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Mr Jones

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2024 2:48 pm
by RebeccaShaw
Mr Jones

I gripped the steering wheel tight and could feel my lips pursed in anger as I listened to Steven calmly announce how he was going on a “Lads” weekend away to play stupid golf. I knew he had picked this precise moment to inform me, as driving was not a strong point of mine. He knew very well I had to concentrate and focus on the road so I would not engage in debate or long conversations. He reached over and squeezed my thigh, almost putting his hand up my skirt a little which caught me by surprise as I was just turning into our driveway.

“You don’t mind do you Maddie, it's only Gary and Tony and you know I haven't seen them ages and it's just one weekend and” he stopped mid sentence and yelled “look out!”

His hand on my leg had caused me to look over at him and at that precise moment Mr Jones our neighbour was walking backwards pulling the recycling bin out to the pavement. I slammed on the brake and the car gave a little judder but made contact with the bin and knocked it right over spilling the glass bottles and cans all over the side of the road. Mr Jones was at least unharmed and did look a little ashen faced as he lent against the fence while we both got out of the car.

“Now look what you’ve made me do, you idiot!” I yelled at Steven.

Almost ignoring poor old Mr Jones now we were now having an all out “Slanging match” right out on the street for everyone around to hear. We very rarely had arguments as Steven was normally non confrontational and would go out of his way to placate me. He could usually ignore my outbursts and diffuse my temper easily but this time he did look genuinely annoyed with me. He was picking up some of the bottles and generally trying to stop talking now but as usual I wasn’t ready to let it go. I threw the car keys at him and turned to walk away then looked back.

“You can park the damn car when you have cleaned this mess up and sod off away for the weekend, see if I care” I continued my rant.

“After all it's not like I will miss you, well not in bed anyway” I snapped.

The regret was instant as soon as I said it and wished I could take it back as Steven looked so hurt. I knew he had been under a lot of pressure at work and with me working at home I had become more lazy with my appearance and dress and the old saying “it takes two to tango” was very true. I was as much to blame as he was for our lack of recent bedroom activity and could hardly believe I would say something like that to him, let alone in front of our neighbour. I was just about to say sorry, although I doubt it would have helped when Mr Jones decided to add to the events.

“I would tan the skin off her hide if she was mine, she needs to be kept on a tight leash, needs to learn her place if you ask me” he looked over to Steven.

I knew he was old and obviously old fashioned in his views but to come out with something like that in this day and age was beyond belief. How dare he say such a thing and I looked over to Steven to defend my honor and tell him it was at the very least none of his business. Instead of jumping to my defence my loving husband gave a little nod as if he was in total agreement of the misogynous, antiquated cretin of a nieghbour. Mr Jones saw this and let out a little laugh and then with a leering glance over at me added.

“Teach you a lesson in respect young lady wouldn’t it, a nice hard spanking, give you something to think about eh”. He was almost asking for my opinion.

I was practically speechless for a second before demanding that Steeven say something and not let the old fool speak to me like this. They were both looking quite amused which made me even more angry then Mr Jones whispered something which made Steven laugh out loud. That was it now my temper had taken complete control of me. I turned back back and stomped up to the front door remembering I now didn't have a key to get in. Thankfully and predictably we did keep a spare key under one of the plant pots at either side. I picked up the terracotta pot and launched it through the air to land half way down the drive and smash into a thousand pieces.

“Mr Jones has just offered to “babysit” you ,while I go and play golf this weekend” he paused “ I might let him if this is how you think a grown up behaves” and with that they both burst into laughter.

My hands were shaking so much in rage I could hardly unlock the door. I went straight to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of red wine and a glass and ran up to the bedroom. After several gulps I gradually started to calm down and my heart rate got back to normal. Standing by the open window I saw Steven and Mr Jones looking as thick as thieves now as they chatted and laughed while clearing up. The conversation was no doubt about me and I could only guess what manner of indignities Mr Jones was suggesting. The more surprising aspect was how Steven seemed to be going along with it and practically encouraging it. Subconsciously my hand reached to the back of my skirt and ran it slowly across my bottom as I tried to eavesdrop on the conversation.

I could only pick out odd words and phrases and even crude comments and looked in dismay. This was a side of Steven I had never seen before, he was willingly and blatantly condoning the chastisement and discipline of a woman, not only any woman but his wife. I looked at Mr Jones and his appearance was everything you would imagine of the type of person who would engage in that activity. He was short and overweight and had the aura of someone who thought they knew everything. Whenever I spoke to him it was like he was giving a lecture and explaining things to me and it was obvious he had such a superior male dominant view on life.

