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The Midnight Run (1,2,3,4,5,6, 7,8,9, 10,11,12,13,14,15,16 ,17,18,19

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2021 10:41 pm
by Hooked6
The Midnight Run – Part One (Public Nudity, Humil, Bullies)

Copyright May 28, 2008 by Hooked6. All rights reserved.
No reproduction, retransmission, re-posting on another
Internet site is permitted without the expressed WRITTEN
consent of the author ( The following
story is for mature ADULTS only and is pure fiction. Any
similarity to actual events is pure coincidence. The story
is for ADULT entertainment. The plot of the story if it were
true may be considered illegal or abusive in some
localities. The author neither advocates nor condones such
conduct but believes in the right of free creative
expression. The author understands the difference between
fantasy and reality. By reading this article, the reader
hereby asserts that this material is appropriate for the
area in which the reader resides and is of an appropriate
age to access ADULT material. Comments are ALWAYS welcome.

The Midnight Run – Part One (Public Nudity, Humil, Bullies)
BY: Hooked6 (Copyright May 2008 by

(Synopsis: A shy, High School senior, small in stature, dreams of making the track team at her school until she runs a foul of bullies already on the team.)

Author's Note: I have added additional material and a revised ending to this story from when it was originally published. If you liked the story, please let me know.

Why do I like stories like these so much? Well to understand that I’d have to take you back to a simpler time when I was in High School. My name is Katie Lynn. Nobody ever called me Kate or Katie. They always used Katie Lynn which made me sound so immature. I lived in the Deep South, however, and that’s just the way it was.

I was never really popular growing up. In fact, I pretty much kept to myself. I did make the track team at school though my junior year. It was fun and I did well until I got kicked off because of shall we say, a “little misunderstanding”. Anyway, I’m getting off track. I was an only child raised by my mom. I never knew my dad and mom never talked about him much. Mom was pretty strict about most things so as a consequence I seldom confided in her about things that I really didn’t understand, like boys for instance, for fear of facing her wrath or giving her the wrong idea about me. Without many friends I was pretty much on my own to figure things out for myself.

I guess, in a way that’s how I got myself into trouble in the first place.

It all started one night in early August before the start of my junior year. It was hot. I mean stifling hot! We had air conditioning but my mom seldom allowed me to turn it on because of the cost. If it was used at all, it was used sparingly only during the day – NEVER at night. She figured we’d be asleep for most of the night anyway, so why waste it? So as usual I couldn’t sleep. During the dog days of August there wasn’t much of a breeze either. On this particular night I looked at the clock on my nightstand – midnight. At this rate I’d never get to sleep. I decided to go out onto the front porch to try and cool off. Quietly I made my way through the house so as not to awaken my mom. Once outside I sat on the porch swing muttering my complaints about the weather and the fact that we weren’t rich. The thermometer said 82 degrees! I was sure I’d never get any rest with it that hot.

Then it occurred to me for the first time that I was sitting outside in my short lacey nightgown and cotton panties. I felt my nipples stiffen under the sheer fabric and immediately felt a tingle shoot up my spine! It was a level of excitement I had never really felt before – wicked in fact. ANYONE could have walked by or passed our porch in a car and seen what they weren’t supposed to see! After all, good girls didn’t prance around in their lingerie. My heart began beating just a little faster and I forgot all about the heat. Of course, my brain tried to tell me that I was sitting in the dark shadows and the risk was very small that anyone would ever actually see me, but still the danger seemed real and for some strange reason I liked it.

After a few minutes I decided to push things a bit. I made my way down the front stairs and wandered around in the yard! Man, what a rush! No one was out but I just knew that at any moment I could be discovered. You must understand that although this might seem pretty tame to most of you – especially today, this was the first time this normally shy and well-behaved girl was doing something naughty - and in my mind as a result of my mom’s strict control over me, anything even remotely sexual was evil! Deep down I was so alive I wanted to scream!!

I meandered around the yard for almost thirty minutes before deciding that I had taken enough of a risk and headed back inside to relieve myself. I had long since discovered the joys of masturbation and on that night, I had the most intense orgasm ever.

The following evening, I couldn’t wait for my mom to go to bed so I could try my new-found hobby a second time. Fortunately, my mom usually went to bed early during the week so that by midnight I was once again outside on the front porch. Soon, however, I became bored. To make things interesting I eventually dared myself to take off my panties and leave them on the porch swing and roam around the yard in just my nightgown - which on this night was a little too short to completely cover my pubes. The feeling of the night air on my now exposed pussy was exhilarating and I found myself instantly wet. I told myself that in an emergency I could bend my knees and tug on the bottom of my gown to at least hide myself if I HAD to. After wandering around for another half an hour I returned to my room to pleasure myself.

This pattern continued for several days until I eventually became disenchanted. I needed a new challenge to keep the excitement alive. You guessed it: off came the nightgown one night, and for the first time ever that I can recall I wandered around my yard completely naked! Every square inch of my skin was on fire and the gnarled feeling in the pit of my stomach was intoxicating! I was scared to death that someone might catch me but I didn’t care. In fact, I believe that the risk of doing something so nasty and possibly getting caught was one of the driving forces behind my being so foolish.

I ran down the front yard to the street and back revealing my body in all its glory to anyone lucky enough to spot me. Of course, I wasn’t really brave, just stupid. I wasn’t that well-endowed either. Being a runner, I was barely an A-cup with very prominent nipples. Not much for the guys to gawk over but I didn’t care. Being naked where I wasn’t supposed to be, I was the sexiest woman alive – or so I told myself. Truth-be-told, I was embarrassed about my lack of development up top and would die if some spotted me. No one saw me of course as it was dark and most people were asleep.

Our house is located in an older neighborhood that has been swallowed up by urban sprawl. All the houses on my block are older and full of trees. Two short blocks up the road is a VERY busy 4-lane highway lined for miles with strip-type shopping centers and big box stores on either side. Though I was relatively safe among the dark shadows of my tree-lined road, the bright lights of the business district reminded me of the danger of being out naked in public. THAT thought made my adrenalin pump and the excitement level boil over within me! Those distant bright lights were like a magnet beckoning, no make that fiendishly tempting me towards them. It was as if they had some hold on me that I couldn’t resist. I kept staring at them. Of course, I knew that danger lurked there and the possibility of being seen, or worse arrested, was unbelievably high but I couldn’t get them out of my mind. After all I was NAKED and ALIVE! That’s all that mattered at the moment. I was having FUN!!

I’m not sure that I ever made a conscious decision to do what I did but for some reason I soon found myself taking a few steps down the sidewalk away from my house in the direction of those blasted lights. I stopped and pondered a bit. I took another step. “Just one little step,” I said to myself, “what could it hurt?” I was still close to my house and could dash back to the safety of my porch if I spotted anyone. The fact that my only means of cover, my flimsy nightgown, was still on the porch only added to the danger. Looking back of course I must have been brain-dead. I was surrounded by houses of people that knew me – AND my mom. If any of them spotted me, my life would be over for sure. Naturally I never gave that a thought at the time. I was too wrapped up in the thrill of the moment. “Just one more step,” I pushed myself. “See nothing happened,” I heard a little voice say somewhere in the back of my mind.

Time flies when you’re having fun and after just a FEW more LITTLE steps I suddenly discovered I was THREE houses away from my own!!!! The jolt of electricity that hit my clit at that realization was earth shattering!!! A wave of wetness splashed between my legs as if someone had turned on a faucet full blast. WOW, I thought. This is AWESOME!

I nervously looked around and all was quiet. No lights were on in any of the houses and I was still secluded in relative darkness as there were no security or street lights on my block. “Go on,” that little menacing voice urged, “Just a few more steps. Let’s see how far you can go.”

I looked back at my front porch, “I could make it back there pretty quickly if I HAD to” I consoled myself once more and then proceeded to take another step, then another and another, one bare foot cautiously in front of the other, step by step nervously keeping my arms over my chest and pubes just in case until I reached the small cross street at end of my block. The lights were closer now – only one short block away! I paused and my fingers slid down the slippery slope towards my vagina. I just HAD to see how close I could make it to the main road. I just HAD TO!

My street, which I was on, ran perpendicularly into the main highway. It was a small, little-used street except by those that lived here. Behind me, my street eventually dead-ended about a half a mile past my house. It was so insignificant that there was only a stop sign; no traffic light at the corner where my street met the main road. The bright lights taunted me. The sound of the occasional cars passing by on the main highway screamed a warning to me that this was crazy! Still, I wasn’t really going to run out on the road and flash people, I rationalized. I was just going to see how far I could push myself to go. How close I could get. Before I knew it one bare foot was stepping in front of the other and I was slowly but steadily on my way. The closer I got, the brighter the lights appeared to be and the more thrilling the feeling deep down inside me!

Still nervously covering myself I crept ever so carefully toward the end of my street. I somehow managed to get close enough to the main road that I now could read the stop sign letters: S-T-O-P. The safety of the darkness that once enveloped me was fading away. I guess I was now about thirty feet from the corner. The four-lane highway stood menacingly across my path. To my left was an old service station that was now closed. Its parking area was full of cars needing service safely stowed for the night behind a chain link fence. To my right was a long strip shopping center. There was a small open alleyway behind the building that was occasionally dotted by garbage dumpsters behind the stores. A chain link fence and some shrubbery separated the stores’ alleyway from the neighborhood to the rear. I stood there for a moment checking things out. Across the highway was a bank and its neon sign flashed the time and temperature: 81 degrees, 1:30am. HOLY CRAP I had been out naked for an hour and a half!!! Surely it hadn’t been that long, HAD IT? I needed to get home, I thought. If my mom should happen to have awakened during the night and discovered I was gone I’d be in a world of hurt! I started to turn when that darned little voice said, “Make it to the stop sign. Just go and touch the sign, THEN you can go home!” I looked back over my shoulder at the sign. It wasn’t that far, I thought, but it was dangerous right out on the highway. I began arguing with myself, “No way, it’s too risky.” Then the voice countered, “Don’t be such a pussy, just run up there and touch it. You’ll regret it if you don’t, you know you will.”

I felt that familiar gnawing in the pit of my stomach that was oh so intoxicating that I couldn’t say no. I turned around. I didn’t hear any cars approaching so the traffic light up the road must be red. Before I could change my mind, I took off running, my boobs bouncing with each leap forward. In order to run I had to abandon any attempt to cover myself as I needed to swing my arms to keep my balance and speed. I made it to the sign and reached out to touch its red surface. I looked up and saw a small line of cars approaching as the light had now turned green. I let out a squeal and bolted back down my street. I never looked back as I dashed towards home. I wasn’t sure if anyone saw me but I clearly heard the sounds of the cars passing on the highway behind me. Did anyone see me I wondered? Just the thought that they might have, pushed me almost to a spontaneous orgasm right there in the street!!

I ran all the way home and by the time I reached my front lawn I was panting so heavily I sounded like an obscene phone call! I sat down on the front lawn to catch my breath and unconsciously began rubbing myself to ecstasy. I couldn’t believe what I had done or the fact that I was sitting naked outside in my own neighborhood masturbating!! I imagined all my neighbors looking at me as I drifted off into secret bliss. Of course, if anyone HAD been looking at me just then I would have had to move to Mexico or something as the shame would have been too much to endure!

When I climaxed, it took all that I had not to moan for fear of waking my mom. Words fail me to adequately describe what I was feeling right then. All I can say is: “WHAT A NIGHT”!!!

I sat there for a few moments collecting myself and then quietly made my way back onto the porch, redressed in my nightgown and carefully reentered the house. As far as I could tell my mom was still sound asleep and was none the wiser. It was a good thing too!

As I relaxed in bed, I made up my mind about two things. First, I HAD to do this again and secondly, I definitely was going to wear running shoes next time. My feet were cut up and sore from running on the asphalt. If there ever was a real emergency, I might not make it if I was bare footed and had to run for my life as it were. No shoes were a necessity even if they ruined the overall effect. I’d just have to make up for it by pushing myself even further.

