A Summer of Stripping (Chapter 2 out 7/10)

Stories about boys ending up in compromising situations, preferably naked and embarrassed, as the name suggests.
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A Summer of Stripping (Chapter 2 out 7/10)

Post by josh »

Chapter One: Shrimp

Josh and I were friends. Well, we still are, with some years past since the summer that almost tore us apart. But if you asked younger me about a week or so into that summer, I’d say that we were enemies. The funny part about that, is that it was all my fault.

Let me set the stage, it was the late 90s and Josh and I were both fifteen year olds in high school. He was about what I’d call my best friend, at the very least my best friend that was a guy. We hung out a ton, almost as much as I hung out with my other best friend Evie (or Eve, for short)

Josh was this scrawny, awkward quiet kid with brown hair and somehow a few years back we ended up in the same class and had become inseparable.

Alright, before I get too off track I suppose I should start with the actual event that kicked this all off. It was the first week of summer.

Eve and I were at her house, hanging around her pool. It had been a few hours of sunbathing and talking and eventually we got around to the topic of boys. We were at that age (and point in our friendship) where we were definitely good talking about boys and sex and everything. So while we were sunbathing, it wasn’t too out of the question for Eve to drop a question about it.

“Kate, you ever seen a boys… y’know?” she asked.
“A what?” I threw a question back at her. Truthfully, she had kinda mumbled it and I had missed what she said.
“You know, a boys…” she trailed off, wiggling her finger.
“Oh, a penis? No” I said matter of factly, “You?”
“Not yet. But seriously, you’ve known Josh for how long and have never even seen a glimpse?”
“We aren’t like that, you know that!” We both paused for a moment.

“Well… I want to see what it looks like!” Eve proudly said, breaking the silence.
“Jesus, don’t be crazy!” I told her.
“Trust me, invite him over. I got a plan.”

I honestly didn’t think she was serious so I thought about it for a second and then called his house, asking if he was free. Suddenly, Josh was walking into Eve’s backyard, blue swim trunks on. In that moment I thought he looked really cute, I kind of regretted even thinking about Eve’s plan.
“Hey Kate! Uh, hey Eve!” he said with an awkward wave. After that we all got in the pool and swam for a while. I honestly forgot about Eve’s idea, I was having so much fun. That is, until she went through with it.

I was sitting on my chair and Eve and Josh were still in the pool. Josh swam over, clearly wanting to hang out with me. I saw Eve trailing behind him. He put both hands on the pool deck and pushed himself out, walking over and standing in front of me. I tried to keep my jaw from falling to the floor. Josh was standing butt ass naked right in front of me. I looked behind him to see Eve giggling at his butt, holding his trunks in her hands.

Honestly at that point I just wanted to see what she was seeing, and I’m sure she was thinking the same.
“Hey Josh!” she yelled from the water. Josh turned around, giving me a view of his cute butt. I saw Eve looking down at his penis, eyes wide.

Josh quickly covered up and leapt into the pool after his trunks. Eve got out of the pool, leaving him trapped.

“Cute butt Josh, I thought the front would be a little bigger though!” Eve yelled with a giggle.
“Give those back!” Josh yelled from in the pool, still covering his front with one hand.

With no frame of reference, I did have to admit I thought it would be a bit bigger.
“It did look a little small, didn’t it?” I asked Eve, honestly.
“The cold water shrinks it!” Josh yelled, “Now give me my swimsuit back!”
“Nuh-uh! You’re gonna have to come get it!”

Josh leapt out of the pool chasing Eve. I have to admit, it was hilarious seeing them loop around and around, Josh slowly gaining on Eve. He kept one hand over his penis and the other reaching out for Eve, leaving his butt out in the open for me to admire. It jiggled with each step.

Finally, as Josh was getting close, he tripped in the grass. I saw his hands reaching out for anything to keep him from falling. While he did succeed in grabbing onto something, he was much less successful with stopping his fall.

Josh accidentally flailed his hands into the perfect spots. One of his hands grabbed his swim trunks, leading them right back to him. The other dug into the back of Eve’s black bikini bottoms, pulling them right to the ground. Eve ran right out of them, not noticing until it was too late. Josh quickly covered himself back up.

Eve panicked, covering her front with both hands and standing so that Josh couldn’t see her butt. She begged him for her suit back.
“It was all Kate’s idea anyways, she totally wanted to see your penis!”
“What?!” Josh asked, angry at me now.

“Listen, I’ll give you the bottoms back but first you gotta uncover yourself and spin a couple times.”
“What? No!” Eve yelled.
“Well, fair is fair! Unless you want me to toss your bottoms onto the street?”

