Zayden and Cathy - Monday Morning - 2023-07-30
Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2023 5:13 am
Inspiration is from The Right Smartwatch by SuperEvil
This story is fan-fic of Superevil’s The Right Smartwatch. I thought that Cindy became a nudist much too quickly. The story begins at Gloria's intervention (The Taming of Gloria). Zayden lives in a town that is right next to Matt's, with different laws. Similar to Kansas City, Kansas and its immediate neighbor Kansas City, Missouri.
Copyright notice:
I hereby proclaim to the world that I wrote the Zayden stories and that they may be copied, stored, modified, and or absorbed into other works without attribution with only the following limits:
In addition, this story has a small footprint into Superevil's The Right Smartwatch universe (with his permission). Please get his OK for anything you lift that includes his characters or world.
Zayden: 9yo girl
Buzz: 13yo, brother of Zayden
Helen Lytton (Mom): Zayden’s mother
Mr Lytton: Zayden’s father
Ray: 11yo neighbor boy
Robin Davis: Ray’s mother
Matt: owns the Smart Watch
MomM: Matt’s mother
Aaron: 13yo boy neighbor of Ray
Cathy: 12yo sister of Aaron
Janet Phillips: Cathy’s mother
Mr Phillips: Cathy’s father
Day 1 (Thursday)
As the rumors, news, and events about some New Rules swirled around her neighborhood, Zayden stayed distant from it. None of her neighbor friends have had those rules imposed so she never worried or thought much about it.
Then one day shortly after the summer school break starts, Zayden accompanies her mother to the house of her mom’s friend, a few miles across town. Several other mothers were there, but no kids her age to play with. While the mothers are in the kitchen talking, sometimes animatedly, she becomes bored. Taking a small puzzle off the shelf in the den, she padded off to a quiet spot in that house. Sitting down alone in the living room, in the corner, behind a big easy chair, she proceeded to assemble the puzzle.
After a few minutes, Matt and his mother show up at the front door and are led into the kitchen. Unknown to Zayden, this is an emergency intervention by Matt and his Smartwatch that has become necessary due to an unintended consequence of one of his commands a few days ago.
Zayden knows none of this. Sitting quietly, she is on the edge of being able to follow the conversation in the kitchen, if she cared. But she does not really care so only picks up a few words and phrases, mostly to determine if it is time to go home, and ignores the rest.
After a couple of hours, just as she puts the last piece of the puzzle into place, her mom comes out of the kitchen and collects her for the drive back home. She spends the afternoon in a quiet and pensive mood. Some thoughts roll around in her mind that she just cannot put aside. An engineer on the Smartwatch project would love to have taken measurements at the friend’s house to record the effect of the watch when the subject is at the outer hazy limits of its reach. He would be able to see the difference between the watch giving a subtle suggestion as opposed to an outright command.
For Zayden, she has the word “nudist” knocking around her brain. Looking up the definition on her computer, she gets a mild rush of curiosity, which makes her want to learn more. As she goes through pages and pages of internet sites of nudist camps, topless and nude beaches, she is getting a continuing mild rush of endorphine stimulation. Her curiosity about nudism reaches a threshold where action is in the cards.
Night 1 (Thursday)
That night upstairs, at bedtime, Zayden puts on her nightgown and does all the normal bedtime activities. After the final step of brushing her teeth, she leaves the bathroom and instead of returning directly to her own bedroom, she knocks on the door of her brother Buzz.
Buzz calls out, “Come in.”
“Hi Buzz.” as Zayden steps into his room. “Do you have a few minutes?”
Buzz replied, “Sure, Little Z. This is Summer time, so no need for early sleep, no plans for tomorrow. What’s up?”
“Well, this is kinda personal. Can you keep it a secret?”
“Maybe.” he said with a hint of doubt. “Not if you are getting picked on, or kicking puppies. But I will do my best.”
Zayden reassured her brother, “It's not a real problem, nothing like that. At the house of Mom’s friend today I heard the word ‘nudist’ so I’ve been reading about it on the internet. All the WEB pages describe nudism like it's a good thing, so I want to try it. Mom and Dad work all day so they don’t have to know yet, but I don’t want to do it if you disapprove.”
Buzz and his sister never had a contentious relationship, but Buzz is entering the phase of his life where social ranking takes on increasing importance. He is a bit suspicious that Zayden might be setting him up for something, but the prospect of a naked sister drives him forward. Buzz reasoned that he could both protect himself AND make sure that this is a serious conversation, by taking this step by step.
Buzz reassured his sister, “Little Z, I’m a boy. Naked girls and women are always welcome. Since you are only talking to me right now and not wandering the house naked, you must not be really, really sure about nudism. So a good test to see if you will like it would be to sleep naked. Then come see me tomorrow night.”
Zayden smiled at the suggestion. “That’s a good idea. Thanks. Goodnight.”
Back in her room with the door closed, she took off her nightclothes and climbed into bed. It was a restful night with many happy dreams of nude adventures.
Night 2 (Friday)
The next evening, at bedtime, Zayden once again knocked on Buzz’s door. He knew this was coming, so it was part-way open, not closed and latched.
“Come on in Little Z. How was last night?”
Again Zayden stepped into her brother’s room. “Oh! It was great. I’m going to do that from now on.”
Buzz raised his eyebrows at the enthusiastic response. “Wow! Maybe I’ll try it too, in a few months. Do you want to take another step toward being a nudist?”
Zayden eagerly waited for more advice. “Sure! What can I do? But I’m not ready to have Mom and Dad find out yet.”
“How about, you sleep naked again tonight, like you already planned. Then tomorrow morning when you go to the bathroom to take a shower, you don’t put on a robe and only carry a towel in your hand?”
At first, Zayden saw that as a step too far. “*Gasp* You mean walk down the hall naked? What if Mom or Dad sees me? What if YOU see me?”
Buzz reassured her, “Mom and Dad don’t have their bedroom on this floor so they won’t be up here. Besides, they are usually at work when you get up. And I promise to keep my door closed tomorrow so you don’t freak out. Eventually though, if you want to be a nudist you have to let me see you.”
“True, but small steps are best for now.”
Day 3 (Saturday)
Zayden slept nude again that night, and following the instructions of Buzz, cautiously stepped beyond her door into the hall. Checking that the coast is clear she slipped along the hallway nude, carrying her towel to the shower. It is quite a thrill, with goosebumps all over as she made her way to the bathroom. It seems so liberating to be walking naked along the hall outside the walls of her room. On the other hand, her upbringing intimidated her into glancing back at Buzz's room every two steps, to make sure he is not peeking. After the shower, she continues her adventure by slowly walking back to her room, this time with the towel wrapped around her wet hair. It was her way to make this a ‘streaking’ adventure, as It will be an awkward scramble to get the towel down off her head and cover herself if Buzz suddenly appears. She comes to the happy conclusion that having the towel out of easy reach makes the trip more fun. For both trips, she is almost disappointed that her brother’s door remains closed.
Buzz is not immune to the allure of a naked sister, but he understands the concept of “investments”. He is giving up the immediate opportunity to see his sister in a quick flash, possibly intimidating her into giving up, for the long term goal of having her naked all the time.
Sometime later, after Buzz does his morning bathroom routine, they eat breakfast together at the kitchen table and talk.
Buzz asks, “Were you naked when you walked to the bathroom? I didn’t peek.”
Zayden flashed back on her adventure, “Yeah, it was kinda nice. There was the thrill of maybe being seen, without the danger of being seen. It was fun.”
“LOL, yeah. I’ve done that when you’re away at a sleepover.” Buzz confided. “I got a funny feeling deep in my stomach, like when my friends and I explored the abandoned Bellweather barn.”
Zayden agreed, “Oh, yeah, I know what you mean. I got that same feeling on vacation at Gramp's farm when we had the picnic in his corn field, right after the harvest. The land was flat, cleared, and you could see forever. I started to imagine being on an alien planet.”
Buzz wondered, “Maybe that feeling happens for every strange new adventure. Are you ready for your adventure’s next step?”
“Sure. Will that feeling get stronger?”
“I think so. The next step is you have to let me see you. You can be naked and alone for a long time, years maybe, but that’s not really nudism. Tonight I will leave my door open. Tomorrow morning when you go down the hall for a shower I’ll be awake to see you. It's up to you to be dressed or bare, but there are no more steps until you are ok with letting me see you naked.”
Zayden sucked in her breath, “Oh. OK. I will try, but might not be up for it tomorrow.”
Night 3 (Saturday)
That evening when Zayden went to brush her teeth, and dressed in a nightgown she waved at Buzz through his open door. Back in her room and in bed for the night Zayden tossed and turned, trying to decide. “Do I let Buzz see me? Or not?” Finally at 2:00am she decided. Decided that she will decide in the morning.
Day 4 (Sunday)
The next morning Zayden decided that she couldn’t go down the hall naked when her brother could see through his open door. At breakfast they both avoided talking about nudity and nudism. Buzz has a patient personality and did not want to spook Zayden into giving up her exploration.
Day 5 (Monday)
This time Zayden has the courage to walk naked to her morning shower. Returning to her room, she sees Buzz through his open door as he glances up at her and waves. This gave her an unexpected rush of endorphin pleasure as she waved back. She found out that being seen wasn’t a horrid experience after all, in fact it was a nice thrill with tummy butterflies.
As Buzz and Zayden are dressed and eating breakfast together at the kitchen table, their talk turns to the next step. "How was it today?” he asked. “I’m pretty sure you had a smile with that wave.”
Zayden smiled at the memory. “Yeah. It was nice. I liked it, and want to do it again! Is there a next step?”
Buzz replied, “Sure. Tomorrow morning when you come out of the bathroom, I will pass you going in to take my own shower. This will make the encounter last longer and you will have to meet me face-to-face.”
“OK. I think I can do that.”
Day 6 (Tuesday)
This morning, on Zayden’s nude walk to the shower, she paused briefly by her brother’s door and waved “Hi” at him. He smiles and waves back at her, pleased that she is so quickly accepting a relaxed attitude toward casual nudity. A bit later when Buzz hears the shower water cut off, he gets out of bed and puts his boxer shorts on. As Zayden opens the bathroom door to go back to her room, he is in position to walk out into the corridor. She is naked, with the towel wrapped around her wet hair.
Buzz greeted her with “Good morning Little Z. How are you? Any plans for today?”
Zayden replied, “Doing great, thanks. Not really. All my friends took off to relatives and vacations for a couple of weeks, so not doing much of anything.”
It was a kind of stiff, formal exchange. Friendly but closer to practicing lines for a play than casual conversation. It suited the situation perfectly. Buzz sees that Zayden has become comfortable chatting and smiling, even when she catches him glancing a bit too intensely at her chest. Just last week Zayden would have been outraged at her brother, but now she gets a pleasant happy butterflies feeling.
At the breakfast table Zayden tells Buzz how nice it was to chat with him in the hall.
“(That feeling must be part of nudism with other people.)” she thinks. “Big brother, what is the next step?”
“Tonight, when you brush your teeth, go to the bathroom nude and leave the door open. Then tomorrow morning after you go to the toilet, open the door when you take your shower. That way I will see you naked before you sleep, and naked after you wake up. You looked relaxed talking with me back in the hall, which is great because the next step after this will be somewhat bigger.”
“What will it be?” Zayden playfully demanded, “Tell me! TELL ME!”
Buzz reassured her, “The step isn’t THAT big. And you need another day of easy practice of casual nudity with me. How about tonight, after you brush your teeth, come into my room and we’ll play a few games of Hearts?”
Zayden agreed with Buzz, “Yeah, good idea. Passing each other in the hall like this goes too fast. I need to get used to being naked a long time in front of you.”
