Losing at Strip Mario Kart to my Sister
Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2025 9:27 am
My older sister and I have always been competitive growing up, but one thing I always seemed to win was mario kart. Race after race I would win, sometimes 10-20 times before she ever won a race, and even then it was usually by pure chance because I was hit with a blue shell and multiple red shells at the last second. Nevertheless we still smack talked each other the entire time.
Over time, the busyness of life had created a wedge, we had got jobs in separate cities and now lived an hour away from each other, but we still met up every few weeks to have fun and catchup. Today was one of those days. After catching up over dinner and a few drinks she started the smack talk.
Her: "Ready to have your butt kicked in mario kart? I've been practicing and I know I'll beat you this time."
Me: "Oh ho ho, if you're so confident then how about we bet on it then?"
Her: "Money? I don't know..."
Me: "Hmm yeah on second thought I'd feel bad taking money from family. Hmm what else could we bet, I feel like it's boring without something on the line."
Her: (sarcastically) "Oh great so now you have a gambling addiction"
Me: "Hahaha you got me - here's an idea, how about we bet our dignity?"
Her: "Dignity? Like loser has to do something embarrassing like the chicken dance or something?"
Me: "Kind of, I mean like strip mario kart, loser has to remove an article of clothing, putting our dignity on the line, that way I can literally beat the pants off you haha"
Her: "Wow you're such a perv, I can't believe you'd suggest that. Like, you always win, so it's not even fair"
Me: "What happened to all that confidence you just had? Afraid you can't beat me anymore?"
Her: "Well duh, you win every time."
Me: "I guess that's true.. but you said you've been practicing and I don't know how good you are now, maybe you'll smoke me."
Her: (sarcastic) "Yeah right" "How about you play strip mario kart and I play regular mario kart, that way you get your high stakes and I don't lose my dignity"
Me: "Then I'd be risking my dignity for nothing, that's not fair, there's no point if it's only downsides for me"
Her: "Well the same goes for me too, I probably won't win, so it's only downsides"
Me: "Hmm, how about a handicap? If you win I remove 2 articles of clothing, and if you lose you only remove 1. Plus you're wearing a bra so you already have a clothing advantage."
Her: "You'd probably win like 10 times in a row, so that's still not much of a chance for me"
Me: "What do you think would be a fair handicap?"
Her: "Hmm..*she taps her finger to her chin thinking* since you always win, how about if I win once you have to strip everything, and if I lose I only remove 1 article of clothing at a time?"
Me: "Well that doesn't really seem fair, there's so much randomness in mario kart that I could lose at any time"
Her: "So with this handicap you're not sure you will win? Good. I'm not sure if I'll win either, so then that makes it a fair bet."
Me: "But erm, uhhhh I guess, I mean you do have a point... alright fine, let's do it. But lets set some ground rules first, no photos, this never leaves this room, and we're doing butt ass naked, not just down to undies"
Her: *shoots me a look* "What? Underwear not undignified enough for you?"
Me: "It's basically like a swimsuit and we're betting our dignity, so we have to do more than that"
Her: *A smile spreads on her face* "Fair enough. Alright. Get ready to strip!"
In the 1st race, I was nervous from the bet, I made some bad mistakes in the first lap and was losing. Much smack was thrown between us before muscle memory returned and I won the first race handedly.
Me: *Jumping up and doing a victory dance* "Woo! Guess all your practicing doesn't pay off! Take it off!"
Her: *Gives me a playful glare and says in a sing-song voice as she pulls off her sock and throws it at me* "All it takes is one loss" *Her sock falls to the floor*
The 2nd race continued smoothly, I won again and she removed another sock, I continued to tease her, but she still seemed confident.
The 3rd race was on Baby Park, a simple small oval track that was a nightmare of randomness, players in any position could throw an item and hit anyone. This track was where I had most of my losses.
I gulped as the countdown started, and right when it went green she said "I've been practicing this one".