Eve, red in the face and humiliated, uncovered and gave Josh a look at her trimmed crotch and white butt, her bikini having formed some perfect tan lines. I couldn’t stop myself from giggling. True to his word, Josh gave the bottoms back to Eve.

Something unlocked in him that day though, perhaps through Eve’s embarrassment or his (somewhat) misplaced anger at me. I mean, I didn’t do anything to stop it. Nonetheless, that was the start of a war between Josh and I.
Last edited by josh on Mon Jul 10, 2023 4:58 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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A Summer of Stripping

Post by josh »

Chapter 2: Camp

The entire next week I can't remember doing anything but thinking about what had happened at Eve's pool and talking to Eve about it. We tried to recount as much as possible about all of Josh's body. Eve would of course get pissed that she was the one who Josh stripped, to which I would tell her she was the one who had stripped him.

Eve had blamed it all on me, and I had failed to defend myself, which she said should worry me. He'd definitely want revenge. I knew Josh, or at least I thought I did, so I wasn't super worried about it. He was too shy to do anything. Hell, he had stripped Eve completely on accident.

Anyways, the week after the incident was summer camp, a whole week at Camp Dragonfly. Josh and Eve would both be there, though I hadn't spoken to Josh since the incident.

Camp was fun for the most part. Activities were usually split between boys and girls, so I didn't see Josh and got to spend plenty of time with Eve.

The important stuff (for this story) took place on the last day of camp. Eve had woken me up since I slept in telling me to hurry. I had no idea what for but before I could ask she was out the door.

I decided to shower quick before figuring out what that was all about. I snuck over to the girls showers which were a couple minute walk from the cabin. I brought my spare clothes and my towel, since they didn't have any towels in the shower room (dumb, I know).

The showers were quite literally a few stalls and then a bench to put your stuff in a small rectangular room. There were other showers on the other side of camp if you really needed them, but today the showers were completely empty.

I undressed, tossed all my clothes on the bench, and hopped into one of the stalls. About two minutes into my shower, the door opened. I didn't think anything of it, until I heard a voice.

"Hey Kate! Missing anything out here?"

The voice belonged to Josh. I opened the stall door and peeked out, covering myself with the door. Sure enough, Josh was standing there, holding all of my stuff.

"Bye!" he yelled before turning and running out the door. I did the only thing I could. I threw one hand over my privates and the other over my boobs and ran after him.

My face grew a bright red the second I realized what I was doing. I was completely fucking naked in the middle of the forest where anyone could show up at any time. I grew even more embarrassed every time Josh would turn around to sneak a peek. My boobs were admittedly... developed, and so he could definitely see a good chunk of them outside of my nipples.

I continued to chase Josh. Unfortunately I was shorter then him so he took the lead no matter how fast I tried to run.

"Josh! Please! This isn't funny!" I tried to yell, out of breath. He just kept going.

I was hardly paying attention to my surroundings, so I had no idea where we were when he finally held my clothes in front of him and then dropped them.

With a one track mind, I ran up the metal stairs? and went to grab my clothes, only to trip on the last stair. I fell on smooth wood ground, which because of my wet body I went sliding across, right through a... white sheet?

My body tore right through and I panicked and tried to run back to my clothes. As I got up my arm was grabbed. By Mrs. Hayward. The lady who ran the camp.

"Well, it looks like somebody thought it would be funny to crash our final camp ceremony, huh?" she said into her microphone.

The entire camp burst out laughing and pointing. I mean come on, your fellow camper shows up sliding onto stage butt ass naked. I kept trying to pull myself away, but she had a strong grip. I could see all the boys staring at my tits, and of course I hadn't shaved down there. My tanlines only accentuated my parts, which made me even more embarrassed.

"I think there's only one way to punish this kind of behavior!" Mrs. Hayward said, taking a knee and laying me over it. She spanked me, hard, more time than I could count.

When she was finally done, she let me go. By that point Josh had snuck back to his seat. I rubbed my butt, trying to soothe it a little bit as I stumbled behind the stage and back to my clothes. Of course, my butt hurt too much to hold onto and cover while everyone looked at it, so that was great. Also great, were my clothes, which were gone.

So, for one last bout of humiliation, Josh made me sprint away from the stage in view of everyone as I made my way back to my cabin, not even bothering to cover up.

On the bus ride home I hid in the back next to Eve, hoping no one would notice me. Of course they did though, always giving a laugh as they looked me up and down.

"God, you know what this means, we have to get him back! We embarrassed him in front of like, just us. He got you in front of the whole camp!" Eve said.

"So what, we strip him where there's hundreds of people?"

"No, that'd just be stooping to his level. We have to humiliate him further than anything that's happened yet. Just the two of us. And I have just the plan..."
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