Campus Humiliation

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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Campus Humiliation

Post by Datom »

Recently one of my readers got in touch with me. I won't divulge her name, or where she goes to school, but I will say that she's 20 years old, and has something of an exhibitionist streak in her.

She asked me to devise a humiliating experience for her to do on campus.

Well, this is something I don't usually do. But I did come up with something. A month or so ago I had written a story about a young man strapped to a dolly and taken for a walk. This gave me an idea. I figured I could use the dolly idea again, only with some variations, adapted to this context.

Re-reading it, I realized that it would probably be worth posting here. So I humbly submit for your perusal the following procedure. If you are a college student (female) and want to try it out, please let me know how it goes for you.

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Personnel and equipment

First, you’ll need three people to help. These should probably not include your two roommates—they will probably be too sympathetic for what we’re going to do. A suggestion here is to ask your roommates to find three other people to help. Gender doesn’t matter. They should be people who don’t know you very well, but who have a good sense of mischief. We’ll call these two people the “ushers.”

Also, you will need a dolly, preferably about 5 feet tall and 19” wide, capable of bearing your weight. You will need six straps, about 12” to 16” long—if they can fasten with Velcro, that would be ideal. You will need an old pair of panties, one that you can destroy, and a long scarf that you can use as a top. You will need a good-sized water bottle with a wide brim, filled with ice, carried by one of the ushers (This is for your nipples.). You will need a small pair of scissors, carried by the usher. You will need a clean rag or hand towel, also carried by the same usher (You will be made to cream several times, and will need cleaning up each time.). You may wish to have a sleep mask, and possibly a ball gag, but these last two are optional. If you do have these last two, then should not be too large; your face should be recognizable while you’re wearing them. The usher will later need a razor and some shaving cream, and also a vibrator with remote control. Also, a red permanent marker, with the finest tip possible, and a black permanent marker with a medium-large tip. If possible, one of the ushers may wish to carry a shock wand.


I suggest that this be done on a Saturday during the daytime, or, if it has to be a weekday, in the early evening. This is so that fewer staff will be present on campus. Your audience should be predominantly students.


You’ll start indoors, with just you and the two ushers present. It should be a room with smooth access to a building exit. A room just down the hall from a front door, for instance, would be ideal.

To begin with, you’ll be wearing only the panties and the scarf around your breast—no shoes or other footwear. You’ll stand on the platform of the dolly, with your back to the dolly’s back. The two ushers will then use the straps to tie your arms to the back of the dolly. Your hands should be behind the dolly—this will cause your breasts and your belly to thrust forward slightly, which will create a provocative appearance. The ushers should then strap your legs to the two bars of the dolly frame, just above your knees, which will cause your thighs to spread slightly. Then they should strap your ankles to the two bars of the dolly’s frame.

At this point, you may wish to have the ushers insert the ball gag in your mouth, to prevent you from speaking. If there is a point at which you wish to change your mind about this whole thing, this will help you prevent it.

Also, you may elect to have the sleep mask or blindfold placed over your eyes. (I went back and forth over this. On the one hand, you might want to see where you’re being taken, so that as you are wheeled to a busy place with a potent audience, you can experience the fear (i.e. thrill) of being brought there against your will. On the other hand, you may wish to use a blindfold. There is admittedly something exciting about feeling yourself being touched and fondled without any idea who the fondler is. Also, the next few days, you can get the residual thrill of going to your classes, looking at your classmates, and wondering if any of them saw you or touched you.)

Now you’re ready to go. One of the ushers will tip the dolly back and push you out the door and along the walkway or parking lot. You’ll be pushed to some spot that’s nearby, but is fairly busy with students. Then you’ll be stood up on the dolly.

Once the usher has the attention of most of the passers-by, he/she will untie the scarf and remove it, exposing your bare breasts. Any one of the passers-by who might wish to touch or caress your breasts is encouraged by the usher to do so. You will doubtless feel a variety of touches from the various hands as they stroke your breasts and tickle your nipples. It is important to listen carefully to all the comments that the passers-by are making about the parts of your body.

