Alyson's upbringing - Chapter 4 (New)
Posted: Sat Jul 06, 2024 9:26 pm
This is my first story here. Hope you like it and please feel free to give me some feedback so I can improve. I have multiple other stories with other girls, so if this ones goes well, I hope to give you some more enjoyable time with my other characters (and of course, with Alyson as well).
Chapter 1
Alyson was hurrying down the streets, knowing that her mom didn’t like when she was late. She had irrational fear from her even though she was 30. She had her own place, a job with a nice and steady income, and yet, she always felt like a little girl when talking to her mom. Therefore, she hurried down the road so not to be late for a dinner with her boyfriend, her sister, her husband and of course, her mom. She didn’t like family reunions very much, especially due to her sister being spoiled and mom’s favorite. She never understood why everything was expected from her, while her sister got everything served on the plate, despite being older.
She came to the building where her mother lived and ringed on the intercom. The door buzzed, and she went in. She called the elevator and pushed the button for the 6th floor. While going up, she looked at the mirror which was from top to the bottom on the opposite side of the elevator’s door. A girl looking much younger than 30 looked her back. She had pitch black long hair and very pale skin. Friends often compared her to Snow White, despite her hair being much longer. She was very cute, with a beautiful smile and dark eyes. However, she wasn’t in top form, and she hated herself for not finding the time to exercise as much as she wanted to. Her tummy was visible when she wore tight shirts, and her thigs also couldn’t fit most of her jeans when she was younger. Nevertheless, she was smart, witty and didn’t lack self-confidence. Except when it comes to her mom of course. She always kept iron discipline in their home when she and her sister were just kids, and this hasn’t changed much since. The only difference is that Alyson has moved to her own place now, and tried not to see her mom regularly. This dinner was exception to that as her sister also came. She left the elevator, walked to her old place, where now only her mom lived and pressed the doorbell. The door opened few seconds later.
“You’re late.” Her mom said, scanning her from top to bottom with her eyes. “Even your boyfriend came.”
“Nice to see you too mother.” Alyson said and hugged her. Has Daria also arrived?
“Yes yes, both her and her husband. We’re all waiting for you.”
“Now, don’t overreact mom, I’m just 10 minutes late.”
“Being right on time was never one of your virtues.” Her mom grumbled. “Go in the living room, I’ll be there in a sec.”
Alyson stepped out of her shoes, went to the bathroom to wash her hands and then she stepped into the familiar living room. There was a dining table, a couch where her sister Daria set with her husband Marko, and finally a smaller sofa where her boyfriend Mark set.
“And the star of the night finally arrives.” Daria said with that lazy tone of hers.
“Hi sis, long time no see.” Alyson said while sitting next to Mark. “Hey love, sorry for making you wait alone.” she said and then kissed him.
“No problem at all sweetheart, I know how you always tend to make tight schedules for yourself.” Mark laughed while grabbing a beer from the mini-table that was next to the sofa.
“Ok, let’s cut to the chase, shall we?” her mom said while entering the room. “I called you all here because even though you both started to earn money and moved out of here, I still think you are wasting your life, and especially your youth.”
Both Alyson and Daria shared confused looks between themselves, and then back to their mom.
“Yes, I was confused as well how this all turned out, especially given how strictly you were both raised. But obviously I was not strict enough, or this wouldn’t happen.”
“What wouldn’t happen, mom?” Alyson asked.
“You both haven’t yet fully settled and created families. Alyson is 30, no husband, no kids, just some random relationships. And you Daria, you’re 5 years older with only one kid. That is totally unacceptable.”
“I’m sorry mom, but this is the VERY reason I wanted to be free from you as soon as possible.” Jasna said. “And I believe my sister as well.”
“Don’t you dare talking in my name.” Daria panicked. “Mom, she’s out of control.”
“SHUT UP, both of you. And shame on you both.” Her mom shouted. “This is the very behavior which resulted in all this in the first place.” She paced the room “Both of you being spoiled brats, thinking on nothing but yourselves.”
“Ok, I’m leaving.” Alyson started to raise. “No, WE are leaving, right Mark?”
