Teaching my white friend a lesson

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Teaching my white friend a lesson

Post by lilyw »

Hi. My name is Lily and my best friend’s name is Brian. Unfortunately, the fact that I am Asian and he is white is relevant to this story, but I’ll get to that later. I have been best friends with Brian forever, since like elementary school. I remember even back then initially liking him because he was genuinely really funny, and not in the stupid, obnoxious way that a lot of the other boys were. He was smart and a little shy, but he always found a way to make me laugh, and I loved spending time with him.

We only grew closer over the years, but there was a side of me he’d never seen. Our friendship had been almost too perfect. We had never had a fight, or even a serious argument. This sometimes made me worry about what would happen when we inevitably had our first major disagreement because, I admit, I have a bit of an anger issue. I think most of it comes from the fact that I’m very prideful, probably more than I’d like to be. I think I’m constantly at least a little high strung, and so if I feel disrespected, sometimes the rage inside me just feels uncontrollable, and I’ve definitely snapped at people before. I didn’t want to snap at Brian, because I really did care about him, but my history with confrontation was not a great one. In retrospect, I probably should’ve talked to Brian about this before our first big fight, but you know what they say about hindsight...

I don’t wanna be all hyper sensitive, but honestly the thing that really made my blood boil was racist jokes. To me it always seemed like the whole “joke” aspect was just an excuse to normalize racism and make it seem like it wasn’t a big deal. Also, the jokes weren’t funny, and they only became more frequent in high school. In general, I was starting to get more attention from guys, and I have a feeling that a lot of the jokes didn’t come from a place of malice, but just a bunch of teenagers who didn’t know how to express themselves. This didn’t stop me from getting angry though, nor from letting them know.

Regardless, I generally wasn’t too interested in their advances. Not that I didn’t find guys cute, but honestly I was just in no rush to start dating. I guess I just didn’t wanna force anything. This brings me to Brian. A lot of people thought he had a crush on me. I guess when a guy and a girl spend as much time together as we did, rumors are bound to spread. On my end, I really liked Brian, as I already said. I cared about him a lot, and though I probably wouldn’t admit it if asked, I did find him cute. I think I resisted the thought of turning our friendship into something more because I didn’t want to lose him, and knowing nothing about dating made that feel like a pretty big risk.

Anyway, the point is we finally did have our first fight... We were now in high school, and something was changing in Brian that I didn’t like. Now I know how that sounds, and that’s the reason I told myself for not confronting him about it. I told myself I didn’t want to be controlling, but again I think I may have just been scared to finally breach our first argument.

Brian had always been shy, which made him more susceptible to peer pressure. I think the social pressures of fitting in were getting to him a little bit, and I noticed him starting to act a little...douchey. I could tell he wanted approval from the other guys and well, guys, especially at that age, can be pretty obnoxious. I tried to ignore it, but it finally reached a boiling point during an end of the year field trip.

Our entire grade went to this really nice historic village. Maybe that sounds boring but hey, that’s the kind of thing I like. I could tell Brian was a little bored, but instead of whining, he just found more ways to entertain himself, and me. Unfortunately, this didn’t last. After the village we were gonna stop for a few hours at a beach, which everyone was really excited about. Most people were already in their swimwear. Brian was wearing a pair of blue trunks and a t shirt, and I had on a black one piece. We were waiting to get back on the bus, when a few of Brian’s “friends” walked over and joined us. Three guys in swim trunks, but unlike Brian, they had already taken their shirts off as well.

“Yo Brian, you gonna swim in your shirt or something? Come on let’s see those abs!”

I rolled my eyes at them. Brian didn’t join me though, and instead gave them a sheepish laugh and took off his shirt. I didn’t mind him taking his shirt off, but I was annoyed at how he immediately gave into their stupid taunts, which only encouraged them.

“I feel like you’d have abs Lily, why don’t you wear a bikini and show em off?”

Ugh. I replied with a sarcastic “smooth” as I gave him my most disinterested look. They all laughed moronically, and I could see that Brian was conflicted about joining them. I was filled with disappointment, but it just kept going...

“I guess her parents would probably disown her if she wore one. Typical Asian school girl.”

Ok fuck no. I wasn’t gonna put up with that for one second. Just as I was about to give them a piece of my mind, Brian spoke first...

