Andrew Marriott and the Ancient Wrestling Sport of Palé
Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2025 10:10 am
Andrew Marriott and the Ancient Wrestling Sport of Palé
By Steam Train
An Archbishops College Series Story
Copyright 2025 & 2021 by Steam Train, all rights reserved
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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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This story is based on a suggestion from the author of Mogg Stories, one of my favourite erotic fantasy authors.
Inspiration for Andrew Marriott is taken from ‘I was a late developer’ by Neil Brennan. The Guardian Sat 1 Nov 2014
Andrew Marriott and the Ancient Wrestling Sport of Palé
by Steam Train
An Archbishops College Series Story
This year at the beginning of the Archbishops College academic year when the recently turned sixteen year old Andrew Marriott had finally succeeded in being enrolled in Beta year in the Senior School of Archbishops College, he had been able from his first day, to wear the full senior boy’s uniform, despite the fact that in the week prior to classes commencing, his very late pubertal development and total lack of public hair had been detected!
This was because the Board of Governors had ruled many years ago that any boy in Alpha or Beta years were to be considered ‘big boys’ regardless of wether they were yet to grow pubic hair.
At the beginning of each trimester at Archbishops College all boys were required to present to the Colleges Health & Well-being Centre for their pre trimester medical checkup. This had been a relatively easy incumbence for Andrew’s parents as they lived only forty minutes from Broad Riddle where the college was located.
These checkups were overseen by either one of the two college doctors, supported by one or more of the five fully qualified nurses, plus the college dentist and dental nurse allocated to the centre.
Although Andrew Marriott had recently turned sixteen, his pre trimester medical checkup had revealed that his body was showing only the early signs of puberty, despite his advanced age!
A year ago, aged fifteen, Andrew was five foot four inches tall and his body was showing no signs of the onset of puberty, but now with Andrew having just turned sixteen, his height had finally started to increase, he was now five foot six and his penis had thickened slightly and was marginally longer, though still more boyish looking than manly. His scrotum and testicles had begun thickening soon after he turned fifteen and now at sixteen years of age they had finally begun to drop but his body was still showing no signs of any pubic hair!
Andrew’s very late development and small stature meant that in recent years he would shy away whenever his parents or anyone else wanted to take a picture of him. Few teenage boys want to be reminded that they still look like a little boy. However his parents had insisted on ‘first day’ photos of Andrew dressed in his impressive Archbishops College Senior Boys uniform on the day he he left home to start the new academic year.
Andrew Marriott had transferred in to Archbishops College with only two years of study remaining ahead of him. His parents had been trying to enrol him for the preceding three years upon the recommendation of Andrew’s uncle and Aunty who’s son Edward Marriott was enrolled in the Preparatory School,
When Andrew’s parents Mark and Marilyn Marriott had tried to enrol him at the commencement of his Epsilon year, three years ago, he had not made the cut for the very limited number of vacancies at the very exclusive senior college.
Most boys were enrolled in the Preparatory School in Kappa year when they are 8 to 9 years olds. Even then, applications outnumber available positions and after Kappa year, vacancies only occurred when a boy left the college, which was a relative rarity.
During the next two years, Andrew Marriott’s parents had again tried to enrol Andrew at the commencement of Gamma and Delta years but those two additional attempts like the first had been unsuccessful.
Andrew’s younger first cousin Edward Marriott had been successfully enrolled by his parents into Archbishops College in Kappa year when Edward was eight years old. Edward was now in his last year in the Preparatory School and was currently serving as a Prefect.
As a Prefect, Edward Marriott had soon built a reputation as a Prefect who would use both the slipper and the cane very liberally! He was not the sadistic nasty bully like another current Prefect, Nigel Johns and he didn’t use his position of power as a Prefect to his own advantage, but he never ever showed the slightest constraint or mercy in using both the slipper and the cane on preparatory school boys.
Edward Marriott was neither as arrogant or as conceited as Nigel Johns but he seemed to be obsessed by the power he had as a Prefect, seeing himself, just like Johns, as being almost invincible and untouchable as a Prefect and showed little or no consideration or respect for the feelings of the boys he punished. Marriott’s dictum as a Prefect seemed to be ‘Do as I say and not as I do’.
Andrew Marriott had noticed the shift in his younger cousins attitude ever since Edward had started at Archbishops College and especially so since Edward had been appointed a Prefect. Even though Andrew was three and a half years Edwards senior, his lack of height had recently meant that his first cousin Edward, though not tall for his twelve years of age was almost Andrew’s height and since becoming a Prefect, Edward had treated Andrew with greatly reduced respect.
The major benefit to Andrew of not enrolling until he reached Beta year was that he had not been required to wear the ‘little boy’ special modified senior school uniform that would have told everyone that he still had no pubic hair and was still at stage one of the Tanner Pubic Hair scale.
It was embarrassing enough for Andrew to be fighting this private war with his late developing body. He most certainly didn’t want anyone else making fun of him for it. Especially his thirteen year old sister Terri who was now almost as tall as Andrew, with his breasts that had started filling out nicely, giving her the look of a young woman.
No one but his parents and some medical practitioners at the college and near his home, knew exactly how late a developer Andrew was! It was a secret not known by anyone else, not his sister, uncle’s, aunt’s and cousins and thanks to the Beta year ‘Big Boy’ uniform rule, his very late development was still a tightly kept secret!
The “Puberty – Complications” page of the Unified Kingdoms National Health Service, says that if a girl shows no sign of breast development by thirteen, she may be suffering from delayed puberty. For boys, it’s the testicles that are checked. If there’s no development by fourteen, doctors can look into whether the boys puberty might need a helping hand.
When nothing in the way of pubertal development had happened by his fifteenth birthday, Andrew had admitted his humiliating secret to his parents and requested them to arrange a check up to see if he needed a helping hand to kick start his pubertal development.
Andrew’s parents were very supportive of his concerns once he raised them and they took him first to their local GP, who gave a referral to an endocrinologist.
After speaking to Andrew and his parents, the endocrinologist, Dr. Sidney A Eastman, asked them to leave so he could examine Andrew. The Doctor had Andrew strip naked and had a poke and a prod and asked for details of Andrew’s “most private habits”. Mortifying as this was, Andrew didn’t hold back, determined to get his late development sorted out.
Once Dr. Eastman was done, he brought Andrew’s parents back in. He informed Andrew and his parents that he was convinced, that everything was starting to develop naturally and that Andrew was just a very late developer. It was a relief to Andrew to hear this specialist doctor confirm that at some point, Andrew’s body would get its act together.
Doctor Eastman said that his preferred course of action for constitutional delayed puberty was to wait and reassure, as he was fully confident the late development that Andrew was experiencing would resolve itself naturally, but he also offered a blood tests to rule out categorically anything more serious.
