Accident happens!
Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2025 2:05 pm
I think this will be a little different from the stories you usually read here. I've tried to make more reasonable and realistic i could but it's a 100% fake story! Remember that probably all the phycology part is wrong. I'm not a phycologist but i thought that explaining the psyche would have made the story more reasonable. Hope you could find it interesting and arousing!
There is something about catching my 4 years younger brother naked that makes me feel a special connection with him. It’s not sexual or creepy, it’s more like a secret power, a bond that only we share. It's lovely when he blushes and scrambles to cover himself when I walk in on him changing, and the way his eyes meet mine, filled with a mix of embarrassment and a hint of defiance. It's like a silent acknowledgment that we're not just siblings, we're confidants in a way that no one else can ever be.
That day we were home alone. He was taking a shower while i was in my room doing my homework. The door of my bedroom faces directly the bathroom's one. I think is because of something deep in my psyche that i've left my door wilde opened. An unconscious part of me wanted to see my brother naked and leaving the door open while he was showering was a way to make it happen.
I mean it hasn't been accidental what happened that day and yet i haven't planned it with my conscious part.
When i heard the water stop Jim called me. "Lola! Can you bring me a towel? I've forgot to take one"
I sighed. How could it be possible? I know Jim is not the brightest boy on the earth but he wasn't that young to not check if there was a towel in the bathroom before taking a shower.
"I can't believe how dumb you are" i got up and went in the laundry room to take a towel. Obviously i didn't take one of the biggest. I chose one medium size. There wasn't anything mischievous in my choice or at least i wasn't aware of it.
I left the towel on the floor and went back in my room. Was it an accident that i've made it fall closer to my door than the bathroom one? To me it looked like an accident.
"Is on the floor!" i yelled to Jim and sat on my bed. My door still opened. After a couple of seconds. "Lola? Can you handle it to me?"
"No way! You're naked! I'm not interested in seeing you in your birthday suit!"
Perfect! Brilliant! How smart is my psyche! I've just admitted that i have no intention of seeing my brother naked and yet created the perfect occasion to make it happen. It's alway like this when it comes about unconsciousness.
I put down my book and felt the urge of relax and listen to music. I put on earphones and turned on the volume. My psyche has decided! She wanted my brother to get out the bathroom naked! The loud music in my ears didn't allow me to hear Jim's complaints, as if i wasn't right there, a couple of meters out of the bathroom.
I was feeling oddly good. I felt a sense of satisfaction growing in me. Something i couldn't explain. My shoulders began to move in time with the song and i was humming the lyrics. I was listening at "what's my age again". I think you can see the reason why that song popped in my mind in that moment!
I got up and began to dance weirdly. I felt like euphoric.
After a couples of minutes the bathroom door opened. My brother was standing there fully naked, the water still dripping from his body. His eyes were wide with shock. I was surprised by his sudden appearance, my eyes went down to his penis. I smiled and kept on dancing. "What a luck" i thought in that moment!
Jim has been probably too much surprised to see me dancing in my room and for a couples of seconds he actually forgot to cover his penis. When he did that i moved my eyes. I couldn't believe what was happening nor realize that i've actually made it happen.
He quickly stepped out of the bathroom to take the towel from the floor. Our eyes met one more time. He was embarrassed by the situation. I simply smirked at him and moved my eyes down to his crotch.
I saw his penis one more time when he wrapped the towel around his waists. He looked at me for a second. I simply raised my eyes as if i didn't care what i've seen. I was still moving my body in time with the song. I couldn't stop smiling to him.
Jim quickly turned back and went in the bathroom again.
What an incredible experience, I thought to myself, feeling my cheeks flush with excitement. Our eyes had locked in that brief moment, and I knew he felt it too—our connection had reached a new level of intimacy. The sight of him, naked and unguarded, had brought us closer than ever before.
Now let me tell you something about my brother because i think i'm not the only one who had the inner desire of make it happen. I think Jim also had the unconscious urge of being seen naked by me.
I think part of the reason why he wanted me to see him was because of the time our mom insisted i stay in the room during his physical exam when he was around 10.
He had insisted i leave the room but my mom overruled him and let me stay, and it was only after going into a tearful anger that he was able to get mom to have me face away during it, but it shook his whole world. He was kicked out of the room for my exam, and he felt such a deep hatred at the double standard, the lack of privacy he thought he was entitled to, and the humiliation of being naked in front of a female doctor, mom and me in the room made him furious.
