Gloria - 03 - part 1, 2, C, and 4 - At The Multicultural Parade
Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2025 7:27 am
Many thanks to Superevil for allowing me to step into his universe and write about one of his minor characters.
Also I hope you all will pardon the shifts in the dialogue infrastructure. It mostly depends on how much energy I want to put into making HE SAID, SHE SAID non repetitive. In addition, I am lazy and don't want to think up names for minor characters. Hence names like MomZ (Mom of Zayden) and DadD (Dad of Doug).
The story is all written, but since girlspns does not have a character countdown on how big the file can grow, there will be 3 or 4 parts.
The setup
Little John has invited Gloria and her friends to go to a multi-cultural parade on his side of town.
Saturday Morning
Several family vans went to the festival, Gloria's group, Zayden's group, and a mix of curious others. When the Zayden family started out, MomZ had to convince her daughter to wear clothes. At least a simple dress because they were leaving the safe area of their neighborhood.
"There's no telling what the attitude of the festival attendants will be like." MomZ explained. "You and I will have to wear something. We can take it off later if it seems appropriate."
The parade of cars carrying the two groups to the Multicultural festival pulled up to the parking lot. DadZ paid the attendant to allow his and the four following cars in. There were plenty of cars already parked, as workers for the myriad of booths were already working to get ready for opening. Fortunately, the main parking lot still had room for them, but soon the later arrivals would have to use the remote lot half a kilometer away.
The festival used about one mile of a public street, lined with booths selling food, native clothes from various regions, and booths selling trinkets of all kinds. Along the street there were small grassy parks and playground areas that were scheduled to be used for more active performances. Most of the booths were not ready yet, still getting stocked with boxes from the sellers’ cars.
Carib Dance
The first venue with any sign of public accessible activity was in a small grassy area with a stage. A troupe of dancers dedicated to Carib culture was practicing for their first morning performance. Male and female dancers were moving around, dressed in casual clothes. Gloria looked around and decided to go talk with an older lady standing off to the side, next to a screened pavilion. Soon, Gloria had a big smile, turning to her friends and with wild arm waving she called the rest of her group over.
Gloria excitedly called out "Hey guys. This place will let us join their dance! The adults are professional representatives of a Caribbean tour company and travel around the state helping school culture clubs to preserve their history. They have high school kids do a talent show type of thing. Let’s go join them."
As the group was led to the back of the area, they glanced at some display photos of past performances. Most of them were of various festivals from around the USA, but several were photos across Central America, even a few from Cuba.
At the back were some curtains to hide back-stage activities where the booth setup was finishing. A donation bucket was assembled at the entrance area, trinkets for sale were laid out on tables, and dancers were practicing. Gloria and friends arrived at just the right time to get instructions on basic steps for the performance. Nothing complicated, just ‘stand where we point’ and follow a basic lead.
With that sorted out, the male dancers went behind a separate screen to get into their costumes. The girls in the troupe also dressed up. Local girls from school culture clubs around the area ended up in a variety of white skirts, similar to tennis or gym skirts. Their tops were white training bras, halter tops, or for the more adventurous, scarves tied in a bandeau style.
Gloria, Cathy, and Zayden were told to pick out spare costumes from a big box. After selecting items that mostly fit, Cathy looked over to the other end of the change area where the adult women were changing. These ladies were a core of the cultural organization that traveled around several states to festivals to help Caribbean culture clubs get back to their roots. Cathy nudged her friends to look over there.
These adults were wearing white (of course) loincloths, but also topless. Gloria and her two friends were a bit confused, as these women were not making any attempt to find a top. This oddity was compounded when a man poked his head around the corner of the screen and said “30 seconds”.
The women promptly went out past the screen onto the stage, followed by the girls from school clubs, then the stage manager motioned for Gloria’s group to follow. Gloria’s mind flashed back to the pavilion entrance with the pictures of past performances. Some of them had topless dancers, which gave Gloria the idea that tops were optional. As she stopped to take off her halter top, Cathy and Zayden bumped into her. Of course they did the same.
