Young Nurses and Embarrassed Patient by SwimKid
Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2022 7:47 pm
SwimKid wrote: Young Nurses and Embarrassed Patient by SwimKid
I had been invited to go to Tina's house. She was an all-life friend of mine. Alongside me Oli and Chris would go.
I presented up to my 13 year old friend's doorstep, rang the bell and saw the tall, brunette and cute Tina answer the door.
She lead me to her playroom/garage thingy. It was basicly a room where she hung out with friend without being bothered by anyone. Once there I saw the tall blonde Oli looking at me funny. She had a mix of emotions in her face, I could tell she was happy, but she was also ready to break some rules.
We all sat in a couch to talk. Something that caught my eye in the couch is how it was basicly a wooden chair with a smooth cover up, but at the edges, mostly at the upper edge you could clearly see the wooden planks. They had a separation in between, oddly enough that separation was right where I was sitting. I gussed my OCD was just messing with me and I stopped paying atention to it while we talked.
After minutes and minutes of talking, I realized Chris hadnt arrived yet. It seemed odd, but I just let it slide as he could've (And knowing how he is, probably) forgoten that he was invited to Tina's house. But even though I didnt care, I couldnt help to ask:
-So, is Chris even coming?
-I mean he was inveted -Replied Tina- But he didnt show up as you can probably tell.
-It isnt the same without him -Said Oli- Maybe we should do dares to waste time and see if he shows up.
-Hmmm, Dares like what? -I replied, playing Dares seemed fun.
-Well, you know how if you pass your hands in the opening of the while sitting you cant get them back without disarming the upper wooden bar?
-Thats BS -I replied- Im sure I could get them back really easily.
-Well, then do it -Oli Said.
-Yaeh. I dare you. -Tina continued.
So, like absolutely no other sane person would do I got my hands together, as in a clap, passed them over my head and into the opening of the planks. Much like the girls said my hands were stuck, but not because of the planks, but because Oli was holding them for her dear life while Tina tied them up.
-Wait wait, what the heck are you doing? -I asked.
-Shhhh, you dont want to be gagged, dont you? -Oli said.
I was getting kinda scared, the girls werent taking this as a joke. Or at least not like a joke I'd have fun with. Lots of posibilities went through my mind, and none of them seemed pleasant.
After a few minutes of tying, the girls had secured my hands over my head through the gap. So I was securely tied up sitting on this couch with my fate at the hands of my two friends, who I was sure would become two tormentors.
Tina and Oli stood in front of me, with an evil grin on their faces, proud of their tie up work. After a few seconds of akward staring, Tina broke the silence:
-So, as you can see, you are not getting out of this one unless we let you, so you better cooperate
-W...What are you going to do to me?
-Well, we wanted to play nurses... and we know you wont talk about this will you? -Oli replied while giggling. It wasnt a cute giggle, it was more of a "Nothing good is coming out of this for you" giggle.
At this point I was genuinely scared of what they could do. They were girls of my age, curious and they had me at their mercy. I evaluated my posibilities while the girls chatted about my near future.
I couldnt run, I was tied. I couldnt untie myself, I had my palms tied together and I couldnt even move my fingers. I couldnt stop them from doing whatever they wanted to do.
I gave up trying and saw as the girls put on a fake Nurse suit and saw them left the room. A few minutes later they came back with a bag full of stuff.
-So, patient SwimKid, are you ready for your inspection? -Said Tina in a mix of taunts and laughter- Before you replay there are a few rules you have to follow if you dont want us to show everyone some pics we will take... And those rules are; Dont speak unless we tell you, dont struggle, and you MUST call us Nurse Oli and Nurse tina.
-Do you agree with those rules patient SwimKid?
-Yes, Oli, I do.
I Inmediatly realized my mistake, but it was too late.
-You didnt listen did you? -Said Tina, who got behind me and tightened the knots, causing me a fair bit of pain.
-Yes, Nurse Oli, I do -I corrected myself before anything worse would happen.
-Good boy -Said tina and she pet me. As if I was her dog. What the quak?- Well, Nurse Oli, I think we should start by inspecting the stomach area, what do you think?
-I think its a great choice nurse Tina.
The girls aproached me and quickly grabbed the lower part of my shirt, pulled it up and gripped it to the backside of my head so it acted like a perfect blindfold. I didnt enjoy the experience, but it wasnt so terrible, both girls had seen me without my shirt multiple times. But thats when it started to go bad.
Right after pulling my shirt over my head the two young nurses started unzipping my Jeans. I kicked and struggled as an act of reflex. I'd messed up, one of the rules was no struggling.