Night 6 (Tuesday)
That night as Zayden closes out her day, she threw her dirty clothes in the corner and opened the door. After peeking around the corner to be sure an ambush of the ‘rents was not going to happen she stepped out. Walking down the corridor she gave her brother a wave through his open door and picked up her toothbrush. Zayden suddenly stopped as she saw the tube of toothpaste was completely empty.
Just as she turned around to get a replacement from the linen supply cabinet, Buzz was there. Almost bumped into him in fact. He handed off the new tube saying “You’ll need this.” and returned to his room. Buzz knew this would happen, as he could have replaced the tube when he emptied it for his own teeth. His ulterior motive was to gauge Zayden’s reaction to being seen naked at an unexpected time. Zayden did not disappoint him. There was no panicked screaming, no quick covering up with her hands. She acted no different than if she was dressed and Buzz was very encouraged by this.
A few minutes later a naked Zayden came into Buzz’s room and sat on his bed. “Hey big bro, are you ready to lose at hearts?”
“Got the cards right here.”
After two games, Zayden asks her brother “Buzz, how should nudists sit? None of the nudist stuff on the internet has instructions for that. There’s not a lot of ways to sit on a bed without opening my legs and showing you my kitty.”
Buzz replied, “Sit anyway that is comfortable. You should try to keep your legs closed, like Mom taught you. After all, nudists live in a clothed world and it’s your job to follow a lot of their rules. But if you use up all the good seating positions and have to sit Indian Style, that’s ok. I won’t be offended. It will be no different for me than if you scratch your left ear with your right hand.”
Puzzled, Zayden mumbled, “Scratch my left … right … why would I do that?”
“Because you have cards in your left hand? Little Z, I know being naked in front of your brother is new and sometimes uncomfortable, but you are my sister. I’ll wait for my own girlfriend before doing wild and sexy things. Just try to relax and be normal. And smile at me!”
Zayden called out with glee, “Hey! I win! How’s this for a big smile?”
The two played for about an hour, with Zayden bouncing around with youthful energy. She sat in every possible position, losing any concern about how her legs were pointed.
Day 7 (Wednesday)
Zayden woke up and walked nude down the hall with a quick wave at Buzz. After a quick minute with the bathroom door closed, the sound of a toilet flush is followed by the door opening and water rushing through the shower head. When she is done, Buzz once again meets her at the open bathroom door.
Buzz greeted his sister with, “Good morning Little Z. Ready for the next step? Before getting dressed, take your dirty clothes down to the hamper in the basement. Mom and Dad are at work, so you can experience nudism beyond this small hallway.”
Zayden smiled at this. “Good idea. See you later.”
That short nude conversation gave her a mild thrill and the desire to push harder. She went back into her room and picked up all the messy clothes. Coming out, she gives Buzz a last wave as she walks down the stairs naked and he enters the bathroom. With the shower done, Buzz goes down to the kitchen where he is surprised that Zayden is sitting nude at the table, eating breakfast.
Zayden glanced up at Buzz, informing him, “I like being naked so much I got tired of the small steps.”
Now Buzz is convinced his sister is not running some kind of prank against him, she is on the level with her nudity. His hormones are starting to require that he take advantage of the opportunities.
Buzz smiled back at her. “Good. You should be in charge of your own pace for this. And I am happy that you are ready to go faster. If you are going to be a nudist, you need to take care of your skin. When you go outside, always apply sun-block everywhere. Even indoors you need to start applying skin cream, like Mom does.”
Zayden agreed, “Yeah, good idea. I’ll ask Mom to get a bottle for me.”
Buzz, now starting to push things to his advantage, volunteers his time. “If you need help to do your back, let me know.”
Zayden is clueless about his motivation. “Can you help me after breakfast?”
“Sure. Get the cream and let me know when you are ready.”
Five minutes later, Zayden zipped down to the basement and collected a couple of yoga mats and picked up a towel from the linen closet. She then picked up the tube of skin cream and a bottle of baby oil from her Mom’s bathroom. Running through the house and doing all this nude is such a new sensation that she shivered a little.
When everything is laid out on the living room floor to Zayden’s satisfaction, she sits down on the mat and waits for Buzz to load breakfast dishes into the washer.
Buzz called out as he entered the living room, “I’ve seen Mom do this but I don’t really watch her. I think you should spread out the towel and lay down on that. Then you will need to show me how much cream to put on. Show me on your left arm and I will copy you on the right.”
Zayden held up her left arm and dripped some cream along its length.
Zayden instructed, “Slowly spread the cream out as you gently rub it into the skin. When the cream goes invisible you are pretty much done. Sometimes a spot gets missed, so just add a drop and rub some more.”
Buzz took the tube and drizzled out cream on her right arm. He tried to match the style that Zayden showed him but it's not quite the same. Zayden can feel it too.
Zayden said, “When I do this myself, I know how slippery it should feel on my arm and my hand. You’re doing it different and it doesn’t feel right. Here, put a drop of baby oil on your hand and try again.”
The drop of baby oil made all the difference and Zayden was satisfied that he would do a good job. She lay down on her stomach and waited for Buzz to start. He dripped out a line of cream starting at her ankles, going up the length of her legs. With a drop of baby oil on each palm, Buzz starts rubbing the moisturizer into his sister’s skin.
Even though this is his sister, he is not immune from a mild sexual surge as he sees her butt jiggle while he works on her legs. Moving up to the top of her legs, Buzz works as far around her upper thighs as he can reach but stays an inch or so away from her pussy. The great enjoyment he experiences rubbing her butt makes him go fully erect inside his boxers.
When Buzz shifts his position to work up her back, he bumps Zayden with his boner.
Surprised, Zayden asks, “Big bro! Do you have a stiffy?”
Buzz humbly replied, “Well, I have my hands all over you, so sure. No chance of incest, tho, as much as I like touching all over your body. Those medical WEB pages say there is a mental block for sex between close family members. Something about growing up together turns those feelings off. But you’re cute and I am touching a lot of female skin, so yeah, I have a stiffy.”
Somewhat relieved, Zayden tells him, “So you can keep it in your pants if I turn over and you do my front? You did a really good job on my back. It was almost like a massage, or what I think a massage should feel like.”
Buzz admitted, “Sure, you’re a girl. I’ll have a stiffy all day from this, but you’re still my sister and I bet next week the thrill will be gone. And someday you will find a boy to take over and replace me.”
Zayden turned over onto her back, rejecting that prediction. “Not this year! No boyfriend for me! Here, now do my front.”
Buzz put a line of skin moisturizer drops on both her legs, starting at the ankles going up over her shins and on to her hips. With an extra drop of baby oil on each palm he works the cream into her skin. Zayden can see the bulge in his shorts as he works up her legs. His fingers come really close to her pussy, but never closer than the bottom of the valley where her labia starts. Although this is “forbidden” territory, drilled into Zayden from childhood, she is too young to get any sexual thrill from this.
Buzz works up from her hips, going over her tummy, onto her ribcage, and then jumps to her shoulders. Zayden feels very relaxed by this time. “If I had ever gotten a real massage, maybe this is what it would feel like.” Finally Buzz is done with the shoulders and works on her upper chest. Dripping some more cream around her nipples, he also adds a drop of baby oil to his palms.
Zayden gets an extra tinge of excitement as her brother rubs her breast area. Not sexually but just the experience of being naked in front of a boy and having him touch her chest, another ‘forbidden’ area, gives her goosebumps. All from the naughtiness of the situation, like that one time when she was 5 and stayed up way past her bedtime.
Buzz commented, “Hey Little Z, I think your breasts are starting.”
Zayden skeptically replied, “Can’t be. I’m barely past 9 and a half.”
Buzz ex[;aomed, “Well, you look like a boy up here when you wear a shirt. But now I can see a small puff behind your nipple. Joey has this too, but that’s because he is kinda fat. You are slim so that extra padding here … can you feel it when I rub around your nipple? … that extra has to be breast.”
Buzz continued, “It looks like this side has started, but not the other side.”
Zayden angrily jumped up. “Are you making fun of me?”
Buzz quickly replied in confusion, “What? No! No.” He was then conciliatory and walked back that comment a bit. “Sorry, I didn’t mean it like that. It’s only an observation, not an insult. Mom and Dad put that porn filter on our internet so I have to go to medical sites for my fun. They say that many women have breasts that are not exactly the same size. Do you remember Mom telling stories about when I was a baby? My middle toe was shorter on one foot than the other. But look at them now. See? Same size. When you are bigger I bet your breasts will be like that, same same.”
Buzz started in on some ego stroking. “Besides I think your other breast is also starting to grow too. At least your nipple is. It's getting bigger than mine now. Maybe one boob is just a month or two behind the other. I felt a little cushion under there too. Lie back down and let me see. Please? Yeah, I feel a little extra there. If you’re getting an early start, maybe you’ll get some big ones! Now I have to stop calling you Little Z, and call you Big Z instead!
Those medical sites also say that people's faces can be not-the-same, from left to right. Supposedly the more of a mirror image each side of a man’s face is, the handsomer women think he is. If you look at pictures of famous handsome men, you will see.”
As he gives Zayden’s little breasts extra attention, going all over each breast repeatedly, he adds an extra drop of skin cream to each nipple. This gives him the excuse to linger in that area for quite some time.
Zayden contentedly spoke, “That feels nice. The internet never said being a nudist would feel so good.”
Buzz finished the application of skin cream and told Zayden that she needs to do her own kitty. “If you ever want me to do your kitty, first I will need to watch how you do it.”
While Zayden is still very relaxed from the massage, “OK, maybe tomorrow. Buzz, thanks for helping. It felt really good, especially when you did my chest. Will you help me tomorrow?”
Buzz finally sees a chance to make a big push to his advantage. “Sure, but only if you stay naked until the ‘rents come home.”
Zayden replied with only a small objection. “As long as we don’t get visitors. I’m not ready for that yet.”
She tried without success to understand why she felt so good when Buzz looked at her nude body. Zayden thought about when all this started, but could not pin it down. The effect of the Smartwatch brushing her mind was selectively erasing her memories.
Next Week Saturday
Following that first skin cream session, things settled into a routine. Zayden was nude at home all day while the ‘rents were working. Wake up naked, take a shower, go downstairs for breakfast followed by Buzz giving her a skin cream massage.
Then one day a mistake is made. Zayden started her normal naked routine, taking her dirty clothes from her room down to the basement laundry. After working the machines for a while, she had the family undies (all white) in the washer, regular clothes in the dryer, and is folding linens to be piled in the basket for carrying upstairs. Then she hears a sound.
A startled Zayden let out a *GASP*. “Mom! What are you doing home? Why aren’t you at work?”
Zayden is not sure what to do now. Her Mom has caught her naked, far from her room, without a reasonable excuse. She is not sure whether to hide or brazen out the situation.
Mom, looking over her daughter’s nudity replies, “Well dear, these lazy summer days must have scrambled your brain’s calendar. This is Saturday. Dad and I were at my friend’s house early this morning. Why don’t you have any clothes on?”
Obviously making things up on the fly, Zayden came up with the lame “Ummm, I’m doing the laundry and I just now put my clothes in the wash.”
Unconvinced, Mom spells it out. “I see some of your clothes waiting in that pile, but the washer is busy right now so it will be 30 minutes before they can go into the wash, then another 45 minutes to dry. Are you comfortable being nude for such a long time?”
“Yes. I’ve been pract--- oops.” as Zayden accidentally spilled the beans.
“You have been practicing? Being a nudist? Yeah? When did you start exploring this lifestyle?
Zayden meekly answered, “About 2 weeks ago. Are you mad at me?”
“Goodnes no. That’s why Dad and I went to visit my friend. I’m going to be a nudist too.”
Mom immediately takes off her clothes and adds them to the dirty laundry pile. Zayden is both amazed and relieved that her mother is embracing nudism. Zayden then decides that the best thing to do is continue where she left off: folding the linens.