I knew I had gone way overboard with my display of petulance and whether it was the effect of the wine or some admission of guilt and knew I had to make it up to Steven. I quickly undressed and rummaged around in the back of the wardrobe looking for the pale blue satin and lace lingerie set he had bought me last xmas. I found the bra and hurried to put it on and loved how it pushed my breasts together and up a little. The suspender belt fitted snugly above my hips and as I pulled the stockings up my legs slowly I knew how it emphasised my shape. I couldn’t find the matching knickers and then had such a naughty thought that I would do the Tik-Tok “naked in front of your boyfriend challenge”. Technically I wasn’t naked but I am sure I was complying with the spirit of it as I stepped into my best heels. I sat at the dresser and carefully put on some makeup and a generous amount of the gorgeous “Mon Paris” perfume.

I heard the front door open and hurried to brush my hair and thought what a surprise Steven was going to have when he saw me. I waited for the footsteps on the stairs but instead heard the door of the makeshift home office and realised he wasnt coming so I would have to go and get him. I tried to walk carefully in the heels and not make a noise as I crept downstairs. This felt so daring and so out of character for me to be dressed like this or more to the point hardly dressed and walking around the house. I took several deep breaths and thought of what to say then opened the door and put my hands on my hips with my legs slightly apart.

“I am so sorry for being such a bitch, will you please come and let me make it up to you” I announced.

Standing like this in the dining room we had transformed into an office for me to work from home during the pandemic made a lovely tingle run through me and without knickers the thrill was intense. I don’t recall ever making a reference so openly to myself as being a “Bitch”,even though I was aware lots of people would agree with it. I looked at the back of the gaming chair and couldn’t wait for Steven to turn around and see me. The bright ginger of my pubic hair was such a contrast to my pale skin and highlighted even more by the light shade of blue on the suspender belt and the black suspenders that held up the opaque stockings. As the chair began to swivel around I swear my legs gave a little tremble in excitement. Steven’s eyes were wide and his face looked more shocked than aroused like I was expecting.

“Well thanks for the offer Maddie, however perhaps you should run it by Steven first and I doubt Claire would be too keen either”, rang a voice from the speaker on the desk.

Oh god it was Gary, obviously on a zoom call with Steven or something. His grinning face was now clear on the top corner of the screen and for what seemed like an eternity I was frozen to the spot before moving my hands between my legs and lifting one knee in front of the other to try and cover as much as I could. Steven rolled his eyes and shook his head at my display before saying an abrupt goodbye to him and switching the screen off. Of all the people to see me like this it had to be Gary, I never really got on with him and took an instant dislike to his girlfriend Claire who was always obsessed with letting everyone know how much money they had.

“Good grief what are you thinking, coming in like that to embarrass me in front of my friend looking like some cheap tart” he said angrily.

How dare he call me that, especially as it was him who bought the lingerie for me in the first place. For the second time in less than an hour we had an almighty argument culminating in a tirade of insults from me. The way I was dressed made an extra dimension of absurdity to the situation and as usual Steven stopped replying way before I was finished. He walked over and put his shoes on and looked at me and shook his head again telling me he needed some time on his own and a drink so he was going down to the pub.

“You know something Madaline I think Mr Jones is right, a weekend with him might be just what you need” and with that he slammed the door.

What the hell I thought and ran to the door and opened it wide, determined he was not having the last word. I hardly cared how I was dressed and even took a step outside before placing my hands back between my legs again to preserve a little modesty. I was seething in anger as I almost tripped in my high heels on the gravel drive. The red mist had done more than rise in front of my eyes; it had filled my head to the brink as I shouted.

“Oh well if you think like that why dont you ask him to fuck me while I’m there? save you the job!” i yelled

I have never seen him look so angry as he turned his back and walked away down the road. As if the moment could get any worse I had the feeling someone was watching me and sure enough I looked across and Mr Jones appeared out of nowhere at the side of his car. This was all I needed, that slimy, arrogant excuse of a man to witness my outburst let alone see me half naked out on the drive in broad daylight. Even his leering gaze and obnoxious smile made me feel repulsed without him having to say a word. I was embarrassed beyond words but at the same time determined not to show it.

“This is all your fault, you disgusting. Toad faced, Snail of a man” I hissed at him.

