
Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Post by NudeBaG »

This story was inspired heavily from a story that used to be on here, (though, I can’t remember the name) and it will be a Halloween story.
I’m glad “Our First Story” is doing well.
This story will be a bit different.

Magic Part 1:

What would you do if you became subjected to forces unknown?
What would you do if you knew that your kid sister and her friends were the source of these forces?
What would you do if they were Hell bent on humiliating you by controlling your every action?

My name is Mark.
I’m a Junior in High School.
I’m 16 years old, have neat, wavy brown hair and blue eyes.
I’m 175lbs, 6’1.
I do bodyweight exercises and run, so I’m pretty fit.
I live with my mom, (no dad) and my 13 year old sister, Emily.
Emily is 5’, 102 lbs, has shoulder length brownish blonde straight hair, and blue eyes.
Really, she’s pretty cute.
But Emily is also pretty fucking weird.
Ever since she was 9 or 10, she’s been obsessed with the occult.
She dresses in black, wears dark makeup, listens to metal and punk (which I actually really like) and she has a pretty dark sense of humor as well. But, despite her aesthetic, she still does track meets, makes all A’s, and has friends from different cliques, so mom pretty much lets her do whatever. I guess I’m trying to say she isn’t your “typical” goth kid.

This all starts on Halloween day. It was about 10am on a Saturday morning.
I woke up and slid out of the sheets to the side of my bed, putting my feet on the floor.
My brain went through the basic routine of becoming aware of my appendages, and I flexed my toes on the soft carpet.
I then looked down to the typical morning sight of my penis staring back up at me, (standard morning wood.)
I stood, stretched and walked to my bedroom door.
“Whoa whoa whoa.” I thought.
I chuckled as I picked up my discarded briefs and slid them on.
I had to tuck my penis to the side, so that I could fit it in my briefs.
As I made my way down the hall to the bathroom, I could hear the TV downstairs playing cartoons.
“Emily must be up already.” I thought, shutting the bathroom door behind me.
I lifted the toilet seat and angled my erection downwards as best I could, bending over to get it pointing INTO the toilet.
After a few moments of trying to “will” my erection down, I finally managed to urinate.
I let go of my penis, and was surprised that it was still just as erect.
It HAD been about 3 days since my last jerk off session, and my cock seemed to be trying to remind me.
I grabbed some tissue off the top of the toilet, and opened the door to head back to my room for some “relief.”
I opened the door to see my mom standing there holding an overnight bag.
“Ahhhh! Morning mom.” I said, hiding my bulge behind the door.
“Morning sweety, I’m sorry, but I have to catch a flight in 20 minutes to a conference out of state. I’ll be gone until Monday night, so you’ll be in charge.” She glanced down, but I was still safe behind the door.
“There should be plenty of food, so just take care of your little sister while I’m gone.”
“Great.” I thought.
It really wouldn’t be too bad, as Emily was pretty self sufficient.
“Oh, and one more thing.” My mom turned back before heading down the stairs.
“I told your sister she could have some friends over. They’ll be spending the night through Tomorrow.”
“Seriously?” I moaned.
Not that I had any plans, but if I DID, this just put the kibosh on them.
“Yes. I’m counting on you.” She smiled and glanced again at my lower half being hidden.
“Alright, I’ll let you get back to your ‘morning routine’.” She then turned and went down the stairs.
I turned and went straight to my room.

