Jogging in the Gym by Juanoneone
Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2022 8:09 pm
Juanoneone's stories have been very hard to find lately, so I'll be archiving them here
Sixteen year old Linda Hall sat down slowly. Phoebe Bushart, of the same age, delayed biting into her sandwich. "Spanked bottom?" she asked casually. Though Linda was her friend in name, she didn’t much care if the girl’s bottom had been spanked or not. As long as her own bottom went unpunished, she was happy. Linda nodded, bobbing her shoulder-length blonde hair. "Miss Grayson, the sports teacher" she affirmed.
"Well" noted Phoebe through a mouth half full of ham and lettuce, "Miss Grayson certainly does like to spank bottom". Fifteen year old Amanda Phelps shifted her chair closer and listened with concern. She was new at the Apple Street School and Miss Grayson was to be her sports teacher. She had never had her bottom spanked at school, and had no wish to start now.
"The whole class was getting it" added Linda, opening her plastic lunchbox.
"What did you all do?" asked Amanda in hushed tones, fiddling with her brown plait for security.
"Get this. We had gotten in the pool without being told to. It was a *swimming* lesson. *She* was late. We got changed and jumped in the pool. That was our big crime, worthy of a spanking". Phoebe shook her head in surprise, even though she wasn’t really surprised at all. It sounded to her like Linda’s class had been asking for some spanking from Miss Grayson. After all, they knew what the teacher was like.
"So" continued Linda "we are swimming and splashing around and having a good time, when in walks Miss Grayson and Tanja. Well-"
"Who is Tanja" Amanda wanted to know.
"Miss Grayson’s daughter" answered Phoebe without looking at her. "She’s in the sixth grade here. Miss Grayson just takes her out of class whenever she feels like it because she’s a teacher and she can do whatever she likes. Tanja is always excused class. You’ll see her with Miss Grayson often enough - she’s got short, straight, black hair like me, dark eyes".
Linda went on. "And today I guess the kid was going to be coming in the pool with us because she had a pink two-piece bathing suit on. Only Grayson made all of *us* get out of the pool instead. She marches us right into the gym and makes us jog laps around and around. Only she gets a chair to sit in and as we all jog past her she goes *smack* on the bottom, *smack* on the bottom, *smack* on the bottom - we each get a good slap each time we go by"
"Oh, and you are all wet!" remarked Phoebe, examining her apple.
"Right - and we are all wet, and I know you know how that stings. And we are in our bathing suits so there isn’t a whole lot of protection for our behinds. Most of the girls give a little yelp as they get their spank, but I don’t, even though she’s smacking our asses really hard. I can see the butts around me peeking out pinker and pinker each time we go around and I’m getting hotter and hotter back there and, of course, Grayson is in hog heaven because there is nothing she likes more than smacking bottoms".
"Oh I know!" Phoebe affirmed. "And it isn’t just punishment. She’s always giving you a smack to hurry you up. She’s like - *smack* - hurry up girl! She doesn’t know where you are going or what your schedule is but she’ll give you a smack to hurry you up. And if you *are* in a bathing suit, or a leotard, or something else that shows the shape of your ass, forget it - she just *has* to give you a smack as you go by. Its like she swore an oath to smack any bottom she sees. This one time, I’m standing in line for the diving board behind Jennifer and Ashanti, and she comes up behind us and says ’hurry up girls’ and starts smacking *my* ass! Smack.smack.smack - like that is somehow smacking the line of us because I’m in the back, or as if I could do anything until Jennifer jumps off the board. Then Jennifer freezes on the edge and Grayson goes ’hurry up Jennifer!’ and goes *smack* on *my* ass! So I shout at Jennifer to jump already. Finally she jumps"
"I’m surprised that you didn’t get a smack for shouting"
"I *did* get a smack for shouting. Smack! ’That’s for shouting, Phoebe!’. I couldn’t say anything but I so wanted to say ’Like I wasn’t getting it anyway. If I’m getting smacked anyway, at least that one was *for* something’."
"And Jane Chen in my class" added Linda. "Just once she had a hairclip in her hair in the pool when she wasn’t supposed to. Ever since, every time there is swimming or gym or *anything*, Miss Grayson has to check her hair for clips. Then when she’s done, she turns Jane around, says ’off you go’ and giver her a good hard smack on the bottom. Jane keeps talking like she’s not going to stand for it one day, but she always goes to collect her smack when she’s called. She even got one today before doing her laps. It shows that Jane can’t even get a spanking without first getting her hair checked and having her smack".
