Mars357's older stories
Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2023 3:35 pm
The 'swapishment'
Lolicit is down and also, story section isn't publicly available to newly registered users, so I'll post my stories previously published there in this archive thread. At least those with ENF element anyway, which is most of them, really
This story contains ENF, underage sex and BDSM elements
Rosie Wilkins – 12 – long blonde hair, slim, tall for her age
Daniel Wilkins – 11 – Rosie's 'brother, tall and slim, golden-blonde hair, the girls call him “Boofus”, reads a lot, book-smart.
Marvin Wilkins – 40 – sand-colour hair, tallish, with a slightly plump belly
Aliona 'Alie' Wilkins – 36 – blonde, tall, stunning, works in the city, often stays the night in a small flat near the office building and only comes home weekends
Evie Saunders – 11.5 – dark brown hair just past her shoulders, petite, small for her age, butt kind of prominent; first hint of femininity there
Benjamin Saunders – 13 – Evie's 'big-little' brother. Unusually short for his age. Does LOTS of sports and martial arts, is lean but stronger than he looks. Is annoyed that Daniel is actually taller than him (so is Evie, ever so slightly), and that Rosie is basically almost the same height as him.
Bradley Saunders – 39 – light brown hair, solidly build, not very tall but strong, muscular, kinda hairy...
Gemma Saunders – 39.5 – *very* sporty, well-kempt, youthful-looking brunette. Used to be a pro athlete, now owns a sport-equipment shop which keeps her very busy.
Eleven-year-old Evie Saunders found herself on her knees, begging, less than an hour into the swap, or as they would later start referring it, the 'swapishment'. Worse yet. She wasn't even kneeling in front of 'uncle' Marvin (she half expected that to happen, sooner or later), but in front of her bestie's much hated 'baby' brother Daniel. She was barely holding back tears. She knew she had no bargaining chips whatsoever. The tall, pale boy who was sitting on the edge of his bed, towering over her now that she literally got down on her knees on the floor of his bedroom, might as well have been the King of England, what with the power that he suddenly wielded over her. Her uncle's words echoed through her mind.
“You give Dannie any trouble and I'll come sort you out, giving you TRIPLE of whatever he was planning.” Triple. Triple. And Doofus could just feed his dad ANY number to start with, making sure her butt will be roasted beyond recognition.
Evie definitely didn't feel like calling the blonde boy – with a big, wooded freaking hairbrush in his hand – Doofus today, no sir. Certainly not to his face. Not now that she was kneeling in front of him, cheeks burning bright-red, trying to beg for at least a small concession on the punishment he just announced. She really didn't want a triple spanking. She wasn't sure if Danny would even need to involve his dad, that was possibly the worst part. She was a few months older than him, but he was taller than her, and even though he wasn't a tough, sporty type like her brother, he was still a boy. He was likely just about strong enough to manhandle (or would that be boy-handle? He was barely eleven, after all!) her across his lap and then. She gulped.
Daniel simply shook his head. It sucked so indescribably bad that after a two-minute litany of pleading with him, of assurances and promises, all he had to do was... that. Evie wanted to scream and lash out and slap him... or worse. And on literally any other day up to today, she would have. Today, however...
Her hands reached up towards her neck and she unzipped and removed her pink hoodie. She briefly pondered about the order in which to remove her clothes, a voice at the back of her head laughing at her sarcastically. They were all coming off. It was utterly futile to try and strategize at this point. With tears in her eyes, Evie pulled her white t-shirt over her head, revealing her naked, flat chest. She wasn't even at a training-bra stage yet; her chest barely distinguishable from a boy's... but that only seemed to make the act of revealing herself more embarrassing. She checked that both her hairbands were still in when she was done, adjusting one of her brown, braided twin-tails. Her hair kept coming loose from her favourite hair-style now that it was shorter. But, even though her mind really wanted to opt out of what was happening here, it most certainly did not want to think about why her hair was shorter than just a week ago. Definitely not.
And so it was a deeply embarrassed, blushing tween girl who pulled her sweatpants down next, lifting one knee, then the other to get them off. She almost looked up to him to plead with her eyes, but making eye contact would only make the inevitable worse, so she hooked her fingers into her dark blue, white-hemmed panties and tugged them down and off. Her hands hurriedly covered her privates, but not before Danny caught enough of a glimpse to know that she wasn't developing down below just yet either. No sign of pubes. He let her cover herself and squirm briefly, seemingly just to make the next bit even worse for her by contrast!
“No covering up. In fact, hands all the way to the top of your head! Remember?”
“Yeah. I do. This is supposed to be embarrassing,” groaned Evie and reluctantly gave up what little illusion of modesty she had and placed her hands on top of her head. Her cheeks were beet-red. This was the worst day of her life. Again, she choked back a scream. Her humiliation and shame were very much mixed with anger.
Danny shook his head. “This is supposed to be...?”
“Very embarrassing,” she hissed through clenched teeth, remembering her uncle's exact words.
“And?” Danny rapped the hairbrush against his palm.
“Very painful,” she gulped. She was so busy 'dying' of shame alone as she knelt naked and exposed in front of Doofus that she totally forgot about the main event.
The boy was unashamedly checking her out. She attempted to raise the issue of being perved on with her uncle but he only laughed it off, telling her if Danny had fun humiliating her, only the better. It was not his problem that she was a rotten brat, yes, he actually called her a 'rotten brat' and playing his part wasn't supposed to be a chore for him. With eyes glued to her pussy, still a complete 'innie' with nothing poking out through her puffy outer labia and a tent in his chequered green lounge pants, Doofus certainly didn't look like this was a chore for him.
“Go on,” he tapped his lap and the mortified tween scooted forward and sideways and folded herself over his lap. She had never once in her life been spanked like this. How ironic her first time was now, on the cusp of puberty and also... that her first ever 'spanker' was going to be Doofus.
He actually made her embarrass herself by climbing all the way over and sticking her butt out at him before clearing his throat.
“The other way round. I'm right-handed.”
She nearly lost it right there. Seething, with a clenched jaw, she got off his lap, casting a murderous glare at him before folding herself with her head towards his left side now. Danny laid into her ass... the hairbrush smashing against her rump with brute force that left a red-hot imprint of its oval shape with every whack, but Danny only delivered three when Evie's shocked system finally processed the pain and the naked tween screamed, bucked and half-fell, half-jumped off his lap.
“Aaahaaa aaahhh! Oww! Owww! Fuck! Owww! Shit! Owwww!” she arched, on her side, both hands clutching her buns which felt like they've been stabbed. Suddenly, she didn't even seem to care what a lewd display she was offering up.
“Back over my lap,” he growled. His heart nearly stopped when she screamed and bucked, he was not expecting that!
“Danny, Danny, Jesus Christ, Danny, please! That's way too hard. Way, way, way too hard. You gonna kill me. Please,” Evie was crying now, tears streaming down her face. She imagined a spanking would hurt, especially a spanking with a hairbrush but this surpassed her worst expectations by several orders of magnitude. How could one's ass even hurt that bad? She wondered.
“Twenty from me or sixty from dad.”
Evie wasn't even sure what was worse. The idea of sixty whacks with the hairbrush or the idea of Marvin storming in and dragging her, as she was – bare-ass naked and red-faced from shame and crying – down to the living room? Her body acted almost on its own, self-preservation kicking in as she scampered back into that hated, humiliating – and as she was rapidly learning vulnerable position.
This time, Danny made her scoot right over towards him, so she couldn't slide off his knees as easily. He grabbed her hands, made her cross her wrists and pinned them firmly towards her lower back, getting more of a grip on her this time.
And then he laid into her butt again. More slowly and deliberately, but to the best of his ability, just as hard! No way was he send Evie the message that he was going to go easier on her when she kicked up a fuss! He roasted her buttocks; most whacks went across both her buns, some he aimed more towards one or the other.
Whack! Whack! Whack! Given that this was the first real spanking he had ever delivered, he was shockingly efficient and good at it. The screaming, writhing naked tween across his lap almost couldn't believe it. It felt like her butt was being sliced with a red-hot knife. Or so she thought. Really, she just had no reference, as she hadn't experienced any serious pain in her life before. She was a bit spoiled, a bit sensitive, completely inexperienced on this front – all put together, having her bottom reddened with the hairbrush felt like brutal, unbearable agony. She cried and howled and carried on for a while longer, even when he was done. When she quieted herself down to sniffles and whimpers, Danny finally let go of her wrist and nudged her to slip off his lap.
She hissed with pain and reached back. Her bottom felt hot to the touch, raw and tender. She tried to rub it better but ended up hissing in pain again. Her first-ever spanking sure wasn't something she was going to ever forget.
“And now?” Danny cocked his head at her to check that she had been paying attention before.
“Now I wash, dry and put away the dishes,” she peeped and he nodded.
“And I take out the trash,” she remembered, then reached for the discarded bundle of her clothing.
“Evie? What do you think you're doing?”
She froze mid-motion, her head turning towards him in a deer-in-headlights sort of fashion.
“I was... was gonna p.. put my clothes back on...?” she stated the obvious, but suddenly sounding confused and uncertain.
“Oh no. I said you'll take off all your clothes, get your buns reddened and then go and do your chores. There was no mention of putting your clothes back on. We'll see about that, later,” he said amusedly. If looks could kill, he'd be dead meat there and then; even though tears haven't even properly dried around her eyes yet.
“You want me to do the chores … naked?” she asked dumbly, more out of disbelief than for actual confirmation.
She gulped, stood up and turned towards the door, then froze and turned back.
“What about... what about going with the trash? The bin's outside. By the garage. Out by the road.”
“Yes, it is, as you clearly know. What about it?”
“Well … it's … that's … a public space. There might be … people...” she explained. She couldn't believe how he could have overlooked something that obvious, honestly! Honestly. Doofus! And people thought he was so smart, what with his books and good grades!
“Yes. There might,” he said.
“So, do I come and get dressed after the dish-washing …?” her voice sort of faded out with uncertainty.
“No. You do your chores as you are. Then come report back. Hope that I'm satisfied. It sounded like you wouldn't want seconds today, would you?”
She paled.
“N..n... no. No, of course not. I'll do it. I'll obey, whatever you say,” she raised her hands in a gesture of defeat. She found herself down on her knees with hands together, like for a prayer, for the second time, hating herself for being such a wimp but... He was literally sending her outside butt naked. And spanked to boot! It was Friday later afternoon. Someone was going to see her; she just knew it.
“D... Danny... is there, is there maybe … maybe anything, anything at all I could do, any other punishment, something for you, anything as long as it's inside the house, that I could do instead of going outside naked, please? Pretty please?”
