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Private School Privates -- Remastered

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2022 1:18 am
by Executionus
Private School Privates is one of the oldest ENF/ENM stories I ever wrote (and was the first one posted under the name Executionus). I always greatly enjoyed many of the concepts and methods used in the story, as well as the odd dynamic between Principal Albert Clint and little Lisa Porter. The only problem was that the original formatting was AWFUL and there were a ton of newbie mistakes left and right that make it look like absolute amateur hour compared to my modern writing ability. In my defense, I did write it nearly 15 years ago.

I originally cancelled the story near the end of the second saga as a result of the constant negative feedback I was getting from it. I was criticized for the story being "too harsh" on the punished students, even though it isn't half as harsh as most of the stories on this forum. There were also a couple complaints about the Lisa-Clint dynamic (which I frankly liked a lot). I took the complaints to heart and just cancelled everything at the time, moving on to other stories instead like Playville. The poor feedback around Albert Clint led to me never actually following through with my plans to post his backstory in the Executionus Files, a story idea of mine that never happened (despite me literally being named after it).

Despite cancelling the story, I did actually have a rough outline and basic draft created for the final couple of parts that I just never polished up and posted. I've had this desire to remaster the old story and actually complete it for a while now. I recently got a push in my Archives thread, and I've had a few others push me to complete that story as well over the years.

And spoiler alert...but this story and its characters might be showing up in my next big project, so re-reading it might be fun before the Christmas special begins.

So that is what I'm doing here. I'm pretty sure that my modern fans would love this old story even if it brought so many complains during its original release. Back in the old days the boards were far more negative and had some weird complaints from time to time. I'm also making the individual parts bigger, since back in the day the boards had teeny tiny character limits per post and we don't have that problem now.

Private School Privates -- Remastered -- Part 1

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2022 1:23 am
by Executionus
Private School Privates: The First Day

Part 1:

At Fairway High (A private school with rates low enough to cause a major over-population situation) discipline problems were constant. Despite being allowed to use all conventional punishments known to schooldom (including the dreaded spanking) the sheer size of the student body caused mayhem to continue. Bullying, pranking the staff, vandalism, and tanking grades were all on the rise. Things were getting to be as out of hand as a low-end public school, with parents wondering why they bothered paying for the place at all.

The old principal was fired for letting things get this bad, and a young, hot teacher was promoted to replace him. The new top man, Principal Albert Clint, was a sharply-well-dressed and well-groomed man, almost a model. Students and teachers alike felt the urge to swoon around him, and his confident nature led to him smiling knowingly whenever one of the women around him was flustered. Mr Clint was gifted with a tremendous intelligence partnered with an open-minded wisdom that drew people towards him and inspired trust and faith. Despite being in his 20s, the board of directors for the school all unanimously approved the charismatic visionary for the position after hearing his revolutionary proposal...a proposal based on an old "superhero" from his college years to boot.

Clint's first act over the summer break was organizing a PTO meeting to ask for the authority to use drastic disciplining methods, including public humiliation, and the vote gave him the power. Due to the parental consent involved, pretty-much anything that went on as a form of discipline would be legal. The parents happily signed these forms, hoping that the brilliant new principal could fix the absolute anarchy that his predecessor oversaw and could hopefully get these students back on track towards academic success.

Albert Clint was about to introduce to the student body of Fairway High the lessons learned from watching the accomplishments of Executionus, the mysterious masked man whose controversial actions transformed Clint's college from a terrible cesspool to a leading college in the state. Executionus's use of forced public nudity as a form of punishment for misdeeds was about to be implemented as a systemic process across an entire private school. Clint was eager to see his hypothesis proven. He was eager to see the results firsthand.

So on the beginning of a new school year, Principal Clint ordered an assembly to announce to the students what type of changes would be in store for them. He also secretly hoped for a demonstration, since he was quite certain the students would think this was all a joke until it was proven to be very real. Sure enough he got his "volunteer" in a girl named Lisa Porter who showed up to the assembly nearly 4 minutes late. Four whole minutes, not even a mere four seconds. The disrespect of a student doing that on the very first day convinced Clint that this girl would be the perfect demonstration for the new rules.

"Excuse me, young lady?" He asked "Do you have a reason for arriving to school 4 minutes late?"

Lisa just casually lifted her shoulders to indicate "no", without actually saying a word.

"Very well. Come forward and get on the stage with me. We are going to have a little talk." Lisa didn't really move.

"Now!" Clint ordered, causing Lisa to shyly sprint up to the stage. She could see the entire student body staring at her, and she was getting a major case of stage fright. She hated being the center of attention, which was in-part due to her small size and small B-cup breasts. She was frequently the butt of jokes for her shortness, thinness, blondeness, and small cups, and she was also the subject of lewd comments from boys constantly. Just because she was hot didn't mean she wanted to be looked at. And half the time she felt internally like the compliments were fake, a joke mocking her.

Clint sternly asked "Now young lady, what is your name?" To which she answered "Lisa Porter"

He continued "Well Lisa, I was just explaining to your fellow students that in this new school year attendance and behavior problems will be swiftly punished in new and more creative ways. Being late to school means that not only do you disrupt the normal flow of class, but you miss important information...which leads to failing grades."

Lisa interrupted "My grades aren't failing."

Clint smiled and responded "That's good, but they surely have room to improve, and we're going to test you right now with a pop quiz to see how much knowledge you've retained over the summer break."

Lisa looked shocked and whined "What? But..."

Clint stopped her "What grade are you in this year?" "...11th"

He smiled "Alright then. These will be 10th grade level questions, and this quiz won't affect your grade for this year. However, this test will have a different punishment for missed questions: For every question you miss, one article of clothing will be removed from your body."

Lisa stood like a deer in headlights and screamed "WHAT???"

Lisa looked down at her clothes. She was wearing a yellow string halter-top with heavy cleavage for a girl with B-cups. She was also wearing a black short skirt with metal rings along the belt line, and matching black heals. Other than her underwear and jewelry, that was all she had, and she suddenly became very nervous about that.

Principal Clint repeated himself "For every question you miss, of these ten I have on this prepared questionnaire in front of me for a 10th grader, you will lose an article of clothing. If you miss too many of them, then not only will you prove that you haven't been giving your schoolwork nearly enough thought to justify such tardiness on the very first day of school, but you will also suffer full and complete humiliation in front of all of your peers. Is that clear?"

Lisa weakly responded "You can't do that..."

To which Clint replied "Actually, young lady, the PTO granted me full power to use any and all humiliations and unusual punishments I see fit in order to clean up this place, and I believe there was a Mrs. Porter in attendance that night as well."

Lisa grew more and more afraid with every word. "Oh please Mr. Clint, don't make me do this. I'm sorry, I'll never be late again!"

Mr Clint then responded in a very soft and reassuring voice "Miss Porter, all that is required is that you remember 10 mid-level answers to leave this stage unchanged. If your attendance problems and lacking focus are truly not issues then this would be easy for you. I need to prove, especially to you, that your inattention to school affairs hurts you, as it does to any student."

Despite his attempts, Clint's words only made Lisa more and more nervous, and whiney, causing Clint to say "Silence, Lisa. Wait until you are called upon to speak again."

As Lisa went quiet, Clint looked to his audience "Now then. Not only shall poor behavior be punished in new ways, but exceptional behavior shall be rewarded in new ways! I will now call out the 3 highest male student GPAs from last year to come to the stage: Eric Hollor, Brian Masters, and Chris Nickles."

The boys nervously approached the stage, then climbed up beside the principal. "As it would be inappropriate for an educator to touch or strip a student, most especially one under the age of 18, that duty shall be granted to the most exceptional opposite-gender students in each class. This will give extra incentive to place top in your respective classes each month."

"Now, Brian and Chris, each of you restrain one of Lisa's arms."

With that, both boys did as they were told. Lisa didn't truly try to escape, but she could barely move her arms at all with boys holding her and she knew that if she tried to break free she would fail.

"Eric, as the student with the highest GPA, you are given the task of removing each article of clothing as I call out the order."

Eric looked at Lisa with a gaze of pure lust, and Lisa looked back with a look of pure fear.

"To ensure that Lisa knows what awaits her for each question, you are to stand ready with your hands on the object in question, starting with her right heel."

Eric knelt down and put his hands lightly on Lisa's foot, and Lisa could see his trying to look up her skirt from his position. As she tried to move more out of his gaze, she was held in place by the other two.

"Now that everyone is ready, let us begin with our first question!"

Young 11th grader Lisa Porter was about to be humiliated on stage, on the first day of school, in front of every single student in the student body and she knew it. Being held by three boys, she was to lose a piece of clothing for every pop quiz question she got wrong. There were 10 questions, and she had 6 clothing items: 2 heels, yellow string halter, black skirt, bra, and panties.

Principal Clint began the test, to a sea of cheering students. "Your first question is this one, from English class: You read the novel Fahrenheit 451 as a 10th Grader. Who authored this masterpiece?"

Lisa knew that she should've known that, but she had nothing, so she guessed "Mark Twain?"

