Cayce Was My Chaperone

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Cayce Was My Chaperone

Post by StephenJude »

Hey, Hi, Howzitgoin? , here again. Stephen Best. With a sort of follow-up to Cayce’s story of being a sort of chaperone at a dermatologist’s office.

You see, um, I am the boy Cayce, um, got to see (you know, SEE) that time she had a job at a dermatologist’s office.

As anybody who knew me through high school knows, while I didn’t get, like, severe acne as a teenage boy, but what hardly anybody knows is I I did get these weird reoccurring pimples that would just pop up, not mostly on my face, but on, um, other, um, parts of my, um, body.

Above all other people, my Mom made me conscious of my body. In a detailed, if not in a good way. (Sometimes my Mom even made me aware of my body in a kinda, you know, exciting way. Even, um, in a, sexually exciting way. But more on that—Maybe!—later!) My Mom always, I mean, like, always overreacted to anything that went wrong, or just looked wrong, with my, um, body. And one of those warm-ish early spring Saturday, when I actually dared to go down to breakfast wearing the pair of cutoff jeans I almost always sleep in, my Mom got a glimpse of one of those weird pimples, high up on my leg.

“What is—“ my Mom started to say; but then caught sight of a second, then a third, smaller pimple, near the first one. “What are those?”

“I dunno. Nothing. Just a pimple.”

“How long have you had those?”

“I dunno. They come and go, I guess.”

“You’ve broken out with those before? I have never noticed any pimples on your legs before!”

“Um, how many times do you, like, get to, um, look at my, legs, Mom?”

“You are far too dismissive about your health, Stephen! How many times must I tell you! You have serious, probably lifelong, asthma! We are making an appointment with my dermatologist! Doctor Barker will see you! For me! Today! Now. Finish your breakfast Stephen. And then please go put some clothes on! Honestly, showing up for breakfast in nothing but those obscenely cutoff jeans! Honestly! What if your sister had not had an early breakfast? And, honestly, if you insist on sleeping in those ridiculously cutoff jeans, you might want to throw them in the laundry at least once a week!”

But, I guess, unlucky for my Mom, her dermatologist, Doctor Barker, had no openings to, um, see me that morning, or even that afternoon.

My Mom pleaded, and when my Mom got off the phone, she announced: “We’re all set Stephen. Doctor Barker can see you today, just not until the end of the day. You’re going to have a Total Skin Scan.”

And so, I moped around for the rest of the day, pretty much mopey because I looked up Total Skin Scans on Safari:

In the examining room, you will be asked to take all your clothes off. (There's no need to feel embarrassed; we doctors are used to seeing nude patients every day!) But if you feel uncomfortable in any way, ask to have a nurse or doctor's assistant in the room during the exam. And if you feel nervous about baring it all, you may decline--although this defeats the purpose of a Total Skin Scan!)

Take off any hair bands, and your jewelry. You should take off your socks, and your underwear.

Expect the dermatologist to look at your skin everywhere, starting at your head. Doctor will look through the scalp, behind and in your ears, on your face. He/she will look under your eyebrows, on your eyelids, into your eyes and nose, and inside your mouth. Doctor will check your lymph nodes, scan your underarms, and look at your hands, even between your fingers, and your fingernails. Doctor will go down the whole front of your body, down to your feet, in between your toes, to your toenails and the soles of your feet, and including your private areas.

My…private area?

Was this dermatologist going to have to look at my private area? Did that mean my, um, parts covered by my underpants? The site said I should…take my socks, and my underwear off?

I sure was not looking forward to What To Expect from one of those exams!

I dreaded this exam the whole day, but at 4:30, a half hour before my Mom said Doctor Barker’s office closed, off we went.

Doctor Barker’s office turned out to be overcrowded with middle-aged old guys and women, probably getting moles sliced off, or checking out how richly their liver spots have multiplied since last Tuesday. My Mom did all the paperwork for the receptionist, and checked through the long list of my allergies and boyhood illnesses.

And then we just waited, to get called back to one of Doctor Barker’s, um, like, examination rooms.

