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The Housekeepers’ Uniform (Part 1 - 01 Jan)

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2025 5:12 am
by Juncker
Closing the front door behind me as gently as I could, I swapped my outdoor shoes for my indoor ones, set down my bag and silently scooted over to the kitchen to start making breakfast. Even though it was only 07:00 AM, being the height of summer meant the sun had already been up for over an hour, and the cool morning air was quickly giving way to oppressive heat. Decked out in a light polo shirt and netted swim shorts, I was thankful that Ms Rowles didn’t care much for dress codes among her staff, so long as they’re presentable. Little did any of us suspect that, before too long, presentable was the last thing I’d be that day.

I should back up a bit. My name’s Toby, I’m 18, and I’ve been working as a housekeeper to Ms Claudia Rowles for around a year now. I picked up the job after graduating school, not really having any other ideas on what to do with myself. Really, it seems to have worked out very well so far. That she employs a housekeeper would already suggest that Ms Rowles is well off, so the pay is even more generous than I could’ve hoped to find as a fresh graduate with no work experience, but that doesn’t even begin to cover it.

Ms Rowles lives in a four-storey country home a few miles out from my hometown, surrounded by greenery that makes you forget the outside world even exists at times. The place has pretty much everything you’d expect from such a description - quiet gardens, a heated pool, extravagant bedrooms and bathrooms, and a kitchen with a fully stacked pantry. In addition to a salary that’s let me move into a decent flat on my own after just a year of work, all these amenities are available to me pretty much whenever I’m not working, which ends up being more often than you’d expect. Yep, I was pretty satisfied with this job.

Anyway, with breakfast made, I placed it on the dumb waiter before dashing up to the fourth storey and reeling it up after me. Making sure that nothing had spilled, I carefully lifted the breakfast tray off the dumb waiter and made my way into Ms Rowles’ room. The mistake which sealed my fate, innocent and rare as it was, was forgetting to knock beforehand.

“Good morning, Ms Rowles, your breakfast is—OH MY GOD!”

In shock at what I saw, the breakfast tray let from my hands and clattered onto the bedroom floor, spilling jam, cream, tea and various other things across the red carpet. Ms Rowles awoke and immediately sat bolt upright on her bed…naked as the day she was born. She didn’t even have bedcovers, which I soon realised had been discarded to the floor along with her satin nightgown, to clutch for some shred of dignity and decency. Making do with what she had, Ms Rowles’ arms clapped across her breasts almost instantly, while her legs closed to block off any further viewing of her privates. Her face was the picture of surprise, eyes wide in something between shock and indignant anger, her jaw simply hanging open.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?! Get OUT!”

She didn’t need to tell me twice. Not even stopping to pick up the breakfast tray, I darted out the room as fast as I could manage, almost slamming the door behind me. I didn’t go back downstairs, though - I didn’t dare. Honestly, I wasn’t really sure what to do. I wasn’t even sure if I still had a job in that moment. Ms Rowles had never raised her voice at me before, but then I’d never stumbled upon her wearing any less than two layers before. Even while by the pool, she wore a sarong over her swimsuit. All I could do was stand there and stare at the floor, the image of what I had just seen seared into my mind’s eye.

And what an image it was. Ms Rowles wasn’t about to be mistaken for a young super model, but she wasn’t the typical picture of a middle-aged spinster either. She stood slender at 5’6”, with toned calves and sharp shoulders which framed the skin stretched tightly over her collarbones. Her blue eyes were surrounded by the etchings of subtle crow’s feet, and her platinum grey hair, usually tied in a low messy bun, this morning hung straight down past her shoulders, lightly grazing the tops of her breasts. Those tits, while no more than a B-cup, pointed upwards and outwards at the nipples, giving them a distinct shape. Finally, sitting below a small, yet slightly sagged stomach, was Claudia Rowles’ vagina. At least, I assume there’s one there. What I actually saw was an honest-to-God, fully natural, unpruned bush - the only hair she had which hadn’t greyed.

If I hadn’t been so worried at the possibility of suddenly losing the best job I’d ever have, I’d likely have had a throbbing hard-on to deal with instead. As it was, I remained flaccid and just kept staring at the floor for what felt like an eternity until Ms Rowles opened her bedroom door and leant against its frame, now clad in a silky, emerald green dressing gown and fluffy black slippers. I immediately noticed this was all she was wearing, her discarded nightwear still on the floor with her duvet.

