Playing Cops, Robbers, and Pirates by Gillian

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Playing Cops, Robbers, and Pirates by Gillian

Post by Executionus »

Part 1:

When I was 14 my girl friends and I one long summer got involved in playing a game with my brother and his friends. The game was called cops and robbers. My brother and his friends were all younger than my friends and me. He had one friend Ernest (that’s his really name, his parents had him late in life and they where very conservative) who always played the head robber. This was strange since he was the sweetest of all the boys, a bit dorkey, but sweet.

The game had various versions. It started originally that we where movie starlets in the 30’s and the boys where gangsters. We where robbed of our jewellery. We’d all worn our mother’s cheap costume jewellery. We’d then turn into gangster’s molls, and would be chased by the police. Another version was that we’d be good Christian women ambushed by Mexican bandits in the dessert.

One day the boys said that they wanted to change the game. That they where going to kidnap us a hold us as hostages to stop the police chasing them. We had to pretend to be bank tellers and customers. I was taken by Ernest put over the cross bar of his bike and taken to his hide out his father’s shed. There I was joined by Bryan and his hostage my friend Julie. Malcolm failed to turn up. Ernest said he must be in trouble with the police and they’d better go and look for them. Bryan asked what should they do with us since the shed door didn’t lock.

Ernest thought then quickly open the door of the little cupboard. He brought out some rope and after a little persuading he bound my hands behind my back and my feet. They left to find Malcolm and Trisha my other friend and bring them back. They came back within 10 minutes guns blazing, they where in a firefight with the cops. The cops led by my brother burse in and rescued us.

That became the way the game was played. We’d be taken hostage, taken to the hide out, tied up. Some times just our feet and ankles, sometimes tied sitting against the wall, sometimes laying flat, then Ernest brought two old chairs from somewhere in the house and we’d be tied in turn to these.

One day we were playing the bandits and virtuous women version of the game. The weather was very hot but it was gathering to a thunderstorm. We’d arrived at the shed, well except for Malcolm and Julie. Ernest said that Julie had been acting up all day and had probably gone off home. Julie didn’t really like the tie-up games. Malcolm who hated being the bad guy probably had joined the cavalry looking for us.

Ernest opened the cupboard and looked surprised and dismayed. Bryan asked what was wrong and Ernest open the cupboard wider. The ropes had gone. They boys started to argue about what to do. Ernest said that we’d escape. Bryan said it was about to thunder and lightening and we’d get soaked so we’d stay. Ernest said that they’d have to do like the bandits did in the film. Bryan looked at us.

“Take your clothes off” Ernest said. Trisha’s face and mine must have been a picture. We both made it clear we where not taking off our clothes. Ernest pointed out that it was what bandits did and therefore it was allowed. We somehow negotiated that we’d not run away but if we did they could have our summer dresses next time. This seemed to please the boys.

Well the boys left and we two girls sat alone with the storm gathering. After about 10 minutes Trisha’s mum’s voice could be heard calling her in before the rain started. E took to our feet, and ran home. It poured and poured down. My brother arrived homed soaked and was sent to bed.

A few days later we were playing the game again. This time bank tellers taken by ruthless robbers. We all three arrived at the shed. Julie said she didn’t want to be tied and could they just pretend to lock her in. We said that the ropes had disappeared and there was no chance of being tied. Ernest then pointed out that we’d escaped and that we’d said we’d give them our summer dresses if we did. Julie looked surprised but not shocked.

Julie started to unbutton her dress I was very surprised. She said, “I not likely to go running around outside in my pants and bra, and I hate being tied up”. It just seemed quiet logical to her I think. Bryan was her brother. She I think was use to him seeing her in pants and bra. My brother hadn’t seen me in anything but fully dressed for years. Hesitantly Trisha and I undid our dresses and took them off. I stood there in bra and panties white with little red spots. Julie was in linen set with small pinholes, blue bows, and embroidery. I think they’re called Dutch Girl, but not sure why, you never see them these days. Trisha who hadn’t yet developed was in a vest and navy sports pants.

We sat there like that the boys taking our dresses and hiding them. We heard the gunfire start and knew rescue was soon at hand. I started now to get a funny feeling between my legs a mix of fear and delighted excitement. My brother burst into the shed and his face was just shock horror. Here we where three 14 year old girls in our underwear.

