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Necrofantasy_New December 11

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2024 3:09 pm
by TeenFan

Chapter 1. Timid Timothy

When Timothy Tuttle was young he learned a great way to spy on people was to pretend to be asleep. Tim was often curious about what
other people are saying, but he was too timid to enter into other people's conversations. One day while sleeping on the couch at the neighbor's
house, he woke up to hear girls giggling. Timothy was twelve years old, and he fell asleep on the couch while his parents and other grownups
were playing cards in the living room at the Hopewell's house. When Tim came out of his slumber he realized Mr. and Mrs. Hopewell and the
grownups had moved on somewhere else, and the room was now occupied by three girls. Timothy opened his eyes to slits. He could barely
see the three girls, but if they looked over at him it would appear that he remained unconscious.

The three girls, who were all around fourteen, either forgot Tim was lying on the couch or they ignored his presence. It was as if he didn't matter.
It was like he didn't exist, a fly on the wall, and he could listen to what the girls were talking about. The three young teenagers were saying
things about boys. Each girl had a different thing she liked to look at on boys. One liked it when a boy has nice eyes. A second girl likes looking
at their muscles. The third girl said she likes the ones who have tight fitting shorts in PE class, big bulges is what that girl was interested in.
All the girls laughed at the mentioning of big bulges.

For Timothy the subject matter was fascinating. He'd never heard girls saying such things before, how they judged guys and how to rate them
based on athletic ability or cuteness, or hotness whatever that was. Tim had no idea what might make a boy look "HOT" but he was fairly sure
it wasn't anything he had to show.

Then one of the girls mentioned "Anyone think that Tim kid over on the couch is good looking? What score would you give to him?"

One by one the girls gave Tim a Hotness score. He had to listen closely to their voices to know who was speaking. Vanessa gave Tim a FIVE, and
she said he was sort of cute. She liked his dark black hair which she said has a nice haircut. Paula gave Tim a SIX, and she said "nice legs",
that she had seen him at the swimming pool, but Paula also said, "looked a bit weak in the upper body". Finally, the girl who brought the sleeping kid into the conversation spoke up. Lora gave the highest score, giving Timothy a super nice SEVEN out of a possible TEN.

"I've seen Timothy at the city pool," Lora said. "His swimsuit fit real tight. And you are right about his legs. They are pretty good. That suit
fit snug as a bug on his butt. He had a nice bulge know...for a kid his age."

"You really think he has a big one?" Paula asks, and she chuckles. "I don't know about that."

This talk about Tim's body was so cool, the girls normally ignoring him. These girls were talking about legs and wanting to see butt. The boy
on the couch was breathing more heavily, the heart was speeding up. First it was only a little bit, but then it zoomed when he caught a glimpse
of the three girls walking closer. Are they going to wake me up he wondered. For a while the three of them stood next to the couch, looking
down at the seemingly unknowing boy. Nerves caused the hand to twitch.

Maybe they would have left Tim alone if he was wearing bluejeans and a long sleeve shirt. But the athletic shorts and tanktop must have been
inviting. Tim could sense them looking at his body, could feel them making a new set of judgements on arms and legs and waistline (which was
way too slender in his opinion).

It was hard to tell who was who with eyes opened in a squint. The girls were blurry, but it was obvious it was Lora who stood closest to the couch. Lora had big fritzy hair that was bleached blond and long. It was easy to recognize Lora. Tim's body nearly jerked when Lora bent down and she put a hand on his stomach.

'Breathe normal...just breathe' Tim had to repeat to myself. This control of breathing became excruciatingly difficult when Lora moved her had
onto the boy's shorts. Lora placed her hand over the front of the athletic shorts. At first the hand only lay there on top of the crotch. Then Lora pressed down and cupped her hand. She rubbed down there, back and forth her hand went.

"He does have a bulge. Here, feel it" Lora said in a whisper.