Mom continues to connect some dots. “So Buzz must know about your nudism, since you have been roaming all over the house. How has he been acting?”
Zayden gushed, “Mom, he’s been great. Helping me take small steps to get used to this, giving advice. He even helps me put moisturizer on my back.”
“That’s great Zayden Oh, honey, the basement is such a depressing place to fold things. Help me carry this basket up to the living room and we can work there.”
Zayden wonders, “So Dad will be cool with this? I wasn’t sure how to talk about nudism with you two.”
Mom smiled at her daughter. “Sure, Dad will be happy. And you will be happy that you don’t have to wear clothes at home.”
Zayden looked up at Mom with a pleading face, “So I can be naked all the time now?”
“Sure. And maybe we can convince the school to accept nudism next fall. How cool would that be?”
They reached the top of the stairs and proceeded to the living room. Buzz could not hide his shocked face when Mom came up nude. He had been plenty worried because when Mom went downstairs, he didn’t have time to warn Zayden and knew she would be trapped naked down there. The relief that Buzz felt when both girls had big smiles let him relax and breathe again.
Mom looked over at her son expectantly. “Good morning Buzz. Could you come here and help us fold these blankets and sheets? They are a bit awkward for just us two girls.”
After a few minutes Zayden sees that the living room drapes are open. “Mom. The windows are open. People can see us.”
Mom matter of factly replied, “Yes, of course they can. And us nudists don’t worry about that, right?”
As Zayden worked that thought through, “Oh. Yeah. Right”
“After we fold these,” Mom said, “let's have the boys put skin cream on us. Where did you and Buzz do that?”
Zayden informed her, “Here in this room. We put the yoga mats on the floor.”
Mom realized, “So that’s why those mats are missing. Well, the sheets are done. You go get the mats, I’ll get the cream. BOYS! We need you in here.”
With the mats on the floor, Zayden and Mom lay down on their tummies. Buzz worked on Zayden and Dad did his wife, and they both went at about the same pace. Dad gave advice on how to turn the session into a real massage, which the girls really liked. The two gals chattered and yakked until it was time to turn over onto their backs.
Working on their front, again Dad and Buzz worked at about the same pace, with each sort of watching the other’s speed and technique. They both skipped the pussy area, where Mom said she needs to shave down there, and left the upper chest for last. Zayden and Mom had tapered off with the talking, as the massage was taking its relaxing effect. They were close to dreamland when the guys began working on their breasts.
Buzz earnestly watched his father go over Mom’s boobs, and faithfully copied each stroke. Dad knew a good thing when he had it, so he took way more time than was needed. He reapplied cream and baby oil several times to milk the session for all it was worth.
Buzz did the same, and when he saw Dad’s fingers dance on Mom’s nipples, he did the same on Zayden. Mom’s nipples went erect after a few seconds, and Buzz felt Zayden’s little nipples stiffen up.
Eventually the massage had to end.
Zayden dreamily said, “Mom? This was much better with you here to talk to. Buzz is nice and all, but he doesn’t say stuff as interesting as you.”
Mom replied with “That’s very sweet of you dear. In a few minutes we need to get up and fix lunch. Then we need to go out back and do a little work on the garden.”
Zayden was horrified. “GO OUTSIDE? Our backyard doesn’t have a fence! The neighbors will see.”
Mom calmed Zayden down with “Yes, they will, if they look. But we’re nudists and that makes it OK.”
Again Zayden needed a few seconds to process this. “Oh! Yeah. Right. I forgot.”
Mother and daughter went off to the kitchen while the guys picked up the yoga mats and cream. Zayden’s time is filled with great happiness now that she has permission to travel nude about the whole house at any time of day.
Now that Buzz has seen his sister’s breasts are starting to grow, even just a little, he has trouble avoiding long looks at them. Zayden notices where Buzz is looking, but somehow this secretly pleases her a great deal. Her father is better able to restrain himself, but sometimes she catches him too. Zayden responds to these stares by sometimes going out of her way to give the guys a close, long look at her boobs.
When her mother asked her to find out what type of cheese the guys want on their sandwiches, she first took the packages over to Buzz. Holding the cheese slices just below her nipples, she has Buzz point out his selection. Moving on to her father, she stands shoulder to shoulder (well, if she were taller anyway) so that Dad has to look down over her shoulder, along her breast, and past her nipple to make his choice.
Buzz and Dad were very happy as they ate lunch with the naked gals. When lunch finished, the guys cleaned up the dishes and kitchen while Mom and Zayden stepped out to the back yard.
Mom confidently stepped right out the sliding door. Since this is Zayden’s first excursion out of the house, she carefully looked around for anyone that could see her. With the coast clear she followed Mom to the border of the garden at the edge of the property.
Just then, the next door boy Ray burst out of his house letting his screen door slam. With the summer heat, he was dressed only in loose swim trunks, intending to spend some time under the grass sprinkler.
Mom called out loudly, “Hi Ray!”
Ray said right back, “Hi Lytton!”
Ray stops short when he sees Zayden and her mother are naked. Zayden is near panic, having forgotten the “OK to be seen” part of nudism. Mom manages to calm Zayden’s nerves by calmly and without shame, walking closer to Ray.
Mom calls out “Zayden, come say hello to Ray!” And to Ray she said, “We haven’t seen you for a while. Been visiting relatives?”
Ray replied, “Yes ma’am. We went to visit my Grandmother in Chicago. Why are you and Zayden naked?”
“Oh! It’s because while you were away, we became nudists.”
Ray wondered, “Mr Lytton and Buzz too?”
Mom answered, “No, just us girls. Golly that sun is hot. Zayden, take Ray under the sun-shade while I get the Banana Boat sunscreen.”
Zayden shyly stepped over to Ray, and being a normal 11yo boy, Ray could not help but stare at her body. Zayden’s reaction to this was completely unexpected. She lost all shyness and reluctance to outside nudity, unable to figure out why being seen by a boy suddenly feels so good. Unconsciously she began showing off her body as she led Ray to a bench in the shade.
Mom came back outside applying sunscreen to her own arms and breasts. Naturally Ray watched and could not look away. When she finished her torso and legs, she asked Zayden to do her back. All that done, Mom put some of the goop in Zayden’s palms then gave the bottle to Ray so he could do his front.
Mom told Zayden, “Honey, you do his back. When you are done, Ray can do your back.”
Then she went off to tend the garden. After Ray gets all lathered up Zayden laid down on the bench, tummy down, and waited for him to begin. She was expecting a session very similar to the moisturizer massage in the morning.
Zayden instructed Ray “Start at my feet and work up, please.”
Ray did a good job for a first timer, but Zayden had to remind him “Don’t forget my butt.” Then she turned over on her back. She started by putting a dollop of sunblock on Ray’s palm. Again he started at her feet and worked up. They started chatting, about school, vacation, food, movies, most anything. As Ray reached the top of her legs ...
Zayden piped up with “I’ll do my kitty. I don’t want anything getting in there. You can do everything else.”
Ray replied with a very suggestive “EVERYthing?”
Zayden, with a big smile answered back, “Sure. EVERYthing. If you can see it, so can the sun, so rub some sunscreen there. But do my boobs last, OK?”
Ray gulped at that, realizing that he had overreached his expectations, but complied. When he finally reached Zayden’s breasts, she decided that the best way to keep the massage going was to keep Ray talking. They continued talking about friends, grownups, wild dreams, even which brand of toilet paper is best. Zayden was a little confused. After a lifetime of hints and social pressure to keep boys away from seeing her chest, she did not understand why getting sunblock rubbed on her breasts made her feel so good. Zayden began thinking up a reason to keep this feeling going. As Ray had smeared the cream all over and was winding down, she picked up the bottle of Banana Boat and dribbled an additional line across her breasts.
Zayden explained, “These have never seen the sun before, they need extra protection.”
As Ray stroked and rubbed her breasts a second time she let out some soft purrs. “(This feels SO good. I never thought a boy touching me there would make me so happy. I wonder how long we can keep doing this.)” She added a big drop to each nipple and directed his hands to pay special attention to them.
Ray was now convinced that Zayden really approved of his touching ALL over. “(I think she wants me to do her breasts all day. Hell, small as they are, *I* want to do her breasts all day. I am NOT moving.)”
After a few minutes, Ray abandoned all pretense of putting sunscreen on Zayden’s breasts. He simply rubbed them gently. She is zoning out on the gentle massage of her chest in the warm sun, amplified because it would have been “naughty” only a few weeks ago. For his part, Ray is absolutely fascinated at the tiny rise of her small breast off her ribs, even if it is mostly just chest muscle. Still, it LOOKS like it could be a breast. He enjoys watching the slow rising and falling as she breathes, the gentle swell starting just below her collar bone.
Ray sees that her nipples are not so different from his own, yet they are so much more worthy of worship. Because no matter how plain they may be, they are GIRL nipples. He becomes intoxicated with their unimaginable beauty and becomes powerless to look away. Ray especially likes the way he can make her little nipples wrinkle and stand up with his fingers. “(It can't be from cold air on this warm day.)” And that nipple will relax when his hand moves to the other breast. Fascinating. No. Hypnotizing. Then it wrinkles again when his fingers return. The word “ping-pong” zips through his mind. “(This is so much fun!)” He is startled when she rests her closest hand on the back of his hip but her big smile, a contented sigh, and closed eyes tells him to keep going.
Zayden knows exactly where Ray is looking and gets a super-charged ego boost. In the deep recesses of her mind she is puzzled why giving Ray a clear and close up view of her breasts gives her so much pleasure. With a slight wiggle she gets her chest closer to Ray, moving his field of view from the side to more directly over her body. With that adjustment she also moved her hand off Ray’s side and up into the back of the leg hole of his swim trunks and on to his butt cheek. This took Ray completely by surprise. He jerked upright and rigid.
Zayden apologized “Oh! Sorry. I wasn’t thinking. I just wanted to get my arm comfortable.”
Ray relented, “Any other girl and I would be angry. For you, as long as you let me do suntan you can put your hands anywhere.”
Zayden noticed that despite Ray’s reaction, he did not lift his hands from her chest. With a big smile she put her hand back up Ray’s trunks and gave his butt a gentle squeeze. Ray went back to rubbing and stroking her breasts. Soon after, Zayden was following Ray’s hand movements by moving her own hand across Ray’s butt cheeks, mimicking his hand movements. He went left, she went left. He moved to the right, she moved to the right.
After a few minutes Ray moved to the other breast but Zayden only gave his butt cheek a gentle squeeze and tapped her fingers down, NOT moving to the other side. Ray understood and moved his hand back. Then Zayden moved her hand to the other cheek and gave a gentle squeeze. Ray moved to the other breast. Zayden then moved her thumb in a circular motion on his cheek. Ray didn’t understand so he held his hand still. Zayden gave a gentle squeeze and again, moved her thumb in a circular motion. Ray took a wild guess and used his fingers to circle and rub Zayden’s nipple.
She moved her hand to Ray’s other butt cheek and used her index finger to make a circular motion. Ray moved to her other breast and played with the nipple. From that point on, Zayden was in charge. Ray would match the movement of her hands. She would sometimes circle faster, sometimes slower, or with more pressure. Or softly. And he would follow. Her chest had just left the “boy” stage with small but unmistakable breast tissue growth, so at all times Ray was staring at her breasts and nipples. And Zayden was loving this every bit as much as he was. She reveled in the way his fingers made her little nipples pop up stiff. She could feel a tiny bit of squishiness as his hand put pressure on her breasts. “(Yeah, he doesn’t want to stop, I don’t want to stop, let’s do this forever.)”
After about an hour, Ray’s mother Robin comes out of her house. She has heard the kids chatting so she is carrying an array of snacks and soft drinks. As the tray is set down on the picnic table, Robin notices that Zayden is not wearing a bikini, or even just shorts.
Robin waved at the kids. “Hi Zayden! I see you are dressed for the warm day. Is this a special occasion?”
