First Day in High School by victor
Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2022 7:32 pm
victor wrote: First Day in High School by victor
Victor was proud as he entered the parking lot at school. He had just turned fourteen the week before and today was not only the first day of school, it was his first day in High School. Today he was no longer a little boy, he felt himself a man or, at least, a bona fide teenager. But those good feelings were about to disappear.
As Victor paused by the chain link fence bordering the parking lot he was grabbed from behind by several senior class girls who immobilized him while one of the girls stuffed something in his mouth to gag him and slipped a blindfold over his eyes. Victor was tightly held with his hands behind his back; as well he could not see his assailants nor shout for help. He was at their mercy; but mercy was one thing they would not show him.
There were half a dozen girls older, stronger and bigger than Victor who now dragged the poor lad to the fencing facing the street. Three of the girls ran out on to the sidewalk to shield their actions from anyone passing by. On the other side of the fence, three more kept their deeds hidden as well.
It must have been planned in advance for it had taken less than a minute or two to complete. Victor was shoved against the fence, face outward towards the street. Several hands grabbed at his clothing and, pulling his arms up and lifting his legs to remove shirt and footwear, the girls removed his shirt, undershirt, shoes and socks in half a minute.
Barefoot and bare chested, Victor's arms were stretched on high and his wrists were tied to the fence wire with one of his shoelaces. That allowed the girls to quickly remove his pants and underpants. He was buck naked, blindfolded, gagged and bound.
The other shoelace was then used to bind his ankles together and secure them to the bottommost fencing. His humiliation did not end there. No students or school staff could see Victor's dilemma because of the three tall girls hiding him. No one on the street could see what was going on either. So, with total privacy, the girls could take their time as they had their mischievous and naughty way with the hapless freshman.
One of the senior girls on the street side of the fence pulled out a thick rubber band and, pulling Victor's cock and balls through the fence, proceeded to stroke the lad to erection and then double-wrap the rubber band around his balls and cock shaft. On the other side of the fence, a girl looped Victor's leather belt through the fence and was secured tightly around the lad's waist. In this way, Victor was bound to the fence with is cock and balls prominently jutting out and he would be so secured as to not be able to move backwards. His arms up, his legs together, his cock and balls on full display and his bare ass was ready for spanking.
The girls on the street side worked on his cock, stroking it to a frustrating near climax. They also flicked their fingers on his balls to counter his genital pleasure with genital pain. Only muffled screams came from his mouth which was well gagged, it turned out, with the soiled panties of one of the girls. Her panties bore girl cum stains and a sweet-sex aroma because one of the girls had been wearing them while fingering her pussy before using the panties as a gag for the hapless freshman boy.
Inside the fencing the three girls there took turns whacking Victor's butt with paperback books. They chatted loudly as they did this to drown out the sound of Victor's paddling. They took their time and did not stop until his buttock cheeks were shining red.
The bell rang. The girls on the street side stopped their testicular torment, but not without one last ball squeezing, and ran to class. On the inside of the fence, the three girls there also took off but not before pulling the blindfold off Victor's eyes to further his humiliation as now students rushing in as well as those already on the school grounds could see him in all his naked, erect, spanked and bound glory.
It took just a minute to free himself, now that he wasn't being held by those girls and only tied with his laces and belt. But that was more than enough time for everyone to see his predicament and laugh at him as well as plenty of time for his assailants to get away scot-free.
He worked his chaffed wrists free first, then unbuckled the belt at his waist managed to kick his feet free from his lace binding. But he could not manage to undo the cock-ball ring of rubber. He would have to cut that later.
So, naked and with an embarrassing hard-on, Victor finally removed the cloth gag from his mouth. The panties were especially frilly and feminine. They were the only piece of clothing Victor now had as his assailants had absconded with all his clothes.
He had no choice, really. He put the panties on and went to class. The frilly panties were all the more embarrassing by the fact that they were tenting.
victor wrote: First Day of High School part 2 by victor
Victor walked down the hallway barefoot and, except for the frilly panties around his waist, bare-bodied. The only other ornament he wore was the thick rubber band secured around his balls and still hard cock. His manhood tented his panties obscenely.