I quickly shut the door, stripped out of my boxers and placed the tissue on my night stand.
I laid back in my bed and closed my eyes.
I gripped my penis and began to masturbate.
I closed my eyes and pictured being naked in front of a group of girls.
I pictured some girls from school, all watching me jerk off.
It has always been a fantasy of mine to be naked in front of a group of girls, but I dont think I could ever actually go through with it, or even HOW I would go through with it.
I could feel myself getting closer and closer.
“Aaaahhhhhh!” I moaned as quietly as I could.
I pretended my hand was actually one of their hands, and proceeded to have an intense orgasm.
Cum shot up my chest and all over my stomach.
I lay there for a moment, basking in the fantasy.
I then heard my door shake.
I shot up, grabbing some tissue and wiping the semen from my chest and stomach.
I quickly slid my boxers on and went to my door.
It was unlocked!
I laid the balled up semen soaked tissue on my desk next to the door, and quietly made my way to the bathroom.
The tv was off downstairs and my little sister’s door was closed.
A wave of relief washed over me. It was probably the pressure of my sister shutting HER door that shook MY door.
I felt the urge to pee again, so I went back into the bathroom.
I finished up, washed my hands and then headed back to my room.
As I passed my sister’s door, I could hear her muffled voice talking excitedly on the phone.
“I got it!” I heard her whisper.
She said some other stuff, but she was whispering, so I couldn’t hear.

I shrugged it off and went back into my bedroom.
I picked up the rest of my clothes off the floor from last night, and tossed them in the hamper.
I then glanced at the desk.
Something felt, “off”, but I couldn’t tell what.
I shrugged it off and got ready to hop in the shower.
I opened my door to go back to the bathroom, and my little sister was standing in the hallway.
She was wearing a long black metal band t-shirt that came to mid thigh.
Her blonde hair hung to the side as she regarded me with a strange smile that I’d never seen on her face before.
“Hey bro.” She greeted me cheerfully.
“Uuuuuh. Hey weirdo.” I said teasingly. “What’s up?”
“Tanya and Christine are heading over in a few and I wanted to give you a heads up.
“Alright.” I groaned.
Tanya and Christine were my sister’s weird goth friends.
Christine had red hair and green eyes, while Tanya was asian, and had Black hair and brown eyes. They were both pretty cute, but just as weird as my sister.
I passed my sister, and as I did, I SWEAR she looked down at my crotch and smiled.

After getting out of the shower, I dried off, wrapped the towel around my waist, and headed back to my room.
My sister’s door was shut, but I could hear Tanya’s and Christine’s voices as clear as day.
“They must have gotten here while I was in the shower.” I thought.
I actually had a quick thought play through my head.
What if they’d caught me jerking off earlier?
What would they have done?
The thought got me excited again just thinking about it and my penis reacted accordingly.
I could hear them all talking at once, but couldn’t make out what was being said.
I pressed my ear against the door.
“Sicut et ego operor.” They were chanting in unison.
“Sicut et ego operor.” They repeated.
“What the fuck?” I thought.
My sister and her friends were into some weird shit, but this sounded REALLY strange.
I backed away from her door and went back into my bedroom.
I sat on the bed, and couldn’t shake this uneasy feeling I was having.
“Whoa!” I gasped.
I felt my penis getting hard again. I was kind of amazed.
I mean, yeah, that was the first time I’d jerked off in a while, and I can usually go multiple times a day when that happens, but not back to back!
Knowing my little sister and her friends were in the next room got me even hornier.
I looked down at my towel, which was now tented WAY out.
I was about to pull it off and jerk again, when I heard my sister’s door open.
I glanced up.
“Shit!” I thought.
My door was still wide open.
I tried to stand to close it, but my legs felt stiff!
I couldn’t even move my arms!
“Hey big bro,” I heard my sister’s voice, putting on a sweet tone.
“My friends and I were wondering if-“ my sister’s words cut off as she entered my doorway.

“Oh my.” She said, a huge smile stretching across her face as she regarded the tent in my towel.
“Hey Mark! How’s it ha-“ Tanya’s voice also cut off as her eyes locked onto the tent in my towel.
Christine then appeared, looking at her friends, and then at me.
Her mouth dropped open.
“Holy crap! Do you think it worked?!” Tanya yelped.
“We did it right, so why wouldn’t it?” My sister said smuggly, leading the girls into my room.