Zayden explained “Hi Mrs Davis, yeah, sort of. Mom and I have become nudists, so it’s special because this is the first day.”
Robin went into Mom mode. “I see. Well, you kids need to stop resting. Eat a bit and then go play. There are two garden hoses with sprayers at the corner of the house over there. Go squirt each other … but not in the face!”
Ray jumped up and grabbed some chips. “OK Mom. Zayden, do you want the hose in the back or around the corner? The corner hose can be seen from our street.”
Zayden answered “Well, if I am going to be a nudist, I have to stop caring who sees me. I’ll take the hose around the corner.”
Ray taunted “My hose is really long. Maybe I will chase you out to the front yard!”
Zayden barked right back, “No way! I’m gonna chase YOU!”
And off they go. Right at that time Zayden’s mom finished up her gardening and walked down the path to Robin’s yard.
Robin greeted her neighbor, “Hi Helen. I heard about your transformation. You look good. Someday I will lose a few pounds and join you.”
Helen gushed, “I highly recommend it. Hubby is over the moon loving this change. It’s also going to make cuddling in front of the TV so much better.”
Robin was somewhat horrified. “What? Surely you won’t be going at it in front of the kids, will you?”
Helen reassured her, “Oh no. But kids need to know what a loving relationship looks like. Do you ever watch old black-and-white TV Sit-coms on Youtube? “Leave it to Beaver”, “Dennis the Menace”, “My Three Sons”? The husband and wife give good advice to their kids but they have no passion. They act like office colleagues. How do those couples have enough romance to create children? Buzz and Zayden may choke and “Ewwww” when hubby and I do some deep French kissing but when they are our age they’ll remember what makes marriage enough fun to suffer through bringing up kids.”
Robin became concerned with Helen’s appearance. “Helen, you look like you’re hot from the sun and you have grass and weeds stuck on your skin. RAY! Come over here and give Zayden’s mom a spray. Rinse that dirt off. Just point the nozzle mostly up in the air to make ‘rain’ and she can step as far under the water as she wants.”
This, of course, paused the water war and Zayden took the opportunity to run through the side yard and hide. She did not think things through, because when Ray was done with Mrs Lytton, he tracked Zayden down by simply following her hose. This led to an epic water battle that ended when Zayden retreated across the front yard far enough that Ray’s hose stretched to its limit and would not reach. Her hose had a bit more water pressure so she could get him without suffering any return fire.
With all the laughing, giggling, and wet sloppy fun, Zayden played like any normal girl in this situation, keeping cool on a hot day. With a friend. In his front yard. And definitely NOT thinking about being naked.
Just before the thrill of a water war stalemate drained away, Ray’s friend and neighbor Aaron and his sister Cathy drifted along on their bicycles. The squirt battle promptly ended as the two ran over to the street and began parallel conversations. Zayden was a little nervous about a second boy coming around, and he was a bit older too. In this first excursion outside her house, she did not get any emotional rush from boys looking at her. Fortunately for her, Aaron was not mature enough to be captivated by girls so while Zayden’s nudity was an interesting anomaly, it was something that he could ignore for a while. Ray was the more aggressive personality so he started Aaron talking about his vacation to the ocean. After a detailed travelogue of his trip, Aaron was still pumped up enough to brag about the long distance bike ride he and his sister had just finished.
Cathy’s first question to Zayden, on the other hand, was “Why are you naked?” Zayden was not quite ready to tell the world about her new love of nudism, so she made the simple excuse that it made playing in the water more fun. No dirty or torn clothes, no icky feeling when the fabric sticks to the skin.
Zayden was taking furtive glances at Aaron, very nervous at how he would react to her nudity. It took some mental effort to keep from going into a terrified screeching sprint to the back of Ray’s house. It wasn’t embarrassment or shame, it was more of a “he’s going to yell at me, hate me ‘cause I’m naked” type of fear. A few turns of her conversation with Cathy didn’t result in an outburst from Aaron, so her emotions calmed down.
In fact, no longer feeling exposed, she noticed that the exhilaration of being naked, especially in front of another boy, a new boy, had not come back. With growing confusion she looked at Aaron more closely. He had been very animated and excited when telling Ray about his just finished bike ride, and about all the big ocean waves he surfed. “He’s completely ignoring me. Maybe he will grow up to be a jock, go to the Olympics, and get on TV.”
Ray invited his friend “Hey Aaron, do you and Cathy want to play in the water with us?”
Cathy looked at Zayden suspiciously, “Do I have to get naked?”
Ray spoke up, “No. Zayden is naked because … (Zayden manages to give Ray a silent “Don’t say that” signal) … because her clothes got dirty. You can wear your bikini.”
Cathy was relieved. “Great. I got a new one at the ocean this week and haven’t worn it yet. Aaron, let’s go ask Mom.”
Cathy and Aaron come back to wage a water war. Mrs Davis insists that the two get a good coating of Banana Boat before going into battle, and of course Ray and Zayden are happy to help. As the spray battles rage Cathy’s new bikini is a little too big, as she expected to grow into it, so the top keeps letting her small breasts pop out. After the 5th time, she simply takes off the top. Aaron takes a quick look but sister boobs will never be interesting to him. Ray almost starts drooling. Her breasts are bigger than Zayden’s, giving them some definite female shape. But Cathy’s nipples are particularly awesome in Ray’s eyes, with the nipple poking out and the enlarged areolas. No way do they look like what he has on his own chest.
A blast of water from Zayden breaks Ray out of his trance, and the war is ON!
Ten minutes later Robin sees that Cathy is topless, so she insists that everyone touch up the sunblock. Everyone has help with their backs, which would be normal everywhere. Then Cathy and Aaron each do their own front while Zayden does Ray’s front. By the time Cathy and Aaron are done and look up, they are astounded to see Ray doing Zayden’s front. Neither can manage so much as a squeak as they watch Zayden spread her arms and smile while Ray rubs the cream over her tiny breasts.
And now, back to the WAR!
After a full afternoon of whooping, laughing, and hollering, the water battle was declared a draw. The kids were seated around the picnic table snacking in the backyard when Cathy’s mom came through the house to announce to her kids “Dinner Time, Gotta Go”. As the vision of her still topless daughter registered, her mom became enraged.
“CATHY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING? You march home right now. No, forget your top young lady. I want your father to see exactly how you have been prancing around today.”
Aaron was totally embarrassed by his mother’s outburst, and Cathy was in tears. As the three went across the street back to their own house, Ray’s mother quietly told Zayden “Please get your parents and bring them here.”
In just a few minutes everyone from both families were standing on Ray’s front lawn staring across the road at Cathy’s house. Zayden and her mom were nude, of course, but nobody thought much of it since the action across the street sucked up all the attention. They heard occasional raised voices, but thankfully no terrified screams. After about 30 minutes, Cathy’s mom came out of the house with some suitcases, loaded them into her car and drove off. A few minutes later the father came to the open front door and just stood there, looking shell shocked.
All 6 members of the two observer families knew something bad had just happened. They slowly crossed the street to offer help or comfort. Cathy’s father stumbled out the front door speechless. Aaron was able to give a rudimentary explanation, starting with “Mom’s gone off to live with her sister.” With this little nudge, Mr Phillips took what simple action he could, “I need to go comfort Cathy.”, leaving Aaron at the door.
Aaron explained what he could from his young viewpoint. His mother was a very conservative evangelical, and blew up at Cathy going topless for the water fight.
Aaron explained, “Mom was always going on about how proud her sister was that HER beaches were family beaches and even thongs were outlawed. Her church thought immodest bikinis brought God’s wrath and hurricanes to Florida. *Sigh* You know who doesn't have hurricanes? The beaches of southern France. Cathy’s bikini bottom was a thong, I think. But Mom didn’t even notice that.”
Helen inquired “Thongs are a problem at ‘family beaches’? They have been accepted most everywhere since I was in high school. Did your mom say anything about Zayden not having any bikini at all?”
“No. I guess she saw Cathy and nothing else mattered.”
By this time Mr Phillips and Cathy had come back out to the front door. While Ray noticed that Cathy was still topless, Robin was more practical, inquiring if they needed help to prepare a dinner.
Mr Phillips gave out an exasperated “Crap! Forgot about that. Aaron, mother was cooking. Go check the kitchen. Turn everything off, the oven, the stove, microwave, crock-pot, everything. Thanks for asking, Robin, yeah we might need some help. Come on in and we can take inventory.”
On their way back across the street to their own kitchens to whip up side dishes for Cathy’s family, Robin and Helen had a private little chat.
Robin asked her friend “Did you see that bikini bottom of Cathy? If going topless set off her mother, it's a good thing she was too distracted to catch the bottom. Firstly, it’s a thong. And if Janet thinks the back would be bad, My God, that front. It’s a thong there too!”
Helen asked “Really? I wonder how Cathy managed to buy that, and why she wore it today. Surely under normal circumstances her mom would have seen it. And the front? A thong style there too? I knew fashions from the strip clubs leak into the wider world for acceptance but never thought it would go that far. And in kid sizes of all things.”
Robin replied, “I don’t think she has a kid suit. The top was too big and kept slipping off her breasts. That was why she took it off. It must have been a small adult size. But yeah, with that mom it's not something I would wear.”
30 minutes later the two moms were back at Cathy’s house with extra food. Robin, ever the practical one, said all the kids needed to shower off the sunscreen before eating.
Robin told the kids, “Wash that dirt and sun goop off before you soil the furniture. Zayden, can you help Cathy? Ray, take Aaron to our house. Use the walk-in shower. Help each other with your backs, that is what will rub the furniture the most. Then come back here for dinner.”
Mr Phillips was still too shaken up to veto any of this, and even so, he agreed it should be done.
When Cathy and Zaden were done and clean, stepping out of the shower, Cathy suddenly realized that Zayden had no clothes to put back on. “Zayden, where are your clothes? Are they all back at Ray’s house? They will be all wet and dirty. You can wear some of mine. They are a little big for you …”
Zayden informed her friend, “My clothes are back at my house. They aren’t wet or dirty, I didn’t wear any to Ray’s for the water war. This week my mom and I have become nudists. I don’t need clothes.”
Cathy’s eyes go wide at this. “For true? That’s why your mom is over here naked? You HAVE to tell me all about it. What’s it like? Do you like it? Aww nuts, they are calling us for dinner. Can you sleep over tonight? I need all the details!”
Zayden answered “No plans for tonight and tomorrow, I can stay but let's ask the grups.”
The boys had come back and everyone regrouped at Cathy’s house to eat dinner. Since Zayden came into the house naked, obviously she stayed that way through dinner. Cathy chose to wear a sundress for the evening. With the sudden disappearance of her mother’s harsh dress code, she decided to take a baby step along Zayden’s path and go commando.
Later, the living room was used for the adult conference on how to proceed. A sleepover was arranged for Zayden to stay with Cathy. Mr Phillips offered to host dinner tomorrow for everyone but was gently refused.
Helen explained, “I already have dinner brewing in our cauldron now. We need to start eating it tomorrow.”
Robin agreed. “Us too, it’s hubby’s favorite meal and it does not become more tasty as days go by. How about we all do a potluck tomorrow? We can combine our cooking and eat what’s in our ovens now. That will give you another day and night to get a normal routine going.”
Helen made a suggestion. “Speaking of tomorrow, can we take all the kids to that new water spray park? It’s more intimate and smaller than an amusement park, which will let us all destress after today. And if it’s OK with the girls, Cathy can sleepover at our house tomorrow night. We will deliver her back here when you return from work on Monday.”
Cathy’s Dad finally realizes that Helen is naked “(How long has my head been up my ass that I didn’t see that before?)” and wonders what’s up with that. He got distracted by the sleepover offer, which he viewed as a chance for some welcome alone time. He thought the opportunity might get jinxed if he asked about Helen.
