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Miss N. by Spice

Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2021 1:45 am
by PhilMarlowe
Spice wrote: Miss N. by Spice

Miss N stood in the playground watching the girls play and mill around. It was very warm and she wished she had not put on so many clothes, it was far too warm for knickers and thick tights no matter how fashionable they looked under that short skirt but thick coloured tights with a short skirt was school uniform policy, even for teachers.
She was a junior teacher in charge of a class of girls only a few years behind herself, she considered herself to be very lucky to have found such a prestigious posting at such a young age and sometimes found it hard going to keep up with the rules and regulations and was constantly made to feel that she was lucky to be there and should be grateful and be willing to do anything she was asked to justify her position and consequently she seemed to be at every senior teachers whim and any and every task requested of her. Today however her mind was on other things while she watch the playground from the shade of a tree. Her private life outside of the girls college was lousy, no serious boyfriend or much of a social life and not much in the way of ....satisfaction. She was quite shy and embarrassed about herself, not that she had anything to be embarrassed about, at 22 she was beautiful, with shoulder length blonde hair, large breasts and a sexy very shapely figure. It was what she felt that embarrassed her and stopped her having a fulfilling and satisfying sex life...her secret ...her fantasy..but life wasn't just about that was it? And right now she had other things on her mind, like how much she wish she hadn't "volunteered" for playground duty, how hot it was and how she wished she not worn thick stockings and short skirt but the uniform summer dress and right now, as the end of break as the bell rung for class to resume how much she needed to pee!
As everyone filed back in to classes she ducked into the toilet block and locked herself in a cubicle. As she pulled her tights and knickers down she enjoyed the cool offered by the tiled floor and walls of the old building, so much so that she decided to kick off her regulation shoes and rest her hot feet on the cold tiles for a moment, completely removing her tights and knickers she stood, letting the cool air chill the sweat on her legs and thighs. She lifted her skirt and sat down, looking down at herself she was quite pleased that she kept herself neatly trimmed, her light brown pubic hair barely covering her pussy...she wanted to feel herself and rested a hand on her pussy to feel how warm and moist she was..just for a moment.
She shook her head, no! There were other, more urgent things to attend to right now. Just as she began to relax she heard the door to cubicle block open.
" Miss N , are you in here?" Miss N's bladder froze. It was the deputy headmistress, Miss J; a bossy middle aged lady who always made her feel self conscious and nervous. When she spoke miss N complied, she just couldn't help herself, "yes" she replied, biting her lip, annoyed at herself for not remaining silent to give herself more time.
"Hurry up, your biology group is waiting! It's an important 'live' lecture today! Come along, hurry!"
Her heart raced, she felt like she had been caught doing something naughty "Coming!" She called, if only!, she thought, pulling on her shoes and quite forgetting her knickers and tights hanging on the back of the toilet door.

In class the girls sat waiting for Miss N. They were all 15 or 16, quite well behaved, especially in college but they could be quite bitchy, nothing nasty but one or two always tried to be a little smart with Miss N, perhaps because of how young she was, perhaps because they were jealous. Lessons were very easy to conduct, strict discipline ensured most classes ran smoothly and most classes were taken straight from text books making Miss N's job really remarkably easy and most days there was no preparation needed with only simply turning up to lead the class. Today was a little different, today was a live lecture, Miss N would lead the group and often there would be an accompaniment to the lesson, some times props or artefacts, sometimes people , for example a guitarist had come to music class and once a nude model had attended art! Miss N sat at her desk a little flustered by her encounter with Miss J she told the girls to prepare for their class and in reality she was preparing herself. She opened the text book which read ' biology' , Miss N. wondered glibly what 'live' lecture could be going to occur..perhaps an animal or some one coming to deliver a speech?
She turned the page and read with slightly worried intrigue 'Human sexuality and reproduction'
Oh my, she thought to herself and then, with some relief remembered all she would hopefully have to do would be introduce the lesson and guest. She relaxed a little and drew her chair back in order to start reading to the class. She sat back straitened herself and suddenly became very aware that not only was she not wearing anything under her skirt but also that she hadn't been to the loo earlier. 'Damn', she thought to herself , 'I'll introduce the lesson and skip out for a moment when it starts.
Then one of those things happened that you couldn't possible plan for. Miss N let a slip of paper fall from the book and leaned over to retrieve it, opening her legs and raising her heal to tiptoe in order to do so. At the same time one of her girls dropped a pencil to the floor and dropped to the floor to retrieve it accidentally give her a good view up Miss N's skirt. The girl sat up beaming "Miss has no knickers on!" She announced to class, there was a loud gasp and and several sniggers from the rest of the class exactly at the same moment as Miss J. walked in the door! Silence spread through the room as the class froze in the stern presence of a now smiling Miss J.

The room fell silent, Miss J. Strode purposefully up to Miss N's. desk, she stood and faced her like a startled rabbit caught in the headlights all eyes staring at Miss N.
Miss J. spoke, seemingly half to her self and half to Miss N. "How very fortunate" she said, raising her eyebrows and looking Miss N. up and down expectantly. Miss J. turned to the class and spoke' "I came to cancel class since It seems that our biology lecturer has cancelled" there were a couple of grumbles from the group and she raised a hand to silence them. She continued "But it appears Miss N. has already pre-empted me and has volunteered for this lecture herself !" An excited buzz went around the class Miss N's eyes opened wide and her jaw dropped in utter shock, Miss J. Pulled the stunned woman forward, in front of her desk, turned the to class and told the girls to gather round. They did so eagerly and formed a semi-circle around the two teachers and the desk.
"Now girls, today's lecture is going to be about human sexuality and the reproductive organs or in other words how we have sex, what we do, how we copulate and how our body is stimulated and reacts to sexual stimuli". Each word struck Miss N. like a blow, the girls giggled and chattered excitedly, Miss N. stood limply, comprehending what was being said but not understanding how on earth it could apply to her. Then it all became crystal clear, Miss J. looked at her and, raising a hand again to silence the group, simply said "skirt off, then" as easily as if she had just asked her, 'what time is it?' Miss N. Flushed completely and sweat appeared on her face and cleavage. Her mouth opened in protest but no words came out.
Miss J. spoke sternly to her, like a child,"Get on with it girl!" making Miss N. feel humiliated, adrenalin flooded through her and her heart beat wildly and she realised she her nipples stiffened, she was starting to react! Like a victim under an hypnotic spell Miss N. moved forward slightly and slowly put her hands behind her waist, unbuttoning her skirt, she let it drop to the floor around her feet. She stepped forward out of the skirt and stood there in her black regulation shoes, naked from the waist down in front of her deputy head mistress and a class full of girls, not believing either what she was doing or what possessed her to comply.

To be continued.
Anonymous wrote: Re: Miss N. by Anonymous

Oh my god this is amazing so far. Please continue it so I love stories like this and you've written it well