The boys each in turn wanted to see. That was embarrassing but also exciting. My brother then said for Ernest to give back our dresses. Ernest refused and the cops started their interrogation. Worms and slugs where dangle over Ernest and Malcolm, it didn’t take long for Malcolm to wimp out and say where our dresses where hidden.
We dressed and getting near lunchtime want home.

My brother told mum. Mum was shocked. We where told to stay in that afternoon. That evening the parents had a meeting and the next day various father’s and mother’s each in their own way pointed out that making girls take off their clothes and tying them up was not fun. We didn’t play the game for the rest of that summer. Parents watching us like hawks. The little shed now had a lock and key, which Ernest’s dad kept with him at all times.

The winter was long and cold. The spring very wet. The summer arrived again and the gang reformed. The first couple of weeks of the long holiday were spent doing all the usual things then boredom set in. Ernest suggested we play cops and robbers. Despite being a year older the boys still hadn’t lost their childishness but there also seemed to me a different air as well. Now nearly 15 we girls had matured somewhat but back in those days’ sex and boys where still along way off.
Ernest said he’d found a new secret hideout and the cops would never find him there. Sure enough we three damsels in distress where taken prisoner by Ernesto the Mexican bandit and led off to his new secret hideout. His new secret hideout was a disused old gun emplacement from World War II. It was out of bounds. Not that any of our parents had said as much to us, it was just understood to be out of bounds. Each little geographic gang had its own area, these where outside of ours.

I was surprised, shocked even when Ernest led us into the last concrete room. Shocked in a nice way. The room had been clean out, the entire rumble etc removed. In fact the rumble had been cleared from the entry to the back room, it must have taken hours, weeks, when had Ernest done it. Four tea chests made a table, and there where orange boxes as chairs. In the corner was a clean blanket, and then an old kitchen chair, and then a garden bench with a few slats removed. What caught my eye was the cardboard box, which had length of rope hanging out.

Julie made it very clear that she wasn’t been tied up. Ernest and Scott (Scott was a new boy to the area, Malcolm had moved away) grabbed her and said that she new the alternative. Scott had obviously been told about last year. Scott was more the girls age than the boys age and seemed to have a more adult way, also, he’d been in a lot of trouble at school with teachers for fighting and pinching girls bottoms or flicking their skirts.

Julie stood back and pulled up and off her t-shirt; she then kicked off her shoes and then reached behind her and unbuttoned her skirt before letting it fall. She stood in bra and panties. Nice white, adult underwear since she had grown and filled out the most. She was told to stand in the corner beyond the mattress. In the dim inside light I hadn’t realised that under the blanket was a mattress.

Ernest asked Trisha what she wanted, she said just to be tied up. Trisha was taken to the chair and tied to it. Her hands where tied to the side of the back and her feet to the legs at the front cross bar. Scott was very proficient; normally you could work yourself loose from the boys’ efforts but not Scott’s.

I was next and opted to be tied up. I was told to lie down on my stomach on the mattress. Scott then tied my hands behind my back and then tied my ankles together. There was no sign of the cavalry; I don’t know how long we’d been there. Julie complained of being thirsty and hungry. Ernest said that we should pool our money and they'd go and get some food for us. Scott said that if they left Julie untied she’d untie us and we’d all escape. Julie said she wasn’t being tied up. Scott said fine then you two will have to take your clothes off too and we’ll hide them.

I was unsure about this being so far from home but I couldn’t see another alternative. I had no thought about the dangers of three girls being left in underwear. I was untied as was Trisha and we each undressed down to our panties and bra. Trisha in a fairly hideous schoolgirl bra and navy pants, and me in a childish but rather sexier matching set of white with pink bows. Then Scott surprised us by insisting on re-tying us. He pointed out that the undress was just to prevent us from running away if Julie untied us. So I found myself laying back down on the blanket covered mattress and being retired. Trisha joined me because Scott said it took to long to tie her to the chair.

The boys where gone for ages but soon we heard them return. We were untied and had a picnic on the mattress with us girls still just in our underwear. After this we were allowed to stay untied but had to stand in the corners like Julie. Scott or Ernest would have us stand with hands on head or at our sides. Eventually it got late and we had to dress and head off home. Obviously, my brother and the others couldn’t find us. I never let on where we where kept.