“Hmmm, well, whatever you say I guess…” he started to raise as well.
“Sit down, both of you, or Alyson, you will regret it.” Her mom’s voice was quiet know, which was always a reason for concern. “Mark, dear, you may leave, but I promise you it will be very beneficial, and I dare say, educational, for you to stay.”
They both slowly went down on sofa, Mark being especially confused.
“Mom, why you actually called us?” Alyson asked.
“Silence girl, I’m talking now. You have both been too much unsupervised, and that ends now. Starting with you.”
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me. From now on, I’ll take full responsibility for your behavior, and I’ll bring you in line. This starts with the most critical aspect of it, and that is your sexual life as you’re obviously not acting like a grown-up woman.”
Alyson was stunned. “MOM, I…” She could even hear her sister giggling with her husband.
“I said to keep quiet! You obviously forgot all the proper manners I taught you as a child. No worries, I’ll correct that, again.”
Alyson was just staring at her mom with mouth half-opened, not believing what she was hearing.
“Good, at least you can be silent for a change. Now girl, I want you to remove your shirt.”
“WHAT? No, I won’t do that. No chance!”
“You will do as I said or I’ll disavow you and you won’t inherit anything.”
“You cannot be not serious?”
“Oh, you bet I am. You have tested my patience for far too long. I thought I’ve managed to raise a nice and obedient girl who could one day be a great wife to some lucky man, but I was clearly wrong.” Her mom was now standing in front of her, not noticing her sister still furiously whispering something to her husband.
“Now, I want to examine you, to see whether you’ve gotten chubby. And yes, in front of everyone here.” Her mom then looked at her other daughter. “I want to hear their opinions as well.”
Alyson’s cheeks started to blush. “Mom, please don’t embarrass me like this.”
“If you continue to complain, you’ll regret it dearly. Now, remove your shirt or I’ll remove it for you, and I promise you the former option is better for you.”
She couldn’t believe what was happening to her. She was to be in her bra in front of her mom, sister, her brother-in-law and her boyfriend. She slowly removed her shirt. She was wearing a red lace bra underneath. Suddenly, she was all trembling.
“No wonder why your relationships don’t last when you dress like a cheap whore.” her mom said.
“Yes, she was always acting like some boy-scout, but the reality is totally opposite.” Daria giggled.
“I’m NOT a whore!” Alyson almost shouted. “You’re just jealous of me having better looks and bigger boobs. You always were!”
“At least I’ve always had a flat tummy”
“SILENCE, BOTH OF YOU.” Her mom said. “Daria, not a word from you anymore. I’ll deal with you later.”
Alyson was now shaking with rage. She straightened a bit and was blushing as crazy while trying to cover her breasts as best as possible with her hands. She felt so exposed, especially as she was insecure about her chubbiness.
“No need to cover yourself girl.” Her mom said. “Now remove your bra.”
“No no no, please don’t make me do it.” Alyson suddenly felt tears starting to appear.
“Oh, you’ll do much more than that girl. Now, if I have to repeat myself one more time, I’ll stop asking nicely.”
Sniffing, cheeks burning with shame and feeling completely helpless, Alyson removed her D-cup bra with one hand and immediately covered her breasts with the other. She could see Daria enjoying every moment of her shame. Both men were trying to act nonchalant, but couldn’t help but stare at her.
“Hands by your side.”
Alyson couldn’t believe what was happening. She put her arms down and her big boobs were suddenly exposed to everyone in the room. Both men now openly looked intensely at her dark-red and round nipples.
Her mother stood up and approached her. “Hmmm” she said, “not what I was expecting. Your tits are already starting to drop. Although…” she took one Alyson’s boob in her hand and pulled it up. “… it might be due to the fact that they’re bigger than average.” She let the boob fall down. Alyson just wanted to disappear from shame she was feeling.
“I doubt she wears bra all the time when outside, mom”. Daria snickered, “She probably enjoys showing off.”
“That’s not true”, Alyson started to feel anger boiling in her. “Mom, she cannot…”
“Silence, both of you.” Her mom said. “Daria, If I hear another word from you, I’ll start with you.”