Doctor Eastman told them that many late-maturing boys are often impatient to start growing and do not want to wait another 6-18 months for the pubertal growth spurt to start naturally. Therefore, many pediatric endocrinologists may offer a brief course of testosterone to "jump-start" puberty. He could do that also, but would prefer not too and urged patience to let nature take its course. Andrew’s parents agreed to this course of action despite Andrew’s desire to undertake a brief course of treatment that would speed his development along!
It sounded to Andrew that the appointment was now over, but it wasn’t. Dr. Eastman then proceeded to outline to Andrew’s father and mother all the embarrassing information gleaned during his consultation. Andrew’s voice was deepening and he was happy with Andrew’s testicles, they were growing and dropping. Andrew’s penis was also starting to develop and showing early signs of lengthening and thickening. There was however no sign yet, of any pubic hair, Andrew was still at Tanner pubic hair stage one ..... oh ..... and Andrew’s masturbatory habits were perfectly normal!
It was hard to tell who was blushing more, Andrew, his father or his mother at hearing all this intimate detail!
The advice of Dr. Eastman to let nature take its course had also been the advice later on of the doctor from the college Health & Well-being Centre at the pre trimester medical checkup.
The added medical complication for Andrew that made the doctors reticent to administer a short testosterone course of treatment was the fact that his testicles had by age sixteen, more or less developed just fine. He was officially a late developer as they had not began to develop by the time he turned fourteen but soon after he turned fifteen they had! It was the rest of his body that refused to grow up!
So it was that upon entering Beta year aged sixteen, Andrew Marriott still looked like a thirteen or fourteen year old underdeveloped epsilon boy! As Andrew’s friends had gone through puberty, Andrew remained stubbornly boyish and undeveloped. By his current age of sixteen he was beyond getting concerned, he was getting desperately anxious that he would ever catch back up with his peers and was paranoid that his ‘secret’ would be discovered before he did!
Andrew had gone through the first two of his teenage years convinced things would soon come right. He was always a little small for his age, but that was never a big issue and he compensated by being funny enough to get away with being the smallest kid in class.
By the time he was fifteen, all the other boys had shot up, their voices had got deeper, their bodies hairier. The local swimming pool and his old schools sports changing rooms had became conflicting places, at once fascinating but also terrifying!
Andrew had found out in interviews during his late pubertal development medical with Dr. Eastman and his parents, that his father and his uncle’s had all been late developers themselves, hinting at hereditary traits in his father’s family of a history of late development.
Andrew’s father Mark was 5ft 8in tall, not tall by any means, but not short either. Mark Marriott’s younger brother Luke, the father of Edward Marriott was of similar height. Mark Marriott’s older brother Matthew, the father of thirteen year old twins Charles and Anne along with newly turned twelve year old William, was an inch taller than his brothers Mark and Luke. Andrew’s mother Marilyn was 5ft 6in, a very respectable height for a woman, but she too had advised that she not commenced puberty till she was nearly thirteen.
One of the worst aspects of being a very late developer was the increasing realisation, as he progressed through his early teenage years, that girls loved all this growth and development stuff.
Recently at home, he had despaired when he overheard his sister along with a bunch of his sisters girl friends and his girl cousins rating the broadness of the shoulders of his first cousins Charles, William and Edward in comparison to his own, then a little later when he heard the group discussing the size difference between the obvious bulges in the various local boys pants compared to his cousins and his own, he despaired even more!
There was never a chance of a very noticeable bulge in his pants, even with an erection and it seemed from the discussion that he overheard that this was one of the reasons girls took little notice of him. Fortunately his cousins Charles and Edward never showed much of a bulge either, so that at least did not add to his despair!
Andrew’s thirteen year old sister Terri’s noticeable breasts seemed to clearly indicated that unlike Andrew, she had started her journey through puberty.
Edward had a younger sister Liz who had recently turned eleven and like Andrew’s sister was growing taller and catching up to her brother Edward in height. Liz was already showing some breast development, hinting that she also might be further down the pathway of puberty than Andrew was!
Charles’ twin sister Anne was thirteen but unlike Liz or Terri, she hardly showed any signs of pubertal development and the recently turned twelve year old, William, still looked a prepubescent little boy!
Soon after he turned fifteen and his testicles began to mature he had been able to produce a wet cum when he masturbated. He greatly enjoyed the wonderful feelings a wet cum produced and he had certainly ‘jerked off’ a lot more in the last year.
For Andrew it wasn’t just the exciting sexual stuff of puberty that he wanted to experience however, the unusual thing that he craved most of all, after the getting of his pubes, was not to get laid, but to get a prominent Adam’s Apple.
For Andrew this had became the visible outside symbol of male maturity. His cousins Charles, Edward and William were yet to get one and Andrew desired to have a prominent one before any of them!
By the time Andrew started Beta year, most of his friends at home had stopped hanging around with him. They looked older and wanted to sneak into pubs, buy cigarettes, meet girls, whereas he still had trouble getting into 15+ certificate films. They deliberately left him out of their groups, letting him know to his face that he looked too much like a kid to be seen with them.
Due to his boyish stature and looks, girls never seemed to take an interest in him, he was now sixteen, looked thirteen, was short, had no noticeable bulge in his groin or an Adam’s Apple, had never had a girlfriend and was still a complete virgin!
At his old school most of his friends had stuck with him but even there he could sense a cooling of their friendships by the time he was finishing up to move to Archbishops College. He had noticed especially in the last year that his school friends didn’t want to be seen as being too close a friend to a boy who looked so much younger than he really was!
After his pre trimester medical checkup Andrew did something he should have done a long time before, he talked openly to his parents about his concerns about his lack of development.
His fathers advice was a mixture of the positive and the practical. Mr Marriott said he would happily continue to take his son to see specialist doctors outside of Archbishops College about Andrew’s late development, but advised that he was totally satisfied with the college doctors monitoring of Andrew’s health and development.
When he told his father how badly he wanted an Adam’s apple, his father responded by telling Andrew that it was one of the stupidest things he’d ever heard!
Almost as soon as Andrew had started at Archbishops College, he had noticed Ryan Adam’s, dressed in his senior school ‘little boy’ uniform. He soon found out that Adam’s had the dubious distinction of being the only boy in Gamma year to yet grow pubic hair, which made Adam’s officially the oldest late developing ‘little boy’ in Archbishops College.
Andrew Marriott was not much older than Adam’s, but that little extra bit of age meant that Andrew was in Beta year, a year ahead of Adam’s and so by decree of the Board of Governors, he was no longer a ‘little boy’, despite still technically being one as he had no pubic hair! He knew how Adam’s must be feeling!
At the same time that Andrew Marriott had commenced at Archbishops College at the beginning of Autumnus Trimester in early September, a new Classics Master had also been appointed to Archbishops College to start the new academic year.