Mother's prohibitions are very important in the development of the child. The reason he want to be seen naked by me is related to that day at the doctor. Everyone seeks for the love of his mother. If at 10 you're mom tells you that you need to let your sister watch despite being shy and embarrassed, you will. By letting me seeing him naked he says "Mom, i'm a good boy, please love me, don't scold me".
Jim lives a strong inner conflict about his naked body. He need to be seen naked by me to relieve the conflict. The key is that he feels guilty for being shy so, by letting me see, he pays for the sin of being shy and feels better.
Isn't it incredible how human psychology works?
Back to that day is not that strange that he forgot to check if there was a towel in the bathroom! Obviously, he didn't even care if there was one or not. His unconscious wanted him to not check!
When he went back in the bathroom he left the door slightly opened. I couldn't see anything from that little crack anyway. He must have filled the same satisfying sensation i felt. The embarrassment was making him feel good.
I changed song. Now i was listening at "Beep" from pussycat dolls. I sat on the bed facing the door. I was feeling so exciting, almost aroused. After a couple of minutes Jim get off the bathroom.
He had the towel around his waist. He was moving slowly, trying to not make the towel fall, maybe trying to not catch my attention. Facing me to see if i was looking, with one hand he was holding the towel, with the other he was closing the bathroom door behind him.
In front of me, right at the level of his crotch there was a bulge. He was showing me his erection. Despite being extremely embarrassed he was moving slowly giving me the time to see it. I had my mouth slightly opened and my gaze glued to the tent between his legs.
He swallowed when i smiled and walked to his bedroom to get dressed.
I think that me dancing in front of him while i was staring at his penis had driven him crazy. The erection was a clear sing of his satisfaction.
"Jim!" i suddenly called him. He walked back and without peeked inside my room keeping his body out of my sight.
"Open the bathroom door. And the window. Mom doesn't want the steam to ruin the walls," I called out, trying to keep my voice casual.
Jim, still wearing nothing but a towel over his boner, did what i asked him. The whole situation was driving me crazy as well. Now i was completely awere of my desire of seeing him naked and what i did, i did with my conscious part.
I took off the earphones and played some music from the laptop speakers. I began to dance while Jim was opening the bathroom window. When he turned back i reached out my hands to him. "Come on, dance with me!" i said smiling.
He looked at me with wide eyes and a red face, his hand on the towel that was precariously covering his erection. I knew he was feeling embarrassed but also a bit excited. I could see his chest rising and falling with rapid breaths.
"Come on, it's your favorite song!"
Jim hesitated for a moment, his hand still clutching the towel tightly around his waist. The bulge was still there. Then, with a gulp, he stepped into my room. As he did, I reached out and gently took his hand.
We danced hands in hands facing each other, my smile grew wider and his face reddened even more. I felt a thrill of excitement when i saw his towel falling down. I kept his hands firmly into mine. He was just starting at me with a dumb face, his mouth open slightly and his eyes wide.
I didn't want to miss the opportunity so i spun him around, pretending to dance more energetically than i actually was. As he spun, the towel slipped from his waist and fell to the floor, revealing his naked body. I watched him, my heart racing and my breath hitching in my throat.
I pretend nothing has happened and grabbed again both his hands. He seemed to not realize that the towel has fallen.
Of course he didn't notice the towel has fallen. He wanted to not notice. He secretly wanted it to happen
I could see his penis bobbing slightly as he danced. It was a beautiful sight, and I couldn't help but feel a twinge of something deeper than mere curiosity.
Then i let go his hands and stepped back to admire his naked body. He watched me dancing for a moment then he realized his towel has fallen.
He raised his eyes to mine with a puzzled expression.
"What?" he stammered, glancing down to realize his towel had indeed fallen.
I couldn't help but smirk, shaking my head and playfully rolled my eyes before looking back to him as if to say, "Oops, what a clumsy mistake."
But Jim was beyond embarrassment now. His cheeks turned a shade of red so deep it was almost purple, and his eyes darted from my gaze to the towel on the floor. He stumbled backward, trying to snatch it up, his penis bobbing slightly as he moved. It was adorable, really—his clumsy attempt at modesty in a situation we both knew was far beyond that point.
He ran away and locked himself in the bedroom!
For the rest of the day there has been a strange tension between the two of us but we didn't talk much about what happened. We only agreed it has been an accident.
I felt so relieved to know that he didn't understand i invited him to dance with the purpose of seeing him naked. After all, for his unconsciousness it was much more convenient to pretend to not know! What an unexpected accident!