From this point on, one of the ushers should periodically wet his finger in the ice-water bottle, then touch and stroke your nipple gently with his fingertip. The cold touch of his finger will help keep your nipple nice and perky, for the enjoyment of the viewers.

The ushers will then take you out to a nearby public space (like the Public Green, or that area between the dining hall and the University center), and, given a sufficient audience, tip the dolly back so that you’re laying down. This will give the audience a chance to kneel down and inspect you. They will have a chance to touch you in various places. You’ll feel them tickle your feet, stroke your thighs, pet your belly, fondle your butt, and, of course, caress your breasts. Once again, listen to all the comments they make as they do so.

If you have the presence of mind to do so, you might find yourself wiggling on the dolly. This will really stimulate your audience, and cause some colorful comment.

After a few minutes, the ushers will tip you back up and wheel you away.

This might be repeated a couple of times, say on the College Green in front of the theater, or in front of the University Tower—anyplace that they can find an appreciative audience.

As an alternative, the ushers may wish to stand the dolly upright, so that you’ll be exhibited standing up. You can decide for yourself which you prefer—the embarrassment of being stood up in plain sight of all, or the helplessness of being laid down. Of course, it won’t make any difference—you’ll be at the mercy of the ushers. They will take you wherever they want, and you will be helpless to stop them.

By now they should have a fairly big audience. At this point, perhaps in the green space behind the Residence Hall, they will stand you up. One of the ushers will take the scissors and snip through the sides of your panties, then remove them from you diaper-style. Your pubic area will now be completely bare, for all the spectators to see and appreciate. After this, the ushers may choose to leave you stood up for a few minutes, or to lay you down. The ushers will encourage the audience to come and inspect you close-up.

At this point, one of the ushers will print on your belly. Using the permanent marker, he will print the text "MY FUCK HOLE" in block capital letters, centered about two inches below your bellybutton, and underneath, an arrow pointing down to your pubic area. The tip of the arrow should not extend into your pubic hair. The block lettering should be no more than one inch tall, so that readers will need to lean their faces close to your pubic mound in order to read it. And of course the marker should be a permanent marker, so that it will not smear when you are made to emit any bodily fluids.

Members of the audience will now be able to come forward and lean over you and feel you. They’ll slide their hands up your thighs and up into your bare crotch. If you’re blindfolded, you won’t see them, but you’ll feel their fingers tracing around your bare labia, and perhaps stimulating your clitoris. You may find yourself groaning and gasping through your nose, and breathing hard during this time. This is perfectly fine—the owner of the finger will enjoy seeing your naked body reacting.

After several minutes of your labia being fondled and touched, the ushers will tip you up (or down) and move you to another area. Here they will repeat the performance, allowing (and even encouraging) members of the audience to touch you. In this entire process, you will probably be made to climax several times. After each time the usher will wipe the residue off your bare crotch with the hand towel, so that your crotch will be nice and clean for the next person.

Occasionally you will feel a finger slip past your labia and inside your vagina. You will feel the finger wiggling inside you, stimulating you considerably. The person doing this will probably be chuckling. This will probably make you moan and squeal, and perhaps try to scream. This is perfectly acceptable. Again, the owner of the finger will find your squirming to be amusing.

Also, occasionally you will hear a beep or click from one of the audience members. This is nothing to be concerned about. It’s just someone with a cellphone taking a picture of your naked body. In fact, at some point, the ushers might stand you up and make you pose while appreciative audience members are allowed to take nude pictures of you. You may find this humiliating.

The perfect combination, of course, is to have someone penetrating you with a finger while several people make videos, panning from your crotch to your face and back. As they do, they can comment about their plans to post the videos on a website, possibly on social media, for as long as they can get away with it. This will give your vagina an even wider audience.

