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Compromising Situation by CaughtOfLore (Mixed CFNM/ENM+ENF, but mainly ENM)

Posted: Mon May 15, 2023 8:04 am
by CaughtOfLore
Compromising Situation
a story by CaughtOfLore
SYNOPSIS: Young Hayden tries to blend in as “one of the girls” when his sister hosts a sleepover with a bunch of her friends from school. However, his perverted motives are not as well-hidden as he thinks, and he quickly discovers girls are just as curious to learn about the opposite sex, but apparently have the capacity to be far more devious about it.
Chapter 1: Mess

Abigail Salzby just got hit in the face by a piece of cake, and she was having the time of her life.

It was evening now, and a food-fight was well underway. She was at a surprise birthday party that her friend of five years, Rina, had arranged for her. Rina had argued earlier that week with Abigail that she should have a party to celebrate turning fourteen, but Abigail, not one to be terribly into organising things, insisted that she would do something for her fifteenth instead. Sensing Abigail would not be budged on the matter, Rina secretly set about arranging a surprise party for the big day.

Rina, having just recently turned fifteen, had olive skin, dark green eyes and shoulder-length dark curly hair. She was an early bloomer, and had reached a stage in her physical development where she took pride in showing off the new curves of her body, with form-hugging outfits outside of school.

Abigail’s body on the other hand had only just began changing, and at this stage still more or less resembled that of a twelve-year-old. She was short for her age, and had naturally curly red hair, but would routinely straighten it as she felt it made her look at least a bit more mature. She also had pale skin and bright blue eyes, which somehow seemed to accentuate her childlike appearance.

Rina managed to keep the party completely unknown to Abigail right up until everyone shouted “surprise” as she walked into the kitchen to get a drink that afternoon. Rina had invited Abigail around to her place under the pretence of just having a fun afternoon together, but while she had kept Abigail busy out the back, her mother had been sneaking the rest of her friends into the house, as per the plan. Everyone had gotten onboard with it, even Rina’s twin brother Hayden, who was generally one to try and spoil his sister’s plans. Rina was worried Hayden would ruin the surprise when Abigail first arrived that afternoon, but it didn’t take her long to work out why he seemed to be so cooperative. It was a surprise slumber party, and there’s no way Hayden was going to try and sabotage his own opportunity to spend the evening with girls from his classes in their nightwear. He would be an absolute angel, in the hopes that the girls would see him as one of the group, and lower their inhibitions around him.

The other girls in attendance were Brylee, Teagan and Chantelle. Brylee had curly blonde hair and was known for wearing wildly mismatched outfits. Teagan was the more sporty, stronger girl of the group, and had straight blonde hair which she kept in a ponytail most of the time. Chantelle had frizzy brown hair which seemed to match very well her bubbly personality. All girls were in the same year level at school and were all already fourteen.

Amidst the girlish laughter and squealing, Abigail wiped the cake off her cheek and leaned in to scoop up a handful of artillery in the form of red jello. The food fight had already been going for several minutes, and Beverley, Rina’s mother, had actually been the one to start it with a pudding projectile. The idea of having dinner in the backyard was part of her forethought for this moment, and was happy the girls had jumped on board with it. Score one for the cool mom.

As Abigail threw a glob of jello and hit Teagan square in the back, she quickly ducked behind the table. She found herself face to face with Hayden and Brylee who were hiding from the flying food.

“Abigail! Come hide with us!” Hayden excitedly whispered.

“No way!” She laughed, and then standing back up, shouted to the others “Hey girls! Brylee and Hayden are hiding under here! Let’s get them!”

The others all turned and in a united frenzy, started in on the hiding pair. After a few moments, Hayden managed to turn the crosshairs on Abigail for ratting them out, and Abigail in turn felt the onslaught of desserts that her intended targets had only just gotten a taste of comparatively.

When the food fight finally died down and the topic of conversation turned to how messy everyone’s clothes had become, Beverley suggested it was probably time to start a queue for the shower, and in turn to get everyone into their pajamas. The original plan she had in mind was to have the girls take off their outer layers of clothing and put them in a hamper, and then to go back through the house to the shower in their underwear. Obviously not wanting to embarrass the girls in such a state of undress in front of Hayden, who she had anticipated would have locked himself in his room playing video games for the evening, she had to try and come up with a suitable workaround.

“Okay everybody,” Beverley addressed the group of kids, clapping her hands together to get their attention. “Here’s what we’re going to do. When it’s your turn, you’re going to strip to your underwear and put your clothes in this basket here. I’ll hold this towel up as a privacy curtain so that you can each strip off and make your way into the house in privacy. Go and have a quick shower, and then get into your pajamas. I’ve put all your overnight bags in the bathroom already. When you’re done, you can head upstairs to Rina’s room and shout out so I know to send the next one of you in.”

Abigail nervously cleared her throat at this point. “Uhm, Mrs Bradstone?” she asked tentatively, “I didn’t know about this party, so I don’t have an overnight bag or anything to change into.”

Hayden reactively sat bolt upright at this revelation, and then nervously looked around hoping nobody had noticed the far-from-subtle action.

“Don’t worry,” Beverley reassured, “Your mother was in on the surprise party idea and gave me your overnight bag and sleeping bag when she dropped you off. Although Hayden, I wasn’t anticipating you being a part of this, so I haven’t got anything for you in the bathroom.”

All eyes turned to Hayden. He tried to act as casually about it as he could - he felt that he was so far doing a great job of ingratiating himself into the group of girls, and wanted to make sure they continued to not view him as any different to them. He smiled.

“That’s okay, mom!” He laughed, “We’re all pretty comfortable around each other, so I’m okay to make my way from the bathroom to my bedroom just wrapped in a towel.”

“Great!” His mother said, “Well you may as well go first”.

Hayden stood up and as his mother held up the makeshift privacy curtain, he stepped behind it, pulling his shirt over his head.

“Woo!” Teagan shouted enthusiastically, “Take it off, stripper-boy!”

Everyone laughed, including Hayden, who playing along twirled the shirt around above his head before throwing it into the hamper. He continued his stripper performance behind the towel with his pants, resulting in more laughs and catcalls from the group of girls. He really hoped this act of openness with the girls would be returned to him later in the evening.

Mrs Bradstone continued to hold the towel between her son and the girls until he had disappeared into the house.

As he dried himself after a quick shower, Hayden’s attention was diverted to the row of overnight bags in the corner of the bathroom. These bags would each contain a pair of underwear belonging to each of the girls outside. These girls from his class, each of which he had fantasised about at least once. A pair of their actual panties that they wear against their actual privates.

Gently, Hayden unzipped the first bag. He knew who owned this one as he had seen her arrive with it. Chantelle Tasmins. Careful as to not disturb its contents too much, he explored the bag, and pulled out a pair of pale aqua colored panties. He unfolded them, turned them this way and that, and ran his fingers around the slightly frilly openings. His exploring was quite delicate, as though these were an extremely precious and fragile artefact.

After momentarily hesitating about what he was about to do, Hayden brought the panties up below his nose and tentatively smelled them. He breathed in what he interpreted as a mysterious essence of femininity, but was in fact simply the slight aroma of fabric softener. Regardless of what it was, it excited him.

He suddenly heard his mother yelling from the backyard, asking if he was done yet.

“Just about to head upstairs! Just a second!” he shouted back, quickly stuffing Chantelle’s panties back into her bag and wrapping the towel around himself. Damn, he thought to himself. Why had he not been quicker in order to go through all the girls’ bags? Why especially had he not first gone through Brylee’s bag? Brylee was the one who most piqued his sexual interests. He wanted to know what kind of underwear she wore under those wild, mismatched outfits.

Never mind that, he had to go now. As he went to open the bathroom door and make a run for upstairs, he looked down and noticed that his state of arousal caused by the exploration of Chantelle’s underwear was not exactly well-hidden. He bunched up the towel in front to better disguise the tenting and opened the door of the bathroom, running down the hall and upstairs.

Hayden hid in the darkness at the top of the staircase, looking down the stairwell where he still had a view of the bathroom entrance. He yelled to his mother “I’m in my room now, Mom!”

“Okay dear, thanks!” Came her reply.

He waited. He crouched in the darkness, staring down the stairs, down the hallway where he would soon see one of the girls in their underwear. He would obviously need to actually go to his room after this, as that girl would then be coming up the stairs to his sister’s room following their shower. But he would at least get to see one of them.

After what seemed like an eternity, the sound of footsteps running through the house began.

He watched. He waited.

The figure came into view. It was his sister.

Damn it!

As soon as she had disappeared into the bathroom, Hayden cursed to himself, got up, and walked back to his room, feeling like his sister had deliberately ruined his plan.

Hayden turned his mind to his attire for the evening. Obviously, he wanted to continue with his plan of making the girls feel at ease around him. If he showed himself carefree in showing some skin, surely they would as well, right? It was summer anyway, and after fishing through Chantelle’s bag, he knew at least she was wearing a nightshirt, panties and silk boxer shorts, so he decided just wearing boxer shorts himself wouldn’t seem like he was being ridiculously over-revealing. Then again, if he were to pop a boner again, he wouldn’t have such an easy time disguising it as he did with the towel.

To hell with it, he thought. If he started to feel like he was getting excited, he would find an excuse to leave the room. He set about finding the perfect boxers and finally decided on some black silk boxers that featured the cover art of Pink Floyd’s Dark Side Of The Moon album. He had never even heard the album, but figured the sciencey looking image made him seem more mature and intelligent.

He adjusted the waistband so that just a few wisps of his pubic hairs were peeking out the top, and had only just settled on the perfectly alluring amount when he heard his sister shout “Okay, I’m upstairs now mom!” from the top of the stairs.

After the next girl finished, Hayden heard them run upstairs and shakily call for the next girl to come in. It was the voice of Chantelle. He could then hear some murmuring from his sister’s room across the hall, but couldn’t make it out.

Suddenly his door swung open. His sister Rina was standing in the doorway wearing her usual evening attire of mint undershirt and checkered cotton boxers. She closed the door behind her and did not look happy.

“Hayden,” she said, quietly but firmly, “Did you go through Chantelle’s overnight bag when you were in the bathroom?”

“What? No!” Hayden replied, trying to seem equal parts offended and confused, and zero parts guilty. “I’ve been perfectly nice to everyone all night!”

Rina walked right up to the boy. “Only you and I had gone into the bathroom before Chantelle, and when she went to get her overnight bag it was already open, and someone had dripped water all over it and messed up the contents. And it sure as hell wasn’t me who did it, Hayden!”

Hayden was trapped. He didn’t know what to say.

Still keeping her voice quiet, Rina continued, “Chantelle was mortified when she came upstairs and told me. If it wasn’t for my quick thinking she would have been in tears and not able to face you or anyone for the rest of the night!”