The new master was an ex pupil of Archbishops College, 38 year old Dr Michael Smith. He was an ex pupil, having attended Archbishops College between the years 1992 to 2002. He had commenced at the college in the Preparatory school as an eighth year old Kappa year student, was a Prefect in his Eta and Zeta years and again in his Beta and Alpha years. Finishing as the academic ‘Dux’ of the college in his Alpha year.
As well as his academic achievements Michael Smith was an athlete of high quality and he had been a competitor in the Modern Olympics in Modern Freestyle Wrestling. He represented the Unified Kingdom at the 2004 and 2008 Olympics, attaining a bronze medal at the 2008 games.
Dr Smith undertook his academic training at New College, Agatha after leaving Archbishops College attaining four degrees, B.A., M.A., MPhil, PhD.
Before commencing at Archbishops College he had taught widely in the Unified Kingdom, Romana and Hellás. His research at university had focused on using inter-disciplinary approaches to the literary, epigraphic and material evidence, to investigate ancient societies. Dr Smith believed passionately in making the ancient world as accessible as possible to a wider audience by recreating ancient traditions and spectacles!
At Archbishops College as well as being Classics Master, Dr Smith being a bronze medalist in Modern Freestyle Wrestling, had offered, to assist the Sports Master by introducing the ancient sport of Palé or as it was now more commonly called, Classical Hellás Wrestling, in which he had became an expert whilst teaching in Hellás.
As Dr Smith was an ex-pupil of Archbishops College he was very familiar with the college’s naked swimming rules and it’s other traditions and tolerance to nudity. Therefore he was keen for the boys who opted to take Classical Hellás Wrestling to undertake the sport in the traditional historical nude style, just like it had been done in Ancient Hellás.
The Board of Governors and the Headmaster were very keen to obtain Dr Michael Smiths services as the new Classics Master and to assist his decision to join the faculty they were only too happy to approve Dr Smiths request to introduce Classical Hellás Wrestling with all of its associated traditions into the curriculum of Archbishops College.
This approval had massive implications for any senior school boy and any preparatory school Prefect who choose to undertake Classical Hellás Wrestling. They would not normally be naked at swimming but as it would be sacrilegious, disrespectful and against the rules, to not be totally naked whilst participating in Classical Hellás Wrestling the boys would have to ‘reveal all’ whilst participating in the new wrestling tournaments at Archbishops College .
Palé was the most popular organized sport in Ancient Hellás. Every year the ultimate competition was at the ancient Hellás Olympics. From the earliest times, in all Palé contests, both major or minor, the male athletes wrestled each other naked.
Wrestling was the first competition to be added to the Ancient Hellás Olympic Games that was not a footrace. It was added in 708 B.C. Wrestling was regarded as the best expression of strength out of all of the sport competitions in ancient Hellás and the competitions were held in elimination-tournament style until one wrestler was crowned the victor.
Andrew Marriott unsuspecting of the consequences had enrolled in ‘wrestling’ as his college sport. He did not really have much a choice, as being a new enrolment in Beta year, all the available positions in the other team sports offered, like cricket, rugby, tennis, badminton, athletics, basketball, hockey, swimming and football were already taken by boys who had been at the college for many years prior and were already experienced in playing for the college teams.
Despite the fact that Andrew had never wrestled before, he was motivated by the fact that the coach would be an ex Olympics Bronze Medalist in Wrestling. He did not know anything about the differences between the various styles of wrestling. To him wrestling was wrestling and ‘Classical Hellás Wrestling’ meant nothing special to him!
Although he was small for his age, being five foot six tall and weighing 115lbs, Andrew was very fit and as the wrestling would be done by weight division, he felt he could use his age maturity to psyche out younger wrestlers who would be in the same division as himself. Andrew’s weigh of 115lbs meant he would be competing mostly against boys aged eleven to fourteen years of age.
Dr. Smith had decided on four weight divisions for the boys wrestling competitions at Archbishops College. They would be: Under 100lbs, consisting mostly of 8 to 11 year old boys. 101lbs - 125lbs, consisting mostly of 11 to 14 year old boys. 126lbs - 150lbs, consisting mostly of 13 to 16 year old boys and above 150lbs, consisting mostly of 15 to 18 year old boys.
Not a lot of boys enrolled in Wrestling and after sports enrolment was concluded, Andrew found that the 101lbs - 125lbs group consisted of only five other boys.
Twelve year old Zeta boys, Oliver Henry and Malcolm Harley, thirteen year old Epsilon boys, Errol Forsyth and Roger Armstrong and fourteen year old Delta boy, Trent Carter.
Despite the Board of Governors and the Headmasters enthusiasm to procure the appointment of Dr. Smith and approve his request to introduce Classical Hellás Wrestling with all of its associated traditions into the curriculum of Archbishops College, they were not prepared, due to the cost, to build a specialist wrestling square of approximately 100 square feet, covered with either sand or earth.
The compromise was mats, that could be rolled out onto the floor of the disused boxing room, that adjoined the main college gym.
For over thirty years boxing had no longer been considered a responsible and suitable sport for boys attending Archbishops College to participate in, so the four old boxing rings had long ago been dismantled and since the new drama building had been built five years ago, the room had only been spasmodically used.
The four old dismantled boxing rings had been 20 feet square, so the available space for the wrestling area was very close to the required 100 square feet, due to the spaces originally left between the four rinks.
As an added bonus the old wooden bleachers were still in situ around three walls of the room. Steps provide access from he floor to the three horizontal rows of seats, with every second step gaining access to a row of benches made from simple wooden planks. The old bleachers were open to the floor below so that there was only the planks to sit and walk on.
The far wall of the room had no bleachers, as it still had a shallow compact change room structure, which was just partial walls and did not have a roof, providing just the minimum barrier necessary to prevent people standing on the top row of the bleachers from seeing very much except the occasional head of a tall boy and the top of the seven foot high, five head shower column inside the change room. Apart from the five head shower column, the change room also had two toilet stalls.
Running along the outside wall of the change room wall facing into the main room and bleachers was one timber bench that would be used by the boys competing.
The Board of Governors had named the new Classical Hellás Wrestling room, the ‘Joiner Room’ after Dr John Sumner Joiner the Headmaster of Archbishops College from 1994 to 2002. Dr. Joiner had been the Headmaster for the last eight years that Michael Smith had attended Archbishops College and he had been his Deputy Headmaster whist he was in his first two years of Preparatory School.
The main room and the attached change room with the old shower column and two toilets was very run down and dilapidated, so the Board of Governors had authorised a budget for modernisation of the lights, toilets and shower, plus repairs and painting of the whole ‘Joiner Room’ as well as the purchase of the required matting.
The renovations included not just repairs but the complete replacement of the old seven foot high, five head shower column with a new one and all new tiling. The renovations left just one toilet as the toilet closest to the shower column plus that stalls door were removed and replaced with a three sided full body air dryer, so that the boys did not have to use towels to dry after showering.