“You should see her in her uniform”

I felt like I got the wind knocked out of me. I stared at him in disbelief as his little quip made the guys burst out in laughter, even earning him a high five for his betrayal. If it was anyone else I would’ve let loose on them immediately, but this was Brian, my best friend. Not knowing what to do I just stormed away onto the bus. If he wants to hang out with his new friends then fine, but I wasn’t gonna play along like I’m ok with it.

Almost immediately Brian got onto the bus and sat next to me, looking uneasy.



“You ok?”

I just looked at him. My blood was starting to boil. He knew how much I hated racist jokes. I had told him that, explicitly, on multiple occasions when others had made them. Brian, not used to this side of me, immediately got defensive and I could tell he was so worried about losing the argument that he wasn’t thinking clearly like he usually did. But I was too angry to try to diffuse the situation, like I should’ve...

The bus was on its way to the beach now, and we had quickly escalated into yelling.

“It was just a joke! We tease each other all the time!”

“Who was that joke for, me or them? Would you make that joke if they weren’t there?”

“What? I’m allowed to have other friends Lily”

“Friends? Please. You act like an obedient dog around them”

There was a pause in our shouting match. The look on Brian’s face told me I had just cut him deep. It definitely didn’t help that our first fight was so public, as the entire bus was listening in. I think I may have even seen his lower lip start to tremble, because he immediately looked away, and stayed silent. I waited, but my anger was still at a fever pitch, so I didn’t wait long.

“Well Brian? Are you gonna apologize? I’m still waiting.”

The bus stopped. Brian got up and walked off the bus without responding. I stood right up and stormed after him. I could feel that I had just crossed a line. Brian had chosen to leave, possibly he was even trying to not cry, and I wasn’t letting him get away. Like an automatic coping mechanism my rage grew to overwhelm my guilt, and I followed him onto the sandy beach, as I saw the whole bus load of our classmates gather around to watch.

I shouted his name, but he kept walking. I felt something snap inside me. I ran up and pushed him into the sand. The crowd gasped as he rolled onto his back, looking up at me with a shocked expression. I could tell he looked scared. I knew he wasn’t good at confrontations and I was using it against him.


I actually heard a ringing in my ears as I publicly assaulted and bullied my best friend. I knew this was way out of his comfort zone but hey, racist jokes at my expense were out of my comfort zone as well.

“Jesus Lily. Ok, ok I’m sorry.”

The ringing didn’t go away. His apology didn’t sound genuine to me. It just sounded like he was trying to end the situation as quickly as possible and get out of the spotlight. I wasn’t about to let that happen.

“Say it like you mean it.”

Brian blushed. The mood had suddenly changed from a fight to something a little more...dominating. Brian tried his best to save face without escalating the situation.

“I said I’m sorry ok? It’s not my fault you don’t believe me. I mean Jesus what do I have to do? “

The fact that he was trying to play this off as no big deal was absolutely infuriating. I felt like I was gonna explode. I felt like I was gonna do something bad. I...was gonna do something bad.

“I’ll tell you what you have to do. Run to the water and back, and I’ll forgive you.”

*Brian slowly stood up, looking confused as I glowered at him.*

“If I run to the water and back, you won’t be mad at me anymore?”

Brian looked hopeful that he got off easy. But I had one more thing to add.


I could hear gasps and giggles all around us as I dropped the bomb. I almost couldn’t believe I actually said it, and neither could Brian, who looked like he had just been encased in ice. I knew that this was *waaaaaay* over the line. I mean, we were in broad daylight, surrounded by girls he went to school with, and I was telling him to strip...butt naked. When the idea first came into my head I didn’t seriously consider making him do it, I just wanted to make him sweat. I wanted him to feel more humiliated than I did. I wanted to really hurt his pride.

But that was when the idea first came into my mind...Now that I had said it, I felt a surge of adrenaline shoot through me, and it felt good. Meanwhile, Brian had regained his ability to talk.


His aloofness had evaporated. I could see the Brian I knew in those eyes again. Good. This is what I wanted. But...now that I had spoken my idea into existence, something inside me couldn’t let go of it. I felt myself giving in to my rage, and though I didn’t want to admit it, my excitement.

“Strip. Or I’ll take them off myself.”

I had never seen a guy naked before, at least not in real life. I had never seen a guy’s...thing. The thought of pantsing my best friend in front of our whole class, of exposing his wiener...I almost hoped he’d go for the second option. And he did...