Re: The Midnight Run (1,2,3,4,5 . . .)

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2021 10:43 pm
by Hooked6
The Midnight Run – Part Two (Public Nudity, Humil, Public Stripping)
BY: Hooked6 (Copyright 2008 by

The next morning at breakfast my mom seemed her usual self. She did wonder why I looked so tired but I shrugged her remark off as I did most of the time when she nagged me and she let it drop. I did manage a catnap later that afternoon while she was at work which was a good thing as I really needed it.

That night I couldn’t wait for my mom to go to bed. As she worked during the week, she was in the habit of retiring by 10 o’clock at the latest. I too usually went at that time conditioned by my school routine even in the summer. Waiting those two long hours for midnight to arrive was pure agony! I thought 12 o’clock would NEVER come.

When my alarm beamed the magic hour I carefully got up and listened at my door. All was quiet. This time I decided to remove my clothing, and put my shoes on BEFORE leaving my room. I felt it would be too awkward to remove my shoes and then my nightgown and then put my shoes back on again all the while on the front porch. At least that’s what I told myself my reason was for taking the additional risk of leaving my room virtually naked with no safety net if I was caught! Deep down I have to admit the risk played a big part in all this as well.

Once outside I felt that now familiar gnarling in the pit of my stomach. There was no turning back. I knew I was committed. Once again, I slowly headed down the street. I knew I had to raise the stakes tonight but I wasn’t exactly sure how. The lights still cast their spell over me and I headed straight toward them and the dangers of the main highway. What was it about those lights?

Upon nearing the infamous stop sign now only thirty feet away, I paused hidden as best I could be in what little shadows that were still available. My body trembled as I watched the cars that frequently passed by on the 4-lane highway just yards away. If any one of them turned down my street I’d be a goner! Just standing there watching them was exhilarating to say the least but I needed more. The thought did occur to me that I should just step out onto the sidewalk and boldly flash my charms as the cars whizzed by, but somehow that didn’t seem realistic just yet. There was no doubt, however, that given the risks I was taking I would surely be seen at some point but I was in no mood to rush things. No, I wanted adventure. It was the fear of the unknown that seemed to drive me onward but to what, I wondered?

“Keep walking,” the now familiar voice in the back of my head urged me. Consciously I didn’t have a clue as to why I listened to that darned voice, but I soon found my feet nervously pacing onward. I immediately used my arms to cover my body as I neared the stop sign and the open road. What was I doing??! Was I crazy? Had I lost my fricken mind?

As if driven by some invisible force I found myself turning down the alleyway behind the strip-type shopping center – one foot meticulously followed the other as if they were doing my thinking for me instead of my brain. “Let’s just see how far you can go,” the voice said over and over, “Let’s just see how far you can go.”

My heart raced and my mouth got very dry. Unlike my neighborhood street this alleyway was brightly lit with security lights everywhere constantly illuminating my naked body. There were no shadows to hide behind, just the brick walls of the service entrances to the stores on my left and the chain-link fence separating the backyards of the neighborhood to my right – oh and the occasional dumpster of course. My brain screamed at me to turn back but my feet wouldn’t listen. “Let’s just see how far you can go,” it kept repeating. “Let’s just see how far you can go.”

Truth be told I had no idea where this alleyway actually went even thought I grew up in this neighborhood. I had never been down this way. I knew what stores that occupied the shopping center of course but the alleyway? THAT was a mystery. I had no clue if it dead-ended somewhere up ahead or if it opened up into a busy parking lot of a big box store. There was that fear of the unknown that I seemed to desire. Logic insisted that I stop this foolishness yet still my feet kept walking. I could hear all sorts of sounds on the highway in front of this long building. If the people on that road only knew there was a naked girl back here!!!! Oooohh that did it! I was wet now; there was no mistaking that feeling!

Methodically my feet carried me one step at a time ever onward, farther away from my neighborhood street and the safety I thought it provided. My nerves were on edge and my breathing rapid. The farther I went the more determined I was to listen to that little voice, “Let’s just see how far you can go?” I looked back over my shoulder and I was more than half way down the shopping center. Not bad I thought. Maybe I should call it a night, I thought to myself.

“You pussy!” that little voice said. “Look at you all covering yourself like a little coward. Bet you can’t walk the entire length of this building with your arms at your sides.” My heart raced at the prospect. It was bad enough that I was bathed in bright lights with no real place to hide but boldly walking onward showing my self was a bit much – especially with such a high probability that I would get caught! Then I realized how aroused I was.

“I CAN TO!” I yelled at myself in my mind and dropped my arms to my sides. I made a deal with that little voice: “I’ll make the rest of this little walk without EVER covering up – no matter what happens!” Just hearing those words in my brain send shockwaves once again to my clit.

So, on I went trying to act brave even though on the inside I was about half a second from fainting! When I reached the end of the building that little voice taunted me again, “Let’s just see how far you can go.” I looked around and the alleyway seemed to continue on. Up ahead was an open space between the shopping center I had just walked behind and a big box store that I thought might be the local U-Save giant grocery store. The alleyway behind the grocery store looked much the same as the one I had just walked, but to continue on I would have to walk about 100 feet totally out in the open.

“Go on you pussy,” that voice snapped at me.

I peered around the corner of the shopping center and saw that the area to my left was a giant parking lot. The 4-lane highway was clearly visible and a traffic light was located at the grocery store’s entrance. Even though it was in the wee hours of the morning there were still a lot of cars about traveling on the road going to who knows where. I was sure the grocery store was closed but there were a few cars in the lot – cleaning crews I suspected or maybe a few stock boys re-stocking the shelves. “Stock-BOYS??!!” The word “boys” sent a shiver up my spine and gooseflesh appeared on my body. Man, if they spotted me like this . . .

Regardless, my feet suddenly began carrying me into the open space. I started to cover myself but remembered my commitment. I looked out at the passing traffic the entire time I made my way across the open space. I wondered if anyone would look my way and see me. What would they think? Would they think I was pretty? Would they think I was some kind of nut case? Would I give some guy an instant hard-on as he realized I was naked and he was looking at my private forbidden flesh? That would be cool, I thought to myself – getting some guy all excited!! I could feel my vagina tightening up on the inside and I almost had an orgasm right there as I walked! Once I reached the alley behind the grocery store, I relaxed a little but kept walking. I was so lost in my thoughts on the thrill of the moment that I hardly paid any attention to my surroundings. I just kept on walking. The alleyway continued on past several commercial buildings and another big box store. I decided to keep on exploring until I ran out of alley and it dead-ended or something. After all it wasn’t like I was walking along the sidewalk next to the busy highway, was it?

After some time, I reached the end of the alley and to my utter astonishment – there was my high school! I found myself looking at the athletic fields. The baseball field was to my left, the gym directly in front of me and the football stadium with its small visitor’s bleachers nearest me and the massive home stand on the far side of the field. I had no idea my school was so near this alley. What a surprise. When I went to school on the bus and we took a circuitous route picking up other kids and finally entering on the other side of campus through the main gate. Was my school really this close or had I walked for miles? I had no idea how far I really had traveled nor did I know what time it really was. The thought that I might be miles from home without any clothing to use in an emergency was about to send me into a panic attack! I decided to quickly make my way back home before something bad happened to me.

It was then I spotted the track that ran around the football field. I had always dreamed of playing on some team for my school. I really didn’t have what you would call athletic ability – but boy I could run! Being a member of the track team had been a secret fantasy of mine. In fact, there was a summer training camp for those interested in trying out for the track team in just two weeks. All sports had a training camp in the summer before school started. It gave the coaches a chance to see what talent they might have to work with during the upcoming year. The Track and Field camp was the last to be held. I had thought about attending but dismissed that idea as just a pipe-dream.

I walked over to the small 3-foot-high chain link fence surrounding the field and to my delight the gate was unlocked. I made my way onto the track and began a slow jog around the football field imagining myself running in a competition and hearing my school mates cheering me on!! Of course, it was so erotic combining the very idea of my classmates sitting in the stadium watching me and me running around the track totally in the nude! If they ever saw me like this I would be mortified. When I reached the finish line, I raised my hands up in triumph like I had just won an Olympic event or something. The whole scene in my mind’s eye was so surreal. I need relief and I needed it fast!

I sat down on the grass of the football field and masturbated myself to a marvelous climax! Of course, in my fantasy everyone was watching me in the stands. When I was through, I was weak-kneed and panting heavily. After soaking in what had just happened, I decide I needed to get home before I really was caught!

I wasn’t really as aroused on the trip back as I was on the trip out. In fact, I was angry with myself for being so foolish. Still for some reason I didn’t run back but continued on in a slow walk. Like before I decided to keep my commitment that I had made and NOT cover up no matter what. That thought seemed to perk me up a bit anyway.

By the time I saw the back of the grocery store I started to panic! There parked in back of the store were three box-like trucks – a soft drink vendor, a bread truck and a snack vendor! You guessed it, there were three men unloading their wares and taking them inside through the back service entrance!! I was trapped!!

I hid behind a dumpster as my legs shook with fear. So far, they hadn’t spotted me as they went about their work. I cowered low near the ground and waited . . . and waited . . . and waited. Dang! How long does it take to unload a few boxes of chips for Pete’s sakes?

I thought about just boldly standing up and walking on regardless if they were out there or not – might give them a thrill I thought. But the fear of them calling the cops or worse making fun of me was too great so I waited. Soon the men were all inside and seemed to stay inside for some time. I figured that maybe, just maybe they might be in there for a while opening the boxes and putting their products on the grocery store shelves. I seemed to remember seeing the Coke guy putting cases of soda on the shelves a few times so I reasoned that the grocery store staff didn’t do this for them.

I decided to take my chances and run past the trucks hoping that I’d make it before they finished inside and came back out to the alley. I swallowed hard, stood up, counted to three and took off running, boobs bouncing, shoes slapping the pavement and my hair swinging back and forth across my upper back. I was just about to reach the first truck when I spotted one of the men inside the grocery store coming towards the opened service door. I noticed the expression on his face was one of total surprise. His mouth opened and his eyes got huge and he just stood there watching me as I ran past. I was sure he was still watching my naked ass as I continued running down the alley though I didn’t turn around to verify that.

When I reached the end of the shopping center, I noticed the bank sign: 5:00am it said!!! I was out naked for FIVE HOURS?!!!! No wonder the delivery people were already at the store. It would be daylight soon!!

Then my thoughts turned to another disaster – my mom! She usually got up about this time to get ready for work! What if she noticed I wasn’t home? What if she catches me running up the street naked??!!

I ran faster than I never thought I could run down my neighborhood street. There were lights on in the houses now and I could smell bacon cooking somewhere among one of the homes. I bolted up my front yard and came to a sudden stop before climbing the steps of my front porch. There were no obvious lights on – maybe I had made it. I quietly went up onto the porch and carefully opened the front door. Once inside I closed the door and tip-toed my way through the living room. Why oh why did I leave my room naked, I wondered? If I was dressed and my mom caught me now I’d be safe! But Noooooooooo, I had to be the RISKY one, didn’t I?

I turned to go down the hallway and froze dead in my tracks. A light was shining from under my mom’s door. She was up!!! I then heard her door handle turning! She was coming out!! I dashed across the hall and into the bathroom and closed the door. I was gasping for air so heavily I was sure she’d hear me. I stood in front of the mirror looking at myself trying desperately to slow my breathing when suddenly the bathroom door opened and there stood my mom with a scowl on her face. In my haste I had neglected to turn on the bathroom light or even lock the door so she must not have known I was in there.

“KATIE LYNN TURNER, what ARE you doing??”

With my voice cracking I replied, “Ah . . . just using the bathroom, mom, that’s all.”

“And where are your clothes?”