Before I go on, because of what I gotta, like, reveal in this story, I better tell you what i was wearing; I better tell you the clothes I put on, when I went up and, um, got dressed. I put on my Abercrombie carpenter jeans, my gray Tasmanian Devil Destroy All Monsters T shirt, a pair of gray sweat socks, and my purple Neff Ponys.

For my Mom’s sake, I even changed the CK briefs I had on under my “obscenely cut off” cutoffs for a fresh pair of my gray CK briefs. (My Mom didn’t like my CK’s at all! She said I wore em a size too small, and told me so every time she delivered my freshly laundered underwear!
But—What can I say? I like my underwear tight! I like the idea that tight underwear let’s me show off what I got. You know? Plus, I mean, nobody sees me in nothing but my underpants anyhow! Except maybe some of the other boys on my Swim Team.

And—in the locker room—most boys do not look at other boys!

The office’s 5PM closing time passed, and I thought their receptionist or even my Mom was gonna say we needed to schedule another appointment, when a nurse, I guess, can’t outta the door behind the receptionist desk and called:

“Stephen Best?”

As I stood up, my Mom immediately asked:
“Do you want me to come back with you?”

I raced with what I read on that dermatology website:

In the examining room, you will be asked to take all your clothes off.

“Um, uh, no Mom…I’m fine with, like, going back, um, by myself.”

I got up, and, sorta said “Hi…” to the nurse, but instead of saying hi back, she just apologized for making me, and my Mom, wait.

“Everyone has been running late.”

I followed her down the hallway, but we turned into the first examining room.

“Your here for a Total Skin Scan champ?”

I nodded, yeah. I just wasn’t gonna say anything, but then thought I guess I better. “Yeah. My Mom’s, like, worried about some, you know, pimples she saw on my leg.”

“UmHmmm. Just a second.”

The nurse didn’t bother to shut the exam room door, because she stepped back into the hallway.

“Cayce? Can you come in here?”

The nurse stood in my exam room doorway now.
“Sorry, but for Total Skin Scans with a male patient I’m required to have a chaperone present. Sorry. Hope you don’t mind. That’s a requirement.”

And a—girl—my same age, passed the nurse, and came into my examining room.

Omigod! I recognized that girl at once! That’s Cayce! From my school! From Newspaper Club!

Now the nurse closed the examining room door.

"Cayce, just stand there. This won't take long,” the nurse told this girl I know from school.

And Cayce looks up, and looks at me, and, Omigod, looks like she, like, recognizes me! Omigod she’s gotta be as totally shocked as me!

Isn’t maybe Cayce gonna say something about me being a boy she knows from school?

Of course, Cayce does not know me well at school, she just recognizes me! A girl like Cayce prolly just thinks I’m just another dorky high school boy!

“Um, hey, hi,” I mumble, “Howzitgoin?”

Cayce made big eyes.

“Hello!” Cayce said.

And Cayce didn’t say anything else. She just said hello; she sure didn’t say anything about me being a boy she knew from school! Cayce just said hello, then looked down at the floor.

The nurse practitioner seemed to not wanna waste any time by giving Cayce a chance to say anything more than hello.

“OK, champ,” she told me, “I need you to undress down to your underwear.”

I glanced at the nurse, but stared at Cayce.

Undress to my underwear?

Should I say something? Something about Cayce being a girl who knows me? From school?

Or should I just…undress to my underwear?

Cayce stopped looking at the floor and looked at me when the nurse told me to undress to my underwear.

Could I do this? Was I just supposed to get undressed? In front of a girl? Who sees me every day in school?

Should I say something, about Cayce knowing me from school? What would the nurse say to that? The nurse just told me everybody’s running late, and my Total Skin Scan thing required a chaperone, if I like, gotta take my clothes off in, like, front of a woman—and a girl I know from school!

I closed my eyes…and undressed.