Stepping out from behind the curtain, the stage manager started giving instructions on where to stand as he turned to them. “What? Where are your tops? I know you just had them on … nevermind, it’s too late now. You two short ones, stand over here. Tall girl, go across the stage and stand behind the girl with the headband. All of you, follow her lead. Now go.”
The dance lasted five to six minutes and was a rather energetic affair. Two boys and a man kept the pace with quick drum beats and the other male and female dancers ran, hopped, and moved around the stage. When it was all over every participant took a quick bow and rushed off the stage, except for Gloria and her friends. Just as the dance ended, the topless women promptly went into hand-bra mode as they took their exit.
Gloria was puzzled by how the topless dancers suddenly became shy at the end. “(It’s like they went into a time warp when the dance started. No problem being topless while in character, but when the music stops they are dumped back to the present and have to cover up.)”
As Gloria, Cathy, and Zayden had not been given any instructions on what to do now, they were left standing on the stage in front of the modest sized audience. Not knowing what to do, Gloria hammed it up by striding up to the front of the stage and taking a deep bow, with a few flourishes. As she received a big cheer from the spectators, Cathy and Zayden also stepped up to make their own bows.
With the noise that the audience was making, the dancers that rushed off the stage came trickling back out to see what was going on. As the boys and girls came back to take their own bows, our three topless girls stepped back to give them room to soak up the attention. A short time later the formerly topless women dancers also came out from behind the curtains, but they had put on white halter tops. The applause for these women was not as energetic as what came before.
When all the outro activities, bows taken, and encores honored were done, only Gloria and her two friends were left on the stage, the manager came over to them.
“Hi girls.” the Manager said. “Thanks for taking part in our dance presentation. Our crew was very surprised that you all elected to come out here without tops. We never had any local school girls your age do that.”
Gloria explained “Backstage I saw the senior women dancers come out with just loin cloths, and remembered going past your pictures of past dances showing all the girls topless. So we did the same.”
The Manager told the girls “Those pictures were all taken in Caribbean islands where customs are different. The core group here, minus the local school culture clubs, are all impressed and grateful for your willingness to go back to roots that are not your own. By the way, you can go backstage and get dressed now. No need to stay out here dressed as you are.”
“Oh, we’re OK.” Zayden assured him.
“No problem.” The Manager suggested, “Say, if you want to keep those costumes it’s not a problem. They are only two small towels attached to a short rope. You all walking around the festival like that would be great advertisement for this project. Well, I have to go back to work. Your clothes are behind the curtains. Thanks for everything and you are welcome back here any time.”
The three girls changed back into their original clothes and started walking deeper into the festival. They took in the sights of several pavilions before a conversation of their just finished dance experience started.
Gloria observed “That Caribbean dance was really different. It’s not like any dance we see normally.”
Zayden agreed, “Way different from disco or twerking or the Twist.”
Cathy joked, “‘The Twist’? I think my great grandma used to talk about that. How old are you again?”
This led into a discussion of all the dance types the girls could think of, and what the purpose of each might be. They came up with some categories.
Gloria: The Can-Can is sexy for an audience.
Cathy: The Flamingo is sexy for the partners.
Zayden: Who is a Ballet sexy for? Square Dancing is … I guess to be part of a party.
Gloria: The most exotic dance I’ve ever seen is Samba. The Carib stuff we did seems more like tribal bonding.
Tahitian dance
The girls had slowly walked down the road, passing booths selling food and candy, handmade crafts, and some carnival activities like Ring Toss. Eventually they came to another small grassy field, very similar to the Caribbean pavilion.
This time Zayden called out, “Guys! Look! They do the Hula Dance here. Let’s go see it.”
Gloria observed “The sign says it's a Tahitian Club thing. I wonder how different it is from Hawaii’s Hula.”
Cathy called them over. “They have pictures behind these tables, and brochures. Here is a signup sheet for some kind of contest. Let’s go ask. Maybe they will let us dance here, too.”