Clint replied "I'm sorry, that wasn't even close. The correct answer was Ray Bradbury. Eric, remove her shoes"

With that, Lisa's right heel was pulled off, though surprisingly gently as Eric tried to not hurt her. Lisa's heartbeat shot WAY up just from having a shoe pulled off in public, and she was already getting dizzy.

Principal Clint then commented "Actually Mr. Hollor, I meant for both shoes to be removed. It seems silly to count them as separate items." And with that, Eric pulled off the second heel, much faster that the first.

Lisa's panic sense went haywire. The shoes both counted as one item? That means that she only has 4 clothing items left on her, and 9 more questions! She knew that she was doomed and started freaking out and begging "Please Mr. Clint, I'll be good from now on"

Clint responded "Oh, of that I am sure, but only if I prove myself a man of my word. It is up to you now to determine what that means for your outfit. Eric, please grab onto the bottom of Lisa's shirt next. Do not move it unless I give the order!"

Eric answered "Yes sir." And did as he was told. Lisa's accelerating heartbeat doubled as she felt a boy holding her shirt, knowing that he was about to lift it off of her in front of every kid in school! She could feel herself sweating and breathing heavily, and she knew things were just beginning.

"Question #2, from Chemistry: On the Periodic Table of the Elements, which element is the smallest, and therefore first to appear, of the Inert gasses?"

Lisa perked up. She knew this one! "Helium!"

"That is correct! That's 1 wrong and 1 right so far. Eight more to go. Question #3, from World History: In the largest and most important battle in the modern history of western civilization, the Allies invaded Axis-controlled France in an invasion known as D-Day, turning the tide of the western front of the second World War. On what date did this invasion occur?"

Lisa thought long and hard, but she just couldn't remember. She started to panic, knowing that a wrong answer meant that she was going to lose her shirt in front of everybody! She thought and thought and finally remembered a WW2 date. "December 7th!"

"I'm sorry, but that is incorrect." Lisa's heart, and body sunk. Clint continued "December 7th, 1941 was actually the date of the Pearl Harbor attack. D-Day occurred on June 6th, 1944. Eric, please remove her shirt."

As Lisa felt her shirt going up, she screamed, only to be muffled by her own shirt as it covered her head. Chris and Brian were forced to let go of her arms in order for Eric to get the shirt off, but off it went, and down on the floor it went. Lisa pulled her arms across her chest, hiding her simple pink bra (and her breasts) from view.

Clint spoke up "Brian, Chris, please restrain Lisa's arms. She is not allowed to cover herself in any way during this test."

Despite Lisa struggling with all of her might, her arms were pulled apart easily and her pink bra, belly button, and complete cleavage were on full display. Her bra was probably a size too small as well, meaning that plenty of skin was being shown. The roar of laughter, as well as the hooting and cat-calling, were deafening. It was louder than a pep rally! Lisa's face was a darker shade of pink than her underwear, as this was the most humiliating experience of her life.

"Now then. Eric, please grab a hold of Miss Porter's waistband."

As usual he did as he was told in an instant, and Lisa could now feel the fingers of a boy, a fairly hot one at that, inside of her clothes! The feeling made her legs grow weak. Worse than that, his fingers were also inside of her panties!

Lisa screamed "Hey! He's grabbing my panties!"

Mr. Clint looked at them both sternly as Eric readjusted to be between clothes as he was supposed to be. Clint casually spoke "Be patient, Eric. The lesson means nothing if she is cheated of her fair chance. Onward, just 7 more to go."

Lisa's panic levels hit hard as she realized that the odds were getting worse for her. Clint then asked her "Question #4, from Geometry and Trig Class: A line that intersects with a circle or line curve at only one point and then continues on forever away from the curve is called the 'what'?"

Lisa was trapped staring at Eric's hands in her clothes, and barely heard the question. "Um...Parallel?"

"I'm sorry, that is incorrect."

Lisa tried to fight free "No! Please!"

Clint continued, ignoring her "The correct answer was tangent. A parallel line would never intersect even if both lines continued on forever. Eric..."

Lisa yelled out again "NOO!"

"...Remove her skirt."

As Eric's hands were already gripping the skirt fiercely, it was yanked down to her ankles in an instant, exposing Lisa's pink panties to everyone! Lisa didn't know which would be worse...her matching underwear making her look like a slut, or if her underwear had not matched making her look trashy. Either way, she couldn't stand having every kid she knew (and a thousand she didn't) staring at her in only her underwear. Eric pulled the skirt off of her feet one by one and tossed it into the pile. At this point, the crowd is so loud that Mr. Clint can barely be heard on his mic, so he silences the crowd to be able to continue on.

"Miss Porter, you've now only gotten one answer right out of 4 questions. You have 6 more to go, so you had better hope that you improve. Eric, please grab a hold of the back of Miss Porter's bra"

Lisa struggled and went nuts "NO! Please, that's far enough, I give up, you were right I'll never be late again, I'll study harder, I'll get straight A's, I'll do anything you want, I promise!! Please please just let me keep my underwear on!"

Eric froze. Lisa continued begging "Please, I've learned my lesson, I'm in my underwear in front of the entire school! Letting everyone see my privates is going too far, it would RUIN MY LIFE! Just make it stop, I beg you!"

Mr. Clint calmly answered her plea "Lisa, I'm not the one losing your clothes. You are. Your lack of focus on the paramount importance of your education is to blame. If you miss just one more question out of the remaining 6, your bra will be removed. Your arms will be held tightly away from your body, and you will be displayed fully topless in front of the entire student body. Is this clear? Now Eric, please grab hold of her bra and keep it held firmly."

Most kids have that nightmare about being in their underwear in front of the entire school. Little Lisa Porter was now living that nightmare, as she was held in place by 3 boys on the auditorium stage in front of the entire student body wearing only her matching pink bra and panties. She begged herself to wake up, but this wasn't a dream. This was real.

But Lisa knew that things were going to get a ton worse, as her designated stripper, a hot genius named Eric, held onto the back of her bra, ready to unclasp it and pull it off of her defenseless body at a moment's notice. The man who had all of the control was the new principal, Principal Clint, who had ordered that she lose an item of clothing for every missed question out of 10. She has only gotten one right, with six more to go, and missing even ONE of those six means that every single person in the building (meaning all 1000+ students and even every single teacher) was going to see her naked breasts! Her entire body was in full panic.

Clint continued his questioning "The stakes are higher than ever, Miss Porter, so onward to question #5, from Spanish class: ¿Dónde ahora estamos?"

Lisa was breathing heavily, then tried to remember. "Donde" means "Where", that one is easy, and "ahora" means "now", also easy. "Estamos" is from Estoy, but plural inclusive, so it means "We are". "Where are we now?" was the question!

Lisa answered, very cautiously, "Estamos en escuela. We are in school"

Mr. Clint responded "That is correct!"

Lisa breathed a huge sigh of relief. Maybe she could get out of here with no more humiliation after all. However, Eric's hands holding her bra clasp began moving around a little, which caused her to jump and be on edge again. It was a frightening feeling to know how much power that kid had over her right now.... Lisa looked over the gigantic crowd, and that's when she noticed how many students had their camera-phones out taking pictures of her undressed body.

"Mr. Clint! Make them stop taking pictures of me, please!"

Clint looked out and saw the frenzied paparazzi at work. "Actually, since students are NOT supposed to be playing with their phones during an assembly, all phones out are to be confiscated."

With that, the teachers went around grabbing up as many phones as they could get, but dozens of sneakier kids had managed to hide their phones before the teachers got to them.

"Do not worry, Miss Porter, all unauthorized photos of you will be removed before they are returned. Now, onward! Question #6, from Trig Math again: We mentioned Tangent last time, and the other two of the three main Trig functions are Sine and Cosine. What are the names of their three reciprocals?"

Lisa did so much homework in Trig that she couldn't possibly forget any of those six evil words. "Secant, Cosecant, and Cotangent!"

Mr. Porter smiled and called out "That is correct! That's 2 in a row now. I see that the extra incentives are starting to pay dividends. Any students out there with failing grades this semester shall be wise to remember this, as they may be the next person on display taking a strip pop quiz."

Lisa's heartbeat started to relax, only slightly, as she began to think that she would be ok.

"Only 4 more questions remaining. Question #7, from English: William Shakespeare wrote many masterpieces, including Macbeth which you were required to read last year. In what style of poetry do the noble characters in Shakespearean works speak?"

Lisa shook, panic hitting a new high. She knew that she didn't know that, and started freaking out. She fell silent and hoped that the extra time would save her somehow.

Clint rushed her "Well? Failure to answer will be treated as a forfeit, young lady."

Lisa's eyes went wide, and she just yelled out "Rhyming!"

Lisa looked onward, her eyes begging the principal to say that she was right. Instead, Clint replied "More specific?"

Her hopes fell. She had nothing. As Clint looked at her and she felt time expiring, she blurted out "Soliloquy!"

"I'm sorry, but that is incorrect."

