Korean Exchange Student

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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Korean Exchange Student

Post by NudeBaG »

Korean Exchange Student

When I was 15, my mom signed us up as a sponser family for a visiting student program through our church.
I’m not sure of all the details, but for 1 month, we would be sharing our home with a mother and daughter from Korea.
It was summer, so I was home most of the time.
The day before they were expected, my mom let me know that it would be a mother and daughter that we would be ‘sponsoring’.
My parents had split up a couple years back, so it was just my mom and I.
She worked a lot, so I was on my own a lot.
“They’re not going to be here the whole time, but will probably be in the house every evening and weekend.” Mom had said.
“Just be nice and answer any questions they may have.”
She pulled out her phone and picked up a piece of folded paper from the counter.
“The church gave us this app to download. It’s a translation app.” She started typing on her phone while looking at the paper.
She typed something, then tapped the screen.
A moment later, a robotic female voice spoke out in Korean.
Mom excitedly slid the paper to me.
“Go ahead and download it so you’ll have it too, in case they get here and I’m not around.”
I did as she said.
I set the app to download and went to my room.
Mom excitedly kept tapping on her phone as more Korean phrases echoed out in that tinny robotic female voice as I went upstairs.
We’d set up our 3rd room upstairs as a guest room a while back, but all it had was still a small twin bed.
Was that going to be okay?

Ji-an and Ji-woo were both very nice.
Ji-an was in her early 40’s.
She was still very pretty, but clearly carried a bit more weight than her daughter.
Ji-woo was 13.
She was absolutely stunning.
Petite and delicate, with long black hair.
When they arrived, we took bit of time downstairs talking with them.
All 4 of us getting to know the translation app as much as eachother.
Both of them were very bubbly and polite.
It was very strange, all 4 of us taking turns talking into my mom’s phone and waiting for the translator to work, but eventually, we all got the hang of it.
Ji-woo was actually okay with english.
Still not the best, but to my surprise, she responded in english, while her mom continued using the ap.