“What the hell Lily??” is all he could muster as he tried to back up. Unfortunately for him, the crowd had tightened their circle around us, and when he backed into them they just pushed him back towards me. I put my foot behind his and pushed him hard, sending him onto his back for the second time as the crowd screamed and cheered. I grabbed onto his trunks...I felt electric, light headed. I looked Brian right in the eyes. He had been my best friend for years and I was about to pull down his swim trunks. In front of at least 20 of his female classmates. It didn’t feel real, like something out of a movie. Would he ever be able to recover from this?

Brian was definitely in fight or flight mode, and was holding onto his shorts like his life depended on it. But inch by inch...he was losing the battle. The crowd went silent as they waited with bated breath to see if Brian would be able to hold on to what was left of his dignity.

You see, the thing about Brian is, when he’s nervous, his hands get sweaty. And he had never been this nervous in his life. Expecting this, I waited for his grip to slip...and I yanked, hard. His trunks flew down to his ankles. Time froze. I saw...everyone saw...Brian’s privates.

And oh my god, he was small. Not tiny, and it was the first one I had ever seen in person, but I had seen enough on the internet to know he was definitely below average. I felt a pang of guilt for my best friend. Brian, the shy kid worried about fitting in, just got pantsed. Half the girls in his class just saw his junk. And he was...not packing much.

But I couldn’t stop now. Poor Brian was so humiliated that instead of pulling his trunks back up, he just clamped both hands over his package to try to mitigate the damage. I took advantage of this and got his trunks all the way off his feet and waved them for the crowd, who were beside themselves, laughing and pointing. I looked down pointedly at his crotch, and I just couldn’t help myself.

“Well I guess that stereotype’s true.”

And then I took off with his trunks.

I will never forget the sight of Brian chasing me down the beach, ass naked. He was actually trying to cover both his ass and his front with one hand each, which only made him look more ridiculous. I made it to the water and didn’t stop till I was waist deep, and threw his shorts as far as I could. I didn’t know if I was just trying to make him have to swim for them, or if I was genuinely hoping they’d be lost forever. They were blue after all, and hard to spot in the water...

As I turned around I saw Brian wading into the water. The scarlet glow was spreading from his face to his whole body, as he stopped in front of me, naked and shaking with humiliation. We made eye contact, and I wanted to twist the knife one more time. Knowing that he would do anything to cover himself meant that he couldn’t defend himself with his hands. I walked right up to him and slapped him. Not hard enough to hurt his body, just hard enough to hurt his ego. I saw tears welling up in his eyes and I roughly pushed him into the water. He lost balance and fell face first which gave me an unobstructed view of his ass. I let out a loud laugh and walked back onto the beach, calling out “nice uniform!” to him as I did.

As I made it back to the beach, people were dying with laughter. They couldn’t stop talking about Brian getting his trunks stolen, in the most public, degrading way possible. I even got a high five from the same guys who high five’d Brian earlier. He was a complete laughing stock, and I knew that everyone was gonna hear about this...

As my anger began to fade, guilt started creeping in. What had I just done? I had just stripped Brian naked in front of everyone...not to mention assaulting him more than once. I wanted to humiliate him in the worst possible way, to take his manhood away, and I did. I exposed his little secret, and everyone knew what his privates looked like now. This had to be every guy’s worst nightmare, especially if it was from getting overpowered by a girl...

As I played beach volleyball and frisbee with my friends, Brian stayed in the water. I didn’t know if he had found his trunks and just wanted to stay away from everyone, or if he was out there naked, his trunks gone for good. I knew he would never, ever talk to me again after this. I would have to live with him hating me forever. The more I calmed down the harder reality crashed down on me. I can’t believe I took it this far.

As time went on and Brian still hadn’t gotten out of the water, I decided I had to check if he had really lost his trunks. It was the least I could do, seeing as how it was all my fault. I grabbed a towel for him, spotted his head above the water, and waded out to him, bracing myself for the worst conversation of my life. He’s had all this time for his anger and humiliation to stew...he was gonna be pissed.

He saw me approach and didn’t move or say anything. I stopped about 6 feet away, not trying to encroach on his personal space.

“Did you find your trunks?”

“No...I think they’re gone...”

Another shot of guilt. On top of everything, he thought I was probably gonna leave him naked out here. I can’t imagine what he was thinking, about having to run back to the bus naked, especially after being in the cold water for so long...

“Here, use this”

I waded closer and held out my hand, offering him the wet towel. But then, before even taking the towel...

