Medieval Madness

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Medieval Madness

Post by dazed »

It was time again for the annual Medieval Fair at the High School.

The outdoor festival held in a large field behind the school attracted a sizable crowd, and the monies from vending and craft sales helped fund needed school projects and trips.

Students created exhibits to showcase events during the Middle Ages, be it fact or legend. It was a time of fun and competition among the students who vied for the most creative display.

Dana Bright had petitioned the committee for permission to bring a live horse and recreate the Legendary ride of Lady Godiva. She would, of course, be clothed, but would wear a long, blonde wig to make it look authentic.

“That bitch has to be the center of everything. She’s riding a damn horse dressed as Godiva. How can we compete with that?” a classmate named Shelly fumed.

“Is she going to naked?” Bobby teasingly interjected.

“Yea, right. If the attention seeking slut could get by with it, I’m sure she would,” Shelly shot back as she worked on the sign for her display.

“If she wants attention that bad, maybe we should help her out,” another girl named Iris teased.

“Don’t think I wouldn’t. Parading her butt naked and humiliated in front of everyone would make my day,” Shelly replied with a giggle.

As the big day approached everyone assembled at their events. Dana had borrowed a white horse from her uncle, and was in the makeshift dressing room changing. She emerged in a sheer, white gown with a long flowing blonde wig.

One other detail was clearly observed if you looked close enough. Dana was wearing no underwear.

Shelly and Iris listened closely as Dana had a conversation with another girl.

“People can see through this dress.”

“Well, the chemise was too stuffy. Made me look fat, and my bra and panties stood out like a sore thumb. My wig will cover my breasts, and I will be sitting on a saddle, so no one will see my butt.”

Shelly and Iris looked at each other in amusement. This made the little scheme they had cooked up for Dana so much better.

It was if the god of chaos was on their side. They laid low until it was time for Dana to mount her horse and ride through festival grounds.

They walked up and petted the horse.

“ I love your gown, “ Shelly remarked as she ran her hand gently down the back. What Dana could not see was the fact that Shelly was placing a small hook into the fabric.

The hook was attached to a thin line running on the ground. Dana adjusted her wig to cover her breasts and signaled the horse to start.

It pranced proudly through the field, the crowd on each side. Suddenly, there was a twanging sound. The string tightened and the hook retreated. Dana’s white robe was ripped from her body and went flying backwards.

Her pert C tits stuck out proudly, as the crowd responded with shock and awe. It was at that precise moment that a cannon went off. The horse was spooked and stood straight up on its rear legs before flying through the crowd.

Dana’s wig was blown off. Her C-cup tits were now fully exposed. Dana’s eyes were wide in horror and her face blushed in shame. She now faced two options. Hide her nudity and let the horse careen out of control, or steady the horse, and lose all modesty.

People were pointing, gawking, laughing, and snapping pictures, especially at her tight butt bouncing up and down.

Further out in the field away from the festivities, Dana was thrown from the horse, landing on the ground. She lay dazed for a moment.

The reality that she was completely naked snapped her out of it. She covered her tits and crotch with her arms and hands as she tried to think of what to do.

In the meantime, Shelly had ran to one the boys in her class who had a small wagon. He was showing a wooden cage with screen sides, used to haul people to jail.

The rickety wagon made its way towards Shelly, passing the principal and many of the crowd.

“Get in,” Shelly yelled

Dana could only get on her hands and knees. Her bare butt was pointing to the rear of the wagon and she was facing the front.

Shelly shut and locked the door, imprisoning the naked Dana inside.

As they approached the crowd they announced she was alright and they were bringing her back. Another went out to get Dana’s horse.

Back at the exhibit it was discovered that the lock to the cage had fallen off during the transport back.

“Shelly, get me out of here! I’m naked. They are all coming,” Dana sobbed as she clutched the screened sides.

“Jake is going to look for the key. Hang on!”

“I have to pee! I don’t think I can hold it. Oh god Shelly, make him hurry.”

Shelly and Iris snickered at Dana’s embarrassing dilemma. Iris walked to the rear and got a close up of Dana’s bare butt, along with her vagina, and puckered nub, all on clear display.

The excited crowd gathered around the cage gawking, pointing, and taking pics. The principal tried to disperse them but there were too many.

A high pitched wailing came from Dana as she began to lose control of her bladder. She buried her head in humiliation as the crowd watched her relieve herself.

Finally, Jake returned with the key. They helped Dana out of the cage and wrapped a towel around her and walked her to the dressing room.

It was labeled a freak accident, but Shelly and Iris knew better.
Last edited by dazed on Mon Mar 03, 2025 7:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Medieval Madness

Post by Realbatman9001 »

That was superb. I love this kind of enf
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