All three girls rubbed Tim's shorts, and he could feel a stiffie forming.

"Wow...he really is hard in there. I bet he's dreaming of chasing little girls on the playground and looking up their skirts," Vanessa says. Little
did she know Tim was fantasizing about teenage girls and their fascination with boys and their parts. It seemed that Vanessa was trying to slide
her hand under the waistband of the shorts, to reach under and really give the dick a full groping, when everyone could all hear the voices of the
adults coming closer. The big screen tv is in this room and the grownups wanted to turn on some sports game.

The girls retreated to another part of the house. Tim heard them chattering and giggling amongst themselves as they departed. Not knowing
if a bulge was actually showing he lay on that couch. None of the adults seemed to notice him lying there as this particular couch was at the side
of the room and not the best one for tv viewing.

It was a while till Timothy felt his crotch calm down and return to normal. Then he got up and left the living room.

Soon afterwards Tim wanted a repeat of this attention. It was one of the first times he got an erection when others were around. Normally he would have been able to hide it easily, or turned away in another direction so nobody would know a boner had popped, not that it was that big yet at twelve years old. Perhaps the size was already improving. Those three girls seemed to think it was something worth touching on.

As Timothy got older he found more ways to become the center of attention, all while pretending ignorance of such things, usually by pretending
to be asleep. One can get away with almost anything when everyone thinks you are sleeping.

Re: Necrofantasy

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2024 4:01 pm
by Qwerto1232
Good start, hope we get another chapters.

Re: Necrofantasy

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2024 5:18 pm
by Jeepman89
Enjoyable story.

Re: Necrofantasy

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2024 12:22 am
by TeenFan
Qwerto1232 wrote: Sat Nov 02, 2024 4:01 pm Good start, hope we get another chapters.
Most likely this will be a short short story (by my standards).

There is a similarity to the character with Eric of "Exposing Eric". There is a similar need for exhibitionism developing, but for Timothy it
will take a more passive and timid method of expressing it.

However it will take a darker turn as things develop. This is a Halloween themed story.

Re: Necrofantasy

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2024 4:37 pm
by TeenFan
Chapter 2. Hallway Horror Show

As Timothy became a teenager he developed a fascination with old style movies. His favorite channel showed movies made decades ago.
The undead and people being brought back from the dead was a subject that bordered on obsession. The lore of vampires and zombies
were of special interest to Timothy. Both types of characters had to die first before transforming into the horrifying creatures who starred in
these movies. The concept of dying and coming back as a more powerful being was compelling.

In real life Timothy didn't make much of an impression on most people. As a thirteen year old in 8th grade he was known as a bookworm, an
annoying know-it-all about The Lord of the Rings and other fantasy epics. Tim could run well, he had a decent sized body for his age, but when
it came to sports he was a disaster. He couldn't catch a football, or a softball, or throw a basketball with any accuracy. Timid Tim was his
nickname in the gym or sports field. Let's face it...Timmy was scared of the ball. He was afraid of making a mistake (which he usually did), and
he was afraid of getting hurt.

Zombies don't have a fear of anything. Sure, they are stupid and get themselves destroyed way too easily, but they are most definitely NOT
timid. One day, as a joke, the PE coach made Timothy the quarterback for a touch football game. After throwing three interceptions poor Tim
wanted to die and be buried, a sentiment agreed upon by the members of Tim's team.

After the disastrous football game Tim's teammates decided to play a trick on him. After Tim got out of his PE shirt and shorts his so called
buddies grabbed him. The white briefs underwear was yanked off of Tim's body, then he was pushed through the locker room and out into
the hallway. Timmy pounded on the door to be let back into the locker room, but the other boys held the door shut. Students gathered to
watch the naked guy and they laughed it up big time. Girls laughed as they took out their phones to make videos.