The next week we were away on our holiday. So it was the second last week of the holidays before my brother suggested a new game. It was to be Spies. We girls would be the wives and girl friends. Which was later changed to sisters of three undercover spies. We would be taken to a secret prison and interrogated for the spy’s whereabouts. They had to rescue us before we told. My brother said he had a secret new hide out which Ernest and Scott didn’t know about and he would tell us making it more authentic.

Well we where taken off to Scott’s house. Which was an old shop converted back to a house. This was to be our prison. Scott was to be the interrogator and Ernest and Bryan the guards. The three of us where taken to the cellar and locked in. Some time past and Bryan and Ernest came for Julie. Trisha and I wondered what they would do to us. After about 15 minutes Julie returned. Before she could say anything I was told to follow them. They led me through the house to the little outhouse cold store. This was to be the interrogation room. Scott did a very good job of intimidating me. Various ideas involving worms and slugs again. Then he told me to take off my blouse. I refused but he told the boys to go and get a few worms from the garden. I realised his plan and agreed to take off my blouse. Scott said that I could be made to really suffer but he would give me time to think. He gave back my blouse and I was taken back to the cellar.

Trisha was taken away and I found that Julie had had to take off her top. We both realised that this would be Trisha’s fate now. Time past and the cellar door opened. Trisha came down the stairs and into the area where we where being kept. Trisha was much shyer than us. She was doing her best to cover her bra and panties, since her summer dress had been removed. She’d had to walk in just underwear from the cold house back to the kitchen door across the open to view back yard.

Julie was now taken off again. This time about 20 minutes or so had past. Julie returned still clothed but looking a bit sheepish. She shook her head indicating she hadn’t told. I was now taken away back to the interrogation room.

Has I entered I was quite shocked. I tried to run but Ernest and Bryan stopped me. I was brought in front of Scott and the table he sat behind. On the table was a bra and pair of panties. Scott pointed out that I had three choices. Tell them the boys secret hide out, or I would be going back to the cellar like Trisha, or I could go back like Julie minus my underwear. I wondered why Julie had picked that option.

I said I wouldn’t tell. Scott signalled to Ernest and Bryan and they grabbed me. I was held firm. Scott approached holding out a worm, a rather big worm from the draw of the table. Pleaded and plead, he threaten and threaten, I would not tell. He smiled and stepped back.

“You’ve got one choice now; I’m not interested in the location of their secret base. I’m going to put this warm down your blouse unless you take it off, then I’m going to put it down your skirt unless you take it off”. I understood well enough. I took my blouse off and then my skirt. I was then taken back to the cellar. It was really frightening and exciting at the same time to be taken across the yard near naked.

I expected that Trisha would now be taken but know it was Julie. They’d been gone only five minutes when Scott returned to the cellar. We were both huddled up to each other in the corner. He said he knew just what to do to make us spill the beans. He asked us to tell him the boys’ secret location but we refused. He went back off up the stairs and returned with Julie’s clothes in his hand. He dropped her top on the floor, then her skirt, then her bra, and then her panties. “Do I have to get the boys to strip you as well.” He said.

“The old bunkers” we said in unison.

“Bring her down” Scott said.

Julie was completely dressed, well in bra and pants anyway. We looked puzzled. Then it dawn on us. Bryan had borrowed another pair of his sister’s underwear from her draw.

Next years games got even more interesting.

Part 2:

The next summer I was between fourth and fifth year. I would shortly be 16 years of age. Just before the summer holidays began my brother managed to break his leg whilst on a trip with the school. He spent the first week in hospital out of the area with mum having to take time off her new job to be there with him. He was transferred back home but because of the nature of the break was confined to hospital on traction. His usual two sidekicks seemed to melt away leaving myself, Trisha, Julie, at the mercy of Ernest, Scott, and Bryan. Julie had definitely become Scott’s girlfriend in the meantime, and Trisha had kind of paired up with Bryan. Ernest was sweet but not really boyfriend material, and besides I had a bit of a crush on Scott, and Bryan, Well it was difficult in those days with all those raging hormones.

I was at Julie’s house with Trisha dressing up and trying on her mother’s clothes, when the boys’ turned up. Scott immediately found himself the centre of attention and poor Ernest decidedly the spare part. This last for about 30 minutes when Ernest suggested we play spies again. Scott winked at Julie and she shook her head.