“In my room,” I snapped flippantly. “It’s so hot out and you’re too cheap to run the air conditioner it’s the only way I can sleep at night.”

I stood their primping in the mirror and she continued to gaze at me. It was the first time I had been seen naked by her since I became a teenager and it was embarrassing to say the least. As humiliating as it was, I was more concerned that she bought my story and didn’t suspect anything.

She finally cleared her throat and replied, “Yes . . . well . . . if you are through I’d like to use the bathroom now. I’ve got to get to work. YOU can lollygag all morning if you want and have all day to put your face on. Now scram.”

“Yes, mom,” I said with a sigh as if I was put out at her intrusion.

Upon reaching my room I collapsed on my bed. I DID it!! I pulled it off! I was so pleased with myself I couldn’t stand it.

My body was shaking in terror at how close I had come to ruining my life. Then I heard that damn little voice taunting me again, “Just wait until tonight, just wait until tonight.”

Re: The Midnight Run (1,2,3,4,5 . . .)

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2021 10:45 pm
by Hooked6
The Midnight Run – Part Three (Public Nudity, Humil, Public Stripping)
BY: Hooked6 (Copyright 2008 by

That night I waited patiently for my mom to retire. After stripping off and putting my running shoes on, once again I crept out of the house. I knew I was taking one hell of a chance after my close encounter with my mom that morning but I couldn’t help myself. I guess I was just addicted to the adrenalin rush or something.

All day long I couldn’t take my mind of the idea of trying out for the track team. Running around the field at school the previous night really made an impression on me. I decided that I would call and register myself for the training camp when the school office opened. In the meantime, I needed to get into shape and the best way to do that was run and the best incentive I could think of was to do it naked!

After walking some distance from my house to be sure the noise of my shoes running down the street wouldn’t wake my mom, I took off at a fast jog. You guessed it, I returned to that back alley and headed for the school at a pace that I thought I could sustain. I had to build up my endurance. It felt good to be out again without clothes and even better that I was doing this for some constructive purpose and not just because I was some kind of kinky pervert, at least that’s what I kept telling myself though I doubted that argument would hold water if I was ever caught.

Upon reaching the track I started to make my rounds encircling the field. I must have spent an hour or so running in earnest before I had to stop and rest. After satisfying myself that I had indeed given my muscles a good workout I started home. On the way I knew that I deserved some kind of reward - something to treat myself for my hard work. That funny feeling grew in the pit of my stomach and all sorts of wild ideas began popping in my head. I decided that henceforth, every night that I could beat my previous best time around the track, I would push myself to take a risk of being seen naked by someone else. I wasn’t going to literally flash someone but I WAS agreeing to take more and more risks so that if it happened it wasn’t really my fault. I know that sounds silly but that’s where my mindset was at the time.

This night I decided to run up the space between the strip shopping center and the grocery store and touch the first light pole that I could see in the front parking lot before continuing on home. I would be closer to the road by doing that and IF anyone was working in any of the stores and happened to be looking out, well, they’d get a surprise wouldn’t they? My heart was racing furiously when I turned the corner and rushed to the light pole. Cars were passing by everywhere on the highway. I was too nervous, though, to actually look in the stores to see if anyone saw me but just that thought made me hornier than ever!

This time I beat the delivery people to the store and made it home without incident.

I kept up this routine every night for the next two weeks timing myself on the track pushing myself faster and faster until I felt I was ready to try out. Besides my incentive of rewarding myself with taking increased risks of exposure if I beat my old time was a tremendous inspiration!

At track camp, I was surprised that there were only two new girls besides me and the returning team members from last year. The coach, an unbelievably handsome man who looked to be just out of college introduced himself and made everyone feel welcome. “I’m Coach Johnson,” he said to the group. “I realize that some of you girls might feel a little awkward having a male coach but I assure it will be all business this year.” He then went on to explain that he was new to the school and reviewed his list of accomplishments and credentials, which to me seemed quite impressive. “Each of you will have an equal shot at making the team. No one gets preferential treatment – not even if you made the team last year,” he went on to explain. “We only have so many spots so only the best will make it. I hope everyone will do their best. Good luck to all of you.”

He then made us each try our hand at various things. For me it was the 100-yard dash, the 440, the 880-yard run and the hurdles. I sucked at the hurdles but I tried anyway. He and a volunteer timed us and made notes about our performance. After we all finished, he gathered us around and thanked us and informed us about some of the things we would be doing the next day. “Each day during training camp,” he went on to explain, “I will first give some instruction on the fundamentals of running so you all can avoid injury and then go over some things I want each of you to work on. After that, we’ll hit the track.”

After he dismissed us to the locker room to shower, he called out, “Katie Lynn, could I see you for a moment?”

“Yes coach,” I said as I left the group and headed over to him.

“You did very well today. I’m very impressed. You’ve never participated on a track team before?”

“Um, no sir, this is my first time trying this.”

“Well, keep up the good work,” he said as he patted me on the back. “I think you have a good shot at making the team this year. See you tomorrow.” He then turned and left the field heading towards his car.

“Thanks coach!” I said beaming with pride. Imagine, little ole me doing so well on the first day. I KNEW all that naked practice would come in handy! I began daydreaming about winning a meet and my classmates cheering me on. Of course, in my thoughts I left out the part about masturbating as the crowd watched. I laughed quietly when I mentally pictured that!

As I turned to head towards the locker room, I found myself surrounded by 4 girls. “Just what in the hell do you think you’re doing?” the meanest one asked.

“I don’t understand,” I replied nervously. “I’m going to clean up and go home.”

“She doesn’t understand,” the girl snapped mockingly as the other girls all laughed.

“Look, who ARE you anyway? I haven’t done anything to you. Please leave me alone.”

“My name is Abby. Abby Cakes and I’m your worst nightmare if you think you’re going to try out for this team.”

I swallowed hard. “But Coach just said I did really well today and I have a good shot at making the team!”

“Yeah, we heard him, but I’M the one who says who makes the team not that fancy college boy.” Abby said menacingly. “If you make the team that means that one of us probably WON’T and we’ve been together since freshman year. No newcomer is going to show us up, got it?”

“But . . . if I’m good it will help the team, right? After all, we sucked last year and finished in LAST place in our division.” I said trying to make a case for myself.

“Did you hear that girls? I think this bimbo just insulted us!”

The girls now all had scowls on their faces and took a step closer to me. “I didn’t mean . . . I wasn’t trying to, you know, insult you or anything . . .”

“Save it sister,” Abby interrupted me. “Let me show you what happens to people who try and cross me.” She then gave the other girls a wink and they started to surround me.

“No wait,” I protested. “I didn’t mean . . . what are you doing . . . STOP!!!!!!!!”

One girl tackled me to the ground and held onto my ankles while Abby pounced on top of me straddling my belly. Another girl held my arms and held me fast while the fourth girl just laughed and stood guard.

“Please what are you going to do? Don’t hurt me, please!” I begged.

“Oh, we aren’t going to HURT you, sissy-britches, we’re just going to teach you what it means to get on our bad side.” Abby then reached up and began slowly sliding my shirt up towards my head exposing my bra! I struggled like crazy but there were just too many of them and they were too strong.

Abby just laughed as she slid the shirt over my head and tossed it to the remaining girl who was still standing. I looked on in horror as I saw her produce a pocketknife and began cutting up my shirt into little pieces.

“Please GAWD NO!!!!” I pleaded to no avail.

While Abby sat on my belly, I felt my shoes and socks being pulled off and tossed away. Though I couldn’t see the girl at my feet behind Abby, I felt fingers reaching under the waistband of my running shorts and, despite my best efforts to prevent it they slowly started making the humiliating journey down my legs. They too were eventually tossed to the girl with the knife. My heart sank as she gleefully destroyed them as well!

“You’ve had your fun,” I said with my voice squeaking, “Now leave me alone!”

“Oh, but we’ve hardly begun,” Abby said snickering. “What a pitiful looking bra. I wouldn’t be caught dead in that thing, would you girls?”

“Hell no,” the girl holding my arms replied, “She’s got no taste at all!”

“See there,” Abby said with an evil grin. “I’m really doing you a favor by getting rid of this ugly ole thing!” In an instant my bra was snapped off my chest exposing my boobs to these girls. They all seemed pleased to gawk at my exposure. The tension in the air was palpable. My breathing quickened as I feared what was coming next.

“And now for the best part . . .”

“NO! You wouldn’t! You can’t . . . please no . . .”

Too late . . . my panties were off before I could even react.

“Good gawd, would you look at all that hair?!” one of the girls mocked as I struggled to break free.

“Now listen sister, this better be the last time I see you at track camp, GOT IT? If you show up again, you’re going to get the same treatment, understand? For your sake I hope you aren’t a slow learner. And remember, if you push me, I’ll make it even worse.” Abby then pinched one of my nipples really hard and I squealed like a little pig before she finally let go!

After they all had a good look at me lying there naked making sure that I knew they were mocking my body, she eventually got off of me and I quickly covered myself as they all left laughing hysterically.

It took me a moment to realize that I was now naked at school in broad daylight!!! There were many others still at school and I knew the boys’ track team was due to arrive soon for the start of their summer camp at any moment now. I had to get out of there!

But, to where? I couldn’t very well run back home in the middle of rush hour traffic. And, I didn’t dare go into the locker room and face my attackers again. Heaven knows what else they would do to me.

I suddenly spotted a ticket booth outside the small fence near the Visitor’s bleachers. That would have to do until I could think of something else. I ran as fast as I could towards the freestanding booth while trying to keep myself covered and upon reaching the kiosk, I literally jumped over the open counter top and ducked down below.

I was shaking like crazy at what had just happened. I didn’t have time to relax though as I soon heard voices – MALE voices coming in my direction. THE BOY’S TRACK TEAM!!! Their voices grew louder as they got closer. I scrunched myself into a small little ball and literally hugged the short plywood wall hoping against hope that they wouldn’t spot me! I’d just die if the boys I went to school with knew what I looked like naked – not to mention what would happen to my reputation!!!

Mercifully they passed by without seeming to notice. Every few minutes I had to relive that same terror as a new group of boys approached and ultimately passed by. If they only knew how close they came to a naked girl!!

I had to wait crouched in that ticket booth as the boys coach put them through their paces. Hearing all those boys made me quite aroused. Ridiculous I know, but somehow this whole thing seemed to play into my addiction of risk-taking and the adrenalin rush that often accompanied it. Before long, my fingers were doing all the work and I got myself off just as some boys passed by the booth on their way home! It took all I had to keep silent as my vagina spasmed one glorious contraction after another!!

I may be crazy, but one thing I was sure of, that each successive orgasm I gave myself after starting all this naked business was stronger than the previous one. At this rate if I kept this up, I’d go into full-body seizures before all this was through!!!

Eventually the camp broke up and everyone left. My only hope was staying put in the ticket booth until dark and then somehow making it home undetected. I had no idea how on earth I was going to explain this to my mom who surely would be waiting for me. I had plenty of time to think of something, though as I wasn’t about to go anywhere anytime soon.

One thing was certain in my own mind at least. I wasn’t about to let Abby run my life. There was no way I was going to back down. Who did she think she was, anyway? Make no mistake about it; I planned on being at track camp the next day come hell or high water, Abby or no Abby!

Re: The Midnight Run (1,2,3,4,5 . . .)

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2021 10:46 pm
by Hooked6
The Midnight Run – Part Four (Public Nudity, Exhib, Bullies)
BY: Hooked6 (Copyright 2008 by

I sat in the booth trying to pass the time when I suddenly heard a couple of girls talking and it sounded as if they were coming my way. I was sure everyone had already gone home. Just then I literally almost jumped out of my skin as I heard the loud thud of two backpacks being tossed on the ticket booth counter right above where I was hiding. The girls stood there for a moment chatting away still unaware that I was crouched below.