-Well patient, dont you remember about the rules we set?
-Yes I do, Nurse Tina.
-Then why did you struggle?
-It was an act of reflex, Nurse Oli.
-Well, one more act of reflex and we will post embarassing pictures of you online.
-You dont have such pictures Nurse Tina.
Well patient, you are tied up, theres nothing stopping us from getting them. Now if you let us continue with the inspection, we want to make sure you are safe.
Wasting no time after saying that Tine and Oli got back to undoing my pants. Agaisnt every bone in my body I didnt move while the two girls performed an act that would terribly embarass me. Having pics leaked online would be far worse than just them seeing it.
After roughly 10 seconds of trying the two girls managed to unzip my pants and take my belt off. Then it was when the real nightmare started. Both nurses played arround my waist, grabbing the tip of my jeans, pulling it up, down, moving it and generally jsut being a terrible tease. That felt terrible. If they were going to take my pants off of me, why wouldnt they just do it? Maybe they were just messing with me. They probably wouldnt take them off and this was jsut some kind of sick prank.
That thought garanted me a second of relief, followed by many seconds of terror as I felt four little hands pulling down my pants. Slowly but surely Tina and Oli were taking my pants away from me revealing my black boxers.
The room was soon full of giggles from the two girls, and soon enough my face was bright red. Good thing they couldnt see it because of the shirt. But that was the only good thing about the Tee. Not being abble to see what was going to happen made my embarassment much worse.
As if being seen in just my underwear by two girls my age wasn bad enough, I heard the clicking of a camera. In fact, it sounded a lot like the camera in my phone. This was terribly embarassing, but at least they'd stop there. Right?
-Well patient SwimKid -Started Tina with a severe voice tone- The idea of this medical chek is to see if you were a host of the virus "Littlus Willus" It affects the genitalia, causing it to be smaller than usual.
I did NOT like where this was going
-The idea of this inspection was for us to see if you were afected via the "bag" formed in your underwear -She continued, but this time giggling a bit. Her phrases were also more paused in between, probably because she was smiling while telling me this- But since you wore such a dark and not revealing underwear, we are going to have to do a full body inspection. No clothes would be allowed in such inspection.
After saying that with a not very succesful serious voice, the two girls burst out in laughter for a few seconds. Then Oli complemented what tina said:
-And if you ARE a host of the "Littus Willus", we are going to have to use some of our nurse magic to treat it.
-Exactly. Are you ready to be checked patient SwimKid?
-No! Please dont strip me Nurse Tina and Nurse Oli! -I begged.
-Sorry Swikkid, but this is for YOUR safety -Tine said with a dumb laugh after- If only you had wore a lighter colour, or briefs you wouldnt have to pass through this part of the exam... Let this be a lesson when we have to do your next check.
-And now, for the moment we've all been waiting for -Said oli.
And after those words my fate was sealed. she grabbed my underwear and yanked it down to my knees in one quick pull. The girls bursted out in laughter and I was beyond humilliated.
My privacy had been completly exposed to these girls of my age, who had complete control over me. I tried crossing my legs and covering the best I could, but the damage was done. They'd seen it and probably they'd taken a picture with wich they'd blackmail me.
-No covering patient Swimkid -Said tina still laughing between words.- We see you are a host of the Littlus Willus virus, we have to treat it.
I heard her words, but I didnt move a muscle, I wanted them to see as little as possible. Yet this didnt stop the two curious 13 year olds from grabbing a leg each and spreading them. After a few more minutes of laughter they secured both of my legs to each of the Sofa's legs leaving me no way to cover myself.
This was terrible. I was on full view of the two young nurses. I heard the camera and saw the flash through the shirt.
-Well, you can defenetly tell he is a host of the virus -Tina taunted me- I swear anyone with 4 less years would have 4 more centmetres down there.
This was, sadly, true. I was a lat developer and had just started growing up some pubes in the crotch area. My penis hadnt even started developing, so I was still almost as small as a child. That combined with the full on exposure felt terrible. I was mortified and wanted earth to eat me.
-Well, its time to treat it now -Said Oli- Do you remember the procedement, Nurse Tina?
-It was hot, then cold, then dry, right Nurse Oli?
I didnt know what they were talking about, but it sure didnt sound pleaseant.
-Exactly, do you want to do the honours Nurse Tina?
-Of course.
I heard Tine walk off where I was to where I assumed the bag was and grab something. A few weird sounds and a few seconds later I felt some kind of cream being rubbed in my crotch area by two hands covered in latex gloves. The cream didnt feel bad, and the female contact in my crotch area soon made me grow as big as I could in an erection.