One nice touch might be for one of the ushers to carry a red felt-tipped pen with him. A laundry pen might be best, since it won’t wash off. It should not be the same pen used for the "fuck-hole" message. The ushers can allow various members of the audience to write their initials in small red letters on your body. Then you can look back and be reminded of some of the people who saw and touched you. The usher should caution: initials only, no names.

The ushers should keep taking you around campus for two hours, exhibiting you at various places. As they do, they may elect to touch your bare butt cheek with the shock wand, which will emit a light shock. This will not hurt you, but it will sting you, causing you to yelp as you squirm and wiggle. The audience will enjoy seeing your humiliation as your naked body wiggles helplessly around on the dolly.

At each stop they will either stand you up or lay you down, and will encourage bystanders to grope you and feel you and do things to stimulate your body. After three hours are up, they should wheel you into the residence hall, and un-blindfold you. They should wheel you into the rec room, and untie your feet and legs, and lift you off the dolly and lay you down, face down, on one of the game tables. (A sheet of plastic should be laid on the table ahead of time, to prevent damaging the tabletop.) Then, while they hold you down, they can allow passersby to caress your butt cheeks, possibly even slipping their hands in between them. The ushers will probably spread your butt cheeks for the audience, and invite onlookers to step forward and digitally penetrate you in your anus. This will cause you to squirm helplessly, which will amuse the audience.

After a few minutes of this, they should flip you face up, and secure your wrists up to two corners of the table and your ankles to the other two. It might be easiest if each of the straps could somehow loop around each of your wrists and ankles, then stretch down to the legs of the table. This position will leave you with your legs spread wide open, for the enjoyment of the audience. They should remove the blindfold (but not the ball gag).

Now it’s time to shave you. Since your inclination will be to resist, one of the audience members should hold your legs and your belly down, while another applies a light shaving cream to your pubic hairs. Then, the audience member slowly shaves off your hairs. After he does this, you’ll feel even more naked. Several people should be making videos of you being shaved, for future posting. Be sure to listen carefully, as onlookers will be making stimulating comments about your pubic area.

Now that you’re entirely bare, the ushers will reattach you to the dolly, as before, except that there will be no blindfold this time. An usher will take the vibrator, and insert it up into your vagina, and test the remote control by vibrating you. He may have to move it around manually in order to get it positioned.

Once the vibrator is in place, you will be wheeled back out into the area outside. When you reach a sufficiently public place, the usher will stand you up (or perhaps lay you down), and offer the vibrator to various bystanders. They will take turns making your vagina tingle. Perhaps several of them will figure out how to adjust the speeds on the vibrator. You’ll feel this accordingly. As you are being vibrated, you will probably feel an urge to make various “Ah! Ah! Ah!” sounds and wiggle your body around. Feel free to do so—the audience members will enjoy your humiliation. Once again, several people will undoubtedly video you.

An interesting effect might be had by using the shock wand in conjunction with the vibrator. If one of the audience is vibrating your vagina with the remote, and the shock wand is applied to your buttock at the same moment, it will probably cause you to squeal and wiggle helplessly on the dolly. Your humiliation will be greatly appreciated by the audience.

In the event that the vibrator falls out, one of the bystanders will be happy to re-insert it into you.

Again, the ushers will take you around campus, stopping occasionally to stand you up or lay you down, while they offer the vibrator remote to bystanders. After two more hours of this, you will be returned to the place where you started. The vibrator will be removed, as will the ball-gag. and you’ll be unstrapped from the dolly.

The fun will seem to be over, until you discover pictures and videos of your naked squirming body being distributed across campus. In forthcoming days, you will see students that you don’t even know stop, look at you, and grin knowingly. Occasionally, one of them will make a lewd gesture with his/her hand, and grin at you.

Then you’ll know you made your mark on the campus.

. . . . . . . .
Last edited by Datom on Tue Jul 23, 2024 7:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Campus Humiliation

Post by Datom »

Since submitting this, I edited it a bit, to enhance the humiliation factor. I made the edits right in the text.
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