“What do you mean? What did you do?” Hayden asked, now dropping the act of denial as there was no way it was working.

“I told her,” she continued “That it was me.”


“To prevent her from being utterly humiliated, I covered your sloppy tracks by telling her it was me that went through her bag. I told her that I have a similar bag and thought that as a joke, mom had packed me one too, and when I pulled out her PANTIES and realised they weren’t mine, I stuffed them back in and STUPIDLY left the bag WIDE OPEN like a MORON.”

Hayden just stood there for a moment, before whispering back “Thank you. Thank you so much, Rina.”

Rina resumed her intense whispering, bringing her face right up to her brother’s. “Listen, creep. The only reason I’ve covered for you is that Chantelle would be embarrassed beyond repair if she knew you’d gone through her stuff. I will not be covering your tracks again, and I expect you to cooperate and do as I say for the rest of the evening, or I’ll be letting mom know what you did.”

Hayden swallowed hard and nodded. This was absolutely more than fair.

“Now,” Rina continued, “as far as Chantelle is concerned, I’ve come across the hall to ask my well behaved brother if he wants to join us for a game of Hungry Hungry Hippos - her idea, not mine, so I think she bought my explanation. I’m guessing she feels guilty for blaming you, hence the invitation. At this point, it would be wise for you to appease her guilty conscience and say yes.”

Compromising Situation - Chapter 2: Crouch

Posted: Mon May 15, 2023 8:08 am
by CaughtOfLore
Chapter 2: Crouch

Walking across the hall and stepping through Rina’s doorway, Hayden spotted Chantelle over the other side of the room, kneeling on the floor, setting up the game. She was wearing a very familiar white Hello Kitty nightshirt and matching boxer shorts. He concentrated hard on making eye contact and tried not to immediately think about the fact that he knew what she was wearing underneath the boxers.

Right down to what the material smelled like.

Crap. He could feel himself starting to harden, and his intimate knowledge of the things he shouldn’t know right now about this girl were impossible to erase from his thoughts. As he sensed the material of his own boxers beginning to tent in front, he darted over to the game board and crouched down on the opposite side to Chantelle. He leaned forward and did his best to try and naturally conceal his already almost-full erection. Damn, that thing shot up fast, he thought.

“Oh!” Chantelle said, startled at the boy in boxers that had suddenly landed in front of her. Her eyes very quickly made a mental note of his state of undress, before making eye contact. She smiled at him, and then wondered if she’d seen quite as much exposed boy as she thought she had, so had another quick glance, trying not to look too blatant about it.

Yup, just boxers, she thought to herself. Nice.

Hayden had not noticed Chantelle checking him out, as he was preoccupied with trying to keep his aroused state a secret. He crouched right forward on his knees, and disguised the position as looking like he was eagerly poised over his hippo character, ready to win the game.

As Rina took her place behind the hippo to the left of Chantelle, mirroring her brother’s determined stance, Chantelle followed suit. As she leaned forward, hand poised over her hippo, Hayden tried to keep his eyes focussed on the hippo eggs in the centre of the game, rather than taking a peek down Chantelle’s nightshirt.

“GO!” Rina shouted, and the three kids started hammering the levers atop the hippos.

From the moment the game began to the moment the last ball was devoured, Hayden had his eyes locked down the opening of Chantelle’s nightshirt and caught momentary glimpses of a pink and white striped training bra.

This was new - he missed that in the bag.

“I guess Brylee isn’t the only one to wear mismatched outfits”, he thought.

Meanwhile, Chantelle had also had her eyes diverted elsewhere during the game. She had used this time where she knew she wouldn’t be caught looking, to take a less subtle look at the near-naked boy in front of her. She stared intently at the bunched up boxer shorts in the back of the cave created between the boy’s torso and legs. Part of her wished they were more form-fitting so that she could make out his boy bits, but the other part of her was giddy with the knowledge that the loose form factor of these silk boxers held excellent potential for a wardrobe malfunction. After all, in this kneeling position, the silky black material had already crept up his legs at the bottom. Nothing to see yet, but the night was young, and possibilities of potential scenarios were already swimming about in her head.

After the hippo eggs were counted up and the winner was discovered to be Rina, they ran another round. Less than a minute later, Rina won for a second time, while Chantelle and Hayden enjoyed a second round of underwear-stare.

As they began to set up the third game, they heard the voice of birthday girl Abigail outside the room, yelling down stairs for the next girl to come in and shower, and moments later, Abigail appeared in the bedroom doorway wrapped in a towel. Hayden stared openly at her, wondering the obvious thought of whether she was naked underneath. He would not have to wonder for long.

Before Abigail could speak, she spotted Hayden in the room, and obviously not expecting a boy to be seeing her in her current state of undress, yelped and backed around the corner, before peering just her head back into the room. She spoke quietly, but clearly enough for everyone in the bedroom to hear.

“Rina, do you have any... Any things I can wear? My mom’s only packed... Can... Can I talk to you out here?”

All eyes turned to Hayden, who nervously looked down at his knees. The imagery of possibilities racing through his mind of what she was going to say were causing his hard icon of boyhood to twitch involuntarily beneath his awkwardly crouched form. He did not need this, particularly with all eyes on him for that moment. Without a game of Hungry Hippos as a pretence for the abnormal way he was crouching forward, he looked very odd, and he knew it. He raised his upper body so that he was no longer hunched over, and quickly shifted the material in his front into a more ruffled state, in the hopes that it effectively disguised his pulsing organ.

Had Rina not been preoccupied with the request to leave the room, she may have at this moment realised what was going on with her brother. As she left the room, a silent tension fell over it. Hayden desperately hoped his erection was not obvious, but could not look down to check his handiwork, lest he draw Chantelle’s attention to that very area. So he found himself just smiling awkwardly at Chantelle. Chantelle meanwhile was having to fight every fiber of her being not to look down toward Hayden’s crotch. Even a momentary glance would be obvious with him staring at her directly as he was. And it was killing her to not be able to look, as she knew he had definitely just adjusted himself in some way, for some reason.

Hayden decided the best thing to do would be to shift the subject to something that would make Chantelle look away entirely, thereby giving himself an opportunity to check his crotch.

“What other games have we got there?” Hayden asked as casually as he could, gesturing to the stack of board games behind Chantelle.

“Oh,” Chantelle responded, spinning around, “Let me just check.”

Hayden glanced down and saw a ruffled mound of silk in his lap. It was clear he was tenting, though there was enough crumpled fabric to disguise where precisely his cock was. Chantelle meanwhile had leaned forward on her knees and had began reading out loud the board games in the pile. When Hayden looked up his eyes met the sight of Chantelle’s ass pointing straight at him. In this position, the fabric of her boxer shorts was pulled tight against her, and her panty line was very clear to him. His engorged penis pulsed again in recognition, and he looked down again at his own boxers. As his erection continued intermittently pulsing, it became easy to spot where the head of his penis was in amidst the folds of material.

Shit. This was no good. In a moment, the other two girls would return, followed gradually by more, all scantily dressed, and there was no way one of them wouldn’t eventually catch on to what was going on inside his shorts. And with all the stimulating visuals going on in that room as well as in his mind, there was no way that thing pointing up from between his legs was going away. He would need to make a move now, while there were no eyes on him, or he may not get another chance. But what could he do? He couldn’t just leave with the two girls right outside the door, and the only things around him to cover up were...

Meanwhile, outside the door, Rina listened to Abigail’s predicament.

“I don’t know what my mom was thinking. She’s only packed undies and a cami. That’s all I wear to bed at home, but surely she can’t have thought that was okay for a slumber party!”, Abigail whispered urgently, shifting her weight nervously from foot to foot.

“Have you got them on under the towel?” Rina asked. Abigail nodded, her still damp ringlets of now-unstraightened red hair bouncing around as she did so. While she wasn’t accepting the idea of wearing the camisole and underpants for the evening, she also wasn’t about to go wandering the house in just a towel.

“Show me what we’re dealing with here” Rina said, innocently reaching for the towel.

Abigail jumped back, clutching her towel tightly. Her eyes narrowed.

Rina lowered her hand and gave a soft, reassuring smile. “I’m not trying to take your towel, Abigail! Just open it a little. I need to know if I’ve got anything that will fit you.”

It was a fair point. Abigail, being significantly smaller and less developed than Rina, would require smaller clothes. And having recently gone through her wardrobe and discarded all her childhood clothing, Rina wasn’t sure she would have anything that would fit her.

Reluctantly, eyes downcast, Abigail opened the towel slightly. Rina looked the exposed section of Abigail’s front over. A pale blue camisole with a picture of a dolphin on it came down to just below Abigail’s belly button, revealing a strip of pale skin between where it ended and her matching low-cut pale blue panties began. In the darkness of the hallway and towel, it was difficult to tell just how inappropriate the outfit was for a slumber party of girls, but with her brother in the mix, Rina agreed that there was definitely reason for Abigail to be hesitant to spend the evening in what she was wearing.

Back in the room, Hayden reached for a throw pillow to cover his erection as Chantelle was reading out board game titles.

“...And Monopoly, which is too long a game in my opin-” Chantelle cut herself short as she finished reading out the board games and turned back around. She had deliberately intended to sneak a glance at Hayden’s crotch when she turned back around before making eye-contact with him, but what she saw was a boy in his boxer shorts up on his knees lunging toward a throw pillow that was propped up against one of the walls. His outstretched form, though it was only for a second or so, gave her a much more defined view of his figure, and for those few fleeting moments before he retreated to his original sitting position and buried the throw pillow into his crotch, Chantelle was clearly able to confirm that Hayden was sporting an erection. She gasped, brought her hands over her mouth, and fell instantly silent, not knowing how further to respond to what had just happened in front of her.

Hayden nursed the throw pillow in his lap, staring at Chantelle, knowing she had worked out what was going on. He found himself equally speechless.

Chantelle lifted her eyes to meet Hayden’s. “He looks so trapped!” She thought. And she was feeling torn. On one hand, she was enjoying seeing a near-naked boy embarrassed and squirming as he was, but on the other hand, she also still felt some residual guilt about accusing him of going through her stuff earlier. She knew the sort of mortification he must be feeling right now, and knew it wasn’t right for her to prey on that, no matter how exciting the prospect was.

“Don’t worry,” she whispered, “it can be our little secret”.

Compromising Situation - Chapter 3: Views

Posted: Mon May 15, 2023 8:10 am
by CaughtOfLore
Chapter 3: Views

Before Hayden had an opportunity to respond, Rina reentered the room, followed cautiously by Abigail, clutching her towel around her.