There was a pause. This time, he was actually thinking about it. A small glimmer of hope flickered to life inside her. All of this was already more than bad enough. She really didn't need to be the laughing stock of the whole town if someone spotted her and the rumour spread!
She underestimated how well Danny knew her. She and Rosie made a point of never hanging out with their brothers... because they were lame and dumb and just generally horrid; that's what the girls kept on telling each other, anyway. But the four of them still grew up next-door to each other, very nearly together as one big family at times.
“All right. You'll volunteer to be tickle-tortured for fifteen minutes. And you'll tell my dad that you're volunteering for it and to ignore all the shrieking – because I'll make you shriek,” grinned Danny.
Evie paled. Of course, he knew she was very ticklish and hated being tickled, with a passion. Fifteen minutes... she couldn't take five seconds of tickling without jumping out of her skin and squealing like a piglet being slaughtered. Fifteen minutes would be... close to her personal idea of Hell. But it was going to be inside. It was going to be awful, horrible, but no one else was going to see it.
“Deal,” she huffed. And since Danny didn't seem to have anything else to add for now, she got up and rushed her naked butt down the stairs, to wash the dishes.
Next door, in number 14 Cliff Drive, Rosie wasn't faring any better. The leggy, twelve-year-old blonde heart-breaker was several very noticeable inches taller than her tormentor, but she certainly didn't feel like rubbing it in today. Benjamin had her strip naked, right there in the lounge on arrival, as soon as his dad put him in charge – so she had to strip in front of the both of them.
She blushed so hard she went red all the way to the tips of her ears, barely holding back tears of shame as Boofus thoroughly examined her – the first few, sparse, curly dark-golden hairs on her mound, the way her inner labia and clitoral hood peaked out between her slim outer pussy-lips, only near the top, the mozzie-bite-sized pair of tween tits, gloating as he announced that as a part of her punishment, she was now not going to have any privacy whatsoever.
Unlike his mild-mannered friend who was currently handling Benjamin's sister next door, thirteen-year-old Saunders-junior wasted no time and rather than putting Rosie to help in the kitchen, he had her slaving in his bedroom just minutes after her arrival. Dusting. Wiping. Tidying. Collecting his dirty clothes and putting them into the laundry basket, vacuuming the carpet. All the while, she was stark naked... and couldn't quite stop herself from stealing nervous glances at the array on his bed. The one tidy part of his room. His bed was neatly made. And over the carefully folded duvet were laid out flat wooden stirrers and spatulas, several freshly cut rods from roadside hedges, a ping-pong bat, an old wooden ruler, a mysterious 3-foot length of near-transparent plastic, a simple black school-uniform belt, a single leather slipper and finally, across the far end of the bed, near the wall, an old-fashioned rattan carpet-beater.
Rosie's heart skipped a beat when she first walked into the room and saw the array. She gasped, hand flying to her mouth which opened into a cute 'O' in shock. Benjamin was under no illusion that her perfect obedience as he bossed her about and drove her from task to demeaning task all over his bedroom had a lot to do with his... collection and he was smugly proud of himself for the idea. He was the oldest of the lot. But – sigh – even though it was almost a tie between him and Evie, also the shortest. The number of jokes, jabs and taunts he's heard from the lips of the girl currently meticulously tidying up his room in the nude, without as much as a peep of complaint alone justified his harsh attitude as far as he was concerned. And of course, Rosie was here, swapped with his sister, specifically to be punished. Humiliated and hurt and more. She agreed to this. Chose this, he reminded himself as he cleared his throat.
She gave him a panicked look, the eye-contact brief as her eyes flicked back towards his bed.
“I could run a load of washing. Bring you a snack, maybe?” she smiled forcefully.
“Anything to delay the inevitable...” he chuckled. She didn't even miss a beat.
He cocked an eyebrow at her. Wow, that was desperate. It seemed so out of character for Princess Rosie. She was such a bossy, yet … prissy kid some people still used her old nickname behind her back. Now... She wasn't even fooling herself. This was a stalling tactic that was guaranteed to fail, ultimately, and yet here she was... eagerly up for anything, it seemed, before he went and picked the first tool from his bed.
Well, who was he to deny her? He had wanted just about for ever to take her down a notch or two. Sure – he could have sent her for a snack, escalate the humiliation slowly... but in that brief eye-contact she made, he could see real fear in her eyes and decided to push hard right off the bat.
“Pass me a pair of dirty socks for the laundry basket,” he commanded and she did, hurriedly. He didn't for a moment doubt that she was just putting it on, faking it, but she did seem almost eager to please. But then Rosie always had been a good actress... and an excellent liar, as he knew.
He pointed down and she just dropped to her knees. She didn't even bother pretending she didn't know what he wanted when he made the gesture. He wrapped the two smelly socks into a tight ball, then shoved it pretty much directly under her nose; they were socks he wore for a training. Rank and stinky, heavy with the smell of teenage-boy-feet.
“Sniff,” he commanded and even though it made her stomach tighten, she actually did. She made a disgusted face.
“So. Do you want your spanking to begin... or do you wanna play fetch... like you're a bitch, you know. Like you're... my bitch,” he grinned.
She gulped when it dawned on her what he meant. Gross! That was nasty even for an asshole like Boofus. Well, that was it then, there was no way she was going to...
“Yes, I will. Let’s play.”
Wait? What did I just say? No! No! No, no, no! Definitely absolutely no way on Earth.
“You're going to fetch a dirty-sock ball with your mouth until I get bored of throwing it, just to delay your spanking?”
No. Wait. What the fuck? I'm not THAT much of a coward? Right? Right? Hello?
“You can walk normally, so you don't get carpet burns, but you'll be picking it up on your hands and knees, using only your mouth each time, and you'll drop it at my feet from that same position again, each time. Understood?”
No. No you disgusting fucking idiot. The Hell will freeze over. before...
“Yes,” she peeped instead, thoroughly hating herself.
Benjamin's face actually showed a bit of surprise, which only made her blush harder.
Honestly! She was MORE of a wimp than he had even expected her to be. Hello. Rosie to Earth? Would you mind just swallowing me right now, please? Or God, if you're there... if you exist? How about a lightning strike? Hello? No one?
He tossed the 'ball' across the bedroom – which was a small room, really, only twice the length of his bed, really and not even quite as wide as that. But Rosie still had to turn around, make a step, lower herself on her hands and knees. Drip a few crocodile tears onto the carpet. Then she opened her mouth, bit down on the stinky ball of fabric, trying not to think about what it was – but Benjamin's feet-smell was just far too strong all over it for that – she even got a taste. Yucky and... salty.
I'm gonna barf. Pass out. Die. Or at the very least put an end to this and face the damned spanking. Something. Anything! Right?
But all she did was stand up, cross the room back towards Benjamin only to lower herself down again and drop the smelly little parcel at his feet. She thought she'd rather die, but in spite of what she wanted to believe about herself, she clearly still preferred this to finding out just how bad all those freaky things laid out on Boofus' bed were going to hurt.
The game was incredibly humiliating, but Benjamin only enjoyed her squirm and make disgusted faced for so long. The room was small, cramped, and the whole thing very quickly got repetitive and a bit old, at least for him.
“All right. We have just about enough time to attend to your rear before supper time,” he announced, “unless you want to go on out in the garden,” he chuckled. And he was joking. If a small part of him expected the response given, it was quite unconscious.
“Okay, garden it is,” answered Rosie. Benjamin froze and stared at her.
Girl! What the actual fuck?! You're not THAT much of a coward, are you?
Screamed one voice inside her.
But we've managed to stall almost all the way to supper time. We keep it up a little longer, there'll be food and stuff. And he might be tired, stuffed...
Reasoned another.
He looked at her like he didn't actually believe her.
“Say it. Say it you'd rather play naked fetch OUTSIDE with a dirty sock ball than to be spanked,” he demanded.
And that was obviously the end of it. That's where I snapped at him, and yelled at him, and called him an asshole and I wasn't even sorry... There was no way I was gonna say...
“I'd rather play naked fetch outside, with dirty socks for a ball, than to be spanked.”
Wait, what?
It was cold; and even with sweatpants and a sweater on, Benjamin could feel it, which mean the couldn't keep Rosie at it for very long at all. Still, the narrow garden did stretch quite far, slightly uphill, and Benjamin managed to give Rosie a pretty solid work-out in just a few minutes.
“Fetch. Hurry up. Faster! Run!” he barked.
He made her run, as far as he could throw (which, admittedly, wasn't very far because the ball was too light) again and again. She was panting, shivering yet slightly sweaty despite it, her knees and feet wet and green and dirty when she was done.
The weirdest thing? I was sooo busy fetching the ball fast enough to keep up with his commands that I hardly even worried about being outside naked. It barely even registered that someone on the footpath across the higher part of the hill might see me. Or the neighbours; the hedge here was quite tall and thick. I was just cold, and breathless. I don't think I was even properly grossed out any more. That only hit me when we got back inside, the warmth of the dining room feeling all... tingly on my skin, when I noticed just how dirty I was. When uncle Bradley scoffed, looking at me amusedly, smiling approvingly at Benjamin; only just shy of giving him an actual thumbs up. But I was right. We ate. And then there were dishes to wash. And then, apparently, it was bath time.
“Come, you need a bath.”
That, she certainly did. A thorough wash of some sort. But her eyebrows still knitted in confusion.
He wasn't actually going to...
Except he was.
Benjamin ran a bath for her. And washed her all over. And she didn't even call him a perv, didn't try and grab his hand when he reached between her legs. None of this. It was surreal. She should be freaking out and screaming. She had never been as humiliated in her life. This was all insane and degrading. And yet. The undeniable knowledge that she had deserved this. That she had agreed to this. The hair-raising alternative. That all made her just... go with it. She actually managed to relax and, even though she'd never admit it out loud (unless, perhaps, threatened by a spanking, because she'd do 'literally anything' then – as she was finding out).
He even dried her, for fuck's sake. She wasn't a literal baby. Maybe that was his point? She called him 'baby' like a thousand times. As well as a gnome. Dwarf. Midget. Even Hobbit and Half-ling, which was dangerously close to awfully geeky. And more. And now she was receiving her comeuppance from his hands.
And for some reason, he was being patient, and gentle and, well... nice. Like he was taking care of her. Much like her best friend, she was badly underestimating the boy who had been put in charge of her. Currently standing behind her... and more or less groping her through the towel under the pretence of drying her off. It's not like she was going to complain. She just literally let him wash her head to toe, yes, including her pussy and butt crack.
“About the spanking...”
She winced.
“Yes?” she whimpered anxiously.
“Well. I was going to spank you daily,” he told her and for some weird reason, rather than being annoyed at his original plan she actually felt a bright spark of hope at the way he phrased it.
