
Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Re: Magic

Post by NudeBaG »

Magic Part 30

My phone alarm began blaring.
I sat up and grabbed my phone, turning off the alarm.
I stretched and pulled the covers back.
My erect penis was throbbing!
No time to do anything with it though.
I stood and walked out the hall to the bathroom.
I walked to the toilet and struggled to position myself so I could pee.
Emily burst in and walked to the shower.
“Em!” I gasped.
“What? We both have to get ready for school.” She turned on the water and removed her nightshirt.
“Whoa! Em?!”
She was completely naked!
Without looking at me, she said “Hurry up and hop in when you’re done.”
She opened the sliding glass door and hopped in.
I finally got my penis angled enough to let me pee.
I flushed and stepped into the shower with my sister.
She had just put shampoo in her hair.
“Gimme one sec and we can switch.” She said.
My eyes locked onto her toned butt!
I felt my penis twitch.
I stood under the hot water watching it run off my little sister’s butt and legs!
Emily turned to face me.
She grabbed my waist and shifted our positions.
She began rinsing as I began lathering.
“You gonna be ok with that thing today?” She nodded at my penis
I was still erect, and it showed no sign of subsiding.
“I don’t have a choice, do I?” I sighed.
I really couldn’t see my erection going down without ‘assistance’ right now.
Not only was it basic morning wood, but last night’s adventure with Christine still had me rock hard.
I soaped up quickly as Emily finished her shower.
She turned again to face me, allowing me a full view of her naked front!
She maintained her nonchalant attitude about her own nudity, making no effort to cover herself in front of me.
I just so happened to be lathering and rubbing soap along my hard penis when she turned to face me.
She let out an exaggerated gasp, covering her little pussy with one hand and shielding her breasts with the other.
“Mark!” She gasped.
She quickly began laughing, pulling her wet hair back.
I released my penis, scrubbing the rest of my body.
Emily finished and stepped out of the shower.
I finished rinsing as Emily dried herself.
I turned the water to ‘cool’.
I winced as I intentionally thrusted my genitals forward under the cold water.
I watched my penis deflate and slowly fall as my ballsack tightened up to my body.
I turned the water off and stepped out of the shower.
I dried off, my limp penis flopping around as the towel dried my body.
I headed downstairs.
I heard my mom moving around in the kitchen.
I stepped into the kitchen, making a b line for the fridge.
Mom was pouring a cup of coffee.
I pulled out a toaster pastry and popped it in the toaster.
“Coffee?” My mom asked.
I glanced at her as she pulled out another mug.
“Yeah, please.” I said.
I noticed her look at my flaccid penis.
She seemed to nod with a satisfied look on her face.
She poured my coffee.
“Cream, right?” Mom asked as she poured a splash in, not waiting for my response.
My pastry popped and I put it on a plate.
“I need to get going.” Mom turned towards the hall leading to the stairs.
“Emily? Do you need a ride to school, or are you going to catch the bus?” Mom called out.
Emily appeared, rounding the corner.
“Mhmm. I figured Mark could drop me off.” She said.
“Oh!” Mom looked at me. “That WOULD be helpful.”
I looked at the clock.
Not having to get dressed meant that I knocked about 10 minutes off my usual routine.
“As long as you hurry.” I called.
“Way ahead of you!” Emily hopped to the fridge and grabbed a banana.
Mom grabbed her purse, off the counter.
Emily peeled and ate the banana as she grabbed some stuff from the pantry.
She hugged mom with her mouth full before running up the stairs.
“I’m off. Have a good day, sweety.” Mom kissed me on the cheek as I quickly scarfed down my pastry.
I chugged the rest of my coffee and ran up to the bathroom.
Emily was doing her hair.
I brushed my teeth with her ogling me in the mirror the whole time.
I quickly styled my own hair as Emily put on some makeup.
“I guess I’ll meet you downstairs.” I shrugged since I didn’t have to get dressed.
“Right behind you.” Emily said, finishing her own routine.
I ran downstairs and grabbed my bag and keys.
My sister carried it yesterday, but today, I’d be responsible for it.
The strap felt weird against my bare skin.
I slipped my shoes on.
I caught myself in the mirror by the door.
I wondered if I looked as strange to others as I did to myself, wearing nothing but shoes.
It’s almost like I felt MORE naked if that makes sense.
I stood by the front door.
I did NOT want to be late!
Who knows what the punishment will be?!
“Come on, Em!” I called out.
“Coming!” Em called from the top of the stairs as I adjusted my bag.
She was wearing her cute school uniform.
I watched Emily hop down the stairs.
She made no effort to sheild herself on her way down, giving me a perfect view of her black panties!
I felt my penis twinge.
I moved my bag to cover myself.
She smirked at me and giggled.
I grabbed my keys and opened the door.
I stood in the cool fall morning air.
Emily hopped to the walkway and headed to the car.
I locked the door and hooked my keys to my bag.
I unlocked the car and Emily climbed in.
I put my bag in the back and got in.
“Whoa!” I yelped.
The leather was chilly.
Emily also shivered and adjusted her skirt as she sat.
We pulled out and started towards Wicker Creek Middle School.
“Thanks for driving today. Could you pick me up on the way home too?” Emily asked.
“Yeah, that’s fine.” I sighed.
“Cool! Christine and Tanya will be coming too!” She said.
“I figured.” I shrugged.
As we turned out of the neighborhood and on to the main road towards the schools, we looked at the large moving truck in the driveway of the house on the corner next to us.
“I hope James and Julie are in school tomorrow. Hmhm!” Emily turned to look at me.
“I bet you’re happy to have another guy around. Hmhm!” She chuckled.
I thought about it.
Maybe having another guy around would take some of the attention off of me.
Then I had a strange thought.
What if James’ penis was bigger than mine?
What if the girls found him more fun to be around than me?
It WOULD let me relax a bit more, but what if they needed me?
What if I needed them?!
“You ok, Mark?” Emily spoke.
“Huh? Y-Yeah.” I shrugged.
Emily put her hand on my thigh.
I felt instantly calm.
“Don’t worry Mark, you are special to us.” Emily said sweetly.
Did she know what I was thinking?
We drove through town and approached Wicker Creek Middle and Elementary.
Emily kept rubbing my thigh the whole time, keeping my penis at a semi-erection.
I sunk down into my seat as we pulled into the drop-off line.
There were young girls all around!
Fortunately, they were all heading into the school, AWAY from the drop off.
I was so focused on the girls entering the school, I didn’t notice the girl that was now standing at my driver’s side window.
There was a knock, and I jumped!
I turned to see the beautiful green eyes of Christine looking down at my lap through the window.
I rolled the window down as Emily double checked her bag next to me.
“Hiiiiiii Maaaaarkyyyyyy!” Christine teased.
“Hey.” I lifted my fingers off the wheel with a slight wave.
Christine quickly leaned in through the open window and grabbed my penis!
I felt myself start to bone up immediately!
“Chris, stop it.” Emily said opening her door.
“Have a good day!” Chris gave me a couple tugs and kissed my cheek!
I sunk down as she stood back to greet Emily.
“Don’t forget to pick me up after school.” Emily said.
“I won’t.” I said.
She shut the door.
I rolled my window up as a couple other girls I didn’t know hopped up to meet Emily and Christine.
One of the girls glanced at me just before I drove off.
I heard her gasp, then heard Christine and Emily laugh as I pulled away.

