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Unlucky You - Part 4 by Jozza

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2019 10:14 pm
by PhilMarlowe
Jozza wrote: Unlucky You - Part 4 by Jozza

You tighten your muscles as you sense déjà vu – another battle in which you were outnumbered and sure to end up embarrassed and humiliated beyond your greatest nightmares! Yet as you close your eyes in expectation of having your jeans forcibly pulled off to reveal you wegdie, you feel that hands that held you prisoner release you.
You blink quickly, suddenly realising that instead the hungry pack of wolves had gone, not for you, but for your friend, Molly, who had been pretty anonymous most of the night. You’d been so focused you’d actively forgotten about Molly, who dressed in tights, smallish denim shorts, and a nice black and white checked shirt (which made her red hair shine even brighter, as it draped round her shoulders), looked far more cuter than she normally did.
However, her intriguing level of cuteness was no match for Jemma’s pack of girls, who, now including Kate, quickly grabbed a surprised Molly and pulled her onto the bed beside you. As you watched Molly struggle, you used the opportunity to leap up and pull out the wedgie which had been nagging your behind for the last few minutes. You feel a wonderful feeling full of relief as your bottom finally gets some respite from your knickers.
Typically though, your feelings of happiness are shortlived. As you watched Molly squirm like you did a few minutes earlier, you feel your throat go dry in dishonour. The girls had Molly lieing on her back, hands desperately holding onto her denim shorts, of which the button had been pulled off, and the zip was slowly being wound down. You could see the look of terror in her face – Molly didn’t want her knickers exposed to Mark and his cronies as much as you did. How could you be letting this happen to your friend?
Yet you feel completely powerless. All day you’ve haven’t been able to have a positive effect on anyone, let alone actually do something. You’ve been the victim. You decide there’s near nothing you can do – you couldn’t fight off those 4 girls before on your own, what makes you think you could now? Besides, you’d been through the experience of ending up in your panties enough times today.
Still you feel for the usually quiet and reserved Molly, who although cute, struggled to gain attention from boys (mainly due to her being so damn shy and passive). You almost shed a tear for her as you watch her lose her battle with the tight shorts, which are slowly pulled down her thighs. At first you see the white glint of her pants, which are quickly uncovered and shown to the rest of the room. As the shorts arrive at her bent knee’s, the girls try to stretch her legs out while Mark and the boys on the webcam (as well as you and Jemma) get the full view of Molly’s slightly conservative (at least compared to Kate’s slim white thong) pale white bikini panties. You liked the small black polka dots that were visible through the dark tights she was wearing.
Kate held onto to the top of Molly’s shorts as they passed by her feet in a flash. As you watched Kate high 5 Florence, you couldn’t help but despair at how she was selling out her friends to gain access to a new group. This wasn’t right something had to be up.
Molly leant forward, half covering her half covered underwear with one hand, and half reaching out for the return of her shorts. Instead, Kate threw her shorts across the room, to another one of Jemma’s friends. Molly turned around, now on her hands and knee’s, with her rear almost in direct eye contact level with your face. You take in the smooth contours of her ass, slightly annoyed by the tights that block full view. You start to wonder just why Molly doesn’t get more attention.
Molly certainly didn’t want attention right now however, as she charged at Jemma’s friend in a desperate attempt to regain her shorts. Jemma’s friend looked pretty panicked, and taunted Molly right up until the last moment, before quickly chucking the shorts at Jemma.
As Molly turns again, you realise just how this must play into Marks hands. The sight on show must be pretty erotic for the boys, even if they were just watching through a webcam. Mark had done well here.
You looked over at Jemma, now in possession of the shorts, which had almost become some kind of replacement ball in a game of catch, of which Molly was the chaser. Jemma didn’t look happy though. At least not like the other girls. You remember how Mark mentioned “before”, and wondered if that was something to do with it. Maybe Jemma wasn’t as in control as you made out?
Jemma looked dominant in her next move however. As Molly once again lunged towards she suddenly jumped forwards, over and on top of your desperate friend. Molly found herself stuck on the bed, with Jemma lying on top of her. You could see Molly struggiling against the imposing weight on top of her, but the defeat was evident on her face. She almost gave up, easily letting Jemma gradually put her finger tips underneath the top of tights. Within seconds, Jemma was gradually peeling Molly’s tights right off her behind, and within inches of the laptop screen. Mark and his friends could hardly believe it – even Alex was sitting up, his recent humiliation now forgotten in place of Molly’s. As the darker tights were slowly removed, more of the shining underwear was on show. You realise you are actually quite excited to see Molly’s underwear clad bum without the tights, as only now you get a true picture. You have to pinch yourself; you had never noticed how shapely Molly’s bum was. Well, you suppose you had never actually seen it this uncovered, or this close up. The knickers had also bunched in and around Molly’s cheeks, showing more of her pale complexion. You could see the look of shame in Molly’s eyes – she knew that the boys were seeing her at her lowest – completely overpowered. Jemma carried on majestically dragging Molly’s tights down her legs, past her glistening knickers, past her pale calf’s and soon right off her. Molly had truly been pantsed.
Jemma, throwing her tights and shorts to the other side of the room, stood up away from Molly. The ginger girl also pulled herself into a egg like position, shivering in embarrassment. She had brought her legs right up to her chest, and although it might have made her feel safer, it certainly didn’t shield any eyes from her pussy.
Mark and his friends were absolutely wetting themselves through the webcam, partly in tears and partly throw their general horniness. You doubted they’d see what they’d so far tonight many times again. As Molly sat there in just her checked shirt and underwear, Mark pushed Jemma into going the whole way.
“Wow, well done Jemmy, I didn’t think you’d even go that far”.
“Well, you know how, er, we roll” Jemma tried to suavely reply. You could smell the nervousness coming from her voice. She was uncomfortable with this. You didn’t know whether to be happy with Jemma or not. It was her fault your friend was in this position, yet perhaps she didn’t want her to be. Mark was forcing her to do this. He must know something about her that no one else does, no?
“Hey Jemma, I wouldn’t be so confident, you said you’d strip her naked? She’s still got her knickers on!”
And with that the boys on screen started to holler even more, sensing they might be even luckier tonight. As you watched them in semi disgust, you heard Molly emit a high pitched squeal. She was starting to cry. Your poor friend. You really felt for Molly right now. You’d hate to be in her position. Surely Jemma must feel sympathy for Molly. This has to end now.
Andrew wrote: Great series by Andrew

I really love this series! It's got a great story and I hope you get the chance to start writing on it again.