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The Intern Rivalry

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2025 9:16 pm
by JustHere10
This story contains both Enf and Enm. It's a little bit unrealistic but hopefully it still comes across okay. Everyone in the story is 18+

It all started when Pearson Financials decided to hire two aspiring college students to participate in their prestigious Summer Intern program. The program had thousands of applications each summer, but they only accept two interns every summer. The two this year were Ben and Laura.

Ben was a junior in college studying business. He was 5'8, had an athletes body, and was very savy in the financial world due to his parents owning their own successful companies ever since he was born. Because of all this he never had to face any adversity in life and along with that came a very arrogant personality.

Laura on the other hand had to work for everything in life. She was raised in a single parent household the majority of her life and even had to get a job early in life to help pay for bills. She was also a junior in college studying finance. Even through all her hard work to get here to where she was today, people around her still believed her good looks helped her get this far. Sure she had long lucious blonde hair, 36c bra size, flat toned stomach, and a firm peach shaped butt. Even still she worked hard to maintain those looks.

Nonetheless, they both came from different backgrounds of life but both managed to secure this prestigious internship. During their first day at the company the CEO told them that at the end of the summer whichever one of them performed the best would receive a 10,000 dollar scholarship and a future offer to work there after they graduated. As a result their rivalry was born.

The first week Ben had created a code that helped the company find new clients in a more efficient manner. It saved the company millions already. The CEO was impressed at the quick impact he had made. Ben being his arrogant self couldn't help but brag to Laura as they met in the break room.

"This might have been the quickest competition I'd ever been apart of. You should probably just quit now." Ben bragged.

"Shut up! Do you really think I got where I am today but just giving up to spoiled rich kids like yourself?" Laura said angrily.

And so Laura fought back. The following week Laura had created a code herself that made existing clients able to handle their business with the firm much easier. While it didn't generate more customers, it did help the firm keep more of their customers at an incredible rate. The data showed their retention increased by 50% in only 1 week. It saved the company millions and put less pressure on everyone to find new business. The CEO was very impressed with Laura's outside the box thinking.

And so the back and forth continued all summer long. Every time Ben executed on an idea..Laura would do the same making it a back and forth competition all summer long. They even would do little things along the way like get coffee for managers or bring in donuts for everyone in the office to gain some browning points. They would also make passive aggressive comments to each other in meetings, through passing in the office, and the break room. The competitive nature of both just couldn't help it. The breaking point was in the break room the last week of the internship where they both were enjoying a cup of coffee.

"I gotta hand it to you Laura, I'm surprised at everything you accomplished this summer." Ben said.

Laura couldn't believe he had actually gave her a compliment. Who would have thought?

"I guess your not just a blonde bimbo who bats her eyelashes to get whatever she wants." Ben couldn't help himself.

Laura blushed at this comment but was also seeing red at this point. "What did you say?! How dare you! I can beat you at anything! This summer has proved that." Laura angrily explained.

"Oh yeah? How about a friendly wager? We've both saved this company millions. Let's see how much the actual employees here like us?" Ben offered.

"What do you mean?" Laura's head slightly tilted interested to see where he was going with this.

"It's 10am right now. By 4pm today let's see who can get the most tip money from our co-workers. If they like us enough they'll spare a couple of dollars to help us out. Whoever had the least by 4pm has to drop out of the internship." Ben confidently proposed.

In retrospect the challenge itself was absurd. They both did so much this summer and to let it be decided by a silly challenge was insane. However, Laura did not want to show any weakness and was still furious at his initial comment so she wasn't thinking clearly.

"You're on! This will be easy." Laura said.

And so the next couple of hours passed as they stealthfully tried to convince their co-workers into tipping them for their good work this summer. They didn't want to give each other any hints as to who was in the lead. In reality, the day was almost over and neither had made a single dollar.

Ben finally had some stroke of luck when she asked Pam. Pam was hesistant but didn't outright say no. "Please Pam! I'll do anything." Ben pleaded. "Hmmm well that's a really nice dress shirt you got on. I could give you a dollar for it?" Ben's mind was racing. They never established any rules against this as long as they got tipped? Seems like a good loophole.

"Alright here's my shirt. Now give me the dollar."

Pam eagerly gave him a dollar and off Ben went to talk to more people. The next person he talked to was Jennifer. He said the same statement and pleaded with her until finally she said,"Hmmm those are some nice pants you got on. I'll give you 10 dollars for it?" Jennifer offered jokingly not really thinking he'd accept her offer. Ben's mind was once again racing. He saw Laura throughout the day giggling with co-workers and talking to so many of them. She must have a lot of money by now. It was almost the end of the day anyways. Desperately wanting to win the challenge. He accepted. Jennifer's face stood in shock and had her hand over her mouth giggling as he was stripping down to his boxers. She very eagerly gave him 10 dollars.

Ben was now in a pretty embarrassing situation but his desire to win overcame his embarrassment. He very quietly went to the corner of the office and found Liz in her cubicle. While he was negotiating a tip with Liz...Alllll the way on the opposite side of the office was Laura.

She was getting very desperate as it was almost the end of the day and didn't have any money to show for it. She was cursing at herself for throwing away an amazing opportunity on such a stupid challenge. Laura spotted Dave and was trying everything to get him to tip her. "Please I'll do anything!"
Dave's ears perked up at this statement. "I guess I could give you a dollar for your bra?" Dave offered.