Tim had himself covered with one hand as he pounded on the door with the other. As he figured out he wasn't going to be let back into the
locker room he had to do something. He can't run. He wished he could die on the spot and it would all be over with. There was only so much
he could take of seeing the faces of the other students making fun of him. Then he seized upon an idea. A bold idea that was a cop out, a
surrender...but it would serve a number of purposes. Timothy turned to face the crowd of students who formed a semi-circle around him.

Getting wobbly on his feet, Tim staggered against the wall. He lightly hit the wall and bounced back. The eyes rolled back in his head and
Timothy slowly went down to the tiled floor. Tim let his arms relax and his dick was revealed as the arms flopped down to his sides. The
gathered students all hushed up.

To all appearances it seemed that Timothy had passed out and was lying face up in the hallway. Many of the jeering and taunting kids suddenly
showed some sympathy. The girls especially showed some concern about the health and safety of the poor lad tossed out naked into the hallway.

"I hope he didn't hit his head on the floor," a suddenly concerned guy wonders.
"Those mean boys did this," one girl said.
"Somebody needs to do something," another concerned girl says.

The kids talked of doing something, but they only stood and stared. When Timothy was standing up, when he was trying to get back into the
locker room, he didn't like the stares and comments of his fellow students. But lying on the hallway floor, now in a state of being "Dead", or
very close to it, Timothy soaked up the attention. He thrilled in being looked at as he lay there in a helpless state. The kids in the hall can
look all they want to.

"His dick got big!" a girl shouts.
"Yeah, look at that. Got a hardon after fainting," a boy seemed to be amazed.

The crowd, the audience now said all kinds of things about his naked body and the fact that he had grown a full erection as Tim lay there and
he loved every bit of it. What was a horror show of being forced out into the hallway while naked had turned into his own peculiar version of
a peep show and Timid Tim was suddenly the star of the show.

Finally, a teacher shows up. The teacher is shocked at first, seeing the passed out boy showing a fairly large and very hard penis. The teacher
makes a boy student give here a button up long sleeve shirt (which he was wearing over a t-shirt). As Mrs. Wordsworth, who happened to
have Timothy in her art class, kneels down with the long sleeved shirt, she could see clearly Timothy's penis was actually bobbing up and
down off of his abdomen. For a boy who was passed out stone cold that dick was very awake, fully alert and lively and ready for action. Tim
was a boy of slight build and baby faced features, so it was surprising how mature his genitals with a fluffy patch of jet black pubic hair nestled at the base of the shaft happened to be.

Tim got covered up and the crowd dispersed. The teacher walked into the boy's locker room to see who she could nab as a culprit, but the bad
boys had scattered.

When Timothy came too, he was still groggy and unsteady on his feet. Mrs. Wordsworth escorted Tim to his locker in the dressing room, and she
actually stood there as he got dressed. Well, she had already seen him naked with a hardon, so a couple more minutes of being exposed should
not make much difference, right? For Tim, getting dressed in front of the teacher was the most humiliating part of the whole incident.
Being looked at and talked to while showing off one's naked body to a teacher...that was a real nightmare. But Tim had to put up with it.
Already nearly six inches in length and standing straight up like a stick in the ground to form a rudimentary sundial, Tim's hands trembled as he tucked his dick into his briefs.

The creepy part was Mrs. Wordsworth complimented Tim's body. She said he was good looking and had nice skin tone. Being an art teacher she
could show appreciation for all things lovely and appealing to the eye. "You are handsome and could become a model for tv commercials" the
teacher told him, and Tim wished he could pass out again and pretend to not hear anything.

Re: Necrofantasy_New November 3

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2024 4:47 pm
by Jeepman89
Interesting story indeed.