“ I know a better game,” said Scott. We kind of all pricked up our ears at this.

“Let’s play pirates,” he said.

“I suppose we’ll end up tied up” said Julie.

Scott nodded.

We kind of all agreed to play and went off into separate rooms to prepare.

We’d heard the back door go a few times before suddenly Julie’s bedroom door was flung open. Bryan, and Scott were first through. They’d dressed as pirates and had plastic swords. We dutifully screamed and beg for our lives. Scott produced a little bag and said for us to deposit all our jewellery. We’d used Julie’s mother’s costume stuff. I stood and removed my large ring, then the bracelets from around my wrist, dropping them into the bag. Julie was doing likewise and so was Trisha. Next we removed our earrings and then necklaces depositing them in the bag. We then removed our watches and personal jewellery.

Scott asked if we where hiding any little trinkets about our person. We said no, and Scott said he’d have his men search us to see. We pleaded not to be subjected to such a barbaric act. Scott said it was our choice we could strip or have the men search us. We screamed and pleaded. Julie didn’t do much pleading. Mine was much more authentic.

Soon we where stood there in Julie’s room removing the oversized dresses we’d put on earlier. Julie removed her own top and that seemed to settle Trisha’s fate and mine. We were all three now down to our underwear. We tried our best to conceal ourselves but where marched out of the room to the pirate’s camp. Which turned out to be the back of the empty garage. Fortunately it could be reached from the house. In the garage Trisha was made to sit on a deck chair and had her hands tied to the arms. Her feet where secured to the metal frame of the chair. I was taken to the metal shelving and bound stood spread eagled to it.

Julie now pleaded with Scott not to be tied up. Scott said he’d leave her untied if she promised not to try and escape. She was told to go and stand in the corner.

Scott approached Trisha and asked her if she was ticklish. I knew the answer to this. She said yes she was. Good said Scott then I think we’ll tickle you. Trisha started to try and escape. Scott laughed and Bryan moved to Trisha’s front knelt down and began tickling her feet. She pleaded and pleaded.

Suddenly, we heard a car and voices. It was my mum. The doorbell rang and all hell broke lose. Mum was annoyed that it had taken so long to pen the door. Here was a problem with my brother and she needed me to go and take a note to my father at work. I don’t know what she would have said if she’d look in the little window.

It was over a week before my brother was out of danger, still in hospital, but much better. Life was returning to normal including going out with friends. It was a rather damp Friday. Julie’s mother had been off work and there seemed no point being around hers. We’d end up at mine. The doorbell rang and it was the boys. They came in and I got them some drinks. We sat and chatted for a while. Trisha was trying to impress Bryan. While Julie and I were both trying to impress Scott. Ernest said he was going home because it was boring.

Once Ernest had gone Bryan suggested that we play pirates again. I thought it was strange at the time but it passed over me in the fear and excitement of Scott seeing me in my underwear.

Scott asked what could be used as a dungeon. I thought for a few seconds and said that we had an old coalhouse still. We all went to look at it and decided it would make a great dungeon. The door locked and when closed it was nearly pitched dark inside. The light got in at the top and bottom of the wooden gate like door. My father had been promising mum that he’d pull it down for years. It had been used as a store for Christmas things, old household goods and so on. Dad had clean it out with my brother just before he broke his legs but as yet hadn’t got around to pulling it down.

We went back into the house. The boys asked what I had to use as bonds. E searched cupboards and draws and gather a collection of old ties, scarves, and a couple pair of my mums old tights.

The boys where going to be modern day pirates with guns, and we could remain dressed as we where. We where told to lie down on the front room floor our private yacht had just been boarded. My hands where crossed behind my back and a cord was used to tie me up. The same happen to Trisha and Julie. Bryan then positioned himself behind Trisha and began to frisk her body. She called him allsorts but Bryan just carried on. He must have touched her bottom at some point because I heard her draw in a deep breath; she blushed red, then said for him to take his hands off her in no uncertain terms.

