collection wrote:
Dr Kate: Party On by collection
I'm not sure if there are more, but these are the Dr Kate stories I managed to find:
Party On, by Dr Kate
Every year the hospital has a Summer Ball. It's a lavish affair in a grand hotel and the dress is very formal. Everyone goes and is very excited about it in the run up.
This year I picked out an amazing dress. Long, black and floaty with a low neck line and a huge split up the right leg almost too far. It looked great when I tried it on and I'd got a new padded bra for extra confidence.
The day came and everyone looked lovely. They'd all gone to so much effort and it was nice that we could have such an occasion after what we do every day in the Emergency Department.
It is not unusual to go alone as it's for the staff primarily and so it didn't bother me. Everyone was having a good time, letting their hair down and the alcohol was free-flowing.
Unfortunately, some had more than others though. There were two nurses from the department there, Emily and Mandy, who I'd had a little run in with a few days ago, and they were drinking well. They were very attractive and maybe a couple of years older than me. They looked beautiful in their dresses and getting quite some attention with their plunging neck lines. There had been an incident at work and I'd been involved as well as them and it resulted in them both receiving written warnings on their files. They weren't at all pleased and it had all been very stressful. Hopefully, tonight we could put all that behind us and have a good time.
I was, however, a little apprehensive as the approached me. They were merry but a long way from drunk and I'd only had one. They started to have a go at me and it soon developed into a bit of a scene. They were saying that obviously I thought I was better than them and I quickly noticed that we were now the centre of attention. Everyone had stopped talking and was looking at us. Suddenly, Emily said, "Right, let's see what you've got under that pretty dress, then. It must be really nice coz you think you're so special." I protested as much as I could in such a short space of time but in the blink of an eye they each grabbed a side of the slit of my beautiful dress and pulled with all their might. I could hear the gasps from the crowd as my dress was quickly torn from my body. They laughed and laughed and tore my dress into tiny pieces as I looked on in horror. I looked down at my black lacy underwear and wondered if the ground might swallow me whole. I tried to cover my partially clothed form but everyone had seen my underwear now. Everyone stared but no one came to help. I tried to think what I could do, how I could get away but I was surrounded.
Mandy said, "Let's get that bra off and get those titties out for the lads." I was horrified but before I could even say no it was unfastened and removed. I couldn't believe what was happening. Everyone was now looking at my bare naked breasts. I was looking at my bare naked breasts. Surely this was a dream and all my friends and colleagues weren't looking at my bare naked breasts? It wasn't a dream though. I watched my puffy nipples harden in the cool air. In truth I had no breasts, my nipples bobbed up and down if I ran but there was no need for a bra. It was my big secret. My chest was flat and now everyone knew. Everyone was looking at my flat chest and my hard nipples. It would be imprinted in their minds whenever they saw me. I snapped out of my embarrassed trance when I noticed they were all taking photos of my nearly naked body. I covered each nipple with a hand and looked at the crowd with shock and anger. What did they think they were doing? They were supposed to be my friends.
Emily then announced, "Don't worry, we've not finished yet, there's plenty more to see." There was fear in my eyes but hunger in the eyes of the crowd. "There's not been much to see so far, has there? Who knew you had no tits? That's so funny. There's nothing there, are you sure you're old enough to be a doctor?"
I flushed red with shame and there was laughter and giggling and lots of comments from the crowd of friends and colleagues about my tiny tits. I couldn't look at them I was so embarrassed.
Then Emily and Mandy each grabbed a side of my panties. I wanted to stop them and yelled out but didn't want to reveal my breasts again. I couldn't save my panties anyway and they were removed with a loud tearing noise.
The crowd was quiet again as they took in my naked form. I stood in front of all these people now completely naked. It was the stuff of nightmares. Cameras flashed again as my pussy was revealed and on display for their enjoyment. I pushed my thighs together but I stared down and could clearly see my pussy lips. I knew that that meant everyone there could also see my pussy lips. This was horrific and humiliating beyond belief. I looked at the crowd as I stood there naked before them, a hand on each nipple and my pussy on show with tears in my eyes. I saw Tom, a nurse who I'd always fancied a bit but was too shy to accept his offers of dates. He was taking pictures of my naked body with a look of lust in his eyes.
Then Emily said, "Oh no you don't. You're not allowed any sort of covering, we must see all of you. Then we'll all know that underneath you're no better than the rest of us, you're just the same."