They walked around to the side of my bed, right in front of where I was sitting.
My towel was still in place, but because of the tent my boner had created, you could see up it with no problem if you bent down!
All three of them were in full goth attire.
Black boots, black fishnets, black pleather mini-skirts, tight black band t-shirts, and spiked accessories galour.
Tanya had a really cute short bob cut that came down just above her shoulders.
Christine’s long red hair was flipped to the side, cascading down her right shoulder and small chest.
My sister now had her dirty blonde hair pulled back in ponytail.
“Hiya Mark!” Tanya said cheerfully.
“How’s it hanging?”
“Not very low, from the looks of it.” Christine said.
“Oh, Marky,” my sister started.
“Do you know what today is?” she asked.
“Ha-Halloween?” I said, confused.
“That’s right!” She said cheerfully.
“It was also a full moon last night. Did you know that?”
I shook my head, still unable to move.
“That’s when a witch’s power is at her fullest. Did you know that?”
“Wha-“ I couldn’t speak.
“My friends and I have been doing some research.” She said.
“Spells, incantations, rituals, you know. All THAT stuff.” She said matter of factly.
“Anyway, we finally think we may have found one that works.”
Tanya then produced a little canvas doll.
“This is a totem.” She said.
“When infused with the essence of a subject, it becomes a tool of control.” My sister said.
“See?” She took the totem from Tanya and showed me a sewn up spot on it’s back.
“Honestly, I’m ashamed to say that it took us a while to figure out what ‘essence’ the spell was referring to, but,” she looked at her friends who let out a giggle.
“fortunately, you were polite enough to provide us with your ‘essence’ this morning.” Their giggling increased.
A wave of realization came over me.
I glanced at the desk where I THOUGHT I’d left my used tissue.
My sister saw where I was looking and smiled wickedly.
“That’s right, Marky. You gave us plenty of ‘essence’, didn’t you?”
My sister knelt down in front of me, and straight up STARED up my towel.
She gasped.
“Oh, Marky! It looks like the 2nd spell we cast ALSO worked.”
“S-second spell?” I asked.
“You’ll find out about that later.” Emily said.
“Let’s REALLY test it out, Em!” Christine said, biting her lip.
“Yeah!” Tanya was down right giddy.
“Happy Halloween, Marky.” My sister dragged her finger across the doll’s waist, and my towel flipped open, allowing my hard penis to spring up in front of her and her friends!
Last edited by NudeBaG on Thu Jan 20, 2022 9:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Magic

Post by Jeepman89 »

Wow, what a brilliant story! I love the Halloween theme and the way the girls have a spell over Mark. Can't wait to see where this goes and to see the power they have over him during the weekend!
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Re: Magic

Post by NudeBaG »

Thanks JeepMan!
High praise indeed.
What do you think Mark’s little sister and her friends have in store?
What do you think the 2 spells they cast were?
One of them has already been explained.
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Re: Magic

Post by Jeepman89 »

Oh, you're putting me on the spot. I figure the spell is to have him do whatever they want him to do and in fact one spell was to give him a hardon. I suspect the girls will have him do things that he wouldn't normally do like answer the door naked, go outside naked, touch himself, etc and lots of embarrassing things for the girls to enjoy. I hope you let me know soon.
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Re: Magic

Post by Themarble »

I posted a reply but I guess I forgot to hit send. This is a great start and I think this could go so many directions. If it were my guess for the 2nd spell I would assume that its either about the size of his dick or the amount of times he can cum. Whatever it is I like that you are using another halloween story that was here as inspiration.

Looking forward until the next chapter.
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Re: Magic

Post by NudeBaG »

Magic Part 2:

“Happy Halloween, Marky.” My sister dragged her finger across the doll’s waist, and my towel flipped open, allowing my hard penis to spring up in front of her and her friends!