The crowd erupted hearing this, and Lisa felt like she was about to faint. She shrieked in horror at her impending fate.

"The correct answer was Iambic Pentameter. Eric, you may now..."

Lisa screamed "NOOO!"

"...remove her bra."

As Eric started pulling on the bra clasp and fumbling with it, Lisa started begging. "Please, you guys, Stop! Let me go and I'll give you anything you want!"

The boys didn't stop.

"PLEASE! Oh God, no."

Eric was clearly not used to removing bras, and him struggling to unhook the clasps was only torturing Lisa more and more.

An increasingly desperate Lisa then whispered to the boys "Guys please, if you let me go, I'll let you three see everything after school, just front of EVERYBODY!"

Eric finally got the back unclasped, which loosened the bra. He then walked in front of Lisa to grab the straps.

"NOOOO! Ok ok ok, I'll give you all money, I'll let you guys touch me all over, as long as you want, I'll be your slave, just let me out of here before everyone sees me!!!!"

With Lisa's bra straps halfway down her arms, any sudden movements would render her topless. Eric paused after hearing her last offer, and all three boys considered accepting it. A hot girl slave is a very tempting thing to offer to a teenage boy after all.

Clint would have none of this "Mr Hollor, get on with it or I will find someone else who will."

So with that, Eric looked Lisa in the frightened eyes, whispered "Sorry", and then pulled the bra off of Lisa's now-bare tits!

All three boys were staring at her diamond-hard nipples in all of their pink glory. Eric's body was hiding the girl from the audience still, and when the boys let go of her hands to pull the bra off of her she fought free and covered her chest before anyone else could see her. Lisa then tried to run away off-stage, but was grabbed around the waist by Chris. As the other two boys held her arms by the elbows, Lisa's hands were digging into her own skin to try and keep her nipples hidden at all costs.

Mr Clint ordered again "Boys, please pull Miss Porter's arms aside, and display her here in the spotlight. This outburst accomplishes nothing."

With Chris and Brian both puling hard while Eric held her in place, Lisa's hands came free of her chest in an instant! Now over 1000 people (girls AND boys) were staring at her bare breasts, pink areolas, and perky nipples. The crowd exploded, and so did Lisa's heart. Lisa watched as several students tried to take her picture again without getting caught. Most of them failed and lost their phones, but Lisa knew that there were going to be a couple that would get away with it, and that pictures of her topless were going to be EVERYWHERE now. Probably even on the internet.... All of the shock and excitement was making Lisa start to faint again.

Mr Clint resumed order by silencing the crowd, and then turning towards Lisa and her strippers. "You now have 3 more questions to get right. Eric, please grab hold of Lisa's waistband."

Lisa's mind snapped to attention instantly. He wouldn't strip her COMPLETELY naked, would he? As Eric got a firm hold of her tiny little string bikini-cut panties, placing his fingers mostly in the front as opposed to the actual sides, it was then clear to Lisa that she was about to show EVERYTHING! Having her breasts bared was the worst moment of her life, but having her pussy shown to the world would be 100 times worse!

Three questions left, and she would have to be perfect.... If she got even one of them wrong, then every single person at that school would learn that she was a natural blonde as they ogled her bare pussy.

The moment of truth was finally upon her. Lisa Porter stood nearly naked on stage, completely topless with her arms held apart, in front of the entire student body. The very last thing covering her tiny little body was an equally tiny pair of pink string-bikini style panties, which were being grabbed and lightly tugged upon by a boy.

"Question #8, from Health class: What is the full name for the disease which is most commonly nicknamed 'the flu'?"

Lisa took a second, but then answered "Influenza!"

Clint hailed her "That is correct!"

Lisa was quite relieved, however Eric's hands in the front of her panties started to pull outward slightly. Lisa could see him trying to sneak a peak down them, so she kicked her leg forward slightly to stop him. All three boys were staring openly at her breasts which were right in front of them (as was the entire auditorium) making Lisa feel topless all over again. And that's when she noticed the school paper's photographer, pointed right at her with his zoom lens high-res camera while crouching directly in front of the stage!

Lisa screamed "Oh my God, that guy is still taking pictures of me!!"

Clint looked at the photographer and simply said "I confiscated student phones because they were not allowed to be used here, but the official newspaper will require some photos of this important assembly. Leonard is performing this task with my approval. I suppose you could consider him extra incentive to get these last two questions correct."

Lisa grew white, knowing that there would be pictures for all to see of her nipples in high resolution. She no longer could even pretend like the kids in the back couldn't see her well enough. Everyone would see every detail in the paper, and if she missed one more question everyONE would see everyTHING!

"Question #9, from Chemistry class: A chemical with a pH level below 7 is known as an acid, with the lower pH numbers being more acidic. What is the term for a compound with a pH greater then 7?"

Lisa started to panic as she didn't know that one, and started praying and fighting her mind to remember fast. As she paused, she felt Eric's hands moving in her panties again, and now the back of his hands were actually brushing up against her pubic hair! This feeling shocked her worse than anything thus-far, making her jump, and that shock suddenly gave her the answer.


"That is correct! Well now, you only have one final question remaining. You've made it all the way to the end of this quiz. Get this last one right, and your genitals will remain concealed."

Having Mr. Clint say that phrase just made her even more embarrassed about her situation, but she still felt a rush of hope. Just one more now! Would she really escape without 1000+ people and a zoom-lens camera seeing her vagina and its neatly trimmed little blonde bush?

"Question #10, from World History: I symbolically chose this question to be last because of how well it fit into this situation. In the legend of Lady Godiva, the noblewoman who rode naked through the center of town, much as you may soon be, what was it exactly that she was protesting of her husband's policies?"

Lisa's panic reflex went crazy now. Even little kids know who Lady Godiva is, but Lisa didn't have a clue WHY she was naked. She looked around the audience for some type of clue, but all she saw were hundreds of guys drooling over her, cheering louder the longer she stalled. As her desperation hit hard, she looked into the eyes of Eric, the boy holding her fate, and her panties, in his hands with a death-grip.

She whispered to him "Please help" hoping that the smartest kid in the school could tell her the answer quickly.

Clint called out "You're running out of time, and therefore clothing, Miss Porter."

Lisa was beyond desperate now, and turned away from Clint in order to quickly whisper to the boy holding her waistband and gently rubbing his fingers against her pubic hair "Please, tell me the answer and I'll sleep with you!"

Eric, who would do anything to have sex with this nearly-naked girl in front of him, whispered "Taxes".

Lisa screamed out like a panicked animal "TAXES!"

Mr. Clint paused for several tense seconds, before declaring "That is correct."

Lisa's fear and panic turned to sudden and overwhelming joy. She whispered "Thank you" to her stripper for his mercy.

Clint continued on "However, I believe that you were helped by one of these gentlemen in coming to that answer."

Lisa suddenly restarted her panic and shaking.

"Is this true, young lady?"

Lisa nearly broke down "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I was so scared, please don't make me do it, please don't strip me, please, anything but that!"

Clint could see the terror on Lisa's face, and issued a verdict "Well, Miss Porter, I am glad that you could be honest with me, but I also cannot ignore cheating."

Lisa screamed "NO! Please!"

Clint interrupted her "Therefore, I will offer you a partial punishment as a form of compromise. Chris, Brian, release her arms."

The boys let her go, and Lisa quickly threw her arms over her chest. Eric's hands were still deep in her panties.

"Lisa, your arms will be free so that you may cover yourself, however those panties still have to go. Eric, please remove her panties"

With this order, Eric began tugging down her tiny panties. Lisa screamed, but was able to cover her most private area with both hands as the panties fell to the ground and then off of her. This left her boobs out in the open, but she could live with that as long as nobody saw the rest of her. The crowd erupted in cheers and screams, and Lisa could feel 1000+ eyes glued directly between her legs. She watched as the three boys on stage snuck behind her to get a look at her bare ass, but she knew she couldn't turn away from them without flashing the entire audience so she was forced to just let them see it. She watched as the camera boy kept moving and taking shots from underneath her in front of the stage, so she grabbed her pussy tightly to make sure that not even a single hair was showing!

The crowd started chanting "Move your hands! Move your hands!" and the intensity of the situation was beyond unbearable for her. All she could do was stand still like a statue, praying for mercy.

Mr. Clint then went to the mic again "Ladies and gentlemen, you have now all seen a taste of what will happen to those who misbehave or slack in their work. Humiliation punishments such as this and far, far worse will be the standard, for both girls AND boys. Any student who fails a test will be forced to strip in front of his or her classmates. Many other infractions will carry similar punishments. In addition, at the end of each month the student with the lowest GPA will be displayed here on the stage, often times in far worse stages of undress than Miss Porter is now. This will continue until all students earn a grade average of 90% or better. To the student with the most behavior write-ups, an even worse punishment will be dealt. I'll save that one for a surprise. Meanwhile to students who excel and lead, many new benefits will befall you. I wish for you all to take this lesson and remember every word, for this new zero-tolerance system will never go away during your tenure here. This isn't temporary. This is the new normal moving forward. I remain optimistic that these policies will result in tremendous improvements across the board here at Fairway High."