Laura blushed at this proposal. Could she really stoop to this level to win? She looked down at herself. Laura noticed that the sundress she was wearing was pretty thick. Not flimsy at all. You had to really look hard to notice that she wasn't wearing a bra. Her competitiveness drove her to this conclusion. "Fineee." Laura's face was starting to get even more flushed as she stealthfully maneuvered her bra so she could remove it underneath her dress without exposing anything.

Dave gave her a dollar and stashed the bra in his desk as a souvenir for a memorable day in the office. Laura went off to find Jack since she knew a dollar probably wouldn't win the contest. As Laura was trying to give all the reasons why he should tip her..Jack couldn't help but admire Laura's sexy body in that dress. He even looked closely and noticed a slight outline of her nipples. "Is she braless?" Jack thought but also gave him an idea. "I'll give you 10 dollars for your panties."

Laura was appalled. If looks could kill it definitely would have gotten Jack in that moment. Again though, 10 dollars is pretty significant. Maybe even enough to win? Laura looked down at her dress. It wasn't the longest but still plenty enough to hide the fact that she would be going commando. The thought also gave her a little tingling feeling down there. "It's almost the end of the day at least." She thought.

"Fineeee you perv!" As she impressively removed her panties without exposing anything. Laura threw her underwear at Jack, grabbed the 10 dollars from his hand, and stormed out before he could say anything. As it was only 15 more minutes until she had to meet up with Ben to see who won...she wanted to keep trying because she didn't think 11 dollars would be enough. Finally she spots Adam in the break room and begins to plead her case. Adam was hardly paying attention to what she was saying. He noticed that Laura's nipples were a lot more noticeable than before and looked down to see the faintest wet spot towards the bottom of her dress but only spotted it because he was looking so intensely. This gave Adam an idea.

"How about I give you 50 dollars for that dress. I think my wife would really like it" Adam added to trying to hide his true intentions.

Laura was so shocked by his straightforwardness. "Are you kidding?! I would be naked if I did that!" She said this whole waving her arms in the air to be dramatic but also immediately slapping her hand to her mouth and turning extremely red everywhere as she gave up her secret that she was currently commando. Adam not wanting to lose out on an opportunity to see a young hot woman nude he said," well it's almost the end of the about you give me the dress at let's say 4:05? That way you can sneak out of here after everyone leaves."

Laura couldn't believe she was even considering this offer, but he made a good point. She would be able to meet Ben with her dress still on at 4 and surely 61 dollars would win the challenge. "Fineeee but you have to give me the money now." The 50 dollars couldn't have been placed in her hand any faster as Adam eagerly accepted. With a couple minutes to spare Laura made her way to the meeting point in the middle of the office.

While that last talk with Adam was going on Ben had just secured his last deal with Liz. It was for his boxers and he wasn't as lucky as Laura had been. Liz wanted the clothing up front before payment. Ben ultimately didn't want to do this, but he thought his hands would be enough coverage to cover everything important during his meeting with Laura. Sure it'd be embarrassing but he'd win and would never see her again so it'd all be worth it.

They were both almost at the meeting point when Liz just couldn't help herself and wanted to embarrass the dumb boy. She put her hands together on her mouth and shouted


The sudden shout startled Ben so much and put his hands in the air almost like a cop just yelled at him. He took in his surroundings. He noticed everyone in the office immediately turned their heads and stared at him. He honed in on a few of the women all with their hands covering their mouth and laughing hysterically at the absurdity of what they were seeing. And lastly he noticed Laura who was laughing the loudest and said "Wow. I knew you were compensating for something but I didn't think it'd be that small! My 14 year old brother is bigger than that!" And to add insult to injury Laura and a few other women were pinching their thumb and pointer finger together and wiggling their pinkies.

Being a male dominated office one of them finally threw Ben some clothing for coverage after the good laugh. However, during all of this it was already 4:05. And Adam seeing a fantasy like opportunity walked up to Laura and said "Hey we had a deal! That's mine now!" As he ripped off the dress from Laura with surprising ease. Laura didn't have a lot of time to process what just happened. She was utterly naked in front of the entire office. Her perfect tits were pointing outwards, her toned stomach, and her clean shaven snatch was all out in the open. Worst of all it was incredibly easy to tell she was aroused from spending the last hour commando. The laughter was even louder. People were estastic that they now got to see two interns naked and Laura got some well deserved karma. Thanks to Ben all of their co-workers already had their phones out.

The flashes were blinding. Laura still wasn't covering anything at all still frozen from the reality of the situation. It wasn't until Ben said wolf whistled and said "Damn Laura! I didn't think you'd go this far to get people like you. And you're not even covering. Are you enjoying this????!"

That was it. Laura didn't care about any coverage. She couldn't take the humiliation anymore. She grabbed her keys from her dress and tried to run out of the office to get the hell out of there. With the sudden haste she tripped face first onto the floor which caused her peachy butt to stick upwards in a doggy style like position. Someone yelled "Moneyshot!!!!" As everyone else was dying of laughter. Laura wished the ground swallowed her up right then and there while she recovered and stormed out of the office.

Ben was starting to notice he was becoming the center of attention again and remembered again that everyone just saw his "little secret" so he ran out of there in embarrassment as well. Ben and Laura were both unsure if they could ever show their faces again in that office after giving everyone a clear view of their naked selves.

The only thing that was left in the office during the aftermath was Laura's 61 dollars she earned and Ben's 62 dollars he earned. He had won the challenge. Not that it mattered.