"Every teacher has her favorite bottoms. Just be thankful Miss Grayson likes smacking Jane more than you or me".
"No kidding! She’s taken Jane across her knee ten times more than you and me put together. But anyway, today she decided she wanted to spank every bottom in the class while we all did laps"
"How many laps did she give you?" Phoebe wanted to know.
"Well that’s the thing. She never set a number. She just said we could stop when Tanja’s bottom was red enough. So-"
"I should have known she’d make Tanja run the gauntlet too" interrupted Phoebe. "She likes spanking Tanja more than she likes spanking Jane Chen. Amanda, you’ll see Tanja getting spankings in your class, I swear, even though she’s not even *in* your class. I feel like saying ’can you just spank your daughter in your own time? We are supposed to be having a class here!’"
Linda shook her head. "Just think, when she’s spanking Tanja, she’s not spanking *you*. If you see Tanja doing something wrong, you should always let Miss Grayson know. Grayson has a lot of spanking to give. She is going to give it to *someone’s* ass and it may as well be Tanja’s. *Anyway*, Tanja *wasn’t* running the gauntlet. I thought I told you about Tanja"
"No" answered Phoebe "the last we heard, she came into the room in a pink two-piece bathing suit behind her mother".
"Oh, well Miss Grayson makes her jump in the pool and then get out again. Then she stands her along-"
"So that she’s wet and it stings more?"
"Of course. Why else? Tanja knows it too - as soon as she is told to jump in the pool and get out again, she knows that she is going to get it. So Miss Grayson stands Tanja on the other side of the gym, facing the same way as us, with her hands on the back of a chair. Then she pulls her pink bikini bottoms down to her ankles and tells us that when we run by Tanja, we have to give her bare bottom a good smack. So-"
"You *what*?" gasped Amanda in astonishment. "But *why*?" she added.
"Tanja wanted to know that too. Miss Grayson said that being spanked by the class would teach her to be obedient to older girls". Amanda pressed her fingers against her temples as if doing so would help her understand what she was being told.
"But - but this is a punishment for your class and Tanja is getting twenty times as much spanking as anyone else! And on her bare bottom!"
"Well, she’s getting twenty times as many slaps" conceded Linda. "I’m not sure its really quite twenty times as much spanking because her mother can smack so hard, but yeah, she got more punishment than we did by a long shot. But Miss Grayson *loves* to punish Tanja. I mean, she likes to punish anyone, and she *really* likes to punish Susan Chen, but she *loves* to punish Tanja".
"You can say *that* again!" agreed Phoebe. "If she’s not spanking her herself, she’s sending her to the headmistress for spanking. Tanja is *always* going over the knee, thanks to her mommy. It’s a wonder steam didn’t rise when she jumped in the pool".
"*Anyway*" continued Linda "every time we jog past Tanja, we have to give her bare bottom a slap. Miss Grayson says that when Tanja’s bottom is red enough, we can stop jogging laps and stop getting slaps of our own as we go past her. So, obviously, we are all smacking that little naked butt pretty hard. I mean, A, this is a teacher’s brat, and we are all sick of the teachers tanning our tails. B, this is, in particular, the brat of Miss Grayson, who was smacking us right then, and who gives our behinds such a hard time in general. You should have seen how hard Susan Chen was slapping Tanja’s buns! Who’d have thought she had it in her? You could see that she was mad about all the bottom-smacking she’d had and was ready to do some bottom-smacking of her own. Where was I? C! And C, the sooner we get those little cheeks red enough, the sooner our own spanking is over. If Miss Grayson wanted some hard, hard smacking for Tanja, it was a great plan!".
"So how did it go?" Phoebe asked.
"Well, I thought it might just be a few laps, but Miss Grayson just keeps us going around. The smacking is hard, like I said, and my bottom is getting sore. So is everyone’s bottom. Some of the girls start to sniffle after awhile. Susan Chen first - she’s such a baby"
"Susan Chen before Tanja?" asked Phoebe with surprise.
"No of *course* not. Tanja doesn’t count. By the time the rest of us have had three smacks, she’s had sixty. She’s crying like a baby and the tears are pouring down her face."
"And I’ll bet her backside is getting pretty red"
"Right. And her backside is getting pretty red, so we all think, ’the brat has been spanked and our punishment is over’. Wrong! Round and round we go, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap. Girls are crying, Tanja is roaring, *our* bottoms are burning, and *hers* is as red as can be, but still it doesn’t stop. Then Susan Chen decides to stop and ask Miss Grayson just how red Tanja’s bottom has to be"
Phoebe winced. "Mistake" she said.