“Oh wow!” Tanya jumped up and down.
“It’s even bigger than you said!” Christine gasped.
“Wow! This angle is better than the one from his door this morning!” Emily said.
So SHE WAS watching me earlier when I heard my door close!
I tried desperately to cover up, but couldn’t move!
“Stand him up so we can get a better look at it!” Tanya said.
My sister held up the doll- er “totem” thing and straightened the legs.
I felt my own legs twitch, then flex as I stood up involuntarily!
“I can’t believe we’re seeing this IN PERSON!” Christine said.
My penis was rock hard again, even though I was in front of my little sister and her friends!
I know it’s been a fantasy of mine to be naked in front of girls, but not like this!

“Holy shit Mark! You’re showing my friends and I your big weiner! What’s wrong with you?!”
My sister laughed wickedly as she bent the totem’s legs, and I sat down on the bed again!
“I can’t believe it worked!” Christine shouted in excitement.
I couldn’t move! I tried to cover up, but my arms wouldn’t move!
“Ooooo. Try it the other way!” Tanya said.
“Ok!” My sister lifted the totem to her mouth.
It looked like she was whispering something to the small figure.
Suddenly, I heard her voice in my head!
(Stand up.)
I suddenly felt compelled to stand!
My mind was telling my body to cover up, kick these girls out of my room, but my body was doing things on it’s own!
I felt my legs twitch, then straighten as I stood up in front of my sister and her friends!
“Hell yeah!” My sister laughed gleefully.
I was now fully erect again, completely naked in front of my sister and her 2 friends, AND I wasn’t in control of my own body!
“I wonder,” she looked at the figure, then down at my penis.
She extended her index finger, and slowly pointed at the totem’s crotch.
She then touched it, and began gently rubbing it.

Every nerve in my penis came to life with an intensity and vibrancy I’ve never felt before!
It was a level of pleasure I didn’t know existed!
“Oh wow! Look at it!” Christine shouted.
I looked down.
My penis was the hardest it’s even been.
It was pointing out at an upward angle, flexing towards my abs!
You could see my balls rising and falling!
Every muscle in my body tensed as I was on the verge of an intense orgasm, then, it stopped.
I bent over, panting.
My genitals throbbed.
I looked up to see my sister and her 2 friends staring in awe.
“Wha-what was that?!” I gasped.
“That, my dear brother, was magic.” My sister said.
“More specifically, a derivative of Voodoo,” she continued.
“as in Voodoo doll.” She said. “But it’s a bit different, as we’ve spiced it up a bit.”
“We performed 2 additional incantations, making this little guy,” she held up the totem, “quite powerful.” She handed it to Tanya before continuing.

“You’ve only experienced a taste of what this little guy can do.” My sister said as Tanya held the doll. “How are you doing this? WHY are you doing this?!” I begged. “I SUPPOSE we can answer those questions.” My sister said, as though it were asking a huge favor of her. “I already explained the first one. Kinda.” She sat down on the bed next to me.
“As for the second,” she was looking directly at my erect penis. “I guess you were the easiest target.”
Tanya and Christine laughed.
“I’ve never done anything to you! I even stick up for you with mom!” I said.
My sister looked hesitant for a moment.
“I know.” She said bluntly. “Like I said, you were just the easiest target. We would have done this to any hot guy, but YOU were the one who supplied us.”
My sister stood up and rejoined her friends.
“Really Mark, this is nothing personal.” She looked at Tanya and Christine.
Tanya held the doll up to her mouth.
(Stand up.)
I heard Tanya’s voice in a sensual whisper, echo in my head.
Again, my legs tensed and I was compelled to stand.
“Ooooooooh!” Tanya squeeled. “This is gonna be SO much fun!”