“But maybe we don't have to start quite yet. Not today. You stay naked. You stay good. And tomorrow, we'll see. All right?”
She actually hopped and skipped at that, like little girl who was just randomly handed over a massive bag of sweets or something. She blushed. But it was too late to stop herself. She turned around to face him. For the first time ever, at least that she was consciously aware, she wanted to hug and kiss Boofus.
Benjamin. She corrected herself inwardly. You could be headed over to his room to have your skinny ass DESTROYED, instead you live to see another day.
You know he isn't literally going to kill you when he does it, right? Like you did agree to this weird deal and all. To stay out of the damned juvie. But he can't beat you so bad you'll need to see a doctor. Capiche?
Even with that inner argument going on inside, she managed to give him a slight smile and actually said:
“Thank you.”
Did you just thank him??? After he as good as turned you into his SLAVE and then made you fetch a stinky sock-ball out in the garden.
Rosie's princess side was seriously fed up. But she just wasn't quite as powerful as all the other, frightened and anxious parts, when they all pulled in the other direction like one girl.
He nodded, acknowledging her thanks.
“Good night,” he said.
“Good night,” she peeped and went to Evie's bedroom. Or what was left of it. Clearing their bedrooms of any and all contraband; phones, ipads, laptops and ALL other electronic devices, most things fun... and clearing one chest of drawers each out so they had where to put their clothes during the swap, was a part of the whole weird... deal.
She unzipped her big trunk and – trying not to overly focus on the irony of doing it completely in the nude – began to carefully, neatly unpack her clothes into the prepared drawers. Something Evie wasn't very likely to do at all. Her urchin of a friend was probably just going to live from her trunk the whole month, unless David actually made her unpack. Despite herself, she smiled. She was already feeling quite relieved that her bottom wasn't a red-hot mess and now, left to her own, she couldn't feel but feel like she got off easy today.
Screamed princess Rosie, but no one was really listening. As she tidied the room and prepared herself for bedtime, she idly wondered how her best friend was doing, out there in the house she could actually see, lights glowing through the windows even through the curtains drawn as the darkness of an autumnal evening slowly swallowed the coastal landscape around.
She HATED being naked and she hated doing chores. A combination of the two should have been a million times worse than either, but Evie was still feeling too sore down below and sorry for herself over her roasted behind to really think washing up a sink-full of dishes was that big a deal. She made sure to wash, dry and put away everything she could find and even wiped the kitchen surface. She wouldn't put it past Doofus to spank her some more if she missed a spot. It wasn't like her to be so thorough, but with her already sore ass on the line, she was willing to concentrate and make extra effort.
At one point, Danny popped into the kitchen to grab a soda. He waited in the living room, to stay within earshot. He didn't trust Evie and wanted to hear for himself to see if she was sticking to her part of the bargain.
“Uncle Bradley? I... uhm... I just wanted to let you know I volunteered for Danny to … tickle me. It's just that I probably will make a lot of noise. Don't worry about it, yeah?”
Bradley cocked a sceptical eyebrow at the naked tween but nodded and hummed agreement. He didn't know what Danny's plan was but shy of murdering or crippling girl, Bradley was quite ready to let his son do just about whatever he wanted.
That was kind of the idea, right?
Which is how Evie found herself lying face up with a large towel folded under her bed, pink socks and her white Converse sneakers on, hands tied together and to the leg of Danny's bed above her head with the boy straddling her thighs to keep her pinned down.
It only took her a second or so, as his fingers suddenly dived into her armpits and began a full-on, poking, vibrating, shimmering tickle, to realize what an idiot she had been. There was no way she was going to survive fifteen minutes of this.
“EEEE! E-heeee! Ha, ha, ha... hee! Eeeh! Hihihihihi! No! Hihihihi-haw! Wait! Wait, stop! Eeee! Heeee! Hihiheeeeee! No!”
“What?” he paused.
“I... I can't do this. I can't do this, please.” She huffed. “I'll go with the trash. Naked. I'll go. Right now, please!” she begged.
“Of course, you will...” Danny sounded oh-so-smug. Like he knew all along.
“You bast...” but she didn't even finish snapping at him when his fingers dug into the sides of her belly. She squealed and screamed and laughed and giggled in high-pitched, desperate squeals. She could try and call for uncle Bradley but then she specifically asked him to ignore her.
Bloody Doofus. He knew all along. All along, he knew exactly... and then it dawned on her and in the pause that followed, she began to sob. They were barely a minute in. He could make her agree to and promise literally anything... and hold her to it, since he was now, apparently, the boss of her. He was about to tickle her again but she strained her head to look into his eyes.
“Wait. Wait, Danny. You win. I'll do anything to make you stop. So, what is it?”
“Ah. So, you're not totally stupid. Just... slow,” he grinned. She gritted her teeth. It would certainly be easier to come up with a biting retort if he wasn't kinda right.
“You spend as much of your punishment month as possible stark naked. Sure, you'll have to wear uniform for school.... well, that's about that. The rest of the time... bare-ass. I mean you're sort of grounded so that'll mostly mean at home... but not just at home. If you and I go places, for whatever reason, you go naked.”
She gasped. He was kidding. Sure. Everyone in this sleepy town on the southern coast of England knew what she had done and that she was being punished, but if he dragged her into the park naked, surely someone would call the cops.
“I mean that sounds kinda illegal.”
“Nah, I checked. And even checked with Rob from the town council. They are all cool with it. Apparently, it's not illegal in the UK to go nude unless you 'cause offence' and no one in their right mind will be offended by a little girl going around with her butt bare; especially if her butt's glowing red to remind everyone it's for a punishment.”
She wanted to disagree. Protest. Argue.
“You were gonna do this to me anyway. I can't exactly disobey, can I? So why this tickling sham?”
“Because it's less fun if I command it, and MUCH more fun if you actually agree to it.”
He reached towards her armpits.
She briefly thought about it. Could she withstand fifteen minutes of torture just to deny him the satisfaction of her playing such a humiliating part in her punishment? Nah. She didn’t like the idea of ruining his fun for him anywhere near as much as she disliked the idea of being tickled till she peed herself and the some more, possibly, to achieve exactly nothing.
“Fine,” she said, grumpily. “I agree. I’m spending my punishment month naked, except for school.” It was October. It was going to be cold and rainy. Other than school had to effectively mean here in the house, nearly all the time.
“Okay,” he said and reached for the skipping rope he used to tie her wrists to the leg of his bed.
“Let’s go.”
“Let’s … go?” her eyes went wide. Then it clicked. Of course. The socks. The sneakers. This was his plan, all along. They were going out.
“No covering up.” She gulped at hearing that. He was actually being serious, wasn’t he?
“Where are we going?” she asked, even though she was pretty sure she didn’t want to know the answer.
“Just a short stroll. It’s a bit cold for being out there naked for too long. The beach. The playground.”
She nearly passed out at hearing that. There were going to be other kids. People from school. Maybe she could just throw herself off the cliff, when they got there? End this misery that she had gotten herself into? Tears sprung into her eyes but she didn’t have words. What was there to say?
“One more thing. To remind you to behave.” He quickly pulled a string through a hole in the handle of the wooden brush that had marked her bottom, about an hour ago now, with marks most of which haven’t even began to fade yet, tied a knot on it and hung it over her neck like a gigantic pendant.
She swallowed a snappy remark. It was a smart move, it occurred to her as she clenched her jaw to stop herself from something stupid, hanging the very reminder of why that might be a bad idea around her neck.
He untied her hands and steered her towards the door and outside. She almost laughed when she spotted the bin. To think she was begging on her knees not to have to go that far, less than an hour ago and now…
She felt cold, but not quite as cold as she’d have expected from an October evening, with the sun hovering close to the horizon in the west, painting the sky and sea shades of gold and orange.
Surely this wasn’t happening. She wasn’t actually butt-naked, outside of her house, spanked and just… following Danny down the lane and towards the cliff and down the steep, curving path onto the beach.
But she was and she kept walking even as a dog-walker – an elderly lady with a poodle – paused to stare at her. She walked off cackling. She certainly didn’t look like she was going to call the cops or anything. There were more people. Joggers. dog-walkers, a few young couples. She could feel their looks and their expressions, mostly amused, as-if-knowing smiles burning into her skin. But she followed Danny obediently along the beach until they turned around the bend of the cliffs and saw the playground in front of them. It was crowded. Well. Not exactly crowded but there were like a dozen kids there! She could immediately see kids from school, even from her class.
“Danny, please…” she whined, freezing in place, mid-step, almost falling over.
“Keep walking. No covering up. Or I’ll drag you over there and give you your second butt-roasting of the day there and then.”
With a choked back sob and fists clenched near her hips, Evie forced herself to march forward. Stiffly. And then it began; someone noticed her, yelled, pointed… and the playground exploded with a loud mess of cat-calls, ‘wo-hoo’s, ‘wow’s, whistling and laughter
Well. That’s it. My life is officially over. I’ll never live this down, ever.
“Evie Saunders!” of course. It had to be Thomas from her class to call her by her full name, no less. It didn’t matter, of course. Everybody here knew her. Small town.
“Aren’t you cold?” he teased.
“Not likely! Looks like someone warmed her up quite thoroughly!”
Jessica. You bitch! You’re meant to be a friend. Sort of.
“She even brought her… warmer-upper with her, in case,” pointed out the freckled redhead and giggled mischievously.
They surrounded her. All these kids. Seeing her butt-naked from every angle. Sure, there was a point at which the humiliation was going to be just too much and her system was just going to shut off and die, or like… at least pass out… she hoped. But, apparently… Nope.
“So, how’s the swapishment going?” teased Thomas.
“Swapishment?” Evie blinked; she was so overwhelmed she was a little slow on the uptake.
“You and Rosie were swapped, between your families, for punishment, right?”
Evie gasped. The whole thing was public knowledge? Next to standing here in the nude, it didn’t seem as big a deal, but there were bound to be all sorts of implications and consequences she couldn’t quite foresee. She felt a new wave of unease, fidgeting nervously.
She really didn’t know what to say. She shrugged, non-committally.
“Well, you have been swapped and it sure looks like you’re being punished, so I’d say everything’s right on track.”
She really wanted to say something sarcastic, but standing naked, spanked, with the very tool that had reddened her bottom around her neck surrounded by a whole throng of kids, some of them from her class rendered her mute. She was all out of witty comebacks.
Someone pulled out his phone to try and take a few pictures but Danny stopped him.