Daria mimicked zipping her mouth with an evil smile towards Alyson, and started to whisper in her husband’s ear again, who still couldn’t stop staring at Alyson’s boobs.
“Hands behind your head girl.”
“Mom, ple…”
“Now!” Again, that quite tone that Alyson remembered so well from her childhood.
She sniffed once more and raised her arms above her head. Her boobs were immediately pulled-up a bit.
“Mark, come here please.”
“MOM, N…”
Alyson looked at her feet and tried to avoid looking into anyone’s eyes. She heard her boyfriend approaching.
“Can you take her boobs by her nipples, raise them and tell me if you think her boobs weight equally?”
Alyson couldn’t believe she was to be inspected like some kind of… animal. She was losing all of her dignity. Mark slowly approached, and even though she closed her eyes due to not being able to stand the shame while looking her boyfriend in his eyes, she felt him taking her by her nipples. She gasped but remained standing still.
Suddenly, she heard a loud crack, followed by a sharp pain on her left cheek. She opened her eyes in shock.
“You DIRTY girl”, her mom was furious. “Your nipples are turning hard. Are you enjoying being displayed like this?”
“No mom, please, I’m not. It’s just a natural reac…”
“SHAME ON YOU! Disgusting little girl! Who knows how many times you’ve exposed yourself like this to who knows how many men.”
“No, no, no, I didn’t, I swear.”
*CRACK* Alyson felt her other cheek burning. She was still somehow standing in position. She noticed Mark standing aside now, his look moving between her face and her boobs.
“Be silent girl! You obviously lost all of your dignity long time ago if such things turn you on. Let me do something about it!”
Her mom than start slapping her breasts, first left, then right.
Alyson was now openly crying and pleading for her mom to stop, trying to keep position with her hands behind her head, but as her boobs started to get more and more red, she started to bounce from leg to leg to relieve the pain. Unfortunately, that just caused her boobs to bounce up and down which provided quite a spectacle for everyone else. Daria was now openly laughing. “I told you mom; she needs a good lesson to keep her in line from being a whore.”
When her mom finally stopped, her boobs were all red and her nipples erect as never before.
“Mom, please, no more, PLEASE.” She felt her boobs now tingling and she didn’t know which was redder, her face or her boobs.
“I still see that you enjoy this.” Her mom was furious.
“No mom, I don’t, it hurts so much, please no more.”
“Let’s see what others think.” Her mom now turned to the three of them. “Alyson will now come to each of you, with her hands on her head. She will then present her boobs for you to inspect, and ask each one of you whether you think she was punished enough.”
Alyson felt dizzy. “Mom, I… ”
Her mom raised her hand and looked her in the eyes. “If she fails to do this, she will regret it dearly”
Still crying, burning with shame and injustice, being totally naked from her waist up, she first slowly walked few steps to her boyfriend. “Mark, do you think I have been punished enough?” she almost whispered, while looking at her feet.
“Look him in the eyes and be louder.” Her mom said. “I said I’ll teach you how to be a proper wife, and this is how we start.”
Alyson raised her eyes to look at her boyfriend, and asked again – “Mark, do you think I have been punished enough?”
He caressed her red boobs a bit, and wiped her tears.
“Yes, I think you have been punished properly, and I’m also happy to have such a brave girlfriend.”
She immediately felt smaller, like a little girl, but she was also so grateful for his words. For some unknown reason, she wanted him to be proud of her. Now, with more courage, she approached her sister’s husband.
“Adam, do you think I have been punished enough?” she said, and at the same time, moved her elbows a bit more behind, which pushed her boobs a bit higher for him to inspect.
“I won’t touch them Alyson, but I believe they’re as hot as they are red.” he said with a smirk on his face. “But yes, I believe the punishment was enough.”
Finally, she came to her sister who was now not smirking anymore. She sighed deeply, closed her eyes for a bit, and then looked her sister in the eyes. “Daria, do you think I have been punished enough?”
Daria looked back at her and started to caress her boobs.