As I stood there with the girls basking in my naked arousal, the reality, or rather, SURREALITY of the situation sunk in.
My little sister and her friends had complete control over my body AND all my actions!
Emily took the doll from Tanya and held it up to her lips.
(Grab your dick.)
My sister’s sensual whisper oozed into my mind.
I felt my right arm twitch, then I reached down and gripped my penis.
The feeling of having your body move on it’s own, without YOU TELLING IT TO, is, in a way, sickening.
I felt violated.
“Oh my god!” Christina bent down. “That is SO hot!”
“You think THAT’s hot?” My sister smiled wickedly.
Again, she lifted the doll to her lips.
She whispered something, then I heard her voice in my head again.
(Stroke it for us.)
I felt compelled, once again, to obey her command.
I began jerking off in front of my sister and her 2 friends!
I felt terrified, embarassed and the most sexually aroused I’ve ever felt.
This was my fantasy come true!Granted, IN my fantasy, my sister wasn’t involved, and I was in control, but still, I was naked and jerking off for 3 girls!

I felt myself approaching the point of no return, as my little sister and her friends watched intently.
I had just jerked off less than an hour ago! How was I THIS horny again?!
“Aaaaaaaaaah!” I let out a moan as I felt an even more aggressive orgasm than my one earlier about to begin!
I opened my eyes to look at the 3 girls in my room.
Tanya was whispering in my sister’s ear, as she was holding the doll up to her mouth.
(Stop) My sister’s voice echoed in my mind.
Breathing heavily, I released my throbbing dick and leaned back.
“Are you sure?” My sister turned to Tanya, a surprised look on her face.
“Oh hell yeah!” Tanya said excitedly. “I gotta know!”
My sister looked at my twitching penis.
“Fine. I don’t think he’s ever had one.” My sister said with a smirk.
Tanya jumped up and down a bit, as Christine looked confused.
Tanya quickly sat next to me on the bed, while my sister whispered to Christine, resulting in a huge grin.
My sister lifted the totem to her lips again.
(Don’t move) I heard her voice in my head.
My entire body convulsed, and I was immobilized.
Tanya scooted right next to me, resting her left hand on my thigh, the spikes of her black bracelet gently digging into my leg. “Thanks for letting me do this.” She looked down at my penis, and grabbed it with her right hand! “Though, I guess you really don’t have a choice!” Tanya laughed as she began stroking my hard cock!

My mind was a flurry of activity:
“I can’t move! My sister and her friends are seeing me naked! This is just like my fantasy! She’s jerking me off! This is BETTER than my fantasy! But it’s my little sister and her friends! What if I cum! Is she going to make me cum?! I’m gonna cum!”
This was my train of thought as Tanya found her rhythm.
“Holy shit! He’s SO hard!” Tanya squeeled with glee as she stroked my dick.
Despite this presumably being her first time, Tanya was stroking me like a pro.
It didn’t take long before I felt it.
My breathing quickened and I felt my muscles tense.
I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t think. My whole existance eminated from my cock.
That pleasant burning/tingling sensation was somehow, AMPLIFIED!
A jet of cum rocketed from my penis, coating my chest in a sticky trail.
The first spurt hit my chin, followed by a second and a third, which landed on my chest and naval.
Tanya stopped stroking, but continued holding my dick, as I lay panting.
Her hand shakily retreated, and she wiped some residual cum onto my bedspread.
“Hahaha! Yeah!” Tanya stood up. My sister and Christine held up their hands, and Tanya gave them each a high five.
“Thanks again, Mark!” Tanya laughed “That was WAY more fun than I thought it would be!”
“I wanna try!” Christine said.
“Go for it! Not like he can stop us.” My sister looked down at me as I lay on my bed, my torso covered in cum.
Christine sat down on my right, and to my surprise, grabbed my cock with her left hand.
“Ewww. It’s kinda sticky!” She laughed as she gripped my penis.
“It gets slippery as you go! Don’t worry!” Tanya laughed.
“W-wait!” I managed to gasp. “I-I don’t think I can-“ My sister raised her hand.
“Oh, don’t worry Marky. We’ve taken care of that.” Emily shook the totem in front of me.
“Honestly, you’ll probably THANK me when you find out what the other spell does.” She smiled wickedly and stood back with Tanya.
“Go ahead Chris.” My sister knodded at the petite red haired girl sitting next to me.
I braced myself for the pain.
I learned early on in my pubescent years that jerking off more than 2 times in the span of an hour, usually leads to a somewhat LESS enjoyable (and often painful) third time.