I undressed. To my underwear. I kept my eyes closed as I undressed. Would Cayce notice I had my eyes closed? I could feel Cayce watching me undress. I toed off my purple Pony’s, then reached down until I got ahold of the cuff of my sock, then took off my socks. You should take off your socks, my memory of that website told me. I stood, blindly and storkfoot, pulling my right sock, then my left sock, down and off. I kept my eyes closed. Without opening my eyes to look, I stuck my socks into one of my Pony’s, then pushed my sneaks across the floor, to where I thought the exam table might be. I felt for the hem of my T, and pulled my sweaty T off over my head. I tossed my unseen T in the direction of where I hoped the exam table might be. Omigod! Now I gotta take off my jeans! The thought of taking off my jeans in front of the nurse felt wrong-o-boy-o enough; but taking my jeans off in front of a girl who sees me at school every school day with all my clothes on? I cringed, hotly, sweating hotly, and sweating super privately, at just the thought! I felt until I felt my zipper. Did the nurse notice? Worse did Cayce from school just see me? Grope my own zipper? Did a girl I see in school just notice a boy she sees in school just grope his own zipper? I unbuttoned the stud of my jeans. Then…I unzipped my zipper. Omigod! Cayce could hear that sound! The sound of a boy’s zipper going down! The sound of my zipper unzipping! The sound of my zipper going down! I pushed my jeans down and away off all of me still covered by my underpants, and had to twist and tug tug my jeans off from around my bare-naked ankles and feet. I had to open my eyes now. I opened my eyes now, and dumped my bluejeans on top of my T, on top of that examining table.

I looked up. I didn’t bother to look up at the nurse. I looked up to look at Cayce.

I totally saw Cayce looking at me! I looked at Cayce looking at me! Cayce must have been looking at me all the while I had my eyes closed, to keep from looking at Cayce while I took off almost all my clothes!

Cayce had just watched me! Take off almost all of my clothes! In front of her!

Now Cayce got to look at me…

…in nothing but my underwear!

What did Cayce think of my briefs? Do girls even think about the briefs a boy has on under his blue jeans? Do girls got an opinion about a boy’s brand of underwear? I told you, I wear tight underwear.

I looked away from Cayce’s stare, to look down at the front of my underpants. My Mom’s prolly right. Every time my Mom brings my clean laundered underpants up from the laundry room my Mom complains I wear underwear a size too small.

My tight gray CKs, gray to the elastic name band, showed off all my boyzstuff I keep unbidden inside. I like their tightness; I like how their tightness snuggles my balls, and I like their look. I like how my treasure trail comes up out if em, proving to whoever would ever see me—like this!—in nothing but my underwear!—Proving to everybody everywhere that I got pubes. Down there. I guess this is gross to admit, but I even like how tight underwear collects my most private personal pubic sweat. Down there! I guess I am just a s-e-X-ually messed up kid, who has some kinda sick thing about his own underwear!

But…what would a girl think? What did Cayce think of me? In nothing but my underwear?

All of a sudden all of my hot embarrassment of having to take almost all of my clothes off in front of a girl who sees me in school rose to my face in a super blast of hot red blushy heat.

I tried to sorta kinda smile—at Cayce—not at the nurse; and I sorta kinda somewhat waved in my smallest way with a hand I had down beside my hip beside my underwear. And—Omigod!—Cayce really did smile back! And Cayce coyly waved back me at least one time!

“Stand up straight champ,” the nurse instructed, “And I need you to spread your arms wide open, all the way out to your sides.”

The nurse stepped up close to me, and started my Total Skin Scan. This has gotta be my Total Skin Scan. The nurse sifted through the hair on top of my head; she looked at and in my ears; she looked over my nose and eyelids, my chin, and at my lips and in my mouth. She started looking at my chest (and even at my nipples! Do boys have tits that women and girls wanna look at?) and then, super embarrassing, she looked into my armpits, even dug into my super sweaty underarm hair! Goll, I got a powersome whiff of my Axe deodorant, stirred up when the nurse went scrubbing through my underarm hair! Would Cayce be able to get a whiff of my armpits? From where Cayce was, across the room?

Cayce watched me like a funny movie, from where she was watching my entire examination, from across the room. Cayce didn’t look like she was even blinking; like she was never gonna take her eyes off of me.

The nurse searched over both my arms, then bent down and searched the same over both my legs.

The nurse looked me over, front then back. Then the nurse hooked a little metal stool out from under the exam table where I had blindly dumped almost all my clothes.