Mr. Clint walked over to the pile of Lisa's clothing and scooped it all up. Lisa looked at him, embarrassed beyond words to be talking to a fully-dressed hunky man right in front of her while she was fully naked and 95% exposed to him. She timidly asked "Can I go and get dressed now please?"

Mr. Clint answered "You are dismissed, however your clothes will only be returned at the end of the school day. You may change into your gym clothes, if you remembered to bring them that is. Otherwise you are on your own."

Lisa's face became fully white.

"Please see me after school for your property." Mr. Clint then went to the mic and announced "You are all dismissed, please report to homeroom in no more than 5 minutes. Don't be late! I don't believe I have to elaborate as to why not."

Lisa panicked worse than ever! She was naked, fully 100% naked, hands practically glued to her trimmed blonde bush and virgin little slit, with her only clothes far away in her locker. She was going to have to run through a sea of horny and cruel students to get there! What was she going to do now?

Re: Private School Privates -- Remastered

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2022 11:49 am
by SDS
Very fun read!

Re: Private School Privates -- Remastered

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2022 3:07 pm
by Darky
Love the story. One of the first enf stories ever read 8-)

Private School Privates -- Part 2

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2022 11:29 pm
by Executionus
Part 2:

Lisa was naked on stage, clutching desperately to her pussy with both hands, praying that nobody would see it, but was unable to cover her boobs or her bare ass even a little bit. Her clothes were taken away by Principal Clint, who will only give them back after school. The only clothes Lisa has to wear are her gym clothes, which are in her locker far away and on the other side of a sea of over 1000 sex-crazed students that are lusting after her flesh with every moment. On top of that, she only had a maximum of 5 minutes to get to class, and she REALLY didn't want to know what they would do to her if she was late again.

As she stood frozen on the stage, several boys ran up onto the stage with her. All of the sudden she was surrounded, as the new boys kept yelling things like "Come on, move your hands already!" She would constantly tell them "No", but that was just angering them more.

Finally one of the boys grabbed her right arm and started pulling it! She held on tight and tried to run, but the bigger and stronger boy was able to get her arm free and then tug her back towards the group by her outstretched arm.

"Grab her other hand!" he yelled to his friends, as they went for Lisa's left arm, the last desperate covering that her poor defenseless pussy had left! Lisa screamed with all of her might.

"HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!" Came a loud order, making the boys freeze and release her just seconds before she would've been exposed.

Lisa got her right hand back into place on her pussy. Clint had not fully left the auditorium area yet, and was not pleased.

"Are you aware that what you are doing is FELONY sexual assault? The reason this girl is naked right now is because of a punishment order of the executive of this school, with the permissions of her legal guardians. She is not naked to be your play toy, or to be molested or raped. The rules, and laws, still apply here. There shall be no unauthorized physical or sexual contact with Lisa or any other persons. All of you, my office, NOW!"

To the crowd of onlookers still in the audience he coldly declared "And all of you had better leave immediately before I start handing out more punishments!"

With the frightening nature of Clint, the auditorium emptied out faster than if there had been a fire. Unfortunately, Clint also scared away all of Lisa's friends, leaving her stranded and alone. But at least she was still covered. She was tremendously thankful for Clint saving her, even though he was the one who took her clothes in the first place. There was something oddly trustworthy and honorable about Mr Clint in Lisa's eyes, as she began to realize that he wasn't actually her enemy. He may have even been right about Lisa neglecting her studies and not caring about school at all.

Once the majority of students and staff were gone, she started scrambling around on the stage for something to wear or cover her. The stage was basically empty, and in the seating area she couldn't see anything. Lisa was in full-on panic mode as she began to envision herself having to go out into the overcrowded hallways like this. It was then that she had the idea of running backstage, and while there were no costumes lying around she was able to find a source of basic salvation: On the floor was a little white towel! It was dirty as hell, but at this point she would've wrapped around her pretty-much anything as long as it hid her privates.

As Lisa got the towel around her, she realized that had she not been as super-thin as she was, there was no way that it would stay closed. It was one of those meter-stick-long dish towels, which she barely managed to tie around her waist. Her leg stuck out of the towel still, but she was pretty sure that the important area was hidden. She looked around for something to cover her top half too, but as her time to get to homeroom ticked down to just 2 minutes she had to give up and make a break for it.

She grabbed her tits with both hands and took off out of the auditorium and into the crowded hallway, with only the tiny dish towel covering her precious pussy! As soon as she exited, every kid there stopped what they were doing to turn and watch her. Most of them were yelling out lewd lines or catcalls.

"Shake it baby!" "I bet you're wet" "I bet your nipples are hard" and the crowd's favorite, judging from the laughter, "Me Tarzan, me bone Jane!"

Lisa just kept running through them, until she saw some guy try to grab at her towel! She had to move her right hand off of her chest to grab the knot of the towel and clutch it desperately, while moving her other arm to cover both breasts. This flashed her right boob for a second, leading to a loud cheer which told Lisa that 'yes, they all just saw my tit up-close'.

Despite time ticking down, many boys still remained in the hallway watching her as she got to her locker but the numbers were going down fast. She looked frighteningly at the clock, and there was only about 1 minute left to get to class. When she looked up, however, one of the boys reached out, grabbed the towel from behind her, and suddenly jerked the towel straight down! The crowd roared! Lisa screamed and covered her pussy with the hand that had been holding the towel (and she was grateful that she was facing the locker at the time). Nobody saw her least she hoped so! But she was fully naked again and running out of time.

She had no choice but to move the hand off of her chest to do her combination quickly, but she couldn't just expose herself again to everyone still here. She flattened her body up against the locker door of the locker next to hers, pushing with all of her power which hid her nipples and pussy. She took her left hand and did her combination in record time. The boys started to get nervous and flee as time was running out, but many kept yelling out comments like "Baby got back!" "Back dat ass up" and one guy even yelled "I saw her pussy through her legs." God Lisa hoped he was lying.

She flung open the locker door and instantly grabbed her little white gym shorts. No time to change in a bathroom, so she frantically took her right hand off of her pussy to grab the other side of the shorts. Hiding behind the opened door, and pressing up against the closed door next to it, there was still one brave guy leering over her shoulder trying to get a peek while she stepped into her shorts. Without leaving the protection of the door for even a moment, she yanked her shorts up. The feeling of wearing shorts again was the best moment of her life, even if they were ultra-short and the kind of required thin white gym clothes that don't hide underwear much at all. She wasn't wearing any underwear, so she hoped that OTHER things wouldn't be visible through these cheap-quality shorts too.

Frantically she looked up at the clock, only about 10 seconds left! No time to think, she grabbed her shirt and English book, slammed the door and ran full-speed! She just held the shirt and book over her chest and she begged God to not let the bell ring before she got to class. 5 seconds left, and she saw the door. 3 seconds left and she dashed in like a rocket. She just barely got her butt in a seat before the bell rang. She made it!

Lisa looked around at all of the kids, mostly the boys, staring at her. She was still topless, wearing only white semi-see-thru gym shorts, holding her book and shirt against her chest. Reality then hit her that she would have to share this class with boys who had seen her boobs for the entire year, and she turned incredibly red. But even worse, was she going to have to flash them all up-close and personal to try and get her new shirt on???

Lisa sat in English class topless, holding her book and her wadded-up white gym shirt over her chest. All that she was wearing was the itty bitty matching white gym shorts. She had lost even her shoes earlier. She had just barely, by sheer force of will, prevented anyone from seeing her pussy...but that was now the only secret her body had left.

Lisa looked around at all of the boys in her class staring at her, watching her. The class had at least 30 kids, and by a stroke of bad luck at least 20 of them were boys. The stare of lust from the boys was one thing, but the stare of scorn from the teacher (an old lady) truly chilled her to the bone.

The teacher, Mrs White, called all to attention. "Excuse me. You're Lisa Porter, correct?" Lisa nodded shyly. "It's bad enough that you were almost late to homeroom even after all of that, but your continued nudity is distracting my students. Put on your shirt immediately."

Lisa started to ask "Um, ma'am? Can you make the boys--" before being interrupted "It's nothing we haven't seen before, get to it. I only have 15 minutes today as it is."

The way the teacher phrased the whole 'it's nothing we haven't seen before' line make Lisa shudder, and just reminded her that from now on, for all of her life as a student (and maybe even longer) every person she knows will have seen her bare breasts and will know every detail of the shape of her nipples. Even still, there's a huge difference in what can be seen from far away and what can be seen up close, and she started trying to think up some way out of this without flashing everyone with some just a foot away. Lisa decided that she really didn't want to anger this teacher though, and quickly pulled the shirt out from behind the book and slipped it over her head with her left hand. The right hand held her English book tightly against her chest. She put her left arm through, then went around to grab the book with her left arm. Then she
moved her right arm through the hole and pulled the shirt down over herself and her book, removing the book when done.

'Thank god', Lisa thought, 'Mission Accomplished'.