This story is fan-fic of Superevil’s The Right Smartwatch. I thought that Cindy became a nudist much too quickly. The story begins at Gloria's intervention (The Taming of Gloria). Zayden lives in a town that is right next to Matt's, with different laws. Similar to Kansas City, Kansas and its immediate neighbor Kansas City, Missouri.
Copyright notice:
I hereby proclaim to the world that I wrote the Zayden stories and that they may be copied, stored, modified, and or absorbed into other works without attribution with only the following limits:
- you do not try to find my real life name
- you do not sue me for the contents of this story
- don't claim I wrote it
In addition, this story has a small footprint into Superevil's The Right Smartwatch universe (with his permission). Please get his OK for anything you lift that includes his characters or world.
Zayden: 9yo girl
Buzz: 13yo, brother of Zayden
Helen Lytton (Mom): Zayden’s mother
Mr Lytton: Zayden’s father
Ray: 11yo neighbor boy
Robin Davis: Ray’s mother
Matt: owns the Smart Watch
MomM: Matt’s mother
Aaron: 13yo boy neighbor of Ray
Cathy: 12yo sister of Aaron
Janet Phillips: Cathy’s mother
Mr Phillips: Cathy’s father
Day 1 (Thursday)
As the rumors, news, and events about some New Rules swirled around her neighborhood, Zayden stayed distant from it. None of her neighbor friends have had those rules imposed so she never worried or thought much about it.
Then one day shortly after the summer school break starts, Zayden accompanies her mother to the house of her mom’s friend, a few miles across town. Several other mothers were there, but no kids her age to play with. While the mothers are in the kitchen talking, sometimes animatedly, she becomes bored. Taking a small puzzle off the shelf in the den, she padded off to a quiet spot in that house. Sitting down alone in the living room, in the corner, behind a big easy chair, she proceeded to assemble the puzzle.
After a few minutes, Matt and his mother show up at the front door and are led into the kitchen. Unknown to Zayden, this is an emergency intervention by Matt and his Smartwatch that has become necessary due to an unintended consequence of one of his commands a few days ago.
Zayden knows none of this. Sitting quietly, she is on the edge of being able to follow the conversation in the kitchen, if she cared. But she does not really care so only picks up a few words and phrases, mostly to determine if it is time to go home, and ignores the rest.
After a couple of hours, just as she puts the last piece of the puzzle into place, her mom comes out of the kitchen and collects her for the drive back home. She spends the afternoon in a quiet and pensive mood. Some thoughts roll around in her mind that she just cannot put aside. An engineer on the Smartwatch project would love to have taken measurements at the friend’s house to record the effect of the watch when the subject is at the outer hazy limits of its reach. He would be able to see the difference between the watch giving a subtle suggestion as opposed to an outright command.
For Zayden, she has the word “nudist” knocking around her brain. Looking up the definition on her computer, she gets a mild rush of curiosity, which makes her want to learn more. As she goes through pages and pages of internet sites of nudist camps, topless and nude beaches, she is getting a continuing mild rush of endorphine stimulation. Her curiosity about nudism reaches a threshold where action is in the cards.
Night 1 (Thursday)
That night upstairs, at bedtime, Zayden puts on her nightgown and does all the normal bedtime activities. After the final step of brushing her teeth, she leaves the bathroom and instead of returning directly to her own bedroom, she knocks on the door of her brother Buzz.
Buzz calls out, “Come in.”
“Hi Buzz.” as Zayden steps into his room. “Do you have a few minutes?”
Buzz replied, “Sure, Little Z. This is Summer time, so no need for early sleep, no plans for tomorrow. What’s up?”
“Well, this is kinda personal. Can you keep it a secret?”
“Maybe.” he said with a hint of doubt. “Not if you are getting picked on, or kicking puppies. But I will do my best.”
Zayden reassured her brother, “It's not a real problem, nothing like that. At the house of Mom’s friend today I heard the word ‘nudist’ so I’ve been reading about it on the internet. All the WEB pages describe nudism like it's a good thing, so I want to try it. Mom and Dad work all day so they don’t have to know yet, but I don’t want to do it if you disapprove.”
Buzz and his sister never had a contentious relationship, but Buzz is entering the phase of his life where social ranking takes on increasing importance. He is a bit suspicious that Zayden might be setting him up for something, but the prospect of a naked sister drives him forward. Buzz reasoned that he could both protect himself AND make sure that this is a serious conversation, by taking this step by step.
Buzz reassured his sister, “Little Z, I’m a boy. Naked girls and women are always welcome. Since you are only talking to me right now and not wandering the house naked, you must not be really, really sure about nudism. So a good test to see if you will like it would be to sleep naked. Then come see me tomorrow night.”
Zayden smiled at the suggestion. “That’s a good idea. Thanks. Goodnight.”
Back in her room with the door closed, she took off her nightclothes and climbed into bed. It was a restful night with many happy dreams of nude adventures.
Night 2 (Friday)
The next evening, at bedtime, Zayden once again knocked on Buzz’s door. He knew this was coming, so it was part-way open, not closed and latched.
“Come on in Little Z. How was last night?”
Again Zayden stepped into her brother’s room. “Oh! It was great. I’m going to do that from now on.”
Buzz raised his eyebrows at the enthusiastic response. “Wow! Maybe I’ll try it too, in a few months. Do you want to take another step toward being a nudist?”
Zayden eagerly waited for more advice. “Sure! What can I do? But I’m not ready to have Mom and Dad find out yet.”
“How about, you sleep naked again tonight, like you already planned. Then tomorrow morning when you go to the bathroom to take a shower, you don’t put on a robe and only carry a towel in your hand?”
At first, Zayden saw that as a step too far. “*Gasp* You mean walk down the hall naked? What if Mom or Dad sees me? What if YOU see me?”
Buzz reassured her, “Mom and Dad don’t have their bedroom on this floor so they won’t be up here. Besides, they are usually at work when you get up. And I promise to keep my door closed tomorrow so you don’t freak out. Eventually though, if you want to be a nudist you have to let me see you.”
“True, but small steps are best for now.”
Day 3 (Saturday)
Zayden slept nude again that night, and following the instructions of Buzz, cautiously stepped beyond her door into the hall. Checking that the coast is clear she slipped along the hallway nude, carrying her towel to the shower. It is quite a thrill, with goosebumps all over as she made her way to the bathroom. It seems so liberating to be walking naked along the hall outside the walls of her room. On the other hand, her upbringing intimidated her into glancing back at Buzz's room every two steps, to make sure he is not peeking. After the shower, she continues her adventure by slowly walking back to her room, this time with the towel wrapped around her wet hair. It was her way to make this a ‘streaking’ adventure, as It will be an awkward scramble to get the towel down off her head and cover herself if Buzz suddenly appears. She comes to the happy conclusion that having the towel out of easy reach makes the trip more fun. For both trips, she is almost disappointed that her brother’s door remains closed.
Buzz is not immune to the allure of a naked sister, but he understands the concept of “investments”. He is giving up the immediate opportunity to see his sister in a quick flash, possibly intimidating her into giving up, for the long term goal of having her naked all the time.
Sometime later, after Buzz does his morning bathroom routine, they eat breakfast together at the kitchen table and talk.
Buzz asks, “Were you naked when you walked to the bathroom? I didn’t peek.”
Zayden flashed back on her adventure, “Yeah, it was kinda nice. There was the thrill of maybe being seen, without the danger of being seen. It was fun.”
“LOL, yeah. I’ve done that when you’re away at a sleepover.” Buzz confided. “I got a funny feeling deep in my stomach, like when my friends and I explored the abandoned Bellweather barn.”
Zayden agreed, “Oh, yeah, I know what you mean. I got that same feeling on vacation at Gramp's farm when we had the picnic in his corn field, right after the harvest. The land was flat, cleared, and you could see forever. I started to imagine being on an alien planet.”
Buzz wondered, “Maybe that feeling happens for every strange new adventure. Are you ready for your adventure’s next step?”
“Sure. Will that feeling get stronger?”
“I think so. The next step is you have to let me see you. You can be naked and alone for a long time, years maybe, but that’s not really nudism. Tonight I will leave my door open. Tomorrow morning when you go down the hall for a shower I’ll be awake to see you. It's up to you to be dressed or bare, but there are no more steps until you are ok with letting me see you naked.”
Zayden sucked in her breath, “Oh. OK. I will try, but might not be up for it tomorrow.”
Night 3 (Saturday)
That evening when Zayden went to brush her teeth, and dressed in a nightgown she waved at Buzz through his open door. Back in her room and in bed for the night Zayden tossed and turned, trying to decide. “Do I let Buzz see me? Or not?” Finally at 2:00am she decided. Decided that she will decide in the morning.
Day 4 (Sunday)
The next morning Zayden decided that she couldn’t go down the hall naked when her brother could see through his open door. At breakfast they both avoided talking about nudity and nudism. Buzz has a patient personality and did not want to spook Zayden into giving up her exploration.
Day 5 (Monday)
This time Zayden has the courage to walk naked to her morning shower. Returning to her room, she sees Buzz through his open door as he glances up at her and waves. This gave her an unexpected rush of endorphin pleasure as she waved back. She found out that being seen wasn’t a horrid experience after all, in fact it was a nice thrill with tummy butterflies.
As Buzz and Zayden are dressed and eating breakfast together at the kitchen table, their talk turns to the next step. "How was it today?” he asked. “I’m pretty sure you had a smile with that wave.”
Zayden smiled at the memory. “Yeah. It was nice. I liked it, and want to do it again! Is there a next step?”
Buzz replied, “Sure. Tomorrow morning when you come out of the bathroom, I will pass you going in to take my own shower. This will make the encounter last longer and you will have to meet me face-to-face.”
“OK. I think I can do that.”
Day 6 (Tuesday)
This morning, on Zayden’s nude walk to the shower, she paused briefly by her brother’s door and waved “Hi” at him. He smiles and waves back at her, pleased that she is so quickly accepting a relaxed attitude toward casual nudity. A bit later when Buzz hears the shower water cut off, he gets out of bed and puts his boxer shorts on. As Zayden opens the bathroom door to go back to her room, he is in position to walk out into the corridor. She is naked, with the towel wrapped around her wet hair.
Buzz greeted her with “Good morning Little Z. How are you? Any plans for today?”
Zayden replied, “Doing great, thanks. Not really. All my friends took off to relatives and vacations for a couple of weeks, so not doing much of anything.”
It was a kind of stiff, formal exchange. Friendly but closer to practicing lines for a play than casual conversation. It suited the situation perfectly. Buzz sees that Zayden has become comfortable chatting and smiling, even when she catches him glancing a bit too intensely at her chest. Just last week Zayden would have been outraged at her brother, but now she gets a pleasant happy butterflies feeling.
At the breakfast table Zayden tells Buzz how nice it was to chat with him in the hall.
“(That feeling must be part of nudism with other people.)” she thinks. “Big brother, what is the next step?”
“Tonight, when you brush your teeth, go to the bathroom nude and leave the door open. Then tomorrow morning after you go to the toilet, open the door when you take your shower. That way I will see you naked before you sleep, and naked after you wake up. You looked relaxed talking with me back in the hall, which is great because the next step after this will be somewhat bigger.”
“What will it be?” Zayden playfully demanded, “Tell me! TELL ME!”
Buzz reassured her, “The step isn’t THAT big. And you need another day of easy practice of casual nudity with me. How about tonight, after you brush your teeth, come into my room and we’ll play a few games of Hearts?”
Zayden agreed with Buzz, “Yeah, good idea. Passing each other in the hall like this goes too fast. I need to get used to being naked a long time in front of you.”