Mandy said, "Well, it's clear so far that we're better than she is coz we've got tits and she hasn't." Laughter erupted round the room as she squeezed her handful of tits for the crowd. I would never know what having a handful was like and they knew I was jealous.
I thought they meant I was allowed to cover my breasts but they each grabbed an arm and dragged me over to a table and lay me down. I was flailing wildly trying to escape but lots more hands came to help keep my down. They opened my legs wide so my pussy was displayed. My lips were open and puffy. Emily said I wasn't allowed the privilege of pubic hair, they had to see all of me. I wouldn't be allowed to say I had hair when someone else didn't. I was shocked. I didn't have very much hair but it was a neatly trimmed light covering and gave me some modesty even in this current situation. I screamed that they couldn't do this to me, it was outrageous. No one listened. No one cared. There was only one thought in the room: they were going to shave my pussy bare. Then they'd see it better and enjoy it even more. They held me still and I was cautioned as they skilfully removed my modesty. Tears ran down my cheeks as my bare pussy came into view. My open lips were clearly visible. The pink private folds of my pussy were now not private anymore. Not a hair was left and I was bare at last. They picked me up and took me to a full-length mirror to show me their handiwork.
"You see," said Emily, "Just like everyone else underneath, except now you look like a little girl." she was right, without my pubic hair there were no signs of puberty, no markers of womanhood. They were the bosses now. Just a few minutes ago, I had owned the room. A sexy and beautiful young doctor in an amazing dress, I had respect. Now I'd been stripped and shaved and my clothes had been destroyed. I was nothing. I was a naked little girl alone and afraid. We couldn't carry on like before. They had all seen my downfall and loved every second of it with tons of pictures to prove it.
It wasn't over as they dragged me back to the table and held me down again, legs wide open and pussy once more open wide and displayed to the room. "Let's check out this pussy, then," said Emily. "It's nice but it doesn't look much different to other pussies. Not that special after all are you?" She teasingly ran her fingers around my pussy lips and my breathing sharpened.
"What are you doing?" I asked nervously. Surely they had done their worst and it would soon be over.
"Looks like you're enjoying it," Mandy had drawn everyone's attention to my moistening pussy and my now visible clit. Emily diverted her attention from my lips to my clit. My whole body was tingling and there was a deep force growing within my pussy. She was rubbing my clit in front of all these people. People I had known for years and worked with every day. Only a handful of guys had ever touched my clit and there was nowhere more personal or private. Not any more. Now everyone had seen it and what's more it was being touched by a girl. I twisted and squirmed but it only made her focus more on the rubbing and it made me powerless to resist.
"I'm gonna make you cum in front of all these people," said Emily but I already knew her intentions and my pussy was demanding it by now.
"Please," I managed to murmur, "I'm not that kind of girl." Everyone laughed and Mandy replied, "Oh yes you are, you're no better than anyone else. Anyway, you're a slut and you're enjoying it."
A few more seconds and a few more rubs and I was there. My back arched and I moaned and convulsed with a powerful orgasm. The crowd of friends and colleagues cheered and tears ran down my cheeks. They let go of me and everyone was saying how embarrassing it must be for me.
I was ruined. Stripped naked, shaved bare and masturbated in front of all these people. So many people had seen me cum, my most private moment revealed to the general public. I was ashamed and humiliated but they'd all loved it.
collection wrote:
Dr Kate: Psychiatry placement by collection
When I was only a 3rd-year medical student and only 20 years old, I had to do a psychiatric placement for a couple of months. Daunted by this prospect, I had read up on a pioneering new treatment recently begun in my hospital. Patients detained in the secure unit were given a monthly injection to make them unable to orgasm. This was particularly useful in sexual offenders as the men were also rendered impotent and had the side effect of making all the body hair fall out, but not the hair on the head. It was therefore decided that clothing was unnecessary for these patients as sexual assault or modesty did not seem to be important even in a mixed sex setting.
My placement began with a week of night shifts so I felt a little out of the loop but the locum doctor that I was shadowing was kind and nice. We encountered a girl who was a little older than me on my first night. She was called Beth and seemed to be the top dog amongst the women. She was feisty with shoulder-length blonde hair and was quite petite like me. Her boobs were much bigger than mine though, probably a C cup and very firm. While the doctor was talking to her, she noticed me in the background staring at her boobs. I had much to be jealous of with my flat chest but with padding and uplifting it was not obvious that this was the case. She started to play with her nipples, seemingly absentmindedly, as she talked to the doctor was was in fact teasing me and she could clearly see that I was mesmerised. It was quite strange being one of a few clothed people amongst lots of naked ones. I had been very distracted by the penises blatantly displayed by their owners. Without hair they looked very long and soon after I arrived my panties were soaked through. How was I supposed to concentrate and learn anything?