I immediately became nervous but despite that I quickly took the lead and held it for the entire race. That is until the last lap, I accidentally hit a banana, I was still in 1st though and I limped past the last turn. Down to the final stretch and I was about to win when suddenly I'm overwhelmed with a blue shell, red shell, red shell, each one preventing me from moving, and that's when she passed me, crossing the finish line a split second before me.
She jumped up cheering and doing her own victory dance "I won! I won! I won!". All I could do was sit back, stunned at my loss while she had her moment of triumph. When she finally had enough she turned to me with a grin, "Strip!".
Me: "Urg, come on you barely won"
Her: *Smirking* "Huh? What was that last part again?"
Me: "You barely won?"
Her: "That's what I wanted to hear, I won! Now for my prize, your dignity" *She gestures toward me*
Me: "Fine.. a bet is a bet" *I pull off my shirt and pants, standing before her in my boxers* "There? Happy?"
Her: "Woo! Take it off!" she jeered, imitating my previous teasing. "Socks too!"
Me: *I kick off my socks with my feet*
Her: "annnnd your last article of clothing" *as she bounced on the balls of her feet and pointed to my boxers*
Me: "Are you serious?" *I feel my face getting warm from embarrassment and flustered*
Her: *grinning* "You said butt ass naked, you can't back out now"
Me: *With a sigh of defeat, I hook my thumbs into my boxer's waistband, bending over so my torso would provide some modesty and yanking them down and kicking them off my feet, quickly moving my hands to cover my privates. My nervousness has kept it flaccid and it was perched barely an inch long*
Her: "oop! I think I caught a glimpse of the little guy"
Me: "It's not little, it's average" *I keep both my hands fully clasped over myself*
Her: "Let me see then, move your hands"
Me: "No way, there was nothing in the rules about that"
Her: *She quickly encircles me to get a look at my backside before I have a chance to turn toward her* "Nice butt!" *she gives it a slap!*
Me: "Ouch!" *The slap makes me jump and instinctively move a few feet away from her but I maintain my hands on my privates*
Her: *Laughing hysterically*
Me: "Let's keep playing, come on give me a chance to make things even"
Her: "Why should I? What do I get if I win? I already have your dignity." *She smirks*
Me: "How about... if you win again I'll stand with your arms at my sides"
Her: "For 5 minutes"
Me: "No way.. uhh 10 seconds"
Her: "1 minute"
Me: "Fine"
And with that we continued to a 4th race. Still naked, I kept my controller over my crotch and leaned forward for modesty as we raced. It was much closer than the first 2 races but I managed to win. I celebrated with a hushed "yes!".
Her: "Too shy to do your victory dance now?"
Me: "Yeah I'm not dressed for it, now strip!"
She removed her pants, revealing a glimpse of cotton panties for a moment before she tugged the hem of her shirt down, it was just long enough to keep her panties completely covered.
Then it was time to race rainbow road. Everything went horribly wrong. I drove off the track early on and became flustered, continued to fall off multiple times, items were hitting me, and while she had her fair share of blunders, luck was on her side and she won.
She just looked at me with a grin and gestured at me to standup.
Her: "Time for the show"
Me: *I slowly stood up in the middle of the room facing her, hands firmly covering myself, I can feel my face going warm in embarrassment again*
Her: *She grabs her phone, tapping the screen a few times before standing up with it in her hand and looking me in the eyes* "Get ready to drop your hands, I'll start the timer in 3... 2... 1.. GO!"
Me: *I drop my hands, revealing my still flaccid state to her*
Her: *Her eyes drop and she bursts out laughing and grinning at the sight before her* "Is that all it is?"
Me: "Shut up" *My face burns in embarrassment*
Her: "Shut up shut up" she repeats mocking me in a high pitched voice before she kneels down and pokes it lightly with her pointer finger. "So smallll" *she bursts into a fit of giggles again, falling back on her elbows*
Me: "Hey don't poke it!"
