Rachael Kramer Job Interview

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Rachael Kramer Job Interview

Post by barelin »

Rachael Kramer Job Interview
Written by Barelin and edited by Megansdad

Originally this Applying for a Job story was posted on Nude World Order on September 24, 2017, by the original author of the website. I contacted the original author and received permission to rewrite the story.


My name is Rachael Kramer, and I am now 28. It has been two years since I moved to Minneapolis from a small city in Tennessee. I have been working as a secretary for Drilled Dental Supplies. My job pays the bills, but my current employer has no growth potential within the company. With my associate degree in business logistics, I could do better with another employer. Not to be vain, but yeah, I’m pretty. It’s not like they’re making me work in the nude. I have a brain and know I can get the job to fit my degree.

I’ve been actively searching for a job since last fall and now dealing with the cold Minnesota January weather. The trip to my current job has been without a vehicle since it is only a short bus ride after getting off the light rail platform. After moving to Minneapolis, I found a place off the light rail line and public transit. I found getting around easy without the extra expenses of a vehicle. The people here are not wimps dealing with its harsh winters.

Off guard after moving here with some friends from one of the southern states when I saw my first nude after the first snowfall. While riding the light rail to work, I watched an older lady with nothing but a scarf and clear boots standing on the platform. Recall the snow was coming down hard that day, and the weather was uncomfortable. I watched as she didn’t bother dusting the snow off her shoulders. She wasn’t the only nude I saw that day before or after arriving in the state.

Back where I previously lived, the weather was nice all year round. Outside of some cities centers of major cities and a few other places, it would be common to see people without clothing. Even though it has been legal since I was young, people made life difficult for nudes. The question asked me is, would I ever consider the possibility of living free of clothing?

I knew there were employers out there that would hire nudes. I finally received an email from someone at P-Tech, Inc. asking me to schedule an appointment for an interview. For those of you who don’t know P-Tech was sued for the same reason KFC was, because some people didn’t like the name because of its negative connotations. P-Tech used to be Priapus Technology. Priapus was a Greek god with a perpetual erection, which led to a similar condition today named priapism.

The job summary for the Junior Sales Analyst pays more and has better hours than I have now. I am excited about getting the office tower off the light rail line downtown. It sounded like the job I have been looking for in the position description. The ad for the position stated that they were looking for immediate hire.

It was still lunch when I got the email, so I called and asked if I could make it to the office tower for an interview this evening at five today. As luck would have it, my manager was leaving early. My boss asked me to close the office early since most employees were out of the office. It was due to being sick or school closures due to the weather. I told the lady I could be there at five since my apartment and the office tower is off the same light rail line.

I went into my apartment after a short walk from the rail platform and dreaded going back out in this cold weather again. I just told myself that when opportunities knock, you answer. I stepped off the nearest platform near the P-tech office tower about 45 minutes early for my interview. The snow stopped falling, and the high winds made it even more miserable. I wrapped my jacket tight and headed into a small coffee shop to get something to relax when I looked behind me.

Standing in the entryway was a woman, approximately my mother’s age, just coming in from the cold in nothing but her purse with the strap over her right shoulder. Glancing at my smart watch, still below freezing, and she wasn’t even wearing protective boots. Guessing she had to just walk out of one of those towers and walk fast to keep from freezing to death. I attempted to relax before my interview in one of the soft chairs. I wondered if this southern girl could be as brave as the four nudes in the coffee shop.

It was now less than a half hour before I made my way across the street to the tower with my jacket open to the breeze. The tower lobby was impressively modern and classy, with lots of wood and glass. What struck me was the lobby receptionist standing behind a wide glass counter, completely nude. “Hi, you must be Rachael. I’m Gwen.”

What struck me about Gwen was her stunning beauty and relaxed demeanor as she stood as if she was as dressed as I was. In a polite but vaguely flirtatious tone, Gwen said, “Mr. Gaveling is finishing up a teleconference. You can use the lounge there to get ready for him. It’ll be 15 minutes or so. Have fun!” Now I’m already caught off guard by the weirdly chipper naked receptionist, but what I see in the lounge is an addition to Gwen’s comments.

Oh, it’s nice enough, comfy chairs, a single-serving coffee machine, even a selection of snacks, apparently free, prominently positioned on the opposite wall was a set of lockers with a hand-printed sign over them: “Please leave your clothes here.” So, what, I’m supposed to interview naked? Since I saw my first nude shortly after moving here on that platform. Those thoughts crossed my mind and still didn’t bode well.

But you have to understand this job is just what I’ve been looking for, even the starting pay is more than I make now and the long-term prospects are better. I’d heard these tech companies have some funny hiring practices. Maybe they’re just trying to encourage applicants to open up – no, I didn’t quite believe that, but I resolved to go with it. Following the receptionist’s example, I disrobed and put my shoes and everything in the first empty locker.

I could feel goosebumps all over. I stood at the counter to get a cup of coffee while trying to calm down after taking everything off. I heard my name come over the intercom, telling me they were ready to see me now. Take elevator three to the tenth floor, and the conference room is to the right after stepping off the elevator down the hall. I found the group of elevators and got on the express elevator three near the lounge. I was uneasy about the unlocked locker with all my clothes.