Julie next got the treatment from Scott. I now was in fear, and trepidation. Would I be frisked? Julie suddenly exclaimed that breasts where off limits. She’d been turned on to her side. Next it was my turn and I felt Scott’s hands on my body. I quivered. I pleaded but not enough for him to stop.
Next the boys said we had arrived at their island and we would be taken one at a time to the dungeon. Julie was first. Wondered what Scott was doing. He was gone a long time. I heard him approaching and then enter the room. He asked Bryan if he wanted to take Trisha next. Bryan said that she likes to be last. Scott said fine, who gets Gillian. You have her this time I’ll have her next. I thought I was the luckiest of all three girls.

Scott took me off to the kitchen. In the middle of the floor was a pile of clothing. It was Julie’s clothing. Scott said that she hate’s being tied up so you know we have to strip her. I nodded. Scott smiled and stood behind me and released my bonds. You like both he said.

I tried to say something but before I could he just told me to strip. I slipped off my shoes then undid my mini-skirts board belt. It was more for show than support. I then undid my miniskirt and let in drop to reveal my orange striped knickers. Scott looked on and nodded his head in pleasure. He called back through to Bryan that he should see what I was wearing and Bryan stepped out of the room into the hall to look down into the kitchen. I pulled my top off next to reveal a matching plain orange bra.

Stood at the threshold of the kitchen door and backyard I had a little panic hit me. Being in underwear inside was, well, sexy, titillating. But walking about 40 feet across the back yard in it was scary but nice scary. I stepped out and wonder what the other two thought about these games and being undressed like this. We walked to the coalhouse I checked every window carefully. No one saw, I hoped. The coalhouse door was opened I took in the scene but before I could react I was pushed in and the door closed.

“Julie where’s your bra’ I said a bit to loudly for Julie’s liking and she hushed me.

The scene I’d seen was Julie’s bare back turned to the door from the corner where she stood arms fold around her front.

“If you’d told them you weren’t wearing a bra, we would of played’ I said.

“I was wearing a bra. I had no choice it was the bra or he was going to tie me up in just my underwear and leave me in the yard”. Julie said.

“Gosh I replied.

We stood there like that talking quietly, wondering what state Trisha would be in. The door open and Trisha in just underwear was shoved in. You could hear the alarm in her pant, as she was shoved realising Julie’s state.

We must have all three been in there for about 10 to 15 minutes. The door open and Scott said that he wanted me to come and fix them a drink and some sandwiches. Stepped out in to the yard and Bryan said for me to put my hands on my head. Which I did letting him and Scott see all of my underwear. I walked across the yard with them both back to the kitchen.

I fixed them a drink and sandwiches; they asked what time my parents would be home. I said about five o’clock. Okay we can play until four-thirty then. I said that four o’clock would be safer because sometimes they got off early and went to see my brother.

It was now just past two.

I was taken back to the coalhouse and put inside. Scott told Julie to step out. It made my stomach cringe. I thought of being topless in my yard. God that would be awful! Julie seemed unsure but excited. Scott took her off and about ten minutes later Bryan came for Trisha leaving me alone in the coalhouse in just my underwear.

Time passes slowly when you’re in your underwear in a coalhouse but eventually I heard sounds in the yard and the door opened. It was Bryan with his sister. Julie looked a bit well frantic, the door closed and I asked what they had done. She wouldn’t say. About five minutes later Trisha was brought back and the door open and she was pushed in. I could tell straightaway what part of what had happened was. I hadn’t noticed with Julie. Trisha’s knickers no longer matched her bra. She’d had to swap with Julie. I blushed for both of them but they’d say nothing.

All went silent for a while then I heard the boys approach. Gillian your mother’s rang leaving you a message. It says that she’ll be home early and will you have the tea on. I called back asking the time. The boys called back four o’clock. I said that she’d be home in 30 minutes they’d better let us out. No way said Scott. We began to demand to be let out and thumped the door. Well Trisha and me did Julie kept her arms crossed.

Scott said that they where going to leave us there to be discovered by my mother. They began to consider what she would say. Scott McKee let me out now I demanded. The boys just laughed.

“Tell you what?” Scott said.

“What?” I said in reply.

“You and Trisha take off your bra’s and we’ll consider letting you out before your mum gets home” Scott said.

“No way!” we both said.

“Fine have it your way, goodbye” the boys said and we heard them walking away.

“Call them back” Julie almost screamed, “I’m not being found like this by your mum.”

The boys where called back. We where in a fix the door was very secure. “Look yet us out or we won’t play again” I said.

The boys laughed.

“What do you want?” Trisha yelled out.