The nurse positioned the stool in front of me, and instructed: “Step up onto the stool champ. No, keep your arms open out to the sides.”

I stepped up onto the little black rubber mat on the top of the stool.

OK, I thought, she’s gotta be just about done. This Total Skin Scan has gotta be just about done. And as if confirming my own keen thought, the nurse said:

“We’re almost done.”

We’re almost done! We are almost done! The nurse is gonna tell me we’re done. We are done. The nurse is next gonna tell me I can put my clothes back on. The nurse is gonna tell the girl who sees me in school to leave the room, so I can put my clothes back on…


“OK,” the nurse repeats, “We are almost done.
I just need you to pull your underpants down.”

Wha-What? The question’s screaming at me!
What that nurse just said is screaming at me!

“Pull down your underpants. Pull your underwear down, to just below your testicles.”

And I look at Cayce, and Cayce looks at me, and our looks locked.

Cayce cock(ahem)ed her head to one side, like, like, she wanted to say:

“OK, champ.
do now???”

“C’mon Chamo,” the nurse goes, “You don’t need to take your underwear all the way off. Just pull down your underpants. Just pull your underpants down; down to just below your testicles.”

Pull down my…underpants?

Am I just supposed to pull my underpants…down? Am I just supposed to pull down my underwear? In front of a girl who sees me (you know, sees me) every day in school?

I reached down, and first I just sorta pulled my underwear away from my hips. My underwear snapped when I let go of em. I took a huge red hot breath. I put all eight fingers but neither of my thumbs just inside just the elastic of my underpants…

…and lowered my underwear…


my balls.

I could not even look in Cayce’s direction! And as soon as I got my underpants down to just above my knees I grabbed ahold of myself (I thought of my Mom! Just outside the closed door of this examining room! Out in the waiting room! I thought of my Mom out in the waiting room who was always softly privately whispering at me, every time I touched myself Down There: “Don’t hold yourself!”) I grabbed ahold of myself; I cupped my balls covered my penis and hid my pubic hair. I snuck ahold of myself, to keep my boyzstuff private, before Cayce could even get a glimpse of me.

“C’mon Champ. Sorry. Hands back out to your sides. You’re getting a Total Skin Scan, and I need to get a look at you. Um. Between your legs.”

I wanted to close my eyes. I could not close my eyes. I could not convince my hands or arms to move, so my arms must have moved on their own, and my hands must have uncovered me on their own, moving away from my penis.

Omigod! Now a girl who sees me in school can see my penis! I am showing my balls and my penis! I am showing myself! I am showing it! I am showing all I got to a girl! A girl who sees me in school can even see where I got pubic hair!

I risked looking over at Cayce, and Cayce was looking at me! Cayce sure was looking at me! Cayce was looking at all my boyzstuff! Boy was Cayce looking! Boy was Cayce looking at my balls and penis! Cayce can even see my pubic hair! Cayce can see the size of my penis!

What does Cayce think of my penis? Do girls think about the size of a boy’s penis? I told you, I like to wear tight underwear, because, soft, my penis is boyish, and only about a two incher, but when my penis goes hard—Omigod!—I can hardly keep my hard penis inside my underpants, because, all the way up-n-hard, my penis is like a seven incher!

Omigod, what if my penis—my naked penis—gets hard, my penis is, like, a seven incher!

I never been hard in front of a girl! Of course I never pulled my underpants down in front of a girl!

And—Soon as I warned my penis not to get hard in front of a girl—


With no hands, without so much as a single touch, my penis got super hard. My penis went from his little soft two incher I’ve always had as a boy all-a-way up to his full and now fully naked seven incher, from boyishly soft to a real naked pillow-humper! My penis just knew a girl who sees me every day in school, with all my clothes on, was now looking at my bare-naked penis!

And—without a touch—with no hands—my little sideways mouth every boy’s got in the tip of his penis burped up that pearl of pure sperm, not pre-cum, that always indicates to a boy that he’s about three jacks away from a cum.