There was more laughter from the girls while Tina kept on rubbing cream all over my nowly erect cock. While she did this Oli taunted me:
-If thats as big as it gets with a stiffy you should be thankful we are treating you for free patient swimkid, thats one small willy you have right there.
Any humilliation that might've dissapeard ebcause I was gteting comfortable grew back on me. That comment made me realize that I was tied up, naked at the mercy of the two girls. I lost any confidence that I'd gained and blushed bright red again.
-Alright, the cream should do its effect in a few minutes -Said Tina after she stopped rubbing my crotch area with it.- So we should just wait and see how our patient reacts.
Wait, waht? The cream has an effect? What were they talking about? Guess I had to wait just like them.
About five minutes later I started to feel the effect of the cream. It made my private parts feel as if they were burning, yet I knew they werent in trouble. I started to yell out a big and shake the best I could in my bonds to try and take the cream off, but it was too late, my skin had absorbed most of it.
The two girls seemed to enjoy my humilliation, since all I heard from them were their laugher. Thats until I heard Tina say:
-Shhhh patient, dont scream, or we'll have to gag you.
I tried my best to keep my mouth shut, but my crotch area felt too hot to be controled that easily, so after a few more minutes of the girls laughing and looking at me with amusement, I saw Tina's face pop up when she took off my shirt and stuffed something into my mouth, which was then closed with a piecde of duct tape.
-Alright, now its when the cold part comes in. Nurse Oli, please do us the favour -Said Tina.
I saw Oli go out the room and quickly come back carrying a bottle of iced water. She got to the sofa where I was and with an evil smile on her face placed the bottle on my face, teasing me. I could feel how cold it was. Then, she started opening and once it was well open, she started to pour in all over my cock and balls.
I, again tried to shake the cold off, but my bonds restricted me too much of my movement, so I had to sit there as the two young nurses poured iced water where I was feeling a hot burn.
When the iced water finished, so did my erection. Any sign of grow had dissapeard, the cold water had shrinked my willy even smaller than it already was.
-See, if we didnt give you his free treatment, you'd stay with a little willy your whole life.
We'll see you next week for the final results of our treatment patient SwimKid -Said Tina.
She then proceded to throw to me all of my clothing except my underwear, which she showed me and said:
-Im keeping this as a souvenir.
I was untied by thre two young laides of my age and then practicly thrown out of Tina's house, where I rushed to get dressed and call my mother to pick me up. Needless to say I'd already recived a text that read "If you tell anyone about this we will leak the pics online patient. We'll see you next week, remember."
With that I end part 1. Part 2 will be coming soon, and you bet I have a fun idea for it.
I'd also love to know if y'all enjoy this harmless pain I create in my sotires, in this case the "Treatment". I personally enjoy writing it, but I cant help but feel I go a bit overboard when I do it. Any feedback on that is highly apritiated.
Finally, I have to say THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! All the kind words my "Cup of Tea Daughters" and "Walk of Shame" recived are incredible to me, and they only make me want to write more and more.
With that said, Take care. -sK out.
Writer wrote: revenge? by Writer
I think it will be cool if you somehow got revenge on them
Yuri-San wrote: *Claps* by Yuri-San
I got to admit that guy sure is gullible but to have the luck to be seen an touched that way in a frequent basis. He is one lucky boy. Keep up your stories man. Your doing a good job.
Jeepman89 wrote: Great! by Jeepman89
Great story as usual! More please.
SwimKid wrote: PART 2 by SwimKid
The week had gone by, really, really quickly, and that meant that I had to meet Tina and Oli again.
I knocked on Tina's door and the two cute 13 year old girls opened the door already smiling. I was lead to the play room, garage, whatever. Just the place where they could do what they wanted without anyone messing with them.
But much to my horror when the door opened I saw two more of my classmates standing there. Carol and Angie were in the room looking at me, giggling and mumbling things to each other.
-So, as you can see patient SwimKid, some other nurses were curious about your desiese, so I was more than inclined to invite them -Said Tina- Now, wasting no more time, lets start with the checking. Are you ready?
-No Nurse Tina, Do Carol and Angie have to be here?
-Yes patient SwimKid. And please, they are also nurses.
-Now, lets start -Said Carol.
-Okay, Patient, please stand up in the chair.
I had no choice, so I walked to a chair placed in the middlt of the room and stood up on it.
-Okay, now remove all unnecesary clothing please.