Let’s just skip ahead a bit.
5 days in, everyone had their routine.
Mom would go to work in the morning.
Then Ji-an and Ji-woo would get up.
They would each take a quick shower, then eat a quick, light breakfast and be out doing their own thing.
It really didn’t change my own routine at all.
With everyone being gone early and staying out all day, I still had the house to myself.
I was on auto-pilot when it happened.
I got out of bed and left my room.
I walked down the hall to the bathroom and went pee.
Immediately after peeing, my cock boned up, letting me know it wanted my attention.
I hadn’t masturbated in a while, what with the weird situation and all.
Having learned the routine of our guests though, I hadn’t bothered getting dressed, as I knew I was alone.
I washed my hands and walked back out into the hall way…and right into Ji-woo!
I froze.
“Oh!” She gasped.
“Sorry, I was go to the bath-and you-“ she paused stepping back.
She was wearing a long baby blue t-shirt that fell to her mid thigh.
I was wearing nothing and sporting a boner!
“Ah!” I gasped.
I covered my crotch with my hands.
“I’m SO sorry! I-I thought I was alone! It’s just- I’m sorry!” I side stepped her and hurried back to my room.
I turned to shut the door, but Ji-woo was right behind me!
She quickly hopped into my room before I could shut the door!
I was naked in my room with our Korean guest’s daughter!
I didn’t know what to do!
Ji-woo started walking around my room, looking around, then she sat on my bed!
“Is ok. We are alone?” She said.
I was stunned.
“Y-yes! I thought I was alone! I’m sorry! Lemme get dressed and-“
Ji-woo leaned back on my bed, crossing her short, smooth legs.
“Is ok.” She smiled and looked at me.
“I saw. Hmhm!” She chuckled.
I was stunned.
I looked back out into the hallway.
The house was empty.
Was it just she and I?
“You are 15?” Ji-woo asked.
“Yeah, yes?” I answered, confused.
She nodded at my hands.
“I can see?” She asked, smiling.
“I-I know! I’m SO sorry, and-“
Ji-woo shook her head.
“No. I CAN see?” She pointed to my hands again.
“Please?” She asked.
“Wha-?” I asked dumbly.
Ji-woo huffed and got up.
She giggled and quickly ran passed me.
I was confused, so didn’t think to shut my door.
Ji-woo hopped back in with her phone.
She typed something in.
The computer voice of the translator app echoed.
“Can I see your penis again?” It spoke.
Ji-woo burst into giggles.
She then looked at me expectantly.
My hormones were off the charts.
I again looked at her short smooth legs and tiny feet.
I dropped my hands.
My penis was fully erect now, and not going down without a fight.
Ji-woo smiled wide.
“Woooooow! Hahaha!”
She typed into the phone again.
“You have a big penis.” The app echoed.
She burst out giggling.
I was shaking, but didn’t cover up.
I was curious to see where this would go.
“Thank you?” I asked nervously.
“Hahahaha!” Ji-woo giggled.
“No problem. Okay!” She said, making the ‘ok’ sign with her hand.
I kind of relaxed.
“You are-“ Ji-woo started talking, but then started typing on the phone instead.
“You are the first boy I’ve seen naked.” The app spoke.
“Really?” I asked.
“Mhmm!” Ji-woo nodded.
She typed again, smiling as she did.
“If my mom knew about this, she’d make you be naked all the time!” The app spoke.
Ji-woo laughed.
I chuckled nervously.
“Then lets not tell her?” I asked.
She nodded and made the ‘ok’ sign again.
She typed again.
“Are you usually naked?” The app spoke.
Ji-woo nodded towards the hall.
“Oh! No. I thought I was alone!” I said, covering my crotch again.
Ji-woo shook her head, typing.
“Please.” The app spoke. “No cover.”
I tentatively moved my hands again.
“I like seeing. Haha!” Ji-woo laughed.
The nerves and excitement I was feeling were intense!
“You are hard?” She asked.
“Oh? Um,” I looked down at my obviously rigid erection. “Yeah.”
“Hehehehe!” She giggled.
“You play with it?” She asked.
“Sometimes. Yeah. Haha!” I chuckled.