The first wrestling lesson with Dr.Smith in the newly renovated Joiner Room was a complete shock for the four boys in the under 100lbs, the six boys in the 101lbs - 125lbs, the eight boys in the 126lbs - 150lbs and the seven boys in the above 150lbs division.
All twenty five boys had never wrestled before and like Andrew, most were partially motivated by the fact that the coach, Dr. Smith was an ex Olympics Bronze Medalist in Wrestling and an ex pupil of the college. None of them knew anything about the differences between the various styles of wrestling.
Therefore when on their first lesson, Dr. Smith drew the attention of the twenty five newly assembled boys to the large sign he had erected on the outside wall of the change room attached above the competitors bench and began to read out the rules of Palé, the ancient sport of Classical Hellás Wrestling, unease and angst quickly began to arise in all of the boys, not just Andrew Marriott.
The very first rule stated ......
Opponents must be naked during the duration of the match
and then the list proceeded to itemised all the ancient rules ......
Grasping the genitals is prohibited
No choking, gouging of the eyes or biting is permitted
No intentional hitting or kicking is permitted
The twisting of fingers with the intention of forcing the opponent to concede defeat is not permitted
All other holds intended to persuade the opponent to concede defeat through pain or fear are permitted and are an integral part of the contest
Infractions shall be punished by immediate whipping by the referee until the undesirable behaviour is stopped
Three points must be scored to win the match
A point can be scored in any of three ways:
*the opponent’s back touching the ground at any time
*the opponent tapping or in some other way making clear that he concedes defeat through pain or fear
*the opponent making contact with the ground outside the allocated wrestling-match area with any part of his body or by being lifted and carried out
After scoring of a point, the opponent must be given one minute to rise to his feet and recover before the wrestling may continue
The match is both started and ended at the signal of the referee
The referee can at any time stop the match if he believes a point has been scored even if the contestants have continued to wrestle unaware of the point having been scored
The referee shall resolve any dispute the contestants have over scoring and their decision shall be final
The wrestling area is indicated by the navy blue matting and is approximately one square plethron, which is approximately the square of one hundred feet.
The contestants shall begin the match at the center of the wrestling area outside of each other’s touching range, the precise distance apart, being at the discretion of the referee
The naked rule was catastrophic for Andrew. His most private secret was about to be exposed despite his concerted effort to keep it secret. Only two things slightly mitigated his humiliation and embarrassment.
Within his own weight division only three of the six boys had started puberty and amongst the twenty five boys who had enrolled in the wrestling program, there was a fifteen year old Delta boy, Paul Drummond, who had also been a former preparatory college prefect who was still deemed a ‘little boy’ but Andrew Marriott was still the oldest ‘little boy’!
These little things helped Andrew a small bit in coping with his imminent exposure, however almost the first thing Dr. Smith had done when the boys first assembled was to have all twenty five boys introduce themselves, so very early on, all the boys knew that the ‘new’ boy Andrew Marriott was older than he looked and was actually sixteen years old and in Beta year.
From the very first time when the twenty five boys were made to strip naked, shower and then begin practicing wrestling moves, Andrew’s late development was completely obvious. He had to be naked to wrestle, but before that he had been required to stand at one of the five shower heads radiating out from the central shower pole in the middle of the change room, facing in towards four other naked boys.
All of the boys who showered that first day with him were in his weight division, twelve year old Zeta boys, Oliver Henry and Malcolm Harley, along with thirteen year old Epsilon boy Errol Forsyth and fourteen year old Delta boy Trent Carter.
The other boy from his weight division thirteen year old Roger Armstrong showered just before Andrew with the four boys from the under 100lbs division.
Armstrong fitted in very well with the four younger prepubescent boys in the under 100lbs division. Despite being older at thirteen years of age, Robinson was showing no signs of puberty. His penis was only about two and a half inches flaccid and still boyishly thin with a tight undeveloped scrotum below. Armstrong had no sign of any pubic hair!
Like himself, Andrew felt Armstrong probably had good reason to feel very humiliated and embarrassed. When introducing himself to the other twenty four boys, he had revealed that he had been a Prefect the last two years in the Preparatory School. Andrew realised that what had been covered for those last two years as a Prefect was now again exposed! This year as an Epsilon year ‘little boy’ pupil, he was required to be naked at swimming and now he was also required to be naked at wrestling!
Standing around the shower column, the two Zeta boys, Oliver Henry and Malcolm Harley both smirked at Andrew Marriott, the sixteen year old who was clearly still a ‘little boy’. From the moment Andrew had undressed and turned to approach the shower, they instantly knew that they were already more developed than this sixteen year old boy. They both had some pubic hair stubble, showing that they were being shaved as part of the Preparatory Schools ‘little boy’ requirements. The size of their penis’ already put Andrew’s penis to shame and their ball sacks had dropped, all these being clear signs that puberty had already well and truly started for both boys as opposed to Andrew.
Fourteen year old Delta year student Trent Carter, like Andrew also had no pubes but there the similarities ended. His penis and scrotum were well into puberty. When flaccid, his uncircumcised penis was about four inches long and one inch thick and his scrotum was hanging low with walnut sized testicles. Naked, his lack of pubic hair stood out, as he had noticeable tan lines created by his lily white bald groin area contrasting with the tanned skin of his legs and abdomen.
Thirteen year old Epsilon boy Errol Forsyth had unblemished, creamy skin, a muscular chest, a washboard stomach with a little innie belly button. He was well into puberty, his penis was currently semi erect with its circumcised purple head clearly visible. His penis was at least an inch thick and Andrew estimated that his penis would be at least five inches fully erect, if not more. Forsyth had two large bean shaped testicles which were dangling below in a hairy loose wrinkly sack with lots of thick black curly pubic hair also spread all around the remainder of his groin.
As Andrew Marriott stood around the central shower column, naked and with his bald juvenile looking genitals fully exposed in public for the very first time, along with the equally naked Oliver Henry, Errol Forsyth, Malcolm Harley and Trent Carter, Errol Forsyth asked Andrew, “Are you really 16 Marriott? "
Andrew reluctantly nodded agreement.
“God it must be awful for you and Carter to be seen naked at your ages, it has to be so embarrassing, what with both of you still being ‘little boys’!” Malcolm Harley stated.
"I’m sure things will begin to happen to you both soon” encouraged Oliver Henry.
"Yeah real bad luck guys " said Errol Forsyth, who was clearly well into his puberty, It started happening for me back just before I turned twelve. Your lucky Marriott, that the college rules lets you wear the full senior uniform, when your actually still a ‘little boy!”
The message from Forsyth and the smirks on Henry and Harleys faces clearly told Carter and Andrew Marriott, ‘We are younger than you, but are more developed than you, how embarrassing and humiliating is that!’