Of course, he was blushing as he entered his homeroom and was greeted by gawks, giggles and guffaws. He had escaped derision and public humiliation in the hallway only because students were already in their classrooms. Now he felt the utter shame from his schoolyard stripping, bondage and spanking return with a vengeance.
Miss Risson, his teacher who was in her early thirties, cocked her head and smirked, " Young man, you can't come into my classroom dressed like that; we have rules, you know."
"Sorry, Miss," stuttered Victor trying to explain," You see, it's not my fault..."
"Good Lord, " cried Miss Risson, "Not another little boy who can't take responsibility for his actions! You are in high school now, boy. Time to man up."
Victor was stunned into silence as his teacher called upon one of the girls in the class to escort 'this young show-off' to the principal's office where his lack of proper attire would be addressed.
"Not another word, young man," shouted Miss Risson as Victor once more tried to protest. " And Mandy, you may stay to assist if Mr. Flogger needs any help in sorting this out."
"Yes, Miss Risson" replied Mandy who was giggling as she took Victor by the hand and led him out the door.
They did not have to wait long in the office. As soon as Principal Flogger finished the morning announcement on the PA, he ushered Victor and his escort into his office where he demanded to know what the problem was.
Victor was taken aback. Was it not obvious what the problem was? Still, he took this opportunity to tell about everything which happened to him that morning: being grabbed from behind, blindfolded, gagged, stripped, spanked humiliated in a delicate area. Victor blushed deeply as he described what the girls had done in securing his genitals with a rubber band and 'stimulating' him against his will.
"And the final humiliation," Victor concluded, " was that they ran off with all my clothes leaving me only these panties they'd gagged me with to wear."
The principal was shaking his head in disbelief as Victor told his story of woe. Mandy, standing behind Victor, had been smirking and shaking her head too as if to say "What a whopper!"
At last, Mr. Flogger buzzed his intercom and asked his secretary if there had been any reports from either students or the three staff on monitoring duty this morning as to untoward shenanigans.
The secretary replied that only a minor scuffle among some senior boys had broken out just after the opening bell. All three staff had to break it up but nothing else unusual had been reported.
"Thank you, Miss Dresser," replied Flogger who then turned to Victor. " And can you describe these female assailants, young man?"
"Of course not," cried an exasperated Victor, " I was stuck on the fence and by the time I loosened my ties and got my blindfold off they had all disappeared."
"There were no reports from students and, as you just heard, the only event in the schoolyard with three staff monitoring was a scuffle. Also," smiled Flogger, " If you were blindfolded and could see nothing, how do you know it was girls who attacked you?"
"I could sort of ... well, ummm. you know...they smelled like girls" replied a sheepish Victor. " And their hands were soft, not like a guy's hands would be."
The principal did not look amused and furrowed his brow and his tone changed and became much harsher. "You are in the presence of a young girl, mister! Are you so insensitive as to not care if you are embarrassing her with this outlandish lie of yours?"
"But it's true, sir" Victor blubbered.
"Make him prove it, sir." said Mandy whose smirk was growing into a grin behind Victor's back. "He said his boy-parts were wrapped up in a rubber band. Let's see if that's still the case."
"Right!" shouted Flogger, " Drop your panties, boy. Let's see if you are lying or not."
Victor felt he was trapped and conned into yet another humiliating moment. But he's go through with this if it meant proving his story was true. He quickly yanked his panties down to just past his butt cheeks."
"There!" he declared, " You can see for yourself I'm telling the truth. Now, please, could you get this rubber band off me; it's very uncomfortable. And may I have some clothes to wear?" He thought he had verified his story and expected to regain his dignity. He was wrong on both counts.
"You know, sir," smiled Mandy, " he could have put that band on himself before putting on his sister's panties this morning. Then made up a story about being attacked in the schoolyard."
"I don't even have a sister." cried a desperate Victor.
"Then where did you get those panties, young man?" That was Flogger who clearly did not believe the lad's story. " This is a grave allegation you've made and have not a shred of evidence to back it up. I think a more plausible explanation is that you are in denial."
"I'm not denying anything!" said Victor. " In fact I'm telling you everything!"