"No kidding! Miss Grayson tucks her swimsuit up between her cheeks and for one lap, Miss Grayson gives her our spanks as we jog by - all on her bare bottom. We were very happy for someone else to get our spanks, of course. Susan has to keep her bottom bare like that for the rest of the punishment and get her spanks right on her naked skin as she jogs by. It serves her right. But the point is, there really isn’t any particular color Miss Grayson has in mind for Tanja’s rump. She doesn’t *want* the punishment to end. She’s as happy as can be. She’s getting to slap our behinds again and again, and best of all, the class is really tanning Tanja’s hide. I mean, we are *roasting* that girl’s bottom! The hotter we get behind, the keener we are to end the punishment, so the harder we spank Tanja. Miss Grayson is just in *heaven*. You wouldn’t *believe* how long this went on for. We were getting really tired, as well as sore".
"So how did it end?"
"Jennifer, being useful for once in her life, got asthma".
"Good plan!"
"It was real. Miss Grayson can tell a fake. Paula tried to fake asthma during one running class. Miss Grayson took down her shorts and turned her over her knee right out there on the field. A bunch of ninth graders were right there to see, but Grayson didn’t care - that girl was going to get spanked right then and right there. She made her sorry too - it was a good spanking".
"So what happened?"
"With Paula? She cried like-"
"No. Today with Jennifer".
"Oh, Connie and Anne took her to the nurse. But she has to go back tomorrow to get a spanking for disrupting the class".
"But she had *asthma*!" protested Amanda from the sidelines. "It wasn’t her fault!"
Linda rolled her eyes. "Yeah, well it wasn’t fair that Mary Teays was spanked because the lace on her sneakers snapped. And it wasn’t fair that Susan Chen was spanked for being late to practice when the bus broke down. But they were".
"Welcome to the real world" added Phoebe. "It isn’t fair. Especially this school. So Linda, you said that Jennifer got asthma"
"Jennifer got asthma" Linda continued "which is tough for her because she’ll get more spanking that way than if she had stayed. The class got dismissed. Except for Susan Chen - she got sent to the headmistress for a spanking. She was really mad but everyone else saw it coming a mile off".
"I’m surprised Miss Grayson didn’t spank her herself" noted Phoebe, rubbing her hands together to remove any crumbs. "She *likes* to spank Susan".
"No! Miss Grayson took *Tanja* over her knee. She said she was going to ’finish up’ her spanking. You should have heard the kid beg for mercy! The class had *really* paddled her ass, and she didn’t want *any* more spanking, I can tell you. When the gauntlet broke up, she thought she was going to get to pull up her bikini bottoms and have a break, but instead her bikini bottoms went in her mother’s bag and she went across her mother’s lap for more punishment. Grayson certainly was roasting that little bare red behind when I left. And you know how sound carries and echoes in that place - standing outside the door, it sounded like there was a baby lion roaring in there. It was pretty clear that Tanja Grayson was in for a spanking to remember!". Amanda sat with her big brown eyes wide and her knuckles white where her hands gripped the table.
"But.but she didn’t even *do* anything!" she complained.
"Listen greenhorn" sighed Phoebe, standing, "sooner or later, you are going to go across Miss Grayson’s knee for a good hard spanking"
"But-" protested Amanda.
"It will happen!" Linda assured her, standing. "It happens to everyone. I’ve caught it, Phoebe’s caught it, we all catch it sometime".
Phoebe continued "you are also going to see Tanja Grayson getting a good hard spanking across her mother’s knee. And you are going to notice something. You are going to notice that it hurts you a *lot* less when it is Tanja’s bottom getting the spanking than when it is *your* bottom getting the spanking. Its all very well to be sentimental, but you are going to learn very quickly how much you prefer it when someone *else* is getting spanked. It isn’t just gym either. Everywhere you go in this school, there is going to be someone just waiting to bend you over and applaud you on your rear end. *That* is what *you* have to worry about. You had better let other people fend for themselves". On that note, Linda and Phoebe turned and walked away, leaving the new girl sitting there in horror and fear. Lost in her anxiety, Amanda didn’t notice when the plastic her sandwich had been wrapped in fell from the table and floated to the ground by her feet. However, five minutes later, she noticed when a teacher took up her skirt and spanked her over her knee for littering.