I glanced over to see if Cayce is looking at me, and Cayce is looking at me, oh boy is Cayce looking at me! Cayce can see all I got, because I had to pull my underpants down. A girl from school, who sees me at school with all my clothes just watched me undress to my underwear, and just watched me pull my underpants down is looking at all I got to show, and my penis knows she is getting to—see me—you know—SEE ME—it is like my penis knows a girl is getting to see me—like my penis knows I am showing my penis to a girl who sees me in school who knows I got a penis because girls know boys got a penis but now a girl who knows me from school can see I got a penis a girl who sees me at school can see my penis! A girl’s looking right at me. I pulled down my underpants and a girl is looking right at me. Right at me. A girl is looking right at it. And it happened. It gets hard, because it knows a girl is looking right at it. I’m just standing there, totally exposed, I totally exposed myself, I am bare-naked except for my tight CK briefs which i just pulled down around my knees; standing in front of s girl who sees me at school with all of my clothes on, with none of my clothes on, except for my extra tight CKs, with my briefs pulled down to my knees and my arms stretched out all the way to at the sides, showing everything I got to show to a girl who sees me in school but has never seen all of me!

The NP had even moved around behind me, leaving literally nothing between me and Cayce.

And Cayce’s just standing there, looking me up and down, and smiling.

She just kind of smirked.

The nurse got around to my front. Everything I got Down There was right about eye level the nurse, because I’m the nurse made me step up onto this stupid stool just before she ordered me to pull my underpants down, so this nurse too is now staring right at me Down There.

So first she really scrounges through my pubic hair. Then she studies my balls, first one ball, then the other. Then she pays close attention to my penis.

Omigod! Does she notice that the little sideways mouth of my penis is full of that little white dot of my sperms? Does she know what that means? Could a nurse—Could a girl from my school?—know what that means?

“Oh! What’s this?”

The nurse stops looking me over Down There, and just studies, then stares at, my penis.

“What have we got here?”

My penis! I wanna say, I wanna show. My whole world’s seen it, so I might as well announce it! I wanna just proclaim: You got my penis! You got me by my penis!

“You got a little blemish here, in the shaft of your penis. Right below the glans of your penis. Doctor will want to see this. Doctor will need to check this out. This may need a follow-up examination. Doctor may want your Mom to make an appointment for a follow-up exam at an ultrasound clinic.”

The nurse looked at me, then at Cayce. “Good thing Cayce was in here.”

I stumbled on the stool. “Um, uh, good thing?” A girl from school getting to watch me undress to my underwear, then getting to watch me pull my underpants down was a good thing?

“Well if your penis didn’t experience erection during your exam, and stretch the skin of your erect penis so nice and tight for me, I doubt I would have noticed this blemish. And you don’t think I think for a minute that your penis had this reaction to being seen by me, do you?”

Even I was sure she meant her warm smile to be comforting but her little chuckle was no comfort for me.

“You can pull up your underpants,” the nurse instructed. She turned to Cayce. “I will go report our findings to Doctor. Cayce you want to see that our Champ gets dressed?”

Next day Cayce saw me, well, you know, the next day at school Cayce saw me; she didn’t see me, but she saw me.

Cayce saw me me in the hall during change of class.

She smiled, and goes:

“Hey, it was great seeing you yesterday.”

I couldn’t even look at her. How could I even look at her?

"Hey,” Cayce said, “It wasn't all that bad. I mean, it's not like I saw you totally naked. You still had your briefs on."

I opened then closed my mouth. To deny? I couldn’t deny. To protest?

"Of course,” Cayce added, “They were pulled down around your knees!"

And she laughed, then added:

"Look, it's not like I saw your butt or anything."

I looked up, and soon as I looked up, she looked right into my eyes.

Cayce said: “Did they call your Mom to make your follow-up appointment? Listen:” And Cayce touched me in the arm with just one finger. “They told me they want me to chaperone you for your follow-up ultrasound.”
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Re: Cayce Was My Chaperone

Post by TheBlushingPrincess »

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Re: Cayce Was My Chaperone

Post by StephenJude »

Thank You Beloved Princess…your story struck so close to home (and to my s-e-x-life; especially my J/O life, I just had to try to write the scene from the boy’s perspective.

Hope you can forgive for giving the boy my name…!!!
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