MY Bare Naked adventure by Jeepman89
Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2020 2:42 am
Jeepman89 wrote: MY Bare Naked adventure by Jeepman89
I have been a flasher since I was a kid and have stories to tell some involving how i was blackmailed. All involve getting naked for girls of all ages and some really embarrassing ones that I'm afraid to mention. I've always had a pretty good sized dick and wanted girls to see it I guess and since I've always been an athlete and in great shape, I wanted to be seen totally bare naked as well.
It all started when I would be left alone at home when I was 13 and being an only child I could do whatever i wanted in the house. I would get totally naked and run around the house and I would always get a boner and enjoy the feeling of being totally bare ass naked. After a while, I would get more excited thinking about what it would be like to actually go outside with nothing on and possible be seen by girls. In fact, there was a family a few doors down that had all girls of different ages. They didn't go to my school but I always thought it would be amazing if they saw me naked. At that time they were probably 16, 13, and 10 I think. They didn't have a brother and it was just them and their mom. One summer night when my parents were at a wedding, I was feeling particularly horny and decided to get totally naked and go outside. There was a park behind the house so I dared myself to go to into my back yard naked , climb the fence and go into the park as far as a bench near some trees with nothing on. I also decided not to wear shoes or socks. I wanted to be completely bare naked.
My heart was pumping as I went into the yard and climbed the fence. It was around 11 o'clock at night so there was a still a chance I could be seen and that was exciting for me. I was so scared I'd be caught and yet I actually was excited that there was a chance some girls would see me. I headed towards the park as naked as a jaybird and my dick was already getting stiff feeling the wind on it and on my ass. I have to tell you that being naked outside is quite an exhilarating feeling. I went as far as the bench and looked around but nobody was around. I decided to run around the soccer field and enjoy the feeling of being naked in the park. I was there for 5 minutes before I heard some voices and decided to run back home. I don't think I was seen but hoped that I was in a way. I got back home feeling so good about my dare and was hooked from that day on.
The next day I was to find out that I had indeed been seen. It was 2 of the girls that lived on my street. Their back yard also backed onto the park and apparently they had seen me running naked. (To be continued)