Hayden’s hormones were really messing with him now. Thoughts of what Abigail could possibly be wearing (or not wearing, for that matter) under her towel, combined with the knowledge that a girl whose intimate apparel he had smelled knew he was currently hiding an erection, span around in his mind. His rock hard penis continued to pulse below the decorative throw pillow.

“Abigail’s mom didn’t pack her enough to wear tonight and I need to see if I’ve got anything that will work for her.” Rina said, opening her wardrobe. She glanced back at Hayden and noting one of her throw pillows being scrunched in his grasp, added “Hayden, can you stop messing with my stuff and leave for a sec?”

Abigail blushed.

Hayden froze.

He couldn’t put the throw pillow back without exposing his erection to the other girls. To then have to stand up to leave the room was out of the question. Although he figured it was a long-shot, he looked to Chantelle in desperation.

“It’s okay,” Chantelle insisted abruptly, moving to the wall on the side of the room opposite the wardrobe, “He can face away. I’ll sit here, and he can face me the whole time, and that way I can watch him and make sure he doesn’t try and peek at Abigail.”

Abigail was about to object, but Rina replied with “Fine, fine” before she had a chance. Rina started to turn back toward her wardrobe before adding “Hayden, turn and face Chantelle and put the throw pillow back where it was beside her, propped up against the wall”.

Hayden slowly, sheepishly turned his crosslegged body to face Chantelle, who was already seated crosslegged herself, up against the wall in question. In this proximity, their knees were now almost touching. He could simultaneously feel his sister’s eyes boring into the back of his head, and Chantelle’s eyes boring into the throw pillow guarding his privates. He waited for a moment, a silent hope hanging in the air that his sister had gone back to searching for clothing, but then the dreaded voice spoke the dreaded words, sending a chill up his exposed back.

“For god’s sake, Hayden,” she said, “put the pillow back, and Chantelle, since he’s acting like a disobedient child, hold his hands so that he isn’t tempted to mess with my stuff,” then after a pause, “Hayden, now! Or do I need to go talk to mom?”

Nothing more needed to be said. Fighting an internal battle of epic proportions, Hayden slowly, agonizingly lifted the throw pillow. It was now hovering an inch above his protrusion, but still blocking Chantelle’s view. He stopped, unable to will himself to move any further in spite of the threat, and Chantelle’s hands suddenly grasped either side of the throw pillow beside Hayden’s hands. Hayden looked up and Chantelle stared straight back at him.

“Would you rather this or to have to stand up and face everyone?” Chantelle reasoned in a whisper only Hayden could hear, “I’m sorry, but I’m doing you a major favor here - deal with it!”

Hayden knew she was right. If it wasn’t for Chantelle’s quick thinking, he’d currently be revealing that he had an erection to two more girls than currently knew. While he couldn’t bring himself to move the pillow any further, he loosened his grip, allowing Chantelle to take it out of his hands and place it back against the wall. His now-free hands darted to cover the protrusion. It was about as effective as trying to hide the existence of a puppy using a box labelled “CONTENTS: ONE PUPPY”.

The coverage was short-lived anyway, as Hayden felt Chantelle’s warm hands on his own. Again, he wanted so much to resist as she lifted his hands, but knew she was right, that she was indeed doing him a massive favor in keeping this to herself. And so, Hayden’s hands apprehensively unclasped from over his privates and made their way to rest on his knees, held gently by Chantelle. Mortified, he stared down at his crotch, where things were worse than he had assumed they would be.

Chantelle took this amazing opportunity to scrutinise what was happening between Hayden’s legs. And there was a lot to take in. The head of this boy’s penis was pressing up against the material of his boxer shorts, throbbing rhythmically. From her front-on vantage point, unbeknownst to Hayden from where he sat, Chantelle was also being treated to a decent sized opening in the material where the button-up fly had become unbuttoned, presumably during his squirming about moments ago. Her eyes almost leapt from her head when she noticed this. Through the opening, she was being treated to an inch or so of skin.

“I can see part of his cock,” she thought to herself, “I’m looking at his actual penis! Oh my god! It’s moving! I can see it moving!”

Hayden was humiliated. He wanted to be anywhere else right now. Here was a girl almost his own age, who was so close she was actually holding his hands, and she was no doubt taking in as much detail of this moment as she could. He couldn’t bear to look at her, or his predicament. He looked off slightly to his right, trying to distance his thoughts from the situation.

And that’s when he saw it. The glass doored cabinet next to her sister’s dresser table. He could not have strategically angled it any better himself. In its crystal-polished reflection, he had a full-length view of Abigail. Just in time for the big reveal.

Rina turned back from her wardrobe to face Abigail, holding a pair of cotton boxer shorts. They were white with pink stripes, and had a slight frill around the top and leg openings. Even at a glance they looked too big.

“I get the feeling these won’t fit you, but they’re the smallest ones I’ve got. Give them a try” Rina said.

Abigail held the towel around her with one hand and took the shorts in the other. Then realising she would be unable to put them on without the use of both hands, she relinquished her grip on the towel, allowing it to drop to the ground. As her body came into view in the full light of the room, something new became clear. With the moist towel wrapped around her for so long, the thin light blue material of her camisole had become somewhat see-through, and the damp fabric clung to her front, showcasing on either side of the dolphin print, her nipples, still in their early stages of developing into breasts.

Hayden couldn’t believe what he was seeing. This girl was practically naked! His eyes savoured the young redheaded girl’s body, and he almost gave an audible gasp as she then proceeded to lift her leg to try on the cotton shorts. He made every effort not to move, not to draw attention his way, not to give away the game.

The movement he could not control however, was his penis, which was now sporadically twitching in direct reaction to the newfound masturbatory fuel his eyes were gathering. Chantelle sat transfixed at the erratic movements his penis was now making. It was no longer rhythmic, and through the opening in his fly, she could see the flesh moving around slightly more than it was before. She had to hold back a gasp herself as she suddenly saw a small bead of moisture penetrate the black silk wrapped tightly over the tip of Hayden’s erection. Chantelle wanted to know what was happening. Was he about to cum? Do boys get wet when they get excited too? She wanted to ask Hayden what was going on, but at the same time, couldn’t take her attention off his lap, in case she missed something.

Abigail brought the loose-fitting cotton shorts up to her waist. Letting go, they immediately slipped down and fell to her feet. She sighed, stepped out of them and bent over to pick them up. As she did so, she almost jumped out of her skin when a voice behind her in the doorway shouted “Woo! Nice ass!”

Brylee stepped into the room before momentarily sticking her head back out into the hallway to shout “You can send Teagan in for her shower now Mrs Bradstone!”, and then returning her sights to mock-ogling Abigail. “You really gonna get around in that tonight with Hayden in the house? I mean, I thought I had something to worry about when I realised I didn’t have any change of underwear to put on under this, but at least I’m not showing that much skin.”

Brylee hadn’t yet noticed that Hayden was in the room to hear everything she was saying, otherwise she wouldn’t have divulged this information. Hayden had also not yet seen Brylee, as the reflection in the glass did not extend to show that area of the room, and as such, Hayden could not work out quite what Brylee meant by “under this”.

Brylee had been running late (as she so often was) to arrive to the party. Not wanting to risk arriving after the big surprise was already over with, she had hastily packed her overnight bag with a lilac cotton sleep shirt that she often wore to bed, as she headed out the door. By the time she realised how under-prepared she was for the evening, she was already in the process of peeling her lime-cordial-soaked panties down her legs in preparation for her shower.

“Hayden’s not allowed to look until we get Abigail covered”, Rina advised, gesturing to Chantelle and Hayden across the opposite side of the room. Brylee’s eyes took in the boy’s bare back. She wanted to go over and get a look at his front, but suddenly became very self-conscious about how little she herself was wearing at that moment in time. She instinctively pressed the hem of her sleep shirt against her thighs to minimize the possibility of flashing. The sleep shirt was quite short. It certainly covered everything, but if she sat down, there was a high likelihood that the material would ride up enough to make her privates not so private.

“Can I borrow something to wear too, after you’ve found something for Abigail?” Brylee asked in a more subdued, hushed tone.

“Well that’s the thing,” Rina responded, a sense of defeat in her voice, “My stuff will probably fit you okay, but I don’t think I’m going to have any luck with Abbie.”

A nervous silence hung over the room. Abigail began trembling a little, partly from what Rina’s comment might mean, and partly from the cold, wet material clinging to her body.

“Oh! I know!” Brylee suddenly shouted, causing everyone to jump, “Rina, if you give me something of yours to wear tonight, Abigail can wear my sleep shirt!”

“Perfect!” Rina said, clapping her hands together. “Abbie, peel off that wet top. Bry, try these on”. She tossed a yellow shirt and matching boxers to Brylee.

Compromising Situation - Chapter 4: Whispers

Posted: Mon May 15, 2023 8:15 am
by CaughtOfLore
Chapter 4: Whispers

Abigail slowly peeled the bottom of the wet camisole upwards, revealing her belly button. Her eyes anxiously fixed on the back of Hayden’s head making absolutely certain he was not looking, and then so as not to obscure her line of sight for too long, quickly pulled the fabric up and off her body. She blushed from her face down to her chest.

Hayden took in the entirely uninterrupted view of the shy birthday girl in the cabinet reflection. If there was any doubts about what he thought he could make out through the wet camisole, things were made absolutely clear now. As his eyes drank in the sight of this girl now wearing only a pair of tiny panties in the few moments of exposure before she crossed her arms over her chest, Hayden’s rigid penis continued to leak and lurch eagerly, and unbeknownst to him, the head was now only a few twitches away from poking out of the fly. Chantelle could see what was going to eventuate and held her breath, not even allowing herself to blink, for fear of missing so much as a nanosecond of what was about to happen.

Not wanting to be exposed any longer than she needed to be, Brylee pulled the yellow shorts up her legs under the safety of the sleep shirt, and then quickly slipped the sleep shirt up over her head, tossing it to Abigail. Upon catching it, Abigail again relinquished the covering of her nonexistent breasts as she hurriedly struggled to unbundle the inside-out piece of nightwear.

Chantelle watched as the head of Hayden’s erection twitched its way ever closer to the opening in his shorts. She let out a small gasp as the thing suddenly popped into full view and seemingly stared straight up at her with its glistening head. She beheld this altogether alien body part, hypnotized by the sight as it continued to twitch, causing more and more of the shaft to be freed from the opening. It didn’t take long - a few seconds later, she was looking at a majority of the boy’s erection jutting up at her and dancing its little twitchy dance.

Chantelle observed with intense focus, and when another bead of precum suddenly appeared from the tip, she reflexively tightened her grip on Hayden’s hands. This of course pulled Hayden’s attention back to his predicament and he glanced down at his lap.