I heard one girl say, “So Brooke, how did your track camp go? Do you think you have a chance at making the team?”

“It went Okay I guess for my first time trying out. I held my own but that new girl, Katie Lynn, man is she ever fast!” the second girl responded.

It felt good hearing them talk about me in such a positive light. I remembered Brooke from camp. She was one of the new girls. I didn’t know much else about her but she seemed nice and was definitely a Hottie.

Brooke continued, “I was going to try and introduce myself to Katie Lynn after practice but she just flat out disappeared. I didn’t see her in the locker room or anything.”

“Maybe she had to get home or something. I’m sure it wasn’t anything personal.”

“Yeah, well it would have been nice to make a few friends. That Abby gives me the creeps.”

”Abby? I don’t believe I know her,” the first girl replied.

Brooke chuckled, “She’s just, like, THE most popular girl on campus, you know the type – great bod, rich, hangs with all the popular kids and is loaded with talent. She’s like miles above the rest of us and she knows it!”

“Yeah, I know the type. Too bad we all can’t be like her.”

The girls stood there talking for a few moments as my heart began pounding. Having them find me cowering naked is not the best way to make a good first impression. I silently pleaded for them to just go away!

Finally, I heard one of them pick up a backpack and say, “So long, Brooke. Thanks for waiting for me. See you tomorrow,” and walked away.
I heard Brooke rummaging through her belongings on the counter and was hoping she’d leave soon as well because I felt an irritation in my nose and I was afraid I was going to . . .

“ACHOO!” I bellowed out unable to stop myself.

“Who’s there?” she called out as she peered over the counter, “MY GAWD its Katie Lynn and you’re . . . you’re naked!!”

“SHHHHHHHH!” I yelled in a loud whisper. I looked up and Brooke was leaning way over the counter staring at me. All I could do was shrug my shoulders and smile. “Abby did it.” I finally said meekly.

Brooke giggled and asked, “Are you alright?”

“Yeah, I guess so, nothing that a nice set of clothes wouldn’t cure. I don’t suppose you . . .”

“No sorry, I’ve just got what I have on.” Brooke looked me over with an awkward grin and finally continued, “What on earth happened?”

“It seems Abby feels threatened by my speed and warned me not to try out for the team and then stripped me and destroyed my clothes.”

Brooke just laughed. “I’m sorry. It’s not funny I know, but you should see how silly you look hiding in there. How are you going to get home?”

“I guess I’ll wait until its dark then run like crazy through that alley over there until I get home!”

“Are you crazy? You’ll get caught for sure?”

Without thinking I blurted out, “Naw, I’ve done it dozens of times at night before. I’ll be alright.”

Brooke’s eyes widened and a shocked look came over her face and I realized that I said the wrong thing. “You mean you’ve streaked the neighborhood at night . . . like, TOTALLY NAKED?!!”

I cleared my throat and tried desperately to think of something to explain what I meant but it was obvious that no matter what I said now she already knew the truth. “Um . . . okay I’m busted. Please don’t say anything to anyone it’s not what you think.”

“What do I think?” Brooke said mischievously with a wry smile on her face.

“You think that I’m some kind of perverted nut case.”

“Yep! That’s what I’m thinking alright,” she answered giggling.

I pleaded with her with my eyes, “You don’t understand. I wanted to make the track team and I needed a lot of work, but didn’t want anyone to know about it so I’ve been practicing at night. In order to force myself to get faster I decided to run the track naked. It worked too. You saw how fast I was out there today.”


“SHHHHHHHH! Not so loud!” I was beginning to see my life flash before my eyes. I just knew I had blown it by confiding in her. Why oh why didn’t I just make up a lie! It would have been better than removing all doubt by speaking the truth.

“It really works??” Brooke asked quite sincerely.

“Um, yeah,” I explained truthfully, “I was nowhere near this fast a couple of weeks ago.”

“A couple of WEEKS ago?” Brooke remarked doubtfully. She then climbed over the shelf of the ticket kiosk and joined me inside on the ground. She leaned over and whispered carefully so that no one else could hear, “Would you help me get faster too?”


“Look, all my brothers were on the track team in high school and I really want to continue that tradition. But let’s face it I’m nowhere near as fast as you. I need help.”

Let me get this straight you want to join me running the track naked at night so you can increase your speed?”

“If that’s what it takes. Besides, it sounds like fun, how about it?”

I shook my head in disbelief. Was this girl just putting me on to get me in trouble or was she sincere.

“I don’t know . . .” I stammered trying to think of something to say so as not to hurt her feelings. The last thing I wanted to do was have company on my intimate moments of thrill seeking. Of course, having someone else WOULD after all increase the risk that something could go wrong. My pulse quickened a bit at that thought. More risk . . . hmmmm.

“If you let me join you, I’ll bring you back some clothes so you don’t have to wait here until after dark . . .” Brooke said sweetening the deal.

“Done!” I replied hastily. “Just promise me you’ll keep this just between us, okay?”
“I promise. Can we start tonight?”

“TONIGHT? Aren’t you all tired out from running today?”

“Yeah well, I’m in pretty good shape and I’m not tired at all. I just need to somehow increase my speed. I want to be a sprinter and run the 100-yard dash. Your idea might just give me the incentive I need to get a faster start off the mark.”

“Okay, tonight it is. Meet me here a little after midnight. Can you do that?”

“I’ll be here don’t you worry. I just live in that neighborhood over there just like you.”

We exchanged a few more pleasantries and Brooke left to go to her house and get me some clothes. When she returned a short time later, I was pleased to discover that her clothes fit perfectly. As it turned out we were pretty close to the same size.

As usual when the midnight hour arrived, I stripped off and made my usual trek to the track. On the journey my thoughts began to look forward to the excitement of seeing Brooke naked for the first time. I didn’t really know why, as I wasn’t the least bit interested in other girls. Perhaps it was the naughty, erotic nature of HOW I was going to see her naked that got my juices flowing. I mean seeing her in the showers would be no big deal but seeing her strip off outside on the track – THAT was unusual to say the least.

When I arrived, I saw Brooke standing next to the ticket booth and she was already naked! Any doubts about her setting me up quickly left my mind. When I got to her, I remarked, “Great you’ve already stripped out of your clothes.”

“What clothes,” she giggled. “I ran over here from my house like this. That’s how you do it isn’t it?”

I laughed and nodded my head. We worked about an hour at the track paying special attention to short sprints. Good heavens, was Brooke beautiful! She was perky up top and shaved down below and there wasn’t an ounce of fat on her. I was mesmerized by the sight of her bending over at the starting block and then bolting off down the track at my signal. I must have changed my position a dozen times just to get a look at her from different angles. For some strange reason I seemed quite aroused by her body. What was happening here, I wondered? I then told her to imagine the stands full of students all looking at her and just like that classic bad dream she was now suddenly naked and everyone could see EVERYTHING!! That idea worked because her times got better and better as the night went on.

After we were through Brooke thanked me for my help and then added, “See you tomorrow night.”

I shook my head and corrected her, “No, I’ll see you at track camp in the afternoon.”

She looked at me as if I had lost my mind. “Are you NUTS? What about Abby? You mean you’re STILL going to show up after what happened to you today?”

“Yeah, she doesn’t scare me and the sooner she finds that out the better. She just got the jump on me today. THAT won’t happen again.”

Brooke couldn’t believe what I had just said. “Okay, if that’s the way you want it. See you at camp.”

The next day I got to campus a little early and hid a plastic bag containing an extra set of clothes in the ticket kiosk – just in case. There’s nothing like planning ahead, I always say.

I went to the locker room and Brooke was already there changing. She gave me a knowing look and an intriguing smile. “What was that all about,” I wondered. Perhaps it was because we shared something a wee bit intimate and naughty the night before.

As it was early, I asked Brooke if she wanted to work on some things at the track before everyone else arrived. Before she could answer I felt someone behind me place a firm grip on my shoulders and spin me around.

“Well, well, look what we have here,” Abby said to her cohorts. “It’s that SLOW LEARNER, Katie Lynn! I thought I told you not to show up today.”

Out of the corner of my eye I spotted Brooke making a mad dash for the door. I didn’t blame her leaving and I could only hope she was actually running for help and not running away like a coward.

Re: The Midnight Run (1,2,3,4,5 . . .)

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2021 10:48 pm
by Hooked6
The Midnight Run – Part Five (Public Nudity, Exhib, Pubic Stripping)
BY: Hooked6 (Copyright 2008 by

The other girls all encircled me as Abby stood menacingly in front of me. “I’m guessing that you’re not too bright, are you sweetheart? So, I’m willing to give you one more chance. You can leave now on your own since Coach isn’t here yet or . . .”

“Or what,” I snapped confidently. “I’m not afraid of you. I plan on making this team – maybe even taking YOUR place.” I said with a mocked laugh. On the inside I was trembling but there was no way I was going to let her know that. I wanted her to know that I was going to stand my ground. I was sure if she thought she had a fight on her hands, that I wasn’t just going to be a pushover and back down, she’d leave me alone.

How wrong I was!

Abby remained calm as she gently ran her finger down my cheek. “Tsk, tsk, I guess you want to do this the hard way. Fine by me, I think perhaps . . . yes, I think you might need something a little more personal to serve as a reminder of what it means to cross me.” The girls all grabbed me and started to strip me once again. Knowing that I had another set of clothes hidden I didn’t struggle as much. This was the second time Abby surprised me and got the better of me. I obviously had underestimated her. There wouldn’t be a third.

Once I was naked and that loser with the knife had cut up my clothes like before, I was sure this was over. Instead to my surprise the girls literally picked me up, each holding onto an arm or a leg and started carrying me into the showers. They did it so easily it hardly seemed like they expended any effort at all they were so strong! I was then unceremoniously plopped on the floor and Abby turned on the cold water.

As the water sprayed my body wetting my hair and then trickling down the rest of me, I squeaked a bit at the shock but then tried desperately not to show any further emotion. They laughed at me as water puddled around my naked body. “Is this the best you can do,” I thought to myself? I didn’t have to wait long to find out they had more in mind.

Once I was good and soaked, I was then dragged across the floor out of the spray of the still running water and three of the girls held me flat on my back. Abby stood over me smiling for a few seconds. She then pulled a razor and a small can of shaving cream from behind her back. “I never did like all that hair you have down there. It’s disgusting,” She said in a most insulting tone. “I think a little modification is in order.”

My eyes widened as I realized what she was about to do. Abby sat on my belly facing my feet and her butt inches from my face. I struggled to no avail. “Careful,” Abby said with a sickening sweetness. “I wouldn’t want to cut you. Best hold still.”

My hair!! I LOVED my pubes!! It wasn’t really THAT bad. I kept it trimmed into a nice little triangle. I couldn’t believe she was going to do that to me!! I was going to kill that bitch. I laid there quietly as I resigned myself to the inevitable. There was no use fighting as they were too strong. She lathered me up good frequently running her fingers down between my legs, teasing me by making circular motions over my clit before returning to lather my pubes. Back and forth, up and down – way more than necessary her fingers worked the foam. Make no mistake about it she was purposely trying to be sexual – she knew what she was doing to me. In fact, I was sure she was enjoying it! How disgusting it was having another girl touch me down there doing something so personal. I knew from their vantage point the girls were also getting a great view of my pussy. Though I couldn’t see exactly what they were doing, my vision blocked by Abby’s hulky frame, I kept hearing bursts of laugher which only added to my shame. They all watched as Abby tried to get me off!! She was having an effect too and I began to worry that if she didn’t stop soon, I’d embarrass myself by climaxing in front of them! Eventually Abby started shaving. The feel of the razor scratching over skin that never before felt such a thing was weird!