Meeting her eyes, my terror must’ve been plain to see, because the first thing Ms Rowles did was apologise to me. “I’m sorry for snapping at you like that, Toby,” she said soothingly, “I wasn’t expecting to be looking like…well, that when you came in. Last night was unbearably hot, and evidently I ought to have woken up ahead of time to make myself decent before you got here.”
“Actually, Ms Rowles, it was my fault.” I replied, casting my eyes back to the floor in shame. “For some reason it completely slipped my mind to knock.”
Her eyes narrowed at me as her lips pursed. “You don’t say…you also wasted a fresh breakfast and have quite possibly ruined my bedroom carpet.”
“God, I’m so sorry.” I said, panic rising in my voice. “Please don’t fire me. I really love this job and I screwed up but I’ll do better next time and—“
She cut me off. “Silly boy, why would I do that over a single, honest mistake? You do far too good a job here for me to consider that.” I breathed a sigh of relief - too soon. “However,” Ms Rowles continued as she placed her fingers around my chin and lifted my gaze back to hers, “perhaps some corrective action would be appropriate so that you remember not to make another such mistake in the future. And I think I know just the thing.”

Before I had time to process what was happening, she had disappeared back into her bedroom and reappeared a moment later with a bundle of clothing. “Now, I’m not usually one for uniform, but I think today we’ll make an exception. Put these on.” I looked down blankly at the garments that had been thrust in my hand, not even realising what they were, then around the fourth-floor landing, for some other room I knew wasn’t there. “Um, yeah, of course. I’ll just go to one of the bathrooms downstairs and—“
“Ah, ah, ah!” Ms Rowles cut in, as if I were a child caught trying to swipe a cookie from the jar. “Right here will do just fine. You just saw me in the buff, I think it’s only fair that you get a feeling for what that was like for me. Frankly, you’re lucky I’m not making you work without clothes for the day.”

I knew better than to argue. Ms Rowles had already startled me once this morning, I didn’t want to find out what happened if I actually managed to make her angry at me. And so I turned my back to her and undressed myself, folding my clothes and draping them on the bannister as I did so. After my boxers came off, I made sure to keep my legs together to avoid any peeks at my own unmentionables from where Ms Rowles was standing.

I was grateful to not be naked long, but it didn’t last as I became acquainted with my outfit. First was a pair of lacy black briefs. Oof, these were snug. Didn’t leave much to the imagination either, with only the crotch area covered by enough material to obscure what lay underneath. That said, they were old, and I could tell immediately that any kind of elasticity had long since left them. After that, a pair of white, silk stockings, complete with thrills at the top (which reached most of the way up my thighs). Not my style, but I wouldn’t turn my nose up at any coverage right now. But it was with the next item that things finally fell into place. A corset top, in the same style as the briefs. My uniform today was ladies’ lingerie, complemented by the final items of a bow tie and some cuffs.

Now fully dressed, albeit less so than I was before, I felt completely humiliated. I wasn’t particularly masculine to begin with. At times I wasn’t even sure I’d been through puberty. At 18 years old, I was still 5’5”, with relatively moderate change to my boyish facial features, and an almost completely hairless body that was as skinny as a rake, in part thanks to all the cycling between town and Ms Rowles’ home that my job required. If not for my Adam’s Apple dropping and a bit of definition gained in my cheeks and jaw, nobody could be blamed for thinking I was still a boy, and this outfit made me feel all the more childish for it.

Ms Rowles noticed this, and was drinking it in with glee. “Oh well don’t we look just gorgeous.” She said, not even bothering to hide her grin. “That said,” she continued, raising an eyebrow, “I’m surprised at just how well my old lingerie fits you. Especially around here…” She patted on and around my cock and balls a few times with a cupped hand, not a hint of hesitation in her movements. Stunned, all I could do was tense up. She wasn’t wrong though. On top of all my other puberty misfortunes, I had been cursed with minimal growth to my penis, to the point that Ms Rowles’ old panties, while snug, weren’t exactly constraining. For her part, Ms Rowles didn’t make much of this. I don’t know whether she was showing me some kindness or was just being dispassionate. “I haven’t worn this get up since I was…God, not much older than you. Didn’t take me long to realise that I just couldn’t find a man up to my standards.”

Her musings were interrupted by the sound of the front door opening. “Ahhh, and that must be Josie! I’ve still got to do my morning routine, so you head downstairs and the two of you can figure what needs doing around the house today. I’ll see you both shortly.”

With the shock of everything else, I’d completely forgotten about Josie. The other housekeeper, a girl the same age as me with whom I’d formed a pretty solid relationship, and one who was about see me dressed in Ms Rowles’ decades-old lingerie. And yet, this would be far from the worst my day would get.