Her: *She composes herself and stands up again and gets very close, resting her head against my shoulder, leaning her body up against me and draping her arms around my neck, her clothed boobs squish against my chest and bare legs rub against me*
Me: *I feel her thigh against my member and I can feel blood start to flow to it.* "Woah what are you-"
Her: *She leans in and whispers into my ear* "Can I tell you a secret?"
Me: *I become semi-erect against her thigh* "S-sure"
Her: *She whispers* "If I was down to just my underwear, then I would have stopped playing, you never had a chance of taking my dignity"
Me: *My eyes widen and my jaw drops as the realization swept over me, I had walked right into an unwinnable bet.*
Her: *She steps back with a triumphant smirk on her face*
Me: "You played me!"
Her: "Hey making the bet 'butt ass naked' was your idea, it's not my fault you lost. You. Played. Yourself" *She says with a sing-song tune, pausing after each word for emphasis while staring him in the eye. She is thrilled at the poetic justice of the whole thing*
Me: *I open my mouth to shoot back but then close my mouth. She was right, and there was nothing I could say to change that*
Her: *she looks down at my now erect member and says to herself* "huh, bigger now" *her smirk turns into a grin*
Me: *I blush* "It's purely a physiological reaction"
Her: "Uh huh, sure... Oh and one more thing, I got this all on video" *She turns around and holds up her phone as if she was taking a selfie with me, the screen shows it's been recording for the past minute. She hadn't started a timer, that was when she started the video!*
Me: *I reach out and try to snatch it from her hands* "OMG are you kidding me delete that"
Her: *She moves out of reach* "nooo way, this is my insurance, I want you to always remember that I'm the mario kart champion, and this here is proof of that. Now I want to hear you say it, or else this is getting blasted all over the internet" *she holds the phone up, pointing the camera at me*
Me: "OK yes whatever, you're the mario kart champion just don't post that"
Her: "And don't you forget it!" *She gives me a wink, ends the video, and unexpectedly gives my member a single quick playful tug*
Me: *I blush and quickly put my hands over it and stand there awkwardly as she pulls her pants and socks back on.* "So you won't show anyone that video, right?"
Her: *She gives me a devilish smile* "Don't worry, maybe I'll show some of my girl friends, but I won't send it as long as I stay the mario kart champion.. for now."
Over time, the busyness of life had created a wedge, we had got jobs in separate cities and now lived an hour away from each other, but we still met up every few weeks to have fun and catchup. Today was one of those days. After catching up over dinner and a few drinks she started the smack talk.
Her: "Ready to have your butt kicked in mario kart? I've been practicing and I know I'll beat you this time."
Me: "Oh ho ho, if you're so confident then how about we bet on it then?"
Her: "Money? I don't know..."
Me: "Hmm yeah on second thought I'd feel bad taking money from family. Hmm what else could we bet, I feel like it's boring without something on the line."
Her: (sarcastically) "Oh great so now you have a gambling addiction"
Me: "Hahaha you got me - here's an idea, how about we bet our dignity?"
Her: "Dignity? Like loser has to do something embarrassing like the chicken dance or something?"
Me: "Kind of, I mean like strip mario kart, loser has to remove an article of clothing, putting our dignity on the line, that way I can literally beat the pants off you haha"
Her: "Wow you're such a perv, I can't believe you'd suggest that. Like, you always win, so it's not even fair"
Me: "What happened to all that confidence you just had? Afraid you can't beat me anymore?"
Her: "Well duh, you win every time."
Me: "I guess that's true.. but you said you've been practicing and I don't know how good you are now, maybe you'll smoke me."
Her: (sarcastic) "Yeah right" "How about you play strip mario kart and I play regular mario kart, that way you get your high stakes and I don't lose my dignity"
Me: "Then I'd be risking my dignity for nothing, that's not fair, there's no point if it's only downsides for me"
Her: "Well the same goes for me too, I probably won't win, so it's only downsides"
Me: "Hmm, how about a handicap? If you win I remove 2 articles of clothing, and if you lose you only remove 1. Plus you're wearing a bra so you already have a clothing advantage."