No sooner had his brain processed the image of the majority of his exposed member, Hayden desperately tried to wrench his hands free from Chantelle’s vice-like grip. Chantelle, not ready to give up this moment yet, fought back, and succeeded in keeping his secret skin exposed.

“Hayden,” Chantelle whispered, “Do you want to draw attention over here? I’m supposed to be keeping you still here. If you keep moving about, Rina’s going to tell you to get up and leave. Do you want that?”

Hayden stopped struggling and beginning to sweat with desperation, whispered “Please don’t look! Please cover me up! Please!”

Chantelle continued to hold his hands tightly. “I need to look at it to be able to put it away, Hayden,” she reasoned, “I mean, I could look away while I do it, but then I’ve have to go by feel...” She waited a moment to let her words really sink in.

“Okay, okay, you don’t have to look away, just cover it up quickly, before they see!” He whispered.

Chantelle waited. Her sympathy and previous guilt were starting to be overpowered by this experience. Finally, she spoke.

“I don’t know, I don’t want to look at it if you don’t want me to. Maybe I should just fumble about down there with my eyes closed. I’m sure it won’t take more than a couple of minutes of feeling around...”

“No!” Hayden whispered sharply, almost drawing the attention of the other girls with the intensity of his response. Then he quietened again, and swallowing hard, he managed to say something that gave the both of them goosebumps, for very different reasons.

“Chantelle, please, I... I’m giving you permission to look at it...”

Chantelle let the words fill her with a feeling she had never felt before. She liked how that sounded, and she tried unsuccessfully to suppress a smirk.

Moments passed.

“Okay,” came her response, and she returned her gaze to the boy’s privates. Hayden did likewise, to make sure her hands didn’t accidentally veer too close to his flesh.

More moments passed.

And then Hayden realised that Chantelle had still not let go of his hands. He looked back up and saw Chantelle just staring down openly at his penis.

“Chantelle!” He snapped, quietly.

“Oh! Sorry, I thought you just gave me permission to look at it!” Chantelle whispered back, innocently.

“I was giving you permission to look at it so that you could cover it up without accidentally touching it!” He whisper-barked.

“Oh, right! I see! That makes a lot of sense! Okay, stay still, and I’ll... Hmm... Wait...”


“It looks like the end is leaking,” Chantelle said, resuming her act of concern, “I wouldn’t want you to have to explain a wet patch on the front of your boxers to the rest of the girls. Let me just dry him off first.”

Chantelle leaned forward a little, and before Hayden could work out how to respond or indeed what she was doing, she began to blow gently on the head of his penis. Despite there being no physical contact, the girl’s breath began to gently tickle Hayden’s shaft, and while he whisperingly pleaded for her to stop, his penis reacted with renewed twitching, and a new drop of precum leaked out. He winced at the involuntary embarrassing display he was putting on for his sister’s friend.

Chantelle meanwhile was almost in disbelief at what she was currently doing. Never in her wildest dreams did she think that she would get such an up-close-and-personal experience with a boy, at least until she was in a serious relationship with one, and that, she figured, was still a few years away at least. She gave another strong blow, and again, the boy’s penis responded with dancing and leaking. She stifled a giggle at the absurdity of the moment - every time she would try to blow on the head to dry it, it would result in it getting even more wet!

This catch-22 was not lost on Hayden either. And Hayden suspected from Chantelle’s slight giggle that she had worked out the cycle of cause-and-effect here, and was now deliberately making him ooze more and more precum.

“Chantelle, please, just cover me up!” He practically begged.

For a moment, Chantelle considered her options. The other girls were obviously almost done sorting out their clothing situation, and so if she wanted to continue this exciting night of secrets with Hayden, she would need to conceal him very, very soon. She was obviously loving her private sexual education class, but knew it would only continue if Hayden felt that she was only taking certain actions for the greater good of preserving his modesty from the other girls.

“I’m sorry Hayden, I can’t get it to dry!” She said, fighting the urge to push things too far and propose using her finger.

“Oh forget it!” Hayden finally muttered, desperately tugging at the material either side of his rod in an effort to put it away. He frantically fumbled for the button of the fly.

Where was the button?

Oh god, where the hell was the button!?

Oh. There it is.

On the carpet between his legs. Shit. The button hadn’t just become unfastened earlier, it had popped off entirely!

He was covered now, but he also now had no way of ensuring he would remain covered. And as he looked down, he could see two things. One was that despite the boxers being predominantly black, the precum that had now made its way into the material was quite obvious. And the other thing was that as his penis continued its now admittedly slower, less erratic twitching, its slight pulsing was still proving a problem. As he and Chantelle monitored it, it was as if it knew its way out, and seemed to be intentionally shifting back toward the fly in order to escape again.

“There, you both look great now,” came Rina’s voice from the other side of the room, referring to the now-sufficiently-dressed Abigail and Brylee. “You can turn around now, Hayden”.

Hayden had no idea what to do, and made another silent plea for help to Chantelle with his eyes.

Chantelle whispered to Hayden, “Okay, I have an idea. Follow my lead, because the only other option you have is turning around to face them.”

“Hayden?” His sister repeated.

Hayden gave a subtle but nonetheless anxious nod to Chantelle.

Compromising Situation - Chapter 5: Perform

Posted: Mon May 15, 2023 8:21 am
by CaughtOfLore
Chapter 5: Perform

Chantelle quickly jumped to her feet, pulling the startled Hayden up with her. Sure enough, the sudden shift from sitting cross-legged on the floor to standing resulted in Hayden’s erection again popping free from the unclosable fly of his boxer shorts. Chantelle glanced at this for a moment, but then resolved to fight to keep her eyes from giving away anything suspicious to the other girls.

“Really? Are you sure about this, Hayden?” Chantelle asked out loud, as if continuing a conversation they had been having privately. She looked at Hayden expectantly.

“Uh, yeah, absolutely!” Hayden responded out loud, playing along with a conversation that he simply had to trust was not going to result in him having to turn around and expose himself to the rest of the girls.

Chantelle looked over at Abigail. “Abbie,” she said, “throw me your towel there”, gesturing at the wet towel near her feet. Despite the obvious confusion on her face, Abigail complied, tossing the towel to Chantelle, who expertly caught it and began walking around to the other side of Hayden. Hayden remained awkwardly with his back to everyone. Though his penis was out, he kept his hands at his sides, so as not to clue the girls in on this fact.

“What are you doing?” Rina asked as she watched Chantelle unravelling the damp towel.

“I’ve just been talking with Hayden about the little stripper dance he was doing for us outside earlier.”

Hayden tensed, not liking where Chantelle’s plan was heading. She continued.

“He thinks we were short-changed when he stopped at his underwear, and offered to finish the strip behind the towel in here!”

“Whaaaat?” His sister asked, suspiciously. This was not the Hayden she knew.

“Seriously! Tell them, Hayden!”, Chantelle urged, holding up the towel in front of him much like his mother had done less than half an hour earlier. With the privacy curtain in place, Hayden turned around to face the girls, now covering his protrusion as best he could, out of view of all but Chantelle. Although she had already seen it, he wasn’t about to go putting it on display for her any more than he had to. He cleared his throat and then despite feeling as anxious and vulnerable as he had ever felt in his life, spoke as confidently as he could in order to keep Chantelle on his side. Heck, if he played this right, he figured he might still be able to work this to his advantage and get some of the girls to follow suit!

“Yeah, I mean, it’s just a bit of harmless fun, right?” he said, hoping this would change their view of him as ‘friend’s bratty brother’ to ‘guy who got the party to lose its inhibitions’. Or at the very least, to keep a towel between him and the girls until he had a chance to allow his erection to go down.

The girls all made various vocal sounds of approval.

“Oh! Oh!” Abigail suddenly yelled excitedly over the others, “Since I’m the Birthday girl, can I hold the towel up in front of you?”, and with this she took a step forward.

Hayden’s legs almost instantly turned to jello. His eyes darted to Chantelle for help. As Abigail approached with Chantelle yet to respond, he lost his composure and yelled a terrified “No!”

Everyone stopped. Finally Chantelle jumped in again with some more quick thinking.

“Obviously whoever is holding the towel would have to be looking away, Abbie. You definitely can’t miss out on this. Get a good seat, and I’ll take one for the team on this.”

“Oh, heh, right,” Abigail said sheepishly, “Thanks.”

Hayden was preparing to whisper a ‘thank you’ to Chantelle, when she continued.

“Actually, I don’t want to miss out on seeing the show either, and Teagan is still in the shower, so can someone record this on their phone?”

Abigail and Brylee eagerly raced to be the first to get their phone. Rina rolled her eyes.

“Got it!” Abigail yelled, almost too loudly, waving her phone in the air like a lighter at a concert.

“I might film it too,” Brylee said, unlocking her phone, “Just in case Abby’s video doesn’t work or something”. She knew how transparent her reason was, and sealed it with a wink to Rina, who responded by scrunching up her face and muttering “You’re both being gross”. 

Chantelle turned to Hayden, who was clearly glaring at her.

“Hey, I’m saving you from exposing yourself to them!” Chantelle whispered, “Did you have another way out of this? You should be thanking me, this could have been a lot worse!”

“I have to take off everything now!” Hayden whispered back.

“You’re going to be more covered this way than you have been in your boxers. Just put on a brave face and try to focus on making it go down. And look like you’re enjoying it for god’s sake! You need to sell this!” she said before turning back to the girls, who were now standing together as a miniature crowd only a few feet from the towel, phones being prepared for filming.

“And then what?” he asked.

He received no response.

Over the top of his anxiety and embarrassment, Hayden resumed his confident persona to the captivated audience. “Okay, ready girls?” he asked in his best gameshow host voice.

The girls responded with various cheers. Chantelle diligently looked away and closed her eyes, signalling that it was time to begin.

Taking a deep breath, Hayden hooked his thumbs into his only piece of clothing, and began loudly singing ‘The Stripper’.

The cheering continued. As he slowly lowered his boxers down his sides and danced at the audience on the other side of the towel, he noticed Brylee was inching closer to the towel, raising her phone higher and higher, presumingly in a gradual effort to peer over the towel and catch his naked body on video. He continued the show for a period, but when he sensed she was able to see down to roughly below his nipples, he sang, still to the tune of ’The Stripper’, “Brylee stop, you’re close enough, please step back, you naughty girl”.

The girls all laughed at this, and pulling a cheeky face at Hayden, Brylee took a very small step back to appease his request.

Though they were all seemingly playing along with these arbitrary rules, Hayden was starting to get nervous about how long this good-natured scenario would realistically last. Deciding to start to move things along so that the girls didn’t get bored, he let the boxer shorts drop to his feet. The girls let out a cheer, and not wanting to risk the wet patches on them being spotted, Hayden quickly stepped out of them and reached down to pick them up. He peered his head under the towel as he did so, to wave at the girls.