Re: The Housekeepers’ Uniform (Part 1 - 01 Jan)

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2025 2:43 pm
by Lola
Nice! I hope Toby's uniform will become more and more revealing. Can't wait for more

The Housekeepers’ Uniform (Part 2 - 01 Jan)

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2025 11:15 pm
by Juncker
Having gathered up and placed on the dumbwaiter what I could of the breakfast I had dropped onto Ms Rowles’ bedroom floor, I began the march downstairs that simultaneously seemed to take an eternity and yet no time at all. Part of my mind was tortured by the anticipation of how Josie would react to seeing me like this, and the comments she might make on my decidedly unmasculine physique. Another part was fanatically trying to figure out if there was any way I could avoid her, or better yet just get out of here. It wasn’t going to happen though. This whole scenario had been orchestrated by Ms Rowles herself. If I tried to feign illness, she’d see right through me. Not like I wanted to take advantage of her, nor did I want to risk the consequences of being perceived to do so. So I resigned myself to yet more humiliation.

Reaching the bottom of the stairs and opening the door to the kitchen, I didn’t know whether to be relieved or anguished that Josie wasn’t there. Either way, I wasn’t about to go out of my way to find her and show off my new “uniform”, so I tried to just get on with my work the best I could. Taking the tray of spilled breakfast from the dumbwaiter, I dumped the shards of broken plate and mug into the bin along with the spoiled food and began filling the sink to wash the crockery which had survived being dropped. I figure it must’ve been at this point that Josie entered the room and that I hadn’t heard her over the sound of the running water. Not like it took her long to make herself known.

“G’mornin’, Toby, is breakfast all—woah-ho-hoahhhh! What the hell are you wearing?!” Her tone was initially shocked, but quickly switched to one of excitement and satisfaction. Trust her to find enjoyment in this. I decided that my best option would be to continue facing towards the sink so I could keep the front of me obscured against the counter, rather than letting Josie get an even better look at me. “It’s…uhhhh…well, it’s lingerie.” I offered weakly.
“Well yeah, no shit, Sherlock.” She shot back. “Why are you wearing it though, you little freak? Especially at work! Has Ms Rowles seen you like this?”
“Um, it’s on her command, actually. I…forgot to knock before entering her bedroom to serve breakfast and saw her naked, so this is my uniform for the day to make sure I don’t forget next time.”
“Oh my god, you pervert!” She giggled. “I thought I’d caught you checking me out by the pool now and then, but I never would’ve guessed you’d try peeping on the boss! Nor that you’ve got a thing for older women, apparently.”
“Hey, it’s not like that!” I whined. “It was an honest mistake, I just forgot.”
“Sure it was, just like how me turning up late a couple of weeks ago when I slept through my alarm was an honest mistake. Not like I was hungover from clubbing the night before or anything.”
“I really hate you sometimes.”
“Yeah, yeah,” she replied as she took me by one of arms and pulled me away from the sink and began circling around me.

“Let me get a proper look at you. I’ve gotta say, you’re looking very fetching. I’m a little envious, I think you rock ladies’ underwear better than I do. Helps that you’re a complete twig, but I’d kill for a core as tight as yours, and—Oh. My. God.” At this point, I could feel Josie’s stare burning a hole through my borrowed thong and the tiny bulge within. “Awwwww, that is so adorable, it’s like there’s nothing there! God, I think my mound fills out underwear better than that little pecker does… Honestly, I’m actually quite jealous!”
“It’s not a good thing when you’re a guy…” I murmured with frustration, my face flushed red and my shoulders tensed. Josie wasn’t the malicious type, so I knew she wasn’t trying to bodyshame me, but she could be so damn oblivious at times. “Hey, you’ve no reason to feel bad about yourself, I think you look really cute! Especially…” she circled round to the back of me, keeping her hand on my shoulder. “Especially that tight little butt! Oh, I could just-!”
“JOSIE!” I yelled as I leapt what felt like six feet into the air.
“Awwwhahaha, you’re so cute when you’re flustered!” She giggled. “And it’s all on show, just begging to be slapped! Seriously, you know that thong is, like, fully in your asscrack, right?” I moved to try and pull the back of the thong out from between my buttocks, only to realise that doing so would just give me less coverage and security at the front, so I decided it’d be better to just turn around and face Josie and, for the first time since she’d arrived this morning, I took a proper look at her.

Josie was about the same age as me, but a couple of years older at 20. That gap was probably why teasing me came so naturally to her, as well as her having just enough height over me to be able to say she’s the taller of us. Like me, she had dressed for the summer weather today. Her long, shapely legs were fully on show thanks to the combination of stone-coloured low rise shorts and red low-top Chuck Taylor’s with no-show socks. Above the waistline, she wore a faded pink frilly cami top that exposed her toned collar and shoulders, save for the scantest of straps to keep the garment where it was. Her face beamed at me in a mixture of pity and adoration, an ear-to-ear smile conflicting with the thick eyebrows knitted towards each other above her hazel-green eyes. With her summer tan and short, wavy bob of brunette hair that reached halfway down her neck, she was the definition of sunshine. And her I was, standing across from her in lingerie and thigh-highs.