Re: Necrofantasy_New November 3

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2024 10:03 pm
by TeenFan
Chapter 3. Night Daydreams

During the months following the infamous "Caught Naked" in the hallway incident, Timothy used that as his primary emotional jerking off
thought process. He had only recently figured out how to jerk himself. The good thing about playing with oneself is it can be done in the dark,
no need to be looking at or doing much except exploring one's thoughts and certain body parts, learning various methods of stroking and

One of the thoughts that ran through Timothy's head made him think he might be a "momma's boy". He had this strange fantasy about being
sick and lying in bed. He has a chest cold and he's not strong enough to get out of bed for long. He's cold, so he takes a hot bath. After the
bath Tim climbs into bed, not bothering to put his pajamas on, nor anything else. Tim lies on the bed, the sheet only pulled up to his hips.
Tim's mom comes into the bedroom. The overhead light is off, the only lighting coming from two small lamps on either side of the bed.
When she comes near, Tim can see his momma is wearing that slinky black silky nightgown that is almost see through. It's sheer and fits
tightly when tied, and he can see his momma's nipples poking beyond the smoothness of the thin material.

"I got something to help with that chest cold."

Tim feels very sleepy, like he's going to nod off at any moment. He says to his mom, "I'm so tired. I can't keep my eyes open. I think this cold
might kill me."

Momma Tuttle sits down at the side of the bed, and she looks down at her weak and wasted son.

"That's okay my dear. You close your eyes. I'm only going to put this Vick's vapor rub on your chest."

In his fantasy Tim closes his eyes. He can smell the scent of menthol when mommy take the top off the plastic container of the vapor rub.
Next he can feel the warm touch of his mommy's hand as she rubs the ointment onto the skin of his chest. It feels so soothing and comforting.
The movement of those hands as the vapor rub is spread out over his ribcage, from the neckline to the top of the tummy, hands that massage
the greasy stuff into the pores of his's all so stimulating.

Tim feels himself responding physically to the sensations. His mind and body don't get completely relaxed. The lower regions of his body also
crave attention. It turns out he's been wriggling around some, not a lot but enough to have caused the sheet to slip down further on his body.
The top of the sheet no longer is just below his bellybutton, but slid down to only an inch or so above his pubes. The sheet is rising up, Tim
can feel it lifting off of him. Something is pushing it upward.

Tim opens his eyes and he lifts his head. Looking down he sees his dick slipping out from the cover of the sheet. His mom is rubbing his chest
and his dick just made a surprise appearance. How could he have forgotten to put on his underwear? Tim puts his head back down on the pillow.
Maybe momma won't notice. He closes his eyes again.

Mom is kissing Tim on the forehead as she says, "You are such a marvelous boy. You are special to me. If I were a wicked witch I would eat you
all up. You are a wonderful treat." Momma then moves her left hand lower, down to Tim's tummy. The hand slides down more, stopping to do
some tickles, then resumes its explorations downward. The hand stops when it bumps up against something. Momma looks down and she sees it, sees the penis sticking out beyond the sheets. At least three inches of dick is exposed. Three full hard inches that throb with need.

"When did you start going to bed with nothing on?" Momma asks her son, and she looks up at his serene face with the eyes closed. "Hmm...
are you awake dear boy?"

Timothy gives no reply. He doesn't move a muscle.

Mrs. Tuttle could have pulled up the sheet and tucked her son in, then gotten up to leave. That's not what happens in Tim's nightime daydream.
Momma's fingers are touching the head of his penis. She's been motionless for nearly a minute, probably checking to see if her son indeed was
fast asleep. The poor boy couldn't keep his eyes open, the poor thing. Then momma grabs the sheet that half covers her boy's manhood.
Slowly the sheet is pulled down to reveal all that was hidden.

"When did you grow this thick tuft of pubic hair?" momma says with amazement. "The last time I touched you was on your 13th birthday. That
was only six months ago. My goodness how you've grown. My little boy is becoming a man."

* * * * *

Much of what fuels Timothy's fantasies is based on truth. It's true the last time his momma had seen, and touched him, while he was naked was
six months ago. It was the boy's 13th birthday. First they had a wonderful party with a small number of guests. The kids played soccer and
did wrestling in the back yard. After all the guests left, the only ones who had stayed behind to help clean up was Aunt Judith and Tim's older
cousin Janie who was eighteen and a High School senior. With the boy being so dirty and sweaty after the wrestling around with the other guys,
momma insisted on her son having a bath.