Her: "You'd probably win like 10 times in a row, so that's still not much of a chance for me"
Me: "What do you think would be a fair handicap?"
Her: "Hmm..*she taps her finger to her chin thinking* since you always win, how about if I win once you have to strip everything, and if I lose I only remove 1 article of clothing at a time?"
Me: "Well that doesn't really seem fair, there's so much randomness in mario kart that I could lose at any time"
Her: "So with this handicap you're not sure you will win? Good. I'm not sure if I'll win either, so then that makes it a fair bet."
Me: "But erm, uhhhh I guess, I mean you do have a point... alright fine, let's do it. But lets set some ground rules first, no photos, this never leaves this room, and we're doing butt ass naked, not just down to undies"
Her: *shoots me a look* "What? Underwear not undignified enough for you?"
Me: "It's basically like a swimsuit and we're betting our dignity, so we have to do more than that"
Her: *A smile spreads on her face* "Fair enough. Alright. Get ready to strip!"
In the 1st race, I was nervous from the bet, I made some bad mistakes in the first lap and was losing. Much smack was thrown between us before muscle memory returned and I won the first race handedly.
Me: *Jumping up and doing a victory dance* "Woo! Guess all your practicing doesn't pay off! Take it off!"
Her: *Gives me a playful glare and says in a sing-song voice as she pulls off her sock and throws it at me* "All it takes is one loss" *Her sock falls to the floor*
The 2nd race continued smoothly, I won again and she removed another sock, I continued to tease her, but she still seemed confident.
The 3rd race was on Baby Park, a simple small oval track that was a nightmare of randomness, players in any position could throw an item and hit anyone. This track was where I had most of my losses.
I gulped as the countdown started, and right when it went green she said "I've been practicing this one".
I immediately became nervous but despite that I quickly took the lead and held it for the entire race. That is until the last lap, I accidentally hit a banana, I was still in 1st though and I limped past the last turn. Down to the final stretch and I was about to win when suddenly I'm overwhelmed with a blue shell, red shell, red shell, each one preventing me from moving, and that's when she passed me, crossing the finish line a split second before me.
She jumped up cheering and doing her own victory dance "I won! I won! I won!". All I could do was sit back, stunned at my loss while she had her moment of triumph. When she finally had enough she turned to me with a grin, "Strip!".
Me: "Urg, come on you barely won"
Her: *Smirking* "Huh? What was that last part again?"
Me: "You barely won?"
Her: "That's what I wanted to hear, I won! Now for my prize, your dignity" *She gestures toward me*
Me: "Fine.. a bet is a bet" *I pull off my shirt and pants, standing before her in my boxers* "There? Happy?"
Her: "Woo! Take it off!" she jeered, imitating my previous teasing. "Socks too!"
Me: *I kick off my socks with my feet*
Her: "annnnd your last article of clothing" *as she bounced on the balls of her feet and pointed to my boxers*
Me: "Are you serious?" *I feel my face getting warm from embarrassment and flustered*
Her: *grinning* "You said butt ass naked, you can't back out now"
Me: *With a sigh of defeat, I hook my thumbs into my boxer's waistband, bending over so my torso would provide some modesty and yanking them down and kicking them off my feet, quickly moving my hands to cover my privates. My nervousness has kept it flaccid and it was perched barely an inch long*
Her: "oop! I think I caught a glimpse of the little guy"
Me: "It's not little, it's average" *I keep both my hands fully clasped over myself*
Her: "Let me see then, move your hands"
Me: "No way, there was nothing in the rules about that"
Her: *She quickly encircles me to get a look at my backside before I have a chance to turn toward her* "Nice butt!" *she gives it a slap!*
Me: "Ouch!" *The slap makes me jump and instinctively move a few feet away from her but I maintain my hands on my privates*
Her: *Laughing hysterically*
Me: "Let's keep playing, come on give me a chance to make things even"
Her: "Why should I? What do I get if I win? I already have your dignity." *She smirks*
Me: "How about... if you win again I'll stand with your arms at my sides"
Her: "For 5 minutes"
Me: "No way.. uhh 10 seconds"
Her: "1 minute"
Me: "Fine"
And with that we continued to a 4th race. Still naked, I kept my controller over my crotch and leaned forward for modesty as we raced. It was much closer than the first 2 races but I managed to win. I celebrated with a hushed "yes!".