My heart began racing as I pulled into the Wicker Creek High parking lot.
Most of the busses had arrived, and the student parking was pretty full.
I had hoped to get a spot closer to the school entrance/exit, but unfortunately, I had to park further out, making me have to walk nude across the lot to the school.
I picked my bag up off the passenger side floor, holding it on my lap.
I looked at the clock.
I had to be in the art room by 7:55.
Class didn’t start until 8, but at Wicker Creek, it’s an unspoken rule-
You’re either early, or your late.
And I didn’t have the girls’ magic to rely on.
The straggling busses were steadily streaming in, though it looked like most of them were parked already.
Most of my classmates drove, anyway.
I looked at my lap.
My penis was now at a semi-erection.
Not fully erect, but with the size of my penis, it would still draw attention.
I took a couple deep breaths, holding the bag to my lap.
I unbuckled.
I slung the strap over my neck.
I held my bag over my crotch.
Instantly, I heard giggles and gasps from some of the cars.
“Yo! Mark!” A voice called out beside me.
I glanced over to see Sam getting out of her car.
She flipped her long, curly blonde hair to the side as she adjusted her own bag.
She started jogging towards me.
She excitedly stepped around my car and let out an almost irritated ‘huff’ to see that I was sheilded by my bag.
She looked in my car.
“No little sisters tagging along today?” She teased.
I sighed.
“Nope. They had to go to their own school today.” I turned and started walking to the school entrance.
“Wheewhewwww!” Sam whistled.
A few straggling classmates of ours at the school entrance turned to look at us.
The bell rang from around the school.
“Shit!” Sam gasped.
She and I both started running.
I felt my cock flopping and bouncing around as I ran.
My classmates at the entrance yelped as we approached, both covering their mouths and holding in laughter.
It was Ella and Sara.
Sam and I turned left, heading through the courtyard to the art room while Ella and Sara continued into the school.
I pulled open the door to the art room.
My eyes took a moment to adjust.
Everyone was already seated.
Ms Becker was standing at the front of the room.
She looked at me, then at the clock.
Sam quickly slid behind me and walked to her art desk.
Ms Becker looked back at us shaking her head.
“Good morning. Yesterday, we worked on shadow and contrast with your drawings of Mark here.”
Ms Becker spoke as I made it to my desk, still holding my bag over my crotch.
“I will be going around to each of you to go over your drawings, but expanding on our study from yesterday, today we’ll be sculpting an object that you will later sketch under a light source at different angles of shadow to show contrast.”
I had just sat down at my own artist station when Ms Becker looked at me.
“Mark, please come up here.” Ms Becker gestured to me.
I took a deep breath and walked to the raised area next to Ms Becker at the front of the class.
I heard a few giggles as I walked up.
My penis was limp, but I knew being put on display would make things harder.
Ms Becker had cleared off her long desk.
“Help me move this please.” She stood at one end.
I lifted the other and we moved the desk front and center.
Ms Becker produced a large roll of plastic.
I helped her cover the desk with it.
“I don’t know if any of you will get to start sketching today, but we’ll at least make sure you all have a cast of the object you’ll be sketching.” Ms Becker said.
“Mark, lay down on your back here.” She said, patting the plastic covered desk.
My heart sank.
I did as she instructed, sitting down first, then laying back.
My penis flopped on to my hip, still flaccid, but my classmates still giggled or ‘Oooo’ed.
I felt my penis twitch.
(Oh no!) I thought to myself.
As I lay there, staring at the ceiling, Ms Becker walked over to the supply closet.
She pulled out a large white paper sac and a stack of 6 inch x 6 inch x 1 inch wooden framing tiles.
“Everyone grab a 1 gallon pitcher from the sink area and fill it half way with water, then come to me and I’ll add the powdered molding gel.” Ms Becker stepped back next to me.
She looked at my penis.
“Mark, I know yesterday, you had issues, um-“ She paused. “-controlling yourself, but today, this will actually work BETTER if you had an erection.”
I gasped.
Ms Becker then reached down and grabbed my penis!
I felt my heart racing as blood rushed to my crotch at her touch!
She just held my penis as it plumped, lengthened and stiffened!