Ji-woo snatched her phone and began typing.
“Let me watch you play with it!” The phone’s robotic female voice spoke.
I covered up.
“What?! No!” I gasped.
Ji-woo clasped her hands together.
“Pleeeeeease?” She begged.
I glanced at the hall.
We were still alone.
I looked back at Ji-woo.
She was so cute!
My hormones took over.
I uncovered again.
Ji-woo gasped, then smiled wide.
I just stood there, my hard penis twitching.
“You come sit?” Ji-woo patted the bed next to her.
Her short legs looked so smooth!
I walked over and sat next to her.
“Woooooow! Hahaha! It’s big, right?” She asked.
I just shrugged.
“You play?” She asked.
“Huh?” I asked dumbly.
Ji-woo giggled bashfully.
“You play?” She pointed at my penis.
“Oh! Um,” I just stared.
Ji-woo giggled again.
She typed on her phone again.
“I want to watch you play with penis.” The female voice spoke from the phone.
I gasped.
Ji-woo again clapped her hands together.
“Pleeeeeeease?” She begged.
This adorable girl wanted to watch me jerk off?!
I absent mindedly gripped my penis in hand.
Ji-woo gasped, but smiled and giggled.
What was I thinking?!
I slowly stroked.
I could feel my legs shaking.
Ji-woo excitedly kicked her feet.
“Oooo.” She sighed.
I started going faster.
Then, I panicked.
I stood up and covered again.
Ji-woo quickly typed into her phone.
“What’s wrong?” The voice spoke from the phone.
“We shouldn’t be doing this.” I said, holding my hands over my cock and balls.
Ji-woo typed again.
“But I’ve already seen it. Can I keep looking?” The voice spoke.
I was stunned.
Ji-woo stared right at my hands.
She HAD already seen everything.
But still, she was only 13!
Ji-woo again typed into the app on the phone.
The voice spoke as Ji-woo finished typing.
“Boys are not allowed to go naked in Korea.” It said.
She looked at me.
“Oh! I mean, we’re not allowed to go naked here, either.” I said.
She seemed confused.
“I mean, this isn’t normal.” I said. “You caught me naked. I didn’t MEAN for you to see.” I said.
Ji-woo made a face of understanding.
She then giggled and smiled.
“Oooooh!” She said.
“So I CATCH you naked?” She asked.
“Yeah.” I said timidly.
Ji-woo smiled.
“Since I catch you naked, you should let me look.” She said.
“What?! No! I can’t do that!” I gasped.
“Then I tell you mom.” She smirked.
“I tell you mom and my mom you walk in on me in bathroom. YOU get in trouble.”
I was stunned.
“Ji-woo! Please! No!” I begged.
“Then let me see!” She patted the bed.
I sat next to her.
My penis stuck straight up in my lap.
Ji-woo stared wide eyed.
She just stared.
I couldn’t help looking at her cute legs and feet.
Ji-woo pulled her legs up and sat on her knees, facing me.
“We no have sex. I not do that.” She said.
“What?! No! Of course not!” I moved to stand, but she then put her hands on my thigh!
“But I want look more.” She said.
Feeling her delicate touch on my thigh made my penis twitch.
“Hmhm!” She chuckled.
“So you play?” She asked.
“Um,” I looked down at my hard penis.
“Oh!” Ji-woo bent over slightly.
“Ooooooooooh.” Ji-woo sighed.
“Hehehehe! Like ox!” She giggled.
“What?” I asked.
She moved her hand and patted my balls!
“Ah!” I gasped.
Ji-woo pinched my left ball!
“AaaaaAAAAH!” I sat up.
“Hahaha! Sorry! That hurt?” She asked.
“Um, y-yeah.” I stammered.
Ji-woo actually looked apologetic.
She pulled her hand away.
“I’m sorry!” Ji-woo then gently rested her hand back on my balls!
I trembled!
She gently moved her hand up to my penis!
“Oh!” She gasped and squeezed my cock!
She let go and giggled.
“Sorry. I never touch penis before! Hehehe!” She laughed.
I was in shock.
Her touch had been soft and delicate.
It made me feel wrong, but I kind of wanted more.
“Yeah. I’ve never had that happen.” I smiled shyly.
Ji-woo stood up.
“My mom be back soon, so I go get dressed.” She turned to look at me.
“Later, I play with your penis.”
She then exited my room.
I sat there, stunned.
I stood and got dressed in a daze.