Just when I thought it couldn’t get any worse, I heard voices. Many of the other girls at camp started arriving and they all seemed to want to watch. “Ooooohhh, what sweet lips,” I heard one girl mock in an obvious reference to my now smooth-shaven labia. Her remark caused many to laugh hysterically. They all stood there with eyes sparkling with excitement as Abby made exaggerated shaving motions around my pelvis. There was constant giggling but not one girl dared to intervene or offer any help. As I looked around the room it looked as if all the girls were ENJOYING my humiliation. That was all I needed. Didn’t I have ANY friends?

When she was through, she remarked, “A masterpiece if I do say so myself!” I was then dragged under the running water and left there in a pile getting soaking wet as the others looked on. When I looked down, I was surprised to see so much skin. She had indeed shaved me bare!! Though I had seen other girls without pubes, so much bare skin on ME looked awkward. I felt totally humiliated. I decided not to let Abby get the best of me, so I calmly stood up as if none of this had affected me and slowly began to rinse off as if it was a perfectly normal thing to do. At least that stopped the laughter.

I stood under the cold water a few minutes as the other girls went about their business and then shut off the shower. Of course, no one had bothered to leave me a towel so I had to walk clear across the locker area dripping as I went looking for one. Damn bitches must have hidden them all!

Just as I made it to the middle of the room, I heard a loud knock and a male voice shout in an almost military fashion, “MAN ON THE FLOOR!” I wheeled around facing the door and who should walk in but none other than our cute, college-aged coach!

He was carrying a bundle of papers and stopped dead in is tracks when he saw me standing there. Then it hit me like a Peterbilt truck going 100 miles per hour. I WAS NAKED!!!! AND SHAVED!!!!! I was in panic mode. I wanted to run but my body seemed frozen, my feet too heavy for me to even lift much less run anywhere. I just stood there dripping wet like some stupid fool looking into his eyes, which I saw were looking up and down my body taking it all in. Oh gawd, I just wanted to die!!

Looking at me he tried to suppress a smile, calmly cleared his throat and tried to act all official. “Ah, Katie Lynn, people usually take showers AFTER they workout, not before.” The girls all giggled. Then to the rest of the group he added, “Nice prank but as I said yesterday, this is serious business and I don’t want to see any more shenanigans out of you. We’ve got much too much work to do and so little time to do it.”

At least he thought it was all a prank. My heart was pounding a mile a minute as I took in what had just happened! I had been seen naked – up close and personal by a guy. Not just any guy but our coach!

“Ah, Katie Lynn . . .”

“Yes coach?”

“You can get dressed now. The fun is over.”

“Yes coach,” I said sheepishly immediately using my arms to cover myself. One of the girls tossed me a towel and I quickly used it to wrap around me. It was barely long enough to cover the good stuff but finally I was somewhat decent as I listened to what coach had to say. He started passing around papers to everybody. When he came to me, he lingered a bit, looked me in the eye, smiled for a second and then handed me my paper before continuing on to the other girls. I was so embarrassed I could hardly stand it. I wondered what he thought about my body when he saw me standing there naked. Did he like it? Did he think I was childish all shaven like I was?

“Listen up,” coach continued after all the papers were passed out. “This material I gave you contains some leg exercises I want you all to do in the weight room before practice every day for the rest of camp. In fact, we are all going to the weight room now so I can teach you how to do these correctly. We’ll spend some time there today before hitting the track. The more you develop your leg muscles the faster you can run and the less likely you are to hurt yourself doing it.” As he talked, he kept looking over at me subtly as I stood there still clad only in the towel – it was all I had to wear!

He eventually told us all to follow him as he headed toward the weight room. As the other girls left, Brooke lingered behind. “Sorry I left you before but I was scared.”

“That’s Okay,” I said consolingly, “this is my fight not yours.”

Looking at me for a second she asked, “What are you going to do now? Are you going to quit?”

“Hell no, I’m not going to quit. I need you to do me a favor.”

“Sure, if I can.”

“Outside in the ticket booth I’ve got some clothes hidden in a plastic bag. Bring them to me would you please while I dry off.”

“Okay, I’ll be right back,” she said as she hastily left the room.

While she was gone and I was alone in the locker room I checked myself out in the mirror. How different I looked!! I could clearly see the outline of my lips protruding between my legs and the hood of my clitoris was now, well, much more prominent than I imagined! So, this is what they were all laughing at I thought. There was no sense pouting over all this. What was done is done. I had to move on. I was determined not to let Abby get the best of me. In fact, I decided not to show any weakness whatsoever. I decided right then and there I was going to keep the shaved look – at least for now. I’d shave every day and use lotion too to keep it smooth for that “In your face, take that you bitch” look if Abby ever got the best of me again. I’ll show her.

My thoughts were interrupted by Brooke returning. “Did you find them?” I asked still looking at myself in the mirror.

“No – there wasn’t any plastic bag in the ticket booth,” she said seriously.

“WHAT?!!” I said as I wheeled around to face her.

“Kidding!” she laughingly replied as she handed me my bag. “That was pretty smart of you to plan ahead like that.”

“I don’t like to lose. Like I said I’m not afraid of Abby.”

After dressing, we both made our way to the weight room in the other side of the gym. Coach, who was instructing one of the girls on the weight machine, looked up and spotted me. He looked me up and down smiling as if to say: ‘Gee, I know what you look like under all those clothes.’

“So nice of you to join us,” he finally said sarcastically and continued with his instruction.

It felt awkward being in the same room with him knowing he had seen ALL of me. The worst part was that I began to get aroused as I replayed that whole scene over and over in my mind. What was wrong with me?

The best part of the whole morning was when Abby first noticed I had returned and was dressed. The surprised look on her face immediately followed by a scowl let me know that I had won a little victory of my own. She now knew I wasn’t going to back down. That expression on her face let me know I had gotten to her – even if it was only a small victory, I had gotten to her. I was sure she had expected me to cower in some corner wondering how I was going to get home naked. Instead, I was dressed in proper track attire and boldly joining the camp without missing a thing. I felt pride welling up within me. I wasn’t so dumb after all, was I you little bitch?

On the track I once again did marvelously well. I channeled my anger at Abby into my performance on the field. I was more determined than ever to make the team.

To my great pleasure even Brooke outdid herself. In fact, coach even remarked, “Brooke what’s happened to you? You outdid yourself today. Keep it up.”

Brooke was faster and looked sharper out there than I recalled the day before. She was smiling more too. Maybe my Midnight run training actually works! I chuckled at that thought.

“Did you see me out there?” she said with excitement as the camp ended for the day. “I was way more confident today, wasn’t I?”

“You looked sharp!”

“Not only that, I was having FUN!! Who thought running could be fun?”

Brooke and I agreed to meet again at the track at our usual appointed time. We both had a lot of work to do and I needed a distraction of my own after all the excitement today. I might just push the envelope farther than I had ever done after Brooke and I were through tonight. Maybe someone else will finally get to see my “new look!” I couldn’t help but get a tingly feeling all over as I thought about that. Maybe Abby really did me a favor after all.

Re: The Midnight Run (1,2,3,4,5 . . .)

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2021 11:00 pm
by Hooked6
The Midnight Run – Part Six (Public Nudity, Exhib, Pubic Stripping)
BY: Hooked6 (Copyright 2008 by

At Midnight I once again ran nude all the way to the track and there, like the previous night, Brooke was already naked by the ticket booth waiting for me.

“I was almost seen tonight,” Brooke said excitedly!! “Old man Johnson was taking out his garbage cans for the morning pick-up. I almost didn’t spot him until I was almost right on top of him!”

“What did you do?” I asked.

“I ducked behind a car parked in the street and waited there until I was sure he had gone inside.”

“Wow! I’ll bet THAT was nerve-wracking, huh?”

“You know it was at the time but now I think of it, it was kind of, you know, exciting. Do you know what I mean?”

“Yeah Brooke, I think I do,” I replied with a knowing smile.

We worked on her starting-block technique like coach had instructed us and ran a bunch of sprints. It was a good workout for both of us. All the while I was admiring her body which was making me horny. I was intrigued by every curve; and by her breasts – they were so perky, so pointy in fact I loved them! I began thinking of what I could do to take a bigger risk of being seen on the way home. I was determined to have a little fun myself after the day I had had already. I deserved it after all.

“Was that a CAR?!” I heard Brooke say nervously as she suddenly stopped running. I looked around and didn’t hear anything or see anything out of place. We both stood there standing for a few minutes as the adrenalin faded away.

“I guess I’m just seeing things,” Brooke said finally. “I must be a bit on edge after almost getting caught by old man Johnson.”

“Yeah, I know how it is. Don’t let your nerves get the best of you. Relax and enjoy yourself!” We then resumed our naked workout on the track. About 15 minutes later we decided to call it a night and started walking back towards the 3-foot fence that encircled the track and stadium. We had no sooner exited the gate and had turned the corner of the visitor’s bleachers when I was suddenly grabbed from behind. Whoever it was had a firm grip on me holding my arms behind my back.

“Well, well, well, WHAT do we have here?”

“Abby!!” I gasped. “How did you . . . Where did you . . .”

I saw Brooke bolting as usual before she too was trapped by these hoodlums. Some friend I thought but then figured she wasn’t that brave anyway. It wasn’t really her fault. So far, these girls had left her alone and I guess she wanted to keep it that way. By running away, they obviously thought she was scared of them and not really a threat.

“Out for a little practice, are we?”

I just looked Abby dead in the eye as she kept talking. “You must LIKE being naked. Look at you all stripped off and ready to go. Saved me the trouble of doing it for you doesn’t it?”

“Look you can’t frighten me and I’m not quitting track camp.” I snapped as firmly as I could even though my heart was pounding away. Damn that makes THREE times this crazy bitch caught me off-guard. I began to get mad at myself for letting that happen.

“Oh, you’re a brave one, huh?” she said as she pinched the nipple of my left breast causing me to let out a small squeak. “We’ll see how brave you are after tonight.”

“Why,” I said swallowing hard. “What are you planning to do? If you hurt me, you’ll be in BIG trouble.”

“Who said anything about hurting you? As I said before, I’m only trying to show you that I can make your life miserable if you cross me. And surely by now you know that I can be really good at that, don’t you?” As she said that she ran her hand over my bare pubic area to emphasize that fact. She got a surprised look on her face and said mockingly “Ooooohh, smooth! Check it out girls, she must have shaved again!”

Each girl took a turn feeling my pelvis and more than a few stray fingers found my clit sending a shock wave throughout my body.

“I kinda LIKE my new look,” I said defiantly hoping to let the wind out of her sails. “In fact, I might just keep it that way from now on.” Man was that ever a lie. I wanted my pubic hair back so bad it was driving me crazy! I was only keeping it shaved to piss Abby off. This was war and I was going to win it, well eventually anyway!!

Turning to her friends she asked, “What do you think girls? Do boys like shaved or unshaved better?”

“Gee I don’t know Abby. That’s a tough one,” the girl holding my arms replied. “Let’s find out!” With that they all started walking dragging me along. I struggled but it was of no use. There were too many of them and they were too strong. After a short distance I saw a small pick-up truck parked behind the bleachers. So THAT’S what Brooke thought she saw! At least I know how they got here.

“What are you doing?” I asked trying not to sound nervous.

“You’ll see,” one of them replied with a giggle. They lowered the truck’s tailgate and forced me into the back truck bed. Once inside they stood me up and pushed me to the front of the truck and turned me around so that my back was against the cab of the truck. “STAND STRAIGHT!” Abby barked. Before I knew what was happening my arms were forced behind me, bent at the elbows and they used long plastic wire-ties to bind my arms parallel to the truck’s roll bar. I tried to get loose but the more I struggled the tighter the straps seemed to get. Two of the girls then used ropes to wrap around my ankles and spread my legs as far apart as they could get them. They secured the ropes to the metal eyelets in the truck bed floor. The result was that I was now standing naked in the back of the truck looking towards the tailgate, arms secured behind my back tied to the roll bar in such a fashion that my chest was pushed out accentuating my breasts. My legs were spread wide and held firmly in place so that my vagina was clearly exposed. I couldn’t move a muscle no matter how hard I tried. The truck side panels offered no cover either. Because I was standing, they barely came up to below my knees!