I didn’t have long to get lost in her eyes, however, as it was at that moment that Ms Rowles entered the kitchen, to my surprise still dressed in just her dressing gown and slippers. “Ah, good morning, Josie. You’re looking lovely today! Watch out for this one though,” she said, nodding towards me, “he’ll have his head up your shirt if you give him half the chance, the cheeky boy.” The words caused a tightness in my chest and a slightly stirring downstairs.
“Haha, he’s told me all about the story behind today’s uniform, Ms Rowles.”
Ms Rowles tilted her head back slightly and arched one eyebrow while staring into my eyes. “Not in too much detail, I hope.”
“Oh, no, Ms Rowles, but I’m sure it’s nothing I haven’t seen in the mirror at home.” Josie chuckled.
“Oh, you flatter me, girl. I’m afraid that whatever Toby was able to see this morning likely only disappointed him, or maybe even scarred.”

I clammed up and kept quiet - if any appropriate response to such a statement existed, I didn’t know it. I would’ve liked to reassure Ms Rowles that, actually, she was a complete smokestack for a post-menopausal spinster and that the site of her, nude and indignant, had awakened something in me that I didn’t know existed, but with both her and Josie already slandering me as a pervert, I didn’t see any reason to throw fuel on the fire. “But enough of that,” Ms Rowles continued, perhaps mercifully, “what will you two be doing today?”
“Well, I’ve not had chance to let Toby know before, but there doesn’t seem to be too many jobs to do. Some work in the garden, a bit of dusting in the lounge…it seems most of today could be spent lazing by the pool, once we’ve got our work done.”
“Very good, Josie. You two are always such hard workers, so I’m sure you’ll have the work done in no time. That said, I think I might watch you as you work this morning, just for a change. Why don’t you start with the dusting? That sounds to me like a very good opportunity to work in some morning stretches. Toby does seem ever so tense, doesn’t he?”
Fantastic. And so began a shift of humiliation that would only get further and further out of hand…

Re: The Housekeepers’ Uniform (Part 1 - 01 Jan)

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2025 12:23 pm
by Lola
It's so hot that everything has been orchestrated by Ms Rowles! Josie is so playful and teasing. It feels like Ms Rowles had hired her on purpose. Really a good story

Re: The Housekeepers’ Uniform (Part 2 - 01 Jan)

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2025 2:23 am
by Juncker
While I'm writing the next part of the story, I thought I'd give some visuals for the main characters. My best option for this was the Sims and even with mods it's a bit limited, so these are secondary to whatever I describe in the story. I'd also recommend not looking at the naked versions of the characters unless I've already described how they look naked in the story - I don't want to have to make several posts about character appearances but I also don't want to preempt whatever I end up writing, so that's how I as the writer am telling you is the best way to experience this stuff. Still, I can't stop you if you want to see what Toby and Josie look like without any clothes on.

Underwear - Probably won't be used, but I like the idea that he still has his embarrasing little boy undies because they were still plenty roomy even in spite of the fact he's long since been through puberty. :lol:
Nude - Part of where I hit the limits of the Sims character creator. His penis is meant to be much shorter than what's seen here, not even reaching past his balls, which themselves should be smaller than seen here.
Here's what he's currently wearing (minus the heels) - his little bulge makes the leg holes ever so slightly loose around the front, but you'd barely notice, and the back of the thong is snug between his butt cheeks, just like on this model:
Image Image

Nude - Looks older than she does in my head, she's meant to be somewhere between 40-55, so maybe there's a bit more colour in her hair and she shouldn't have such visible forehead wrinkles either. Her butt and boobs are also supposed to be a little saggier (but remember she still looks very hot for her age) - at least I was able to give her that nice, big bush.
Here's what she's currently wearing:
Looks quite precarious, doesn't it? As if her breasts might be exposed again should the material slip off her shoulders, or even if it just sits the wrong way. The same goes for the bottom of the robe, too. If somebody were the follow her as she climbed stairs in this, I'm sure they'd see everything that's going on under there...I wonder why she'd choose to keep wearing this?

Clothed - The face doesn't quite look how I wanted it to, but she's the last one I've done and just wanted to be finished at that point. I guess her face should be a little leaner, with a pointier chin.
Underwear - Maybe this will show up in the story, I don't know. Figure it can't hurt to have a reference.
Nude - Likewise this one - maybe Josie will make it to the end of this story without ever showing any skin?