I turned to walk inside and in defiance made no attempt to cover my bare bottom from his view. I even felt proud and knew without being big headed he would have not had the chance to see a bottom as nice as mine in a long time if indeed ever. I had to smile at myself at the thought that Steven would complain if I went outside in a bikini unless we were on the beach and now I was parading myself around like a “cheap tart” as he put it. It was only a few steps back to the door but I made every last one sashay my bum cheeks from side to side and thought his tongue must be on the floor seeing me like this. With a last little wiggle of my bottom on the doorstep I looked over my shoulder.

“Seen enough fossil face” I quipped at him.

I didn’t wait for a reply and closed the door firmly before running to grab my glass of wine. What on earth had come over me, my whole body felt electric and my nipples were so hard. I tried to work out what exactly had made me feel like this, was it letting Gary see me or Steven having the sheer audacity to call me a “Cheap tart” or being outside without my knickers in what in all honesty was quite a slutty set of lingerie. I concluded it was a combination of all but then on top of all those incredibly arousing single events the obscene threat of Mr Jones saying he would “tan the skin off my backside if i was his” ran around inside my head.
I went upstairs to get a shower and as I took off the brief amount of items I was actually wearing I couldn't get the image out of my head of Steven saying a weekend with our crude neighbour was what I needed. He was usually very jealous if any guy even looked at me when we were out and no end of times had said my dress was too short or my top too low and I was a married woman and should not want to show the goods like I am still on the market. It must just have been a reaction to my display of temper and looking back I knew I had not shown myself in the best light and even giggled to myself that a “smacked bottom” was probably no less than what I deserved.

My hands used the shower gel to rub it all over and before I knew it I was frantically playing with myself for the first time in what seemed like forever. Out of some kind of reflex memory of the only time I dare bring myself off at home when I was a teen was in the shower. I tried so hard to keep quiet, remembering all the times I would have died if my Mum knew what I was doing. The warm water added to the sensation and I squeezed my thighs tight on my fingers that had brought me to an incredible climax and thought no way could Steven actually be serious about any of this. After getting my breath back and regaining some composure I went to bed and tried to fall asleep.

My mind was still far too active and replayed the outrageous events of what was a truly extraordinary day. I heard Steven come back some time later and without turning the light on he got in bed besides me not even attempting to speak. The silence was awkward as he knew I was not asleep and we lay side by side until I moved my hand and nudged him. He half turned around and whispered that he was sorry for calling me a “cheap tart” and I looked amazing and he wished it just didn't happen at the wrong time when Gary was on screen. I felt elated that he had been the first one to apologise and knew nothing had changed and I could still wrap him around my little finger like his Mother had often commented.

Before we knew what was happening we were making love and as normal on a warm summer’s evening I was naked under the thin duvet. He seemed more vigorous than usual and he held me tight while on top of me with his head at the side of mine as he thrust deep inside me. He kissed my neck below my ear and I let out a satisfying moan as between slow hard rhythmic grinding from him I tried to speak. At first it was more mumbling than speaking until I finally got a few breaths and hissed.

“You wouldn’t really let old Mr Jones have me on his own for a whole weekend……….would you”? I asked knowing that of course he wouldn’t.

“Oh I would indeed but I know you would never agree to it because you're such a prude and would run a mile if you had to really let go and enjoy yourself” he almost grunted.

I had to admit I might not be the most sexually adventurous woman in the world but it was unfair to call me a prude. Besides what did he know that I didn’t, why was he so sure I would “enjoy” myself. Mr Jones after all was not promising me a vacation in the caribbean or such like. The gasps and moans from both of us became louder then he shocked me by saying he had been discussing my tantrums with a few of the regulars at the local and they all thought it was an excellent idea to make me watch my smart mouth and stuck up attitude. His words made me hold him tighter and try to push back in time with the hard pounding he was giving me now as he was drilling me to the bed relentlessly.

“In fact Maddie I told them what a slut you looked like without your knickers off out on the front drive when I left you there” he gasped. “And I said you might volunteer for the amateur strip evening they hold once a month in the back room”.

Oh god I was almost delirious now and begging him to go faster and faster and yes I would love to strip for all the dirty old men at the Green Dragon. He obliged and I couldn’t remember Steven ever being so enthusiastic in bed since our honeymoon five years ago. As he began to suggest more and more outrageous things he asked again if I really wanted to show old Mr Jones what a good girl I could be and all I could do was repeat “Yes “Yes” time and time again. I was trembling and gasping louder and louder when he suddenly pulled out of me and roughly grabbed my hair and rolled me out of bed and onto the floor. Before I knew what was happening he had pushed his hard cock in my mouth and down my throat further than I had ever experienced.