Christine adjusted her grip once again. Her delicate fingers wrapped around my shaft. I couldn’t believe how hard I still was! These girls were seeing , and now TOUCHING everything I had!I’d even been jerked to completion by one of them, and was about to be again by another! And to make things worse, It was in front of my sister! How was I still hard?!

My body trembled, but I still couldn’t move.
Christine gently began stroking my cock.
Her touch was so gentle it almost tickled.
“It looks like a long mushroom!” Christina giggled, examining my penis.
She then began moving her lightly curled fingers up and down my shaft.
Honestly, it felt fantastic!
“Not like that, Chris!” My sister scolded.
She walked over, sat on my other side, and to my horror, grabbed my cock!
She held it and shook it lightly, giving me an evil smirk.
“Like this. See?” Gesturing for Christina to look.
I was in shock! My little sister was holding my cock!
She gave it a few good pumps, then let it slap back on to my abs with a wet ‘thwack!’
Emily then stood and rejoined Tanya.
Christine again took hold of my penis, this time, gripping it firmly around the shaft.
Embarrassingly, my sister had actually gotten me pretty close.
Christine bit her bottom lip, giggling, and began stroking.

The pre cum was flowing now and Christine’s delicate hand was sliding effortlessly along my shaft. Despite what my sister had told her, Christine maintained a lose grip.
I felt the tightening of my muscles, along with that pleasant pressure/burning in my cock.
It usually didn’t happen this fast-Not on the second time!
“Speed up, Chris!” I heard my sister’s coaching.
“And don’t let go!” Tanya added.
Christine did as she was told.
My body tensed, and I released another explosive cum shot!
Christine laughed and squeezed my cock hard enough to hurt.
“Aaaaaah! Ow! Ow!” I moaned.
Christine squeezed a few more times, delaying the end of my orgasm.
She let go and looked at her hand. “Eeeewwww! I didn’t think it’d be that sticky! It felt slippery when it was on his thing!”

My sister laughed as she took in the sight of her older brother convulsing on his bed, naked, and covered in cum.
She put her hands on her hips
“Aaaaaah. Marky, Marky, Marky. I can’t believe you just let my friends jerk you off! And while I watched, no less!!”
She held the Totem up to her mouth, whispering to it.
I heard her voice in my head, and all at once, the pain of having my entire body immobolized surged throughout my body! It was like I’d been locked in a cupboard for hours.
I lay panting, too tired to even cover up.
My cock deflated, and rolled to the side.
“Awww!” Tanya cooed. “His weiner wen’t down!”
“Don’t worry, T. We should give him a little break at least.” My sister actually sounded, sweet?
“Clean youself up and meet us downstairs when your ready.” My sister ushered her friends out of my room as I managed to finally cover myself.
“Don’t take too long though,” my sister held up the totem.
“We still have plans for you.”
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Re: Magic

Post by Jeepman89 »

Fantastic Part 2. I love how he can magically cum for the girls over and over again. I wonder what's next. I hope the girls take him outside for some trick or treating.
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Re: Magic

Post by NudeBaG »

Thank you JeepMan!
My girlfriend and I are actually really pleased with this story so far.
Already working on Part 3.
How’s Stripped By Girls “cumming”? Lol
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Re: Magic

Post by Jeepman89 »

You should be pleased. It is so good and so well written. Any previews for Part 3? I hope to post the next part soon.
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Re: Magic

Post by Themarble »

As Jeepman already said some type of trick or treating would be great. Amazing part 2. Hope to see more soon.
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