Abby walked up to me and pinched my nipple again. “Still feeling brave?”

“Hell yeah,” I replied.

“I’ll give you one more chance to avoid all this. You just tell me that you’re going to quit track camp and not try out for the team and I’ll let you go. What do you say?”

“Bite me!” I snapped, instantly regretting my choice of words as soon as they had left my mouth because Abby did just that! She bent down and took my nipple sensuously in her mouth and then using her teeth slowly, teasingly bit down. The sensation was both painful and erotic. She kept up the pressure until I squealed! Then and only then did she let go!

“Don’t try me girly-girl,” Abby said as she waved her arms and the other girls all piled into the truck. Abby sat down near the tailgate as one of the girls returned and handed her a box before running off to get back inside the truck. I then heard the truck’s engine start and the driver slowly pulled away. Holy crap what were they up to, I wondered?

Abby continued opening that cardboard box. My curiosity got the best of me and I finally asked, “What’s in the box?”

Abby pulled out what looked to be a huge flashlight on steroids. “Oh, this little thing, it’s a 3 million candle-power spot light. She pointed it at the stadium and pressed the trigger and to my shock the whole stadium was illuminated as clear as if the sun shown on it during daylight.

I was beginning to get a bad feeling about all this.

Abby sat on the floor of the truck bed against the closed tailgate and faced me as the driver reached the back alley that ran along the shopping centers near my neighborhood. Abby laughed out loud as I began looking around to see where we were going. “Tonight, I guess we’re going to find out how much people like your shaved look or not.”

“What . . . what do you mean?!!”

“Oh, I thought we’d take a little drive. First, we’ll head down through town making sure we drive slow-enough so everyone can see you. Then I thought we’d head to the Starlight Cinema. They’re having a midnight showing of the Rocky Horror Picture Show. You know that movie where everyone dresses up in goofy costumes and acts out the action on the screen while the movie plays. I can’t figure it out but it’s really popular with the high school and college crowd. It’s always packed.” She then looked at her watch. “It’ll probably let out just about the time we get there. I’d say you’re going to be the hit of the show!!” She then laughed hysterically at her own wit only I didn’t think it was funny at all! “Just think how many people will see your naked little ass tonight!”

As we drove along the secluded back alley, Abby began demonstrating the spotlight. She suddenly turned it on and centering it at my pelvis bathing almost my entire naked body in bright-white light!!

“No one will miss noticing you with this on, will they?”

Oh, this bitch was EVIL!! She kept teasing me with that spotlight turning it on for a few seconds then turning it off only to turn it back on again.

“I’d advise you NOT to look at the light unless you want to go blind. Just look out at the side. You wouldn’t want to miss all the people looking at you would you sweet-cheeks?”

As we slowly drove along the back-alley Abby came closer and said, “Look, this is your last chance. Just tell me you’re quitting and we can get you back to the track. Once we turn onto the highway I’m not stopping until I expose you to as many people as I can. What do you say?”

“Eat me, bitch!” I yelled angrily at the top of my lungs!! There was no way I was going to give in to her. Not now, not ever!

If I wasn’t strapped securely in place I would have fainted when I saw the look in Abby’s eyes. I then realized I had done it again. “I thought you’d never ask,” she said giggling and she crawled over to me and looked up at my face.

Don’t you DARE!!!” I screamed as her face came closer the spot between my legs. “ABBY I’M NOT JOKING!! YOU’D BETTER NOT . . .

I was about to reach orgasm when she pulled away denying me my relief, which in itself was more cruel than anything she had done to me so far. The truck stopped at the end of the alleyway – my neighborhood street! “This is your final opportunity,” she said as she teased me with the spotlight again. “I’m not kidding. This is it. What will it be?”

My only thought was what if my mom happened to be out and saw me like this all lit up with this bright light! Hell the light alone was bright enough to attract anyone’s attention!!!

The girls kept the truck idling in place as they waited for Abby’s instructions. It was clear to me that they had planned all this out well in advance. They even knew to wait at the end of this road before proceeding. There was no doubt they would go through with everything just as they said they would.

“Well?” Abby asked impatiently. “I’m waiting.”

I thought of all the reasons why I wanted to be on the track team. I thought of all the reasons why I was sacred to death that she would indeed follow through with what she had threatened. I looked at her, opened my mouth and said . . .

Re: The Midnight Run (1,2,3,4,5,6, 7,8,9 . . .

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2021 9:27 am
by Hooked6
The Midnight Run – Part Seven (Public Nudity, Exhib, Pubic Stripping)
BY: Hooked6 (Copyright 2008 by

“Hell no, I’m not giving in to you. In fact, you may as well enjoy yourself tonight because I’m going to get my due, you just wait.” I couldn’t believe the boldness of the words coming out of my mouth. But once said there was no going back!

Abby pounded the side panel of the truck and shouted, “Head on out girls!”

As the truck started moving, I instinctively tightened my butt cheeks and muttered quietly, “Oh crap what have I done!!”

The truck slowly turned the corner and I saw the stop sign that I so boldly ran out to naked and touched that first night near the 4-lane highway not so long ago! Looking back that was nothing compared to what was about to happen to me now!!

The girls turned into the strip-type shopping center and proceeded to drive up next to the sidewalk near the stores. “Let’s see if anyone’s at home, shall we?” Abby said chuckling. “Oh look! Is that Billy Thompson from school in that store?”

My head swiveled so fast to check it out I almost strained a muscle. “WHERE?!!!” I asked excitedly.

“No . . . my mistake, it’s just a mannequin, see? I wonder what he’d think of your tiny tits with the humongous nipples? Do you think he goes for women with flat chests? You know, even that mannequin has a bigger chest than you and she’s made of plastic!”

“Damn you!”

“Gee, if I didn’t know better, I’d say you had a crush on ole Billy Thompson. Maybe he’s at the picture show tonight.” She said with an evil cackle.

“Shut up!” I snapped flippantly. “Just shut up!”

I couldn’t help but look into EVERY store now. Lights were on in most of them but they should all be closed, but one can never be sure that someone might not be working late at night. My heart was pounding and my clit was throbbing as I realized that at any minute my greatest fear might be realized – that someone might see me naked. I couldn’t stop that from happening now even if I wanted to! Abby’s comments about my chest made the stress of being seen all the worse for me. Running naked by myself made me feel beautiful. Being seen by strangers would be so humiliating! The “not knowing” of who or when or even the “IF” was all too maddening. The stress was unbearable! I tried to act brave but it was a losing battle. I’m sure Abby knew the tension I was under and she seemed to be enjoying – no make that relishing it to the max!

The truck left the shopping center and headed toward the grocery store. The lights in the parking lot were a bit brighter here than they were at the darkened strip-shopping center, not that it really mattered. I knew people might be at this store because there were cars in the parking lot. From my experience people were always working here at this store even if it wasn’t open.

My eyes were glued to the large storefront windows scanning for any signs of life. Then it happened. The truck slowed and I saw a girl sweeping the floor near the window. Abby turned on the spotlight bathing my body in bright light. This caused the girl to look up. The look on her face was priceless – first she was confused, then when she realized what she was looking at she ran to the front, pressed her face to the window and smiled a big open-mouth smile and laughed! She actually LAUGHED!!!

The girls stopped the truck as if on cue so she could get a better look. I saw her turn around and wave her arms at the back of the store as the truck started moving again. Thank heavens we were leaving! My relief was short lived. All the girls did was turn to their left and then maneuver the truck perpendicular to the store window and began backing the truck up towards the girl. I was no longer giving her a profile of my naked body; she was seeing me head-on!! I wanted to crawl under the nearest rock.

Just then I detected some movement inside the store to my left. I then saw two boys running towards the window. They too were all smiles as they stared at my naked body. They must have been the ones the girl was waving her arms at. I wondered what they were thinking. Did they like what they saw or were they making fun of me as well? ‘MOVE THIS DAMN TRUCK’ I silently pleaded. Abby of course played with that damn spotlight turning it on and off – aiming it first at my breasts then my vagina. She was having a ball! I wanted to desperately close my legs together – oddly enough not to keep them from looking but rather to squeeze them against my clit which was literally aching for something to touch it! I was sure the spotlight accentuated the wetness between my legs. It must have been glaringly obvious, first, because of my own juices and secondly because of Abby’s slobbering all over it.

All I could do was watch as they pointed at me smiling. Well at least they were just looking. Then I saw one boy raise his cell phone and a flash went off. My Gosh, he took my picture!!! That jerk took a picture of me NAKED! I hadn’t thought about that possibility. Oh crap, I wondered how many times THAT would happen tonight.

After an agonizingly long time, the girls started moving the truck again. They continued on to the next shopping center and slowly cruised around the parking lot next to each storefront. My body was so worked up it didn’t know what to do. Each passing store caused me to build up such a level of excitement I could hardly stand it. Yet with the passing of each store, there was no relief!

I was beginning to see how the girls hoped to get me to the theatre complex without getting pulled over by the cops – they would stay in these parking lots. Heck they could travel for miles this way only getting onto the main highway just enough to get access into another parking lot whenever necessary.

I was seen several times – almost at a rate of every other shopping center. This was maddening!!!

As we cruised one large big box shopping center, I saw the girls head for the Burger Queen located on out-parcel of land in the parking lot near the highway. The sign confirmed my worst fears: “Drive Thru open all night!” The truck pulled into the drive through lane at the back of the building and stopped next to the order sign. A male voice asked, “May I take your order?”

“I’d like two large Cokes please,” said one of the girls from inside the truck.

“That’ll be $3.25 at the window please.”

“Thank you,” the girl driving said laughing hysterically.

She pulled around the restaurant and stopped at the window just a little short. As yet I was still far enough back from the window, I didn’t think he could see me. I heard the window open and the boy repeat the total. I heard some shuffling from the cab behind me and I assumed the driver was paying the dude. The truck sat there and shortly thereafter I heard the window open again. “Thanks,” I heard one of the girls say and the window closed again. The truck started to move forward and I thought I had made it home free. Maybe they were just thirsty and this wasn’t a part of the original plan.

The truck slowly pulled past the window and stopped as I was even with it. The horn then honked and the clerk looked up and stared at me in surprise. He then smiled and opened the window. The girl driving shouted back, “Can we have two straws, please?”

“Ah . . . yeah . . . sure thing,” he said and I saw him nervously reach down, grab two straws and start to bring them up to the window and dropped them on the floor. What was HE nervous about? “I” was the one naked!! He tried once more and was so mesmerized by the sight of a naked girl out the window he dropped the darned things yet again! This went on for three more times. No wonder he dropped them every time – he never took his eyes off me – not once! Finally, he got it right but the girls up front couldn’t reach them so they had to back the truck up. While they were doing that another car came up to the window right behind us!! Two college-aged guys were in the car and they hooted and howled out their windows.

“What’s going on?” one guy asked.

Abby popped up from her sitting position in the back of the truck and answered, “She gets off on being naked in public.”

“Why is she tied up?” the other boy queried.

“She’s also into bondage. She LIKES this sort of stuff!” Abby then turned on the spotlight and aimed it right at my vagina, “See how wet she is?”

“Man, that’s AWESOME!” the guy driving said. “Does she do Fraternity parties? We’ve got one coming up. She’d be the hit of the frat house for sure!”

“Of COURSE, she does parties,” Abby replied enthusiastically. “Her name is . . .”

“ABBY NO!” I pleaded but it was too late Abby said it anyway.

“Her name is Katie Lynn Turner and she’s in the College Student Directory. Give her a call.”

“THANKS!” the guy said excitedly. “Katie Lynn Turner. I got it!”