This was something we rarely did as I was strictly a birthday and special occasion kind of girl.
Hot salty cum filled my mouth and for the first time since we got married I swallowed every last drop. A huge knee trembling orgasm quickly followed and he left me on the bedroom floor shaking and gasping for breath as he went to take a shower. This was not like the Steven I knew, he hadn’t just made love to me like he usually did , he had used me for his own pleasure and it felt awesome. He returned from the bathroom and almost ignored me apart from a smile of satisfaction as he turned on his side on the bed. I went to get my second shower of the night and came back to find him snoring as usual, the same as normal when we had sex.

At breakfast the next day things were a little tense and we were both walking around on eggshells not saying a word about the night before. A little small talk about nothing in particular made the smoked salmon and toast last forever when at last he broached the subject. He said it was just a little “bedroom talk” and apologised if he went too far. I replied it was fine and not to worry about it and smiled that it was actually quite fun. He seemed pleased and went off to work as I began to have an idea that might make him find that hidden side of him all over again tonight.

The drama department at school had just finished a production of “Annie” and the costume of the lead role was a cute yellow dress which was designed for a year 8 student and would look incredibly short on me. The outfit had been worn by Jessica Taylor, a really pretty and talented singer and budding actress and she had accessorised it with some knee length white socks and shiny black shoes as well as a ribbon in her hair and genuinely did look like a bratty 9 year old that I guess “Annie” was meant to be. I did actually feel more like a naughty pupil than a teacher as I sneaked into the wardrobe department and placed the outfit in a bag and took it out to my car. Obviously I would return it, I mean I could hardly just go and ask Miss Danvers why I wanted it, could I?
I was usually home an hour before Steven and that gave me plenty of time to get into the dress and more to the point get into the character of a naughty little girl that wanted some very grown up games that she got last night. I put my hair in pigtails and applied just a touch of makeup with some pale pink lip gloss and only a splash of perfume. The white socks made my legs seem even longer and just as I thought the dress was much shorter on me as I was 5’10’’. I had even called on my way home and bought the biggest lollipop I could find and looked at myself in the mirror, as I licked the sickly sweet strawberry sugar candy and thought how I really looked the part.

I practiced a nice low curtsey and thought of what to say when I heard the car on the drive. With my heart beating fast I stood at the end of the hall opposite the front door to make sure I was the first thing he saw. The handle turned and I held my breath and as it opened I bent forward and crossed my heel behind the other. With a flourish of my arms and I announced I, my head facing the floor and the pigtails hanging at each side of my face I began to speak.

“Welcome home Sir, I promise to be on my very best behavior tonight and hope you won't have to send me to Mr Jones to have my bottom smacked”. I lifted my head up as I finished the well rehearsed line that would have won me an oscar for sure.

If that deserved an oscar then my reaction after would have won me the actress of the century. Standing in the doorway was Steven looking like the world had ended and right at his side was his Mum, Elaine. I felt the colour drain from my face and I genuinely thought I was about to throw up. I was light headed, dizzy and frozen like a rabbit in the headlights unable to move. The bright red lollipop in my hands was held in front of me almost trying to hide my face, oh why did the world never open up to swallow you when you wanted it to. Elaine in stark contrast to Steven looked utterly amused and was obviously delighted in my mortal embarrassment.

“Oh gosh Steven, I would have never thought you had it in you, and Wow talk about a dark horse Madaline” she held back a laugh, “Don't you look cute as a button”.

“What the hell Maddie, you knew I had asked Mum over for tea tonight and you are determined to show me up, just what is wrong with you?” he scolded me like I was 9 or something

The colour had returned to my face now but not only returned it had decided to match the bright glowing red of the lollipop. Steven rather belatedly tried to step in between me and his Mum to somehow prevent her seeing more. I think she had seen enough and more to the point heard enough to keep her gossip tendencies last a lifetime. He almost hissed at me to go and put something decent on and then in a pleading voice tried to explain to his Mum that it was not what she was thinking and he was as surprised as her to see me like this as nothing had ever happened and this was totally out of the blue to him. I could see by her face she didn’t believe a word.

“It’s alright Steven, we are all grown ups here and know a little roleplay brings some spice to a marriage” then with another laugh “well at least two of us are grown ups”

She smiled at me and actually had the nerve to hold her finger up and motion for me to give her a twirl so she could see all of the pretty dress. I was speechless as Steven tried to step in and said it had gone far enough now and I should just go and get changed and his Mum should forget all about it. She gave him a look that meant business and told him to make himself useful and put the kettle on while she wanted to hear all about it from me. He knew better to start an argument with her and shook his head as he walked past me into the kitchen. How many outfits did I have, where did I get them from, what was the deal with Mr Jones, it was like a game of twenty questions and I had none of the answers.