Night 6 (Tuesday)
That night as Zayden closes out her day, she threw her dirty clothes in the corner and opened the door. After peeking around the corner to be sure an ambush of the ‘rents was not going to happen she stepped out. Walking down the corridor she gave her brother a wave through his open door and picked up her toothbrush. Zayden suddenly stopped as she saw the tube of toothpaste was completely empty.
Just as she turned around to get a replacement from the linen supply cabinet, Buzz was there. Almost bumped into him in fact. He handed off the new tube saying “You’ll need this.” and returned to his room. Buzz knew this would happen, as he could have replaced the tube when he emptied it for his own teeth. His ulterior motive was to gauge Zayden’s reaction to being seen naked at an unexpected time. Zayden did not disappoint him. There was no panicked screaming, no quick covering up with her hands. She acted no different than if she was dressed and Buzz was very encouraged by this.
A few minutes later a naked Zayden came into Buzz’s room and sat on his bed. “Hey big bro, are you ready to lose at hearts?”
“Got the cards right here.”
After two games, Zayden asks her brother “Buzz, how should nudists sit? None of the nudist stuff on the internet has instructions for that. There’s not a lot of ways to sit on a bed without opening my legs and showing you my kitty.”
Buzz replied, “Sit anyway that is comfortable. You should try to keep your legs closed, like Mom taught you. After all, nudists live in a clothed world and it’s your job to follow a lot of their rules. But if you use up all the good seating positions and have to sit Indian Style, that’s ok. I won’t be offended. It will be no different for me than if you scratch your left ear with your right hand.”
Puzzled, Zayden mumbled, “Scratch my left … right … why would I do that?”
“Because you have cards in your left hand? Little Z, I know being naked in front of your brother is new and sometimes uncomfortable, but you are my sister. I’ll wait for my own girlfriend before doing wild and sexy things. Just try to relax and be normal. And smile at me!”
Zayden called out with glee, “Hey! I win! How’s this for a big smile?”
The two played for about an hour, with Zayden bouncing around with youthful energy. She sat in every possible position, losing any concern about how her legs were pointed.
Day 7 (Wednesday)
Zayden woke up and walked nude down the hall with a quick wave at Buzz. After a quick minute with the bathroom door closed, the sound of a toilet flush is followed by the door opening and water rushing through the shower head. When she is done, Buzz once again meets her at the open bathroom door.
Buzz greeted his sister with, “Good morning Little Z. Ready for the next step? Before getting dressed, take your dirty clothes down to the hamper in the basement. Mom and Dad are at work, so you can experience nudism beyond this small hallway.”
Zayden smiled at this. “Good idea. See you later.”
That short nude conversation gave her a mild thrill and the desire to push harder. She went back into her room and picked up all the messy clothes. Coming out, she gives Buzz a last wave as she walks down the stairs naked and he enters the bathroom. With the shower done, Buzz goes down to the kitchen where he is surprised that Zayden is sitting nude at the table, eating breakfast.
Zayden glanced up at Buzz, informing him, “I like being naked so much I got tired of the small steps.”
Now Buzz is convinced his sister is not running some kind of prank against him, she is on the level with her nudity. His hormones are starting to require that he take advantage of the opportunities.
Buzz smiled back at her. “Good. You should be in charge of your own pace for this. And I am happy that you are ready to go faster. If you are going to be a nudist, you need to take care of your skin. When you go outside, always apply sun-block everywhere. Even indoors you need to start applying skin cream, like Mom does.”
Zayden agreed, “Yeah, good idea. I’ll ask Mom to get a bottle for me.”
Buzz, now starting to push things to his advantage, volunteers his time. “If you need help to do your back, let me know.”
Zayden is clueless about his motivation. “Can you help me after breakfast?”
“Sure. Get the cream and let me know when you are ready.”
Five minutes later, Zayden zipped down to the basement and collected a couple of yoga mats and picked up a towel from the linen closet. She then picked up the tube of skin cream and a bottle of baby oil from her Mom’s bathroom. Running through the house and doing all this nude is such a new sensation that she shivered a little.
When everything is laid out on the living room floor to Zayden’s satisfaction, she sits down on the mat and waits for Buzz to load breakfast dishes into the washer.
Buzz called out as he entered the living room, “I’ve seen Mom do this but I don’t really watch her. I think you should spread out the towel and lay down on that. Then you will need to show me how much cream to put on. Show me on your left arm and I will copy you on the right.”
Zayden held up her left arm and dripped some cream along its length.
Zayden instructed, “Slowly spread the cream out as you gently rub it into the skin. When the cream goes invisible you are pretty much done. Sometimes a spot gets missed, so just add a drop and rub some more.”
Buzz took the tube and drizzled out cream on her right arm. He tried to match the style that Zayden showed him but it's not quite the same. Zayden can feel it too.
Zayden said, “When I do this myself, I know how slippery it should feel on my arm and my hand. You’re doing it different and it doesn’t feel right. Here, put a drop of baby oil on your hand and try again.”
The drop of baby oil made all the difference and Zayden was satisfied that he would do a good job. She lay down on her stomach and waited for Buzz to start. He dripped out a line of cream starting at her ankles, going up the length of her legs. With a drop of baby oil on each palm, Buzz starts rubbing the moisturizer into his sister’s skin.
Even though this is his sister, he is not immune from a mild sexual surge as he sees her butt jiggle while he works on her legs. Moving up to the top of her legs, Buzz works as far around her upper thighs as he can reach but stays an inch or so away from her pussy. The great enjoyment he experiences rubbing her butt makes him go fully erect inside his boxers.
When Buzz shifts his position to work up her back, he bumps Zayden with his boner.
Surprised, Zayden asks, “Big bro! Do you have a stiffy?”
Buzz humbly replied, “Well, I have my hands all over you, so sure. No chance of incest, tho, as much as I like touching all over your body. Those medical WEB pages say there is a mental block for sex between close family members. Something about growing up together turns those feelings off. But you’re cute and I am touching a lot of female skin, so yeah, I have a stiffy.”
Somewhat relieved, Zayden tells him, “So you can keep it in your pants if I turn over and you do my front? You did a really good job on my back. It was almost like a massage, or what I think a massage should feel like.”
Buzz admitted, “Sure, you’re a girl. I’ll have a stiffy all day from this, but you’re still my sister and I bet next week the thrill will be gone. And someday you will find a boy to take over and replace me.”
Zayden turned over onto her back, rejecting that prediction. “Not this year! No boyfriend for me! Here, now do my front.”
Buzz put a line of skin moisturizer drops on both her legs, starting at the ankles going up over her shins and on to her hips. With an extra drop of baby oil on each palm he works the cream into her skin. Zayden can see the bulge in his shorts as he works up her legs. His fingers come really close to her pussy, but never closer than the bottom of the valley where her labia starts. Although this is “forbidden” territory, drilled into Zayden from childhood, she is too young to get any sexual thrill from this.
Buzz works up from her hips, going over her tummy, onto her ribcage, and then jumps to her shoulders. Zayden feels very relaxed by this time. “If I had ever gotten a real massage, maybe this is what it would feel like.” Finally Buzz is done with the shoulders and works on her upper chest. Dripping some more cream around her nipples, he also adds a drop of baby oil to his palms.
Zayden gets an extra tinge of excitement as her brother rubs her breast area. Not sexually but just the experience of being naked in front of a boy and having him touch her chest, another ‘forbidden’ area, gives her goosebumps. All from the naughtiness of the situation, like that one time when she was 5 and stayed up way past her bedtime.
Buzz commented, “Hey Little Z, I think your breasts are starting.”
Zayden skeptically replied, “Can’t be. I’m barely past 9 and a half.”
Buzz ex[;aomed, “Well, you look like a boy up here when you wear a shirt. But now I can see a small puff behind your nipple. Joey has this too, but that’s because he is kinda fat. You are slim so that extra padding here … can you feel it when I rub around your nipple? … that extra has to be breast.”
Buzz continued, “It looks like this side has started, but not the other side.”
Zayden angrily jumped up. “Are you making fun of me?”
Buzz quickly replied in confusion, “What? No! No.” He was then conciliatory and walked back that comment a bit. “Sorry, I didn’t mean it like that. It’s only an observation, not an insult. Mom and Dad put that porn filter on our internet so I have to go to medical sites for my fun. They say that many women have breasts that are not exactly the same size. Do you remember Mom telling stories about when I was a baby? My middle toe was shorter on one foot than the other. But look at them now. See? Same size. When you are bigger I bet your breasts will be like that, same same.”
Buzz started in on some ego stroking. “Besides I think your other breast is also starting to grow too. At least your nipple is. It's getting bigger than mine now. Maybe one boob is just a month or two behind the other. I felt a little cushion under there too. Lie back down and let me see. Please? Yeah, I feel a little extra there. If you’re getting an early start, maybe you’ll get some big ones! Now I have to stop calling you Little Z, and call you Big Z instead!
Those medical sites also say that people's faces can be not-the-same, from left to right. Supposedly the more of a mirror image each side of a man’s face is, the handsomer women think he is. If you look at pictures of famous handsome men, you will see.”
As he gives Zayden’s little breasts extra attention, going all over each breast repeatedly, he adds an extra drop of skin cream to each nipple. This gives him the excuse to linger in that area for quite some time.
Zayden contentedly spoke, “That feels nice. The internet never said being a nudist would feel so good.”
Buzz finished the application of skin cream and told Zayden that she needs to do her own kitty. “If you ever want me to do your kitty, first I will need to watch how you do it.”
While Zayden is still very relaxed from the massage, “OK, maybe tomorrow. Buzz, thanks for helping. It felt really good, especially when you did my chest. Will you help me tomorrow?”
Buzz finally sees a chance to make a big push to his advantage. “Sure, but only if you stay naked until the ‘rents come home.”
Zayden replied with only a small objection. “As long as we don’t get visitors. I’m not ready for that yet.”
She tried without success to understand why she felt so good when Buzz looked at her nude body. Zayden thought about when all this started, but could not pin it down. The effect of the Smartwatch brushing her mind was selectively erasing her memories.
Next Week Saturday
Following that first skin cream session, things settled into a routine. Zayden was nude at home all day while the ‘rents were working. Wake up naked, take a shower, go downstairs for breakfast followed by Buzz giving her a skin cream massage.
Then one day a mistake is made. Zayden started her normal naked routine, taking her dirty clothes from her room down to the basement laundry. After working the machines for a while, she had the family undies (all white) in the washer, regular clothes in the dryer, and is folding linens to be piled in the basket for carrying upstairs. Then she hears a sound.
A startled Zayden let out a *GASP*. “Mom! What are you doing home? Why aren’t you at work?”
Zayden is not sure what to do now. Her Mom has caught her naked, far from her room, without a reasonable excuse. She is not sure whether to hide or brazen out the situation.
Mom, looking over her daughter’s nudity replies, “Well dear, these lazy summer days must have scrambled your brain’s calendar. This is Saturday. Dad and I were at my friend’s house early this morning. Why don’t you have any clothes on?”
Obviously making things up on the fly, Zayden came up with the lame “Ummm, I’m doing the laundry and I just now put my clothes in the wash.”
Unconvinced, Mom spells it out. “I see some of your clothes waiting in that pile, but the washer is busy right now so it will be 30 minutes before they can go into the wash, then another 45 minutes to dry. Are you comfortable being nude for such a long time?”
“Yes. I’ve been pract--- oops.” as Zayden accidentally spilled the beans.
“You have been practicing? Being a nudist? Yeah? When did you start exploring this lifestyle?
Zayden meekly answered, “About 2 weeks ago. Are you mad at me?”
“Goodnes no. That’s why Dad and I went to visit my friend. I’m going to be a nudist too.”
Mom immediately takes off her clothes and adds them to the dirty laundry pile. Zayden is both amazed and relieved that her mother is embracing nudism. Zayden then decides that the best thing to do is continue where she left off: folding the linens.
Mom continues to connect some dots. “So Buzz must know about your nudism, since you have been roaming all over the house. How has he been acting?”