The doctor was called away quickly to an emergency, leaving me with Beth and her hard nipples. She knew how good her boobs were on her tiny body and how to use them to get what she wanted. She asked me what I thought about the treatment and how I felt being clothed while she was naked; if I felt out of place and overdressed. I was shy and embarrassed but said I thought that it was very effective and appropriate. She said that it was obvious that I thought I was better than her but she would show me we were all the same underneath.
One of the nurses came and shooed her away and took me round the unit. So many naked girls and boys I didn't know where to look. In the morning I lay in my bed, grateful for my clothes and that I wasn't a patient there, forced to be naked for everyone to see.
The second night came and I arrived early for the shift. I came out of the staff room, having left my bag and coat and Beth and 2 of her friends were waiting for me. "Here she is," said Beth, "little miss high and mighty." Alice and Emma came either side of me, touching my hair and my clothes and I felt very uncomfortable. They ushered me into Beth's cell and Beth shut then door behind her. She explained that the nurses and the doctor on duty last night had all been agency staff, so actually no one now knew who I was. She pulled out a file from under her mattress and showed me what was inside. It was a file about me. What was going on? She said they had made a patient file for me saying that I had been transferred into the unit last night. It was all official! Therefore, the only thing that wasn't official now were the clothes I was wearing, as patients had to be naked. My heart was racing and I felt dizzy. What was she saying? I was a patient? But I'm a medical student, not a patient. This couldn't be happening. But it was, as I was snapped back to reality by the sound of my smart blouse torn open. I tried to struggle but they were too much for me by far. The blouse was in pieces, lying on the floor. I stared at it in disbelief. I stared at my bra in disbelief.
Next came my skirt, ripped apart by Alice and Emma from either side against my poor defences. They took my shoes and I stood before them in my underwear. Surely this was a joke. Surely someone would open the door any second and I would be saved. No one was laughing. No one saved me.
Emma unsnapped my bra and slowly it was lowered off my shoulders and my barely AAA chest was revealed. I looked down to see my puffy nipples harden in the cool air. I tried to cover them but after my bra was removed my arms were kept by my sides. They laughed at my tiny tits and Beth said that must've been why I couldn't keep my eyes off her tits the previous night. Now I could see what real tits were like they said. Alice asked me if I was old enough to be a medical student and if mummy knew I was out after dark. They all laughed for ages at my non-existent chest and I was bright red with embarrassment and shame.
Finally, Alice and Emma grabbed a side of my panties each and pulled with all their might. My poor flimsy panties didn't stand a chance and were soon destroyed, leaving me naked at last, just like everyone else. "Not so high and mighty now, are we?" said Beth. "Underneath in fact we are better than you as we have breasts," Beth jeered, as they all shook their pert breasts at me and pointed and giggled at me.
There was just one more thing to do though. I had a sparse light covering of hair providing me with one last shred of modesty. My pussy lips were clearly visible but it was there and I was savouring its protection. While it remained I could still be saved. Someone could still walk in and, seeing my pubic hair they would know something was wrong and everything could be sorted out. No one came though.
Alice and Emma dragged me over to Beth's bed. They pinned me down with my legs wide apart, my pussy on display, and Beth began to shave away my last chance at freedom. My pussy was soaking with shame and humiliation and they all talked about it. I didn't think I could ever be more embarrassed. When it was complete and my pussy was bald, they stood me up and showed me my nudity in the mirror. I was shocked. I looked like a 12-year-old girl. How had a I let this happen? My pussy was bare and my flat chest was revealed. I had no secrets now. I was to be kept naked and I couldn't see any way out. They took a picture of me for the file and it was now complete. My fate was sealed.
Beth said that she had decided to have a bit of fun with me though, and not to give me the treatment just yet. I was to be her play thing and she would ensure that I had enough orgasms to last me through the treatment, something that they had been denied. I stood there naked in front of them and myself in the mirror and Beth began rubbing my clit. I was horrified. I'd been stripped naked, shaved and denied my freedom in this unit. Now she was going to make me cum in front of these girls. I was bright red with shame from head to foot, "I'm not that kind of girl," I said. They laughed as my body shook in no time with pleasure and embarrassment. Oh, yes you are, they all said, you're just like us.