She let out an audible gasp as I quickly reached a full blown erection!
(You ok, Mark?) Christine’s voice echoed in my head.
I focused.
(I think so?) I thought.
(Try to relax.) Christine’s voice echoed again.
So the girls COULD sense when something was ‘off’ with me.
That actually did make me feel better.
Ms Becker let go of my penis, letting it slap back down on my abs with a ‘Thwack!’
Ms Becker pulled out her own pitcher, pouring the powdered molding gel into the container.
“Just mix it until it looks like pancake batter.” She said as she stirred the substance.
She set the pitcher back down.
“Hmmm.” Ms Becker gently pinched the head of my penis, angling it to point at the ceiling!
She lowered her face and examined my penis for a moment before letting it slap against my abs again.
“Okay everyone, gather around. This’ll be messy, but I’m going to teach you how to make a hollow casting of Mark’s penis that you will then use to do your shadow contrast drawings.” Ms Becker set the wooden frame around my genitals.
She again lifted my penis with her finger to point it at the ceiling.
Everyone gathered around, giggling.
“Okay,” she slid her finger down my shaft to the base, keeping my penis pointing to the ceiling.
“So, placing your finger here at the base of Mark’s penis will keep it upright.”
Everyone gasped seeing my fully erect penis pointing straight at the ceiling as I lay there.
She picked up the pitcher of molding gel.
“Pour your moulding gel over it, from the tip, making sure it coats it aaaaaaallllllll overrrrrrrrr.”
She slowly poured the gel over my penis.
The gel was cool enough to make me jolt.
“Hold still, Mark.” Ms Becker said.
“Make sure your finger is still in place, pointing his penis towards the ceiling.”
She sat the container of casting gel to the side.
She then ran her hand all over cock, spreading the gel around.
“Make sure to REALLY get a lot of the gel on there. You don’t want any cracks.” Ms Becker spread the gel ALL OVER my penis and spread a large amount of gel around my pupic area.
“Really make sure to spread the gel around the base, otherwise, when your casting comes out of the mold, it won’t stand up.”
She continued holding my penis up by holding her finger on the tip.
Ms Becker ‘spreading the gel’ was turning into a handjob!
She slid her hand to the tip of my cock and held her finger tip to it, keeping it pointing up.
“Now we hold for 2 minutes.” She said looking up at the clock.
I was in agony!
Ms Becker spreading the gel had gotten me horny, but I had to supress those thoughts!
“Hold still, Mark.” Ms Becker said.
My penis was twitching, but not through my own doing.
I looked around at my female classmates.
Everyone was trying not to laugh as they stared at Ms Becker’s finger holding my penis upright.
I focused on the ceiling.
Ms Becker looked back at my penis, then at the clock again.
“Okaaaaay, so, ACTUALLY, we’re all just going to use the mold I’m making now to save time.”
Ms Becker examined my penis as she continued to angle it upwards.
“But does everyone understand the process?” Ms Becker asked, looking around.
Everyone nodded or said “Yes.”
Ms Becker slightly wiggled my penis a bit, testing the firmness of the mold.
“Just a little bit longer. Okay, everyone, once the mold is set, I’ll show you how to fill it with the plaster.”
I could feel the gel stiffening around my penis.
Ms Becker wobbled my penis around a bit, loosening the molding gel around the base of my penis.
It pulled away from my pelvis with a stretching, cracking noise.
I felt the suction of the mold separating from my skin.
Ms Becker gently squeezed slowly lifting the mold off my pelvis.
I felt my penis slide free with a loud ‘Thlurp!’
My hard penis slapped against my abs.
There were gasps and giggles from my classmates as my penis flopped free.
“You can go wash off at the sink, Mark.” Ms Becker nodded to the corner as she pealed some excess gel from around the base of the mold.
Ms Becker looked at the clock as I stood up in front of the class.
More giggles as my fully erect penis wobbled as I walked to the sink.
“I think we’ll have time to at least get each of you a finished casting.” Ms Becker announced.
I soaked and soaped up my hands, then began scrubbing the residual gel from my crotch.
For the most part, it pealed pretty easily.
There were some spots, however, that were proving difficult to get off.
I started scrubbing with my hands a little harder.
“Mark? Are you okay?” Ms Becker asked.
“Y-Yeah. Just trying to get this gel off.” I called back.