As the girls browsed through the pictures and pamphlets a few dancing girls were practicing their moves.
Cathy was impressed. “Look at that girl dance. This is wild. Hula is much slower, telling a story with hands. Moving like a mix of light wind and mild surf. These dancers are really moving, shaking their hips like crazy. Lordy, I don’t think my spine is flexible enough to do that. Maybe Zayden is up for it.”
Zayden excitedly implored “Let’s go ask. Maybe they’ll teach us and let us dance with them.”
“Sounds good.” Gloria acknowledged. “I’m sure if we can’t twist with the wild stuff there will be some beginner moves we can do.”
The three girls went over to one of the older dancers that was taking a break, to inquire if they could participate for a performance or two. The lady said “Sure. Do you know how to do our dances?”
“No. We don’t expect to do a full routine.” Gloria replied. “Can you show us some simple easy moves and we can be like background dancers?”
“Yeah, we can do that. We have a few extra costumes in the back. Come over here and I will show you how to swirl your hips. After you learn that, you only need to wave your arms like you see that dancer over there doing.”
The girls tried their best to follow the teacher but she had to give up on ‘swirls’ for lack of time and settle for simply rocking their hips back and forth. Then the dancer led the girls off to a tent to change.
The Dancer pointed off to the side. “This box has extra costumes … and I see we have three grass skirts … but I can only find two tops.”
The dancer looks at all three girls, then picks out Zayden since she is the youngest and has no significant boob development.
“Young lady, what is your name?” Dancer asked. "Zayden? How motivated are you to join our dance? Back in the home islands, a top is usually optional for this dance. But here in this big city nobody has ever done it that way. I can understand if you want to sit this one out.”
Cathy answered for Zayden, “Zayden is the one that brought us all in here. We just came from the Carib show and they let us do their dance topless. We’ll go topless with Zayden if that’s what it takes to get us all in.”
Dancer was surprised. “Really? You all will be the first I’ve seen. I suppose it’s OK, this being an Equal Rights state and all. Here are your skirts.”
The three girls promptly slipped out of their clothes getting naked before wrapping the grass skirts around their waists.
This flummoxed Dancer, “(You were supposed to go INTO the change tent to do that. Well, I guess they won’t chicken out of dancing topless in front of the audience.)”
The show went on for about 30 minutes. Several professional quality dancers performed, followed by some talent from the local culture club. Then everyone took a break.
Zayden gushed, “I almost got into the rhythm at the end. Let’s do another show.”
“There’s a schedule posted on this board … we have 30 minutes.” Gloria mentioned. “There’s an ice cream booth across the way. Anyone else hungry?”
Cathy sadly replied, “We don’t have any money.”
Zayden saw some familiar faces coming up the street. “Oh look. Here comes my brother and Ray. And Gloria, is that John? Let’s get the money from them.”
The three boys were oblivious as they ambled along the path, looking the wrong way as they strolled by the Tahitian booth.
Zayden called out “BUZZ! OVER HERE! How can you just ignore your sister?”
This startled the three boys. Buzz and Ray were used to seeing Zayden and Cathy run around their neighborhood naked, so what the girls were wearing was not an eye-catching anomaly. Little John had no such experiences. “(Shit! I almost passed them by. How far has my head been up my ass that I didn’t see three topless girls?”)
Buzz jumped. “Whao! Sorry about that. Nice costume. Did you just finish dancing with them?”
“Yeah, but we’re hungry.” Zayden said. “We need to bum some money off you for ice cream.”
Little John volunteered “I’ll pay. Let’s all line up at the window and put in our orders. Since you’re still topless and in a costume skirt, will you be doing another dance?”
Gloria informed them “Yeah! Are you going to stay and watch us?”
“Absolutely.” Little John confirmed. “When is it?”
Zayden put in “About one ice cream cone of time.”