“Oh, you poor little…” and then suddenly she reached for her nipples and twisted them hard in opposite directions. “…WHORE!” she screamed. Alyson tried to step back, but her nipples were suddenly burning. Daria twisted them a bit more, provoking a yelp from Alyson. “You enjoyed showing off your boobs to my husband, didn’t you?”
“No, sis, I didn’t, I swear…” Alyson pleaded, her legs starting to shake a bit from pain.
“Don’t lie to me!” Daria shouted. And then she squeezed one nipple even harder, while starting to slap her other boob. *SMACK*, *SMACK*, *CRACK*, *SMACK*, *CRACK*, *SMACK*, *CLAP*, *SMACK*. At the same time, Alyson couldn’t move away, and she still kept her hands behind her head, starting to cry again, begging her sister to stop. Daria then took her now deep-red boob by the nipple, twisted, causing Alyson to scream in pain, and then started to spank her other boob *SMACK*, *CRACK*, *SMACK*, *SMACK*, *WHACK*, *SMACK*, *SMACK*, *CLAP*. All the time, nobody moved, and everyone just watched in shock older sister slapping the younger one’s boobs, while Alyson trying to free herself and at the same time begging her sister to stop.
Finally, Daria stopped, and Alyson was crying, her eyes now as red as her boobs. Suddenly, there was rage in her, and she removed her hand from behind her head, wishing nothing more than to hit her sister back.
“Stop girl!”
“But mom, you saw what she did to me.”
“Yes, I saw. However, I said not to remove your hands behind your head. Now, put them back in place.”
“But m…”
“Now girl!”
During the exchange, Daria had a half-smile on her face, clearly enjoying younger sister’s pain. Alyson slowly returned her hands behind her back. She looked down at her boobs, both being red and nipples being as straight as arrows. This couldn’t possibly turn her on… Could it?
“Now, thank your sister for punishing you.”
“Now girl, or I’ll let her continue.”
You didn’t even stop her, Alyson thought, but managed not to say it out loud. She faced Daria and looked her in the eyes.
“Thanks sister, for punishing me.” She was shaking from both shame of thanking her sister for beating her and from her own body betraying her by being horny for some reason.
Daria smiled. “Anytime.”
“Now girl, let’s continue where we stopped.” Her mom said. “Lower your jeans.”
Chapter 1
Alyson was hurrying down the streets, knowing that her mom didn’t like when she was late. She had irrational fear from her even though she was 30. She had her own place, a job with a nice and steady income, and yet, she always felt like a little girl when talking to her mom. Therefore, she hurried down the road so not to be late for a dinner with her boyfriend, her sister, her husband and of course, her mom. She didn’t like family reunions very much, especially due to her sister being spoiled and mom’s favorite. She never understood why everything was expected from her, while her sister got everything served on the plate, despite being older.
She came to the building where her mother lived and ringed on the intercom. The door buzzed, and she went in. She called the elevator and pushed the button for the 6th floor. While going up, she looked at the mirror which was from top to the bottom on the opposite side of the elevator’s door. A girl looking much younger than 30 looked her back. She had pitch black long hair and very pale skin. Friends often compared her to Snow White, despite her hair being much longer. She was very cute, with a beautiful smile and dark eyes. However, she wasn’t in top form, and she hated herself for not finding the time to exercise as much as she wanted to. Her tummy was visible when she wore tight shirts, and her thigs also couldn’t fit most of her jeans when she was younger. Nevertheless, she was smart, witty and didn’t lack self-confidence. Except when it comes to her mom of course. She always kept iron discipline in their home when she and her sister were just kids, and this hasn’t changed much since. The only difference is that Alyson has moved to her own place now, and tried not to see her mom regularly. This dinner was exception to that as her sister also came. She left the elevator, walked to her old place, where now only her mom lived and pressed the doorbell. The door opened few seconds later.
“You’re late.” Her mom said, scanning her from top to bottom with her eyes. “Even your boyfriend came.”
“Nice to see you too mother.” Alyson said and hugged her. Has Daria also arrived?
“Yes yes, both her and her husband. We’re all waiting for you.”
“Now, don’t overreact mom, I’m just 10 minutes late.”