Zayden gushed, “Mom, he’s been great. Helping me take small steps to get used to this, giving advice. He even helps me put moisturizer on my back.”
“That’s great Zayden Oh, honey, the basement is such a depressing place to fold things. Help me carry this basket up to the living room and we can work there.”
Zayden wonders, “So Dad will be cool with this? I wasn’t sure how to talk about nudism with you two.”
Mom smiled at her daughter. “Sure, Dad will be happy. And you will be happy that you don’t have to wear clothes at home.”
Zayden looked up at Mom with a pleading face, “So I can be naked all the time now?”
“Sure. And maybe we can convince the school to accept nudism next fall. How cool would that be?”
They reached the top of the stairs and proceeded to the living room. Buzz could not hide his shocked face when Mom came up nude. He had been plenty worried because when Mom went downstairs, he didn’t have time to warn Zayden and knew she would be trapped naked down there. The relief that Buzz felt when both girls had big smiles let him relax and breathe again.
Mom looked over at her son expectantly. “Good morning Buzz. Could you come here and help us fold these blankets and sheets? They are a bit awkward for just us two girls.”
After a few minutes Zayden sees that the living room drapes are open. “Mom. The windows are open. People can see us.”
Mom matter of factly replied, “Yes, of course they can. And us nudists don’t worry about that, right?”
As Zayden worked that thought through, “Oh. Yeah. Right”
“After we fold these,” Mom said, “let's have the boys put skin cream on us. Where did you and Buzz do that?”
Zayden informed her, “Here in this room. We put the yoga mats on the floor.”
Mom realized, “So that’s why those mats are missing. Well, the sheets are done. You go get the mats, I’ll get the cream. BOYS! We need you in here.”
With the mats on the floor, Zayden and Mom lay down on their tummies. Buzz worked on Zayden and Dad did his wife, and they both went at about the same pace. Dad gave advice on how to turn the session into a real massage, which the girls really liked. The two gals chattered and yakked until it was time to turn over onto their backs.
Working on their front, again Dad and Buzz worked at about the same pace, with each sort of watching the other’s speed and technique. They both skipped the pussy area, where Mom said she needs to shave down there, and left the upper chest for last. Zayden and Mom had tapered off with the talking, as the massage was taking its relaxing effect. They were close to dreamland when the guys began working on their breasts.
Buzz earnestly watched his father go over Mom’s boobs, and faithfully copied each stroke. Dad knew a good thing when he had it, so he took way more time than was needed. He reapplied cream and baby oil several times to milk the session for all it was worth.
Buzz did the same, and when he saw Dad’s fingers dance on Mom’s nipples, he did the same on Zayden. Mom’s nipples went erect after a few seconds, and Buzz felt Zayden’s little nipples stiffen up.
Eventually the massage had to end.
Zayden dreamily said, “Mom? This was much better with you here to talk to. Buzz is nice and all, but he doesn’t say stuff as interesting as you.”
Mom replied with “That’s very sweet of you dear. In a few minutes we need to get up and fix lunch. Then we need to go out back and do a little work on the garden.”
Zayden was horrified. “GO OUTSIDE? Our backyard doesn’t have a fence! The neighbors will see.”
Mom calmed Zayden down with “Yes, they will, if they look. But we’re nudists and that makes it OK.”
Again Zayden needed a few seconds to process this. “Oh! Yeah. Right. I forgot.”
Mother and daughter went off to the kitchen while the guys picked up the yoga mats and cream. Zayden’s time is filled with great happiness now that she has permission to travel nude about the whole house at any time of day.
Now that Buzz has seen his sister’s breasts are starting to grow, even just a little, he has trouble avoiding long looks at them. Zayden notices where Buzz is looking, but somehow this secretly pleases her a great deal. Her father is better able to restrain himself, but sometimes she catches him too. Zayden responds to these stares by sometimes going out of her way to give the guys a close, long look at her boobs.
When her mother asked her to find out what type of cheese the guys want on their sandwiches, she first took the packages over to Buzz. Holding the cheese slices just below her nipples, she has Buzz point out his selection. Moving on to her father, she stands shoulder to shoulder (well, if she were taller anyway) so that Dad has to look down over her shoulder, along her breast, and past her nipple to make his choice.
Buzz and Dad were very happy as they ate lunch with the naked gals. When lunch finished, the guys cleaned up the dishes and kitchen while Mom and Zayden stepped out to the back yard.
Mom confidently stepped right out the sliding door. Since this is Zayden’s first excursion out of the house, she carefully looked around for anyone that could see her. With the coast clear she followed Mom to the border of the garden at the edge of the property.
Just then, the next door boy Ray burst out of his house letting his screen door slam. With the summer heat, he was dressed only in loose swim trunks, intending to spend some time under the grass sprinkler.
Mom called out loudly, “Hi Ray!”
Ray said right back, “Hi Lytton!”
Ray stops short when he sees Zayden and her mother are naked. Zayden is near panic, having forgotten the “OK to be seen” part of nudism. Mom manages to calm Zayden’s nerves by calmly and without shame, walking closer to Ray.
Mom calls out “Zayden, come say hello to Ray!” And to Ray she said, “We haven’t seen you for a while. Been visiting relatives?”
Ray replied, “Yes ma’am. We went to visit my Grandmother in Chicago. Why are you and Zayden naked?”
“Oh! It’s because while you were away, we became nudists.”
Ray wondered, “Mr Lytton and Buzz too?”
Mom answered, “No, just us girls. Golly that sun is hot. Zayden, take Ray under the sun-shade while I get the Banana Boat sunscreen.”
Zayden shyly stepped over to Ray, and being a normal 11yo boy, Ray could not help but stare at her body. Zayden’s reaction to this was completely unexpected. She lost all shyness and reluctance to outside nudity, unable to figure out why being seen by a boy suddenly feels so good. Unconsciously she began showing off her body as she led Ray to a bench in the shade.
Mom came back outside applying sunscreen to her own arms and breasts. Naturally Ray watched and could not look away. When she finished her torso and legs, she asked Zayden to do her back. All that done, Mom put some of the goop in Zayden’s palms then gave the bottle to Ray so he could do his front.
Mom told Zayden, “Honey, you do his back. When you are done, Ray can do your back.”
Then she went off to tend the garden. After Ray gets all lathered up Zayden laid down on the bench, tummy down, and waited for him to begin. She was expecting a session very similar to the moisturizer massage in the morning.
Zayden instructed Ray “Start at my feet and work up, please.”
Ray did a good job for a first timer, but Zayden had to remind him “Don’t forget my butt.” Then she turned over on her back. She started by putting a dollop of sunblock on Ray’s palm. Again he started at her feet and worked up. They started chatting, about school, vacation, food, movies, most anything. As Ray reached the top of her legs ...
Zayden piped up with “I’ll do my kitty. I don’t want anything getting in there. You can do everything else.”
Ray replied with a very suggestive “EVERYthing?”
Zayden, with a big smile answered back, “Sure. EVERYthing. If you can see it, so can the sun, so rub some sunscreen there. But do my boobs last, OK?”
Ray gulped at that, realizing that he had overreached his expectations, but complied. When he finally reached Zayden’s breasts, she decided that the best way to keep the massage going was to keep Ray talking. They continued talking about friends, grownups, wild dreams, even which brand of toilet paper is best. Zayden was a little confused. After a lifetime of hints and social pressure to keep boys away from seeing her chest, she did not understand why getting sunblock rubbed on her breasts made her feel so good. Zayden began thinking up a reason to keep this feeling going. As Ray had smeared the cream all over and was winding down, she picked up the bottle of Banana Boat and dribbled an additional line across her breasts.
Zayden explained, “These have never seen the sun before, they need extra protection.”
As Ray stroked and rubbed her breasts a second time she let out some soft purrs. “(This feels SO good. I never thought a boy touching me there would make me so happy. I wonder how long we can keep doing this.)” She added a big drop to each nipple and directed his hands to pay special attention to them.
Ray was now convinced that Zayden really approved of his touching ALL over. “(I think she wants me to do her breasts all day. Hell, small as they are, *I* want to do her breasts all day. I am NOT moving.)”
After a few minutes, Ray abandoned all pretense of putting sunscreen on Zayden’s breasts. He simply rubbed them gently. She is zoning out on the gentle massage of her chest in the warm sun, amplified because it would have been “naughty” only a few weeks ago. For his part, Ray is absolutely fascinated at the tiny rise of her small breast off her ribs, even if it is mostly just chest muscle. Still, it LOOKS like it could be a breast. He enjoys watching the slow rising and falling as she breathes, the gentle swell starting just below her collar bone.
Ray sees that her nipples are not so different from his own, yet they are so much more worthy of worship. Because no matter how plain they may be, they are GIRL nipples. He becomes intoxicated with their unimaginable beauty and becomes powerless to look away. Ray especially likes the way he can make her little nipples wrinkle and stand up with his fingers. “(It can't be from cold air on this warm day.)” And that nipple will relax when his hand moves to the other breast. Fascinating. No. Hypnotizing. Then it wrinkles again when his fingers return. The word “ping-pong” zips through his mind. “(This is so much fun!)” He is startled when she rests her closest hand on the back of his hip but her big smile, a contented sigh, and closed eyes tells him to keep going.
Zayden knows exactly where Ray is looking and gets a super-charged ego boost. In the deep recesses of her mind she is puzzled why giving Ray a clear and close up view of her breasts gives her so much pleasure. With a slight wiggle she gets her chest closer to Ray, moving his field of view from the side to more directly over her body. With that adjustment she also moved her hand off Ray’s side and up into the back of the leg hole of his swim trunks and on to his butt cheek. This took Ray completely by surprise. He jerked upright and rigid.
Zayden apologized “Oh! Sorry. I wasn’t thinking. I just wanted to get my arm comfortable.”
Ray relented, “Any other girl and I would be angry. For you, as long as you let me do suntan you can put your hands anywhere.”
Zayden noticed that despite Ray’s reaction, he did not lift his hands from her chest. With a big smile she put her hand back up Ray’s trunks and gave his butt a gentle squeeze. Ray went back to rubbing and stroking her breasts. Soon after, Zayden was following Ray’s hand movements by moving her own hand across Ray’s butt cheeks, mimicking his hand movements. He went left, she went left. He moved to the right, she moved to the right.
After a few minutes Ray moved to the other breast but Zayden only gave his butt cheek a gentle squeeze and tapped her fingers down, NOT moving to the other side. Ray understood and moved his hand back. Then Zayden moved her hand to the other cheek and gave a gentle squeeze. Ray moved to the other breast. Zayden then moved her thumb in a circular motion on his cheek. Ray didn’t understand so he held his hand still. Zayden gave a gentle squeeze and again, moved her thumb in a circular motion. Ray took a wild guess and used his fingers to circle and rub Zayden’s nipple.
She moved her hand to Ray’s other butt cheek and used her index finger to make a circular motion. Ray moved to her other breast and played with the nipple. From that point on, Zayden was in charge. Ray would match the movement of her hands. She would sometimes circle faster, sometimes slower, or with more pressure. Or softly. And he would follow. Her chest had just left the “boy” stage with small but unmistakable breast tissue growth, so at all times Ray was staring at her breasts and nipples. And Zayden was loving this every bit as much as he was. She reveled in the way his fingers made her little nipples pop up stiff. She could feel a tiny bit of squishiness as his hand put pressure on her breasts. “(Yeah, he doesn’t want to stop, I don’t want to stop, let’s do this forever.)”
After about an hour, Ray’s mother Robin comes out of her house. She has heard the kids chatting so she is carrying an array of snacks and soft drinks. As the tray is set down on the picnic table, Robin notices that Zayden is not wearing a bikini, or even just shorts.
Robin waved at the kids. “Hi Zayden! I see you are dressed for the warm day. Is this a special occasion?”
