Telar vs Cycle: School Wars by SwimKid

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Telar vs Cycle: School Wars by SwimKid

Post by PhilMarlowe »

SwimKid wrote: Telar vs Cycle: School Wars by SwimKid

The two schools of my city are in war. Its cycle Vs Telar. The students cant fight with punches, because that got the police involved, so they instead thought of another, much much embarrasing way.

In this compilation of short stories I promise to show you how the students from the Telar High school embarras the students in Cycle Highschool, but that will not go without a payback.

The stories arent related, so you can read whichever one you like :D
SwimKid wrote: Blocked Street, part one by SwimKid

Oh thank god History class had ended. It was such a boring subject. In fact, thank god the day had ended. Cycle
School was very tiring. Specialnow that my class and I were in 9nth grade. Apparently, the switch from beign 13
to 14 makes your brain much stronger so get much more work. "Aparently.".

Anyways, after I said goodbye to my friends, I put my Vitz earbuds on, some Music from my favourite artist,
Dyar. And once that was set, I started my walk back home. I was two blocks in when suddenly I saw how the
street I had to cross was blocked. They were reparing it. Crap. I'd have to pass right next to Telar School,
and right next to their "tough" students.

Now, for the veterans, you already new that Cycle school is the outright rival to Telar school, and a constant
"war" is kept in between the schools. Stories say that many years ago, students fought each other, but once
police got involved, the students switched to another from of keeping the war alive...

I was almost done crossing next to Telar, I thought that I had gotten away. Pffft, that'd be too lucky for me.
A few steps after that thought crossed my mind, I heard a gang of three girls calling me from a dark-ish alley
between Telar and a random house. I tried running away, but my path was blocked by two other girls.

-Well, well well, what do we have here? -One of them said.
-Girls, just pleeeeease let me go, I dont want to take part in this dumb war -I asked almost begging for mercy.
-Well, maybe you dont want to, but we sure as hell do, so you are coming with us, wether you like it or not.

I figured not complaining and following their orders would be the best way I could handle the situation. Maybe
If I got lucky they'd let me go quickly. The two girls who crossed my path, guided me back to the alley. Once
inside I realized that it had a kind of corner that wasnt visible from the street. We went to stand there, and
a girl of the gang of five ran off to close a high fence I hadnt seen, sealing my chances of scape with it.

-Okay, you understand that you have no chance fighting us, little Cycle boy -Said the girl in the middle of the
five. I assumed she was the leader.
-Y... Yes -I said with a trembling voice.
-Okay, good little cycle boy -She continued- Now hand us your bag.

I did as I was told, and gave the girl to my left the bag I was carrying.

-Oh wow, you are a really good little cycle boy -She teased- Maybe you wont put up the same fight as the other guy.
-Okay -the leader proceeded- Now take off those shoes and socks and hand them to my friend Sally.

I took them off and gave them to a cute bloned girl to my right who apparently was sally.

-Now the same with your shirt and pants.
-Please girls, dont make me do this -I begged.
-Do it now, or we'll do it for you.

I figured I had no choice. I pulled my white shirt over my head, which blinded me for a second. When I got it
off completly, I saw that one of the girls was now filming the whole event. I blushed just at the idea of me in
just my underwear being recorded. I was only showing my upper part of my body, yet it felt like I was already
showing too much. I was also embarrassed by the fact that with barely any hair in my armpits, I did look a lot

Oh, but that was just starting. Now the worse part came in. The five girls stared with excitment when I had to
pull my pants down. I shyly and slowly did it. I could already hear some giggles coming from the small crowd
and my pants were only at my knees! But I had to keep going, I didnt want to risk the chance of the girls doing
something much worse to me.

My pants were at my ankles, revealing a pair of pale skinny legs, and the worst part of all, showing off my
childish cartoony briefs. I should've thrown them out a long time ago, but I hadnt. Once I stepped out of my
pants the girls were laughing uncontrolably, and I was burning with shame, also uncontrolably. I handed my
clothing to a girl who was randomly close to me and covered myself.

-Na ah -One of the girls said, she wasnt the leader, but had as much of an effect over me-No covering, we want to see you keep your hands over your head, stretched as far as you can.

I hesitantly put my hands like she said. I didnt want to, it left me in such a vulnerable pose, showing
everything, not covering a single bit of my embarrassment, but they had pictures and videos. Now that I was in the position they wanted, the girls got closer to inspect me.

-So how old are you, little cycle boy? -Said the leader
-Really? This undies say something else... -She teased.
-Maybe we should see if whats under the undies says 14 -Said another girl from the crowd.

The five girls cheered and got a step back to enjoy the show and as If I had forgotten the camera girl shook
it. I didnt want to. But I had to. But I couldnt, Id be so embarrassed. But I'd be more embarrassed if everyone in school saw me in my marvel briefs.

Part 2 coming up tomorrow ;)
SwimKid wrote: The Babysitter isnt always in control: Part one by SwimKid

-But mom, We are too old to have a babysitter -I complained.
When you are fourteen years old you feel too old for a lot of things, but turns out you are also too young for many others. This was the situation my sister and I were in. Our mom had to leave for a buisness meeting and our dad had abbandoned us long ago.
-Jennifer, we already talked about this, Im not going to leave you and your sister alone at night. Plus Im sure you'll have a fun time with this guy, he isnt a boring babysitter.
-Uuuugh Fine, I do sure hope so.
I decided to give up after having the same conversation three times today already. Neither me nor my sister were super happy when our mom told us that we'd be babysat by some guy while she was out. We were obviously old enough to take care of ourselfs. Whoever that babysitter was, wasnt in for a fun time. He had obviously convinced our mother to have him babysit us, since she had left us for ourselfs in her last trip.