Abby was laughing hysterically as we pulled away. “Looks like you might just turn out to be the hit of the college crowd!” All I could think about is what if they actually called and my mom answered the phone? I’d be dead for sure! Then I realized that I wasn’t even IN the College Student Directory. I was still a senior in High School and let out a sigh of relief.

Before long we turned into the Parking lot of the Starlight Cinema. True to her word the parking lot was indeed full of cars even this late. I glanced at the marquee sign and to my revulsion there it was: “Midnight – Rocky Horror Picture Show!” I had hoped that Abby had made all that up and that the film wasn’t even in town. I found out later it had been in town for over a year playing every Wednesday night at midnight. It was sort of like a cult thing drawing all sorts of crazies to act out the movie dressed in ridiculous and often times daring costumes. If you don’t believe me just Google the movie, you’ll be amazed!

The truck pulled right up to the theatre’s main entrance and parked about 75 feet away from the main doors. Of course, the BACK of the truck was facing those doors so that I would be easily seen when people left the theatre. The girls shut the truck engine off and waited. We were still somewhat in the shadows which I was grateful for. Abby stood up and came over to me and whispered, “You should have accepted my deal when you could have.”

“Look,” I said firmly, “I played along with your little game but enough is enough. Turn me loose.”

“No can do sweet-cakes. I gave you your chance and you declined remember?”

“I’ll scream! Someone will surely call the cops and you’ll be in BIG trouble then.” Naturally it was all a bluff. If I DID scream and someone DID call the cops I’d be embarrassed beyond belief and how would I explain having to testify at the hearing. It would all come out. Surely, they would bring Brooke in and she’d have to tell all about our naked runs and my streaking the neighborhood. Everything would be revealed – probably even get in the paper. What would my mom say? How would I explain all this to everyone I know? No, I just hoped that she would buy my bluff and call it quits.

“So, you’ll scream, eh?” Abby said with a wry smile. “I thought of that. I’m no amateur you know.” She walked back and reached into the box and brought out a ball-gag and proceeded to place it in my mouth ultimately securing it around my head. “As I recall, you’re into bondage, right? This fits right in!”

She then did something I NEVER expected. She reached into the box and pulled out a tube of lipstick. She made two large red circles on my cheekbones and colored them in and then painted my lips above and below the ball-gag. The way she did it she wasn’t very careful about it. I was sure I looked hideous! She then pulled out some kind of pink flimsy cap and put it on my head. It looked like it was made of pink gauze-like material with long goofy feathers hanging out from all over the place. The significance of this I failed to grasp. I just assumed it was to call attention to me and to further add to my humiliation. If that was her intention it worked, I was humiliated.

Just then I heard voices – lots of voices!!! The doors opened and a crowd of people began leaving the theatre. I watched as most of them headed noisily for their cars. Abby was right about one thing. They were indeed mostly all dressed in costumes and some were pretty, um revealing.

Abby stood back and said those words that struck fear into the very core of my being: “Its SHOW time!”

She then turned on that stupid spotlight illuminating my nudity for all to see!!!

I heard a girl call out as she pointed in my direction, “Hey what’s that over there!”

Re: The Midnight Run (1,2,3,4,5,6, 7,8,9 . . .

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2021 9:30 am
by Hooked6
The Midnight Run – Part Eight (Public Nudity, Exhib, mildly explicit)
BY: Hooked6 (Copyright 2008 by

My legs felt weak as I saw several people head in our direction, then a few more, then a few more! Many theatre patrons just headed towards their cars but the curious and the adventurous meandered to our truck.

“What’s going on? I this some sort of initiation thing?” a young man asked as he reached the truck.

Abby produced an evil grin and took control of the entire situation. She stood up proudly as if this was all somehow normal and began to speak to the ever-increasing crowd.

“Thank you all for your attention,” she said in her best emcee voice. “My associate, Katie Lynn,” she explained stopping long enough to wave her arm gracefully in my direction, “who is best known for her movie role in the porn film ‘Lesbian Fury' would like to invite you all to see her latest film, ‘Bound and Determined’ now showing at the Venus Theatre on Clark Avenue.”

“Hey I’ve heard of that movie,” some dude shouted out laughing.

“Have you seen it yet, big boy?” Abby asked playfully.

The man standing next to him poked him in the ribs and said jokingly, “Naw, his wife won’t let him!” Everyone laughed at his comment.

“I’d like to encourage everyone to see it. But even if you can’t here’s your chance to help with a worthwhile charity event. Katie Lynn has obtained a silent sponsor who has agreed to donate $20 for every signature she can collect here tonight.”

Another dude in the back spoke up and shouted supportively, “I’m all for supporting charitable causes, where do I sign?”

“On her skin, of course,” Abby said as she waved a magic marker at the crowd.

“What’s the catch?” he asked. “How much does it cost?”

“No catch, just sign. Katie Lynn will show the signatures to her silent benefactor later this evening and he will tally them all up and contribute twenty dollars for each legible signature he can find. Now who wants to be first?”

“I AM!” said a young man at the foot of the truck.

“EXCELLENT! Step right up . . . careful now, don’t slip and fall off the truck and hurt yourself. We aren’t liable for any injuries you know.” The young man eagerly climbed up on the truck and took a marker from Abby. He gave me a wicked look as he made his way to me and the crowd applauded and hollered like a bunch of party animals at Spring Break!

I couldn’t believe it! Abby had out done herself this time and I hated her for it! Not only was this man and countless others going to get an up close and personal view of my body but they were going to TOUCH IT – no make that DEFACE it by writing on it and there wasn’t a thing I could do to stop them! I was bound and helpless. The conflict within me was almost unbearable. The little voices were silently shouting in my mind yelling “NO, STOP LOOKING AT ME – GET BACK and stay the hell away from me!” On the other hand, I was so horny that I wasn’t sure I wanted them to leave! “YES, come closer and touch me, PLEASE touch me,” my body was pleading, with all the hormonal excitement it could muster. I had no idea what I really wanted.

The young man knelt down in front of me, much to the delight of the crowd which by now had worked itself up into a small frenzy. He was about to grab hold of my thigh, ostensibly to spread the skin out to make signing easier when Abby stopped him. “Hold on there, big guy,” she said reaching out to grab him by the arm. My first reaction was: “that was cruel!” My body felt betrayed and that little voice shouted at her – “WHAT ARE YOU DOING - DON’T STOP HIM!!!” My eyes about popped out of my head though when I saw what she was now holding up to the crowd!

“Just to make sure NOBODY gets too fresh or out of line,” she said laughing almost to the point of hysterics, “I think we need to put this in place to keep you all from taking unfair advantage of her!” My humiliation was complete as she waved the long purple vibrator at the crowd. She gave me a menacing glance and then turned it on. I’m sure nobody except the few of us in the truck actually heard the buzzing because of all the hooting and hollering. Much to my chagrin she proceeded to insert it into my vagina! It slid in ever so easily without any effort at all, a fact that seemed to please Abby to no end and its oscillating rhythm sent shockwaves up my spine. She whispered to me, “Best try and keep this in for your own sake, sweet-cakes.” I was so embarrassed as everyone looked at that thing shoved up inside of my personal place. Since my legs were tied spread apart, all I could do was to just try and squeeze my vaginal muscles as best I could.

The young man who was now visibly aroused bent down again and ran the marker along the inside of my thigh signing his name! I couldn’t believe it! I gave a boy a boner!! Imagine ME doing that! It was all so exciting. When he was through, he smiled at me and said, “Thanks!” and gave the marker back to Abby. The next boy signed his name on my little right boob, playfully giving it a squeeze. This went on for several more people including a couple of more boys and, to my surprise, a few girls. The girls were the meanest. A couple of them even taunted me by sliding the vibrator up and down inside of me taking me right to the edge of ecstasy – then they would quit and suddenly walk off. That was so cruel!! And then it happened.

I saw him! Billy Thompson, the boy I had a crush on was leering at me savoring my exposed flesh. I struggled against me bonds in a desperate attempt to flee! All the others I had noticed in the crowd were strangers. Here was somebody I actually knew – AND WOULD SEE AGAIN at school. He too eagerly climbed into the truck and gleefully took the marker. As he touched the inside of my right leg, I lost control. My breathing quickened and my body began to jerk uncontrollably then suddenly the force of my vaginal contractions unceremoniously expelled the gooey phallus right onto the truck bed with a loud clank as Billy just looked on in amazement! Everyone watching knew what had just happened including Billy Thompson and they all began laughing their dang fool heads off! I was mortified beyond belief!

“Did I do that?” Billy asked Abby hopefully, who was too bent over in hysterics to even manage an answer. Billy looked right up between my legs at the gaping hole before him and just stared for the longest time before one of the girls made him hurry up and sign so others could have a turn.

Much to the pleasure of the crowd I expelled that vibrator several more times before the evening was through. Each time it was at a moment of intense orgasm and each time afterward I felt intense shame at what everyone had just witnessed. Such a private thing shouldn’t be shared in such a public setting.

I’m not sure how long I was at the theatre as I was so lost in my personal passion of pleasure and shame. When the girls finally said it was time to head back, I felt a slight depression come over me. Somewhere deep inside of me I didn’t want it to end.

Upon arriving at the school, I was literally dumped off the truck and onto the ground as the girls sped away with Abby shouting, “That’s the last we’ll see of her! Surely she’ll quit the track team now!” The laughter of the girls faded away as they headed off into the darkness. I was so completely exhausted and emotionally spent, all I could do was lay there for a while taking it all in. The front of my body was literally covered with signatures. If there really had been a charity fund event, I would have raised hundreds of dollars! What a mess I was. I was so overcome with emotions I didn’t know what to make of it all. I just collapsed on the grass and let my mind wander.

When I DID finally come to my senses it was almost 5 o’clock and I realized I would have to hurry to beat my mom before she awakened and discovered I was missing. I ran at my best speed down the alleyway. Yes, by now the bread and soda vendors were there at the back of the grocery store and yes, they got another eyeful as I ran past. I even got a round of applause from one of them who obviously appreciated my body. After what I had been through already that was the least of my worries!

When I got to the house, I saw that the bathroom light was on! My mom was already UP! I was in a panic that she probably had already noticed my empty bed. All sorts of excuses ran through my head as to what I was going to say to explain myself – especially if she caught me naked wearing lipstick on my cheeks and smeared across my lips! I was sure I looked like a tramp. Unfortunately, all my reasons sounded pretty asinine.

There was no putting it off. I had to get back into the house. My neighbors would be awake soon and heading off to work. I couldn’t stay on the porch much longer. I swallowed hard and opened the door and tip-toed inside. When I saw that the bathroom door was still closed and heard the shower running, I quickly made my way down the hallway and into my room. I literally threw on my nightgown and panties and collapsed on my bed with my heart racing a mile a minute. I closed my eyes and mentally kicked myself for being so stupid!!

I was startled by a noise at my door and, upon opening my eyes I saw my mom standing there looking at me in the still darkened room, the only light coming from the hallway. Realizing I still had that stupid lipstick on my cheeks I quickly turned on my side away from her and feigned a yawn.

“Where were you?” My mom asked calmly. My heart nearly exploded as I realized that she KNEW!! “You weren’t in bed when I got up?” she said matter-of-factly. That’s it, my life was over I thought. There was no use in lying. I might as well just come clean. It will be easier on me in the long run. Just as I was about to turn over and confess my sins, I heard her ask, “Where you out to get the paper? Is it here yet?”

“Yeah . . .” I replied nervously still lying on my side still facing away from her. “I didn’t see it though so I went back to bed.” I wasn’t sure she really bought my answer but I was grateful for the opportunity that fate had given me.

My mom stood at the door presumably staring at me. “You looked a little flushed,” she said sounding all motherly. “Are you feeling alright? I thought your cheeks were pretty red.”

“I’m fine,” I said trying to sound put out like I usually do when she gives me the third degree. “It’s just this heat. It’s so darn hot out lately.”