“Guys. Apparently, this,” he pointed at Evie, “isn’t actually illegal. But any pictures or videos are technically, you know… child porn. And that’s definitely big time illegal. So just… don’t.” Some of the kids around didn’t even know what child porn was, but they got the big-time illegal part and that was it. Evie’s extreme humiliation was at the very least going to happen… unrecorded.
“Danny?” Evie turned towards the boy.
“Can we go home, please? I’m really cold.”
He looked at her, shivering and covered in goose-bumps. Everyone in the playground had seen her… there was no point letting this drag on.
“Okay. Bye, everyone, we better get going before Evie catches a cold or something. It’s getting dark, anyway,” he said. That was the truth, too; during their time on the beach and here at the playground, the sun had plunged below the horizon and it was quickly getting dark and colder. Danny jogged home and Evie was feeling strangely grateful that he did that for her. She knew how he hated all things sporty.
He let her jump straight into the bathroom for a long, hot shower. As she washed herself, she noticed that she … wasn’t crying. Surely, after Danny so efficiently ruined the whole of the rest of her life, she should be in floods of tears. The shame of it did echo through her. The idea of facing Thomas and Jessica and others at school on Monday made her blush. She’ll for ever know that they’ve seen her naked butt, her pussy, everything, the whole of her under-developed body. How will she ever look them in the eyes again?
It seemed so crazy. So extreme. But weirdly, it also felt. Right. Like deep down, she knew full well she deserved this and worse. She almost, almost thought about Ronnie but managed to push that thought aside. No. She was dealing with this okay, but it was taking her utmost. If she thought about the boy who was still being treated at the Southampton hospital burns unit, she might just lose it and cry and never stop. Just die crying. She idly touched her singed and trimmed twin-tail. She brushed it like a million times, but she could still feel the odd hair in there that felt a little crinkled and crisped, despite all the effort.
She found herself knocking on Danny’s bedroom’s door.
“Uhm… anything else tonight? Chores or… I don’t know… spankings?” she winced.
“Nah. Go to sleep.”
And for the first time in over a week, instead of tossing and turning and slipping in and out of guilt-ridden, feverish nightmares, Evie went to Rosie’s bedroom, slipped into her friend’s bed and did exactly that.
The situation in the Saunder’s house was getting absurd as the swapishment reached its third day. It was Sunday evening now, after supper, and Benjamin was still yet to spank Rosie. She simply hadn’t been over his lap yet, not even for a light hand-spanking.
He made her practice gymnastics and dance routines for him – in the nude, of course. He simply never allowed her to put any clothes back on and she decided to grin and bear it. Anything to keep him happy. He made her eat cauliflower. Raw and cooked. She chewed and choked down every last bit.
How does he even know I hate cauliflower? I have no idea what he food he likes or hates!
He took her for a freaking walk on Saturday morning. Kids from school saw her. Butt naked. They joked around…
They even commented on the fact that my butt had not been reddened, for fuck’s sake!
She never once protested or resisted. She agreed with every new thing he came up with. Agreed to have to ask for a permission to go to the toilet. Agreed to wee with him there, watching. Benjamin was tempted to demand the same with poop – seeing her poopy-face would be absolutely hilarious, but frankly, the boy had his limits – some things he just didn't need to see.
By Sunday afternoon, it turned into a weird sort of game.
There was nothing else Benjamin could come up with on the spot that he actually wanted from her and he just ended up throwing ideas at her, very nearly at random.
“Eat a gh... no. A chilli pepper. I think we might have a habanero in the fridge.”
“I'll probably puke and I might choke and die. But... sure, bring it.”
“Brush your teeth, with anchovy paste instead of toothpaste.”
“You've got some WEIRD things in your larder, dude.”
“I don't think we even do. Would you? Rather than be spanked?”
Benjamin snorted. This wasn't supposed to be fun, especially not for Rosie, but he couldn't help but be amused and feeling, weirdly, like he was finally getting to know his neighbour after all those years where he and her brother were friends... and she and his sister were... but nothing even remotely friendship-like ever developed between the boys and the girls. Neither one of the sibling pairs got well on to begin with.
“Kiss. No. Lick. No … like French-kiss my feet.”
She didn't even pause.
“Wait, like... really?”
“You made me fetch your dirty socks on Friday. If you don't believe me, lose your shoes,” chuckled Rosie and rolled her eyes.
“Jesus. Okay. TELL me why you're SO afraid of a spanking. You know how much trouble I'd be in if I sent you to hospital, or something like it?”
“Not telling,” she pouted.
Benjamin paused. Bit his lips.
“Ah!” he sprawled, victoriously.
She looked at him, confused and slightly bemused.
“I finally found a thing you will not do. So... it's spanking time.”
“Oh. Fuck.”
Benjamin laughed so hard he nearly fell off his bed.
“What's so funny?” she poked him.
“Oh. Where to begin. Well first. You're always so... proper. It's hilarious to hear you swear. Honestly I have no idea how Princess Rosie and my stinky brat of a sister ever became besties.”
“She's not that bad,” Rosie snorted. Benjamin only gave her a look.
“And … also … just … this. I'm gonna spank you now. We both know I was always gonna. But to do it because you refuse to answer a simple question like that... It's like you played truth and dare, and did ALL the dares, and then forfeit the ONE time someone asks you to tell the truth.”
“Mhmmm?” he stared at her in disbelief. “What happened to your famous eloquence and thorough enunciation?
“Big word, Boo...” she stopped herself, in just the nick of time. “Apologies, sir,” she said, playfully but not sarcastically – it was not even the first time she called him that this weekend.
“And just like that, you went from doing crazy and embarrassing and disgusting things for two days to avoid a spanking right to getting an extra hard one,” he shook his head in disbelief.
“I truly am sorry. I shouldn't, and should never have called you Boofus. You're smarter than I ever imagined. Not extra hard, please?”
“Just hard, then?” he grinned.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Well, I did have it coming, didn't I?
She tried and made her best puppy eyes anyway.
“Al right. After supper. Too bad we've waited this long. You'll have trouble sitting down at school tomorrow.”
Rosie bit her lip. Now she's done it.
She opened her mouth and closed it and did it again.
“No. There's nothing you can do to save your ass, unless you deliver a detailed explanation of why you've been avoiding your spanking this hard for this long.”
Detailed explanation. Well now she was definitely toast.
“That's not it. You gonna spank me. Hard. After supper.” She shuddered. It wasn't quite supper time yet. She almost asked him why not now. But she didn't.
“Can you please do it in here? With the door closed?” she whispered softly.
Benjamin frowned. He still had no clue whatsoever about what was going on.
“I'll lick your feet. Or anything. Please.”
How does she even DO that thing with her eyes? She could melt an iceberg! Benjamin huffed.
“All right. This once. No promises regarding future spankings.”
“Thank you,” peeped Rosie. She was beet-red again. She hardly even seemed to blush about being naked around him – she only had TWO days to get used to it. And she only blushed slightly when he made her do, or threatened to make her do … all sorts of things. And now they were talking about her spanking and her face turned a ripe-tomato-kinda-red.
Seriously. Girls. What an enigma
Just over an hour later they were back, and Benjamin laid out his entire collection again. Rosie watched him. Transfixed. Breathing fast. Pink to the tips of her elfin ears.
And here it comes. My real punishment. I knew this was going to happen. The deal, after all, was no-limits pain and humiliation, for the whole month, as a punishment.
It was only a matter of time before her deepest, darkest secret was laid bare for the boy she used to think of as her nemesis; or at least a half of her and Evie's nemesis' duo. At least she got to know him a bit first. At least he was more than just... Boofus now. And she hoped she was a bit more than 'princess' Rosie to him, too.
Benjamin picked up the ping-pong bat and she nearly keeled over.
I'm toast.
She moved to climb over his lap.
“Oh no,” he chuckled. “You're not a baby, are you?” he teased. She blinked at him, shocked.
“Stand here. Left foot here. Right foot here. A bit more apart. Hmmm. Yes. Now touch your toes. Oh, come on, I saw you stretching and stuff. Touch your toes. Stick your butt out. There!”
Could he read minds? Did he know all along? Was he just messing with her? No. There was no way Benjamin was THAT good an actor, but holy shit, was he setting her demise up like every nuance of it was deliberate, or what?
“Count. Stay put. Always stick your butt out for the next one. Oh... and... say thank you. Each time, for now.”
Mother of God. He was going to make her talk, too? Just shoot me, please! How about that?
And then Benjamin smacked the paddle against her butt. Nice and hard. The dull sound of it echoed through the room.
“One,” she said, neutrally. “Thank you.”
“Princess Rosie is back.” After all that, after... everything. He expected more of a reaction when he first hit her. She sounded like she was counting sheep before sleep.
He whacked her again. Harder. Her skin actually turned a little pink. Maybe it didn't hurt enough? Except he knew it did. He secretly tested all these, mostly on his thigh, to know what they felt like before he was going to use them. The paddle wasn't terrible, but it did hurt, when you applied enough force.
“Two. Thank you.”
He gave her a dozen, totally weirded out by her reaction. He expected all sorts of antics after the lengths she went to, to avoid this and here she was. Unaffected, as best as he could tell. He picked up a wooden stirrer next and went on. HARD. Her butt was quickly turning pink and red. She breathed harder. Faster. He was 100% sure this was properly painful. But Rosie just counted. Obediently. And stuck her butt out for more. Each and every time. No prancing or jumping around or any such nonsense. No tears, no crying or screeching.
Benjamin had never been this much confused in his life.
He laid into her butt. With his belt. Then with the plastic cane. He made her start a new count with each new tool. He was aware he was doing damage, actual damage to her skin now. Her ass was red-raw and purple. Bruised. How long would this take to heal? A week? Longer? He expected Rosie to be a coward who couldn't take pain, but this was like trying to interrogate a hardened spy.
“Ow–aaaahhhh.” What was that? Was she taking the piss? That didn’t sound much like a real cry of pain.
She counted and her voice was weird. But not really tearful. He swung the cane overhead and finally got Rosie to scream and lose her balance; she stepped forward.
“Three. Thank you. Sorry,” she mumbled as she got back into position. Benjamin suddenly felt all hot and weird. Sweaty and... really? Now? He briefly wondered if she could see the tent in his pants the way she was standing, bent over. Why was he even hard? He sure popped a lot of boners around her, especially Friday night and Saturday, but he wanked himself sore last night (six cums, his own personal record!), and seemed less affected by her nudity by now. And did she really just politely apologise after being hit so hard she nearly lost her footing?
And what was that smell?
Was she bleeding or something? Her ass looked horrendous. He didn't want to go on. Well, he sort of did, just to make her react more, but, but, but...
He squatted down to examine the wreckage he had caused; red blotches, crimson lines and now three deep-purple ones, too. And then he finally noticed it and almost slapped himself for being SUCH a thick idiot.