“Being right on time was never one of your virtues.” Her mom grumbled. “Go in the living room, I’ll be there in a sec.”
Alyson stepped out of her shoes, went to the bathroom to wash her hands and then she stepped into the familiar living room. There was a dining table, a couch where her sister Daria set with her husband Marko, and finally a smaller sofa where her boyfriend Mark set.
“And the star of the night finally arrives.” Daria said with that lazy tone of hers.
“Hi sis, long time no see.” Alyson said while sitting next to Mark. “Hey love, sorry for making you wait alone.” she said and then kissed him.
“No problem at all sweetheart, I know how you always tend to make tight schedules for yourself.” Mark laughed while grabbing a beer from the mini-table that was next to the sofa.
“Ok, let’s cut to the chase, shall we?” her mom said while entering the room. “I called you all here because even though you both started to earn money and moved out of here, I still think you are wasting your life, and especially your youth.”
Both Alyson and Daria shared confused looks between themselves, and then back to their mom.
“Yes, I was confused as well how this all turned out, especially given how strictly you were both raised. But obviously I was not strict enough, or this wouldn’t happen.”
“What wouldn’t happen, mom?” Alyson asked.
“You both haven’t yet fully settled and created families. Alyson is 30, no husband, no kids, just some random relationships. And you Daria, you’re 5 years older with only one kid. That is totally unacceptable.”
“I’m sorry mom, but this is the VERY reason I wanted to be free from you as soon as possible.” Jasna said. “And I believe my sister as well.”
“Don’t you dare talking in my name.” Daria panicked. “Mom, she’s out of control.”
“SHUT UP, both of you. And shame on you both.” Her mom shouted. “This is the very behavior which resulted in all this in the first place.” She paced the room “Both of you being spoiled brats, thinking on nothing but yourselves.”
“Ok, I’m leaving.” Alyson started to raise. “No, WE are leaving, right Mark?”
“Hmmm, well, whatever you say I guess…” he started to raise as well.
“Sit down, both of you, or Alyson, you will regret it.” Her mom’s voice was quiet know, which was always a reason for concern. “Mark, dear, you may leave, but I promise you it will be very beneficial, and I dare say, educational, for you to stay.”
They both slowly went down on sofa, Mark being especially confused.
“Mom, why you actually called us?” Alyson asked.
“Silence girl, I’m talking now. You have both been too much unsupervised, and that ends now. Starting with you.”
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me. From now on, I’ll take full responsibility for your behavior, and I’ll bring you in line. This starts with the most critical aspect of it, and that is your sexual life as you’re obviously not acting like a grown-up woman.”
Alyson was stunned. “MOM, I…” She could even hear her sister giggling with her husband.
“I said to keep quiet! You obviously forgot all the proper manners I taught you as a child. No worries, I’ll correct that, again.”
Alyson was just staring at her mom with mouth half-opened, not believing what she was hearing.
“Good, at least you can be silent for a change. Now girl, I want you to remove your shirt.”
“WHAT? No, I won’t do that. No chance!”
“You will do as I said or I’ll disavow you and you won’t inherit anything.”
“You cannot be not serious?”
“Oh, you bet I am. You have tested my patience for far too long. I thought I’ve managed to raise a nice and obedient girl who could one day be a great wife to some lucky man, but I was clearly wrong.” Her mom was now standing in front of her, not noticing her sister still furiously whispering something to her husband.
“Now, I want to examine you, to see whether you’ve gotten chubby. And yes, in front of everyone here.” Her mom then looked at her other daughter. “I want to hear their opinions as well.”
Alyson’s cheeks started to blush. “Mom, please don’t embarrass me like this.”
“If you continue to complain, you’ll regret it dearly. Now, remove your shirt or I’ll remove it for you, and I promise you the former option is better for you.”
She couldn’t believe what was happening to her. She was to be in her bra in front of her mom, sister, her brother-in-law and her boyfriend. She slowly removed her shirt. She was wearing a red lace bra underneath. Suddenly, she was all trembling.
“No wonder why your relationships don’t last when you dress like a cheap whore.” her mom said.
