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Help with a story - ENF puzzles / challanges

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2022 7:34 pm
by SDS
I'm writing a story that stuck in my head and desperate to burst out! I could you some creative ideas as I know you all have from your wonderful work.

Imagine the scene a girl is caught in her worst fantasy, blackmailed to play along with the boys and their mean game of pretend. They set up the living room to look like a classroom, they make her stand up behind her desk as if called upon in class to read from her text book. It's like every kids worst nightmare at school but somehow bottomless with your underwear on show. All the boys surround her in their own fake desks laughing and teasing her as if they were really her class mates.

Every page of the book the boys had designed for her has a challange / puzzle that she must figure out / complete before she is allowed to turn over to the next before the awful game is finally over. Some just embarass her, some the anwsers is what article of clothing she must remove. Some are silly poems aimed to highlight her nudity and shame. Her chief tormentor pretends to be the teacher controling the game with the threat of everyone finding out about her naughty fantasy and the recording he had made of her previously.

I'm looking for some ideas for the pages of the book, puzzles / challanges. let me know what you've got and to what stage of undress you think our poor protagonist will be at for yours. Here are a few examlples.
  • A page that tells her to show the digital clock times listed as an analog clock. With no pensil to hand she must demonstate this herself with her arms. Raising her arms to match the arms of a clock gives the boys a good look at her undies as her school shirt raises to uncover them.
  • Step by step instructions on how to tie a girl scout knot... she has no string to demonstate so has to remove her school tie to do the knot.
  • The 10 verses of "this old man" but everytime she says With a knick-knack paddywhack. one of the boys smacks her bottom with a ruler, every time she messes up or stops for too long she must start again.
  • A page with some schoolwork marked by a teacher. A doodle of a bra has the teachers 'marking' sayng Don't doodle on your work. She realises she needs to rub out the bra with her pensil only to then realise that just like it has been removed from her work... it now needs removing from herself...

Re: Help with a story - ENF puzzles / challanges

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2022 7:42 pm
by librarian
Do you remember those puzzles where there was a page full of items or words, you have a set time to memorise them all?

That but with articles of clothing, perhaps? She has to remove the ones she forgets to list, or has to remove one that she states incorrectly?

Re: Help with a story - ENF puzzles / challanges

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2022 11:05 pm
by SDS
librarian wrote: Thu Feb 10, 2022 7:42 pm Do you remember those puzzles where there was a page full of items or words, you have a set time to memorise them all?
Great idea the items could also relate to mini punishments too... you forgot the hairbrush... oh I wonder what that could mean...

Re: Help with a story - ENF puzzles / challanges

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2022 11:21 pm
by GeekGuy
cool idea, I think the thought of recreating the classroom. as for puzzles I'll think about it to see if I can come up with a good one.
only thing that pops in my head as of now is.

a page says she has to reenact a story as puppets or do a puppet show. then with nothing provided she has to remove her socks.

then the other is some riddle that has something to do with the moon and a play on words mooning. idk if will work but that is thought.

Re: Help with a story - ENF puzzles / challanges

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2022 11:47 am
by CaughtOfLore
Maybe a little grammar puzzle on one of the pages, to do with singular vs plural nouns? How about something like:

“Some words in the English language are presented as a plural form even when in a singular state. Examples include: Binoculars, Scissors and Tweezers.
Provide to your class a singular item that presents itself in a plural form.”

It would take only a few moments for the poor girl to assess all of her belongings and realise she had just three things on her person meeting the requirement, which she could potentially offer up: tights, knickers, or glasses.

Perhaps she could donate her glasses to the cause to try and play it safe, but then this makes solving the puzzles on future pages harder for her, and ultimately she needs to trade something for them later down the line when she’s got less clothing options at her disposal?

….Cue the realisation that I’m veering toward elements of your story “A Bad Trade”!

Or here’s an idea for a page if you want to be really evil….

"This page will give you a chance to earn back some clothing!

Whatever number you have at the end of this calculation is the number of pieces of clothing you get to put back on.

Choose a number.
Double it.
Add two.
Divide by two.
Subtract two more than the number with which you started."

How many clothes do YOU get to put on? :D

Re: Help with a story - ENF puzzles / challanges

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2022 9:23 am
by CaughtOfLore
Sorry to double-post, but I just had another idea. Maybe at the start of the book, it explains that at any time, she can skip a page in exchange for a donation (ie a piece of clothing). Then at some point she could become stumped and have no choice but to skip the page...

...But then the next page begins with something like "based on your answer from the previous page...", and she realises she has to either go back and do the previous page, or forfeit yet another piece of clothing!

Re: Help with a story - ENF puzzles / challanges

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2022 9:24 pm
by Executionus
CaughtOfLore wrote: Mon Feb 28, 2022 9:23 am
Well imagine my surprise when I see the return of a legend MIA for years, responding to a random General thread. Welcome back from oblivion!

Also I keep meaning to think up viable games for this, but I always get distracted and forget. The best idea I had was strip hangman, where every wrong guess removes a piece of clothing from the stick figure drawn on the "whiteboard" (tablet computer). The clothing is drawn to match the girl's outfit. The girl loses if the stick figure representing her is stripped completely naked. The entire time, she is teased about being forced to match outfits with the stick figure, which she is told will happen 100% if she fully loses. As the game gets into the danger zone, she is offered the ability to sacrifice one of her own clothes on a wrong letter to save the stick figure from having to remove one that turn, because the stick figure going nude would be game over (in more than one way).

Re: Help with a story - ENF puzzles / challanges

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2022 8:33 am
by CaughtOfLore
Executionus! Coming from an amazing author such as yourself, I'm truly flattered by your kind words!

I'm not sure what it was about this thread that managed to coax me out of hiding. Aside from the obvious, being able to contribute toward assisting the ever-inspiring SDS, that is. I think the post spoke to the puzzle-solving side of me.

Enough of my return though.... Here's another idea - I'm not entirely sure if it is a universal thing, but in the earlier grades of our schooling systems, teachers often reward good work with stickers. Perhaps to keep the story from essentially having her stripped naked within a few pages, the protagonist could also be rewarded with stickers, which she would at some point have to resort to wearing in lieu of clothing. She would not be allowed to cover herself with her arms or hands of course, so the stickers she has earned might be her only option to try and preserve a little dignity.

I can just imagine her having to plaster her nipples with two barely-sufficient stickers; a pair of sparkly gold stars, akin to nipple pasties. And a slightly larger sticker for her most private of areas, a pink heart with the word "NICE" across it.

Or maybe she accumulates a whole collection of smaller stickers and has to try and piece together enough coverage?

There's a few ideas anyway. Have at 'em.

Re: Help with a story - ENF puzzles / challanges

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2022 8:45 pm
by SDS
Some wonderful ideas!

Re: Help with a story - ENF puzzles / challanges

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2022 2:22 am
by edithdick
SDS wrote: Thu Feb 10, 2022 7:34 pm
I'm looking for some ideas for the pages of the book, puzzles / challanges. let me know what you've got and to what stage of undress you think our poor protagonist will be at for yours. Here are a few examlples.
I wonder if there are any on here that could be adapted to your story.