Lolicit is down and also, story section isn't publicly available to newly registered users, so I'll post my stories previously published there in this archive thread. At least those with ENF element anyway, which is most of them, really

Rosie Wilkins – 12 – long blonde hair, slim, tall for her age
Daniel Wilkins – 11 – Rosie's 'brother, tall and slim, golden-blonde hair, the girls call him “Boofus”, reads a lot, book-smart.
Marvin Wilkins – 40 – sand-colour hair, tallish, with a slightly plump belly
Aliona 'Alie' Wilkins – 36 – blonde, tall, stunning, works in the city, often stays the night in a small flat near the office building and only comes home weekends
Evie Saunders – 11.5 – dark brown hair just past her shoulders, petite, small for her age, butt kind of prominent; first hint of femininity there
Benjamin Saunders – 13 – Evie's 'big-little' brother. Unusually short for his age. Does LOTS of sports and martial arts, is lean but stronger than he looks. Is annoyed that Daniel is actually taller than him (so is Evie, ever so slightly), and that Rosie is basically almost the same height as him.
Bradley Saunders – 39 – light brown hair, solidly build, not very tall but strong, muscular, kinda hairy...
Gemma Saunders – 39.5 – *very* sporty, well-kempt, youthful-looking brunette. Used to be a pro athlete, now owns a sport-equipment shop which keeps her very busy.
Eleven-year-old Evie Saunders found herself on her knees, begging, less than an hour into the swap, or as they would later start referring it, the 'swapishment'. Worse yet. She wasn't even kneeling in front of 'uncle' Marvin (she half expected that to happen, sooner or later), but in front of her bestie's much hated 'baby' brother Daniel. She was barely holding back tears. She knew she had no bargaining chips whatsoever. The tall, pale boy who was sitting on the edge of his bed, towering over her now that she literally got down on her knees on the floor of his bedroom, might as well have been the King of England, what with the power that he suddenly wielded over her. Her uncle's words echoed through her mind.
“You give Dannie any trouble and I'll come sort you out, giving you TRIPLE of whatever he was planning.” Triple. Triple. And Doofus could just feed his dad ANY number to start with, making sure her butt will be roasted beyond recognition.
Evie definitely didn't feel like calling the blonde boy – with a big, wooded freaking hairbrush in his hand – Doofus today, no sir. Certainly not to his face. Not now that she was kneeling in front of him, cheeks burning bright-red, trying to beg for at least a small concession on the punishment he just announced. She really didn't want a triple spanking. She wasn't sure if Danny would even need to involve his dad, that was possibly the worst part. She was a few months older than him, but he was taller than her, and even though he wasn't a tough, sporty type like her brother, he was still a boy. He was likely just about strong enough to manhandle (or would that be boy-handle? He was barely eleven, after all!) her across his lap and then. She gulped.
Daniel simply shook his head. It sucked so indescribably bad that after a two-minute litany of pleading with him, of assurances and promises, all he had to do was... that. Evie wanted to scream and lash out and slap him... or worse. And on literally any other day up to today, she would have. Today, however...
Her hands reached up towards her neck and she unzipped and removed her pink hoodie. She briefly pondered about the order in which to remove her clothes, a voice at the back of her head laughing at her sarcastically. They were all coming off. It was utterly futile to try and strategize at this point. With tears in her eyes, Evie pulled her white t-shirt over her head, revealing her naked, flat chest. She wasn't even at a training-bra stage yet; her chest barely distinguishable from a boy's... but that only seemed to make the act of revealing herself more embarrassing. She checked that both her hairbands were still in when she was done, adjusting one of her brown, braided twin-tails. Her hair kept coming loose from her favourite hair-style now that it was shorter. But, even though her mind really wanted to opt out of what was happening here, it most certainly did not want to think about why her hair was shorter than just a week ago. Definitely not.
And so it was a deeply embarrassed, blushing tween girl who pulled her sweatpants down next, lifting one knee, then the other to get them off. She almost looked up to him to plead with her eyes, but making eye contact would only make the inevitable worse, so she hooked her fingers into her dark blue, white-hemmed panties and tugged them down and off. Her hands hurriedly covered her privates, but not before Danny caught enough of a glimpse to know that she wasn't developing down below just yet either. No sign of pubes. He let her cover herself and squirm briefly, seemingly just to make the next bit even worse for her by contrast!
“No covering up. In fact, hands all the way to the top of your head! Remember?”
“Yeah. I do. This is supposed to be embarrassing,” groaned Evie and reluctantly gave up what little illusion of modesty she had and placed her hands on top of her head. Her cheeks were beet-red. This was the worst day of her life. Again, she choked back a scream. Her humiliation and shame were very much mixed with anger.
Danny shook his head. “This is supposed to be...?”
“Very embarrassing,” she hissed through clenched teeth, remembering her uncle's exact words.
“And?” Danny rapped the hairbrush against his palm.
“Very painful,” she gulped. She was so busy 'dying' of shame alone as she knelt naked and exposed in front of Doofus that she totally forgot about the main event.
The boy was unashamedly checking her out. She attempted to raise the issue of being perved on with her uncle but he only laughed it off, telling her if Danny had fun humiliating her, only the better. It was not his problem that she was a rotten brat, yes, he actually called her a 'rotten brat' and playing his part wasn't supposed to be a chore for him. With eyes glued to her pussy, still a complete 'innie' with nothing poking out through her puffy outer labia and a tent in his chequered green lounge pants, Doofus certainly didn't look like this was a chore for him.
“Go on,” he tapped his lap and the mortified tween scooted forward and sideways and folded herself over his lap. She had never once in her life been spanked like this. How ironic her first time was now, on the cusp of puberty and also... that her first ever 'spanker' was going to be Doofus.
He actually made her embarrass herself by climbing all the way over and sticking her butt out at him before clearing his throat.
“The other way round. I'm right-handed.”
She nearly lost it right there. Seething, with a clenched jaw, she got off his lap, casting a murderous glare at him before folding herself with her head towards his left side now. Danny laid into her ass... the hairbrush smashing against her rump with brute force that left a red-hot imprint of its oval shape with every whack, but Danny only delivered three when Evie's shocked system finally processed the pain and the naked tween screamed, bucked and half-fell, half-jumped off his lap.
“Aaahaaa aaahhh! Oww! Owww! Fuck! Owww! Shit! Owwww!” she arched, on her side, both hands clutching her buns which felt like they've been stabbed. Suddenly, she didn't even seem to care what a lewd display she was offering up.
“Back over my lap,” he growled. His heart nearly stopped when she screamed and bucked, he was not expecting that!
“Danny, Danny, Jesus Christ, Danny, please! That's way too hard. Way, way, way too hard. You gonna kill me. Please,” Evie was crying now, tears streaming down her face. She imagined a spanking would hurt, especially a spanking with a hairbrush but this surpassed her worst expectations by several orders of magnitude. How could one's ass even hurt that bad? She wondered.
“Twenty from me or sixty from dad.”
Evie wasn't even sure what was worse. The idea of sixty whacks with the hairbrush or the idea of Marvin storming in and dragging her, as she was – bare-ass naked and red-faced from shame and crying – down to the living room? Her body acted almost on its own, self-preservation kicking in as she scampered back into that hated, humiliating – and as she was rapidly learning vulnerable position.
This time, Danny made her scoot right over towards him, so she couldn't slide off his knees as easily. He grabbed her hands, made her cross her wrists and pinned them firmly towards her lower back, getting more of a grip on her this time.
And then he laid into her butt again. More slowly and deliberately, but to the best of his ability, just as hard! No way was he send Evie the message that he was going to go easier on her when she kicked up a fuss! He roasted her buttocks; most whacks went across both her buns, some he aimed more towards one or the other.
Whack! Whack! Whack! Given that this was the first real spanking he had ever delivered, he was shockingly efficient and good at it. The screaming, writhing naked tween across his lap almost couldn't believe it. It felt like her butt was being sliced with a red-hot knife. Or so she thought. Really, she just had no reference, as she hadn't experienced any serious pain in her life before. She was a bit spoiled, a bit sensitive, completely inexperienced on this front – all put together, having her bottom reddened with the hairbrush felt like brutal, unbearable agony. She cried and howled and carried on for a while longer, even when he was done. When she quieted herself down to sniffles and whimpers, Danny finally let go of her wrist and nudged her to slip off his lap.
She hissed with pain and reached back. Her bottom felt hot to the touch, raw and tender. She tried to rub it better but ended up hissing in pain again. Her first-ever spanking sure wasn't something she was going to ever forget.
“And now?” Danny cocked his head at her to check that she had been paying attention before.
“Now I wash, dry and put away the dishes,” she peeped and he nodded.
“And I take out the trash,” she remembered, then reached for the discarded bundle of her clothing.
“Evie? What do you think you're doing?”
She froze mid-motion, her head turning towards him in a deer-in-headlights sort of fashion.
“I was... was gonna p.. put my clothes back on...?” she stated the obvious, but suddenly sounding confused and uncertain.
“Oh no. I said you'll take off all your clothes, get your buns reddened and then go and do your chores. There was no mention of putting your clothes back on. We'll see about that, later,” he said amusedly. If looks could kill, he'd be dead meat there and then; even though tears haven't even properly dried around her eyes yet.
“You want me to do the chores … naked?” she asked dumbly, more out of disbelief than for actual confirmation.
She gulped, stood up and turned towards the door, then froze and turned back.
“What about... what about going with the trash? The bin's outside. By the garage. Out by the road.”
“Yes, it is, as you clearly know. What about it?”
“Well … it's … that's … a public space. There might be … people...” she explained. She couldn't believe how he could have overlooked something that obvious, honestly! Honestly. Doofus! And people thought he was so smart, what with his books and good grades!
“Yes. There might,” he said.
“So, do I come and get dressed after the dish-washing …?” her voice sort of faded out with uncertainty.
“No. You do your chores as you are. Then come report back. Hope that I'm satisfied. It sounded like you wouldn't want seconds today, would you?”
She paled.
“N..n... no. No, of course not. I'll do it. I'll obey, whatever you say,” she raised her hands in a gesture of defeat. She found herself down on her knees with hands together, like for a prayer, for the second time, hating herself for being such a wimp but... He was literally sending her outside butt naked. And spanked to boot! It was Friday later afternoon. Someone was going to see her; she just knew it.
“D... Danny... is there, is there maybe … maybe anything, anything at all I could do, any other punishment, something for you, anything as long as it's inside the house, that I could do instead of going outside naked, please? Pretty please?”