"You are a teenager now. You will be expected to take care of your hygiene needs on your own. Get the water running and get into the tub.
I'll be there in a few minutes. Oh...I feel so sad. This will be the last time I help you get cleaned up."

It was like a rite of passage, the "LAST BATH" to have momma be a bathroom assistant. For most of Tim's life he'd been given baths by his
mother. These assisted baths became less frequent during Tim's twelfth year, as he started to do showers on his own. But every few weeks
momma would insist on having a fun filled family bathtime.

The bath done in the early evening of the first day of Tim's thirteenth year was officially the last time his mother helped wash him. She let
him soak in the tub for ten minutes while she helped Aunt Judith pick up paper cups and plates and get some items put into the refrigerator.
When momma went into the bathroom she found her boy tucked down in the water up to his chin. He looked to be asleep. Good thing she
came in cause her boy might have nodded off and drowned.

Momma always began with shampooing the hair. This could be done while sitting down. The next part was scrubbing the back and chest. Again,
this was done while sitting down. Then was the part where Timothy had to stand up. He stands up and he turns toward the wall. Momma
gets the scrubbing cloth and she begins down at the ankles, works her way up to the butt. Mom makes sure the hole is super duper clean, using
her fingers to slide the washcloth into the crevice of her boy's ass cheeks. This didn't mean much in years past, but lately a strange thing happens
when he feels his momma's fingers pressing onto his asshole...he often begins to get stiff.

After the butt scrub Tim has to turn around so momma can do the frontside. Momma got used to it after the first few times, seeing her son
with a partial erection by the time it was time to do the front. Again, it was the washcloth starting at the ankles and working upward. Momma
scrubbed the calves and the thighs. She did the tummy again since that part is hard to do while the boy is seated in the tub. And to finish it
off the washcloth is set aside. Nothing too rough will be used on her son's tender penis and rapidly developing testicles. Only a handwashing
will do. Momma soaps up her hand till the suds are thick and white. Then grasping the penis she coats the entire area with the suds.

"You are still so smooth, like a baby's legs. It's a good thing you have some height, or most people would think you are still a little kid."

Momma cleans Tim's genitals for at least a minute, this time squeezing with her hand and pumping. The last part was the area behind the balls.
Tim had to do a wider leg spread so those ticklish fingers could get back there. By the time he got the suds rinsed off his penis was a light
red color, the head a dark pink.

"You really have grown so much during the last year. I wonder how big you've gotten."

Momma walks to the bathroom door. Opening it up she shouts out, "Hey Judith. Would you grab me the tape measure. It's in the drawer next
to the couch. Please bring it here to me. I'm going to see how grown up your nephew has gotten."

Aunt Judith shows up less than a minute later, tape measure in hand. Unfortunately, she wasn't alone, as Cousin Janie was there with her. Tim's
aunt came into the room to hand the tape measure to momma. Janie stayed at the entrance, hugging the doorframe. Janie looked so amused
at seeing her younger male cousin standing up in the bathtub, with his dick standing up like it's pointing the way, and boys always follow the
direction their dicks point. Their little heads are taking control.

"Happy thirteenth birthday, dear cousin. Did you wash him like this last year. Why did I skip out on last year's party. If I knew Timmy gets
naked each year I would have shown up."

Cousin Janie continues to stare with a very appreciative expression. Aunt Judith was also in a joking mood, said her nephew is turning into a
boy toy, and soon loads of ladies are going to line up to play with him. Tim's aunt wanted to measure it herself, after it was done the first time. Each one got a slightly different result.

"I get five and five-eights inches," momma announced.
"I get a slightly different number. I get five and a half inches...that's a difference of one-eight inches."