“I can help him!” An excited voice called out.
“Me too!” Another said.
“No. It doesn’t take that many people. Sam, you can help Mark. Victoria, class, we’re going to start pouring our casts.” Ms Becker said.
“Need a hand?” Sam asked, popping up beside me.
I was gently scratching some of the gel from the side of my penis.
Sam soaped up her hands and without hesitation, grabbed my penis and began stroking!
The feeling of Sam’s hands stroking my penis had the obvious effect.
I looked over my shoulder at Ms Becker.
She was stiring another pitcher while my classmates gathered around.
They were clearly trying to APPEAR to be paying attention, but they all kept glancing over to Sam and I.
“Wow! Your skin is soft.” Sam whispered.
I trembled as my penis lit up with sensation!
I looked down to see Sam now circling the head of my penis with her thumb!
She looked down.
“Jeez Mark, your cock really is huge!” She whispered.
Sam was slowly stroking!
“Sam? Mark? Come on you 2. We need to hurry. You’re the last 2.” Ms Becker called.
I grabbed some paper towel and dried my penis.
I was fully erect in class!
I knew this was bad, but Ms Becker MADE me get hard.
She couldn’t punish me for that, could she?
I tossed the towel and walked back to Ms Becker’s desk.
Ms Becker was talking Sam through the mold process.
My cock was pulsing!
Sam poured the gel into the mold.
“Don’t worry if it over flows a bit, that will actually give you a good base to hold it upright.” Ms Becker said.
“Ok. Now we wait 5 minutes.”
Ms Becker turned to look at my erection.
She looked back down at the mold.
“Mark, you have until Sam’s mold hardens to get THAT under control.” Ms Becker glanced up at the clock, then back down at the mold.
“Oooooooo! Hmhmhmhm!” The girls giggled.
I closed my eyes, trying to focus on nothing.
(You okay, Marky?) Christine’s voice echoed in my head.
(Huh? I-I don’t know.) I thought.
(Relax. Try not to give in to the shame. Just try and ‘not’ feel. I know, that sucks, but just try not to attract a Sacral Feeder.) Christine echoed.
I focused as best I could.
“Okay. Let’s see how it turned out.” Ms Becker said.
I looked at Ms Becker and Sam.
“Carefully peal back the excess at the base.” Ms Becker instructed.
“Hold the base, now wiggle and lift the mold.” Ms Becker instructed.
I watched as Sam pulled the mold up and off with a “Thhhhwup!” Noise.
“Huh?” I gasped.
Before me, standing tall on Ms Becker’s desk was a perfectly straight, intricately detailed, life size replica of my penis!
I looked around.
Everyone in class had a gelled plaster mold of my penis on their desk!
Ms Becker turned to me.
“Mark, you’re up.” She said.
She then looked down at my penis!
I was still fully erect, and thanks to Sam, I couldn’t get it down!
She sighed and shook her head, but still had me follow her instructions.
“Ok. Mark, here.” She handed me the pitcher.
“Pour slowly. Make sure the gel fills out the mold completely.” She instructed.
All eyes were on me as I tried to focus on pouring the mold properly.
My penis was twitching, which did not go unnoticed by Ms Becker.
“I believe I told you to get that thing down by the time Sam’s mold hardened.” Ms Becker sighed.
“I-I’m sorry.” I said as I finished pouring the mold.
“I’ll give you your punishment once your mold is set. That’s probably all we’ll have time for now.” Ms Becker said, glancing at the clock again.
My heart began racing.
I glanced around at my classmates, now sitting back at their art stations.
They were all giggling and playing with their life-size castings of my penis!
I looked down at my penis.
There was no way I was going to get it flaccid in time.
“Okay, Mark. Peal the mold away from the base and wobble it gently to loosen the cast.” Ms Becker instructed.
I did as she instructed.
With just the slightest amount of resistance, I could feel the gel breaking loose from the mold.
With a ‘thlurp’ and a pop, the mold lifted free.
Staring down at a pure white gel mold of my penis was surreal.
Ms Becker looked at the replica, then at my actual penis, which was still throbbing.
Ms Becker looked at the clock, then at my erection.
“Right. Mark, go put your casting on your desk, then come back up here for your punishment.” Ms Becker sighed.
Ms Becker walked to the supply closet and retrieved a cardboard box.
I set my casting on my desk.
Sam was staring at her own casting.
She looked up at me.
I made eye contact with her as she smirked.
She then teasingly began stroking her replica of my penis while making a seductive face.
She pouted and narrowed her eyes.