“Yes, she was always acting like some boy-scout, but the reality is totally opposite.” Daria giggled.
“I’m NOT a whore!” Alyson almost shouted. “You’re just jealous of me having better looks and bigger boobs. You always were!”
“At least I’ve always had a flat tummy”
“SILENCE, BOTH OF YOU.” Her mom said. “Daria, not a word from you anymore. I’ll deal with you later.”
Alyson was now shaking with rage. She straightened a bit and was blushing as crazy while trying to cover her breasts as best as possible with her hands. She felt so exposed, especially as she was insecure about her chubbiness.
“No need to cover yourself girl.” Her mom said. “Now remove your bra.”
“No no no, please don’t make me do it.” Alyson suddenly felt tears starting to appear.
“Oh, you’ll do much more than that girl. Now, if I have to repeat myself one more time, I’ll stop asking nicely.”
Sniffing, cheeks burning with shame and feeling completely helpless, Alyson removed her D-cup bra with one hand and immediately covered her breasts with the other. She could see Daria enjoying every moment of her shame. Both men were trying to act nonchalant, but couldn’t help but stare at her.
“Hands by your side.”
Alyson couldn’t believe what was happening. She put her arms down and her big boobs were suddenly exposed to everyone in the room. Both men now openly looked intensely at her dark-red and round nipples.
Her mother stood up and approached her. “Hmmm” she said, “not what I was expecting. Your tits are already starting to drop. Although…” she took one Alyson’s boob in her hand and pulled it up. “… it might be due to the fact that they’re bigger than average.” She let the boob fall down. Alyson just wanted to disappear from shame she was feeling.
“I doubt she wears bra all the time when outside, mom”. Daria snickered, “She probably enjoys showing off.”
“That’s not true”, Alyson started to feel anger boiling in her. “Mom, she cannot…”
“Silence, both of you.” Her mom said. “Daria, If I hear another word from you, I’ll start with you.”
Daria mimicked zipping her mouth with an evil smile towards Alyson, and started to whisper in her husband’s ear again, who still couldn’t stop staring at Alyson’s boobs.
“Hands behind your head girl.”
“Mom, ple…”
“Now!” Again, that quite tone that Alyson remembered so well from her childhood.
She sniffed once more and raised her arms above her head. Her boobs were immediately pulled-up a bit.
“Mark, come here please.”
“MOM, N…”
Alyson looked at her feet and tried to avoid looking into anyone’s eyes. She heard her boyfriend approaching.
“Can you take her boobs by her nipples, raise them and tell me if you think her boobs weight equally?”
Alyson couldn’t believe she was to be inspected like some kind of… animal. She was losing all of her dignity. Mark slowly approached, and even though she closed her eyes due to not being able to stand the shame while looking her boyfriend in his eyes, she felt him taking her by her nipples. She gasped but remained standing still.
Suddenly, she heard a loud crack, followed by a sharp pain on her left cheek. She opened her eyes in shock.
“You DIRTY girl”, her mom was furious. “Your nipples are turning hard. Are you enjoying being displayed like this?”
“No mom, please, I’m not. It’s just a natural reac…”
“SHAME ON YOU! Disgusting little girl! Who knows how many times you’ve exposed yourself like this to who knows how many men.”
“No, no, no, I didn’t, I swear.”
*CRACK* Alyson felt her other cheek burning. She was still somehow standing in position. She noticed Mark standing aside now, his look moving between her face and her boobs.
“Be silent girl! You obviously lost all of your dignity long time ago if such things turn you on. Let me do something about it!”
Her mom than start slapping her breasts, first left, then right.
Alyson was now openly crying and pleading for her mom to stop, trying to keep position with her hands behind her head, but as her boobs started to get more and more red, she started to bounce from leg to leg to relieve the pain. Unfortunately, that just caused her boobs to bounce up and down which provided quite a spectacle for everyone else. Daria was now openly laughing. “I told you mom; she needs a good lesson to keep her in line from being a whore.”
When her mom finally stopped, her boobs were all red and her nipples erect as never before.