Re: Mr Jones part 2

Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2024 2:52 pm
by RebeccaShaw
Mr Jones part 2

Steven came back with two cups of tea and handed one to his Mum and then sat with a face like thunder with his own. He even looked away from me as I walked past to go and make my own followed by a laugh from his Mum adding was I to be trusted with hot water at my age. I could hear muffled conversation and knew she was still asking for all the juicy details of how I had come to be dressed like an overgrown 9 year old. Clutching my tea in both hands I sat opposite them both and tried to rationalise why I just hadn't at least gone to get changed instead of continuing the charade.

“So Steven, are you actually going to smack her bottom like she wants or” she paused “Send her round to Mr Jones for him to do it” she could hardly hold back her amusement.

He replied with almost outrage that he found the idea appalling and was at a loss to explain what had come over me. It was surreal that I was here in the room but yet the discussion seemed not to involve me at all. I gave an annoyed cough and announced that I was right here and not invisible only to be met with a curt, “Be quiet dear, the grown up’s are talking”, from the still highly amused Elaine. Steven became reluctant to continue the conversation much longer and was obviously ignoring me completely. At last my Mother in law had the grace to leave saying we obviously needed to sort things out.

“Get that ridiculous outfit off and start acting your age, you would run a mile if me or anyone else gave you a spanking, you just haven't got it in you Maddie” he sneered.

It was always the same; he never took any notice of what I wanted and thought he knew every last thing in my head. I would show him, he was going to regret starting all this. He grabbed his coat and announced he was off to the Green Dragon to talk to people with brains as I had apparently become “Stupid” overnight. As he slammed the door I was trying to figure out this whole bizarre series of events and it dawned on me that perhaps I did actually want a “Spanking”. I began to assess my behaviour and looked back on recent instances where I had behaved much more like a spoilt brat and thought I was so much better than everyone else The more I thought I came to the conclusion it wasn’t a question of wanting but more that I needed to work on my attitude and stop acting like such a bitch all the time.

The next few days were very tense between me and Steven and this was the longest ever we had let an argument fester. He was in the garage getting his golf stuff ready for the weekend and I walked in to hand him a coffee in some attempt to make peace before the weekend apart. He surprised me by outright saying he was fine with me going to Mr Jones but then added that he knew very well I wouldn't because as usual I was “all talk”. I asked him if he was serious, knowing all that Mr Jones had said in the past of how he would make sure I learned a lesson and so on.

“Maddie, there is as much chance of me getting a hole in one this weekend as you putting away your pride and stubbornness to go anywhere near Mr Jones”, he exclaimed with confidence.
God he could be such an “Arse” but this time he was wrong, his sanctimonious. pompous, arrogance had gone too far, I would show him you just wait and see. I was on edge all day on Friday and even in class I could feel my mind wandering to the weekend and several times lost my train of thought when I was addressing the students. At long last the final bell of the day rang and as the class grabbed their bags and exited like a stampede of elephants a few of them smiled and said;

“Have a good weekend Miss Billings' “. God if only any of them knew what I was contemplating.

I raced home and began to put a few overnight things in a bag, not that I knew if Mr Jones had really intended for me to actually stay or even if he had a spare room. Oh of course he had a spare room. I was sure I had seen what I assumed to be his daughter had spent some time there, not that I had even spoken to her. I had a shower and began to think about what to wear and had to keep telling myself this was not a “date” and I was not trying to impress him or flirt with him. Then the “eureka” moment hit me, the “Annie” dress would be perfect. I found some yellow ribbon that almost matched and tied two neat bows at the end of each of my shoulder length pigtails. The only contradiction to the image of my new “Alter ego” were the high heel shoes but nothing else seemed to work so I figured the contrast would add a little extra to it.

I put my mobile phone in the little pocket at the front of the dress and picked up the bag and opened the door. Walking down the drive my legs felt shaky and I looked around and prayed none of the other neighbours were looking. Why the hell was I actually going through with this? I kept asking myself over and over again as I approached his front door and lifted my hand to ring the bell. I looked around in panic as I heard the noise of a car drive past and instinctively clutched the hem of the dress knowing it only just came below my knickers. I was about to chicken out and thought maybe Steve was right and I really didn't have the courage to do this when the door swung open.

“Yes, can I help you? '' asked Mr Jones looking confused. “Oh blimey, it’s you, well never in a million years did I expect you to show up, never mind looking like that” he smiled.