Sixteen year old Linda Hall sat down slowly. Phoebe Bushart, of the same age, delayed biting into her sandwich. "Spanked bottom?" she asked casually. Though Linda was her friend in name, she didn’t much care if the girl’s bottom had been spanked or not. As long as her own bottom went unpunished, she was happy. Linda nodded, bobbing her shoulder-length blonde hair. "Miss Grayson, the sports teacher" she affirmed.
"Well" noted Phoebe through a mouth half full of ham and lettuce, "Miss Grayson certainly does like to spank bottom". Fifteen year old Amanda Phelps shifted her chair closer and listened with concern. She was new at the Apple Street School and Miss Grayson was to be her sports teacher. She had never had her bottom spanked at school, and had no wish to start now.
"The whole class was getting it" added Linda, opening her plastic lunchbox.
"What did you all do?" asked Amanda in hushed tones, fiddling with her brown plait for security.
"Get this. We had gotten in the pool without being told to. It was a *swimming* lesson. *She* was late. We got changed and jumped in the pool. That was our big crime, worthy of a spanking". Phoebe shook her head in surprise, even though she wasn’t really surprised at all. It sounded to her like Linda’s class had been asking for some spanking from Miss Grayson. After all, they knew what the teacher was like.
"So" continued Linda "we are swimming and splashing around and having a good time, when in walks Miss Grayson and Tanja. Well-"
"Who is Tanja" Amanda wanted to know.
"Miss Grayson’s daughter" answered Phoebe without looking at her. "She’s in the sixth grade here. Miss Grayson just takes her out of class whenever she feels like it because she’s a teacher and she can do whatever she likes. Tanja is always excused class. You’ll see her with Miss Grayson often enough - she’s got short, straight, black hair like me, dark eyes".
Linda went on. "And today I guess the kid was going to be coming in the pool with us because she had a pink two-piece bathing suit on. Only Grayson made all of *us* get out of the pool instead. She marches us right into the gym and makes us jog laps around and around. Only she gets a chair to sit in and as we all jog past her she goes *smack* on the bottom, *smack* on the bottom, *smack* on the bottom - we each get a good slap each time we go by"
"Oh, and you are all wet!" remarked Phoebe, examining her apple.
"Right - and we are all wet, and I know you know how that stings. And we are in our bathing suits so there isn’t a whole lot of protection for our behinds. Most of the girls give a little yelp as they get their spank, but I don’t, even though she’s smacking our asses really hard. I can see the butts around me peeking out pinker and pinker each time we go around and I’m getting hotter and hotter back there and, of course, Grayson is in hog heaven because there is nothing she likes more than smacking bottoms".
"Oh I know!" Phoebe affirmed. "And it isn’t just punishment. She’s always giving you a smack to hurry you up. She’s like - *smack* - hurry up girl! She doesn’t know where you are going or what your schedule is but she’ll give you a smack to hurry you up. And if you *are* in a bathing suit, or a leotard, or something else that shows the shape of your ass, forget it - she just *has* to give you a smack as you go by. Its like she swore an oath to smack any bottom she sees. This one time, I’m standing in line for the diving board behind Jennifer and Ashanti, and she comes up behind us and says ’hurry up girls’ and starts smacking *my* ass! Smack.smack.smack - like that is somehow smacking the line of us because I’m in the back, or as if I could do anything until Jennifer jumps off the board. Then Jennifer freezes on the edge and Grayson goes ’hurry up Jennifer!’ and goes *smack* on *my* ass! So I shout at Jennifer to jump already. Finally she jumps"
"I’m surprised that you didn’t get a smack for shouting"
"I *did* get a smack for shouting. Smack! ’That’s for shouting, Phoebe!’. I couldn’t say anything but I so wanted to say ’Like I wasn’t getting it anyway. If I’m getting smacked anyway, at least that one was *for* something’."
"And Jane Chen in my class" added Linda. "Just once she had a hairclip in her hair in the pool when she wasn’t supposed to. Ever since, every time there is swimming or gym or *anything*, Miss Grayson has to check her hair for clips. Then when she’s done, she turns Jane around, says ’off you go’ and giver her a good hard smack on the bottom. Jane keeps talking like she’s not going to stand for it one day, but she always goes to collect her smack when she’s called. She even got one today before doing her laps. It shows that Jane can’t even get a spanking without first getting her hair checked and having her smack".