The six kids made their selections and walked back to the Tahitian area. Sitting on some benches, they started chatting about everything they saw at the carnival. Gloria was not paying enough attention to her cone, and it dripped. Down her chin and in between her bare breasts.
As she scooped the little stream off her chest with a finger, Little John softly made a whimsical but randy comment to Gloria, “Someday I hope you will let me lick that off you.”
Gloria gave him a big smile and said back, “Oh how sweet.” as she laced her arm through his.
Zayden saw the ice cream drip from Gloria’s cone. She stood up and unhooked her costume skirt, sitting back down naked. “I don’t want to get this dirty. It’s not ours and we can’t wash it here.” The other two girls saw the logic of that and followed her example.
With the ice cream cones finished, they all stood up and the girls reached for their skirts. But Gloria had a problem.
“John, my fingers are all dirty and sticky. Can you please wrap me up?” Gloria invited.
While the seating area was somewhat hidden from passers by on the carnival path, it was still out in the open. Three naked girls standing and moving about, getting ‘dressed’ caught the attention of a group of local boys.
As the carnival was in a rough part of town, these local boys were, well, ruffians. As they moved in for a better look, the girls had already headed off to the change tent.
The Dancer came by. “Oh, there you are. I wondered where you had gone without your clothes.”
Zayden explained, “We just went across the way to get some ice cream, and we want to do another show. Is that OK?”
“Sure. Be ready to get on the stage in five minutes.”
This dance went much better as the girls had at least learned how to rotate their hips, even if they could not match the pace of the pros. When the program ended, the three girls traded the costumes for their regular clothes. As they left the area that local gang of boys were waiting. They gave out a stream of cat calls, wolf whistles, “nice tits”, and the like.
This caught the attention of some men that had seen the show. They stepped between the boys and girls, privately conflicted between sympathy for the girls and “(this is why you don’t do shit like dance topless in this neighborhood)” Unfortunately the boys were not cowed, only taking a step back but still making trouble. That is until a Marine Drill Sergeant sized man with ‘SECURITY’ embroidered on his shirt chased them away.
The Sunday parade started at 10:30, with preparations beginning early and going all morning.
Many thanks to Superevil for allowing me to step into his universe and write about one of his minor characters.
Also I hope you all will pardon the shifts in the dialogue infrastructure. It mostly depends on how much energy I want to put into making HE SAID, SHE SAID non repetitive. In addition, I am lazy and don't want to think up names for minor characters. Hence names like MomZ (Mom of Zayden) and DadD (Dad of Doug).
The story is all written, but since girlspns does not have a character countdown on how big the file can grow, there will be 3 or 4 parts.
The setup
Little John has invited Gloria and her friends to go to a multi-cultural parade on his side of town.
Saturday Morning
Several family vans went to the festival, Gloria's group, Zayden's group, and a mix of curious others. When the Zayden family started out, MomZ had to convince her daughter to wear clothes. At least a simple dress because they were leaving the safe area of their neighborhood.
"There's no telling what the attitude of the festival attendants will be like." MomZ explained. "You and I will have to wear something. We can take it off later if it seems appropriate."
The parade of cars carrying the two groups to the Multicultural festival pulled up to the parking lot. DadZ paid the attendant to allow his and the four following cars in. There were plenty of cars already parked, as workers for the myriad of booths were already working to get ready for opening. Fortunately, the main parking lot still had room for them, but soon the later arrivals would have to use the remote lot half a kilometer away.
The festival used about one mile of a public street, lined with booths selling food, native clothes from various regions, and booths selling trinkets of all kinds. Along the street there were small grassy parks and playground areas that were scheduled to be used for more active performances. Most of the booths were not ready yet, still getting stocked with boxes from the sellers’ cars.
Carib Dance
The first venue with any sign of public accessible activity was in a small grassy area with a stage. A troupe of dancers dedicated to Carib culture was practicing for their first morning performance. Male and female dancers were moving around, dressed in casual clothes. Gloria looked around and decided to go talk with an older lady standing off to the side, next to a screened pavilion. Soon, Gloria had a big smile, turning to her friends and with wild arm waving she called the rest of her group over.