There was a pause. This time, he was actually thinking about it. A small glimmer of hope flickered to life inside her. All of this was already more than bad enough. She really didn't need to be the laughing stock of the whole town if someone spotted her and the rumour spread!
She underestimated how well Danny knew her. She and Rosie made a point of never hanging out with their brothers... because they were lame and dumb and just generally horrid; that's what the girls kept on telling each other, anyway. But the four of them still grew up next-door to each other, very nearly together as one big family at times.
“All right. You'll volunteer to be tickle-tortured for fifteen minutes. And you'll tell my dad that you're volunteering for it and to ignore all the shrieking – because I'll make you shriek,” grinned Danny.
Evie paled. Of course, he knew she was very ticklish and hated being tickled, with a passion. Fifteen minutes... she couldn't take five seconds of tickling without jumping out of her skin and squealing like a piglet being slaughtered. Fifteen minutes would be... close to her personal idea of Hell. But it was going to be inside. It was going to be awful, horrible, but no one else was going to see it.
“Deal,” she huffed. And since Danny didn't seem to have anything else to add for now, she got up and rushed her naked butt down the stairs, to wash the dishes.
Next door, in number 14 Cliff Drive, Rosie wasn't faring any better. The leggy, twelve-year-old blonde heart-breaker was several very noticeable inches taller than her tormentor, but she certainly didn't feel like rubbing it in today. Benjamin had her strip naked, right there in the lounge on arrival, as soon as his dad put him in charge – so she had to strip in front of the both of them.
She blushed so hard she went red all the way to the tips of her ears, barely holding back tears of shame as Boofus thoroughly examined her – the first few, sparse, curly dark-golden hairs on her mound, the way her inner labia and clitoral hood peaked out between her slim outer pussy-lips, only near the top, the mozzie-bite-sized pair of tween tits, gloating as he announced that as a part of her punishment, she was now not going to have any privacy whatsoever.
Unlike his mild-mannered friend who was currently handling Benjamin's sister next door, thirteen-year-old Saunders-junior wasted no time and rather than putting Rosie to help in the kitchen, he had her slaving in his bedroom just minutes after her arrival. Dusting. Wiping. Tidying. Collecting his dirty clothes and putting them into the laundry basket, vacuuming the carpet. All the while, she was stark naked... and couldn't quite stop herself from stealing nervous glances at the array on his bed. The one tidy part of his room. His bed was neatly made. And over the carefully folded duvet were laid out flat wooden stirrers and spatulas, several freshly cut rods from roadside hedges, a ping-pong bat, an old wooden ruler, a mysterious 3-foot length of near-transparent plastic, a simple black school-uniform belt, a single leather slipper and finally, across the far end of the bed, near the wall, an old-fashioned rattan carpet-beater.
Rosie's heart skipped a beat when she first walked into the room and saw the array. She gasped, hand flying to her mouth which opened into a cute 'O' in shock. Benjamin was under no illusion that her perfect obedience as he bossed her about and drove her from task to demeaning task all over his bedroom had a lot to do with his... collection and he was smugly proud of himself for the idea. He was the oldest of the lot. But – sigh – even though it was almost a tie between him and Evie, also the shortest. The number of jokes, jabs and taunts he's heard from the lips of the girl currently meticulously tidying up his room in the nude, without as much as a peep of complaint alone justified his harsh attitude as far as he was concerned. And of course, Rosie was here, swapped with his sister, specifically to be punished. Humiliated and hurt and more. She agreed to this. Chose this, he reminded himself as he cleared his throat.
She gave him a panicked look, the eye-contact brief as her eyes flicked back towards his bed.
“I could run a load of washing. Bring you a snack, maybe?” she smiled forcefully.
“Anything to delay the inevitable...” he chuckled. She didn't even miss a beat.
He cocked an eyebrow at her. Wow, that was desperate. It seemed so out of character for Princess Rosie. She was such a bossy, yet … prissy kid some people still used her old nickname behind her back. Now... She wasn't even fooling herself. This was a stalling tactic that was guaranteed to fail, ultimately, and yet here she was... eagerly up for anything, it seemed, before he went and picked the first tool from his bed.
Well, who was he to deny her? He had wanted just about for ever to take her down a notch or two. Sure – he could have sent her for a snack, escalate the humiliation slowly... but in that brief eye-contact she made, he could see real fear in her eyes and decided to push hard right off the bat.
“Pass me a pair of dirty socks for the laundry basket,” he commanded and she did, hurriedly. He didn't for a moment doubt that she was just putting it on, faking it, but she did seem almost eager to please. But then Rosie always had been a good actress... and an excellent liar, as he knew.
He pointed down and she just dropped to her knees. She didn't even bother pretending she didn't know what he wanted when he made the gesture. He wrapped the two smelly socks into a tight ball, then shoved it pretty much directly under her nose; they were socks he wore for a training. Rank and stinky, heavy with the smell of teenage-boy-feet.
“Sniff,” he commanded and even though it made her stomach tighten, she actually did. She made a disgusted face.
“So. Do you want your spanking to begin... or do you wanna play fetch... like you're a bitch, you know. Like you're... my bitch,” he grinned.
She gulped when it dawned on her what he meant. Gross! That was nasty even for an asshole like Boofus. Well, that was it then, there was no way she was going to...
“Yes, I will. Let’s play.”
Wait? What did I just say? No! No! No, no, no! Definitely absolutely no way on Earth.
“You're going to fetch a dirty-sock ball with your mouth until I get bored of throwing it, just to delay your spanking?”
No. Wait. What the fuck? I'm not THAT much of a coward? Right? Right? Hello?
“You can walk normally, so you don't get carpet burns, but you'll be picking it up on your hands and knees, using only your mouth each time, and you'll drop it at my feet from that same position again, each time. Understood?”
No. No you disgusting fucking idiot. The Hell will freeze over. before...
“Yes,” she peeped instead, thoroughly hating herself.
Benjamin's face actually showed a bit of surprise, which only made her blush harder.
Honestly! She was MORE of a wimp than he had even expected her to be. Hello. Rosie to Earth? Would you mind just swallowing me right now, please? Or God, if you're there... if you exist? How about a lightning strike? Hello? No one?
He tossed the 'ball' across the bedroom – which was a small room, really, only twice the length of his bed, really and not even quite as wide as that. But Rosie still had to turn around, make a step, lower herself on her hands and knees. Drip a few crocodile tears onto the carpet. Then she opened her mouth, bit down on the stinky ball of fabric, trying not to think about what it was – but Benjamin's feet-smell was just far too strong all over it for that – she even got a taste. Yucky and... salty.
I'm gonna barf. Pass out. Die. Or at the very least put an end to this and face the damned spanking. Something. Anything! Right?
But all she did was stand up, cross the room back towards Benjamin only to lower herself down again and drop the smelly little parcel at his feet. She thought she'd rather die, but in spite of what she wanted to believe about herself, she clearly still preferred this to finding out just how bad all those freaky things laid out on Boofus' bed were going to hurt.
The game was incredibly humiliating, but Benjamin only enjoyed her squirm and make disgusted faced for so long. The room was small, cramped, and the whole thing very quickly got repetitive and a bit old, at least for him.
“All right. We have just about enough time to attend to your rear before supper time,” he announced, “unless you want to go on out in the garden,” he chuckled. And he was joking. If a small part of him expected the response given, it was quite unconscious.
“Okay, garden it is,” answered Rosie. Benjamin froze and stared at her.
Girl! What the actual fuck?! You're not THAT much of a coward, are you?
Screamed one voice inside her.
But we've managed to stall almost all the way to supper time. We keep it up a little longer, there'll be food and stuff. And he might be tired, stuffed...
Reasoned another.
He looked at her like he didn't actually believe her.
“Say it. Say it you'd rather play naked fetch OUTSIDE with a dirty sock ball than to be spanked,” he demanded.
And that was obviously the end of it. That's where I snapped at him, and yelled at him, and called him an asshole and I wasn't even sorry... There was no way I was gonna say...
“I'd rather play naked fetch outside, with dirty socks for a ball, than to be spanked.”
Wait, what?
It was cold; and even with sweatpants and a sweater on, Benjamin could feel it, which mean the couldn't keep Rosie at it for very long at all. Still, the narrow garden did stretch quite far, slightly uphill, and Benjamin managed to give Rosie a pretty solid work-out in just a few minutes.
“Fetch. Hurry up. Faster! Run!” he barked.
He made her run, as far as he could throw (which, admittedly, wasn't very far because the ball was too light) again and again. She was panting, shivering yet slightly sweaty despite it, her knees and feet wet and green and dirty when she was done.
The weirdest thing? I was sooo busy fetching the ball fast enough to keep up with his commands that I hardly even worried about being outside naked. It barely even registered that someone on the footpath across the higher part of the hill might see me. Or the neighbours; the hedge here was quite tall and thick. I was just cold, and breathless. I don't think I was even properly grossed out any more. That only hit me when we got back inside, the warmth of the dining room feeling all... tingly on my skin, when I noticed just how dirty I was. When uncle Bradley scoffed, looking at me amusedly, smiling approvingly at Benjamin; only just shy of giving him an actual thumbs up. But I was right. We ate. And then there were dishes to wash. And then, apparently, it was bath time.
“Come, you need a bath.”
That, she certainly did. A thorough wash of some sort. But her eyebrows still knitted in confusion.
He wasn't actually going to...
Except he was.
Benjamin ran a bath for her. And washed her all over. And she didn't even call him a perv, didn't try and grab his hand when he reached between her legs. None of this. It was surreal. She should be freaking out and screaming. She had never been as humiliated in her life. This was all insane and degrading. And yet. The undeniable knowledge that she had deserved this. That she had agreed to this. The hair-raising alternative. That all made her just... go with it. She actually managed to relax and, even though she'd never admit it out loud (unless, perhaps, threatened by a spanking, because she'd do 'literally anything' then – as she was finding out).
He even dried her, for fuck's sake. She wasn't a literal baby. Maybe that was his point? She called him 'baby' like a thousand times. As well as a gnome. Dwarf. Midget. Even Hobbit and Half-ling, which was dangerously close to awfully geeky. And more. And now she was receiving her comeuppance from his hands.
And for some reason, he was being patient, and gentle and, well... nice. Like he was taking care of her. Much like her best friend, she was badly underestimating the boy who had been put in charge of her. Currently standing behind her... and more or less groping her through the towel under the pretence of drying her off. It's not like she was going to complain. She just literally let him wash her head to toe, yes, including her pussy and butt crack.
“About the spanking...”
She winced.
“Yes?” she whimpered anxiously.
“Well. I was going to spank you daily,” he told her and for some weird reason, rather than being annoyed at his original plan she actually felt a bright spark of hope at the way he phrased it.