"Telling a story, more like." said Mandy. " It's a real cock and ball story, too."
"The point is," continued Flogger, " There are two issues here: first and most gravely, your false accusations against a party unknown, unnamed or, most likely, totally imaginary. I think Mandy's theory is correct; you came to school as you are. Further, I think you are struggling with sexual identity and are in denial ( thus the fake story of being stripped and bound. )
"But I..." Victor was at a loss for words. Also he was beginning to doubt his own motivations, or at least his sexual response to the attack this morning. He had definitely been humiliated, and yet he somehow was thrilled by what had happened.
"No buts, young man," said Flogger, "It's not that unusual in a boy your age to wonder and experiment with sexual feelings. I am not judging you. In fact, the Gay/Lesbian/Transgender/transvestite/transsexual policies from the School Board not only allow, but even encourage displays of sexual identity in boys and girls over the age of 14."
"But I'm straight as an arrow," cried Victor.
"I can see your arrow's pretty straight, all right." smirked Mandy who continued to ogle Victor's still bound and erect penis.
The principal caught her drift and, thinking she was embarrassed by the sight of the lad's raging hard-on, quickly reached into his desk drawer and pulled out a small pair of scissors. He then asked Mandy to assist by holding Victor's penis with one hand while pushing the boy's balls with her other hand so that he ( Flogger ) could snip the rubber band and thus free the lad's family jewels from their case. This Mandy did gleefully; so much so that her fingers were smeared with Victor's pre-cum which, when Flogger's back was turned, she sniffed, smiled and rolled her eyes.
"Now," continued Flogger, " the other issue is your inappropriate attire. As I mentioned, sexual tendencies are your business and if you want to wear girl panties that's okay as long as it's not too revealing as a thong would be. BUT! We have standards here. A sort of ' No Shirt / No Shoes / No Service' rule. So the panties are okay but you must cover your top and not be barefoot."
"Well, I'd be happy to comply with that rule, sir. But as I said, those girls stole all my clothes. So if you have spare clothing for me, I'd be happy to get dressed right now."
"Not so fast, young man." Flogger interrupted. " I've already determined your story was fake. Therefore, you must be trans-something. Mandy, be a sweetheart and see if there's anything in the Lost-and-Found box by the secretary's desk that we might give Victor to cover his top and shod his feet. Thank you."
Victor continued to stand with his panties at his ankles while Mandy sought for a top and shoes for him. The principal had insisted the lad remain naked and standing with his hands atop his head until Mandy's return. He told Victor it had to do with addressing the second issue of improper attire.
Mandy returned in five minutes with a training bra and a pair of flip-flops.
"This was all that was in the lost-and-found, sir " lied the 14 year-old minx. " But I guess it's appropriate to his sexual orientation, whatever that might be, and the bra does match the panties."
"Well done, Mandy," complimented Flogger. " Victor, you may wear these after your punishment. No, don't interrupt me, young man. You have to cover your nipples and it's unsanitary to go barefoot here. So when you leave this office you will spend the day in your panties, bra and flip-flops. Think of this incident as a good time to come out of the closet, whatever clothing or lack of clothes are in that closet. Your high school experience can be a trans-formative time if you have the balls for it."
Mandy smiled at the principal's choice of words.
"But you broke dress code and must be punished, boy. I think 20 smacks with these flip-flops on your bare butt would be fitting. Mandy here will administer your discipline while I go for my morning coffee break."
And out the door he went leaving Victor to his fate. Mandy's voice changed and the smirk became a grin as soon as the two were alone.
"Step out of your panties, boy" she snarled as she gave Victor a swift slap across her bare butt. " Victor did as he was told and Mandy smiled.
"You will get 20 smacks on each butt cheek with one flip-flop. Then 20 smacks on each butt cheek with the other flip-flop. For a total of ... Well, you do the math."
Sweating and blushing Victor did the math, 80 swats on his bare butt. But what really made him blush and panic was the fact that while thinking of his upcoming discipline, his cock too was upcoming. Just thinking of being naked and spanked by a girl made his cock hard and his face to flush. Worse! Mandy noticed this change too and she was chuckling to herself.