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'Diaper Duty' a twisted tale by Lindsay

Posted: Sun Jan 12, 2020 7:07 pm
by PhilMarlowe
Lindsay wrote: 'Diaper Duty' a twisted tale by Lindsay

This is for T-boh.

Diaper Duty

My mean step Mom warned me that if I got another F on my school report card I would get punished. Well I failed math cause it's really hard and when she saw the F on my report card she said "That's it what did I tell you if you got another F?". My Dad was out of town so the bitch was in charge and could do anything she wanted too. She told me to go to my room until she called me.

A while later when my step brothers got home she called me to her room and said as punishment for getting an F I would now get "diaper duty". I didn't know what that meant at first but then she ordered me to strip and put on a diaper! She said if I could not take my school work seriously then she would treat me like a baby not the responsible teenage girl I should be. I pleaded with her and said no but she said if I didn't she would just have my step brothers help her make me put the diaper on then. Again I pleaded with her saying no I won't do it so my Mom grabbed my arm saying I was being 'insubordinate' and called my 2 asshole step brothers in. I tried to struggle and get free of my Mom but she held me so I could not get away.

When my pervert brothers came in she told them that as punishment I was to wear a diaper and I was refusing so she needed help making me put the diaper on. Well they laughed and eagerly jumped in helping my evil mom hold my arms behind me and holding me up so I could not move. Then she said "Ok now get her pants off" I was like "No! Not right in front of them!" but she said to bad it's my fault for not listening. Standing on both sides of me they grabbed the waist of my low cut jeans and just yanked my jeans down past my hips, then all the way to my ankles and took them off of me! I was so embarrassed being stripped to my panties in front of them! They were just staring at my crotch and butt loving it. Then she said my shirt should come off too so she yanked my arms up over my head and let them pull my shirt up my body and take it off of me next! They left me in my bra and panties only! I started to sob now but they didn't care.

Then my Mom got the diaper and said, "Immature babies wear diapers not underwear" and ordered me to take my panties off next. Again I screamed and struggled refusing so I got held again as my brothers eagerly grabbed the waistline of my panties and pulled them down past my hips exposing my pussy and butt right in their faces! I cried as they wrestled my panties off leaving me struggling around totally bare now except for my bra. My brothers ogled at my pussy and ass having a wonderful time seeing me naked and humiliated.

Then things got even worse when my Mom pulled out a pair of electric trimmers and said "Babies don't have any hair either!" I was like MOM NO PLEASE DON'T SHAVE MY HAIR OFF!! and was screaming no over and over but she said too bad you were warned that this would happen. She had my brothers hold me naked and sobbing as she shaved all the hair off of my head till I was totally bald! Then she had them hold my arms and legs down on the bed so she could shave all my pubic hair off next till my pussy was bare! My brothers were openly staring at my bare pussy as she shaved it laughing and mocking me saying "Whaaaa! Whaaa!" like a crying baby as I kicked and struggled around humiliated. I cursed at them all so my mom had them force me over on my stomach and spank me on my bare butt. They paddled away at my hiney and even spread my cheeks apart every so often so they could look at my ass hole while they kept yelling "Whaaaa! Whaaaa!" mocking me and spanking me like a crying baby. My step mom didn't even care and was laughing at me too!

After my completely humiliating naked shaving and spanking they powdered my butt then put the diaper on me, but not before popping my bra off and wrestling it away next exposing my small tits to them all! I cried out in total shame as they laughed at my undersized exposed tits. Babies don't wear bras either my evil Mom laughed.

My step Mom said that I was to stay like this for the rest of the weekend and do chores as my punishment. Sobbing I stood there cupping my exposed tits screaming this was no fair but she didn't care a lick and all my dirty step brothers did was stare at my nakedness with smiles on their faces (and hard boners in their pants no doubt).

My step mom went out to run some errands and left them in charge! She told my step brothers to make sure I stayed in my diaper and did my chores or else I would be punished even further. Well as soon as she left I ran to my room but they chased me down and dragged me out blocking me from getting to my clothes. They dragged me down the hall by my waist and said for not listening I would get another spanking! I screamed no but they pulled me over the arm of the couch pinned me down butt up and ripped off my diaper leaving me completely naked again! They had a field day spanking and abusing my naked butt in anyway they wanted too. They slapped my butt, spread my cheeks, poked at my asshole threatening to stick a finger up it if I didn't stop fighting so much. They kneaded my butt cheeks and pulled them apart just staring at my open asshole and pussy saying "Yeah look at that" and laughing at me while mocking me by crying out out "Whaaa!! Whaaa!" over and over every so often to humiliate me.