Gloria excitedly called out "Hey guys. This place will let us join their dance! The adults are professional representatives of a Caribbean tour company and travel around the state helping school culture clubs to preserve their history. They have high school kids do a talent show type of thing. Let’s go join them."
As the group was led to the back of the area, they glanced at some display photos of past performances. Most of them were of various festivals from around the USA, but several were photos across Central America, even a few from Cuba.
At the back were some curtains to hide back-stage activities where the booth setup was finishing. A donation bucket was assembled at the entrance area, trinkets for sale were laid out on tables, and dancers were practicing. Gloria and friends arrived at just the right time to get instructions on basic steps for the performance. Nothing complicated, just ‘stand where we point’ and follow a basic lead.
With that sorted out, the male dancers went behind a separate screen to get into their costumes. The girls in the troupe also dressed up. Local girls from school culture clubs around the area ended up in a variety of white skirts, similar to tennis or gym skirts. Their tops were white training bras, halter tops, or for the more adventurous, scarves tied in a bandeau style.
Gloria, Cathy, and Zayden were told to pick out spare costumes from a big box. After selecting items that mostly fit, Cathy looked over to the other end of the change area where the adult women were changing. These ladies were a core of the cultural organization that traveled around several states to festivals to help Caribbean culture clubs get back to their roots. Cathy nudged her friends to look over there.
These adults were wearing white (of course) loincloths, but also topless. Gloria and her two friends were a bit confused, as these women were not making any attempt to find a top. This oddity was compounded when a man poked his head around the corner of the screen and said “30 seconds”.
The women promptly went out past the screen onto the stage, followed by the girls from school clubs, then the stage manager motioned for Gloria’s group to follow. Gloria’s mind flashed back to the pavilion entrance with the pictures of past performances. Some of them had topless dancers, which gave Gloria the idea that tops were optional. As she stopped to take off her halter top, Cathy and Zayden bumped into her. Of course they did the same.
Stepping out from behind the curtain, the stage manager started giving instructions on where to stand as he turned to them. “What? Where are your tops? I know you just had them on … nevermind, it’s too late now. You two short ones, stand over here. Tall girl, go across the stage and stand behind the girl with the headband. All of you, follow her lead. Now go.”
The dance lasted five to six minutes and was a rather energetic affair. Two boys and a man kept the pace with quick drum beats and the other male and female dancers ran, hopped, and moved around the stage. When it was all over every participant took a quick bow and rushed off the stage, except for Gloria and her friends. Just as the dance ended, the topless women promptly went into hand-bra mode as they took their exit.
Gloria was puzzled by how the topless dancers suddenly became shy at the end. “(It’s like they went into a time warp when the dance started. No problem being topless while in character, but when the music stops they are dumped back to the present and have to cover up.)”
As Gloria, Cathy, and Zayden had not been given any instructions on what to do now, they were left standing on the stage in front of the modest sized audience. Not knowing what to do, Gloria hammed it up by striding up to the front of the stage and taking a deep bow, with a few flourishes. As she received a big cheer from the spectators, Cathy and Zayden also stepped up to make their own bows.
With the noise that the audience was making, the dancers that rushed off the stage came trickling back out to see what was going on. As the boys and girls came back to take their own bows, our three topless girls stepped back to give them room to soak up the attention. A short time later the formerly topless women dancers also came out from behind the curtains, but they had put on white halter tops. The applause for these women was not as energetic as what came before.
When all the outro activities, bows taken, and encores honored were done, only Gloria and her two friends were left on the stage, the manager came over to them.
“Hi girls.” the Manager said. “Thanks for taking part in our dance presentation. Our crew was very surprised that you all elected to come out here without tops. We never had any local school girls your age do that.”
Gloria explained “Backstage I saw the senior women dancers come out with just loin cloths, and remembered going past your pictures of past dances showing all the girls topless. So we did the same.”