As Mrs White began reading the homeroom bulletin about the new rules, the geeky boy directly to her left whispered " least you're really hot."

Lisa blushed from this, but the thought of boys liking what they saw of her did kinda make things feel better.

Mrs White read on "All of these rules are guidelines and can be changed at any time by teachers or administrators. They are intended to warn students that punishments can and will be this bad, or worse, for delinquent behavior." All of the students felt a wave of fear. Mrs White finally got to the list of basic new rules:

---If a student is tardy to class without an excuse, then that student is required to beg the class for his/her forgiveness for the rude disruption. If the class denies this, then that student must strip his/herself as far as the class demands it and then attend class in that state of undress until the bell rings.

---If a student is absent from class without a valid excuse, then that student will be required to not-only strip completely bare, but must then teach the class for 5-10 minutes while bare about what was taught while he/she was out with the help of the student's teacher.

At this point, Lisa and basically everyone else silently vowed to have perfect attendance.

---Any items violating the dress code will be confiscated and only returned at the end of the school day. This rule applies to undergarments as well, even if they are exposed via a previous clothing seizure, so be warned.

---If any student mouths off to a teacher, or engages in disrespectful behavior towards the school process itself (such as not doing homework, or improper use of a cellphone during class), then that student will be placed across the lap of the highest GPA earning student of the opposite gender in the class with their bottoms bared completely. The excelling student will then spank the delinquent 20 times with his/her bare hand.

---Repeat offenders of the above rule will be handcuffed first, and then stripped and spanked while standing up and facing the class. Multiple offenders will be spanked like this by the entire class, save for those who opt out due to sexual preference issues.

---If any student fights their penalty too strongly, or engages in any illegal or otherwise past-the-line activities (such as fighting or stealing) they will be dealt with by the Pole of Shame. This will be debuted when it is first needed.

---Do to the incredible amount of vandalism in previous years, the janitorial staff have decided an appropriate, and therefore horrific, punishment. The details behind this will remain a secret until the first fool warrants it.

'Wow', Lisa thought. 'They actually wrote the word 'fool' in there!'

---Academic infractions.

---If any student fails a test, then he or she will be stripped fully, and displayed fully (meaning arms held outward) by the best scoring students of the opposite gender. Those who fight this, especially males harming their female classmates, will be punished by the Pole of Shame or worse. Repeated failures will be stripped by the whole of the class, posed however the class sees fit, and will be subject to being photographed (both by students and by the school photographers).

---At the end of every month, the student body member with the lowest GPA not exceeding 3.5 (90%), will be displayed nude on stage in assembly in front of every single one of his/her peers. The student will then be posed, held, or otherwise humiliated. These punishments will be photographed in high resolution and will be included in the yearbook, UNCENSORED, as part of the Hall of Shame section of the book. Students who fail an entire grading period will be given a far worse variant of this punishment.

Instantly every single struggling student, including Lisa, felt a rush of foreboding and doom. Failing tests was horrific enough, but the Hall of Shame punishment would be the end of the world. Lisa was heavily afraid, knowing that if she were the one that there would surely be pictures (probably close-ups) of her naked vagina, and that every student would be allowed to take home with them at the end of the year and keep forever. That would be 1000x worse than even having her current topless pictures somehow wind up on the internet....

---All students who earn grades below a 3.0 (80%) will be eligible as targets for special interest events. More on those in the next section. The ONLY way to be protected from these is to be currently above a 3.0 (80%) in average grades, and this status can change in real-time.

Lisa was now in a little state of shock, as she herself was only a C student, and she knew that being a target for something like this would be bad.

---Benefits to exceptional and moral students:

---As we have previously mentioned, top scoring students will be given the honors of stripping their classmates.

---We expect there to be a significant problem with "sexting" or other inappropriate cellphone behavior. If a student turns in an offender who either possesses or sent them an unauthorized picture featuring a fellow student in significant levels of undress, or naked, and especially featuring any form of sexual act, then the offending student will be punished and photographed in an equally exposed manor. The moral student who turns in the offender will be rewarded with $25 and a Special Interest Credit.

---Students who earn a perfect score on a test will be given a Special Interest Credit.

---Other moral behaviors will be rewarded with SI Credits as well.

---All students will be given a special reward on their respective birthdays.

---Special Interest Events will cost one Credit each, and will allow a student to call out a favor of ANY substandard student scoring below the par line. These favors will include controlling the state of undress of the target, though not going beyond undergarments. They will also including some limited posing details. This allows for either humiliation of an enemy, or exhibition of a crush, and can be either public or private.

At this, Lisa and everyone else simultaneously gasped! Students could be targeted by their classmates to get stripped down to their underwear based on GPA alone, not even behavior infractions. The only way to be safe was to get high grades. The students across the entire school were beginning to see the beautiful genius in Mr Clint's vision: Anything short of excellence would carry the risk of consequences from now on.

After the insanity that was homeroom period, with the first half being Lisa stripped naked on stage to the second half that was filled with announcements of new rules, the bell finally rang to let everyone out into the hallway. Lisa was wearing only her matching white T-shirt and shorts, as was required by gym class for that uniform. Her other clothes, including all of her underwear, was taken and would be held until after school. She was nervously very aware of how thin her gym uniform was and that people were trying to see her nipples through the shirt. She just hoped that "nipples" was the worst thing they'd see.

While Lisa was nervous about what all could be seen through her fairly-thin outfit, after the massive stress of running through the halls completely naked and barely covering just a few short minutes ago...the gym outfit was plenty. As she walked out she saw tons of people staring at her and referring to her as "the naked girl", however her being clothed now seems to have calmed everyone down a ton. That, and everyone was nervous about breaking the new rules and possibly joining her.

Several boys and girls were speculating on the mystery punishments, especially the "Pole of Shame". Most of the kids were teasing each other that a pole was going to get shoved up their asses in front of everyone. Hearing this, one boy in the hall made a joke "Fairway is like prison, but instead of 'don't drop the soap' it's all 'don't drop your grades!'" to which everyone laughed.

Even Lisa laughed hearing that one, and later on in the day even Mr. Clint himself would chuckle once that line had migrated all the way to him. Several people noticed that as insane as all of these rules were, they were all going to try harder than ever to do well, meaning that the rules would work in the end.

Later on, Lisa went to her 3rd period class, which just happened to be gym. She was kinda glad that she didn't have to change clothes for gym today, even if it meant wearing the same outfit all day. As everyone was gathering around, she noticed that one of her classmates was Eric Hollor, the boy who had just stripped her naked a mere 2 1/2 hours ago.

Eric walked up to Lisa, eyes almost glued to her chest, and timidly said "Um, hi?"

Lisa meekly answered "Hi."

"Sorry about the whole stage thing."

Lisa felt weird talking about it, but she responded "It's ok. It wasn't your fault, and you saved me on that last question. Thanks so much for that, I would've died if I had to show any more than I did"

Eric was glad she brought up the rescue and asked "Hey...were you serious about all of that stuff about showing me everything after school, touching you, and, uh...sleeping together?"

Lisa's face turned white, and then a deep red. She didn't want to do any of that stuff if she didn't have to, but she also felt like she owed him for helping her. Also, the way he was staring at her body (both when she was naked, and now with clothes on) was really starting to turn her on. She paused for a few seconds, but then kinda squeaked out "I dunno."

As the opening bell rang, Eric left her by saying "Hey, let's meet up after class. See ya!"

As gym class went on, Lisa constantly felt weird moving around so much without a bra. She was thankful for once for her small boobs since otherwise they'd be all over the place, but on the other hand she was very paranoid about people being able to see through her thin white shirt. One boy tried to squirt her with the water fountain to try and make the shirt disappear, but he only got a few drops on her so it was all for nothing.

After the bell rang, Lisa met up with Eric, who after the usual greetings were done, said to her "Hey...I enjoyed seeing you on stage. I know you were embarrassed, but it was REALLY freakin' hot and it's driving me crazy now that I couldn't see the rest...especially with you running around like that with no underwear now."

Lisa was blushing the entire time, and got extra red when he mentioned the lack of underwear. Clearly he could see the lack of bra and panty lines on her. Everyone could.

Eric then asked "Could you flash your pussy for me now before class?"

Lisa was shocked by the request, but her earlier debate hit her again. She knew she owed him, and if it wasn't for his mercy earlier then him and EVERYONE ELSE would've already seen it. But on the other hand, no boy had ever seen her pussy before, and it was her ultimate and most private area. But on the other other hand, this boy was hot and he was clearly VERY into her right now (and wasn't an asshole like most of the guys have been today).

All Lisa could muster up was another "I dunno..."

So, Eric took her by the hand and said "Come on", leading her into the boy's locker room, which was empty now.

The horny boy explained "There is no 4th period gym, so nobody will come in here, but we still have to be quick so we're not late."

Lisa hadn't yet made up her mind, so the deadline thing was making her think faster. She tried to see if she could get away with something smaller. "Here...I'll lift my shirt for you, ok?"

