Pantsed by my crush

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Pantsed by my crush

Post by JT1129 »

When I was a Senior in High School, I had this huge crush on this girl named Kelsey.

She was sitting outside of a teacher's office with a few other girls. I was going to tell the teacher something, so I was standing in the doorway in front of Kelsey. I was wearing baggy basketball shorts that also sagged below the waistband of my boxers.

As I was waiting for the teacher to finish another conversation, Kelsey looked up at me and said, "You know, I could depants you so easily right now..."

"Do it!" I challenged.

I did not really expect her to actually do it, but it took her just one second to get up on her knees, lean forward, grab the sides of my shorts and pull them down to my knees revealing my blue boxers.

Instead of being embarrassed, I was thrilled that my crush wanted to see me in my underwear. I didn't immediately try to pull my shorts up, I reveled in the moment knowing that Kelsey was seeing me with my shorts down, probably trying to sneak a peek.

She kept pulling, and after a few tugs, got my shorts down to my ankles. I could tell that she was enjoying herself, laughing with the other girls as I stood in my boxers. I continued to stand there modeling my underwear and going along with the joke.

"Gosh Dang it Jay, pull your pants up!" Shouted the teacher. I slowly bent down and pulled my shorts back up feeling accomplished that I had kept my cool.

"Like what you see?" I asked as Kelsey she sat back down.

Anyway the moral of the story is don't take life too seriously, you'll never get out alive! :D
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