They left me to recover on the floor for a few minutes but the night doctor came in and found me. He was a hunk of a guy, only a few years older than me and he was staring at my naked body. I tried to cover but it was forbidden and I cried and cried. I tried to explain who I was and what was going on and what they'd done to me. Exposed my tiny tits, shaved my pussy bare and then made me cum in front of them. Didn't he know who I was?
He wouldn't believe me. Not a word of it. There was paperwork to prove that I was a patient in the unit and records to back up my delusions. I would not give in but he would not listen any longer. He called for the nurses and I was taken to the punishment cell. I was hung all night by my wrists in shackles from the ceiling and I received 20 lashes for my insolence. I drew quite a crowd. After the lashes, Beth approached me and whispered in my ear, "Who's better now?"
collection wrote:
Dr Kate: Anatomy class by collection
At medical school the was a shortage of bodies donated for dissection so our anatomy lecturer decided to use live models for demonstration purposes.
The week arrived for the female pelvis. We had all enjoyed the male pelvis. Jim had volunteered fairly eagerly to show his dick off to the whole class and by the end of the session we all knew his body intimately and were all amazed when he jerked off in the name of science.
And so it was the girls' turn. Surprisingly there were no volunteers at all and so to be fair a ballot was constructed. All the girls' names were placed into a hat and Jim had the honour of picking the lucky winner. I nearly died when I heard him say Kate. My heart stopped beating and everything went quiet. Surely he didn't call my name. Then everyone turned to me so there was no doubt and started cheering me on. I had to be dragged out to the front of the class as my legs wouldn't work. Dr Butler greeted me with a beaming smile, obviously pleased with the outcome.
He asked me to remove my clothing but my fingers wouldn't work either. So he said he would help. He unbuttoned and removed my white coat and with it went my authority and prestige. He quickly continued, not wanting to waste any time and unbuttoned my smart blouse, pulling it open to reveal my plain white cotton padded bra and all my insecurities. I couldn't believe he was showing all my friends and colleagues that I needed padding. The audience was sat in complete silence as my naked flesh was revealed piece by piece for their education and pleasure. He removed the blouse and unzipped the skirt. Nice and slowly he inched it down over my hips as more of my panties came into view. It felt like an eternity but I'm sure it was only a few seconds before they were at my knees and then quickly off along with my high-heeled shoes.
Now I stood there, bright red with embarrassment in only my underwear in front of everyone I knew. Stripped by my lecturer! Surely this was a dream and not a very nice one. I snapped out of my trance when my bra was unclasped. I tried to protest but knew it was futile and I couldn't muster the strength. I was going to be naked and there wasn't anything I could do about it. Carefully my bra was peeled off and my tiny tits were exposed to the general public. Gasps went up from the crowd and there was much whispering among them at how small my breasts were. No matter how much I tried to kid myself there was no doubt that my chest was flat. Just 2 puffy sensitive nipples on a very flat chest. Even when I ran there was no movement. And there was no excuse for wearing a bra except to modestly hide my nipples, certainly not for any sort of support.
Now everyone knew. No one would look at me the same and I could not look at anyone the same. I would see it in their eyes. They knew.
My bra was discarded with my other clothes but Dr Butler continued his naked quest and the audience was hushed again, waiting for the final chapter. He stood behind me and crouched down and slowly started to pull down my panties. Tears rolled down my cheeks and onto my left nipple. My pussy was slowly exposed to all those hungry eyes. I was thankful for the neatly trimmed light covering of fair hair that could give me a last tiny piece of modesty in this nightmare. I looked down, following everyone's eyes to see my naked pussy. A took a little gasp as I could clearly see my pussy lips so that meant that they could as well. Nothing was sacred any more. I was naked, exposed and humiliated in front of everyone.
My panties were removed and my clothes discarded far away from me. I was a naked island. Dr Butler then broke the silence by drawing attention to my breasts, or lack of them. He described my puffy nipples in detail for the record and their erectness. To my horror, he then demonstrated to these medical students how to examine the breast. I couldn't believe my lecturer was touching my breast in front of all my friends. He commented that as Jim had such a toned torso, he clearly had bigger breasts than I did. I wasn't sure I could be any more embarrassed.
It wasn't over though as after completing the examination, he invited others from the audience to examine my breasts. Both at once. Everyone was intrigued at my lack of breasts but enjoyed my sensitive nipples none the less.