Getting on the elevator nude felt so weird. Once the doors closed, it was private. Once the doors reopen again, you have no idea who will be waiting on the other side. I was relieved when the elevator doors opened, and the hallway was empty. Walking down the deserted hallway, I began feeling better, knowing almost everyone had gone home already. I don’t want to be seen there in the nude it is just spooky and doesn’t relax me. Grabbing the handle of the door labeled conference room, I thought, ‘Here I go.’


I couldn’t tell you how long it took. It’s a blur at this point. What am I doing? I knocked and entered the conference room for the interview. I walked in and noticed the four distinguished individuals as one of them directed me to sit in the expensive-looking executive chair near the window that looked down at the city below.

My heightened awareness is that I am in the executive suite conference room. That only drew more attention to my nudity among those individuals. On my way to the chair, I was aware of looking professional and confident despite not wearing anything other than my small purse. Sat down as if still wearing the dress I put in the locker downstairs. With my legs closed, I sat up with a slight curve of my foot as if I was still wearing pointy shoes and my back straight.

Sitting around the conference table was introduced to the president of P-Tech, Inc East Division, Mr. Walter Gaveling, Chief Financial Officer Hajar Daniels, Chief Development Officer Karol Miller, and the Human Resources Director, Lilian Suarez. All looked distinguished but comfortable in what I assumed was expensive clothing. I sat there without a stitch of clothing and felt vulnerable being so exposed – the only one naked.

When the first question from the HR Director asked, “Looking at your resume and cover letter, it doesn’t say anything about being permanently nude (PN).” Alarm bells are ringing in the back of my mind. My first thought was I wasn’t supposed to strip naked, or was she implying I’m registered? Is she wondering why I am nude? Should I tell them I am not a PN? Is it a requirement to get the position?

The HR Director continues. “We have a few other naked employees, so that’s not a problem. Oh, of course, you’ve already met Gwen. She’s rather enthusiastic about it, too. I suppose she showed you where we store your cold-weather gear. So, with that out of the way, let’s get down to business.” Unsure how to respond besides being honest in my answers. I told them, “I am not usually naked and was dressed before approaching the lockers and saw the note to place all belongings inside.”

The CDO said, “So, with that out of the way, let’s get down to business.” The brain, finally catching up with what the hell just happened. He’s still talking, but I can’t focus on what he’s saying anymore. Those lockers were for PN people! I was never supposed to undress. A strong sense of embarrassment swept me while trying to suppress it by telling myself this was perfectly normal.

I’m sitting here like a deer in headlights, naked with several strangers in some fancy conference room. The fact that none of them think it’s a problem with me sitting here nude just makes it weirder. I have no idea what to do. ‘Should I admit my mistake and get dressed? Just excuse me, and get out of here; would it be less embarrassing to play along and finish my naked interview?’ I thought nervously.

The room was empty besides the HR Director, who moved a chair up to me and held my hand. The fear swept over me when I thought I had blown this great opportunity by stripping naked and being this naked before them. The director helped me to my feet as the side door reopened, and the other three executives reentered the conference room. They asked the director if we could restart the interview and were ok with it.

I felt both mortified and relieved of being overwhelmed by being naked in the room with them. The interview started with them discussing Gwen and the misunderstanding. They asked if I wanted to go downstairs to get dressed before continuing. I calmed my mind after a moment and noticed it had gotten dark outside. I declined their offer to get dressed before resuming the interview and took the seat I had been in earlier.

I responded, “Please continue with the interview,” channeling all of the nudes I have encountered since leaving home earlier on this cold and snowy day. I realized I was not supposed to be wearing clothing to that interview. I felt fully confident in my answers to the various questions and answered each one of them that they asked me. One of the questions was about my registering to be a PN. They told me the company was comfortable whether I was registered nude or chose to remain fully clothed. Concluding the interview was offered the position. If I decide to work in the nude, they will give me a bonus pay as high as two dollars.


It has been three months since that nerve-wracking day showing up to my interview in the nude. I had them adjust the dress code clause and pay an increased offer. I chose to work in the nude unregistered to qualify for the pay increase but wear clothes whenever necessary to visit some friends and mostly family. Looking at the forecast weather for the week, I am still on the fence about fully registering as a PN.

There were some PNs in my department who helped me overcome my nervousness about being nude at work. A few naked colleagues handed a sample of a nonprescription hair removal cream invented by a PN for PNs. They convinced me it was more hygienic to remove my pubic hair and look better. So now I am as nude as they are. I am slowly getting used to working, going to lunch, and taking the light rail home nude.

Almost every day, one of the PN girls talks to me about registering. My excuse is I’m not ready to show my parents my naked body. I am just getting used to working nude and the commute to work. The weather is unbearable on my skin, and it is all about timing to move from one warm place to another fast. Just off the light rail platform near my apartment is a small deli where I wait until I see the light rail coming.

Then about two weeks ago, I met Steven on the ride home after work. Once past my nudity, it was easy talking to him, the beginning of a new relationship. About the decision to register with the state to become a PN, I have an appointment with the courthouse tomorrow morning that will make it official. Now after getting rid of the rest of my clothes, I need to build up the nerve to stand before my family and his and tell them we are engaged.

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