Her: "Too shy to do your victory dance now?"
Me: "Yeah I'm not dressed for it, now strip!"
She removed her pants, revealing a glimpse of cotton panties for a moment before she tugged the hem of her shirt down, it was just long enough to keep her panties completely covered.
Then it was time to race rainbow road. Everything went horribly wrong. I drove off the track early on and became flustered, continued to fall off multiple times, items were hitting me, and while she had her fair share of blunders, luck was on her side and she won.
She just looked at me with a grin and gestured at me to standup.
Her: "Time for the show"
Me: *I slowly stood up in the middle of the room facing her, hands firmly covering myself, I can feel my face going warm in embarrassment again*
Her: *She grabs her phone, tapping the screen a few times before standing up with it in her hand and looking me in the eyes* "Get ready to drop your hands, I'll start the timer in 3... 2... 1.. GO!"
Me: *I drop my hands, revealing my still flaccid state to her*
Her: *Her eyes drop and she bursts out laughing and grinning at the sight before her* "Is that all it is?"
Me: "Shut up" *My face burns in embarrassment*
Her: "Shut up shut up" she repeats mocking me in a high pitched voice before she kneels down and pokes it lightly with her pointer finger. "So smallll" *she bursts into a fit of giggles again, falling back on her elbows*
Me: "Hey don't poke it!"
Her: *She composes herself and stands up again and gets very close, resting her head against my shoulder, leaning her body up against me and draping her arms around my neck, her clothed boobs squish against my chest and bare legs rub against me*
Me: *I feel her thigh against my member and I can feel blood start to flow to it.* "Woah what are you-"
Her: *She leans in and whispers into my ear* "Can I tell you a secret?"
Me: *I become semi-erect against her thigh* "S-sure"
Her: *She whispers* "If I was down to just my underwear, then I would have stopped playing, you never had a chance of taking my dignity"
Me: *My eyes widen and my jaw drops as the realization swept over me, I had walked right into an unwinnable bet.*
Her: *She steps back with a triumphant smirk on her face*
Me: "You played me!"
Her: "Hey making the bet 'butt ass naked' was your idea, it's not my fault you lost. You. Played. Yourself" *She says with a sing-song tune, pausing after each word for emphasis while staring him in the eye. She is thrilled at the poetic justice of the whole thing*
Me: *I open my mouth to shoot back but then close my mouth. She was right, and there was nothing I could say to change that*
Her: *she looks down at my now erect member and says to herself* "huh, bigger now" *her smirk turns into a grin*
Me: *I blush* "It's purely a physiological reaction"
Her: "Uh huh, sure... Oh and one more thing, I got this all on video" *She turns around and holds up her phone as if she was taking a selfie with me, the screen shows it's been recording for the past minute. She hadn't started a timer, that was when she started the video!*
Me: *I reach out and try to snatch it from her hands* "OMG are you kidding me delete that"
Her: *She moves out of reach* "nooo way, this is my insurance, I want you to always remember that I'm the mario kart champion, and this here is proof of that. Now I want to hear you say it, or else this is getting blasted all over the internet" *she holds the phone up, pointing the camera at me*
Me: "OK yes whatever, you're the mario kart champion just don't post that"
Her: "And don't you forget it!" *She gives me a wink, ends the video, and unexpectedly gives my member a single quick playful tug*
Me: *I blush and quickly put my hands over it and stand there awkwardly as she pulls her pants and socks back on.* "So you won't show anyone that video, right?"
Her: *She gives me a devilish smile* "Don't worry, maybe I'll show some of my girl friends, but I won't send it as long as I stay the mario kart champion.. for now."