By Steam Train
An Archbishops College Series Story
Copyright 2025 & 2021 by Steam Train, all rights reserved
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This work is intended for ADULTS ONLY. It may contain depictions of sexual activity involving minors. If you are not of a legal age in your locality to view such material or if such material does not appeal to you, do not read further, and do not save this story.
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This story is based on a suggestion from the author of Mogg Stories, one of my favourite erotic fantasy authors.
Inspiration for Andrew Marriott is taken from ‘I was a late developer’ by Neil Brennan. The Guardian Sat 1 Nov 2014
Andrew Marriott and the Ancient Wrestling Sport of Palé
by Steam Train
An Archbishops College Series Story
This year at the beginning of the Archbishops College academic year when the recently turned sixteen year old Andrew Marriott had finally succeeded in being enrolled in Beta year in the Senior School of Archbishops College, he had been able from his first day, to wear the full senior boy’s uniform, despite the fact that in the week prior to classes commencing, his very late pubertal development and total lack of public hair had been detected!
This was because the Board of Governors had ruled many years ago that any boy in Alpha or Beta years were to be considered ‘big boys’ regardless of wether they were yet to grow pubic hair.
At the beginning of each trimester at Archbishops College all boys were required to present to the Colleges Health & Well-being Centre for their pre trimester medical checkup. This had been a relatively easy incumbence for Andrew’s parents as they lived only forty minutes from Broad Riddle where the college was located.
These checkups were overseen by either one of the two college doctors, supported by one or more of the five fully qualified nurses, plus the college dentist and dental nurse allocated to the centre.
Although Andrew Marriott had recently turned sixteen, his pre trimester medical checkup had revealed that his body was showing only the early signs of puberty, despite his advanced age!
A year ago, aged fifteen, Andrew was five foot four inches tall and his body was showing no signs of the onset of puberty, but now with Andrew having just turned sixteen, his height had finally started to increase, he was now five foot six and his penis had thickened slightly and was marginally longer, though still more boyish looking than manly. His scrotum and testicles had begun thickening soon after he turned fifteen and now at sixteen years of age they had finally begun to drop but his body was still showing no signs of any pubic hair!
Andrew’s very late development and small stature meant that in recent years he would shy away whenever his parents or anyone else wanted to take a picture of him. Few teenage boys want to be reminded that they still look like a little boy. However his parents had insisted on ‘first day’ photos of Andrew dressed in his impressive Archbishops College Senior Boys uniform on the day he he left home to start the new academic year.
Andrew Marriott had transferred in to Archbishops College with only two years of study remaining ahead of him. His parents had been trying to enrol him for the preceding three years upon the recommendation of Andrew’s uncle and Aunty who’s son Edward Marriott was enrolled in the Preparatory School,
When Andrew’s parents Mark and Marilyn Marriott had tried to enrol him at the commencement of his Epsilon year, three years ago, he had not made the cut for the very limited number of vacancies at the very exclusive senior college.
Most boys were enrolled in the Preparatory School in Kappa year when they are 8 to 9 years olds. Even then, applications outnumber available positions and after Kappa year, vacancies only occurred when a boy left the college, which was a relative rarity.
During the next two years, Andrew Marriott’s parents had again tried to enrol Andrew at the commencement of Gamma and Delta years but those two additional attempts like the first had been unsuccessful.
Andrew’s younger first cousin Edward Marriott had been successfully enrolled by his parents into Archbishops College in Kappa year when Edward was eight years old. Edward was now in his last year in the Preparatory School and was currently serving as a Prefect.
As a Prefect, Edward Marriott had soon built a reputation as a Prefect who would use both the slipper and the cane very liberally! He was not the sadistic nasty bully like another current Prefect, Nigel Johns and he didn’t use his position of power as a Prefect to his own advantage, but he never ever showed the slightest constraint or mercy in using both the slipper and the cane on preparatory school boys.
Edward Marriott was neither as arrogant or as conceited as Nigel Johns but he seemed to be obsessed by the power he had as a Prefect, seeing himself, just like Johns, as being almost invincible and untouchable as a Prefect and showed little or no consideration or respect for the feelings of the boys he punished. Marriott’s dictum as a Prefect seemed to be ‘Do as I say and not as I do’.
Andrew Marriott had noticed the shift in his younger cousins attitude ever since Edward had started at Archbishops College and especially so since Edward had been appointed a Prefect. Even though Andrew was three and a half years Edwards senior, his lack of height had recently meant that his first cousin Edward, though not tall for his twelve years of age was almost Andrew’s height and since becoming a Prefect, Edward had treated Andrew with greatly reduced respect.
The major benefit to Andrew of not enrolling until he reached Beta year was that he had not been required to wear the ‘little boy’ special modified senior school uniform that would have told everyone that he still had no pubic hair and was still at stage one of the Tanner Pubic Hair scale.
It was embarrassing enough for Andrew to be fighting this private war with his late developing body. He most certainly didn’t want anyone else making fun of him for it. Especially his thirteen year old sister Terri who was now almost as tall as Andrew, with his breasts that had started filling out nicely, giving her the look of a young woman.
No one but his parents and some medical practitioners at the college and near his home, knew exactly how late a developer Andrew was! It was a secret not known by anyone else, not his sister, uncle’s, aunt’s and cousins and thanks to the Beta year ‘Big Boy’ uniform rule, his very late development was still a tightly kept secret!
The “Puberty – Complications” page of the Unified Kingdoms National Health Service, says that if a girl shows no sign of breast development by thirteen, she may be suffering from delayed puberty. For boys, it’s the testicles that are checked. If there’s no development by fourteen, doctors can look into whether the boys puberty might need a helping hand.
When nothing in the way of pubertal development had happened by his fifteenth birthday, Andrew had admitted his humiliating secret to his parents and requested them to arrange a check up to see if he needed a helping hand to kick start his pubertal development.
Andrew’s parents were very supportive of his concerns once he raised them and they took him first to their local GP, who gave a referral to an endocrinologist.
After speaking to Andrew and his parents, the endocrinologist, Dr. Sidney A Eastman, asked them to leave so he could examine Andrew. The Doctor had Andrew strip naked and had a poke and a prod and asked for details of Andrew’s “most private habits”. Mortifying as this was, Andrew didn’t hold back, determined to get his late development sorted out.
Once Dr. Eastman was done, he brought Andrew’s parents back in. He informed Andrew and his parents that he was convinced, that everything was starting to develop naturally and that Andrew was just a very late developer. It was a relief to Andrew to hear this specialist doctor confirm that at some point, Andrew’s body would get its act together.
Doctor Eastman said that his preferred course of action for constitutional delayed puberty was to wait and reassure, as he was fully confident the late development that Andrew was experiencing would resolve itself naturally, but he also offered a blood tests to rule out categorically anything more serious.