“Your bra’s under the door, now, please Bryan said.

“If we give them our bra’s what to stop them going off and leaving us all topless to be found by my mum” said.

“Look Bryan do you promise if Gill, and Trish take their bra’s off you’ll let us go” Julie said.

“Well put it this way Sis, if they don’t we won’t” Bryan said.

Lowly with great reluctance Trisha first then I took our bra’s off. Trisha passed her under the door. Bryan just asked where mine was. I passed it underneath and covered my naked breasts.

“Right open the door and get lost so we can come out” I said.

“We’ll open the door but we are going to wait right here” the boys said.

They open the stneck on the door. It was open a crack. The light screamed in. I could se them stood just to the side.

“We’ll have to run for it.” I said.

I knew I had clothes in my room, and I could lend the girls something to get home in.

I looked at the other two; we counted together in silence then on three burst through the door and ran topless across the yard. He boys just laughed and hollowed. The game stakes had been raised.

Part 3:

On the Saturday after the pirate game my parents told me that they where going to pick my grandparents’ (mum side) up and bring them down to see my brother in hospital. Due to the journey time, and not wanting to have to many visitors at once they suggest that I stayed at home and hung out with my friends. Julie and Trisha said they had plans with the boys so I ended up sitting in my room reading a book.

The doorbell rang and I went to open it. It was the girls with the boys. The girls where shoved through the door and I could see they were tied up. The boys quickly over powered me, saying that they where a desperate gang of escaped prisoners and they needed hostages to keep the police from shooting them.

I was taken out of the house with the other two girls. It was strange walking down our street on a Sunday afternoon hands tied behind back. We entered Julie’s house. Once inside we where positioned up against the hall wall. The three boys, Ernest with me, Scott with Julie, and Bryan with Trisha took their time to search us for weapons, radios, or other items which could help us escape or summons help. It was really strange having a boy’s hands running all over my body but it felt great, exciting, forbidden, and very naughty, the fear was caused by the thought of being caught by parents, rather than fear at what was happening.

Once the boys had finished their frisk, Scott said that we where going to be taken to the holding area. Bryan took my arm and pulled me away. It seemed that I was to be first. Once in the garage reached from the pantry door in the kitchen I was told to take my clothes off. I slipped off my shoes, then reached down and removed my white knee-highs; I stood back up and undid the three little buttons of my top before pulling it out of my skirt and then over my head. Next I undid the button and zip of my tight knee length skirt and slid it down being careful not to dislodge my underwear. I now stood in panties with alternate turquoise and white stripes and a matching turquoise bra.

Bryan now took me over to the shelving where I’d been tied last time. This time though he tied me between the two sets of shelves. My body was accessible front and back. The boys could walk behind the shelves and with a little squeeze get between the two sets of shelves. I was to discover this later.

I had my back to the door so could not see who came in next. It was only on straining to look around that I could see it was Julie and Scott. I heard the chitter-chatter between them and then the sound of Julie removing her clothing. I strained to see but she’d moved over out of my line of sight.

“Go on, that to” I heard Scott say.

“You’re joking” I heard Julie say.

Then Scott said, “You can be tied up like Gill in stead”.

I then heard the unmistakable sound of a bra being undone. Julie was topless. I then heard her forced pitter-patter of feet and she was moved to stand in the middle of the up-and-over door back to me. I could now see her by looking left without straining.

Next Trisha was brought in and soon she was stripped down to her underwear and was tied into the deck chair as before.

“Were where we” said Scott.

“Oh Yes” he then said.

Next I heard Trisha pleading for the boys not to, then her next sound was her screaming and laughing as the boys began to tickle her mercilessly. She pleaded, and called them names but they continued. After about five minutes they stopped. Ernest now spoke.

He asked Julie to turn around to face them. She refused. Scott said that if she didn’t turn around they’d tie her up. Julie turned around. Scott said for her to show them her goodies. Julie told Scott where to go. The boys laughed. She then started to say, “No, oh no, no you don’t” then a few screams. I looked to see and Ernest had pulled one arm away from her chest and Bryan the other. The guys where pulling her back and forth making her breasts small as they where swing wildly. Julie then said. Okay, okay I’ll show you”. The boys stopped their tug of war and Julie stood with her hands on head giving them a show. Later she told me that it was better to show willingly then force to be showed.