"Who cares what it is," Tim tries to shut the thing down.

With a difference of opinion, Cousin Janie decides a tie-breaker measurement is needed. Tim had to endure a third measurement. It was most
humiliating having his cousin smirking and grinning as she takes his dick in her hands. With his aunt and mom watching all he can do is endure
and wish he could die and go straight down the drain with the bathwater.

* * * * *

Back in his fantasy daydream for jerking off, momma says, "My little boy is becoming a man," as she pulls the sheet down her son's legs to
expose his naked body fully for her appraisal.

Momma touches the tuft of thick black pubic hair, twirling it in her fingers.

"Such luscious black hair your have, just like you have on your head. It' so black it reflects the light from the lamps. You've gotten big down
here, but I can tell you've been playing with yourself. You know I insist that a boy's thoughts be pure and innocent. Mind your thoughts...Your erection betrays you. I cannot abide a naughty boy."

Momma moves her hands up to the pillow, turning her body in one swift motion. Slowly sliding the pillow out from beneath Tim's head she
holds the pillow over his face. Her son still appears to be sleeping peacefully, unaware of the danger.

Without any hesitation, momma pushes the pillow onto her son's face. She presses and holds it there. A few seconds later Timothy's arms jerk,
and they slam onto the pillow to try to pry the hands away. Momma is too strong. The chest cold made Tim too weak. He cannot get the pillow
off of his face. His body jerks and he buck up and down. Momma puts her weight onto his upper body to hold her son in place.

As Tim's arms relax to fall to his sides, as his body slumps down and ceases moving, the only thing still jerking is Tim's erection. As the breath
and energy pass from his body, several blasts of semen shoot out onto his stomach. Tim's dick spasms a few more times, sending streams of
cum spilling out to form a large white pool on the abdomen.

This is where Tim's dick shoots to conclude the jerkoff session. The amount that comes out in no way compares to the jets of jism that spurt
out in his dying throes of orgasm Dreamscape, but it feels as if copious amounts are spilling out on his prone body. On some nights Timothy
fucks his pillow. He has to sneak into the bathroom whenever he does that, to wash the pillowcase before momma sees the stains.

The thirteenth year is a crazy year.

Re: Necrofantasy_Two New November 3

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2024 11:58 am
by Themarble
What an amazing day dream chapter, hoping some of that translates further into real life, though something alarming was the pillow scene, what is becoming of his dreams? I can't wait to find out!!!

Re: Necrofantasy_Two New November 3

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2024 6:26 pm
by TeenFan
Chapter 4. Delightfully Deathly

Timothy was watching his favorite cable tv channel. It was late at night on a Friday, the night movies with the best combination of silliness and creepiness are put on. In the movie, a young couple are driving on a winding road through a mostly unpopulated section of England. The car is showing signs of having engine trouble. The young male driver spots a driveway that goes up to a house. They pull into the drive, them go
on up to the house. Of course the house is huge and gloomy. The couple gets out of the car, and it happens to be pouring down rain
and it's at night, so what could go wrong?

Timothy is already shaking his head, knowing it's a bad idea to go into the house, but go into the house those two dumb people did. Not finding
anybody after calling out, the blond, cute, wearing a sexy tight fitting dress, totally clueless girlfriend suggests they explore the house. In a downstairs cellar they come across what appears to be a coffin. The lid on the coffin is slightly askew, leaving a small gap. This
lid is removed the rest of the way, revealing a woman inside the coffin.

The dead woman has an ageless look about her, sort of young looking but seeming to be ancient at the same time. The most unusual thing about
the person is she appears to be dead due to a wooden stake sticking out of the chest (quite obvious due to the low cut dress the dead woman has
on). The couple then have a short conversation about what they should do. Of course they did the worst thing possible, the guy pulls the stake
from the body. As soon as they turn to leave the dead woman revives and that's the end of those two dummies.