Doctor Eastman told them that many late-maturing boys are often impatient to start growing and do not want to wait another 6-18 months for the pubertal growth spurt to start naturally. Therefore, many pediatric endocrinologists may offer a brief course of testosterone to "jump-start" puberty. He could do that also, but would prefer not too and urged patience to let nature take its course. Andrew’s parents agreed to this course of action despite Andrew’s desire to undertake a brief course of treatment that would speed his development along!
It sounded to Andrew that the appointment was now over, but it wasn’t. Dr. Eastman then proceeded to outline to Andrew’s father and mother all the embarrassing information gleaned during his consultation. Andrew’s voice was deepening and he was happy with Andrew’s testicles, they were growing and dropping. Andrew’s penis was also starting to develop and showing early signs of lengthening and thickening. There was however no sign yet, of any pubic hair, Andrew was still at Tanner pubic hair stage one ..... oh ..... and Andrew’s masturbatory habits were perfectly normal!
It was hard to tell who was blushing more, Andrew, his father or his mother at hearing all this intimate detail!
The advice of Dr. Eastman to let nature take its course had also been the advice later on of the doctor from the college Health & Well-being Centre at the pre trimester medical checkup.
The added medical complication for Andrew that made the doctors reticent to administer a short testosterone course of treatment was the fact that his testicles had by age sixteen, more or less developed just fine. He was officially a late developer as they had not began to develop by the time he turned fourteen but soon after he turned fifteen they had! It was the rest of his body that refused to grow up!
So it was that upon entering Beta year aged sixteen, Andrew Marriott still looked like a thirteen or fourteen year old underdeveloped epsilon boy! As Andrew’s friends had gone through puberty, Andrew remained stubbornly boyish and undeveloped. By his current age of sixteen he was beyond getting concerned, he was getting desperately anxious that he would ever catch back up with his peers and was paranoid that his ‘secret’ would be discovered before he did!
Andrew had gone through the first two of his teenage years convinced things would soon come right. He was always a little small for his age, but that was never a big issue and he compensated by being funny enough to get away with being the smallest kid in class.
By the time he was fifteen, all the other boys had shot up, their voices had got deeper, their bodies hairier. The local swimming pool and his old schools sports changing rooms had became conflicting places, at once fascinating but also terrifying!
Andrew had found out in interviews during his late pubertal development medical with Dr. Eastman and his parents, that his father and his uncle’s had all been late developers themselves, hinting at hereditary traits in his father’s family of a history of late development.
Andrew’s father Mark was 5ft 8in tall, not tall by any means, but not short either. Mark Marriott’s younger brother Luke, the father of Edward Marriott was of similar height. Mark Marriott’s older brother Matthew, the father of thirteen year old twins Charles and Anne along with newly turned twelve year old William, was an inch taller than his brothers Mark and Luke. Andrew’s mother Marilyn was 5ft 6in, a very respectable height for a woman, but she too had advised that she not commenced puberty till she was nearly thirteen.
One of the worst aspects of being a very late developer was the increasing realisation, as he progressed through his early teenage years, that girls loved all this growth and development stuff.
Recently at home, he had despaired when he overheard his sister along with a bunch of his sisters girl friends and his girl cousins rating the broadness of the shoulders of his first cousins Charles, William and Edward in comparison to his own, then a little later when he heard the group discussing the size difference between the obvious bulges in the various local boys pants compared to his cousins and his own, he despaired even more!
There was never a chance of a very noticeable bulge in his pants, even with an erection and it seemed from the discussion that he overheard that this was one of the reasons girls took little notice of him. Fortunately his cousins Charles and Edward never showed much of a bulge either, so that at least did not add to his despair!
Andrew’s thirteen year old sister Terri’s noticeable breasts seemed to clearly indicated that unlike Andrew, she had started her journey through puberty.
Edward had a younger sister Liz who had recently turned eleven and like Andrew’s sister was growing taller and catching up to her brother Edward in height. Liz was already showing some breast development, hinting that she also might be further down the pathway of puberty than Andrew was!
Charles’ twin sister Anne was thirteen but unlike Liz or Terri, she hardly showed any signs of pubertal development and the recently turned twelve year old, William, still looked a prepubescent little boy!
Soon after he turned fifteen and his testicles began to mature he had been able to produce a wet cum when he masturbated. He greatly enjoyed the wonderful feelings a wet cum produced and he had certainly ‘jerked off’ a lot more in the last year.
For Andrew it wasn’t just the exciting sexual stuff of puberty that he wanted to experience however, the unusual thing that he craved most of all, after the getting of his pubes, was not to get laid, but to get a prominent Adam’s Apple.
For Andrew this had became the visible outside symbol of male maturity. His cousins Charles, Edward and William were yet to get one and Andrew desired to have a prominent one before any of them!
By the time Andrew started Beta year, most of his friends at home had stopped hanging around with him. They looked older and wanted to sneak into pubs, buy cigarettes, meet girls, whereas he still had trouble getting into 15+ certificate films. They deliberately left him out of their groups, letting him know to his face that he looked too much like a kid to be seen with them.
Due to his boyish stature and looks, girls never seemed to take an interest in him, he was now sixteen, looked thirteen, was short, had no noticeable bulge in his groin or an Adam’s Apple, had never had a girlfriend and was still a complete virgin!
At his old school most of his friends had stuck with him but even there he could sense a cooling of their friendships by the time he was finishing up to move to Archbishops College. He had noticed especially in the last year that his school friends didn’t want to be seen as being too close a friend to a boy who looked so much younger than he really was!
After his pre trimester medical checkup Andrew did something he should have done a long time before, he talked openly to his parents about his concerns about his lack of development.
His fathers advice was a mixture of the positive and the practical. Mr Marriott said he would happily continue to take his son to see specialist doctors outside of Archbishops College about Andrew’s late development, but advised that he was totally satisfied with the college doctors monitoring of Andrew’s health and development.
When he told his father how badly he wanted an Adam’s apple, his father responded by telling Andrew that it was one of the stupidest things he’d ever heard!
Almost as soon as Andrew had started at Archbishops College, he had noticed Ryan Adam’s, dressed in his senior school ‘little boy’ uniform. He soon found out that Adam’s had the dubious distinction of being the only boy in Gamma year to yet grow pubic hair, which made Adam’s officially the oldest late developing ‘little boy’ in Archbishops College.
Andrew Marriott was not much older than Adam’s, but that little extra bit of age meant that Andrew was in Beta year, a year ahead of Adam’s and so by decree of the Board of Governors, he was no longer a ‘little boy’, despite still technically being one as he had no pubic hair! He knew how Adam’s must be feeling!
At the same time that Andrew Marriott had commenced at Archbishops College at the beginning of Autumnus Trimester in early September, a new Classics Master had also been appointed to Archbishops College to start the new academic year.
