand of another. I could convince myself here that I had no choice, but alone, I had to admit to myself that I enjoyed it more than I should have.

I climbed up onto the table and laid on it with my front facing upwards. Tom produced some rope. He tied my hands together and then tied them to a leg of the table underneath. They then tied each leg to opposite side of the table so my body was making an upside-down “Y”

They didn’t bother to ask, instead just beginning to let their hands roam up and down my body. Unlike last time, when they only had five minutes, they had all the time in the world to just fondle my body. Each of them explored every inch of my body. Tom took his time exploring my breasts with his hand and mouth, tweaking my nipples or nipping them with his teeth. Each time, I squeaked like a squirrel, followed by a pathetic purr of a little kitten.

Kylee dragged her fingers across my stomach, and despite myself, I squealed. Kylee grinned at my reaction. “My, Emily, I didn’t realize you were so...” She let her fingers graze my stomach again, and my body nearly convulsed with the buildup of tension on my skin. “...ticklish.”

I didn’t know, either. It was something about being completely naked that made me so sensitive to every touch.

She turned to Tom. “I think we need to explore this a bit more.”

“Wait —,” I managed to croak.

Kylee and Tom jumped on me, digging into my stomach and armpits. I screamed and screeched and flailed my legs, but they were unrelenting. As Tom continued his assault on my stomach, Kylee pinned my flailing legs and began to attack my feet. I thrashed against her, but my bonds made it impossible to resist. Tears flowed from my eyes like a leaky faucet, and I felt like I could hardly breathe.

There was a moment, a brief moment, where they both just looked at me. My body was tense and tight from their treatment. Kylee reached for my face, and I flinched, but she just grabbed some of my hair that had come undone in my thrashing and brushed it out of my face. Her soft touch made me want to curl into a ball and fall asleep.

“You’re so cute, Em,” Tom said.

Kylee let go of my feet. “I’m sorry, Em, but this has to be done.”

“What —”

Kylee stuck what felt like her whole hand into my pussy. I didn’t have the air to scream, so instead I moaned as she pushed farther into me than I thought possible. Thick globs of cum dripped out of me. Kylee continued probing me throughout the whole thing, seeking out every last bit of me before finally pulling out.

I felt like I had been hit by a truck. Every inch of me ached, and my breathing was deep and ragged.

The oven beeped. The cookies were ready. The 15 minutes—or however long it was, I couldn’t remember — it had taken them to bake had felt like an eternity

The two didn’t untie me, instead setting two plates on either side of my body. A third plate was placed on my stomach, and the warmth of the cookies seeped into the plate and into my skin. I thought the plate was going to fall with how much my stomach was moving from breathing so hard.

Occasionally, Kylee would reach over, break a piece off a cookie, and then place it in my mouth, letting her fingers linger on my face. As she did so, Tom would reach down and tug at my pubic hair or tweak a nipple. Unlike the past few minutes of their rough treatment, their tenderness stirred up different emotions. Despite everything, despite the fact I was naked, tied up, and prone, I felt safe with them.

Tom glanced at the time on his watch. “Looks like we’re almost out of time.”

“W-what time is it?”

“11:50,” Tom said.

I felt a moment of relief. I had almost made it.

For some reason, I knew then that even though I wanted the night to end, sooner or later I would be back in Tom’s apartment.

“Let’s hogtie her,” Kylee said.


It happened quickly. I was turned on my back, and my legs were pushed up and then tied to my hands, stretching my back and stomach. My wrists were then tied my leg, arching my back even further. Kylee laid me on my side, letting her hand run across my stomach. Unable to pull back, I shuddered at the sensation. She gave my still-sensitive crotch and pelvis a few good slaps and giggled at my reaction.

“Let’s start a movie,” Kylee said. “We’ll untie you afterwards.”

“No, that’s going to go way past midnight,” I said. It felt strange talking in such a restraining position. Regardless, there was no way I was going to let them make this night longer than it needed to be.

“Shush.” Kylee slapped a hand over my mouth and gave my nipple a hard and painful twist. I winced and fell silent. “It’s not midnight yet. We can still do whatever we want to you. Now, if you’re ‘tied up’ and can’t leave, then there’s nothing we can do about that.

Kylee hauled me over to the couch while Tom selected the movie and turned down the lights.


Kylee sighed and reached down to grab my discarded panties before shoving them into my mouth and tying them behind my head. “Be quiet.”

As the movie started, Tom sat down on the couch next to me, so I was in the middle of the two of them, and completely at their mercy. Tom started to rub my back while Kylee reached for my hair. As she started to comb my hair with her fingers, I resigned myself to another hour and a half of torment.
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