The boys now left Julie and came over to me. I felt a finger on my waistband of my knickers and braced myself for them being pulled down. Instead they where pulled off my bum and the boys looked down them. They each took a turn with jibes and little tugs threatening a full revelation.

I was now very warm. I didn’t know if I enjoyed this new part of the game or not. A part of me was curious as to what it would be like to be naked for a boy.

They now turned their attention back to Trisha and she began to plead strongly for mercy before they even started. After about two minutes I heard her say, “Okay, okay I’ll let you see”.

“See what?” Scott asked.

“My tits” cried Trisha.

She was told to sit forward and then I heard the sound of a bra being undone. “Wow!” Ernest said.

“I think we should see if you can pursued Gill to show us some more”. Bryan said.

The boys returned their attention to me. I felt the shelving wobble a bit. Which made my stomach crunch in fear of them toppling over on me. Bryan suddenly appeared in front of me and squeezed in. He smiled and looked down. I didn’t guess at first but has his hand moved to my panties I did. I started pleading with him not to. He teased me with the finger moving it along the top of my knickers. Then he put it in smiled and pulled my knickers out. He didn’t look but went back to teasing then he pulled them out again and looked.

“Nice bush” he said.

I died with embarrassment but something else flooded my body and I quivered to a jelly.

Then one at a time they each squeezed their way in and took a peek at my little black bush.

Once they’d finished with me they returned their attention to Julie. Julie had quietly dropped her arms and moved more to the corner. Scott told her to come out, come out, and show them her wares. Julie said she’d showed enough and wasn’t coming out anymore. Next I heard her screaming through giggles and heard the garage door being bumped. I strained to see. Trisha was laughing because she could obviously see what was going on. She said something like, “If I’m sat here with mine on show why shouldn’t you show yours”.

I then saw Julie as I strained. Ernest had pulled her back to the middle. She was facing the door. I took it that one of the others had her other arm. She pleaded and pleaded. There was a “No you dare Bryan” followed by the sound of knickers being pulled down. The boys laughed in a high-spirited way. Julie cursed them all. I then heard them all passing comments about her bare bottom.

Ernest said to turn her around. Julie said that wasn’t in the game. Scott said, “It is now”. I saw them turn Julie now quite naked I could see her right breast and got one quick glimpse of her bush as they turned her.

Julie was left alone after a couple of minutes of the boys canting Julie’s in the nuddy. She asked for her panties back but Scott said “When they where good and ready.”

They now returned their attention to Trisha. “Lets she if her breasts are ticklish’ said Bryan. “No, no” said Trisha. Before long she was crying in hysterics as the boys tickled her. She begged them to stop.

“Only if we can pull your panties down,” Bryan said.

Trisha refused for a good five minutes but then relented. I couldn’t see the lower part of Trisha’s body. All I could see was her head. But I heard the panties coming down and the boys’ whistles and comments.

I was now sure what was going to happen to me when they returned to me.

But no, they actually started to release me. I felt somewhat cheated but also relieved. Once undone I turned so I could she Julie she was hunched up in the corner. Obviously naked, trying to conceal what she could. Poor Trisha tied to the chair her bra pulled off, and forward down her arms which where tightly secured to the arms. Her breasts were on full show to the boys and me. Her panties where pulled down to her knees. Her brown bush quite thick was on show. You could also detect an odour because of the excitement and tickling.

Scott explained that the hide out was unsafe because the police had had a tip off and they where on the way. (Julie’s mum and dad where due home soon).

Ernest led me back into the kitchen and told me to dress. I‘d finished dressing when Scott brought in Julie. She was back in her pants and bra. She’d obviously been kissing and cuddling. Trisha was brought back in just as Ernest was telling me to turn around so he could tie my hands. Trisha now back securely in her underwear started to dress. Julie was told to turn around, she begged not to be tied but Scott said it was that or walking down the street in her underwear. We all laughed at this. Once we where all tied we where led out of Julie’s and back down the street to my house.

Once back in my house Ernest took me off to the kitchen. He untied me and had me strip down to my underwear. It was once more a bit daunting to walk across the yard to the coalhouse dressed like that. It was a bit colder that Sunday than the previous day we’d played pirates. I can still remember the goose bumps.