A couple days passed.
Ji-woo and her mom were out most of the time, but I didn’t risk going nude outside of my room, or even risk masturbating, which I desperately needed to do.
We had awkward dinner with she and her mom those nights, using the translator app for stunted conversation.
Ji-woo would occasionally smirk at me, but then would go to her room or watch tv for a bit in the living room.
She was usually out with her mom though.
It was the morning a couple days later.
I woke up and put on a pair of boxers, wandering into the hall to go to the bathroom.
I finished up and opened the door to go into the hall.
Ji-woo was there in a pink nightshirt.
“Oh! Um, hey.” I said.
“Good morning!” She said cheerfully.
She then looked at my boxers.
“Haha! No naked today?” She laughed.
“Oh! Um, not right now.” I said shyly.
She entered the bathroom, shutting the door.
I entered my room and looked down at my boxers.
I sat on my bed and looked back at the hall through my open door.
Would Ji-woo come looking for me after she was done?
I wasn’t hard, but the thought of Ji-woo coming into my room again had me filled with nervous excitement.
I suddenly had 2nd thoughts.
She was 13!
This was wrong!
I got up to shut my door, but before I could get there, Ji-woo walked through my door.
She walked right passed me and sat on my bed, crossing her legs.
We just looked at eachother for a moment.
Ji-woo laughed.
“Hehehe! You get naked now.” She said with a giddy smile.
“Huh?” I asked dumbly.
“You get naked. Let me see penis again.” She smiled.
“Ji-woo. I can’t.” Was all I said.
She frowned.
“You can. Get naked.” She said stearnly.
She smirked.
She could still tell on me.
I sighed and started trembling.
I pulled my boxers down and stepped out of them.
Ji-woo gasped.
I wasn’t hard yet.
“Oh!” She sat up.
“Come sit.” She patted the bed next to her.
I sighed and sat down on the bed.
The way she was sitting with her legs crossed allowed me to see her little white panties completely!
I leaned back.
My plump, yet flaccid penis flopped to the side, pointing at her.
“You penis is no hard?” She asked.
“Um, not yet.” I shifted nervously.
“Oh! I see!” She stared for a moment.
“You play with it? It get hard?” She asked.
“Um, yeah?” I said.
“I touch?” She asked.
“Huh?” I asked.
Ji-woo leaned over and rested her little hand on my penis!
I trembled.
Her touch was so gentle it tickled!
My body’s response was instant.
My semi quickly began to stiffen and grow into a full on boner under Ji-woo’s fingers!
“Huh!” Ji-woo gasped sharply.
“Hmhmhm!” She giggled. “You penis get hard now!”
We both looked down as my penis boned up.
Her fingers naturally curled around my shaft.
“Woooooow.” She whispered.
Feeling her fingers delicately resting around my penis was an incredible and strange sensation.
“You penis is hard now! Hehehe!” She giggled.
I was SO horney, but didn’t know what Ji-woo would do if I masturbated.
She angled my penis to point at the ceiling.
She let go, and it flopped against my abs!
“Hahaha!” She did it again and again!
She sat back and stared.
“So now you play?” She asked.
“Huh?” I gasped.
Ji-woo shook my wrist.
“You play.” She said.
“Oh, OH!” I understood.
Nervously, I gripped my penis.
I began slowly stroking.
“Oh.” Ji-woo whispered, watching with wide eyes.
I looked at Ji-woo’s short smooth legs.
Even though she was young, she was beautiful.
I began jerking off like I normally would, mesmerized by Ji-woo’s smooth legs.
I was so horney and hard, I immediately felt the signs of orgasm coming on.
I then looked at Ji-woo’s face.
She was staring at my hand moving on my penis with a look of awe.
I squeezed my cock at the base to stop my impending orgasm.
“Aaaaaah!” I sighed as my body relaxed.
“Why you stop?” She asked.
I let go and propped myself up on my elbows.
“I was about to come.” I said.
“Huh?” Ji-woo looked at me.
“You know, ‘cum’?” I said sheepishly.
“What mean?” She asked.
“Oh. Um,” I thought for a moment.
“Sperm?” I asked.
“Sperm?” She repeated.
“Oh! OOOOOOH!” Her face lit up as she laughed.
“Jeong-aeg! Hahahaha!” She squirmed then got even closer to me.
“Sperm come from penis, right?” She asked.
“Y-yeah.” I said.
“If play?” She pointed to my penis in my hand.
“I see?” She asked.
“Yeah.” I said, looking at my cock.
“You show me?” She asked.
“Oh. Oh!” I panicked.
I couldn’t let this girl see me do that!
No one had EVER seen me do that!
I covered with my hands.
“I, uh, I don’t think I should.” I said.
She pouted for a moment, then relaxed.
She smiled sweetly.
“It okay. I already see you big penis! Hahaha!” She stood up and hopped off my bed.
When she did, I got a perfect look at her cute little butt in her pink panties!
She turned and grabbed her phone.
She smiled as she spoke into it in Korean.
She then tapped the phone.
A moment later, a robotic female voice spoke.
“I’ll play with your penis later. You can show me your cum then.”
She burst into giggles and exited out into the hall.
I quickly got up and shut my door.
“Fuck!” I thought.
What was these next few weeks be like?
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Re: Korean Exchange Student

Post by Trundle »

Fantastic, a new NudeBaG story!

A great start and a very interesting concept, can't wait to see where the story goes from here. What will the two Mothers say if they catch on to what is happening? :mrgreen:

Brilliant stuff!
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Re: Korean Exchange Student

Post by Jeepman89 »

Excellent story NudeBag. Please continue soon.
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Re: Korean Exchange Student

Post by Themarble »

It's always a good day when NudeBaG comes back with another chapter. Something very new. I kind of want to see this relationship keep going and somehow some way the boy isn't able to finish before perhaps the mothers or mother finds out?

I am curious as to why the girl said that of her mother knew she would keep him naked, was that a miss translation or will we see?

Either way I see that perhaps the app would have a history of some sort. Some way for someone else to see what was being translated.

All in all, I love this new story. Keep it up NudeBaG.
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Re: Korean Exchange Student

Post by potatopenguin »

Woooo welcome back, NudeBaG.

This one was so damn good.

I'm guessing after this is the next chapter of Magic unless thats in hiatus for other stories at the moment.
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