Then they spilled soda all over the kitchen floor and made a huge mess telling me they would not give me my diaper back till I cleaned it all up! Naked and humiliated I had to scrub the floor on my hands and knees with my butt and pussy up, and my naked tits on full show for them as they slapped my butt ordering me to work faster! I got swatted at least a dozen more times and one of them even stuck his toe up my asshole! Finally after an hour of this torture they let me have my diaper back right before my step mom was due home again. I told them that I was going to tell on them but they just laughed and spilled stuff all over the floor again erasing all my hard housework.

As soon as my step mom came home I told her what they had been doing to me but all they did was say I was lying. Even worse they said I didn't do any of my chores and my horrible step mom believed them, not me! She said that since I didn't do what I was ordered I could now do my diaper duty outside!!

She ordered the boys to throw me outside the house so they grabbed me kicking and screaming and pushed me out the front door and locked me outside! Horrified and topless I stood frozen on the front stoop covering my boobs in only a diaper pounding on the door demanding to be let in but all they did was laugh at me. Then my Mom pushed a child's tank top out through the mail slot that she must have pulled from some old clothes we had in bags set to be sent to be donated and ordered me to put it on which I gladly did in 2 seconds. It was so small it barely covered my boobs, but was so tight I could barely stretch it down past my rib cage. My nipples were noticeably sticking out for all to see through the thin cloth.

She yelled through the door saying I was to walk up and down the entire block picking up trash before she would let me in! Horrified I pounded on the door yelling at them to let me in but they refused and even worse all the ruckus got the attention of the neighbors who started walking over circling in on me to see what all the drama was about. It was 4pm on a Friday so there were a lot of kids and people outside! Slowly more and more kids and neighbors started gathering around with shocked looks, pointing and laughing at my complete shame and humiliation. Slowly they circled in closer and closer pointing and staring at me as they noticed I was dressed in only a diaper with a tiny stretched out tank top and a shaved head. Shocked they were asking what this was all about so my mother yelled through the door that I was being punished for being a very bad disrespectful girl and for failing at school too. Hearing this many started to laugh and applaud at my humiliating punishment and even taunt me saying I was getting what I deserved.

My Mom yelled out through the door that she was not going to let me in till I did what she ordered picking up trash up and down the street which made the crowd of like 25 neighborhood kids now erupt with laughter pointing at me an laughing chanting "Do your diaper duty! Do your diaper duty!" over and over as they circled in closer and closer.

Finally I was so embarrassed and humiliated I just pushed my way through them all as I felt hands tugging at my small tank top and diaper trying to pull it open! Stop it! I screamed but this only seemed to spur some of them on further chasing me as I ran down the street with a half torn open diaper trying desperately to pick up trash as they walked behind me like a pack of laughing hyenas.

"Hey what's she got under the diaper?" I heard a rowdy older kid yell out as I ran barefoot and now at full speed trying to get away from them but I was no match for some of them who caught up quickly. Darting hands reached in playfully pulling at my diaper, and pulling my hands making it hard to keep it up. I felt the back get pulled down exposing half my ass crack as someone else yelled out "Hey the little baby brat ain't got no panties on!" as a chorus of taunting laughter broke out! The playful grabs soon turned more deliberate and it wasn't long before my diaper was roughly pulled at till its was torn totally open on one side exposing most of my rear end as I struggled to keep it up in front in complete embarrassment. Now running at full speed down the middle of the street trying to get away I felt my hand get pulled away just long enough to feel my diaper get ripped completely off me as if it was like a piece of tissue paper. I screeched out bottomless covering my bare pussy and butt crack. They had stripped me naked except for my tiny tank top covering my boobs. "She's got a shaved bare pussy like a little baby!" a perverted kid yelled out as I ran sobbing and bottomless down the street towards my house with my naked hiney and cupped pussy wiggling away giving everyone a spectacular naked teen girl show.