Zayden explained “Hi Mrs Davis, yeah, sort of. Mom and I have become nudists, so it’s special because this is the first day.”
Robin went into Mom mode. “I see. Well, you kids need to stop resting. Eat a bit and then go play. There are two garden hoses with sprayers at the corner of the house over there. Go squirt each other … but not in the face!”
Ray jumped up and grabbed some chips. “OK Mom. Zayden, do you want the hose in the back or around the corner? The corner hose can be seen from our street.”
Zayden answered “Well, if I am going to be a nudist, I have to stop caring who sees me. I’ll take the hose around the corner.”
Ray taunted “My hose is really long. Maybe I will chase you out to the front yard!”
Zayden barked right back, “No way! I’m gonna chase YOU!”
And off they go. Right at that time Zayden’s mom finished up her gardening and walked down the path to Robin’s yard.
Robin greeted her neighbor, “Hi Helen. I heard about your transformation. You look good. Someday I will lose a few pounds and join you.”
Helen gushed, “I highly recommend it. Hubby is over the moon loving this change. It’s also going to make cuddling in front of the TV so much better.”
Robin was somewhat horrified. “What? Surely you won’t be going at it in front of the kids, will you?”
Helen reassured her, “Oh no. But kids need to know what a loving relationship looks like. Do you ever watch old black-and-white TV Sit-coms on Youtube? “Leave it to Beaver”, “Dennis the Menace”, “My Three Sons”? The husband and wife give good advice to their kids but they have no passion. They act like office colleagues. How do those couples have enough romance to create children? Buzz and Zayden may choke and “Ewwww” when hubby and I do some deep French kissing but when they are our age they’ll remember what makes marriage enough fun to suffer through bringing up kids.”
Robin became concerned with Helen’s appearance. “Helen, you look like you’re hot from the sun and you have grass and weeds stuck on your skin. RAY! Come over here and give Zayden’s mom a spray. Rinse that dirt off. Just point the nozzle mostly up in the air to make ‘rain’ and she can step as far under the water as she wants.”
This, of course, paused the water war and Zayden took the opportunity to run through the side yard and hide. She did not think things through, because when Ray was done with Mrs Lytton, he tracked Zayden down by simply following her hose. This led to an epic water battle that ended when Zayden retreated across the front yard far enough that Ray’s hose stretched to its limit and would not reach. Her hose had a bit more water pressure so she could get him without suffering any return fire.
With all the laughing, giggling, and wet sloppy fun, Zayden played like any normal girl in this situation, keeping cool on a hot day. With a friend. In his front yard. And definitely NOT thinking about being naked.
Just before the thrill of a water war stalemate drained away, Ray’s friend and neighbor Aaron and his sister Cathy drifted along on their bicycles. The squirt battle promptly ended as the two ran over to the street and began parallel conversations. Zayden was a little nervous about a second boy coming around, and he was a bit older too. In this first excursion outside her house, she did not get any emotional rush from boys looking at her. Fortunately for her, Aaron was not mature enough to be captivated by girls so while Zayden’s nudity was an interesting anomaly, it was something that he could ignore for a while. Ray was the more aggressive personality so he started Aaron talking about his vacation to the ocean. After a detailed travelogue of his trip, Aaron was still pumped up enough to brag about the long distance bike ride he and his sister had just finished.
Cathy’s first question to Zayden, on the other hand, was “Why are you naked?” Zayden was not quite ready to tell the world about her new love of nudism, so she made the simple excuse that it made playing in the water more fun. No dirty or torn clothes, no icky feeling when the fabric sticks to the skin.
Zayden was taking furtive glances at Aaron, very nervous at how he would react to her nudity. It took some mental effort to keep from going into a terrified screeching sprint to the back of Ray’s house. It wasn’t embarrassment or shame, it was more of a “he’s going to yell at me, hate me ‘cause I’m naked” type of fear. A few turns of her conversation with Cathy didn’t result in an outburst from Aaron, so her emotions calmed down.
In fact, no longer feeling exposed, she noticed that the exhilaration of being naked, especially in front of another boy, a new boy, had not come back. With growing confusion she looked at Aaron more closely. He had been very animated and excited when telling Ray about his just finished bike ride, and about all the big ocean waves he surfed. “He’s completely ignoring me. Maybe he will grow up to be a jock, go to the Olympics, and get on TV.”
Ray invited his friend “Hey Aaron, do you and Cathy want to play in the water with us?”
Cathy looked at Zayden suspiciously, “Do I have to get naked?”
Ray spoke up, “No. Zayden is naked because … (Zayden manages to give Ray a silent “Don’t say that” signal) … because her clothes got dirty. You can wear your bikini.”
Cathy was relieved. “Great. I got a new one at the ocean this week and haven’t worn it yet. Aaron, let’s go ask Mom.”
Cathy and Aaron come back to wage a water war. Mrs Davis insists that the two get a good coating of Banana Boat before going into battle, and of course Ray and Zayden are happy to help. As the spray battles rage Cathy’s new bikini is a little too big, as she expected to grow into it, so the top keeps letting her small breasts pop out. After the 5th time, she simply takes off the top. Aaron takes a quick look but sister boobs will never be interesting to him. Ray almost starts drooling. Her breasts are bigger than Zayden’s, giving them some definite female shape. But Cathy’s nipples are particularly awesome in Ray’s eyes, with the nipple poking out and the enlarged areolas. No way do they look like what he has on his own chest.
A blast of water from Zayden breaks Ray out of his trance, and the war is ON!
Ten minutes later Robin sees that Cathy is topless, so she insists that everyone touch up the sunblock. Everyone has help with their backs, which would be normal everywhere. Then Cathy and Aaron each do their own front while Zayden does Ray’s front. By the time Cathy and Aaron are done and look up, they are astounded to see Ray doing Zayden’s front. Neither can manage so much as a squeak as they watch Zayden spread her arms and smile while Ray rubs the cream over her tiny breasts.
And now, back to the WAR!
After a full afternoon of whooping, laughing, and hollering, the water battle was declared a draw. The kids were seated around the picnic table snacking in the backyard when Cathy’s mom came through the house to announce to her kids “Dinner Time, Gotta Go”. As the vision of her still topless daughter registered, her mom became enraged.
“CATHY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING? You march home right now. No, forget your top young lady. I want your father to see exactly how you have been prancing around today.”
Aaron was totally embarrassed by his mother’s outburst, and Cathy was in tears. As the three went across the street back to their own house, Ray’s mother quietly told Zayden “Please get your parents and bring them here.”
In just a few minutes everyone from both families were standing on Ray’s front lawn staring across the road at Cathy’s house. Zayden and her mom were nude, of course, but nobody thought much of it since the action across the street sucked up all the attention. They heard occasional raised voices, but thankfully no terrified screams. After about 30 minutes, Cathy’s mom came out of the house with some suitcases, loaded them into her car and drove off. A few minutes later the father came to the open front door and just stood there, looking shell shocked.
All 6 members of the two observer families knew something bad had just happened. They slowly crossed the street to offer help or comfort. Cathy’s father stumbled out the front door speechless. Aaron was able to give a rudimentary explanation, starting with “Mom’s gone off to live with her sister.” With this little nudge, Mr Phillips took what simple action he could, “I need to go comfort Cathy.”, leaving Aaron at the door.
Aaron explained what he could from his young viewpoint. His mother was a very conservative evangelical, and blew up at Cathy going topless for the water fight.
Aaron explained, “Mom was always going on about how proud her sister was that HER beaches were family beaches and even thongs were outlawed. Her church thought immodest bikinis brought God’s wrath and hurricanes to Florida. *Sigh* You know who doesn't have hurricanes? The beaches of southern France. Cathy’s bikini bottom was a thong, I think. But Mom didn’t even notice that.”
Helen inquired “Thongs are a problem at ‘family beaches’? They have been accepted most everywhere since I was in high school. Did your mom say anything about Zayden not having any bikini at all?”
“No. I guess she saw Cathy and nothing else mattered.”
By this time Mr Phillips and Cathy had come back out to the front door. While Ray noticed that Cathy was still topless, Robin was more practical, inquiring if they needed help to prepare a dinner.
Mr Phillips gave out an exasperated “Crap! Forgot about that. Aaron, mother was cooking. Go check the kitchen. Turn everything off, the oven, the stove, microwave, crock-pot, everything. Thanks for asking, Robin, yeah we might need some help. Come on in and we can take inventory.”
On their way back across the street to their own kitchens to whip up side dishes for Cathy’s family, Robin and Helen had a private little chat.
Robin asked her friend “Did you see that bikini bottom of Cathy? If going topless set off her mother, it's a good thing she was too distracted to catch the bottom. Firstly, it’s a thong. And if Janet thinks the back would be bad, My God, that front. It’s a thong there too!”
Helen asked “Really? I wonder how Cathy managed to buy that, and why she wore it today. Surely under normal circumstances her mom would have seen it. And the front? A thong style there too? I knew fashions from the strip clubs leak into the wider world for acceptance but never thought it would go that far. And in kid sizes of all things.”
Robin replied, “I don’t think she has a kid suit. The top was too big and kept slipping off her breasts. That was why she took it off. It must have been a small adult size. But yeah, with that mom it's not something I would wear.”
30 minutes later the two moms were back at Cathy’s house with extra food. Robin, ever the practical one, said all the kids needed to shower off the sunscreen before eating.
Robin told the kids, “Wash that dirt and sun goop off before you soil the furniture. Zayden, can you help Cathy? Ray, take Aaron to our house. Use the walk-in shower. Help each other with your backs, that is what will rub the furniture the most. Then come back here for dinner.”
Mr Phillips was still too shaken up to veto any of this, and even so, he agreed it should be done.
When Cathy and Zaden were done and clean, stepping out of the shower, Cathy suddenly realized that Zayden had no clothes to put back on. “Zayden, where are your clothes? Are they all back at Ray’s house? They will be all wet and dirty. You can wear some of mine. They are a little big for you …”
Zayden informed her friend, “My clothes are back at my house. They aren’t wet or dirty, I didn’t wear any to Ray’s for the water war. This week my mom and I have become nudists. I don’t need clothes.”
Cathy’s eyes go wide at this. “For true? That’s why your mom is over here naked? You HAVE to tell me all about it. What’s it like? Do you like it? Aww nuts, they are calling us for dinner. Can you sleep over tonight? I need all the details!”
Zayden answered “No plans for tonight and tomorrow, I can stay but let's ask the grups.”
The boys had come back and everyone regrouped at Cathy’s house to eat dinner. Since Zayden came into the house naked, obviously she stayed that way through dinner. Cathy chose to wear a sundress for the evening. With the sudden disappearance of her mother’s harsh dress code, she decided to take a baby step along Zayden’s path and go commando.
Later, the living room was used for the adult conference on how to proceed. A sleepover was arranged for Zayden to stay with Cathy. Mr Phillips offered to host dinner tomorrow for everyone but was gently refused.
Helen explained, “I already have dinner brewing in our cauldron now. We need to start eating it tomorrow.”
Robin agreed. “Us too, it’s hubby’s favorite meal and it does not become more tasty as days go by. How about we all do a potluck tomorrow? We can combine our cooking and eat what’s in our ovens now. That will give you another day and night to get a normal routine going.”
Helen made a suggestion. “Speaking of tomorrow, can we take all the kids to that new water spray park? It’s more intimate and smaller than an amusement park, which will let us all destress after today. And if it’s OK with the girls, Cathy can sleepover at our house tomorrow night. We will deliver her back here when you return from work on Monday.”
Cathy’s Dad finally realizes that Helen is naked “(How long has my head been up my ass that I didn’t see that before?)” and wonders what’s up with that. He got distracted by the sleepover offer, which he viewed as a chance for some welcome alone time. He thought the opportunity might get jinxed if he asked about Helen.