“But maybe we don't have to start quite yet. Not today. You stay naked. You stay good. And tomorrow, we'll see. All right?”
She actually hopped and skipped at that, like little girl who was just randomly handed over a massive bag of sweets or something. She blushed. But it was too late to stop herself. She turned around to face him. For the first time ever, at least that she was consciously aware, she wanted to hug and kiss Boofus.
Benjamin. She corrected herself inwardly. You could be headed over to his room to have your skinny ass DESTROYED, instead you live to see another day.
You know he isn't literally going to kill you when he does it, right? Like you did agree to this weird deal and all. To stay out of the damned juvie. But he can't beat you so bad you'll need to see a doctor. Capiche?
Even with that inner argument going on inside, she managed to give him a slight smile and actually said:
“Thank you.”
Did you just thank him??? After he as good as turned you into his SLAVE and then made you fetch a stinky sock-ball out in the garden.
Rosie's princess side was seriously fed up. But she just wasn't quite as powerful as all the other, frightened and anxious parts, when they all pulled in the other direction like one girl.
He nodded, acknowledging her thanks.
“Good night,” he said.
“Good night,” she peeped and went to Evie's bedroom. Or what was left of it. Clearing their bedrooms of any and all contraband; phones, ipads, laptops and ALL other electronic devices, most things fun... and clearing one chest of drawers each out so they had where to put their clothes during the swap, was a part of the whole weird... deal.
She unzipped her big trunk and – trying not to overly focus on the irony of doing it completely in the nude – began to carefully, neatly unpack her clothes into the prepared drawers. Something Evie wasn't very likely to do at all. Her urchin of a friend was probably just going to live from her trunk the whole month, unless David actually made her unpack. Despite herself, she smiled. She was already feeling quite relieved that her bottom wasn't a red-hot mess and now, left to her own, she couldn't feel but feel like she got off easy today.
Screamed princess Rosie, but no one was really listening. As she tidied the room and prepared herself for bedtime, she idly wondered how her best friend was doing, out there in the house she could actually see, lights glowing through the windows even through the curtains drawn as the darkness of an autumnal evening slowly swallowed the coastal landscape around.
She HATED being naked and she hated doing chores. A combination of the two should have been a million times worse than either, but Evie was still feeling too sore down below and sorry for herself over her roasted behind to really think washing up a sink-full of dishes was that big a deal. She made sure to wash, dry and put away everything she could find and even wiped the kitchen surface. She wouldn't put it past Doofus to spank her some more if she missed a spot. It wasn't like her to be so thorough, but with her already sore ass on the line, she was willing to concentrate and make extra effort.
At one point, Danny popped into the kitchen to grab a soda. He waited in the living room, to stay within earshot. He didn't trust Evie and wanted to hear for himself to see if she was sticking to her part of the bargain.
“Uncle Bradley? I... uhm... I just wanted to let you know I volunteered for Danny to … tickle me. It's just that I probably will make a lot of noise. Don't worry about it, yeah?”
Bradley cocked a sceptical eyebrow at the naked tween but nodded and hummed agreement. He didn't know what Danny's plan was but shy of murdering or crippling girl, Bradley was quite ready to let his son do just about whatever he wanted.
That was kind of the idea, right?
Which is how Evie found herself lying face up with a large towel folded under her bed, pink socks and her white Converse sneakers on, hands tied together and to the leg of Danny's bed above her head with the boy straddling her thighs to keep her pinned down.
It only took her a second or so, as his fingers suddenly dived into her armpits and began a full-on, poking, vibrating, shimmering tickle, to realize what an idiot she had been. There was no way she was going to survive fifteen minutes of this.
“EEEE! E-heeee! Ha, ha, ha... hee! Eeeh! Hihihihihi! No! Hihihihi-haw! Wait! Wait, stop! Eeee! Heeee! Hihiheeeeee! No!”
“What?” he paused.
“I... I can't do this. I can't do this, please.” She huffed. “I'll go with the trash. Naked. I'll go. Right now, please!” she begged.
“Of course, you will...” Danny sounded oh-so-smug. Like he knew all along.
“You bast...” but she didn't even finish snapping at him when his fingers dug into the sides of her belly. She squealed and screamed and laughed and giggled in high-pitched, desperate squeals. She could try and call for uncle Bradley but then she specifically asked him to ignore her.
Bloody Doofus. He knew all along. All along, he knew exactly... and then it dawned on her and in the pause that followed, she began to sob. They were barely a minute in. He could make her agree to and promise literally anything... and hold her to it, since he was now, apparently, the boss of her. He was about to tickle her again but she strained her head to look into his eyes.
“Wait. Wait, Danny. You win. I'll do anything to make you stop. So, what is it?”
“Ah. So, you're not totally stupid. Just... slow,” he grinned. She gritted her teeth. It would certainly be easier to come up with a biting retort if he wasn't kinda right.
“You spend as much of your punishment month as possible stark naked. Sure, you'll have to wear uniform for school.... well, that's about that. The rest of the time... bare-ass. I mean you're sort of grounded so that'll mostly mean at home... but not just at home. If you and I go places, for whatever reason, you go naked.”
She gasped. He was kidding. Sure. Everyone in this sleepy town on the southern coast of England knew what she had done and that she was being punished, but if he dragged her into the park naked, surely someone would call the cops.
“I mean that sounds kinda illegal.”
“Nah, I checked. And even checked with Rob from the town council. They are all cool with it. Apparently, it's not illegal in the UK to go nude unless you 'cause offence' and no one in their right mind will be offended by a little girl going around with her butt bare; especially if her butt's glowing red to remind everyone it's for a punishment.”
She wanted to disagree. Protest. Argue.
“You were gonna do this to me anyway. I can't exactly disobey, can I? So why this tickling sham?”
“Because it's less fun if I command it, and MUCH more fun if you actually agree to it.”
He reached towards her armpits.
She briefly thought about it. Could she withstand fifteen minutes of torture just to deny him the satisfaction of her playing such a humiliating part in her punishment? Nah. She didn’t like the idea of ruining his fun for him anywhere near as much as she disliked the idea of being tickled till she peed herself and the some more, possibly, to achieve exactly nothing.
“Fine,” she said, grumpily. “I agree. I’m spending my punishment month naked, except for school.” It was October. It was going to be cold and rainy. Other than school had to effectively mean here in the house, nearly all the time.
“Okay,” he said and reached for the skipping rope he used to tie her wrists to the leg of his bed.
“Let’s go.”
“Let’s … go?” her eyes went wide. Then it clicked. Of course. The socks. The sneakers. This was his plan, all along. They were going out.
“No covering up.” She gulped at hearing that. He was actually being serious, wasn’t he?
“Where are we going?” she asked, even though she was pretty sure she didn’t want to know the answer.
“Just a short stroll. It’s a bit cold for being out there naked for too long. The beach. The playground.”
She nearly passed out at hearing that. There were going to be other kids. People from school. Maybe she could just throw herself off the cliff, when they got there? End this misery that she had gotten herself into? Tears sprung into her eyes but she didn’t have words. What was there to say?
“One more thing. To remind you to behave.” He quickly pulled a string through a hole in the handle of the wooden brush that had marked her bottom, about an hour ago now, with marks most of which haven’t even began to fade yet, tied a knot on it and hung it over her neck like a gigantic pendant.
She swallowed a snappy remark. It was a smart move, it occurred to her as she clenched her jaw to stop herself from something stupid, hanging the very reminder of why that might be a bad idea around her neck.
He untied her hands and steered her towards the door and outside. She almost laughed when she spotted the bin. To think she was begging on her knees not to have to go that far, less than an hour ago and now…
She felt cold, but not quite as cold as she’d have expected from an October evening, with the sun hovering close to the horizon in the west, painting the sky and sea shades of gold and orange.
Surely this wasn’t happening. She wasn’t actually butt-naked, outside of her house, spanked and just… following Danny down the lane and towards the cliff and down the steep, curving path onto the beach.
But she was and she kept walking even as a dog-walker – an elderly lady with a poodle – paused to stare at her. She walked off cackling. She certainly didn’t look like she was going to call the cops or anything. There were more people. Joggers. dog-walkers, a few young couples. She could feel their looks and their expressions, mostly amused, as-if-knowing smiles burning into her skin. But she followed Danny obediently along the beach until they turned around the bend of the cliffs and saw the playground in front of them. It was crowded. Well. Not exactly crowded but there were like a dozen kids there! She could immediately see kids from school, even from her class.
“Danny, please…” she whined, freezing in place, mid-step, almost falling over.
“Keep walking. No covering up. Or I’ll drag you over there and give you your second butt-roasting of the day there and then.”
With a choked back sob and fists clenched near her hips, Evie forced herself to march forward. Stiffly. And then it began; someone noticed her, yelled, pointed… and the playground exploded with a loud mess of cat-calls, ‘wo-hoo’s, ‘wow’s, whistling and laughter
Well. That’s it. My life is officially over. I’ll never live this down, ever.
“Evie Saunders!” of course. It had to be Thomas from her class to call her by her full name, no less. It didn’t matter, of course. Everybody here knew her. Small town.
“Aren’t you cold?” he teased.
“Not likely! Looks like someone warmed her up quite thoroughly!”
Jessica. You bitch! You’re meant to be a friend. Sort of.
“She even brought her… warmer-upper with her, in case,” pointed out the freckled redhead and giggled mischievously.
They surrounded her. All these kids. Seeing her butt-naked from every angle. Sure, there was a point at which the humiliation was going to be just too much and her system was just going to shut off and die, or like… at least pass out… she hoped. But, apparently… Nope.
“So, how’s the swapishment going?” teased Thomas.
“Swapishment?” Evie blinked; she was so overwhelmed she was a little slow on the uptake.
“You and Rosie were swapped, between your families, for punishment, right?”
Evie gasped. The whole thing was public knowledge? Next to standing here in the nude, it didn’t seem as big a deal, but there were bound to be all sorts of implications and consequences she couldn’t quite foresee. She felt a new wave of unease, fidgeting nervously.
She really didn’t know what to say. She shrugged, non-committally.
“Well, you have been swapped and it sure looks like you’re being punished, so I’d say everything’s right on track.”
She really wanted to say something sarcastic, but standing naked, spanked, with the very tool that had reddened her bottom around her neck surrounded by a whole throng of kids, some of them from her class rendered her mute. She was all out of witty comebacks.
Someone pulled out his phone to try and take a few pictures but Danny stopped him.
“Guys. Apparently, this,” he pointed at Evie, “isn’t actually illegal. But any pictures or videos are technically, you know… child porn. And that’s definitely big time illegal. So just… don’t.” Some of the kids around didn’t even know what child porn was, but they got the big-time illegal part and that was it. Evie’s extreme humiliation was at the very least going to happen… unrecorded.
