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Another found story (enf)

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2022 12:08 am
by RandomName
Found another enf "true" story about a prank on a school trip.. enjoy!


I saw it happen on a school trip in year 11 (16 years old).

We stayed at a nature park in little rooms with 2 bunk beds in them, so 4 people in a room.

Me and 2 of my friends were in our one and this other girl, who was known as a bit of a geek.

We all showered in the ensuite every night and one night this girl was the last one in.

While she was in the shower some of our friends came into our room, mostly girls but these two guys were there too.

One of my friends thought it would be funny to open the bathroom door, and then while everyone watched, pull the shower curtain aside.

Everyone saw that girl standing naked, she saw us looking and screamed, and then pulled the curtain back.

I thought it was a bit mean, but was glad it didn't happen to me.