I knew I was blushing like a beetroot and stared down at the ground and mumbled if he would let me inside before he interrupted me and told me to stand right there. The door closed and my heart raced as I looked nervously around. What the hell was he doing leaving me outside like this for anyone to see when the door opened again. This time he had his glasses on and he looked from the tip of my toes to the top of my head slowly.

“Well haven't you made an effort young lady” he grinned “However I have plans for tonight and I suspect all this is some sort of joke so I can’t invite you inside only to be met by some vulgar outburst from your filthy mouth”.

I could not believe what I was hearing, surely he was not just going to turn me away like some annoying nuisance. I tried to explain it was not a joke and I was serious. I even lifted my bag and told him I had brought my toothbrush and some sleepwear and things. He was shaking his head, still trying to comprehend if all this was true, which was exactly what I was doing. I let out a pathetic almost pleading “Please” which was met by a smile. He then asked if Steven knew I was here and had he seen the outfit I had on. I kept my eyes to the floor and briefly explained the incident with Elaine and how my husband was not impressed and didn’t want anything to do with my “Silly games'' as he put it. I could see him thinking and all the time I was desperate to go inside to at least discuss this and not risk being seen like some overgrown 9 year old.

“Oh God please just let me in.before any of the other stupid neighbours see me dressed like this” I hissed.

With reactions that would out match Hussain Bolt he grabbed my ear and pulled it hard making me stumble forward. Before I had time to comprehend what was happening and how much my ear hurt a sharp stinging “Slap” reigned down on the top of my thigh on my bare leg below the hem of the dress. I tried to grab his hand on my ear and dropped my bag as my other hand tried to put it between his right hand and the sensitive skin of my legs as several more hard slaps landed on their target. I let out a yelp each time and the sting was so surprising as I danced up and down trying to evade the torment. With tears forming in my eyes and the feeling that my legs would give way at any moment and I would collapse in a heap he stopped and let go of my ear.

“You can go home right now my girl or you can keep that smart mouth of yours shut unless it is to be polite and respectful.” he commanded, “Do you understand young lady?”

I could only nod my head in response as he continued with his “Rules” for my stay. I was told that I was to do exactly as I was told without any argument or refusal. Any protest or “Whining” as he put it would result in not only more of what I had just got but he would smack my bottom so hard I would wish I had never been born. This was insane, no one spoke to anyone like this any more, let alone a grown woman. My head was spinning and a thousand thoughts all competed for my focus but all I could do was nod again and confirm I understood exactly.

“Good girl.” he replied “You better come in then and we will see if you can keep your word.” he smiled.

Talk about entering the lion’s den I thought as he did the gentlemanly thing and picked up my bag. He ushered me though to his lounge and told me to stand still and not cause any mischief while he went to get his phone. I was surprised to see he actually had a smartphone and he proceeded to make a call. I could hear the dial tone clearly as I nervously looked at my surroundings, still trying to wonder if I was making the biggest mistake of my life. The back of my legs were still smarting from the slaps he had given me and I could hardly recall the last time my Mum had done that very same thing to me many years ago.

Not really paying much attention I heard him say to someone called “Tony” who I presumed to be a friend how he had to cancel his plans for tonight. I sensed he was asked why when he looked up at me and hesitated. I could feel myself blush more as he replied it looked like he would have his hands full tonight. Then my legs gave a little tremble as he tried to hold back a laugh and said the word “Babysitting” and then “Oh just my niece”. I listened with total embarrassment as he continued with his obvious delight in my shame.

“Yeah , I think I could leave her alone once she is in bed, I mean she is not exactly a baby so I might see you for last orders” he laughed and hung up.

I didn't speak but knew my face was showing how appalled I was that he would dare refer to me like that. I could imagine I had the sulkiest.pout possible as he thought how amusing he was being. Turning his attention back to me now he asked where I had found such a pretty little dress and how it almost fitted me. With another tug to the hem knowing that as he was sitting in front of me he might just be able to see my knickers I explained the story of how I got it. He looked somewhat annoyed as I relayed the events then he got to his feet and stood in front of me.

“Take it off this instant girl” he spat in anger “How dare you walk into my house with stolen goods.”

Was he real, talk about an over reaction but I could see in his eyes he was deadly serious. I knew this was the first of what would turn out to be the many “Choices'' I would have this weekend. Of course I knew I could simply turn and walk out, after all I hardly lived miles away and in twenty steps I would be safe and well in my own home. Safe and well maybe I mused but hardly adventurous and risk taking and at this moment in time the last thing I wanted to do was prove Steven right. I took my phone out of my pocket only for him to grab it and say He would look after it. I began to plead that what if it rang and it was Steven or my Mum but he lifted his hand as if to give me another smack and I knew to keep my mouth shut. with my hands fumbling at the zip at the back I began to take the dress off.