If there was any hope of him being able to say goodbye to his erection any time soon, these hopes were about to be dashed, as he looked out under the towel to find the girls were now crouching to film the lower part of the towel where the action was now taking place. In her distracted state, what Abigail seemed to be failing to realise was that crouching in Brylee’s sleep shirt, she was unknowingly flashing her panties at him.

Taking this image in, he felt his erection twitch enthusiastically in response, as if to remind him that despite his hopes that he may be able to fight his raging teenage hormones, no, he was indeed still completely and utterly at full-mast. There was no hope of it just going down. He had seen and experienced too much tonight, and it was all still very, very fresh in his mind. He was going to have to drag out this routine behind the towel while he got rid of his erection in the only reliable way he knew how. Precisely how he would not make a mess or alert the girls to what he was doing while he was doing it, he was not sure, but he’d have to damn well try, and he’d have to hurry - he had already removed every piece of clothing in his stripping routine.

He picked up the boxer shorts and started to stand up, slicking up his right hand with saliva behind the towel as he did so.

Wrapping his right hand around his shaft, he began to stroke himself. Intense tingles ran from the head and down the shaft. Fortunately with all that had happened that evening, he could tell this was not going to take long at all. Trying to maintain as sensible a facial expression as he could, he continued to dance for the girls, twirling the boxer shorts around above his head like a cowboy’s lasso.

Just as he felt himself about to hit the point of no return, the terrifying knowledge that he was about to squirt and had still not worked out how he was going to conceal it hit him. He immediately let go of his ultra-sensitive organ just in time to avoid ejaculating.

“Shit!” He thought to himself, “How am I going to do this?”

With what he had just done, and with Chantelle’s blowing on the tip prior to this, he had essentially just edged himself into what would now be an even more intense and far harder to hide orgasm.

The crowd were also starting to get restless with his underwear-spinning move.

“Throw them into the audience!” Brylee shouted.

Compromising Situation - Chapter 6: Chaos

Posted: Mon May 15, 2023 8:23 am
by CaughtOfLore
Chapter 6: Chaos

Despite the cool air of the evening, Hayden was sweating.

He was standing completely naked with a highly-stimulated and wholly erect penis, facing a room of four girls roughly his age, with the only thing obscuring their view of him being a damp bath towel held up by one of them.

He had stopped singing “The Stripper” some time ago, and the look of faux confidence on his face was beginning to show cracks.

And now the audience was wanting him to relinquish his only piece of clothing to them. Brylee and Abigail weren’t expecting to actually see his boy-bits, but the two girls were feeling high on the escalating scenario in which Hayden was risking more and more, to provide himself less and less security should something go wrong in this routine. They were thrilled with the fact that behind this towel, this boy was entirely naked. That his last item of clothing was no longer on his body. They were hungry for just that little bit more of a tease. They wanted him to no longer even be holding any clothing. They wanted this boy’s underwear to be in possession of the girls.

Hayden knew three things in this moment.

One, he knew that he would need to hand over his boxers if he wanted to earn himself some more time to somehow get rid of his erection.

Two, he knew that he would likely not get his boxers back if/when he parted with them.

Three, he knew that his boxers were wet with precum all over the front.

And then he worked out what his safest move would be, while still appearing to be daring.

“Poor Chantelle’s missing out on the show here, and being such a good girl,” He said to his rapt audience, and then turning to Chantelle who was diligently holding the towel and looking away, he added, “Let me just give you this thank you gift, Chantelle”.

Cheers came from the girls as he draped the boxers carefully over Chantelle’s shoulder. At least with Chantelle, he thought, there was a possibility he might get them back.

While the girls were busy with their cheering and whistling, Chantelle took the opportunity to speak quietly to Hayden.

“Is your erection gone now?” She asked.

“No, I’m sorry! I’m trying!” Hayden answered.

“Can’t you just make it go down? What’s keeping it up?” She asked, sounding slightly annoyed. She was trying to help him - why was he not doing whatever it is boys do to make it go down?

“It doesn’t work like that!” He explained, “I can’t-”

Mid-sentence, Hayden stopped as Brylee, fuelled with horny teen curiosity and excitement, lunged forward and grabbed the bottom of the towel with one hand, continuing to film with the other. Not anticipating a sudden yank, Chantelle lost her grip on the side of the towel furthest away from her, and it fell from her hand, resulting in the only coverage for Hayden being reduced to the thin pillar of towel being held in Chantelle’s other hand. Hayden yelped and managed to quickly shift to this section of towel before he was exposed. He moved in close to it, as otherwise the girls might spot his privates around the sides. 

Chantelle gasped and continuing to look away, bent down to try and pick up the side of the towel that had been torn from her other hand. This of course meant the thin coverage she was still providing began to lower with her, and as her raised towel-holding hand fell ever lower and closer toward exposing him, Hayden shouted “Chantelle, no! Lift your hand!”.

She stopped and raised her hand back up, just in time.

Brylee, now openly laughing at the Benny Hill style scene she was partially responsible for, dropped her phone and upgraded to a two-handed grip on the towel. Hayden gripped the end near where Chantelle was now bound to have it yanked away, and held on for dear life. Feeling this other set of hands, Chantelle let go of the towel and finally turned around to assess the situation. As she turned, the silk boxers dropped from her shoulder and fell to the floor.

Hayden could only cling to the towel and watch as Abigail sprang forward and snatched up his underwear. The somewhat shy girl figured she had very little time before this boy overpowered her and took them back, so without hesitation she ran over to the second-storey window of Rina’s room, which overlooked the backyard. She looked back over her shoulder as she opened it.

“ABBIE! DON’T--” Was all Hayden managed to get out, before he saw the grinning girl with her arm out the window let go of his only piece of clothing.

Chantelle meanwhile had leapt to Hayden’s aid in trying to wrench the other end of the towel back from Brylee. Having only very gradual success, she devised a different tactic, and ran around behind Brylee, grabbing a hold of the waistband of her pyjama shorts.

“Let go now, or I’ll pants YOU!” She snarled, and just to make sure Brylee knew she wasn’t kidding, she pulled the yellow shorts down about an inch. Brylee yelped and hunched forward a little.

Abbie remained near the window, now crouching and craning her neck to try and see under the towel. Hayden was covered by the limited scrunched up amount he had managed to win back, but this was definitely more exposed boy than she had seen before.

It was Brylee’s turn to lose some composure now. But still, she held on.

“I’m not kidding, Bry!” Chantelle warned, yanking Brylee’s shorts down further. The tops of the folds of skin that formed the ‘v’ shape between her legs were now out in the open, and the waistband was now only just above the beginning of her most private of private areas. Though the end of the towel she was clutching was obscuring Hayden’s view of this, she was acutely aware that her situation now meant if she let go of the towel, she would momentarily reveal this area to Hayden before she had a chance to pull them back up. Then again, if she held on, Chantelle may very well make good on her promise to completely lower the shorts, and then what would she do?

Abigail scurried around the perimeter of the room, on a mission to get some footage of Hayden’s butt while he was preoccupied with guarding his front.

Rina just continued to watch on, amused from the corner of the room.

“Okay! Okay! Pull them back up and I’ll let go!” Brylee reasoned.

“Nope! Let go and you can pull them up yourself” Chantelle shot back.

“But he’ll see before I get a chance to pull them up!” referring to Hayden.

“Nothing’s exposed down here yet, came Chantelle’s response, “All he’ll know is that you shave yourself, and he knows that now anyway”.

Brylee blushed scarlet. “You bitch!” she yelled, and started tugging aggressively at the towel again in retaliation.

Hayden was momentarily caught off-guard, and his towel-clenching hands were briefly pulled up and away from his body, before he leapt forward to meet them again. With everyone where they were at this moment in time, the only person who would have been able to see anything was his sister in the corner. Hayden glanced over at her. His sister didn’t say anything, but the look on her face told him everything he needed to know. She had seen what he was trying to hide.

A huge grin spread across her face and she bit her lower lip. Now that she knew the full story of what he was trying to keep hidden, she was definitely going to let this play out without intervening!

Now seeing that Brylee was not going to play nice, Chantelle resumed the descent of Brylee’s shorts. Brylee shrieked as she felt them slip below her buttocks. She let go of the towel with one hand and frantically tried to pull the waistband of the shorts back up at the front. However, against Chantelle’s two hands, it was a futile battle.

Compromising Situation - Chapter 7: Consequences

Posted: Mon May 15, 2023 8:29 am
by CaughtOfLore
Chapter 7: Consequences

Brylee was known amongst her group of friends to wear drastically mismatched outfits, but even for her, a T-shirt up top and nothing at all downstairs was too mismatched. In a mirrored stance, Brylee stood opposite Hayden, both of them nervously holding a bunched up end of the damp bath towel tightly against their otherwise exposed crotches.

Chantelle used both hands to pry Brylee’s single-handed grip on the shorts away, and effortlessly slid them down to her ankles.

“Chantelle, what the hell?!” Brylee said, her voice now starting to sound less challenging and more desperate. “Why are you doing this?!”

Chantelle hadn’t really stopped to consider this. It was an impulse, but at the same time she was acutely aware that she had very decisively acted upon the impulse.

As she pondered her response, it became clear to her what was actually going on.

She, in a series of happy coincidences, ended up learning about a bunch of boy stuff that had previously been a bit of a mystery to her, in a secret she was helping Hayden to keep. As the girls came closer and closer to discovering the thing Chantelle was helping him hide from them, Chantelle was in turn getting closer and closer to losing the potential to see some more. Once the girls found out about his erection, he would just run from the room and that would be it. If she continued to help him, she would hopefully be able to work her way back to continuing her secretive night of exploration with him, using the “we’re in this together” technique as a bargaining chip.

She wanted it to continue. She wanted more private Hayden time.

She needed him to be convinced that having her on his side and following her instructions was in his best interest.

Obviously she couldn’t say that to the girls though.

Instead, still crouched at Brylee’s ankles, she responded “Hayden was being incredibly generous and brave to offer, of his own accord, to do that strip in front of us. And this is how you show gratitude? By saying ’Not good enough, Hayden, we want more’? Well that’s not cool, Bry. You think someone should get completely nude in front of you without having control over what they choose to show? Well I think you need to taste your own cooking before serving it up to others.”

Chantelle grabbed Brylee’s ankle and tried to lift her foot to remove her shorts, but Brylee resisted, locking her leg into place firmly against the floor.

Chantelle stood up and looked Brylee in the eye.

“Lift your foot so I can take off your shorts,” She said calmly.

“Please,” Brylee begged, “Just pull them back up and I promise… I swear I’ll let go of the towel!”

