Basketball With The Seniors TRYOUT by SadieZay

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Basketball With The Seniors TRYOUT by SadieZay

Post by PhilMarlowe »

SadieZay wrote: Basketball With The Seniors TRYOUT by SadieZay

Hey guys so quick little message, I'm going to be writing the final/fifth chapter for Surprised At Ballet Class tonight or tomorrow.
Also this story is in a boy's POV. As you can see I've named it "Basketball With The Seniors TRYOUT." Next after the tryout will be (story name) Practice #1, just in case you get confuzzled in the next few chapters.
Thanx :)

As a 14 year old freshman, I was beyond excited to play on the basketball team with the seniors -- that is, if I could get in after the try-out. I have been playing b-ball since I was 10. I have been practicing like non-stop with the puny little net I have in my front yard. I'm so ready for an actual gym to play in.
As I approach the gymnasium, I see some, to be honest, really hot senior girls. Checking them out from behind, I almost stumble on the gravelly pavement. My bright white shorts practically gleam in the sunlight. I adjust my white headband and push open the doors. I gaze at the shiny floor and medal-coated walls. I could get used to this. A group of senior boys huddles on the side. Where are all the freshmen? And why are there.....girls here? Thinking about my questions, I set my bag down on the bleachers. The coach toys with his pen and paper.
"Um, excuse me sir, where are all the freshmen?" The coach looks up and eyes my outfit with one eyebrow raised,
"Well, it looks like you're the only one, son." He replies. I nod nervously,
"And....uh....why are g-girls here?" I ask. The coach's eyes shoot up from his paper, and all the student's chatter stops. Everyone stares at me with a blank expression.
"If you haven't heard yet, girls are now allowed to play with guys." A senior girl with a brunette ponytail and burning green eyes snaps.
"O-oh, cool!" I reply, my cheeks burning at the attention.
"Let's start." The coach declares.
We do warmups, a few drills, take a few shots. Then we're separated into two teams. The brunette girl is on my team, with two other girls and a few senior boys. I make a shot and score a point for the team, but no one high fives me like they do to the others. Some blonde girl trips me after the practice-game, and my knee burns. She struts away with the brunette and a black girl.
Finally the coach has made a final decision and orders all 17 of us to line up. He posts who got accepted on the chalk board. I rush to the chalk board. The brunette girl, who's name is Katelyn, the blonde girl, Alex, and the black girl, Zayla, are accepted. The only two that are not accepted are a senior named Justin Wait, there's only 14 team players...we need one more. Justin asks the coach about it. The coach says Justin and I must face-off until one of us gets 3 shots. Whoever wins is on the team.
We position ourselves and the brunette and her squad cheers on Justin, of course. I make a shot. Another, 2 minutes later. Justin makes a shot after that. Then he makes another. The brunette and her squad is going crazy. Then, after 2 minutes of tossing the ball, I throw it with all my strength at the net. I make it!!!! The brunette and her squad freezes, glaring at me and the net. The coach nods his head and writes my name on the board. I smile at my name on the board.
"Nice job, Zack, man." Justin says, patting me on the back.
After collecting my things, I walk outside and lean on the fence, texting my mom the good news. Suddenly, I'm attacked by a blur of brown and red. My wrists are handcuffed to the chain-link fence. I jerk my head to the left, taking a peek of my attacker. Katelyn, Alex, and Zayla. Oh no....
"So, you think you're better than us girls and then you beat my boyfriend, is that it, fag?" Katelyn says,
"No no, I'm not trying to offend anyone I'm just a freshman and --"
"Shut up, dumbass." Alex interrupts.
"You deserve something...bad...." Katelyn teases me.
"You know, you've been a naughty boy, Zacky." Katelyn continues, "you deserve a good spanking."
"What? No I'm too old for that! Girls please just stop!" I plead,
"Shut up or we'll put a gag on you, faggot!'
"What's your number on the team?" Zayla questions,
"Why?" I ask,
"What is it?!" Zayla demands,
"15!" I yelp.
"15 smacks then." Alex decides.
Soon they bend down to take a look at my short white shorts, and stand back up.
"Ready faggot?" Katelyn says,
"No please!!' I beg.
"Ask us to spank you."
"Please spank me." I cry,
"Oh sure. Gladly."
Finally Katelyn whacks my butt. The material barely covers the pain. I flinch. Then they take turns, spanking my butt harder and harder. When it gets to 15 I am holding back my tears of pain.
"That will teach you not to mess with us or my boyfriend!" Katelyn says.
"Don't get in our way tomorrow or we'll make this happen again tomorrow!" Alex declares.
"See you tomorrow, tightly-whites." Zayla says as they unlock the cuffs, laughing.

Hope you guys enjoyed the tryout part. Next part will be either tomorrow or the next day. Unless I'm feeling different, and it would be tonight. :)
Love, Sadie <3
Jeepman89 wrote: love it! by Jeepman89

Love the story so far. Please continue soon.
Samuel wrote: Part 2 by Samuel

When is part 2 coming
SadieZay wrote: Quick note. by SadieZay

So unfortunately whenever I post part two, it crashes. It's pretty long. I can only post short sections. I've been trying to sort out the problem but in the meantime please check out my other stories <3 love ya all.
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