I slowly took off my shirt revealing my bare chest and hesitated when it came to taking off my pants, but I ended up doing so. I pulled them down showing the grey briefs I'd chosen to wore this time arround. As expected the girls laughed at the sight of a boy who was at their control I am sure my face was bright red at the moment.
-So he really does have to do everything you tell him to! -Said Caroline happy and amazed.
-Yes, and if he knows whats best for him he should also do what you say too. But now lets get into the inspection.
The four "Nurses" took delight staring at my crotch area. This was terribly embarassing for me. Having my private areas inspected by four girls of my age was really bad, and as if that wasnt enough, I had to do what they said if I didnt want the whole school to see the pictures.
-As we can see by the LITTLE tent formed in our patient's underwear, the treatment hasnt worked yet. -Said Tina- Nurse Oli and I have run out of knowledge in this disese, but maybe you too have some other kind of medicine.
Oh god, please no more treatments. Last time It was terrible. I wanted to scream for them not to do anything, but one of the rules was no talking.
-Hmmm, What do you say Nurse Angie? -Asked Carol.
-Well, Nurse Ca, I think that for optimum results we should inspect our patient in a better way.
-You heard her patient SwimKid -Said Angie- Please strip for examination purposes.
I hesitated at first, but when Angie said:
-We are waiting patient, you dont want the pics Nurse Tina and Nurse Oli talked about leaked, do you?
And with that words my fate was sealed. Agaisnt every muscle in my body I started to slowly remove my grey briefs. Inch by inch they went down and when they revealed my cock and balls the four nurses cheered and laughed. I continued to take them off and I had to hand them to Tina, just like my other clothes. I covered myself the best I could using both of my hands to form a cup and placing it over my private area, but soon enough Angie said:
-Patient Swimkid, we cant inspect if you cover.
Much agaisnt my wishes I had to move my hands. So there I was, fully naked, at view of four girls of my age who were staring at my crotch area. It couldnt get worse. I was terribly humilliated. I wanted earth to eat me.
Angie and Carol curiously started at my penis before giving it some tugs and strokes. I tried to stop, but I couldnt help it. I got a stiff in front of the four girls.
Another rush of humilliation hit me. I looked down to not make eye contact and tried as best I could to not cover. I blushed, but the two hot girls didnt give up until I was fully up and fully embarassed.
-Hmmm, it defenetly is small -Said Angie smiling- But did you consider he isnt a host of the smallus willus?
-We didnt even think of that -Said Oli- How can we check Nurse Angie?
-I'm sure Nurse Carol has something in mind.
-Exactly -Said Carol- To check if he is only small and doesnt have the virus we have to see him ejaculate.
I froze in fear. Being naked in front of them wasnt enough?! I'd have to cum in front of them too? That was beyond mortifying. I wanted earth to eat me. It would've been so much better than this situation. And if the embarassment wasnt bad enough, the feeling of impotence was also burning in me. I couldnt stop them from geting what they wanted from me. They had the pics, so they had my will.
-Well patient SwimKid, you heard Nurse Carol -Said Tina- Get us a good show.
That comment was followed by phones being taken out and a cloud of laughter.
So I had to do it. There was no other option. I grabbed my friend and started stroking. soon I'd gotten another hard on in front of the girls. I was trying my damn hardest to not moan or do anything to embarass myself even more and so far I'd been working.
-Faster! Faster! Faster! -Cheered the crowd.
I did not listen to them. I wanted to postone the unevitable as much as I could. So slowly but surely I kept on stroking in front of the young nurses.
That is untill I felt a WHACK! And a sudden pain behind. I saw Tina with my belt behind me.
-We told you to go faster and you didnt.
WHACK! Another hit that took me by surprise.
-Did we tell you to stop? Now go on and faster as we told you. O more spanks will go your way patient SwimKid.
Much to my horror I kept on masturbating for the girl's delight, but now faster. I was getting close to finishing, and I really REALLY didnt want them to see. I'd the be the worst possible humilliation.
But I had to keep on going, or else the pics would've been leaked. I stroked and stroked. Up and down up and down until, closing my eyes I let out a string of cum in the girls direction.
I profusely blushed and the girls burtsted out in laughter.
-Well, Patient SwimKid -Carol Stated- It seems like you are NOT a host of the smallus willus. You just have a really small willy.
There were more laughter and more embarassment, but luckily it was over. And just like the other time, I was almost pushed out of Tina's house where I rushed to get dressed again. And of course, on my phone there was a text that read: "If you tell ANYONE about this we WILL post the videos and pics."