I tried to use the gap in the door and the keyhole to see what was going on in the house. All I could see was Julie’s head and the boys in the kitchen. After about 15 minutes I heard the back door open. I looked out through the keyhole and couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Julie was held about her upper arm by Bryan on one side and Scott on the other. Ernest was walking behind. Julie was trying to pull her arms to her centre the boys where trying to pull them away. Why? Well because she was completely naked.

The coalhouse door was opened and a completely naked Julie pushed in. We stood in silence for a while until I asked if Julie was okay. Oh yes she said, I love being made to strip. There was a tone of, reverse sarcasm. We both now tried to see what was happening to Trisha. Julie said that they’d stripped her in front of Trisha and then told Trisha that one or other of them was going streaking. Trisha tried to run, hands still tied. They’d brought her back and before Julie was brought out naked, they’d pulled Trisha’s knickers down from under her skirt. Apparently, Trisha liked this Julie said. That seemed to mean she’d had it done before.

The kitchen door opened and a topless Trisha with hands tied behind her back was brought out and put in the coalhouse with us. The boys then left the yard and went back inside the house.

Even if we could open the door the only place to go was the yard overlooked by a good few windows. Being forced to cross it was one thing but voluntarily going across it would be another.

Time passed and eventually the boys returned and talked through the closed door. They told us that it was nearly six o’clock. Panic struck me. Mum and dad said they’d be back by six. Stupid me blurted this out to the boys.

“Well we’d better go then”. They all said.

“You dare leave us like this” we all called out.

“Don’t worry we’ll leave a trail of your clothes from the front door to here so you wouldn’t be left out in the cold.” Scott said.

‘You dare Scott!” Julie shouted, “and they won’t be anymore kissing and cuddling”.

We pleaded and pleaded. We got more relied up the boys just laughed more.

“What are you prepared to pay as a pirate’s ransom”? Scott asked.

“What do you want?” we asked.

“Have you untied Trisha’s hands?” Bryan asked.

“No!” Trisha called back.

The door was opened and Julie sheltered her naked body. I was stood between her and the door. Bryan told Trisha to come out. She stepped outside and the door was closed. There was a gasp, a “No way” then a “Dam you, okay”. The yard fell quite. “Not here”, then a boys voice saying “Yep”. Then the unmistakable sound of panties being pulled down and then the door opening and a very naked Trisha being pushed back in.

“Right your ransom now” Ernest said looking at me.

“What is it?” I asked.

“Your underwear” he said.

“No way. I’m not letting you lot see me naked.” I said.

We argued. I wasn’t going to do it.

“6:10” said Scott.

I was weak at the knees now. The fear of being caught outside in underwear mixed with the fear of being caught naked, but worse still was the excitement of being seen naked by the boys and knowing what it is like to be naked, the ideas where just overwhelming.

“Tell you what. If you close the door she’ll pass them out under the door to you like last time” Julie said.

“No I won’t,” I said.

“Look I’m not going to be stood here like this when your mum gets home,” Julie said.

“Come on be a sport, its what pirates do” Trisha said.

“Okay but then you give them back” I said. Know how naďve can a girl be.

They closed the door and with trembling fingers. More in excitement then anything else I reached and took off my bra and passed it under the door. I stood back up and took a deep breath slipped my panties down and passed them under the door.

The boys began to cant, “Gill’s in the nude”.

“Quiet, quiet!” I said.

“Let me have my underwear back”, I called out.

“After Julie’s paid her ransom” Scott said.

‘What’s that then” Julie said.

The boys whispered. “You have to walk naked from the coalhouse to the gate then to the door” Bryan said.

“Okay” said Julie.

I hadn’t seen the floor in this. The door was suddenly opened. I was still stood in front of it. I screamed. The boys gaped. I covered.

Then a male voice said, “What the f--- h--- is going on here” then a female adult gasped, and then all hell did let loose.

My aunt and uncle had called around to say that dad’s car had broken-down on the way back to my grandparents and they’d have to wait to be brought home by the AA. I was to go and have tea with my cousins. Who now stood sniggering behind my aunt and uncle.

Well, I was permanently grounded. My parents where set to call the police. But Bryan’s parents managed to get the parents to see it has childish discovery play. Anyway it didn’t matter much because within a few months we’d moved to Leeds and I went to sixth form and university there. I’d promised to write to my friends and did a few times. But inevitably we drifted apart.
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