SwimKid wrote: Camp Logjam: The REVENGE by SwimKid
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hey, This is a revenge as you can tell by the tittle. I know about the "Post stories in parts as replies" But I consider this more of another story with the same characters. A continuation I'd consider if I took up right when I left in the other story (LogJam Camp) Thats all. If you want me to put it as a reply leave a comment and I'll do it. Have fun reading -Sk.
I'd waited untill the very end of the camp for my revenge. Planning and calculating every single posibility. It was a flawless plan to get Jane naked and humilliated.
In a very movie like fashion I decided to tie her up when she was sleeping, exactly what she had donde to me. Once this was done I started to poke her. In her breasts, in her tummy, in her face, all over her body. A few pokes and she'd woken up.
She started to freak out at the sight of being tied up by probably the best revenge-seeker she'd meet on her life. Jane started screaming and trying to kick the best she could with her legs tied up, but a quick gag solved that problem
-So, you arent as bad when you are tied up, huh? -I asked mocking Jane- Also, dont even bother trying to call for help, the three girls know this is happening and agrered to not help you. -That was a complete lie I'd jsut made up, but It seemed to have the effect I desired, all hope she had was completly lost.
-You are probably wondering what am I going to do to you to have my revenge. Well, Im going to do a couple of this, but lets start by the basics.
I playfully moved my hands towards the bottom of her shirt and slowly started pullin it up. When it was half way there I stopped and moved my hands from her chest, almost from her breasts slowly feeling her to the waistband of her shorts. I pulled those out without hesitation. Her face turned bright red when I did this. She was caught completly off guard. Im sure that if she hadnt been gagged she'd be begging me to stop.
Jane was wearing a boring pink panty, but it served for my purposes.
I got back to the shirt
-Should I take it out? Or should I let you have it?
She started muffling having the tiniest amount of hope.
-Nah, you wont have it, It'd be boring.
I continued to take her white shirt out revealing a pair of small a-cup breasts covered by a matching boring pink bra. The bra was far more revealing than her panty though, it hid a lot less of her small brests, so I decided to taunt her, like she had done to me:
-Well oh well, I see there was a lot of stuffing going on last time we met, huh, those look like mosquito bites more than boobs, but dont worry, every one in the camp will love them when they see them.
The face she showed was worthless. Pure fear mixed with a ton of embarassment. Exactly what I wanted.
I untied her hands from the bed while tighly holding them together to tie them like that. I then did the same with her feet, only that I left a small ammount of space in the rope so she could slowly walk. Once the new knots weresecured I started to walk her out of her cabin.
Jane didnt seem to give up and pushed back as hard as she could, but she was very slim and really light, so I had no trouble forcing her to walk. Plus I added:
-If you dont want to be seen by the whole camp like this you better co-operate.
She gave up trying to resist and followed me to the backside of a Cabin. Not any cabin, but the "Popular boys" cabin. Behind this cabin there was a big, strong and old tree where I tied her up. I pushed her arms over a branch of the tree and re-tied the knot there. The branch was just high enough she wasnt touching the ground, so as long as I kept her feet tied together there was no chance she could scape.
She was at my mercy. I got behind her and took off her bra. She muffled a bit, but I couldnt understand what she was saying. Wasting no tme, I got on my knees and pulled her panty down to her knees. I couldnt take it without ripping it, but she couldnt scape nor move her amrs, so it was perfect that way.
Once she was completly naked I want to the "front" of where I'd tied her up. I admired my work.
I had the blonde 14 year old tied up totally naked, her small a-cup breasts were showing with hard nipples, you could see ad bit of her pink pussy even though she was trying really hard to cover it all.
-I see you are enjoying this, your little nipples are rock hard
She muffled something, but I didnt care. Nothing she said would change my opinion. I went on with the plan and grabbed a plastic bar filled with ice. It was really cold. With said bar I started to touch her boobs, move her nipples from one side to the other and other various things to get her excited. She was shaking due to the cold every time I touched her, but she was almso letting some small loans.
-I see you are enjoying this, arent you?
After a while of teasing I spread her legs with one hand and with the other shoved the cold plastic right up her pussy.
She started to uncontrolably shake as I'd previewed, but there was no way she was getting the iced plastic out of her.
-Well, if you like this so much to moan that much I'll just call the rest of the camp. And when whoever is in charge asks you you will not say it was me, or I'll do this again, but worse. We go to the same school, so you wont be abble to hide.
She was terryfied. and I was laughing.
I want cabin by cabin and left a small note that said "When you wake up go behind Tom's cabin. Jane is hosting a strip show Im sure you'll enjoy"
Soon after a small crowd of horny teenager boys and jeleous girls was formed arround Jane's tree. When Beth and Camm showed did jsut as the rest of the spectators and took pictures while laughing. That'd gone better than expected! I thought they were going to help her, but they didnt. I considered my revenge done and quickly ran to hide as the first members of the staff came to see what was going on.
Revenge had been taken. It was a good day.
Camp Logjam: The REVENGE by SwimKid
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Camp Logjam: The REVENGE by SwimKid
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