The new master was an ex pupil of Archbishops College, 38 year old Dr Michael Smith. He was an ex pupil, having attended Archbishops College between the years 1992 to 2002. He had commenced at the college in the Preparatory school as an eighth year old Kappa year student, was a Prefect in his Eta and Zeta years and again in his Beta and Alpha years. Finishing as the academic ‘Dux’ of the college in his Alpha year.
As well as his academic achievements Michael Smith was an athlete of high quality and he had been a competitor in the Modern Olympics in Modern Freestyle Wrestling. He represented the Unified Kingdom at the 2004 and 2008 Olympics, attaining a bronze medal at the 2008 games.
Dr Smith undertook his academic training at New College, Agatha after leaving Archbishops College attaining four degrees, B.A., M.A., MPhil, PhD.
Before commencing at Archbishops College he had taught widely in the Unified Kingdom, Romana and Hellás. His research at university had focused on using inter-disciplinary approaches to the literary, epigraphic and material evidence, to investigate ancient societies. Dr Smith believed passionately in making the ancient world as accessible as possible to a wider audience by recreating ancient traditions and spectacles!
At Archbishops College as well as being Classics Master, Dr Smith being a bronze medalist in Modern Freestyle Wrestling, had offered, to assist the Sports Master by introducing the ancient sport of Palé or as it was now more commonly called, Classical Hellás Wrestling, in which he had became an expert whilst teaching in Hellás.
As Dr Smith was an ex-pupil of Archbishops College he was very familiar with the college’s naked swimming rules and it’s other traditions and tolerance to nudity. Therefore he was keen for the boys who opted to take Classical Hellás Wrestling to undertake the sport in the traditional historical nude style, just like it had been done in Ancient Hellás.
The Board of Governors and the Headmaster were very keen to obtain Dr Michael Smiths services as the new Classics Master and to assist his decision to join the faculty they were only too happy to approve Dr Smiths request to introduce Classical Hellás Wrestling with all of its associated traditions into the curriculum of Archbishops College.
This approval had massive implications for any senior school boy and any preparatory school Prefect who choose to undertake Classical Hellás Wrestling. They would not normally be naked at swimming but as it would be sacrilegious, disrespectful and against the rules, to not be totally naked whilst participating in Classical Hellás Wrestling the boys would have to ‘reveal all’ whilst participating in the new wrestling tournaments at Archbishops College .
Palé was the most popular organized sport in Ancient Hellás. Every year the ultimate competition was at the ancient Hellás Olympics. From the earliest times, in all Palé contests, both major or minor, the male athletes wrestled each other naked.
Wrestling was the first competition to be added to the Ancient Hellás Olympic Games that was not a footrace. It was added in 708 B.C. Wrestling was regarded as the best expression of strength out of all of the sport competitions in ancient Hellás and the competitions were held in elimination-tournament style until one wrestler was crowned the victor.
Andrew Marriott unsuspecting of the consequences had enrolled in ‘wrestling’ as his college sport. He did not really have much a choice, as being a new enrolment in Beta year, all the available positions in the other team sports offered, like cricket, rugby, tennis, badminton, athletics, basketball, hockey, swimming and football were already taken by boys who had been at the college for many years prior and were already experienced in playing for the college teams.
Despite the fact that Andrew had never wrestled before, he was motivated by the fact that the coach would be an ex Olympics Bronze Medalist in Wrestling. He did not know anything about the differences between the various styles of wrestling. To him wrestling was wrestling and ‘Classical Hellás Wrestling’ meant nothing special to him!
Although he was small for his age, being five foot six tall and weighing 115lbs, Andrew was very fit and as the wrestling would be done by weight division, he felt he could use his age maturity to psyche out younger wrestlers who would be in the same division as himself. Andrew’s weigh of 115lbs meant he would be competing mostly against boys aged eleven to fourteen years of age.
Dr. Smith had decided on four weight divisions for the boys wrestling competitions at Archbishops College. They would be: Under 100lbs, consisting mostly of 8 to 11 year old boys. 101lbs - 125lbs, consisting mostly of 11 to 14 year old boys. 126lbs - 150lbs, consisting mostly of 13 to 16 year old boys and above 150lbs, consisting mostly of 15 to 18 year old boys.
Not a lot of boys enrolled in Wrestling and after sports enrolment was concluded, Andrew found that the 101lbs - 125lbs group consisted of only five other boys.
Twelve year old Zeta boys, Oliver Henry and Malcolm Harley, thirteen year old Epsilon boys, Errol Forsyth and Roger Armstrong and fourteen year old Delta boy, Trent Carter.
Despite the Board of Governors and the Headmasters enthusiasm to procure the appointment of Dr. Smith and approve his request to introduce Classical Hellás Wrestling with all of its associated traditions into the curriculum of Archbishops College, they were not prepared, due to the cost, to build a specialist wrestling square of approximately 100 square feet, covered with either sand or earth.
The compromise was mats, that could be rolled out onto the floor of the disused boxing room, that adjoined the main college gym.
For over thirty years boxing had no longer been considered a responsible and suitable sport for boys attending Archbishops College to participate in, so the four old boxing rings had long ago been dismantled and since the new drama building had been built five years ago, the room had only been spasmodically used.
The four old dismantled boxing rings had been 20 feet square, so the available space for the wrestling area was very close to the required 100 square feet, due to the spaces originally left between the four rinks.
As an added bonus the old wooden bleachers were still in situ around three walls of the room. Steps provide access from he floor to the three horizontal rows of seats, with every second step gaining access to a row of benches made from simple wooden planks. The old bleachers were open to the floor below so that there was only the planks to sit and walk on.
The far wall of the room had no bleachers, as it still had a shallow compact change room structure, which was just partial walls and did not have a roof, providing just the minimum barrier necessary to prevent people standing on the top row of the bleachers from seeing very much except the occasional head of a tall boy and the top of the seven foot high, five head shower column inside the change room. Apart from the five head shower column, the change room also had two toilet stalls.
Running along the outside wall of the change room wall facing into the main room and bleachers was one timber bench that would be used by the boys competing.
The Board of Governors had named the new Classical Hellás Wrestling room, the ‘Joiner Room’ after Dr John Sumner Joiner the Headmaster of Archbishops College from 1994 to 2002. Dr. Joiner had been the Headmaster for the last eight years that Michael Smith had attended Archbishops College and he had been his Deputy Headmaster whist he was in his first two years of Preparatory School.
The main room and the attached change room with the old shower column and two toilets was very run down and dilapidated, so the Board of Governors had authorised a budget for modernisation of the lights, toilets and shower, plus repairs and painting of the whole ‘Joiner Room’ as well as the purchase of the required matting.
The renovations included not just repairs but the complete replacement of the old seven foot high, five head shower column with a new one and all new tiling. The renovations left just one toilet as the toilet closest to the shower column plus that stalls door were removed and replaced with a three sided full body air dryer, so that the boys did not have to use towels to dry after showering.