She grabbed the bottom of her shirt. Even knowing that he had already seen her topless up close, the intimacy of doing it herself, and in private with him, was making it hard to lift.... Finally she just closed her eyes and lifted the shirt over her chest, flashing Eric for about 3 seconds before instantly throwing it back down. Lisa saw the absolute lust in his eyes, and she was secretly almost as turned on right now as he was (though she would never admit it).

Lisa then said "I'll think more later on what we can do, ok? But we gotta get going before someone catches us."

And with that, the two separated into the hallway. Lisa would sit through all of 4th period thinking about her flashing him, and it was in her head more than the stage trauma. She kept wondering about if this meant that he was her boyfriend now, or if he was just wanting her body. Either way it made her feel sexy and alive. It was nice to have some positive feelings today after everything that happened.

After 4th period would come lunch, and if Lisa only knew what was waiting for her there then she would've run there as fast as she could!

Re: Private School Privates -- Remastered

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2022 12:12 am
by Executionus
Part 3:

As 4th period ended, the underwear-less hottie made her way to lunch not knowing what would be waiting for her. When Lisa and a couple of her friends walked into the lunchroom, they noticed a strange area set up that kinda looked like 3 voting booths or a beach changing room area with curtains around it. On it was a sign that said "Do Not Touch" and in front of it was Principal Clint.

'For SOME reason none of the students were disobeying the sign' thought Lisa as she giggled to herself a little bit.

Lisa really hoped that Mr. Clint was not going to bother her, but sure enough he motioned for her to come near. Once she nervously walked forward, he calmed her and simply said "Don't be afraid. I'm just informing you that I will call you up during this demonstration, but you will be taking the opposite role that you endured earlier. If you choose to do so you may refuse, but I somehow doubt that will be the case. You'll understand here in a few minutes, so just take your seat until then."

Despite Clint's easing, Lisa had a weird feeling about this. Still, she sat with her friends anyway rather than running for her life.

Once the lunch bell rang, Mr. Clint silenced everyone. "Ladies and Gentlemen, may I bring your attention to the front? Thank you. I had hoped that it would be some time before I was forced to debut the punishment for severe offenses, however fate decided that I would not be given even a full hour of schoolwide proper behavior. We all remember our morning assembly I'm sure, where one of your students learned that being late on the very first day of school is simply intolerable. Unfortunately however, she would be victimized immediately following by 5 boys who attempted to force themselves onto her while I was still watching. As apparently this was not painfully obvious, let me state this loudly for the record: Just because a student has been reduced to nudity does NOT mean that rules and laws against sexual assault or inappropriate physical attacks go out the window. This applies even to students who are told to go naked for extended periods of time, as will sometimes happen. Contact from a student to a punished student is ONLY permitted if a teacher gives the order or permission (or in the unlikely event that the student okays the contact). It is incredibly heinous for a student to attempt to strip or forcibly expose a fellow student on their own merely to satisfy their perverted desires, which was the case with these 5 gentlemen."

As he announced the first 4 students' names, Lisa was very interested in the curtained cells. She remembered all-too-well the 5 boys who had surrounded her and tried to rip her hands off of her pussy very nearly succeeding in seeing everything she had, and she was hoping that they were about to be humiliated worse than she ever was!

Clint continued "These 4 students will be the first to demonstrate the Poles of Shame. Regrettably we have only constructed 2 poles so far, so they will be shared 2 to a pole. I believe that with the sexual nature of their crime, that this added dishonor is very fitting. They attempted to molest a girl, so now they can all be molested by one-another. To assist in their revealing, I ask that their victim Miss Lisa Porter come forth."

Lisa actually came forward happily, and noticed a WAVE of cheering as she was called and stood up. Some were cheering for her getting her justice and others were cheering because they would always remember what she looked like naked, but the attention caught Lisa off guard either way. It made her smile a little bit. She never expected to become some type of celebrity around the school when she woke up this morning.

Mr. Clint handed Lisa 2 cords for the two left chambers. They ran up to a rigged release, meaning that the curtains would fall to the ground when the cord was pulled hard enough.

"And now, Lisa and students, behold the Poles of Shame!"

Lisa pulled the cords, and very suddenly the curtains fell to a loud scream of shock from those within. The falling curtains revealed 4 very naked boys stripped of every inch of clothing including watches, standing with their arms handcuffed around a large plastic pole about a foot in diameter that they were facing. The boys were tied 2-to-a-pole facing each other, and they were holding onto the pole with their hips with all of their might to try and prevent their complete exposure. Their fronts were pressed into the poles, but everything else was exposed to the entire 1000-student lunchroom. Lisa stared at these 4 naked boys right in front of her and suddenly realized that these were the first boys she had ever seen naked in person. She and at least 500 other girls all stared at the boys' naked asses, and also tried to get a good peek between their hips and the pole.

Mr. Clint then added "Now, under the majority of punishment situations, and for that matter classrooms in general, use of cellphones is strictly prohibited. However, for those who are displayed on the Poles of Shame, students are free to take as many pictures as they wish so long as they are removed or transferred off of the phones by the next school day. We don't want students phones harboring distracting images during classes, but home usage is fair game."

After hearing this, the four naked boys looked out in terror at the sea of girls who all grabbed their phones and started snapping pictures of them. Lisa actually felt bad about leaving her phone in her locker now, but figured she could get pictures from her friends later.

Mr. Clint then smiled and said "Furthermore, there is a reason that these students are shackled here with their behinds so exposed. Any student who wishes to do so, starting with the victim, may spank the punished boys with their bare hands up to 5 times apiece."

The boys looked white as ghosts as they looked at the sinister smiles from Lisa and many other girls in the audience.

"Students may also harass the punished in many ways, however there is never to be contact with the genitalia which is a rule that will always be strictly enforced. There is also to be no strikes or attacks other than to the buttocks or using any form of object or weapon. There will be no true violence of any kind. Now Lisa, you may begin."

Lisa first asked her friend Janie for her phone to use, and then went to the nearest naked boy with an evil, vengeful smile that chilled the begging boy to the bone! These boys were caught in this sexual assault, and now the 4 henchmen boys are naked in lunchroom handcuffed to 1-foot-wide plastic poles which they are grinding desperately to hide their own privates. And Lisa is allowed to punish them!

Lisa walked up to the first pole with two boys facing each other in a compromising naked hug with only the pole between them. The boys pushed against the pole while trying to avoid touching each others naked bodies. Lisa got some good pictures of both poles showing the naked boys with their arms around each other, knowing that there was no way these jerks would EVER live this moment down.

Laughing at their pose, Lisa said loudly to them "No wonder you wanted to see what a naked girl looks like so badly, losers like you don't get any!" to which the entire lunchroom erupted in laughter.

And then it was time for her to make it worse for them, as she looked at the first boy and moved herself and her friend's camera phone to the front of his hips trying to get a peek at the boy's penis. After taking a picture of that view (which didn't show much) she then moved her hand behind the guy and spanked his ass as hard as she could. Sure enough, the boy jumped and left the pole for a second, which was all the time Lisa needed to get a good look and a good picture!

Lisa sang and mocked the boy "I saw your wee-wee." before adding to the crowd "And I also saw why he wants to hide it so badly!" before spanking him her final four times.

Lisa was much more turned on than she would ever admit in this moment because of the horrible actions of these boys to her earlier, but her main motivation still remained utter humiliation of all four of them. On top of that, she also knew that hiding in the 3rd curtained cell was their leader (the one who actually pulled her hand off of her body) and she was hoping that whatever he was going to get was the worst of all.

Lisa then turned to the second boy on the first pole, and started moving the camera around his body as well. This boy was standing with his legs pretty far apart compared to the other 3, and that gave her an idea. She walked behind the boy and raised her hand for a spanking, which made him flinch and brace himself with his hips and legs against the pole hoping to avoid the first boy's mistake. However, since he widened his legs even more than before, Lisa just stuck the phone underneath him and snapped a picture. When boy #2 saw what was happening he tried to move, flail, and kick to get Lisa out from under him, which only succeeded in accidentally flashing his penis to the crowd of cheering girls.

Lisa made her comment, "Bigger, but looks like a fat kid's dick!" and then whipped his ass 5 times as well.

Next were the two boys on the second pole, and Lisa had an utterly sadistic idea for them. "Ladies, get your cameras ready! Boys...Whichever one of you pushes the other off of this pole with your legs and gives us a nice long look at him will get to keep his own teeny weeny covered."

Sure enough, the (former) friends started wrestling around with their bare legs and feet, trying to push their polemate back while keeping themselves pressed up against the pole. Lisa circled getting many good pictures, including dick slips from both boys (as did the at-least 300 girls with cellphones in hand watching them). After about 12 seconds, one of the boys got his foot on the other's stomach and pushed him back until only the handcuffs holding his arms to the pole stopped him. With his hands cuffed high and outstretched, the defenseless boy couldn't even cover up as Lisa moved in just a couple inches from his exposed dick and took several close-up pictures of it.

Lisa then teased "You all know, as tiny as this kid's dick is, you know the winner's dick is even TINIER by how hard he fought to win. And sure enough, I got some GREAT pictures while he was kicking and he iiiiiiiis!"