I quickly turned and walked back to the front of the class to Ms Becker.
Everyone was giggling.
Ms Becker opened the box and pulled out a wide bristle paint brush.
“I really don’t like corporal punishment, but I think I’ve worked out a reasonable action for when you are having issues ‘controlling’ yourself in my class.”
She ran her finger along the bristles of the brush as she walked back to me.
“Mark, I hate to do this, but rules are rules. Place your hands on your head.”
I gulped and did as she said.
Everyone was watching intently.
Ms Becker stood in front of me.
(Mark? What’s going on?!) Christine’s voice echoed in my head.
(Mark. You have to relax. Calm down.) Emily’s voice echoed.
(I don’t sense a feeder, but we might just be too far away.) Tanya echoed.
“I’ll try not to be TOO hard.” Ms Becker whispered.
Ms Becker cocked back, bringing her right hand with the brush horizontal to her hip.
With a swift swipe, Ms Becker brought the brush across my penis!
‘Fwap!’ It was kind of a dull, soft sound.
My body convulsed and tensed.
Ms Becker cocked her hand back again.
With another quick swipe, she brought the soft bristles of the brush across the side and bottom of my erect shaft again!
Again, I convulsed and tensed.
My penis twitched.
The only ‘pain’ this was causing was an incredibly brief, incredibly slight, ‘sting’.
It tickled more than anything.
Ms Becker swiped the brush a 3rd time.
My penis was now fully erect and twitching as my class watched, whispered and giggled.
I noticed Ella and Sara whispering and pointing at my naked body in front of the class, while looking back at their replicas on their desk.
They were pointing and running their fingers all over their replicas of my penis!
I coudn’t help imagining it was my ACTUAL penis they were playing with.
I closed my eyes.
I had to think of nothing.
I couldn’t attract a Sacral Feeder.
The soft bristles of the brush swiped across my penis again.
Ms Becker then let the brush bristles rest against the bottom of my penis.
The tickle was insane!
My knees were shaking.
“It’s shiny!” Kat gasped.
I looked down.
My penis was glistening with pre-cum, which had literally been painted all over my cock!
Ms Becker leaned in.
“I don’t want to hit you anymore.” She whispered.
“I also don’t want you getting in trouble in your next class.
I know that this is partially my fault.”
Ms Becker leaned back again.
She slowly ran the brush bristles up and down the underside of my penis.
I began convulsing.
“Ms Beck-“ I trembled.
Ms Becker stepped back and sat the brush on her desk.
My penis was glistening with precum.
Ms Becker stepped back beside me.
“I hope eventually you’ll learn hiw to control yourself.”
She looked at my penis and shook her head.
“Take your seat.”
I quickly walked back to my station.
Sam let out a chuckle as I sat down.
I glanced over at her.
She was stroking the replica of my penis, making a teasing, seductive face at me!
I stared at the replica of my penis that now stood on my desk before me.
Was my penis really THAT big?
Ms Becker started passing out large sheets of white construction paper.
Everyone just kind of sat the paper to the side, still examining their replicas of my penis.
“Fold these twice, length-wise, so that you have 3 equal sections, forming 3 sides of a cube.” Ms Becker instructed.
I did as she said, everyone following suit a couple moments after they heard or saw me standing and folding my paper.
I stood the paper up on my desk, behind the replica of my penis.
The bell rang out.
“Ok. Tomorrow, we’ll start playing with light source and shadow examination. Just leave your castings on your desks like they are now.” Ms Becker instructed.
I grabbed my bag and hopped up, swinging it to cover myself from the front.
Sam stepped behind me as I quickly headed to the door.
“Mark! Wait up!” She called after me.
I stepped out the door, but to not be rude, I held it open for her.
Once the door was cleared, I let it go and started back into the main building.
“Hey guys!” Carly met us as we stepped into the main hall.
“Oh! Hmhmhm!” Carly giggled.
I was still very much erect, and being back in the main school, I felt a wave of nervousness sweep through me.
“What’s the rush?” Carly asked as she and Sam flanked me through the hall.
“I think Mark’s having trouble with his ‘morning wood.’ “ Sam taunted.
“Mark, wait up!” Carly called out.
I kept my bag clutched over my crotch as we arrived at the Science room.
The bell hadn’t rung!
I’d made it on time!
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Re: Magic