“Lift your foot,” came Chantelle’s repeated demand, “Or I’ll get started on the shirt.”

The color drained from Brylee’s face. The shirt? She was going to remove the shirt too?!

“Chantelle, please, I’m sorry! Please! Just pull up-”

Brylee stopped short and squealed as she felt the bottom hem of the shirt being lifted from where it naturally hung just below her belly button, to fully expose her stomach to Hayden and the rest of the room. As it lifted, she raised up on her toes in an effort to reduce her exposure, but of course this made no difference and Chantelle continued to lift the shirt until the very bottoms of Brylee’s C-cup breasts were peeking out.

Almost immediately, Brylee lifted her foot from the floor.

“Okay! Oh god! Chantelle! No! I’m stepping out of the shorts! Please let go of the shirt!” she pleaded.

Chantelle instead continued to lift the shirt higher, exposing even more of Brylee’s breasts to the room. Brylee shrieked and now genuinely had a reason to stay up on her toes, in order to keep her nipples hidden under the shirt.


Chantelle relented, finally letting go of the shirt and scooping up the reluctantly abandoned pyjama shorts. Brylee tried to calm herself and work out what she could do. With one hand, she fumbled to pull her shirt back down in front, as it had remained bunched over the middle of her breasts.

Hayden, seeing her preoccupied with this and only holding onto the towel with one hand, took the opportunity to aggressively fight for the towel. In one sudden movement, he whisked the towel from her grip, leaving her completely naked from the waist down.

In the backyard, Mrs Bradstone, still in the process of tidying up the food fight aftermath, heard a girl screaming from her daughter’s bedroom.

Rolling her eyes, she laughed to herself and continued cleaning up, the encroaching darkness of the evening being the only thing preventing her from noticing Hayden’s generously precum-stained boxers draped across a garden hedge.

Hayden, not willing to take any chances after all that had happened throughout the evening, immediately wrapped the towel around his waist, eliciting an “Aww, boo!” from Abigail behind him. Oh well, she thought, at least she’d collected a nice batch of footage tonight. If she wasn’t such a small, non-intimidating looking and shy girl, she might have considered using it as leverage for getting a second encore performance of some kind from him later on.

Brylee meanwhile was in the throes of panic. The white-knuckled balled-up fist she was a second ago using to hold the end of a towel against her crotch was now without a towel, and the only thing blocking the rest of the room’s view of her most private of areas. She bent forward and pushed this fist a little further between her legs to ensure nobody saw anything she didn’t want them to see. With her other hand, she attempted to pull the shirt down to cover this area, but could not manage to stretch the material down quite far enough. After performing a little dance to try and cover herself to a state that she felt comfortable with, and failing, she ran across the room to the sanctuary of her sleeping bag. The room was treated to the tantalising show of her near-nude body from all angles as she struggled and squirmed to get into the sleeping bag with the aid of only one hand. Hayden almost openly drooled as he watched her wriggling about with the bag in one hand, then stopping to use that hand to pull down the shirt again when it rode up as she had tried to shuffle into the bag, and this went on for an excruciating amount of time, leaving the other girls in fits of laughter and Hayden once again on the verge of ejaculating on the spot.

Once safely inside her cocoon of sleeping bag, Chantelle leapt across the room to her. Unconvinced that Brylee would not try something like this again, she reached into her bag and began to wrestle the shirt from her. Brylee in a heightened panic now put up a valiant effort but with restricted mobility caused by the confines of the sleeping bag, very quickly lost the battle, and by association, her last piece of clothing.

“Rina! Do something!” Brylee implored.

Rina laughed, “No way, you got yourself into this! Plus this is a hell of a show - I ain’t interfering!”

Brylee’s eyes darted around the room. Though she was now technically more covered than she had been all evening, being naked inside a sleeping bag with everyone in the room knowing this somehow made her feel even more vulnerable.

Her eyes settled on the giggling Abigail. As the words came from Brylee’s mouth, Abigail’s facial expression changed from entertained glee to unadulterated fear.

“Abbie,” Brylee said, “I’m sorry, I need my sleep shirt back”.

Abigail almost lost her balance and clung to the sides of the sleep shirt. “No, please, Bry, I need this! I’m sorry for laughing!” Then turning to Chantelle who was still holding Brylee’s previous attire, urged “C’mon Chantelle, this has been fun, but don’t punish me for Brylee’s decision to try and steal the towel!”

Chantelle shot a look of incredulity at Abigail. “Are you freaking serious?” she asked, “You took his boxers and threw them out the window! You’ve lost any right to say you deserve that sleep shirt more than her, and it’s coming off even if I need to remove it by force, but Brylee’s not getting it - I’ll be taking it.”

Abigail looked anxiously over at Hayden, then to Rina, her still damp ringlets of red hair jiggling and bobbing about as she did so.

Rina shrugged, still grinning from ear to ear.

Not wanting to delay things any longer, Chantelle prodded the process along. “I’d get into your sleeping bag like Brylee now, before I take it off you right where you’re standing.”

Nervously, Abigail made the reluctant journey to her sleeping bag, and not wanting to risk agitating Chantelle any further, pulled herself deep into the bag and removed the garment herself. She remained deep in the bag, looking out at Chantelle as she added the shirt to her collection of items.

There was a pause, where everyone in the room was silent. Finally Chantelle spoke, again to Abigail.

“Your undies too, Abbie.”

Compromising Situation - Chapter 8: Up

Posted: Mon May 15, 2023 8:30 am
by CaughtOfLore
Chapter 8: Up

Teagan walked into the room, attentively drying off her mid-length blonde hair with a towel. She was wearing a green and white striped tank top and matching pajama shorts. Passing through the doorway and glancing up, she stopped herself mid-stride. She surveyed the room and saw Chantelle holding a bunch of pajamas, Hayden standing in one corner with a towel around his waist, his sister Rina smiling in the opposite corner with her arms folded across her chest, and Abigail & Brylee’s heads peeking out of their sleeping bags on the floor.

Teagan smiled and said “Okay, so what are the rules and who’s winning?”

“Long story,” giggled Rina, “But basically, Abbie and Bry were trying to see my brother’s wang, so Chantelle stripped them to give them a taste of their own medicine.”

“Wait, what? So they’re naked in there?”

“Yup! Well, Brylee is. Abigail’s just about to hand over her undies.”

Teagan giggled in half-disbelief that this could all have happened in such a short space of time. “For real?” she asked, then turning to Hayden, she pointed at the towel and asked him outright “Are you naked under there, too?”

“As the day he was born!” Rina answered on behalf of her brother, who was still recovering from the shock of the past few minutes.

Rina went on to explain to Teagan how the current scenario had come about - Hayden’s voluntary strip tease behind the towel, and how the girls had tried to sabotage the show to see more than he had intended them to see, the latter turn of events being the cause for Chantelle’s hellbent mission of retribution. When she had finished explaining this, there was a moment of silence as Teagan tried to piece it all together. Finally, she snapped her head back around to Rina, and with a quick intake of breath, eagerly asked “So did they actually get to see it?”

“They came close to seeing it,” Rina replied, and added “Abbie got a good long perv at his butt.”

“Which Hayden also never intended to show her!” Chantelle interjected, bringing everything back to the matter at hand, “Nor did he intend her to take his underwear and throw them out the window, and so it’s only fitting that she loses her underwear too. Now slip them off and hand them to me.”

Everyone watched on in transfixed silence. Abigail held the sleeping bag opening closed around her neck tightly, looking up at Chantelle with a face that implored her to change her mind.

“Okay, you had your chance to make things right here.” Chantelle said after a solid ten seconds of no movement from Abigail. She sat the pile of pajamas down and walked over to Abigail, who began to shrink further into the bag with panicked breathing.

“Please, Chantelle, Please, just let me keep the underwear on!”

Rather than trying to wrestle her way into the top of the sleeping bag, Chantelle instead leaned down and grabbed the bag’s zipper. Before this action could even be processed by Abigail, Chantelle had dragged the zip halfway down the side of the sleeping bag, and by this time, Abigail had no recourse but to scream and watch it’s descent beyond her reach. As the rest of the room looked on and Chantelle rounded the corner at the base of the bag, Abigail made preparations to preserve as much modesty as she could by turning onto her stomach to hide her front. The frantic nature of this action ended up lifting part of the bag open over her lower back, and she quickly reached behind her to pull the covering back into place.

“Chantelle, Nooo!”

Chantelle threw the bag open, leaving a little curly redheaded girl frozen in place on her stomach, wearing nothing but a small pair of pale blue cotton panties.

Abigail tensed her body and held her arms tightly at her sides, in order to help block more of her front side from being peered at by the onlookers.

“Okay, time to get the Birthday girl into her Birthday suit,” Chantelle quietly whispered into Abigail’s ear.

All eyes in the room watched on in silence as Chantelle hooked her fingers under the waistband of Abigail’s panties, and slowly peeled them downwards. Abigail let out a mortified groan as the two pasty white cheeks of her ass were gradually unveiled to the room. She squeezed her legs as tightly together as she could. Being a smaller girl, she had to really put in the effort to make sure her audience did not get a glimpse too far down between her thighs.

As the panties made their way down to where her hands were tightly against her sides, she grabbed them in an effort to halt their descent. With so much on the line, Abigail used every ounce of strength to hold on to the waistband and to try and wrestle the panties back up. Brylee closed her eyes in sympathy for Abigail’s increasingly revealing predicament, while Teagan and Rina began cheering and laughing openly at the sight before them. Hayden could not help but subtly stimulate his cock through the towel while the room was preoccupied. For all the embarrassment he had been through that night, he was still a young teenage boy with an achingly persistent erection and a bunch of insanely raging hormones watching a girl get stripped.

The two girls wrestled in what seemed to be a stalemate for a good minute or so, before something happened. Establishing that her current methods were getting her nowhere, Chantelle decided to change her manoeuvre and began pulling the underwear outwards, away from her body, rather than down. As she pulled harder and harder, it had the result of beginning to lift Abigail’s midsection upwards and away from the security of the floor. Alarms began to sound in Abigail’s head, and she began to tug more frantically.

“No! No! No!”, was all that Abigail could manage to scream, as she started kicking her legs and shaking from side to side, making every attempt to stop her pale little bottom from rising up into the air. But try as she might, Chantelle continued to tug and lift.

Brylee opened her eyes in reaction to the sound of suddenly heightened tension in the room. While nobody else could see it yet, from her angle on the floor, Brylee could now see under Abigail’s urgently writhing hips, and could make out just a few slight wisps of what were the early stages of Abigail’s red pubic hair. Abigail had only just very recently started to grow hair, and with these few fine red fibres still being only the hints of this girl entering puberty, she knew it would be absolutely mortifying for the room to see her in this state. To know exactly where her state of development lay.