By this point, Lisa was getting the type of cheers and applause that were reserved for football games or TV audiences. Internally she couldn't believe the whiplash of going from everybody teasing her to everybody cheering for her in just the span of a few mere hours. She finished off the two boys with five vicious swats each and then returned to the side of Principal Clint.

Clint, himself laughing too but still keeping his cool, said "Well, I can see that we're all going to have many great memories here in this cafeteria over the next year. And others will get their first taste of prison abuse, which will hopefully convince them to smarten up. And if not, then repeat offender (or in this case extra heinous offenders) will be given the rare dishonor of modeling our new exciting punishment device: The Rack of Shame!"

With these words, Clint himself pulled the third cord, which revealed the 5th kid and the Rack. The Rack was a vertical rectangle that forced the boy's arms and legs into an X where they were handcuffed tightly. The boy could barely move a muscle. As the cheers and laughs went crazy, the boy's lack of clothing was obvious: He was naked from head to toe except for a little white towel that had been draped around his waist. The towel had a rope leading off of the top half of it and hanging down (which was clearly meant to be pulled).

Clint announced the boy's name, Ryan Keever, and his crime, "Ring leader of an attempted sexual assault by 5 males on one defenseless female, as well as forcibly grabbing the woman's arm and attempting to expose her genitalia to him"

The crowd booed the boy, even though most of them all wanted to see Lisa's pussy too. The students were strangely invested in the right and wrong aspect of the stripping punishments now. Either that, or they enjoyed the spectacle of Mr. Clint's presentations. One of the two.

And then, Clint announced his fate "Ryan will now have his own genitals forcibly exposed to the entire school by the woman he attempted to expose, and he will then be photographed and spanked up to five times by all who wish it for the entire hour-long lunch period!"

Ryan looked on in terror, begging "No, please no!" as Lisa walked up to him.

Lisa saw the look of panic in his eyes, and she wanted to milk this moment for all it was worth to make sure that this Ryan kid knew EXACTLY how he had made her feel. She walked directly in front of him, and Ryan was going off endlessly about "I'm sorry, please let me go, please! I wasn't going to hurt you or do anything like THIS to you." but his begging was only making Lisa enjoy herself even more.

Lisa then grabbed a hold of the rope in her left hand, and mocked him "Afraid that I'm about to RIP-" she faked a hard pull, making Ryan jump "-this towel off and show everyone your little cock?"

Ryan got desperate "Please, I'll give you money. I'll give you $100, cash!"

Lisa laughed and then started rubbing and teasing his bare chest with her fingertips. Ryan stopped begging for a second to look at this hot girl who was suddenly rubbing his chest while holding a rope that would render him naked and unable to cover even one tiny inch if she pulled it. Then he noticed that he was getting horny from the contact, and Lisa smiled her evil smile.

She then asked him "Remember when you kept ordering me to move my hand? Well, now it's gonna move!"

With her last warning, she pulled the rope and the towel came flying off with it, exposing Ryan's naked body to everyone! Ryan fought with all of his might but was unable to get either arm free, so he was stuck displayed on the rack like an X with his penis sticking straight out towards the crowd of every girl he knew (and hundreds more). Worse, Lisa's plan had worked and he was fully rock hard by the time the towel was pulled off, allowing every girl there (including Lisa) to get plenty of pictures of the entirety of his naked dick at full size.

Ryan whimpered "Stop! Stop looking at me! Come on! Don't take pictures of me, I'm naked! This isn't fair!"

Lisa got right up on it and took some extreme close-ups worse than she did for the one pole boy since Ryan couldn't move a muscle. She filled the entire frame with Ryan's throbbing penis, capturing such insane HD detail that you could easily use these pictures to identify the boy in a police line-up. His body literally retained no secrets by that point, every centimeter of his dick was photographed from several angles. Finally, at the end Lisa spanked his ass as hard as she could five times in a row. Each spank caused the humiliated boy's penis to bounce upwards for the crowded lunchroom, leading to thunderous laughter.

When Lisa saw the tears coming from Ryan's face, she got a good picture of that too and then left the stage saying "Big boys don't cry...I guess that explains YOU then!"

For the rest of lunch, girls (and even some guys) went up to the 5 boys and messed with them, took their pictures, and spanked them. By the end of the period there were hundreds of pictures of all 5 dicks, from many many angles, and all 5 asses were even redder than the faces of the exposed.

Lisa suddenly felt very good about the new rules and began to think that these shows would teach the many assholes around to behave...or at least to be naked. Lisa didn't really care which.

Lisa's epic first day of school would continue on after lunch, as she would go to Study Hall After Lunch, or SHAL, and would be visited by an old "friend". SHAL is a 15-minute class for doing homework, designed because kids were too hyper after lunch for them to teach well and the old administration gave up and just created a buffer zone for them to cool off.

As she walked in, Lisa was surprised to see Mandy Barker in her class with her. Her and Mandy hated each other, and last year they were both suspended for getting into a fistfight (over a boy). So, of course, as soon as Mandy saw Lisa she laughed and called out "Hey Naked Girl! Not gonna flash us your mosquito-bite tits anymore?"

While Lisa was only a B-Cup, she had much more of a chest than 'mosquito bites', so angrily she responded "Oh whatever, Dog-Face! You would've slept with everyone on stage even with the whole school watching."

Lisa had nicknamed her Dog-Face because of her last name Barker, although in truth both girls were jealous of the others looks (like all girls are).

After the exchange the teacher silenced them and made them work on homework from the previous classes. As the 15-minute SHAL class ended, they both stayed where they were for 5th period and were forced to be quiet through that class as well.

When class was over, Mandy walked over to Lisa and said "I hope you like being on the internet, slut" as she pointed to her phone.

Lisa went white "You took pictures of me??"

Mandy smiled "Hell no, I have a VIDEO of the whole damn thing. And I was in the 4th row, so I got a REAL good look at your skanky body too."

Lisa, in shock, could only get out "Bitch!"

Mandy taunted again "Oh, and I already deleted it off of my phone so don't try to tattle, Naked Girl. But, you already have a couple thousand views on Pornhub and I haven't even told all of the guys in school yet. The losers and fatties who've never seen a real girl will probably jerk off watching it ALL NIGHT LONG!"

As Mandy walked off, Lisa was shivering with dread. She was about to head off and hit her, and the only thing that stopped her was worrying about what kind of twisted punishment she would get for starting a fight. The thought of the entire internet watching a video of her being stripped naked, including having her boobs exposed and being forced to cover over her pussy with her hands for all to see, was making Lisa grow very faint and making her blush a deep red. Before today, no guy had ever seen her boobs. Now, millions of guys worldwide would see them, and many would probably download the video to their computers so that it would last FOREVER! She thought of how many guys were going to jack off to her, and how many times, and it made her simultaneously feel dirty and sexy at the same time. She swore to get back at Mandy somehow, but she had no idea how to do it.

Sixth and 7th periods both went normal, although Lisa was heavily distracted the entire time. She did notice that fewer people were messing with her ever since the Pole of Shame display at lunchtime, but all Lisa could think about was her naked video being on the internet. At this point, all she could do was pray that her hands kept her pussy hidden from the camera (and the world). As long as she kept her pussy covered, she would be able to live with it. That was the one bit of modesty she had left and she clung to that with every fiber of her being.

Finally she made it to 8th period Chemistry II, the last class of the day. As the class was taking its orientation of the lab area, one of the boys got an ingenious idea: Pulling the lever on the emergency shower when Lisa was under it. They were walking around in a single-file line, and the class would have to pass under the gigantic shower one by one. He knew he had to be sneaky with it, because if he got caught it would be HIM on display later. He told one of his friends to go distract the teacher and everyone else, so the friend walked out of line to ask the teacher a question about what chemicals were stored on the back wall. As the teacher turned around to look (and most of the class looked as well), the sneaky boy jerked the cord down to start the shower! Once started, those showers run on their own, and the sound of the shower starting up distracted everyone away from him being near the cord.

As Lisa walked aimlessly in the line, barely paying much attention to what was being said or done, she suddenly heard a loud sound above her. As she looked up, the emergency shower rained down on her hard! The kids behind her and in front of her got wet too, as all of the students under the shower screamed and scattered away. Lisa was drenched from head-to-toe, and after only a second she realized that she was wearing white everything with no underwear! She covered her chest with one hand and her crotch with the other, still screaming. Several boys had seen her nipples clearly through the now see-thru shirt, and some had even seen a blurry dark patch between her legs before she covered up. Lisa just stood there, cold, shivering, and feeling as naked as ever as the class just stared at her. She looked down at her clothes and saw that they were almost completely transparent now.

The teacher yelled out "Who pulled that cord??" but nobody knew.

Lisa couldn't stand to stay still any longer while a class of 30 students, about half of them boys, watched her every move hoping for a slip-up.

"I have to go!" she yelled before running out the door, very aware that she had just flashed them her behind in the process.