Post by Trundle »

Another brilliant chapter, love the in school stuff. Really added a new dimension for the story.

What on earth is in store for poor Mark in Science class? Will he get in more trouble because of his erection I wonder?
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Re: Magic

Post by Themarble »

I wonder how the new boy will find the uniform policy. Perhaps the girls will use some of the magic on him? Being from England I can imagine a few differences to Mark that the girls may be curious of.
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Re: Magic

Post by NudeBaG »

I plan on doing a James chapter soon.
First, I need to get through Mark’s first solo day at school.
What differences might you be referring to?
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Re: Magic

Post by Themarble »

Well if the family are from England I would assume because they are from Europe James may be uncut. It's a possibility. Perhaps the girls might find that difference intriguing.

Doesn't necessarily mean that he is though.
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Re: Magic

Post by potatopenguin »

Tbh looking forward to many more "(Don't move)"'s in future chapters. Super hot when he pleads with his eyes and they basically tell him with theirs: "No, we're gonna let whoever keep going." Hottest was when Emily knew he wanted to stop and mouthed "sorry" and just made him stand there under the spell while they continued their attack.

Also looking forward to more teacher punishments, would be hot to see the one with the stocks punish him and sigh and be like "I'm sorry but I gave you a chance to get it to go down" and if he's reluctant to do it then she says he has to and is like "or we can let the girls decide your punishment, your choice." Then brings him off in front of the class in the stocks.

I'm fairly certain the kinky one who he licked last time isn't letting him leave that class without cumming this time especially since the last time she got the attention she'll probably focus on him this time, poor Mark lol. Apologies if I'm being too graphic btw haha.

Also I wanted to say that you're an excellent writer, and I'm sure even the non-sexually stories you might write would honestly be pretty good.
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Re: Magic

Post by NudeBaG »

Thank you VERY much
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Re: Magic

Post by potatopenguin »

Can't wait for the next chapter.
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Re: Magic

Post by Themarble »

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Re: Magic

Post by potatopenguin »

I swear I check this site every other day to see if this has been renewed (along with other stories of course), but so far this one's my fave.

Sorry if I sound demanding of course, that's not the case, I'm just excited for the next chapter.
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