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Swimsuit and accident in the pool

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2021 12:53 am
by ely
I work in a sports center where many sports are practiced, not all but almost. I go to the swimming pool twice a week and I help the boys with Down syndrome in swimming and at the same time the other boys and girls who are not down participate in this sport activity. The age of the boys and girls is 13 to 17, the down boy protagonist of my little show is 15 even if physically he looks like 13. In the pool, women can use a one-piece swimsuit. It so happened that one of the boys with Down's syndrome was scared as if she was sinking, although it was impossible because he could touch the bottom with his feet. I was trying to encourage him but at one point he grabbed me by the bottom of the swimsuit. I was sitting on the edge of the pool offering him my legs for support but he wanted to get out at that moment, so he clings to the bottom of my swimsuit creating a gap between my pussy and the swimsuit. Someone has definitely seen something of my private parts that were shaved, so they didn't see the hair, certainly a good part of the pubis and some lucky ones with good eyesight and a good angle might have seen my pussy. The boy was screaming and then their eyes were all on us. I'm not traumatized because at most they saw something from the side and therefore not a great view xD

Re: Swimsuit and accident in the pool

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2021 11:50 am
by Eoworfindir
Though embarrassing, it could have been worse for you. ;) :lol:

Re: Swimsuit and accident in the pool

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2021 12:09 am
by ely
I think that two girls have seen my private parts in that situation although I don't know how well because I preferred to make them forget the scene, but we shower naked and therefore they may have already seen me even if not so close. The other guys on the other hand I think they didn't see my pussy in that situation, or at least I hope so, but they noticed that the swimsuit has moved and in my opinion their first thought may have been that they missed a big opportunity. Unfortunately I'm not very careful, and lucky as in this situation. Thanks for the comment, if you have any questions I'm happy to answer xD

Re: Swimsuit and accident in the pool

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2021 10:21 am
by Eoworfindir
Unfortunately I'm not very careful, and lucky as in this situation
So something like this has happened before? :o :D :lol:

Re: Swimsuit and accident in the pool

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2021 11:29 pm
by ely
Yes, I often have enf situation or see enf situation. Unfortunately they are often caused by bullying of female volleyball players or bad boys. This is the first time a guy has grabbed my swimsuit to go up the pool, I'm very sure of that xD

when I am inspired, every now and then I will tell something, I'm sorry for the fact that I will surely make grammatical errors

Re: Swimsuit and accident in the pool

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2021 3:56 pm
by Eoworfindir
The fact that you can write at all in a foreign language is impressive to start with. I work with people, in which English is their first language and they still are bad at it. :lol: