Rock Band - Humiliated by Cousins by Not Giving It

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Rock Band - Humiliated by Cousins by Not Giving It

Post by PhilMarlowe »

Not Giving It wrote: Rock Band - Humiliated by Cousins by Not Giving It

My family visited my cousins Gina and Lisa's house last month. They are 2 and 3 years older than me and very loud rude girls. I hate them. They are always trying to embarrass me because I am smaller. Our parents went out for an adult only night on the town and left me with them alone at the house. I dreaded this and pleaded with my mom and dad but they just told me to not be such a baby.

After they left both of them started immediately picking on me. They said we were going to play Rock Band on PS3 to see who was better. Well they play all the time and I never really do so of course they were much better than me. I kept screwing up and causing us all to fail over and over. They got madder and madder at me every time I messed up and made me so nervous I could not even get it right in easy mode. After the 5th time I caused us to fail they said if I screwed up one more time I was really going to get it. I told them I didn't know how to play but they just said shut up and get it right.

I gave it my best but still caused everyone to fail again. They got so mad they grabbed me and I got forced over Lisa's lap. She held me down and told me I was going to get a spanking now for being such a bitch! Then Gina said, "a bare butt spanking!" and she started pulling my pants off! I screamed and struggled pleading for them to stop but Lisa held me down with my arms behind me and Gina yanked my pants off by the legs then pulled my underwear down too! She took my pant and underwear off totally depantsing me. Humiliated they held me there depantsed laughing at my naked body saying I had the smallest wiener they had ever seen. They spanked me and spread my ass completely humiliating me while I just screamed and struggled in complete humiliation. Then they stripped my shirt off and tied me up using stockings with my arms behind my back, and my ankles and knees wrapped tightly too.

They gagged me to shut me up then laughing they said maybe I needed some help stretching out my dick to make it bigger. They held me down naked over their laps on the couch face up pulling at my wiener and stretching out my ball skin till I could not help but get a total boner. Laughing at me more than ever they said, "Look he's the guitar and his boner can be the whammy bar!" They rolled me on my side and took turns holding my neck with one hand and strumming my stomach with the other grabbing my boner pulling it up and down like a whammy bar playing me like I was a guitar! They switched off playing Rock Band using me as a guitar yanking on my hard wiener for so long I thought I was going to spew cum everywhere if they went any further, soon enough, I did, unable to hold it in any longer, though they barely even noticed, even with them not letting go, as I was forced into a humiliating orgasm that I couldn't hold back. They tortured me for hours like this slapping my ass like they were drums and ticking my stomach and yanking on my boner like I was a guitar and my erection was a whammy bar, I was forced into cumming so many times I lost count!

They finally let me go 10 minutes before my parents got back and I was so embarrassed and humiliated I could not even bring myself to complain! They knew me and knew I would not complain either especially knowing that if I did they would get me back even worse next time.
Janie wrote: Rock Band (Humialated by cousins) by Janie

They knew you would not complain? They probably also knew that ten minutes after they were done with you and let you go, you were up in your room jerking off.... lmao!!!! Teenage boys!!!!
luv, Janie
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