"Every teacher has her favorite bottoms. Just be thankful Miss Grayson likes smacking Jane more than you or me".
"No kidding! She’s taken Jane across her knee ten times more than you and me put together. But anyway, today she decided she wanted to spank every bottom in the class while we all did laps"
"How many laps did she give you?" Phoebe wanted to know.
"Well that’s the thing. She never set a number. She just said we could stop when Tanja’s bottom was red enough. So-"
"I should have known she’d make Tanja run the gauntlet too" interrupted Phoebe. "She likes spanking Tanja more than she likes spanking Jane Chen. Amanda, you’ll see Tanja getting spankings in your class, I swear, even though she’s not even *in* your class. I feel like saying ’can you just spank your daughter in your own time? We are supposed to be having a class here!’"
Linda shook her head. "Just think, when she’s spanking Tanja, she’s not spanking *you*. If you see Tanja doing something wrong, you should always let Miss Grayson know. Grayson has a lot of spanking to give. She is going to give it to *someone’s* ass and it may as well be Tanja’s. *Anyway*, Tanja *wasn’t* running the gauntlet. I thought I told you about Tanja"
"No" answered Phoebe "the last we heard, she came into the room in a pink two-piece bathing suit behind her mother".
"Oh, well Miss Grayson makes her jump in the pool and then get out again. Then she stands her along-"
"So that she’s wet and it stings more?"
"Of course. Why else? Tanja knows it too - as soon as she is told to jump in the pool and get out again, she knows that she is going to get it. So Miss Grayson stands Tanja on the other side of the gym, facing the same way as us, with her hands on the back of a chair. Then she pulls her pink bikini bottoms down to her ankles and tells us that when we run by Tanja, we have to give her bare bottom a good smack. So-"
"You *what*?" gasped Amanda in astonishment. "But *why*?" she added.
"Tanja wanted to know that too. Miss Grayson said that being spanked by the class would teach her to be obedient to older girls". Amanda pressed her fingers against her temples as if doing so would help her understand what she was being told.
"But - but this is a punishment for your class and Tanja is getting twenty times as much spanking as anyone else! And on her bare bottom!"
"Well, she’s getting twenty times as many slaps" conceded Linda. "I’m not sure its really quite twenty times as much spanking because her mother can smack so hard, but yeah, she got more punishment than we did by a long shot. But Miss Grayson *loves* to punish Tanja. I mean, she likes to punish anyone, and she *really* likes to punish Susan Chen, but she *loves* to punish Tanja".
"You can say *that* again!" agreed Phoebe. "If she’s not spanking her herself, she’s sending her to the headmistress for spanking. Tanja is *always* going over the knee, thanks to her mommy. It’s a wonder steam didn’t rise when she jumped in the pool".
"*Anyway*" continued Linda "every time we jog past Tanja, we have to give her bare bottom a slap. Miss Grayson says that when Tanja’s bottom is red enough, we can stop jogging laps and stop getting slaps of our own as we go past her. So, obviously, we are all smacking that little naked butt pretty hard. I mean, A, this is a teacher’s brat, and we are all sick of the teachers tanning our tails. B, this is, in particular, the brat of Miss Grayson, who was smacking us right then, and who gives our behinds such a hard time in general. You should have seen how hard Susan Chen was slapping Tanja’s buns! Who’d have thought she had it in her? You could see that she was mad about all the bottom-smacking she’d had and was ready to do some bottom-smacking of her own. Where was I? C! And C, the sooner we get those little cheeks red enough, the sooner our own spanking is over. If Miss Grayson wanted some hard, hard smacking for Tanja, it was a great plan!".
"So how did it go?" Phoebe asked.
"Well, I thought it might just be a few laps, but Miss Grayson just keeps us going around. The smacking is hard, like I said, and my bottom is getting sore. So is everyone’s bottom. Some of the girls start to sniffle after awhile. Susan Chen first - she’s such a baby"
"Susan Chen before Tanja?" asked Phoebe with surprise.
"No of *course* not. Tanja doesn’t count. By the time the rest of us have had three smacks, she’s had sixty. She’s crying like a baby and the tears are pouring down her face."
"And I’ll bet her backside is getting pretty red"
"Right. And her backside is getting pretty red, so we all think, ’the brat has been spanked and our punishment is over’. Wrong! Round and round we go, slap, slap, slap, slap, slap. Girls are crying, Tanja is roaring, *our* bottoms are burning, and *hers* is as red as can be, but still it doesn’t stop. Then Susan Chen decides to stop and ask Miss Grayson just how red Tanja’s bottom has to be"
Phoebe winced. "Mistake" she said.