“Lily, I am so, so, so sorry about the joke I made. It wasn’t funny at all and just completely uncalled for. You were right, I was only doing it to try to fit in, and you were right to get mad.”

I felt my heart skip a beat and tears well up in my eyes. Brian had caught me completely off guard. This was such a sweet, genuine apology, and the fact that he was hiding in the water naked as he said it just broke my heart.

“Oh my god Brian I thought you were never gonna talk to me again! I’m the one that’s sorry! I can’t believe what I did to you...I...I just...lost control. I’m so fucking sorry for humiliating you like that. I showed everyone your...your...Are you sure you don’t hate me? You can totally hate me after something like that. I would!”

“If I say I don’t hate you, can I have the towel?”

I could tell Brian was joking, and the surge of relief was indescribable. I threw him the towel, gave him a moment to wrap it around himself underwater, and then I hugged him harder than I ever had before. I kept apologizing and it felt good to feel him hug me back.

As we walked out of the water, I grabbed his hand. I’m not sure what made me do it, but we held hands the entire walk up the beach, which incited a lot of wolf whistles.

“Better hold on tight to that towel, only got one hand you know?” I teased. He smiled sheepishly, and then asked, in almost a whisper,

“Did you mean what you said, about me being...small?”

I paused for a second. I didn’t want to be dishonest, but I didn’t want to hurt his feelings, and I knew this was something guys were really insecure about.

“Well, I was definitely trying to be mean...It’s uh...maybe not the biggest, but I thought it looked cute!” I said the last part without thinking. I looked at him, hoping I hadn’t hurt his pride even more. He blushed and said “I’ll take it.” Another wave of relief washed over me as we both got on the bus. I turned around as he changed into his clothes and I SWEAR I didn’t peek. We spent the rest of the beach time just sitting on the bus and talking. As I put my head on his shoulder, I felt like we were closer than ever.
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Re: Teaching my white friend a lesson

Post by Playtoyking101 »

Wow thsts great I bet he e er fore get thst day dif a y of the girls make fun of him after abiut being small?
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Re: Teaching my white friend a lesson

Post by TeenFan »

That's a cute little story to go along with a little weenie. And well written. Nice job.
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Re: Teaching my white friend a lesson

Post by lilyw »

TeenFan wrote: Thu May 11, 2023 12:34 am That's a cute little story to go along with a little weenie. And well written. Nice job.
Thanks! It’s based on something I really did to my friend, but I souped it up a little here. If this story gets some comments I might actually show it to Brian, just to see how he’d react to so many people knowing about his “little weenie” LOL
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Re: Teaching my white friend a lesson

Post by lilyw »

Playtoyking101 wrote: Wed May 10, 2023 9:37 pm Wow thsts great I bet he e er fore get thst day dif a y of the girls make fun of him after abiut being small?
School was definitely rough for him for a while lol. Lots of comments about his size and more than a few repeat pantsing attempts...
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Re: Teaching my white friend a lesson

Post by Playtoyking101 »

lilyw wrote: Thu May 11, 2023 3:24 am
TeenFan wrote: Thu May 11, 2023 12:34 am That's a cute little story to go along with a little weenie. And well written. Nice job.
Thanks! It’s based on something I really did to my friend, but I souped it up a little here. If this story gets some comments I might actually show it to Brian, just to see how he’d react to so many people knowing about his “little weenie” LOL
That's grat let us know ow how he Reacts to plp knowing about his lil weenie lol
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Re: Teaching my white friend a lesson

Post by NudeBaG »

This is a super cute story!
I’d also love to know more.
This dragged up a pantsing memory of my own.
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Re: Teaching my white friend a lesson

Post by Femdoom »

Have you seen it since? I personally would have remind him now and then about seeing his cute little friend. Lol
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Re: Teaching my white friend a lesson

Post by lilyw »

NudeBaG wrote: Fri May 12, 2023 10:31 pm This is a super cute story!
I’d also love to know more.
This dragged up a pantsing memory of my own.
Thanks! What else would you like to know? Also ooooh do tell, what’s your pantsing memory?
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Re: Teaching my white friend a lesson

Post by lilyw »

Femdoom wrote: Fri May 12, 2023 11:43 pm Have you seen it since? I personally would have remind him now and then about seeing his cute little friend. Lol
Hehe well...I may have seen it again. Word spread pretty fast about what happened and so some girls kept trying to pants him again at school. Let’s just say he couldn’t keep his guard (or his pants!) up all the time...
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