“Mom, please, no more, PLEASE.” She felt her boobs now tingling and she didn’t know which was redder, her face or her boobs.
“I still see that you enjoy this.” Her mom was furious.
“No mom, I don’t, it hurts so much, please no more.”
“Let’s see what others think.” Her mom now turned to the three of them. “Alyson will now come to each of you, with her hands on her head. She will then present her boobs for you to inspect, and ask each one of you whether you think she was punished enough.”
Alyson felt dizzy. “Mom, I… ”
Her mom raised her hand and looked her in the eyes. “If she fails to do this, she will regret it dearly”
Still crying, burning with shame and injustice, being totally naked from her waist up, she first slowly walked few steps to her boyfriend. “Mark, do you think I have been punished enough?” she almost whispered, while looking at her feet.
“Look him in the eyes and be louder.” Her mom said. “I said I’ll teach you how to be a proper wife, and this is how we start.”
Alyson raised her eyes to look at her boyfriend, and asked again – “Mark, do you think I have been punished enough?”
He caressed her red boobs a bit, and wiped her tears.
“Yes, I think you have been punished properly, and I’m also happy to have such a brave girlfriend.”
She immediately felt smaller, like a little girl, but she was also so grateful for his words. For some unknown reason, she wanted him to be proud of her. Now, with more courage, she approached her sister’s husband.
“Adam, do you think I have been punished enough?” she said, and at the same time, moved her elbows a bit more behind, which pushed her boobs a bit higher for him to inspect.
“I won’t touch them Alyson, but I believe they’re as hot as they are red.” he said with a smirk on his face. “But yes, I believe the punishment was enough.”
Finally, she came to her sister who was now not smirking anymore. She sighed deeply, closed her eyes for a bit, and then looked her sister in the eyes. “Daria, do you think I have been punished enough?”
Daria looked back at her and started to caress her boobs.
“Oh, you poor little…” and then suddenly she reached for her nipples and twisted them hard in opposite directions. “…WHORE!” she screamed. Alyson tried to step back, but her nipples were suddenly burning. Daria twisted them a bit more, provoking a yelp from Alyson. “You enjoyed showing off your boobs to my husband, didn’t you?”
“No, sis, I didn’t, I swear…” Alyson pleaded, her legs starting to shake a bit from pain.
“Don’t lie to me!” Daria shouted. And then she squeezed one nipple even harder, while starting to slap her other boob. *SMACK*, *SMACK*, *CRACK*, *SMACK*, *CRACK*, *SMACK*, *CLAP*, *SMACK*. At the same time, Alyson couldn’t move away, and she still kept her hands behind her head, starting to cry again, begging her sister to stop. Daria then took her now deep-red boob by the nipple, twisted, causing Alyson to scream in pain, and then started to spank her other boob *SMACK*, *CRACK*, *SMACK*, *SMACK*, *WHACK*, *SMACK*, *SMACK*, *CLAP*. All the time, nobody moved, and everyone just watched in shock older sister slapping the younger one’s boobs, while Alyson trying to free herself and at the same time begging her sister to stop.
Finally, Daria stopped, and Alyson was crying, her eyes now as red as her boobs. Suddenly, there was rage in her, and she removed her hand from behind her head, wishing nothing more than to hit her sister back.
“Stop girl!”
“But mom, you saw what she did to me.”
“Yes, I saw. However, I said not to remove your hands behind your head. Now, put them back in place.”
“But m…”
“Now girl!”
During the exchange, Daria had a half-smile on her face, clearly enjoying younger sister’s pain. Alyson slowly returned her hands behind her back. She looked down at her boobs, both being red and nipples being as straight as arrows. This couldn’t possibly turn her on… Could it?
“Now, thank your sister for punishing you.”
“Now girl, or I’ll let her continue.”
You didn’t even stop her, Alyson thought, but managed not to say it out loud. She faced Daria and looked her in the eyes.
“Thanks sister, for punishing me.” She was shaking from both shame of thanking her sister for beating her and from her own body betraying her by being horny for some reason.
Daria smiled. “Anytime.”
“Now girl, let’s continue where we stopped.” Her mom said. “Lower your jeans.”