The Manager told the girls “Those pictures were all taken in Caribbean islands where customs are different. The core group here, minus the local school culture clubs, are all impressed and grateful for your willingness to go back to roots that are not your own. By the way, you can go backstage and get dressed now. No need to stay out here dressed as you are.”
“Oh, we’re OK.” Zayden assured him.
“No problem.” The Manager suggested, “Say, if you want to keep those costumes it’s not a problem. They are only two small towels attached to a short rope. You all walking around the festival like that would be great advertisement for this project. Well, I have to go back to work. Your clothes are behind the curtains. Thanks for everything and you are welcome back here any time.”
The three girls changed back into their original clothes and started walking deeper into the festival. They took in the sights of several pavilions before a conversation of their just finished dance experience started.
Gloria observed “That Caribbean dance was really different. It’s not like any dance we see normally.”
Zayden agreed, “Way different from disco or twerking or the Twist.”
Cathy joked, “‘The Twist’? I think my great grandma used to talk about that. How old are you again?”
This led into a discussion of all the dance types the girls could think of, and what the purpose of each might be. They came up with some categories.
Gloria: The Can-Can is sexy for an audience.
Cathy: The Flamingo is sexy for the partners.
Zayden: Who is a Ballet sexy for? Square Dancing is … I guess to be part of a party.
Gloria: The most exotic dance I’ve ever seen is Samba. The Carib stuff we did seems more like tribal bonding.
Tahitian dance
The girls had slowly walked down the road, passing booths selling food and candy, handmade crafts, and some carnival activities like Ring Toss. Eventually they came to another small grassy field, very similar to the Caribbean pavilion.
This time Zayden called out, “Guys! Look! They do the Hula Dance here. Let’s go see it.”
Gloria observed “The sign says it's a Tahitian Club thing. I wonder how different it is from Hawaii’s Hula.”
Cathy called them over. “They have pictures behind these tables, and brochures. Here is a signup sheet for some kind of contest. Let’s go ask. Maybe they will let us dance here, too.”
As the girls browsed through the pictures and pamphlets a few dancing girls were practicing their moves.
Cathy was impressed. “Look at that girl dance. This is wild. Hula is much slower, telling a story with hands. Moving like a mix of light wind and mild surf. These dancers are really moving, shaking their hips like crazy. Lordy, I don’t think my spine is flexible enough to do that. Maybe Zayden is up for it.”
Zayden excitedly implored “Let’s go ask. Maybe they’ll teach us and let us dance with them.”
“Sounds good.” Gloria acknowledged. “I’m sure if we can’t twist with the wild stuff there will be some beginner moves we can do.”
The three girls went over to one of the older dancers that was taking a break, to inquire if they could participate for a performance or two. The lady said “Sure. Do you know how to do our dances?”
“No. We don’t expect to do a full routine.” Gloria replied. “Can you show us some simple easy moves and we can be like background dancers?”
“Yeah, we can do that. We have a few extra costumes in the back. Come over here and I will show you how to swirl your hips. After you learn that, you only need to wave your arms like you see that dancer over there doing.”
The girls tried their best to follow the teacher but she had to give up on ‘swirls’ for lack of time and settle for simply rocking their hips back and forth. Then the dancer led the girls off to a tent to change.
The Dancer pointed off to the side. “This box has extra costumes … and I see we have three grass skirts … but I can only find two tops.”
The dancer looks at all three girls, then picks out Zayden since she is the youngest and has no significant boob development.
“Young lady, what is your name?” Dancer asked. "Zayden? How motivated are you to join our dance? Back in the home islands, a top is usually optional for this dance. But here in this big city nobody has ever done it that way. I can understand if you want to sit this one out.”
Cathy answered for Zayden, “Zayden is the one that brought us all in here. We just came from the Carib show and they let us do their dance topless. We’ll go topless with Zayden if that’s what it takes to get us all in.”
Dancer was surprised. “Really? You all will be the first I’ve seen. I suppose it’s OK, this being an Equal Rights state and all. Here are your skirts.”
