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A Colleagues tale of Babysitting

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2022 1:53 pm
by Eoworfindir
The following short story was told to me by a colleague I once worked with.

A few years ago at the bakery where I was working, they were looking to hire a young person to work some evenings and weekends packing bread and roll and looking after customers. We were lucky I guess as Emma was a hard worker and was cute. Very quickly everyone took a liking to her, eager to help and to learn, her initial shyness wore away and a bubbly personality expressed itself. A normal girl next door type, if that door happened to open up a massive house on its own estate. But by no means was she haughty or stuffy, quite the opposite.

I was nearly always on similar shifts at the weekend so often or not we'd share a break together and she'd talk and I'd listen to whatever, most of the time it was about her love of horses and eventing. One morning she came in and she wasn't her normal shelf, something was clearly causing an issue with her, she was far away staring into space and had those eyes that look troubled without wanting anyone to know.

After a while she sheepishly came round to my area and hovered, we engaged in normal small talk, her arms folded across her chest as she leant against the side of the ovens. I inquired as to what was causing this troubled face but was met with a weak smile and the word “break?”.

We relocated upstairs for tea (as all English people know tea makes everything better!) After some gentle cajoling, I was able to coax a story out of her which started with the question.

“Is it weird that the kids I babysit try to strip me every time I look after them?”

I was surprised and turned towards her, she sat arms tightly folded across her body her cheeks were slightly pink and I asked her to tell me what happened,
“I usually babysit these two kids every other week, they live down the road, and my mum knows their mum. So it was a favour really that I started doing it. I went round and the usual thing happened, as soon as the parents left they jumped on me. It started with a little play fighting and tickling with me chasing them around tickling them and then they would chase me and jump on me and try to tickle me. Then off” she was blushing now.

“How far they have got? It’s not like they have actually stripped you though is it?”
Her face went bright red when I asked this,
“Well I went round there the other day and Lucy wanted to play horsey, you know where I crawl around and she rides on my back. Well after that Jack wanted a go and he’s older and bigger than her and I wasn't going to let him but he kept begging and in the end, I said just one go. He was too heavy for me really and he kept kicking me in the thighs wanting me to go faster. He was bouncing up and down and using my T-shirt as reins and kept pulling it up my back. I was embarrassed because he could see my bra and I asked him not to do that. But he wouldn't stop he thought it was funny and kept doing it, I thought I would show him, so I straightened my back legs lifting my bottom in the air, and then went down on my elbows so he would slide off the front. But as he slide down he kept hold of my t-shirt, and all the time it rose higher and higher over my bra until it was inside out and my head was still in it. Jack started laughing at how silly I looked and began pulling hard on the t-shirt. And it came off I tried to keep hold of it but they were both pulling now and I was laying on my back because Jack managed to turn me over running from side to side.

They then sat on me and Lucy pulled my socks off. And I didn't want to kick out at her, you know like you normally would, so I just let her. I wasn't dressed up or anything just a t-shirt and an old pair of jeans that were really comfy. They were a little loose to be fair and not the sort of thing I'd go out in. I didn't realise how loose until I looked down and saw that they had come undone and my zipper was halfway down. They grabbed the ends of my jeans and started pulling but I managed to keep hold of them until Lucy started tickling me and I let go of my grip with one hand to stop her. And my jeans slipped down my thighs, I still had one hand on them but Jack pulled hard and I lost my grip, I watched as they slipped off the ends of my legs and were tossed away, I looked up at them and saw that they were both just staring at me, well not at my face, between my legs, I looked down and saw that my panties had come down a little and in the position, I was laying in, everything was on display I panicked and rolled over onto my front so they couldn't see any more. Inadvertently exposing my bare bottom to them in the process.

Jack was trying to take them completely so I quickly pushed myself up and sat up with my legs under me so he couldn't take them off. My bra straps had fallen down and I just sat there trying to cover myself as best I could”. And keep hold of my underwear at the same time.

My friend said that she sat there for what felt like ages waiting for them to get bored and go so she could get dressed again. I could tell this was humiliating for her and didn't press her.. I don’t know if she ever went back she was moved to a different department and I got stuck on nights. So I can only imagine what and if anything happened.

The names have all been changed of course to protect the innocent and not-so-innocent.

Re: A Colleagues tale of Babysitting

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2022 1:10 am
by hightab
did she ever tell you anymore?

Re: A Colleagues tale of Babysitting

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2022 12:47 pm
by Eoworfindir
hightab wrote: Tue Jul 12, 2022 1:10 am did she ever tell you anymore?

No, she was super embarrassed about it, there's a possibility that she was aroused by it and confused because they were children. So she didn't want to say any more for fear people/myself might think her weird. She was only 18 after all. I know she babysat them several times after that, but she left the company. Pretty sure she became a nurse, it weirds me out a little to think she's the age now, that I was back then.

Re: A Colleagues tale of Babysitting

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2022 9:39 pm
by RollTiideRoll2
I’d love to know if they did anything else close to this? I have an ex gf I can talk about some babysitting problems she had.