Moving along, Dr Butler ushered my towards the examination chair and my heart sank when I saw it. He put my legs into the stirrups and my pussy was now on show to the crowd. He carefully shaved my pubic hair off completely so to give an unobstructed view to the audience. I couldn't believe it. What was he doing? He couldn't do that. I'd always thought that my neat little bush was a marker of my womanhood. A sign of my journey through puberty. Now it was gone. Now to all those eyes I would look like a little girl. Maybe twelve years old at most, certainly not old enough to be a doctor. With his razor he took my womanhood away. I was very clearly a little girl again.
My bare pussy was now demonstrated to the audience for their education. He pointed out the mons and the labia majora and labia minora. My lips were wide open and the once secret pink folds of my pussy were made public. He drew attention to the obvious glistening wetness of my bare pussy leaving no doubt that this experience had unwillingly been giving me pleasure. Finally, he focussed on my clitoris. Surely this had once been the most secret part of my body. It hadn't been seen by anyone before, not even me like this and only a couple of people had ever touched it. Not any more. Now everyone knew it. Dr Butler flicked it gently as it grew before everyone's eyes. The whole room was staring at my clit. I squirmed in the chair as my excitement grew and they all saw how horny I'd become. Dr Butler expertly demonstrated to the audience how to stimulate the clitoris. The feeling deep within my pussy was unmistakable and could no longer be ignored. I refused to cum in front of everyone though. I was not that sort of girl. That's what I kept telling myself as he kept on and on at my clit. On and on. My back was arching and my breathing rapid. Moans escaped from my mouth but I was powerless to stop this. Powerless to stop all these people from seeing me cum. My friends that I see every day. Guys that have asked me out only to be brushed aside. Now everyone would see. Everyone would share my most intimate moment. Finally I came with such a scream, juices flowing onto the chair and I collapsed. After a moment of stunned silence, cheering and applause arose from the audience but I could see that it had all been filmed on a huge number of camera phones.
Dr Butler thanked me for my help with the demonstration as he unshackled me from the chair. How could I carry on though? They'd all seen my tiny tits, they'd seen me publically shaved and examined my bare pussy. They knew I had the body of a little girl. They'd all seen my clit and they'd all seen me masturbated in public. Nightmare.
collection wrote:
Dr Kate: My dreams (number 1) by collection
I am an A&E (Accident and Emergency) doctor actually and I've had great fun with my own fantasies. My thoughts were that I was driving home after a busy shift but managed to crash the car. I'm brought in to my own department but not fully conscious. My clothes are naturally cut from my body to allow monitoring to be placed on my naked skin and a thorough assessment to be made. The doctor attending to me is young and attractive - he's asked me out on more than one occasion but I have politely declined as I am his senior. Alone in the room with me, he peels back the sheet slowly and tentatively to reveal my completely naked body. He runs his shaking fingers down my tummy and cups my tiny breast. At this point the door opens and he is startled but it's Tom, one of the male nurses in the department. He's also tried asking me out without success and on hearing I'd been brought in came to check me out. They talk about what a fit body I have but neither can believe how tiny my breasts are. My puffy nipples are hard in the cool air and they like that a lot. They also can't believe that my pussy is completely shaved. Apparently they'd often wondered what it was like and couldn't believe it was right there on show. They get their phones out and snap a few pictures off for later. Then they spread my legs and get a few more intimate shots so that every inch of my body is now known to these guys and well documented, and there is nothing private anymore. I have no secrets. Tom brushes my clit gently, wondering if there might be some reaction from me and I might wake up screaming, but there is nothing. They both then film Tom rubbing me off and it's obvious to the lenses how wet I am. Tom mentions how tight I am but makes sure to explore every crevice of my bare naked exposed pussy. My back arches and I writhe in unconscious ecstasy until I finally cum for the cameras and ultimately all the staff and colleagues in the department when they see the film. Now I really have no secrets. Everyone knows how small and childlike my breasts are, how puffy my nipples are and how my pussy is kept clean shaven so my modesty cannot be protected from inquisitive eyes. They have also shared my most private and intimate moment with me. I will be forever naked in their eyes.
jimmythehand wrote:
!!! by jimmythehand
I don't know who you are, what you look like or even if you're male or female... but I think I may be in love with you.
Thanks so much for posting these! It's been years since I read them.

Do you happen to have any other similarly themed stories in your collection, or any more by Doctor Kate?