The three girls promptly slipped out of their clothes getting naked before wrapping the grass skirts around their waists.
This flummoxed Dancer, “(You were supposed to go INTO the change tent to do that. Well, I guess they won’t chicken out of dancing topless in front of the audience.)”
The show went on for about 30 minutes. Several professional quality dancers performed, followed by some talent from the local culture club. Then everyone took a break.
Zayden gushed, “I almost got into the rhythm at the end. Let’s do another show.”
“There’s a schedule posted on this board … we have 30 minutes.” Gloria mentioned. “There’s an ice cream booth across the way. Anyone else hungry?”
Cathy sadly replied, “We don’t have any money.”
Zayden saw some familiar faces coming up the street. “Oh look. Here comes my brother and Ray. And Gloria, is that John? Let’s get the money from them.”
The three boys were oblivious as they ambled along the path, looking the wrong way as they strolled by the Tahitian booth.
Zayden called out “BUZZ! OVER HERE! How can you just ignore your sister?”
This startled the three boys. Buzz and Ray were used to seeing Zayden and Cathy run around their neighborhood naked, so what the girls were wearing was not an eye-catching anomaly. Little John had no such experiences. “(Shit! I almost passed them by. How far has my head been up my ass that I didn’t see three topless girls?”)
Buzz jumped. “Whao! Sorry about that. Nice costume. Did you just finish dancing with them?”
“Yeah, but we’re hungry.” Zayden said. “We need to bum some money off you for ice cream.”
Little John volunteered “I’ll pay. Let’s all line up at the window and put in our orders. Since you’re still topless and in a costume skirt, will you be doing another dance?”
Gloria informed them “Yeah! Are you going to stay and watch us?”
“Absolutely.” Little John confirmed. “When is it?”
Zayden put in “About one ice cream cone of time.”
The six kids made their selections and walked back to the Tahitian area. Sitting on some benches, they started chatting about everything they saw at the carnival. Gloria was not paying enough attention to her cone, and it dripped. Down her chin and in between her bare breasts.
As she scooped the little stream off her chest with a finger, Little John softly made a whimsical but randy comment to Gloria, “Someday I hope you will let me lick that off you.”
Gloria gave him a big smile and said back, “Oh how sweet.” as she laced her arm through his.
Zayden saw the ice cream drip from Gloria’s cone. She stood up and unhooked her costume skirt, sitting back down naked. “I don’t want to get this dirty. It’s not ours and we can’t wash it here.” The other two girls saw the logic of that and followed her example.
With the ice cream cones finished, they all stood up and the girls reached for their skirts. But Gloria had a problem.
“John, my fingers are all dirty and sticky. Can you please wrap me up?” Gloria invited.
While the seating area was somewhat hidden from passers by on the carnival path, it was still out in the open. Three naked girls standing and moving about, getting ‘dressed’ caught the attention of a group of local boys.
As the carnival was in a rough part of town, these local boys were, well, ruffians. As they moved in for a better look, the girls had already headed off to the change tent.
The Dancer came by. “Oh, there you are. I wondered where you had gone without your clothes.”
Zayden explained, “We just went across the way to get some ice cream, and we want to do another show. Is that OK?”
“Sure. Be ready to get on the stage in five minutes.”
This dance went much better as the girls had at least learned how to rotate their hips, even if they could not match the pace of the pros. When the program ended, the three girls traded the costumes for their regular clothes. As they left the area that local gang of boys were waiting. They gave out a stream of cat calls, wolf whistles, “nice tits”, and the like.
This caught the attention of some men that had seen the show. They stepped between the boys and girls, privately conflicted between sympathy for the girls and “(this is why you don’t do shit like dance topless in this neighborhood)” Unfortunately the boys were not cowed, only taking a step back but still making trouble. That is until a Marine Drill Sergeant sized man with ‘SECURITY’ embroidered on his shirt chased them away.
The Sunday parade started at 10:30, with preparations beginning early and going all morning.