"No kidding! Miss Grayson tucks her swimsuit up between her cheeks and for one lap, Miss Grayson gives her our spanks as we jog by - all on her bare bottom. We were very happy for someone else to get our spanks, of course. Susan has to keep her bottom bare like that for the rest of the punishment and get her spanks right on her naked skin as she jogs by. It serves her right. But the point is, there really isn’t any particular color Miss Grayson has in mind for Tanja’s rump. She doesn’t *want* the punishment to end. She’s as happy as can be. She’s getting to slap our behinds again and again, and best of all, the class is really tanning Tanja’s hide. I mean, we are *roasting* that girl’s bottom! The hotter we get behind, the keener we are to end the punishment, so the harder we spank Tanja. Miss Grayson is just in *heaven*. You wouldn’t *believe* how long this went on for. We were getting really tired, as well as sore".
"So how did it end?"
"Jennifer, being useful for once in her life, got asthma".
"Good plan!"
"It was real. Miss Grayson can tell a fake. Paula tried to fake asthma during one running class. Miss Grayson took down her shorts and turned her over her knee right out there on the field. A bunch of ninth graders were right there to see, but Grayson didn’t care - that girl was going to get spanked right then and right there. She made her sorry too - it was a good spanking".
"So what happened?"
"With Paula? She cried like-"
"No. Today with Jennifer".
"Oh, Connie and Anne took her to the nurse. But she has to go back tomorrow to get a spanking for disrupting the class".
"But she had *asthma*!" protested Amanda from the sidelines. "It wasn’t her fault!"
Linda rolled her eyes. "Yeah, well it wasn’t fair that Mary Teays was spanked because the lace on her sneakers snapped. And it wasn’t fair that Susan Chen was spanked for being late to practice when the bus broke down. But they were".
"Welcome to the real world" added Phoebe. "It isn’t fair. Especially this school. So Linda, you said that Jennifer got asthma"
"Jennifer got asthma" Linda continued "which is tough for her because she’ll get more spanking that way than if she had stayed. The class got dismissed. Except for Susan Chen - she got sent to the headmistress for a spanking. She was really mad but everyone else saw it coming a mile off".
"I’m surprised Miss Grayson didn’t spank her herself" noted Phoebe, rubbing her hands together to remove any crumbs. "She *likes* to spank Susan".
"No! Miss Grayson took *Tanja* over her knee. She said she was going to ’finish up’ her spanking. You should have heard the kid beg for mercy! The class had *really* paddled her ass, and she didn’t want *any* more spanking, I can tell you. When the gauntlet broke up, she thought she was going to get to pull up her bikini bottoms and have a break, but instead her bikini bottoms went in her mother’s bag and she went across her mother’s lap for more punishment. Grayson certainly was roasting that little bare red behind when I left. And you know how sound carries and echoes in that place - standing outside the door, it sounded like there was a baby lion roaring in there. It was pretty clear that Tanja Grayson was in for a spanking to remember!". Amanda sat with her big brown eyes wide and her knuckles white where her hands gripped the table.
"But.but she didn’t even *do* anything!" she complained.
"Listen greenhorn" sighed Phoebe, standing, "sooner or later, you are going to go across Miss Grayson’s knee for a good hard spanking"
"But-" protested Amanda.
"It will happen!" Linda assured her, standing. "It happens to everyone. I’ve caught it, Phoebe’s caught it, we all catch it sometime".
Phoebe continued "you are also going to see Tanja Grayson getting a good hard spanking across her mother’s knee. And you are going to notice something. You are going to notice that it hurts you a *lot* less when it is Tanja’s bottom getting the spanking than when it is *your* bottom getting the spanking. Its all very well to be sentimental, but you are going to learn very quickly how much you prefer it when someone *else* is getting spanked. It isn’t just gym either. Everywhere you go in this school, there is going to be someone just waiting to bend you over and applaud you on your rear end. *That* is what *you* have to worry about. You had better let other people fend for themselves". On that note, Linda and Phoebe turned and walked away, leaving the new girl sitting there in horror and fear. Lost in her anxiety, Amanda didn’t notice when the plastic her sandwich had been wrapped in fell from the table and floated to the ground by her feet. However, five minutes later, she noticed when a teacher took up her skirt and spanked her over her knee for littering.