"Lets see your pussy! Lets see your pussy!" dozens began to chant as I finally made it to my front stoop yanking on the locked front door and pounding on it again. I was trapped with people all around me so I could not get away. Red faced with shame I stood there as they circled in all around me. Hands grabbed my arms and they got spread out on both sides of me so I could not even cover my pussy anymore and they all just stared and laughed at my writhing naked teen hips and hairless pussy as dozens took pictures and leered at me like they all wanted to ... me. Struggling around naked I pleaded for them to let me go but instead my neighbors 2 doors down reached in and pulled my shirt up exposing my boobs to a loud eruption of cheers and laughter from everyone with in eye site. He pulled it up past my boobs and just left it there leaving nothing on my body now not publicly exposed for all to see. Ogling and leering the crowd of now close to 50 neighborhood creeps pushed in closer and closer getting a good look, snapping pictures, and yelling "I wanna see!". In the blur of laughing ogling zombies I felt hands start touching me all over cupping my butt cheeks, grabbing my butt, swatting at me to make me flinch, and groping and tickling me all up and down my whole body even touching my tits and my shaved pussy too at times.

If it wasn't for the loud and startling chirp of the police car sirens coming up the street I would have probably been raped but luckily someone had called the cops. My sicko neighbors ran off in all directions at the site of the police pulling up yelling through loud speakers for everyone to disburse immediately which left me huddled up against my front door naked, bald, humiliated and crying.

Once the cops discovered what my step Mom and brothers had done to me they were all arrested for domestic abuse and brought up on charges, along with many of the neighbors who stripped, humiliated and tried to rape me. Now they all hate me but I don't care because they are all in jail!

The End
T-Boh wrote: Re: Diaper Duty by T-Boh

What a great read! Thank you
leom1133 wrote: Great story by leom1133

Out of all the stories on this board lately this is a stand out. Excellent. Compliments to you Lindsay. Hoping for more from you!
Janie wrote: Like wow by Janie

What a story.... I liked the parts of shaving your head very much......
lordwaldimort wrote: Re: 'Diaper Duty' a twisted tale by lordwaldimort

i think the story took place in the usa didnt it? because its the only place on earth where neighbors would go to jail for this
tghhhaeaerf wrote: Nice story by tghhhaeaerf

But I personally dislike head shaving. What I want to read the humiliation of a beautiful and successfully woman, but you know how a woman will be disfigured after shaving head.
Caitlin wrote: First Communion diaper punishment by Caitlin

For several reasons,i never made my First Holy Communion at the normal age of 7.It wasnt untill i was 15 that i finially made it and it was humilliating! I was in the class with the 2nd graders and i wore the traditional poofy communion dress and veil with the lace anklets and white shoes. Two weeks before the ceremony i got into trouble and told some lies,stayed out past curfew and argued with my parents.I didnt know what my punishment would be at that time. A week went by and mom and dad said nothing about my punishment,then the next weekend came and everything seemed normal.On sunday morning,i took my bubble bath,and came into my room where mom and dad were waiting for me and mt communion outfit was laying on my bed.I was standing there with my towel wrapped around me and mom said that my punishment for my misbehavior was going to be now and i got worried.She brought out a bag and opened it and took out cloth diapers.diaper pins,adult size plastic pants and a tee shirt and told me they are my punishment! I was flabbergasted and told her i wasnt a baby and that i dont need diapers and dad said i acted like a baby two weeks ago and that i have to wear them for the entire day! Mom laid the diapers on my bed,then backed me up to the edge and pushed me down and i sat on the diapers and she told me to lay back.I was shaking now and almost crying.She then babypowdered me,brought the diapers up and pinned them,then she pulled the plastic pants up my legs and over the diapers.Next the tee shirt was put on me,the the lace,my dress and the veil.As i walked out of my room,the plastic pants were crinkling under my dress.I felt so embarrassed and humiliated being with the 7 year olds and having the diapers and plastic pants on under my dress! At my party,to further punish me ,mom told my friends and female relatives that i had cloth baby diapers and rubberpants on under my dress and made me lift my dress up and show them>
Anonymous wrote: Re: 'Diaper Duty' a twisted tale by Anonymous

who would do that. I feel