Before her eyes threatened to pop out of her head, Brylee closed them tightly again.

As the urgency of Abigail’s need to wrestle the panties away from Chantelle escalated, a short sound cut through the energy of the room. The short, sharp sound of fabric starting to tear. It was only a brief sound, but it was instantly recognisable, and all movement and sound stopped in reaction.

“Oh god! Chantelle! Please stop! Don’t...let...them...”

Chantelle slowly lifted the waistband higher from the floor, in turn lifting Abigail’s hips and butt higher into the air. She instinctively tried to jiggle herself back to the safety of the carpet again, resulting in two more sharp sounds of material ripping.

“STOP!!! They’re tearing!!! AWGHH! Okay! Just take them!!! PLEASE JUST TAKE THEM!!!”

Abigail finally let go of the panties, bringing one hand out to display more easily to Chantelle that she had let go, and the other tucked down her front between her legs. Unable to face the room, she buried her face in her pillow and let out another defeated and humiliated groan.

Chantelle continued to just let Abigail’s bottom hang in the air for a moment, while the group drank in both the emotional and physical tension.

Compromising Situation - Chapter 9: Fair

Posted: Mon May 15, 2023 8:33 am
by CaughtOfLore
Chapter 9: Fair

Shake, shake!
Jiggle, jiggle!

Chantelle continued to hold Abigail’s midsection up away from the floor by her panties, and wiggled them around, causing Abigail to have to take her hands away from covering herself in order to try and steady her jiggling and swaying torso.

Abigail’s most private of areas hovered over a foot from the sleeping bag below her now, entirely exposed to anyone who might shift to the right viewing angle. Feeling the open air of the room on her skin, she desperately bucked her hips, trying to pull her privates back down to the shielding of the floor. But it was a fruitless effort which merely resulted in a demeaning action of humping the air below her. The girls giggled in delight at Abigail’s unintentional contribution to her own embarrassment.

Rina momentarily looked across the room at her brother, and spotted his poor attempt to secretly play with himself while ogling her friend’s stripping. Disgusted at her filthy brother’s actions throughout tonight, she considered how heavily she had misjudged Chantelle. Here she was thinking that Chantelle would be absolutely devastated if it were revealed that Hayden had gone through her overnight bag, yet from her unexpectedly brazen actions tonight, it was evident that she had a strong will and would probably not react to the news in the way Rina had initially thought. There was no reason Rina needed to protect Chantelle from knowing what Hayden had done - she would be able to handle the news just fine. In fact, the likelihood was that she would turn her efforts away from the girls and get even with him. Hayden was getting away with too many dirty secrets tonight, and now knowing what Chantelle was truly capable of, Rina decided it would be fun to put this information into her hands and see what happens.

Another sharp tearing sound filled the room, and pulled Rina’s attention back to the present.

Telling Chantelle about Hayden was something that could wait though, Rina thought to herself. This situation with Abigail was far too engrossing to interrupt right now.

“Please Chantelle! PLEASE just take them off!” Abigail wailed, “I won’t have anything to wear on my bottom half if they tear too much!”

The rest of the room had fallen silent again after the last tearing sound. They, unlike Abigail, could see exactly what kind of structural damage the panties had experienced. The first few rips were fairly minor, stitching where the main pieces of material met the outer bands beginning to break - nothing that would make much difference other than loosening them a little. But the last tear was a significant one. The main body of the underwear consisted of two pieces of cotton fabric, which were sewn together where the very base of the wearer’s buttocks would end. With the last tearing sound, these two pieces of fabric came completely apart, and in fact the back piece of material had even started to tear away from the sides as well. At this point, if Chantelle were to allow Abigail to put them back on, they would now leave the lower part of her butt peeking out between the two pieces of blue material.

That’s if Chantelle had relented at this point. But she didn’t. With Abigail being the small, light girl that she was, Chantelle had no trouble in lifting her higher still. Again, as if nothing had been learned, Abigail panicked and shook and tried to hump her way back to the ground, and again, a tearing sound froze her still. The underwear if worn now would still cover her front, but the back would now just be a flap draped down over her rear covering about half of her behind, and even then, quite ineffectively.

“Going to stay still now?” Chantelle asked.

“Yes! I promise! Just please don’t let them rip!” Came the reply. She sounded like she was on the verge of hyperventilating.

This was all becoming too much for Hayden. Still subtly masturbating himself through the wet towel, he was approaching climax. And this time he wouldn’t have to suddenly stop himself - as long as he could keep quiet, he could ejaculate into the towel and nobody would know.

That is, provided attention was off him for the next five seconds. That’s all he would need at this point before he-

“Hayden,” Chantelle suddenly said, as everyone looked across at him.

He immediately froze his movements. Shit! He was so agonisingly close to release! He could feel the head of his cock twitching wildly under the bunched up towel in his hand. He scrunched his toes in a desperate attempt to retain his self-control as he felt his crotch screaming for just one or two more pumps. That’s all it would need, just one or two more pumps.

“Yes?” He answered in a shaken voice.

“Come over here,” Chantelle instructed, “Abbie got a nice close look at your butt. It’s your turn to inspect hers”.

“NO!” Abigail shrieked again, and with a sudden, ungraceful clamoring, began trying to pull her body forward with her hands, to pull her legs free of the underwear herself. Unfortunately the only thing she could grab below her for traction was the sleeping bag, and all this resulted in doing was pulling the sleeping bag downwards while she remained in place. As she flung the sleeping bag downward and clawed at the carpet that then revealed itself below her, she finally managed to pull herself forward, and with a lurch, freed her legs and feet of the now-bordering-on-useless panties.

Hayden had not yet moved - it took him a few moments to come down from the brink of climax. He didn’t want the movement involved in stepping forward to make him ejaculate while so many of these girl’s eyes were darting between Abigail and him. It was too risky.

Abigail had now escaped the panties and pressed her nude front into the carpet, trying to fumble around below her waist for her sleeping bag, but unable to reach it. With a frustrated whimper, her hands found her pillow, which she brought around to hold tightly over her bottom. Within less than a second, Chantelle had whisked the pillow away, eliciting another frustrated whimper from Abigail.

“Hayden?” Chantelle asked again, slightly more seriousness in her voice this time.

Hayden, sensing he could probably take the journey without being over-stimulated now, tentatively made his way over to stand over Abigail’s trembling body, beside Chantelle. Abigail again squeezed her legs tightly together and tucked a hand below her, between her legs, just to be sure nothing other than her behind could be seen.

“Hayden, please don’t look! Don’t look at me like this! It’s not right!” She now implored Hayden.

“Why not? You saw his butt, why shouldn’t he see yours? It’s only fair!” Chantelle replied.

“Actually,” Teagan interrupted with a mischievous giggle, “If we’re talking about what’s fair, Abbie also would have seen his chest and upper body during the strip show behind the towel, am I right?”

Abigail’s body visibly tensed all over as the rest of the girls joined in with giggling at the wicked implication.

“Oh ...! NO! NOOO! You can’t do that to me!” Abigail screamed with renewed desperation.

“My god you’re evil, Teagan!” Rina laughed.

Hayden said nothing. He had seen her naked upper body in the reflection of the cabinet earlier, but not with the clarity and up-close detail that he would have if the girls were to follow through with this idea. Would they really do it?

“Really good point, Teagan!” Chantelle said, a devious smile across her lips.

“You CAN’T!” Abigail yelled into the carpet.

“But you saw his chest and upper body, Abbie, so why wouldn’t that be fair?” Chantelle asked, trying her best to sound genuinely open to being persuaded against the idea.

“Because... Because... It’s different!”

“How is it different?”

Abigail dreaded where this conversation was headed.

“Come on, Chantelle, please, you know why! He’s... he’s... a boy! And we’re girls! We don’t show... we don’t show that to boys!”

Chantelle leaned down to talk more closely with Abigail.

“I don’t understand, Abbie,” She said, with mock confusion, “I don’t understand what it is that you don’t want him to see.”

Everyone in the room was standing in silent anticipation. They knew exactly what Chantelle was doing.

“Tell you what,” Chantelle said, leaning in closer, “If you can tell me a legitimate physical difference between Hayden’s chest and your chest, then I won’t make you show him.”

“It’s a girl's chest! My chest is a GIRL’S chest!” She yelled. Having this boy see her naked behind was embarrassing enough, but this conversation was bringing it to a whole new level, and she was blushing a deeper and deeper shade of red with every word that came from her mouth.

“Yes, we’ve established that you have a girl’s chest, and that Hayden here has a boy’s chest,” Chantelle continued, “What I’m asking you, Abbie, is to tell me just one physical thing that makes your girl’s chest different from his boy’s chest.”

Abigail let out an anguished sigh and then lay in silence. She knew that Chantelle wanted her to try and argue that girls had breasts, and she knew that Chantelle was only pushing for this as further humiliation, due to the fact that Abigail still had next to nothing in that department at this stage, and that therefore this argument was invalid. She was trapped. She was going to be turned over and exposed either way.

Compromising Situation - Chapter 10: Turn

Posted: Mon May 15, 2023 8:40 am
by CaughtOfLore
Chapter 10: Turn

Hayden couldn’t stop himself from openly staring down at the naked Abigail lying at his feet. This was not like looking at pictures on the internet. This was a real girl, his own age, that he actually knew, and in full clarity. He could see the tiny, almost imperceptible hairs on her skin, and he drank in every nuanced detail as he ran his eyes all over her back, legs and bottom. The form of her body naturally drew his eyes down between her legs, and he could see the trembling tips of her fingers peeking out from where her hand was pressed up against her, blocking the part of her body Hayden was most eager to see, from his hungry eyes.

“No answer?” Chantelle asked, after sufficient time had passed for Abigail to respond to her request, “Okay, let’s flip you over then”.

“NO NO NO NO PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEEEEAAASE!!!” Abigail blubbered as Chantelle took a hold of her side with both hands, preparing to turn her onto her back. Preparedly shielding her chest with her free arm, Abigail had no way to fight back against Chantelle, and could do nothing but close her eyes tightly as she felt herself being flipped onto her back.

It took only seconds. Without any fanfare at all, Abigail was now motionless, facing up at Hayden. She opened her eyes and looked down to make sure her arm was sufficiently covering her nipples, and though they were covered, this was one occasion where she really wished her arms were thicker, in order to cover more skin. She began to twist her lower body in an attempt to turn herself back over, but without the use of her arms, she didn’t get far before Chantelle straightened her out again.

“Move your arm now, Abbie,” Chantelle instructed, “You saw Hayden’s nipples. It’s only fair that he gets to see yours.”

Before things could escalate any further, Rina stepped forward and turned Hayden away from the sight he was virtually drooling at.