The first wrestling lesson with Dr.Smith in the newly renovated Joiner Room was a complete shock for the four boys in the under 100lbs, the six boys in the 101lbs - 125lbs, the eight boys in the 126lbs - 150lbs and the seven boys in the above 150lbs division.
All twenty five boys had never wrestled before and like Andrew, most were partially motivated by the fact that the coach, Dr. Smith was an ex Olympics Bronze Medalist in Wrestling and an ex pupil of the college. None of them knew anything about the differences between the various styles of wrestling.
Therefore when on their first lesson, Dr. Smith drew the attention of the twenty five newly assembled boys to the large sign he had erected on the outside wall of the change room attached above the competitors bench and began to read out the rules of Palé, the ancient sport of Classical Hellás Wrestling, unease and angst quickly began to arise in all of the boys, not just Andrew Marriott.
The very first rule stated ......
Opponents must be naked during the duration of the match
and then the list proceeded to itemised all the ancient rules ......
Grasping the genitals is prohibited
No choking, gouging of the eyes or biting is permitted
No intentional hitting or kicking is permitted
The twisting of fingers with the intention of forcing the opponent to concede defeat is not permitted
All other holds intended to persuade the opponent to concede defeat through pain or fear are permitted and are an integral part of the contest
Infractions shall be punished by immediate whipping by the referee until the undesirable behaviour is stopped
Three points must be scored to win the match
A point can be scored in any of three ways:
*the opponent’s back touching the ground at any time
*the opponent tapping or in some other way making clear that he concedes defeat through pain or fear
*the opponent making contact with the ground outside the allocated wrestling-match area with any part of his body or by being lifted and carried out
After scoring of a point, the opponent must be given one minute to rise to his feet and recover before the wrestling may continue
The match is both started and ended at the signal of the referee
The referee can at any time stop the match if he believes a point has been scored even if the contestants have continued to wrestle unaware of the point having been scored
The referee shall resolve any dispute the contestants have over scoring and their decision shall be final
The wrestling area is indicated by the navy blue matting and is approximately one square plethron, which is approximately the square of one hundred feet.
The contestants shall begin the match at the center of the wrestling area outside of each other’s touching range, the precise distance apart, being at the discretion of the referee
The naked rule was catastrophic for Andrew. His most private secret was about to be exposed despite his concerted effort to keep it secret. Only two things slightly mitigated his humiliation and embarrassment.
Within his own weight division only three of the six boys had started puberty and amongst the twenty five boys who had enrolled in the wrestling program, there was a fifteen year old Delta boy, Paul Drummond, who had also been a former preparatory college prefect who was still deemed a ‘little boy’ but Andrew Marriott was still the oldest ‘little boy’!
These little things helped Andrew a small bit in coping with his imminent exposure, however almost the first thing Dr. Smith had done when the boys first assembled was to have all twenty five boys introduce themselves, so very early on, all the boys knew that the ‘new’ boy Andrew Marriott was older than he looked and was actually sixteen years old and in Beta year.
From the very first time when the twenty five boys were made to strip naked, shower and then begin practicing wrestling moves, Andrew’s late development was completely obvious. He had to be naked to wrestle, but before that he had been required to stand at one of the five shower heads radiating out from the central shower pole in the middle of the change room, facing in towards four other naked boys.
All of the boys who showered that first day with him were in his weight division, twelve year old Zeta boys, Oliver Henry and Malcolm Harley, along with thirteen year old Epsilon boy Errol Forsyth and fourteen year old Delta boy Trent Carter.
The other boy from his weight division thirteen year old Roger Armstrong showered just before Andrew with the four boys from the under 100lbs division.
Armstrong fitted in very well with the four younger prepubescent boys in the under 100lbs division. Despite being older at thirteen years of age, Robinson was showing no signs of puberty. His penis was only about two and a half inches flaccid and still boyishly thin with a tight undeveloped scrotum below. Armstrong had no sign of any pubic hair!
Like himself, Andrew felt Armstrong probably had good reason to feel very humiliated and embarrassed. When introducing himself to the other twenty four boys, he had revealed that he had been a Prefect the last two years in the Preparatory School. Andrew realised that what had been covered for those last two years as a Prefect was now again exposed! This year as an Epsilon year ‘little boy’ pupil, he was required to be naked at swimming and now he was also required to be naked at wrestling!
Standing around the shower column, the two Zeta boys, Oliver Henry and Malcolm Harley both smirked at Andrew Marriott, the sixteen year old who was clearly still a ‘little boy’. From the moment Andrew had undressed and turned to approach the shower, they instantly knew that they were already more developed than this sixteen year old boy. They both had some pubic hair stubble, showing that they were being shaved as part of the Preparatory Schools ‘little boy’ requirements. The size of their penis’ already put Andrew’s penis to shame and their ball sacks had dropped, all these being clear signs that puberty had already well and truly started for both boys as opposed to Andrew.
Fourteen year old Delta year student Trent Carter, like Andrew also had no pubes but there the similarities ended. His penis and scrotum were well into puberty. When flaccid, his uncircumcised penis was about four inches long and one inch thick and his scrotum was hanging low with walnut sized testicles. Naked, his lack of pubic hair stood out, as he had noticeable tan lines created by his lily white bald groin area contrasting with the tanned skin of his legs and abdomen.
Thirteen year old Epsilon boy Errol Forsyth had unblemished, creamy skin, a muscular chest, a washboard stomach with a little innie belly button. He was well into puberty, his penis was currently semi erect with its circumcised purple head clearly visible. His penis was at least an inch thick and Andrew estimated that his penis would be at least five inches fully erect, if not more. Forsyth had two large bean shaped testicles which were dangling below in a hairy loose wrinkly sack with lots of thick black curly pubic hair also spread all around the remainder of his groin.
As Andrew Marriott stood around the central shower column, naked and with his bald juvenile looking genitals fully exposed in public for the very first time, along with the equally naked Oliver Henry, Errol Forsyth, Malcolm Harley and Trent Carter, Errol Forsyth asked Andrew, “Are you really 16 Marriott? "
Andrew reluctantly nodded agreement.
“God it must be awful for you and Carter to be seen naked at your ages, it has to be so embarrassing, what with both of you still being ‘little boys’!” Malcolm Harley stated.
"I’m sure things will begin to happen to you both soon” encouraged Oliver Henry.
"Yeah real bad luck guys " said Errol Forsyth, who was clearly well into his puberty, It started happening for me back just before I turned twelve. Your lucky Marriott, that the college rules lets you wear the full senior uniform, when your actually still a ‘little boy!”
The message from Forsyth and the smirks on Henry and Harleys faces clearly told Carter and Andrew Marriott, ‘We are younger than you, but are more developed than you, how embarrassing and humiliating is that!’