Lisa ran out of class into the girl's bathroom and, after checking to make sure that nobody was there, took her arms off of her to see how bad everything showed in the mirror. Sure enough, she could see the shape, color, and even texture of her nipples about as easily as if she was naked. Worse, when she looked down, she could easily see her bush which was darker than normal thanks to being wet. She tried to stand under the hand dryer to dry herself off, but it wasn't working at all. She didn't have a single item of spare clothing left, not even a pair of panties! Right now she would've traded her soaked shirt and shorts for nothing more than a dry pair of panties, just that much, just to keep her lower area covered. She could run around in just panties for the rest of the day if she had to, anything was better than this! Anything was better than flashing her bush to the whole school. But she didn't have any panties, and she was getting desperate. What was she going to do now? She couldn't get her other clothes until after school, which was a full half hour away.

As Lisa's mind ran through tons of possible options (with most of them being impossible ones like hiding forever or running away from school) she was startled by a call from outside the bathroom entrance. Lisa heard the voice of Mr. Clint calling "Lisa, are you in there?"

Lisa was a wreck, and was scared out of her mind of Mr. Clint, but she somehow knew that hiding from him was a bad idea. "...Yes."

Clint called to her again "Mrs. Kareen has informed me of what happened. Your classmates who were soaked are going now to grab towels and a change of clothes, and I've dismissed your class for the day. If you will come out from there, you and I can head to my office for a final discussion and then the return of your own clothing."

Lisa couldn't believe it! The man who was responsible for her being so naked was now coming to her rescue! Again, technically. She gave up on trying to dry her clothes enough to be untransparent again and covered her body with her hands as she walked out of the bathroom. The bathrooms at Fairway don't have doors, just an M-Shaped entryway to make it near-impossible to look into them. Normally Lisa is grateful for this for sanitary reasons, but this time she was glad because it meant that she could keep her hands on her body at all times. As she walked out, she saw Mr. Clint and a few of the other students in the hallway.

"Walk with me to my office, Lisa. I'll keep you safe."

Escorted by her young and handsome (yet incomparably frightening) principal Lisa walked into the office. There was a boy already sitting there who was watching her like a hawk. She recognized him as a boy from her chemistry class she just left. As Mr. Clint closed the door behind them, Lisa stood frozen like a statue still shivering from the combination of the cold and her nervousness.

Clint announced "Ok, first things first, Lisa you could get sick standing there in wet clothes like that."

As Lisa got her hopes up some, Mr. Clint grabbed a white towel and a large white beach towel and then walked over to her. "Lisa, you need to get out of those wet clothes and towel off, and I'm afraid you're going to have to do it here in my office."

Lisa shrieked "WHAT?"

Mr. Clint explained "By state law, the school is not allowed to leave a student unattended after an accident, or in this case a prank, in chemistry class. Chemistry is highly regulated for safety reasons and misconduct could cause permanent damage. There is a risk in many situations that an unsupervised student could pass out when contaminated. Mrs Kareen could actually be fired for letting you run off alone like that actually, even with it just being water. I don't plan on firing her of course, but I will be required to keep unbroken watch over you until your mother arrives to pick you up."

Lisa whimpered "But..."

Clint interrupted "Yes, I know. I will use this large towel to preserve your privacy. You don't have many secrets from me anymore as it is, so I don't believe you have too much to worry about."

"But, make the boy leave first!"

"Actually I have to watch him too since he was also hit with the water. But please don't worry about him for now. Just worry about yourself. It isn't good for you to stand there shivering and potentially falling into hypothermia. You need to change out of those clothes immediately"

Mr. Clint held up the oversized towel to block her from both of their views. His worried tone of voice almost made Lisa feel bad about being so shy, but then she remembered that there was a man and a boy here and the boy especially was probably staring at that towel trying to develop X-Ray vision! She was frozen in fear. Stripping in the middle of the Principal's office with a male classmate 10 feet away was hard, even with her health at risk.

His voice woke her up "Lisa, get on with it. I won't move."

His tone was changing to annoyance, so Lisa decided it was time to hurry and move. She was freezing afterall. Lisa pulled her drenched shirt up and over her body and then covered her chest nervously with her towel. The thought of her stripping topless in a room with guys in it was sending all of her hormones in a tailspin, in both good and bad ways. She dropped the shirt and then started toweling off, keeping her chest covered with part of it at all times. She then quickly toweled off her legs, and then started rubbing her shorts.

Mr. Clint spoke up "Lisa, you need to remove ALL of your wet clothing, not just your shirt. I can hear that you only dropped one item."

Lisa's heart sank "...What?"

"It's ok, just wrap the towel around you when you are done."

Lisa stared at the large white beach towel blocking her from view, and looked all around to make sure that no mirrors or cameras were nearby and that neither guy could see around or through the towel. When things looked clear, she hurriedly yanked down her shorts while keeping her front covered with the towel. She was now standing in the principal's office completely naked from head to toe, with not even a sock on her wet naked body and only two precariously-held towels keeping her from total exposure. This made her blood race, and was really starting to turn her on. 'Why was being forced to be naked turning her on so much?' she wondered. It made no sense. After a second or two she figured out that it felt naughty and sexual to strip naked like this. She wasn't as embarrassed as before because even though they WANTED to see her naked right now, they couldn't. She was hidden even if she was completely naked, and that gave her a sense of safety.

"Mr. Clint!" An old woman opened the door to the office without warning, causing the naked Lisa to scream, jump suddenly, and cover her whole front side with her towel. Lisa in her panic had jumped to the side of Clint's held towel, emerging in front of everyone.

Mr. Clint was startled by the interruption, and turned around to say "I'm busy, I'll talk to you later."

As the woman quickly shut the door again. Lisa was standing frozen, cowering, holding her towel in front of her. It was the only thing left covering her virgin little body. She looked at the boy in his chair, and his eyes were as wide as can be. Lisa then looked at herself and screamed when she saw that her left boob wasn't being covered by the towel in her hands at all! She nervously readjusted the towel to block everything, but she knew that both of them and probably the old woman had all gotten a really good look at her nipple before she moved.

With a bit of guilt, Clint told her "I'm sorry about that, Lisa, but at least you're not freezing anymore. Take a seat"

Mr. Clint draped the large towel over one of the chairs and sat it in front of his desk next to where the boy was sitting. Lisa was left with the normal towel, which wasn't even wrapped around was only being held in the front. Lisa shyly walked to the chair, facing them both at all times and sitting in it without flashing her ass to either man. She sat nervously clutching the towel against her chest with her right arm, and keeping her left arm on the towel in her lap. She knew that the side of her body was exposed to the boy on her side, and she could see in his eyes that the boy was very aware of this too.

Mr. Clint sat in his desk and began "Lisa, Zachery, thank you both for being here. Zachery, you say that you know who pulled the shower cord today?"

"Yes sir"

"And why did you not say anything in class?"

"...Because he would get me back somehow, so you can't tell him that I said anything!"

As Zachery described the boy in question, Lisa remembered the boy being talked about moving around in line a lot ahead of her before it all went down. She agreed with Zach that this boy probably did it.

Mr. Clint sternly declared "Well then, tomorrow I will get to the bottom of this. If he turns out to be the culprit, you will be rewarded with a Special Interest Credit. Thank you, Zachery, you are dismissed. I'm certain you've recovered enough from your water exposure to no longer require supervision."

As Zachery opened the door to leave, Lisa became very self-conscious of her barely-covered nudity once again. Luckily, nobody was in the lobby so Zachery exited without issue. The look on the boy's face told the story of how badly he wanted to stay and keep looking at Lisa, but he wasn't going to risk getting on Clint's bad side.

At least now Lisa figured she was alone with Mr. Clint and he would give her back her clothes...right?

Re: Private School Privates -- Remastered

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2022 2:50 am
by seeker22
I like it

Re: Private School Privates -- Remastered

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2022 5:00 am
by Executionus
seeker22 wrote: Thu Nov 03, 2022 2:50 am I like the remastered version
I have a problem with how it's one sided
Lisa's slit didn't show
Yet you have Ryan fully displayed and dick bouncing
That's one sided
I feel continue this
Need more full female nudity
Literally the entire plot of the First Day revolves around Lisa's constant efforts to keep her slit from showing, despite various different attempts to see it from people all school day. The struggle is the whole hook. The naked boys were just background characters.

There is a lot more explicit and intense female nudity in the Month's End second saga. The First Day is just centered on Lisa herself.

In any event, my stories are significantly less one-sided about nudity than most stories are.

Re: Private School Privates -- Remastered

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2022 1:13 pm
by seeker22
Then I await the months end saga remastered

Private School Privates -- Update

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2022 11:20 pm
by Executionus

My computer repair guy, who disappeared for a week and had his phone off, has finally gotten back to me. Turns out he left the state without telling me and won't be back until Tuesday. You can imagine my enthusiasm level related to having my computer in the shop for two full weeks before I get it back.

Barring any more nonsense, I should be able to continue this story that day. I had most of the story written down already aside from the last part and some basic adjustments.