I ran upstairs to my room, who I shared with my twin sister lilly, and informed her about my discussion with mom. Just like she expected, we werent getting out of this one, so we proceeded to plan what we were going to do to this babysiter guy to avenge this night that could've been a night of partying, drinking and flirting.
But before I go on with the events that will happen tonight, let me introduce myself and my sister lilly:

To start off, let me debscribe me; Im really happy with how I look. Im average in height, but my curves are really well developed fo my age, they do certenly make me look older than fourteen. My long blonde hair and rounded face are the only things that keep me looking much older than what I actually am.

As for my sister, she is tall and certenly does have a nice body, but I got the favorable side of the genetic roulete. Dont get me wrong, she is cute and all, but with her dark hair and height, many people just think she is a tall 12 year old girl. And a lot of people have a really hard time trusting me when I say we are twins.

Anyway, my dear reader, Im sure that now that you know how good I look are really anxious to continue with the story, and who am I to keep you from that privilege? Lets continue...

So the minutes quickly turned to hours and the moment had come. I heard the bell rang and my mom quickly rushed to open it. She was already running late so very very briefly explained some things to the babysiiter. She then ran to her cab, which had arrived in almost sitcom timing.

And then is when Lilly and I saw him. Our babysitter was a guy our age. Much to my dissapointment, and I guess Lilly's too he seemed like those shy nerds that hide behind a book whenever they have a chance to do something fun. Those that also tend to be pretentious, thinking they are as good as the popular kids like me and Lilly.
I could tell he wasnt expecting to babysit two girls of his own age, and by the way he looked he seemed to be astonished at our aperances, as if he had never seen a hot girl before. God he was such a dork, I was going to enjoy so much executing my plan on him...

-So, girls, Im Swimkid -He started to speak nervously, god it was as if he had never talked to a girl before- which of you is Lilly and which is Jennifer?

-Im Lilly -Said my sister as sharply as she could- You can probably guess who is Jennifer.

-Oh, okay good -He mumbled sounding kinda scared. This was going much better than expected! We have intimidated him in record time!- So, as you can tell Im babysitting you for the night.

-Dont get your hopes so high boy -I said trying to sound angry while at the same time trying to ot break into laughter- You are going to be watching over us at most.

-Uuuuh okay -He was stuttering- What should we do?

It was almost as if he knew our plan and wanted us to succsed! He was luring himself into he bait. Now it was Lilly's turn to act. Its her time to convince the nerd that what we are going to do is actually going to feel nice for him. That is if she stuck to the plan. Lilly often times went wild with her ideas. Some times it paid off, but mostly it didnt.

-I dont know about you two guys, But im going to get changed -Said Lilly.

YES! She was sticking to the plan. While Lilly went up the stairs the nerdy babisitter left his bag and sat in one of our couches. He was nervous and was making an akward silence. I could also tell he looked up to my sister's ass when she went up the stairs. We were going to use that to our advantage.

A few minutes passed and our babysiter didnt even try to form a conversation. I was getting anxious for my sister to get back. God he was a boring guy.

Lilly eventually came downstairs. And boy did she come down with a bang! She was wearing a magician costume we had rented for the night. But it wasnt a simple magician costume. It was a sexy magician costume. Her new clothes showed off her long legs and the top part of her breasts were practicly uncovered. Our nerdy babysitter was speechless.

He laid there doing his best to not get a boner, I asssumed, and trying without much success to stare at my sister's "innapropiate parts" without us noticing. Everything was going acording to the plan, if not even better!

-So, Swimkid -Said my sister trying to sound flirty- Do you like magic?

-Y... yes I do

-Well Im going to put a nice show for you then, but I need your help to perform my first trick.

-Sure, how can I help -He said with a bit more confidence now.

-Well, for this trick Im going to open a pair of cuffs without touching them, but heres the fun part, you will be wearing the cufffs, so you can make sure I dont cheat.

-Uuuh, okay.

-Alright, pass your hands through here

Lilly showed our future victim how he should place his hands between an arc in a table we had. It was a wooden ornament, but it was also great for trapping dummines. Once the dork that was babysitting us foolishly placed his hands like the magician told him, she cuffed him.

Much to our favor, our babysitter was pretty small in size and height so he was perfectly bent over in the table and there was no way he could scape of those cuffs. We had him.

-And now, for the great reveal -Started Lilly- Drum roll please.

I hit the wooden table where our victim was now cuffed trying to recreate the sound of drums for a great reveal

-I have no idea how to do magic -Said Lilly with a great grin on her face- And now you stupid nerd are cuffed at our mercy

-Hahaha, you totally got me girls, but you can untie me now, it was a fun joke.

-Awww how cute, he thinks this is a joke -I said- You see nerd, this is more of a revenge, its obvious that you asked my mother to babysit us, because she had already left us alone for some nights. You made us loose a fun night of partying. And you are going to pay for that.

-Wait Jennifer, I didnt ask your mom...

-Of course you did -My sister cut him off- And now you will be punished, shall we go on with the plan Jennifer?

-Yes! I've been waiting all day for this.
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