Nothing of what happened that day has been an accident. Both of us really wanted it to happen and it happened!
It's not a case that the situation repeated multiple times after that fateful afternoon. Nothing that happens in our life it's an accident!
There is something about catching my 4 years younger brother naked that makes me feel a special connection with him. It’s not sexual or creepy, it’s more like a secret power, a bond that only we share. It's lovely when he blushes and scrambles to cover himself when I walk in on him changing, and the way his eyes meet mine, filled with a mix of embarrassment and a hint of defiance. It's like a silent acknowledgment that we're not just siblings, we're confidants in a way that no one else can ever be.
That day we were home alone. He was taking a shower while i was in my room doing my homework. The door of my bedroom faces directly the bathroom's one. I think is because of something deep in my psyche that i've left my door wilde opened. An unconscious part of me wanted to see my brother naked and leaving the door open while he was showering was a way to make it happen.
I mean it hasn't been accidental what happened that day and yet i haven't planned it with my conscious part.
When i heard the water stop Jim called me. "Lola! Can you bring me a towel? I've forgot to take one"
I sighed. How could it be possible? I know Jim is not the brightest boy on the earth but he wasn't that young to not check if there was a towel in the bathroom before taking a shower.
"I can't believe how dumb you are" i got up and went in the laundry room to take a towel. Obviously i didn't take one of the biggest. I chose one medium size. There wasn't anything mischievous in my choice or at least i wasn't aware of it.
I left the towel on the floor and went back in my room. Was it an accident that i've made it fall closer to my door than the bathroom one? To me it looked like an accident.
"Is on the floor!" i yelled to Jim and sat on my bed. My door still opened. After a couple of seconds. "Lola? Can you handle it to me?"
"No way! You're naked! I'm not interested in seeing you in your birthday suit!"
Perfect! Brilliant! How smart is my psyche! I've just admitted that i have no intention of seeing my brother naked and yet created the perfect occasion to make it happen. It's alway like this when it comes about unconsciousness.
I put down my book and felt the urge of relax and listen to music. I put on earphones and turned on the volume. My psyche has decided! She wanted my brother to get out the bathroom naked! The loud music in my ears didn't allow me to hear Jim's complaints, as if i wasn't right there, a couple of meters out of the bathroom.
I was feeling oddly good. I felt a sense of satisfaction growing in me. Something i couldn't explain. My shoulders began to move in time with the song and i was humming the lyrics. I was listening at "what's my age again". I think you can see the reason why that song popped in my mind in that moment!
I got up and began to dance weirdly. I felt like euphoric.
After a couples of minutes the bathroom door opened. My brother was standing there fully naked, the water still dripping from his body. His eyes were wide with shock. I was surprised by his sudden appearance, my eyes went down to his penis. I smiled and kept on dancing. "What a luck" i thought in that moment!
Jim has been probably too much surprised to see me dancing in my room and for a couples of seconds he actually forgot to cover his penis. When he did that i moved my eyes. I couldn't believe what was happening nor realize that i've actually made it happen.
He quickly stepped out of the bathroom to take the towel from the floor. Our eyes met one more time. He was embarrassed by the situation. I simply smirked at him and moved my eyes down to his crotch.
I saw his penis one more time when he wrapped the towel around his waists. He looked at me for a second. I simply raised my eyes as if i didn't care what i've seen. I was still moving my body in time with the song. I couldn't stop smiling to him.
Jim quickly turned back and went in the bathroom again.
What an incredible experience, I thought to myself, feeling my cheeks flush with excitement. Our eyes had locked in that brief moment, and I knew he felt it too—our connection had reached a new level of intimacy. The sight of him, naked and unguarded, had brought us closer than ever before.
Now let me tell you something about my brother because i think i'm not the only one who had the inner desire of make it happen. I think Jim also had the unconscious urge of being seen naked by me.
I think part of the reason why he wanted me to see him was because of the time our mom insisted i stay in the room during his physical exam when he was around 10.
He had insisted i leave the room but my mom overruled him and let me stay, and it was only after going into a tearful anger that he was able to get mom to have me face away during it, but it shook his whole world. He was kicked out of the room for my exam, and he felt such a deep hatred at the double standard, the lack of privacy he thought he was entitled to, and the humiliation of being naked in front of a female doctor, mom and me in the room made him furious.
Mother's prohibitions are very important in the development of the child. The reason he want to be seen naked by me is related to that day at the doctor. Everyone seeks for the love of his mother. If at 10 you're mom tells you that you need to let your sister watch despite being shy and embarrassed, you will. By letting me seeing him naked he says "Mom, i'm a good boy, please love me, don't scold me".