Tim thought of an alternate approach to what that young couple could have done. Since the corpse of the woman must remain dead as long
as that stake remains in place, pulling it out is the wrong approach. So what could that young couple have done instead? They could have
stripped the body to look at the hot female up close. The guy could have pulled the dress down the vampire's torso to uncover the breasts.
The girlfriend could have yanked down the skirt to show off the lovely legs that could compete with Elvira: Mistress of the Dark's amazing
legs. To top it all off, the guy could have found another sharp wooden stake and penetrated the corpse in a place that was already designed
for penetrations. After stripping the sexy vampiress and thrusting the wooden stake up her pussy, that would have been the right moment
to yank the stake from the corpse's breast to reawaken the vampire. Now that would have been a great movie scene.

That was the first time Timothy thought about touching a dead person.

After the movie was over, which turned out to have a terrible and mostly forgettable plot, Tim thought about what it must feel like to lie
in a coffin. The only funerals he's seen are on tv, never been to a real one. The whole thing is creepy and cool, family and friends viewing
the body resting peacefully in a coffin...before they dump that body in the coffin down into a deep hole and cover it up. Everything about
burials is fascinating, and the movies where corpses are dug up and sold for medical experiments are cringe worthy fantastic.

Timothy's curiosity about various methods of disposing of the dead, enhanced from reading a book he stole from a library, collided with a
seemingly unrelated subject, art.

In Mrs. Wordsworth's 8th grade art class, the end of year project opened the door to most interesting possibilities. "I want a work of art that uses some kind of historical or cultural event in people's lives."

Most of the kids got their inspiration from family weddings or birthday parties, or some kind of fun social gathering such as a Fourth of July
picnic at the seashore. Timothy had an inspiration of a different sort.

Timothy showed his book to Mrs. Wordsworth. "Burial Practices Around the World" is the title of the book. Tim showed the art teacher a chapter
on the Papanui people. The Papanui live on small islands in the south pacific. They are related to the Maori of New Zealand, fierce warriors
and hunters of large fish, even sharks. Mainly Tim wanted to use the ceremony the Papanui did for the dead. The dead person has his body
painted in unique symbols and images of sea creatures. After the painting is finished the body is placed on a small boat with a sail. The boat
is sent out to sea, never to be seen again. The family and friends are comforted by knowing their dead loved one will roam the ocean forever,
hunting and exploring the world.

"I want to be a person who died on the island," Tim tells his teacher. "The other students can paint me, just like they do on that island."

It seemed like an easy way out of doing an art project, having the classmates to the painting on the project. The teacher insists that Tim
do some painting as well.

"I'll go along with it, as long as you paint for us a beautiful island in the middle of the sea, okay."

Timothy agreed with the request, and he had another of his own. He points to a photo of a supposedly dead person who was about to be
painted. The body of a young male has almost nothing on. Only a small garment, made of palm leaves, is around the hips. It sort of looks
like grass underwear.

"Could you make something like this for me to wear? I want to be as authentic as possible."

Mrs. Wordsworth looked like she was going to say "NO". Then she paused and thought for a while. Maybe she was reviewing seeing Timothy
naked in the boy's locker room right before he got dressed after the naked hallway incident.

"Okay, I'll make something out of palm leaves and tan grass skirts material like the Polynesian women wear for ceremonies. Are you brave
enough to wear such undies in front of the other students?"

Tim knew doing a presentation in front of the class, showing off the painting of an island while wearing underwear made of grass would be
scary. That underwear was so skimpy, it almost looks like a thong, but Tim wasn't planning on standing up in front of the class for long. He
longed to lie down like a dead man and let the others do the real paint job on him.

Re: Necrofantasy_New November 4

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2024 10:25 pm
by Trundle
Very much enjoying this, there's an unsettling air to things especially with the title of this story.

Genuinely don't know where the story will go from here which is always exciting, you always manage to surprise me TeenFan. Endlessly creative!