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The Castle of Embarassment - Prologue

Posted: Thu Apr 25, 2024 4:43 pm
by Freesub
The Windsor family had resided in their not-so humble abode, their namesake, Windsor Castle for seven generations. However, Windsor castle was only ever mentioned in official documents. The townspeople living near it called it by a completely different name - Castle Embarassment

The name was not given to it randomly, but rather was earned by it after repeated incidents occured in its grounds, where someone was embarassed.
Most often the targets were the daughters of the family, who were normally so modest that even their stomach was never seen. But at the mercy of their castle, the commonfolk saw their knickers, and occasionally even more..
The others were not safe either however. Maids and visiting guests, all were vulnerable to the castle's whims.
Male victims, although also occuring,were much rarer ,and usually were the sons of the family embarassed alongside their sisters.

Now then, let me tell you the tale of the most recent generation of the Windsors- Princess Talia, a lovely, Fair skinned and vivacious 16 year old girl with a beautiful voice and a natural talent for music and dance. She had long black hair that she tied up into a single long braid when dressed formally, but it was when she opened her hair that she truly looked best.

Her breasts, inherited from her mother, were rather large although not outsizeedy, and appeared especially complementary on her short frame. She was not skinny, but certainly not chubby either. Just a well-fed but also well-maintained child of royalty. Being fat was not a feminine thing after all- that was reserved for old men.
Her legs were not the longest, but on her short self they were just right.

Her beauty enraptured many a young lad, but it was her youthful innocence and extremely modest sense of dressing taught by her mother that caused most to imagine what she looked like under the layers. Her butt, constantly covered by layers of dresses she kept pulling down, was wonderfully curved and not too large, giving the boys around more than enough to dream about her.

She spoke politely and respectfully as demanded of a princess, but rumour had it when she met her three closest friends, two princes of nearby Kingdoms and another princess, apparently she had a much more impolite side too, giggling at dirty jokes made by them that her mother would be horrified by.

Oh, and she has a preference for orange knickers and breast bindings. You ask how I know? Well, this is how the tale unfolded-

Re: The Castle of Embarassment - Prologue

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2024 10:38 am
by Freesub
When princess Talia was a young girl or thirteen, her mother had realised that her breasts had begun to grow significantly and this has arranged for a seamstress to take her measurements and get her bindings made.

This, however was where the will of Castle Embarassment reared it's head

At first it was an infection of the seamstress. No matter, a different seamstress could be called. But this mystery illness swept through the town, affecting every woman who was remotely close to working as a tailor.

The bindings were put off for a few days, but Talia's ever-growing body forced her mother's hand, as in the span of a few days her breasts seem to have gotten noticeably bigger, and began to jiggle whenever she walked, causing the poor girl much distress when the boys leered at her.

So, when princess Talia broke down in tears complaining about the problems her breasts were causing, her mother was forced to call for their family's tailor, a male.
Although he was highly trusted and personally stitched her father's royal garments, and had done the same for her till the age of eight, asking him to make breast bindings was a humiliating affair.

Ever a man of his craft, he refused to work with approximate measurements, and said he could not design a garmen Tod the highest quality without accurately measuring her dimensions himself.

Upon being forced this way, Talia's mother gave in, and in what was probably a terribly humiliating experience for Talia, she has to take off her upper robes, showing off her young but already sizeable breasts.