It was a little tight around my shoulders and after a few wriggles I was pushing it down to my waist. I had decided not to wear a bra but more in keeping with the dress had chosen a plain white camisole top with little white straps and it only came halfway down my tummy. As I gave another wriggle to get the dress over my hips I realised my knickers would come into view and knew they were equally childish in appearance to complete the picture of me being no longer a 27 year old mature woman. They were very tight and quite small in plain white cotton with a thin pink ribbon around the waistband culminating in a neat bow at the front. I stepped out of the dress and without being told picked it up and folded over the back of an armchair.

“Stand to attention girl” he barked “hands on head, let's have a good look at you”

It was well and truly too late to feign any modesty now and remembering how I had blatantly gone outside in my lingerie minus my knickers a few days ago so standing like this was nothing. He walked around me twice as I stayed perfectly motionless with my hands at the back of my head. It felt like I was on display and the absurd choice of my attire seemed to make it all the more embarrassing but at the same time it was in a way thrilling. It was hard to describe how the shame and the thrill could mix together in such a pleasurable way.

“I must say Madaline you have obviously gone to great detail in preparing yourself for this weekend” he paused , “And you do look delightful”

“However, I like Steven never thought for one second that you would actually turn up so it has been remiss of me not to plan a proper itinerary for your stay” he chuckled

“So to give me a little time to consider how to ensure we keep you entertained for the weekend I propose a little task for you to complete” he smiled.

He walked away and returned carrying a small plastic bucket and held it out for me to obviously hold. The first thing I thought was he was going to demand I pee in it to really shame me but thank god his intention was not so demeaning. I listened as he informed me that I was to go out in the back garden and collect one hundred leaves. With my mind contemplating any reason or relevance to this, it dawned on me what his point was. Last Autumn Steven had bought a leaf blower and when he was clearing the leaves from our drive I had gone out and told him to blow them over to Mr Jone’s drive as he was always sweeping them up and had nothing better to do. Unfortunately I knew he had heard me and now it was one more thing to add on the list for my payback.

Thankfully the garden was fairly secluded but my shoes were not the most suitable for walking on the grass. I almost stumbled a few times before he told me to take them off before I killed myself. I wandered around the lawn looking for leaves on the floor and as it was still summer there were hardly any. Mr Jones returned to sit on his decking with what looked like a glass of whisky seeming very pleased with himself. I could feel the tight knickers ride further between my bum cheeks as I walked around and each time I did find a leaf I tried to be very careful how I bent over to pick it up. The sun was still quite warm and I was a little conscious of not having any sunscreen on but thankfully the garden was quite shaded with several large trees. After about ten minutes I was running out of leaves to find and looked over to him.

“Yes Girl. it is hardly the right time of year for leaves to be on the floor so how about you walk over to the fence on your side and get me some or your leaves'' he said as if this was perfectly normal

I realised to get to the fence I had to step on the flower bed and I hated to think what colour my socks would be standing on the soil. I wanted to protest but knew like everything else it would just be better to grit my teeth and do it. At least it had not been raining much and the soil was dry and not muddy. None the less I lifted my heel to see how dirty my socks were and visibly pulled a face at the sight. After a few steps and being very careful not to tread on any of his flowers, which did look very nice I began to pull some leaves off the branches. I had to stretch right up and almost on tip toe as he had cut away many that overhung his garden. I had grabbed a handful and before I had a chance to drop them in the bucket they fell between several long stemmed flowers.

“You clumsy girl, get on your knees and pick every last one up and I do hope you have been counting” he asked.

In the absurdity of the situation, counting had been the last thing on my mind. He could see by the look on my face that I had forgotten and he smiled as he got up to walk over to me. With a brisk command to get on my knees to reach into the middle of the flowers properly he was behind me. In the position I was in I knew my bottom was up in the air and my knees hurt on the hard, stoney soil. I heard him let out a little laugh as he commented that maybe I should have bought the next size up for my pretty knickers as they were not covering much now. The next indignity for me to suffer was to crawl back out and sit on the ground and empty the bucket to count the leaves.

“I trust you can count Maddie, I mean your Mummy and Daddy obviously never taught you any manners but basic arithmetic is a must for little girls' ' he said sarcastically.

