Lost bet
Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2022 8:35 pm
Hello everyone my names is lilly I've been coming on this site for a while now enjoying reading about everybody's humiliation maybe a little to much.
I have now signed up to the site but not of my own choosing. Allow me to explain my friend Amy is the only person who knows I like stories about ppl being humilated especially other girls. She's always teased me about it calling me a perv.
Well recently I lost a bet to Amy and as my forfeit for losing She's said I have to write to you all and ask what my forfeit should be. I will then have to right up my humilation on here. She said its karma and that ppl should get to perv about my humilation so I know how it feels.
I'm suppose to tell you that my forfeit can last the whole of this weekend and that i have to show Amy all of your suggestions and she will pick the best/worst one. You have till Friday to give me your suggestions of what my forfeit will be.
I would ask you all to go easy on my but if I'm being honest if I was given the power to humilate any you I would jump at the chance I would not hold back but I'm hoping you all are alot nicer than me.
Or maybe thats just me being naive.
I have to complete what ever forfeit Amy picks without question.
Why did I Make this stupid bet.
I'm sure I'll be hearing from you all soon
I posted this originally on the true stories section but then Amy had a fought who better to come up with some truly creative forfeits thatn all of you fantasy pervs out there (her words not mine)
I have now signed up to the site but not of my own choosing. Allow me to explain my friend Amy is the only person who knows I like stories about ppl being humilated especially other girls. She's always teased me about it calling me a perv.
Well recently I lost a bet to Amy and as my forfeit for losing She's said I have to write to you all and ask what my forfeit should be. I will then have to right up my humilation on here. She said its karma and that ppl should get to perv about my humilation so I know how it feels.
I'm suppose to tell you that my forfeit can last the whole of this weekend and that i have to show Amy all of your suggestions and she will pick the best/worst one. You have till Friday to give me your suggestions of what my forfeit will be.
I would ask you all to go easy on my but if I'm being honest if I was given the power to humilate any you I would jump at the chance I would not hold back but I'm hoping you all are alot nicer than me.
Or maybe thats just me being naive.
I have to complete what ever forfeit Amy picks without question.
Why did I Make this stupid bet.
I'm sure I'll be hearing from you all soon
I posted this originally on the true stories section but then Amy had a fought who better to come up with some truly creative forfeits thatn all of you fantasy pervs out there (her words not mine)