“Well just the same you’d better take it easy this morning.”

“Yes MOM!” I replied flippantly and buried my face into the pillows just in case she was on her way over to check on me. She didn’t though and once again I seemed to have gotten away with it.

I stayed in bed until I heard my mom leave and then got up. When I saw myself I the mirror I almost fainted. I looked hideous. I looked like a tramp. Then my eyes focused on THE SIGNATURES! I had forgotten about the signatures! Even though I was wearing my nightgown and panties, the bold signatures made with the back marker covered my exposed arms and legs!!! I didn’t fool my mom. She MUST have seen them! I was so depressed. I was sure that when she returned home, I would be in for it but good!

I crashed back into bed feeling sorry for myself. All I could think of was what Billy Thompson was thinking about me right now. How many people would he tell? What would people say about me when school started? I could hear all the boys in school snickering as I passed them in the halls between classes. I could clearly imagine how the girls at school would treat me – like a little slut! I felt ashamed and sorry for myself.

I began to get depressed as I felt all my life’s energy fading away leaving me listless and apathetic. Then that little voice began speaking Abby’s last words as she drove off into the night, “That’s the last we’ll see of her! Surely she’ll quit the track team now!” The more I heard those words the angrier I became. True, I did in some bizarre way enjoy myself last night, but it wasn’t ALL fun and games. Abby was nothing but a cruel and mean-spirited person and I wasn’t about to let her get the best of me! My competitive spirit was strong and I decided that I was going to win this battle and make that team no matter what!

My thoughts turned to revenge. I had to have a plan. This would take some time and a lot of patience but it would be worth it. I was going to make Abby pay and pay dearly. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do but it had to be special and VERY public!

Re: The Midnight Run (1,2,3,4,5,6, 7,8,9 . . .

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2021 9:33 am
by Hooked6
The Midnight Run – Part Nine (Public Nudity, Exhib, Pubic Stripping)
BY: Hooked6 (Copyright 2008 by

Buoyed by my competitive spirit and motivated by revenge I was now more determined than ever to go to track camp today.

I jumped into the shower and tried desperately wash off the grime and lipstick. Those came off fairly easily. What didn’t come off at all were those darned signatures! Try as I might, those scribbles across the front of my entire body were just as black and just as clearly legible as when I first started washing myself. They didn’t even smear! I must have spent 45 minutes scrubbing myself until I almost rubbed my skin raw and still they were there! What on earth was in that marker, some type of permanently indelible ink? Time was running short if I was going to camp so I dried myself off and went to my room to get dressed.

I looked through my wardrobe for something to wear that would cover my arms and legs but not look out of place. Everything I tried was just too hot! If I covered myself as I needed to in order to hide the signatures, I’d collapse for sure from heat stroke on the track, not to mention how ridiculous I’d look in ninety-degree heat.

“That’s the last we’ll see her! Surely she’ll quit the track team now!” There were those words again. I decided that the best way to send Abby a stern message that I wasn’t a quitter was to show up for camp dressed as usual. She’d never expect me to do that!

I put on my usual attire: sports bra, jersey and shorts and jogged to the school. Yes, I know I looked like a total dweeb and that the other girls would probably tease me unmercifully but hey, the look on Abby’s face when she notices I’m still at camp would make it all worthwhile.

As I expected, snickering was the order of the day as my classmates saw my arms and legs. I wasn’t sure if word had leaked out among the camp participants about what had happened to me the night before and to their credit nobody asked me. Still the mocking gaze of their eyes and the strained looks on their faces as they tried to stifle a grin did little to bolster my confidence.

“Huddle up,” coach shouted as he made his way across the field. He examined his clipboard and began speaking, “Today we are going to do time trials. As you all know this will be the final step in helping us determine who will make the team this year. I hope you will all . . .” he suddenly stopped speaking as he spotted me standing there. There was an awkward silence as he tried to take it all in.

“Katie Lynn . . . what on earth?” he said with a wry smile.

The girls all began chuckling. It took all I could do just to stand there and take it. It was then I spotted Abby for the first time. She wasn’t laughing. She had the look of total shock! I KNEW she wasn’t expecting me to be at camp today. THAT’S the look I was hoping for. Once again, my confidence reigned supreme!

“What coach? Oh . . . these,” I said pointing at the marks on my arms and legs smugly. “These are just the signatures of my supporters hoping that I’d make the team. I’m quite popular as you can see. Lots of students are cheering for me to do well.”

He shook his head in disbelief and smiled from ear to ear as he noticed the marks on my body. I was sure he knew judging from the fact that some of the marks went very high up my legs disappearing under the fabric of my short running shorts that the marks came very close to my pussy. If he only knew!! I could only imagine what he must be thinking. First seeing me naked in the locker room and now this!

“Yes, well, that’s very nice Katie Lynn. It looks like you have quite a following there. But you do realize that whether or not ANYONE makes the team this year will be based on merit, NOT popularity.

“Yes, coach,” I said looking right at Abby. “I realize that only the BEST will make the team. I’m sure no matter what stunts anyone tries to pull they will have no effect on your decision.”

“That’s right, Katie Lynn” he said as he went about announcing the order of our trials that day. Abby gave me a scowl when she heard my words. I just knew she was fuming inside and I LOVED IT!!

When my turn came, I found myself running my best times of the camp. My adrenalin was so high my muscles just gave me all that they could give without complaint. I was pleased with my performance but was it good enough?

When the last of the participants had finished, coach had us all wait on the bleachers while he went into his office. Sometime later he returned and said, “Everyone listen up. First, I want to say how much I appreciated each and every one of you for all your hard work. I wish everyone could make the team but we are limited as to the number of spots allowed by the state. The names I will call will be representing the school as part of the 2008 varsity track team. Abby Cakes . . .”

It figured she would make the team.

“Paula Trevors, Susan Haygood . . .”

So far, all the names he read out were veteran runners from last year. Oh, PLEASE call my name. If I didn’t make the team all this humiliation would have been for nothing! He just HAS to call my name.

The longer I waited the greater the smile grew on Abby. With each announcement that wasn’t my name that stupid grin of hers got worse. She would LOVE it if I failed – especially after showing up today! There were four of us left. Down to the bitter end and still no mention of my name!

“And the last member of the team . . .” coach said as he paused, squinted a bit and readjusted the clipboard closer to his face, “Gee, I can hardly read my own scribble.” Everyone laughed but the tension among the four remaining girls was excruciating!

“And the last member of the 2008 team is . . . Katie Lynn Turner.”

I jumped out of my seat and shouted out with all the excitement I could muster. I had MADE THE TEAM!!!! Despite Abby’s best efforts to make me fail, I had made the team!!! You would have thought I had just won the lottery or something the way I carried on.

My euphoria was short-lived, however, as I looked down and saw the face of my naked midnight running partner, Brooke. Her name wasn’t called. She didn’t make the team. I immediately shut my big fat mouth and sat down quietly next to my new friend. I gave her a hug and whispered how sorry I was.

Inside I wanted her to make the team too. We got along so well together. She gave me moral support, which I was going to need a lot of with Abby still on the team.

“I want to thank all of you for your hard work,” coach went on. “Those making the team please stay for a few minutes after camp.” Coach then took the remaining girls aside and chatted with them as he walked them toward the locker room.

Abby came over to me with a stupid grin on her face and said, “I didn’t think you had it in you.”

I just gave her the meanest look I could manage.

“Still, it all worked out okay didn’t it? I’m on the team and you’re on the team. Man, you must have wanted it pretty badly to show up here all marked up like that.” Her three cohorts laughed in support.

“I’m tougher than you think,” I snapped back angrily. “I made this team on my own ability with no help from anyone.”

“Yeah, well let’s see IF you can pass the initiation.” Abby said with a wink to her friends.


“It’s a tradition, you know. All new members of the team go through an initiation. Don’t tell me you think you’re too good for that.”

“No . . . I mean, well, I’ve never heard of such a thing. I think you’re making all this up.”

“You haven’t? Why don’t you just ask those girls over there on the bleachers? They’ll tell you I’m speaking the truth. We’ve all been through it. If you pass the initiation you’re accepted by the team. If you don’t, you’re ostracized. We can’t kick you off the team but we CAN choose to have nothing to do with you. You won’t get any support from us throughout the season, generally we’ll make your life miserable and we will all certainly bad mouth you to everyone we know – might even have to tell a few tales about a certain naked midnight runner that stalks the local neighborhood.”

“You wouldn’t . . .”

“Up till now we haven’t said a word, not even to the rest of the team. They don’t even know about your Rocky Horror Picture show debut.”

“Oh, this is insane!”

“Just ask them if you don’t believe me.”

I decided to do just that and went over and began talking to them. To my astonishment they seemed quite friendly and even congratulated me on making the team. Paula Trevors was the most cordial even remarking what an asset I’d be in the 880-yard run this year. I then asked them, “Is there really some sort of initiation you all went through?”

The girls giggled and Paula replied, “Well yes, we don’t talk about it much but it’s a tradition.”

“I thought Abby just made that up.”

“Abby? I’d stay away from her if I were you,” Paula said cautiously. “She’s a wild one, that girl. Best not get too close to her, that’s all I’m saying.”

NOW they tell me. Where were they with that advice on the first day of camp? “Thanks,” I said politely, “I’ll keep that in mind.” We chatted a few more minutes and I didn’t get the feeling they thought badly about me, in fact, just the opposite. Maybe Abby was telling the truth after all. They didn’t seem to know anything about my exploits or if they did, they didn’t let on that they knew. I was skeptical but accepted things at face value and eventually returned to Abby.


“I guess you’re right,” I said with a sigh. Abby just grinned. “If I was tough enough to make it this far, I’m tough enough to make it through the initiation.”

“That’s the spirit,” she said and she and her friends left me alone standing there wondering what I had gotten into now.

Coach returned and talked with us about the types of weight training he expected out of us on a daily basis and dismissed us until the start of the school year, which was just next week.

As the girls left for the locker room I lagged behind. I saw Brooke walking towards the bleachers so I went to her to console her over her disappointment.

“Oh, that’s okay,” Brooke said pragmatically. “I knew I was on the bubble. Thanks to you, though, I know I can do it, besides there’s always next year!”

“That’s right!” I replied giving her a hug.

“You ARE still going to do your midnight training aren’t you?” she asked hopefully.

“Well, um . . . I don’t know. I hadn’t thought about that.”

“Oh, please say you will. I NEED your help. Besides didn’t we have fun together?”

“Yes, but . . .” I stammered not wanting to add to her disappointment. I didn’t really want to push things any further than I needed to, but I didn’t want to alienate my friend either.

As I was thinking it over, she said excitedly, “If you say yes, I’ll tell you a way you can embarrass Abby.”

My eyes widened. “Of course, I’ll keep running. I was going to say that anyway regardless of whether you help me with Abby or not. I have BIG plans for that bitch don’t you worry. It will take a while but I’ll get even. But I’m up for a little impromptu humiliation though, what did you have in mind?”

Brooke seemed ecstatic that we would continue our nightly outings. She then leaned over and said in a whisper. “Abby may ACT all tough on the outside but I’ve noticed she is really quite shy.”


“I think so. I’ve noticed in the locker room that she always waits until she thinks everyone is gone before she takes her shower. That seems to me like she’s not too proud of her body when it’s naked. I think she’s just a tease with the boys. Strutting around all sexy-like and proud, it’s all for show.”

“Oh REALLY?” I said sarcastically. “THAT, my friend, is a tip worth knowing. Thanks a lot.”

“Be careful,” she said cautiously as she got up to leave. “I could be wrong about all this.”

“Maybe, but I think I’ll just find out for myself.”

Re: The Midnight Run (1,2,3,4,5,6, 7,8,9 . . .

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2021 10:30 am
by SDS
Wow me and Hooked posting a story on the same day!


Love this story can't wait for the rest!

SDS xx