Again I was sulking like a petulant child as I began to count the leaves and place them back in the stupid bucket. Not that a bucket could itself be stupid but what I was doing was stupid so that made sense. I was surprised how many I had already collected and grateful I had not too many to reach the hundred. Mr Jones had wandered along the flower bed and spotted some more leaves hidden among his cherished agapanthus or marigold’s or whatever the hell they were called as he tried to give me a lesson in botany at the same time. However kneeling was not good enough for him now he wanted me flat on my front on the ground. He was not only grinding me into the dirt verbally but he was making it a visual spectacle. I turned my head and was just about to speak and say I wasn’t going to do it when a loud burning “Smack” landed on the base of my right bottom cheek, followed immediately by an equally hard one to my left.

“I trust the naughty girl wasn’t about to argue, was she?” he asked.

Not bothering to even consider giving him an answer I got on my front and actually wriggled more like a 2 year old playing a snake and got more leaves. He thought it was hilarious and to be honest who could blame him. The ground was hard and uneven and so uncomfortable as I pressed my breasts in the soil. The thin material of my little cami top offered no protection and my nipples were so hard and I realised that something about this was making them hard. What the hell was wrong with me, I was, or more to the point my body was enjoying this torment. At last I announced “A hundred” and scrambled to my feet feeling so dishevelled and grubby. He looked at me and shook his head in obvious distaste at my appearance.

“Look at the state of you Girl. get everything off this minute” he ordered me. “Don’t think you’re stepping one foot in my house like a filthy little urchin”.

Of all the names I had been called in my twenty seven years I doubt “A filthy little urchin” was one of them. I felt like someone out of a “Dickens” novel but almost like I was hypnotised by the surreal events I began to undress. I can’t explain why I meekly complied, it just seemed a natural progression and part of the purpose I was here. I tried to look defiant and indifferent to performing this intimate act in front of him. I was quick and purposeful in tugging the little top over my head letting him see my bare 34b breasts bounce a little as I pushed my knickers right down to my ankles and virtually kicked them off before peeling my knee socks off and standing stark naked right out in his garden.

He was grinning like a Cheshire cat as I let my arms fall to my sides and unlike last week made no attempt to cover my ginger pubic hair. The sun was setting with a bright glow and the light seemed to make the bush between my legs look more orange. If at all possible it was as red as my face as I blushed more and more each shaming second. I felt frozen to the spot as he reached out and actually took hold of a tuft of the hair. He pulled quite hard, making me actually push my hips forward a little.

“Well I can see why you spend a fortune at the hairdressers colouring your hair” he mused, “I always wondered why Steven complained how much you spent just to have mousy brown hair” he chuckled.

He stood back and curtly motioned for me to open my legs wide and get my hands on my head so he could see properly. He then surprised me by asking if I got made fun of and teased at school for being a “Ginger”. Of course I had and shrugged my shoulders and nodded in response. He walked behind me and made me gasp as little as he gave my bum cheeks a few firm pats. He was holding them with each hand and he actually “jiggled” them which made him laugh and announce how I had a “splendid rump for a young filly”. All the time my pink nipples were so hard and an electric tingle ran through my whole body.

“So young lady, did the mean girls at school bully you and give this, nasty names?” he asked as he patted my pubic mound.

I knew he wanted me to say it and I tried not to look at him and replied “yes,err, Ginger Minge, Ruby Pubes, Copper Curls” then hesitated and added “Carrot Cunt”.

He shook his head then without warning took hold of my left elbow and in some kind of secret ninja hold kept me by his side as he delivered a loud, stinging “Smack” to my bare bottom.

“Despite those “Smack”, names young lady, “Smack”, you have turned “Smack”, into nothing but “Smack”, a bully yourself, “Smack.Smack”. He growled.

I was trying to squirm and free myself from his grasp as the hard smacks continued. All I could do was hop and dance in desperation trying to avoid the next. My right hand reached back trying to block each swing of his arm but he easily just outmanoeuvred my pathetic attempts and alternated from one blazing bum cheek to the other. He was almost marching me around the garden now giving me a hard spanking that I thought would never end. The fact that he was somewhat overweight and even shorter than me made no impact on how he had easily controlled the situation. With a final flurry of even harder smacks I was snivelling and sobbing before he at last let go of my arm. Watching me rub furiously at my red hot cheeks seemed to placate him and he sat down to get his breath back.

“This is just a taste of what you are going to get this weekend my girl”

Re: Mr Jones

Posted: Wed Oct 23, 2024 12:58 pm
by Darky
Hot, just hot!