“I think you’ve seen more than enough, Hayden,” she said, in a tone that Hayden knew had a far darker subtext than the words suggested. What was she doing?

“Aw, Rina, c’mon,” Chantelle whined, as if putting a halt to the proceedings was going to ruin everyone’s evening, “You know she totally deserves this!”

Rina had certainly been enjoying watching her friends embarrass one another, but she knew what Hayden had done earlier, and how perverted he was already being - she was not going to let him see any of her friends’ privates. That was too much. It was time to set the record straight with Chantelle.

“Can I have a word with you in the hallway for a second?” Rina asked, with a look on her face that clearly conveyed to Chantelle that this was not a rhetorical question.

Chantelle turned back to Abigail and Brylee. “Stay exactly where you are and how you are,” and then turning to Teagan, added “Teagan, if either of them move, yell out.”

Teagan gleefully saluted as Chantelle and Rina left the room.

Rina needn’t have bothered giving the instruction, of course. Hayden obviously knew nothing good was going to come of his sister having a word with Chantelle, so he wasn't about to dig his grave any deeper by doing anything other than remaining glued to the spot, staring away from the tantalizingly naked girl behind him.

A few minutes later, Mrs Bradstone, having spent the last half an hour in the backyard cleaning up the food fight, entered the house and headed straight for the shower to clean herself off. Just as she reached the bathroom door, she heard a barely audible whispering coming from the top of the staircase.

“Everything okay up there, girls?” She asked, hoping not to sound too much like an overbearing mother.

The whispering stopped.

“Yup! All good, Mom”, came her daughter’s reply.

“Okay,” she called back, “I’m just going to have a shower myself now, so feel free to put a movie on. There’s a couple of packs of microwave popcorn on the bench”.

“Thanks Mom” came the abrupt reply.

The two girls waited until they heard the bathroom door close before continuing their hushed conversation.

“So... Hayden did go through my stuff?” Chantelle asked. Inside, her heart was racing. The horror and anxiety she felt when she initially saw her open bag and jumped to the conclusion that it was Hayden, all came back, hitting her with full force.

“I’m sorry for lying to you about it, Chantelle,” Rina comforted her, “I just didn’t want you to feel awkward for the rest of the night.”

“It’s okay,” Chantelle looked up at Rina, “Your intentions were good. Hayden’s the one who needs to pay for this. To think I was so adamant to defend him! To think I was feeling guilty about accusing him in the first place!”

Chantelle put her hands to her temples. She closed her eyes and took some deep breaths, trying to curb her rage.

After a moment she opened her eyes again.

“Oh my god. I’ve been such an ass to Bry and Abbie! That little pervert deserved everything they did to him tonight! And more!”

Chantelle turned to Rina, tears welling in her eyes. “How do I make this right?” she asked.

“Well, let’s get the difficult part of setting the record straight with Abbie and Bry over with now. It’s probably not going to be easy, but if we can tackle that together, then we can set about the fun part of turning the tables on Hayden!”

“I just want to go in there and yank that towel off him!” Chantelle muttered, eyes ablaze. “He’s got a boner under there that he can’t seem to get rid of, you know!” she added.

Rina smiled knowingly, “Oh yeah, I caught a glimpse of it earlier! And yes, that would certainly be scarring for him, but I’ve got an even more embarrassing way for him to learn his lesson tonight. And it’ll make the evening a lot more fun for everyone else too!”

“More impacting and fun than getting him nude?” Chantelle asked, cynically.

“Oh, with the plan I’ve been concocting throughout this evening, he’ll not only be nude in front of us tonight, but he’ll be wishing that he had done it earlier!”

“Huh? Okay, well that’s a hell of a teaser!” Chantelle smirked, excitedly.

“One thing though, don’t mention his erection to the others, okay?” Rina advised.

“What? Why not?” Chantelle was now even more curious about Rina’s plan.

“Just trust me. It will make things way worse for him later on. Follow my lead, and you’ll work out why soon enough. First things first though, let’s go try and make things right in the room before we set the wheels in motion for turning the tables”, Rina said.

Chantelle’s smirk faded, and she nodded to Rina trustingly, as they each took a deep breath and stepped back into Rina’s bedroom.

Chantelle, feeling fairly guilty about what she had put her friend through, and wanting to make things right as quickly as possible, immediately darted over to cover Abigail with her sleeping bag.

Despite her obvious confusion about this gesture, Abigail wasn’t about to question the action and was simply grateful to hide her naked form within, as Chantelle wordlessly aided in zipping her up.

“I’m so, so, so sorry”, Chantelle whispered sincerely to Abigail, tears threatening to form in her eyes, as she helped to pull the drawstring at the top of Abigail’s sleeping bag a little more securely over her shoulders.

Mrs Bradstone settled in for a nice long, hot shower, blissfully unaware of the heat building in her daughter’s room.

Conversely to the heat building in the room however, Hayden’s blood ran cold, and his heartbeat accelerated as Rina and Chantelle proceeded to lay out the reason that things that evening had transpired in the way that they had. And while fingers started out being pointed very aggressively at Chantelle, with Rina’s mediation, these accusations were all ultimately diverted back to Hayden, and before too long, Hayden found himself cornered in a small room wearing only a cold, wet towel, by five girls who were all ready to absolutely destroy him.

“So what are we going to do with him?” Abigail growled, still blushing and glaring piercingly into Hayden’s eyes from the safety of her sleeping bag.

“Well, firstly, Hayden, I’d like to lay down some rules for the rest of the evening.” Rina said, walking right up to her brother until he could feel her breath on his face as she spoke. “You are not going to get dressed. You can keep the towel on - we don’t want to see your perverted little boy-worm--”

“Yes we do!” Teagan, Abigail and Brylee all shouted in unison.

“HOWEVER,” Rina continued, ignoring the girls’ interjection, “You must go along with everything we do tonight. You seemed so eager to join us this evening, well consider your wish granted - now I’m making it a rule. And I’m deadly serious, Hayden, let me be clear on this: If you refuse to play along or even so much as CONSIDER not doing something we want you to do tonight, that towel will be coming straight off.”

Hayden swallowed hard. He would have taken some relief in the knowledge that this whole situation had very effortlessly succeeded in finally deflating his erection, if this fact wasn’t so overshadowed by far worse circumstances.

“Please just let me go?” Hayden whimpered feebly.

“Really?” Chantelle laughed, “After what you’ve put us through tonight, after your actions could have potentially destroyed this group of friends, you really think that’s an option?”

“Oh, one more thing,” Rina added, “No trying to have mommy help you out. As far as Mom is concerned, you’re having a great time with us. If she tells you to go get some pajamas on, you’d sure as hell better have a damn convincing excuse as to why you’re choosing to stay in the towel instead!”

“Like what?” Hayden asked, his voice beginning to raise in pitch from anxiety.

“That’s your problem, not ours!” Rina snapped, “Better start thinking on that now, because if you end up opting to go get changed, you’d better believe one of us will be holding onto the end of that towel, and on top of that, I’ll be ready to share the whole tale of the evening’s events with Mom.”

Hayden shifted nervously.

“Now,” Rina chirped, turning back to face the girls, “My Mom said there’s some popcorn downstairs, so what say we all head down and watch a movie?”

And so, three girls in pajamas, two girls in sleeping bags and one boy in a cold, wet towel, made their way downstairs to the living room.

Approaching the top of the staircase, Brylee and Abigail evaluated the difficulty of navigating stairs in sleeping bags, and considered returning to the room to exchange their sleeping bags for their pajamas. But after their recent exposure and experiences with forced wardrobe malfunctions, neither quite felt ready to revert to anything less than the full body coverage the bags provided. So, with the rest of the group watching on, they held the top of the bags tightly at their necks, sat down at the top of the staircase, and shuffled down, step by step, laughing as they raced each other to the bottom. When they reached the bottom of the stairs, the now giggling pair spun around to watch the rest of the group descend. Hayden almost immediately noted their brazen attempts to peer up the bottom of his towel as he made the descent, and used one of his hands to ensure the towel was pressed solidly over his genitals, in the event that their line of sight was as convenient as their intensified giggling led him to believe.

As he reached the final step, it was clear the girls were not going to step aside. With huge grins plastered across their faces, they shuffled and wriggled until they were laying on their backs at the base of the staircase, with Hayden unable to proceed forward without taking a large step directly over their hungry eyes.

With Chantelle, Teagan and Rina presenting a human wall behind him, he knew there was no way out of this. Making a noise that can only be described as half sigh, half groan, he made one last check that his genitals were cupped through the towel as well as they could be. If they were going to get a brief glance up between his legs, he thought, they were at least not going to glance the parts that mattered.

He contemplated using his other hand to hold the towel down over his backside as well, but couldn’t shake the idea that one of the girls might try and yank the towel loose at any moment, and thus felt too much security would be lost if he didn’t continue holding the towel where it was folded over itself at the side of his waist.

Just one quick step and it would be over, he reassured himself. One quick glance of his butt, which Abigail had already seen anyway. No big deal.

Hayden took a deep breath, and stepped out over the two excited girls’ faces. As he did, he felt a resistance he had not anticipated. One of the girls behind him had grabbed on to the back of his towel, preventing him from moving forward. He stood legs splayed, one on the bottom step, the other on the other side of Abigail and Brylee. He could practically feel the laughter and squealing bellowing up at his undercarriage, it was so intense.

A burst of panicked energy surged through him, and with another desperate lunge he freed himself from the brief freeze frame of humiliation, stumbling forward with the towel still mercifully wrapped in place around him.

Hayden felt his face flushing hot with embarrassment as the laughter caught up behind him. Again, he cupped his genitals through the towel to regain a semblance of psychological security, but, in a somewhat symbolic irony, all he felt was coldness.

It was only once the group arrived in the living room however, that a very obvious question arose.

“Wait, why would we watch a movie? We’ve got a near-naked boy here and we outnumber him five to one!” Brylee argued as she watched Rina begin to rummage about through a cupboard of DVDs.

“Oh, come on girls, we’ve got the whole night to get to that. Besides,” She said, turning back around holding a home-burned DVD, “I think you’ll all enjoy this movie.”

Hayden almost fainted when he saw what she was holding. He knew at a glance what she had in her hand, but it took the girls a few seconds to read Mrs Bradstone’s hand-written cover.

The scrawled permanent marker on the front had a main title in all capitals, that read “RINA & HAYDEN - DISC 2” followed by an exclamation-riddled bullet point list of the disc’s contents. It read:
  • Sixth Birthdays!
  • Family Camping Trip!
  • Seventh Birthdays!
  • Bath Time Fun!
  • Swimming Lessons!
The girls were all suddenly very interested in watching this movie, and it certainly wasn't because of the camping trip.