“Danny?” Evie turned towards the boy.
“Can we go home, please? I’m really cold.”
He looked at her, shivering and covered in goose-bumps. Everyone in the playground had seen her… there was no point letting this drag on.
“Okay. Bye, everyone, we better get going before Evie catches a cold or something. It’s getting dark, anyway,” he said. That was the truth, too; during their time on the beach and here at the playground, the sun had plunged below the horizon and it was quickly getting dark and colder. Danny jogged home and Evie was feeling strangely grateful that he did that for her. She knew how he hated all things sporty.
He let her jump straight into the bathroom for a long, hot shower. As she washed herself, she noticed that she … wasn’t crying. Surely, after Danny so efficiently ruined the whole of the rest of her life, she should be in floods of tears. The shame of it did echo through her. The idea of facing Thomas and Jessica and others at school on Monday made her blush. She’ll for ever know that they’ve seen her naked butt, her pussy, everything, the whole of her under-developed body. How will she ever look them in the eyes again?
It seemed so crazy. So extreme. But weirdly, it also felt. Right. Like deep down, she knew full well she deserved this and worse. She almost, almost thought about Ronnie but managed to push that thought aside. No. She was dealing with this okay, but it was taking her utmost. If she thought about the boy who was still being treated at the Southampton hospital burns unit, she might just lose it and cry and never stop. Just die crying. She idly touched her singed and trimmed twin-tail. She brushed it like a million times, but she could still feel the odd hair in there that felt a little crinkled and crisped, despite all the effort.
She found herself knocking on Danny’s bedroom’s door.
“Uhm… anything else tonight? Chores or… I don’t know… spankings?” she winced.
“Nah. Go to sleep.”
And for the first time in over a week, instead of tossing and turning and slipping in and out of guilt-ridden, feverish nightmares, Evie went to Rosie’s bedroom, slipped into her friend’s bed and did exactly that.
The situation in the Saunder’s house was getting absurd as the swapishment reached its third day. It was Sunday evening now, after supper, and Benjamin was still yet to spank Rosie. She simply hadn’t been over his lap yet, not even for a light hand-spanking.
He made her practice gymnastics and dance routines for him – in the nude, of course. He simply never allowed her to put any clothes back on and she decided to grin and bear it. Anything to keep him happy. He made her eat cauliflower. Raw and cooked. She chewed and choked down every last bit.
How does he even know I hate cauliflower? I have no idea what he food he likes or hates!
He took her for a freaking walk on Saturday morning. Kids from school saw her. Butt naked. They joked around…
They even commented on the fact that my butt had not been reddened, for fuck’s sake!
She never once protested or resisted. She agreed with every new thing he came up with. Agreed to have to ask for a permission to go to the toilet. Agreed to wee with him there, watching. Benjamin was tempted to demand the same with poop – seeing her poopy-face would be absolutely hilarious, but frankly, the boy had his limits – some things he just didn't need to see.
By Sunday afternoon, it turned into a weird sort of game.
There was nothing else Benjamin could come up with on the spot that he actually wanted from her and he just ended up throwing ideas at her, very nearly at random.
“Eat a gh... no. A chilli pepper. I think we might have a habanero in the fridge.”
“I'll probably puke and I might choke and die. But... sure, bring it.”
“Brush your teeth, with anchovy paste instead of toothpaste.”
“You've got some WEIRD things in your larder, dude.”
“I don't think we even do. Would you? Rather than be spanked?”
Benjamin snorted. This wasn't supposed to be fun, especially not for Rosie, but he couldn't help but be amused and feeling, weirdly, like he was finally getting to know his neighbour after all those years where he and her brother were friends... and she and his sister were... but nothing even remotely friendship-like ever developed between the boys and the girls. Neither one of the sibling pairs got well on to begin with.
“Kiss. No. Lick. No … like French-kiss my feet.”
She didn't even pause.
“Wait, like... really?”
“You made me fetch your dirty socks on Friday. If you don't believe me, lose your shoes,” chuckled Rosie and rolled her eyes.
“Jesus. Okay. TELL me why you're SO afraid of a spanking. You know how much trouble I'd be in if I sent you to hospital, or something like it?”
“Not telling,” she pouted.
Benjamin paused. Bit his lips.
“Ah!” he sprawled, victoriously.
She looked at him, confused and slightly bemused.
“I finally found a thing you will not do. So... it's spanking time.”
“Oh. Fuck.”
Benjamin laughed so hard he nearly fell off his bed.
“What's so funny?” she poked him.
“Oh. Where to begin. Well first. You're always so... proper. It's hilarious to hear you swear. Honestly I have no idea how Princess Rosie and my stinky brat of a sister ever became besties.”
“She's not that bad,” Rosie snorted. Benjamin only gave her a look.
“And … also … just … this. I'm gonna spank you now. We both know I was always gonna. But to do it because you refuse to answer a simple question like that... It's like you played truth and dare, and did ALL the dares, and then forfeit the ONE time someone asks you to tell the truth.”
“Mhmmm?” he stared at her in disbelief. “What happened to your famous eloquence and thorough enunciation?
“Big word, Boo...” she stopped herself, in just the nick of time. “Apologies, sir,” she said, playfully but not sarcastically – it was not even the first time she called him that this weekend.
“And just like that, you went from doing crazy and embarrassing and disgusting things for two days to avoid a spanking right to getting an extra hard one,” he shook his head in disbelief.
“I truly am sorry. I shouldn't, and should never have called you Boofus. You're smarter than I ever imagined. Not extra hard, please?”
“Just hard, then?” he grinned.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Well, I did have it coming, didn't I?
She tried and made her best puppy eyes anyway.
“Al right. After supper. Too bad we've waited this long. You'll have trouble sitting down at school tomorrow.”
Rosie bit her lip. Now she's done it.
She opened her mouth and closed it and did it again.
“No. There's nothing you can do to save your ass, unless you deliver a detailed explanation of why you've been avoiding your spanking this hard for this long.”
Detailed explanation. Well now she was definitely toast.
“That's not it. You gonna spank me. Hard. After supper.” She shuddered. It wasn't quite supper time yet. She almost asked him why not now. But she didn't.
“Can you please do it in here? With the door closed?” she whispered softly.
Benjamin frowned. He still had no clue whatsoever about what was going on.
“I'll lick your feet. Or anything. Please.”
How does she even DO that thing with her eyes? She could melt an iceberg! Benjamin huffed.
“All right. This once. No promises regarding future spankings.”
“Thank you,” peeped Rosie. She was beet-red again. She hardly even seemed to blush about being naked around him – she only had TWO days to get used to it. And she only blushed slightly when he made her do, or threatened to make her do … all sorts of things. And now they were talking about her spanking and her face turned a ripe-tomato-kinda-red.
Seriously. Girls. What an enigma
Just over an hour later they were back, and Benjamin laid out his entire collection again. Rosie watched him. Transfixed. Breathing fast. Pink to the tips of her elfin ears.
And here it comes. My real punishment. I knew this was going to happen. The deal, after all, was no-limits pain and humiliation, for the whole month, as a punishment.
It was only a matter of time before her deepest, darkest secret was laid bare for the boy she used to think of as her nemesis; or at least a half of her and Evie's nemesis' duo. At least she got to know him a bit first. At least he was more than just... Boofus now. And she hoped she was a bit more than 'princess' Rosie to him, too.
Benjamin picked up the ping-pong bat and she nearly keeled over.
I'm toast.
She moved to climb over his lap.
“Oh no,” he chuckled. “You're not a baby, are you?” he teased. She blinked at him, shocked.
“Stand here. Left foot here. Right foot here. A bit more apart. Hmmm. Yes. Now touch your toes. Oh, come on, I saw you stretching and stuff. Touch your toes. Stick your butt out. There!”
Could he read minds? Did he know all along? Was he just messing with her? No. There was no way Benjamin was THAT good an actor, but holy shit, was he setting her demise up like every nuance of it was deliberate, or what?
“Count. Stay put. Always stick your butt out for the next one. Oh... and... say thank you. Each time, for now.”
Mother of God. He was going to make her talk, too? Just shoot me, please! How about that?
And then Benjamin smacked the paddle against her butt. Nice and hard. The dull sound of it echoed through the room.
“One,” she said, neutrally. “Thank you.”
“Princess Rosie is back.” After all that, after... everything. He expected more of a reaction when he first hit her. She sounded like she was counting sheep before sleep.
He whacked her again. Harder. Her skin actually turned a little pink. Maybe it didn't hurt enough? Except he knew it did. He secretly tested all these, mostly on his thigh, to know what they felt like before he was going to use them. The paddle wasn't terrible, but it did hurt, when you applied enough force.
“Two. Thank you.”
He gave her a dozen, totally weirded out by her reaction. He expected all sorts of antics after the lengths she went to, to avoid this and here she was. Unaffected, as best as he could tell. He picked up a wooden stirrer next and went on. HARD. Her butt was quickly turning pink and red. She breathed harder. Faster. He was 100% sure this was properly painful. But Rosie just counted. Obediently. And stuck her butt out for more. Each and every time. No prancing or jumping around or any such nonsense. No tears, no crying or screeching.
Benjamin had never been this much confused in his life.
He laid into her butt. With his belt. Then with the plastic cane. He made her start a new count with each new tool. He was aware he was doing damage, actual damage to her skin now. Her ass was red-raw and purple. Bruised. How long would this take to heal? A week? Longer? He expected Rosie to be a coward who couldn't take pain, but this was like trying to interrogate a hardened spy.
“Ow–aaaahhhh.” What was that? Was she taking the piss? That didn’t sound much like a real cry of pain.
She counted and her voice was weird. But not really tearful. He swung the cane overhead and finally got Rosie to scream and lose her balance; she stepped forward.
“Three. Thank you. Sorry,” she mumbled as she got back into position. Benjamin suddenly felt all hot and weird. Sweaty and... really? Now? He briefly wondered if she could see the tent in his pants the way she was standing, bent over. Why was he even hard? He sure popped a lot of boners around her, especially Friday night and Saturday, but he wanked himself sore last night (six cums, his own personal record!), and seemed less affected by her nudity by now. And did she really just politely apologise after being hit so hard she nearly lost her footing?
And what was that smell?
Was she bleeding or something? Her ass looked horrendous. He didn't want to go on. Well, he sort of did, just to make her react more, but, but, but...
He squatted down to examine the wreckage he had caused; red blotches, crimson lines and now three deep-purple ones, too. And then he finally noticed it and almost slapped himself for being SUCH a thick idiot.