Jim lives a strong inner conflict about his naked body. He need to be seen naked by me to relieve the conflict. The key is that he feels guilty for being shy so, by letting me see, he pays for the sin of being shy and feels better.
Isn't it incredible how human psychology works?
Back to that day is not that strange that he forgot to check if there was a towel in the bathroom! Obviously, he didn't even care if there was one or not. His unconscious wanted him to not check!
When he went back in the bathroom he left the door slightly opened. I couldn't see anything from that little crack anyway. He must have filled the same satisfying sensation i felt. The embarrassment was making him feel good.
I changed song. Now i was listening at "Beep" from pussycat dolls. I sat on the bed facing the door. I was feeling so exciting, almost aroused. After a couple of minutes Jim get off the bathroom.
He had the towel around his waist. He was moving slowly, trying to not make the towel fall, maybe trying to not catch my attention. Facing me to see if i was looking, with one hand he was holding the towel, with the other he was closing the bathroom door behind him.
In front of me, right at the level of his crotch there was a bulge. He was showing me his erection. Despite being extremely embarrassed he was moving slowly giving me the time to see it. I had my mouth slightly opened and my gaze glued to the tent between his legs.
He swallowed when i smiled and walked to his bedroom to get dressed.
I think that me dancing in front of him while i was staring at his penis had driven him crazy. The erection was a clear sing of his satisfaction.
"Jim!" i suddenly called him. He walked back and without peeked inside my room keeping his body out of my sight.
"Open the bathroom door. And the window. Mom doesn't want the steam to ruin the walls," I called out, trying to keep my voice casual.
Jim, still wearing nothing but a towel over his boner, did what i asked him. The whole situation was driving me crazy as well. Now i was completely awere of my desire of seeing him naked and what i did, i did with my conscious part.
I took off the earphones and played some music from the laptop speakers. I began to dance while Jim was opening the bathroom window. When he turned back i reached out my hands to him. "Come on, dance with me!" i said smiling.
He looked at me with wide eyes and a red face, his hand on the towel that was precariously covering his erection. I knew he was feeling embarrassed but also a bit excited. I could see his chest rising and falling with rapid breaths.
"Come on, it's your favorite song!"
Jim hesitated for a moment, his hand still clutching the towel tightly around his waist. The bulge was still there. Then, with a gulp, he stepped into my room. As he did, I reached out and gently took his hand.
We danced hands in hands facing each other, my smile grew wider and his face reddened even more. I felt a thrill of excitement when i saw his towel falling down. I kept his hands firmly into mine. He was just starting at me with a dumb face, his mouth open slightly and his eyes wide.
I didn't want to miss the opportunity so i spun him around, pretending to dance more energetically than i actually was. As he spun, the towel slipped from his waist and fell to the floor, revealing his naked body. I watched him, my heart racing and my breath hitching in my throat.
I pretend nothing has happened and grabbed again both his hands. He seemed to not realize that the towel has fallen.
Of course he didn't notice the towel has fallen. He wanted to not notice. He secretly wanted it to happen
I could see his penis bobbing slightly as he danced. It was a beautiful sight, and I couldn't help but feel a twinge of something deeper than mere curiosity.
Then i let go his hands and stepped back to admire his naked body. He watched me dancing for a moment then he realized his towel has fallen.
He raised his eyes to mine with a puzzled expression.
"What?" he stammered, glancing down to realize his towel had indeed fallen.
I couldn't help but smirk, shaking my head and playfully rolled my eyes before looking back to him as if to say, "Oops, what a clumsy mistake."
But Jim was beyond embarrassment now. His cheeks turned a shade of red so deep it was almost purple, and his eyes darted from my gaze to the towel on the floor. He stumbled backward, trying to snatch it up, his penis bobbing slightly as he moved. It was adorable, really—his clumsy attempt at modesty in a situation we both knew was far beyond that point.
He ran away and locked himself in the bedroom!
For the rest of the day there has been a strange tension between the two of us but we didn't talk much about what happened. We only agreed it has been an accident.
I felt so relieved to know that he didn't understand i invited him to dance with the purpose of seeing him naked. After all, for his unconsciousness it was much more convenient to pretend to not know! What an unexpected accident!
Nothing of what happened that day has been an accident. Both of us really wanted it to happen and it happened!
It's not a case that the situation repeated multiple times after that fateful afternoon. Nothing that happens in our life it's an accident!