The Midnight Run (1,2,3,4,5,6, 7,8,9, 10,11,12,13,14,15,16 ,17,18,19
Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2021 10:41 pm
The Midnight Run – Part One (Public Nudity, Humil, Bullies)
Copyright May 28, 2008 by Hooked6. All rights reserved.
No reproduction, retransmission, re-posting on another
Internet site is permitted without the expressed WRITTEN
consent of the author ( The following
story is for mature ADULTS only and is pure fiction. Any
similarity to actual events is pure coincidence. The story
is for ADULT entertainment. The plot of the story if it were
true may be considered illegal or abusive in some
localities. The author neither advocates nor condones such
conduct but believes in the right of free creative
expression. The author understands the difference between
fantasy and reality. By reading this article, the reader
hereby asserts that this material is appropriate for the
area in which the reader resides and is of an appropriate
age to access ADULT material. Comments are ALWAYS welcome.
The Midnight Run – Part One (Public Nudity, Humil, Bullies)
BY: Hooked6 (Copyright May 2008 by
(Synopsis: A shy, High School senior, small in stature, dreams of making the track team at her school until she runs a foul of bullies already on the team.)
Author's Note: I have added additional material and a revised ending to this story from when it was originally published. If you liked the story, please let me know.
Why do I like stories like these so much? Well to understand that I’d have to take you back to a simpler time when I was in High School. My name is Katie Lynn. Nobody ever called me Kate or Katie. They always used Katie Lynn which made me sound so immature. I lived in the Deep South, however, and that’s just the way it was.
I was never really popular growing up. In fact, I pretty much kept to myself. I did make the track team at school though my junior year. It was fun and I did well until I got kicked off because of shall we say, a “little misunderstanding”. Anyway, I’m getting off track. I was an only child raised by my mom. I never knew my dad and mom never talked about him much. Mom was pretty strict about most things so as a consequence I seldom confided in her about things that I really didn’t understand, like boys for instance, for fear of facing her wrath or giving her the wrong idea about me. Without many friends I was pretty much on my own to figure things out for myself.
I guess, in a way that’s how I got myself into trouble in the first place.
It all started one night in early August before the start of my junior year. It was hot. I mean stifling hot! We had air conditioning but my mom seldom allowed me to turn it on because of the cost. If it was used at all, it was used sparingly only during the day – NEVER at night. She figured we’d be asleep for most of the night anyway, so why waste it? So as usual I couldn’t sleep. During the dog days of August there wasn’t much of a breeze either. On this particular night I looked at the clock on my nightstand – midnight. At this rate I’d never get to sleep. I decided to go out onto the front porch to try and cool off. Quietly I made my way through the house so as not to awaken my mom. Once outside I sat on the porch swing muttering my complaints about the weather and the fact that we weren’t rich. The thermometer said 82 degrees! I was sure I’d never get any rest with it that hot.
Then it occurred to me for the first time that I was sitting outside in my short lacey nightgown and cotton panties. I felt my nipples stiffen under the sheer fabric and immediately felt a tingle shoot up my spine! It was a level of excitement I had never really felt before – wicked in fact. ANYONE could have walked by or passed our porch in a car and seen what they weren’t supposed to see! After all, good girls didn’t prance around in their lingerie. My heart began beating just a little faster and I forgot all about the heat. Of course, my brain tried to tell me that I was sitting in the dark shadows and the risk was very small that anyone would ever actually see me, but still the danger seemed real and for some strange reason I liked it.
After a few minutes I decided to push things a bit. I made my way down the front stairs and wandered around in the yard! Man, what a rush! No one was out but I just knew that at any moment I could be discovered. You must understand that although this might seem pretty tame to most of you – especially today, this was the first time this normally shy and well-behaved girl was doing something naughty - and in my mind as a result of my mom’s strict control over me, anything even remotely sexual was evil! Deep down I was so alive I wanted to scream!!
I meandered around the yard for almost thirty minutes before deciding that I had taken enough of a risk and headed back inside to relieve myself. I had long since discovered the joys of masturbation and on that night, I had the most intense orgasm ever.
The following evening, I couldn’t wait for my mom to go to bed so I could try my new-found hobby a second time. Fortunately, my mom usually went to bed early during the week so that by midnight I was once again outside on the front porch. Soon, however, I became bored. To make things interesting I eventually dared myself to take off my panties and leave them on the porch swing and roam around the yard in just my nightgown - which on this night was a little too short to completely cover my pubes. The feeling of the night air on my now exposed pussy was exhilarating and I found myself instantly wet. I told myself that in an emergency I could bend my knees and tug on the bottom of my gown to at least hide myself if I HAD to. After wandering around for another half an hour I returned to my room to pleasure myself.
This pattern continued for several days until I eventually became disenchanted. I needed a new challenge to keep the excitement alive. You guessed it: off came the nightgown one night, and for the first time ever that I can recall I wandered around my yard completely naked! Every square inch of my skin was on fire and the gnarled feeling in the pit of my stomach was intoxicating! I was scared to death that someone might catch me but I didn’t care. In fact, I believe that the risk of doing something so nasty and possibly getting caught was one of the driving forces behind my being so foolish.
I ran down the front yard to the street and back revealing my body in all its glory to anyone lucky enough to spot me. Of course, I wasn’t really brave, just stupid. I wasn’t that well-endowed either. Being a runner, I was barely an A-cup with very prominent nipples. Not much for the guys to gawk over but I didn’t care. Being naked where I wasn’t supposed to be, I was the sexiest woman alive – or so I told myself. Truth-be-told, I was embarrassed about my lack of development up top and would die if some spotted me. No one saw me of course as it was dark and most people were asleep.
Our house is located in an older neighborhood that has been swallowed up by urban sprawl. All the houses on my block are older and full of trees. Two short blocks up the road is a VERY busy 4-lane highway lined for miles with strip-type shopping centers and big box stores on either side. Though I was relatively safe among the dark shadows of my tree-lined road, the bright lights of the business district reminded me of the danger of being out naked in public. THAT thought made my adrenalin pump and the excitement level boil over within me! Those distant bright lights were like a magnet beckoning, no make that fiendishly tempting me towards them. It was as if they had some hold on me that I couldn’t resist. I kept staring at them. Of course, I knew that danger lurked there and the possibility of being seen, or worse arrested, was unbelievably high but I couldn’t get them out of my mind. After all I was NAKED and ALIVE! That’s all that mattered at the moment. I was having FUN!!
I’m not sure that I ever made a conscious decision to do what I did but for some reason I soon found myself taking a few steps down the sidewalk away from my house in the direction of those blasted lights. I stopped and pondered a bit. I took another step. “Just one little step,” I said to myself, “what could it hurt?” I was still close to my house and could dash back to the safety of my porch if I spotted anyone. The fact that my only means of cover, my flimsy nightgown, was still on the porch only added to the danger. Looking back of course I must have been brain-dead. I was surrounded by houses of people that knew me – AND my mom. If any of them spotted me, my life would be over for sure. Naturally I never gave that a thought at the time. I was too wrapped up in the thrill of the moment. “Just one more step,” I pushed myself. “See nothing happened,” I heard a little voice say somewhere in the back of my mind.
Time flies when you’re having fun and after just a FEW more LITTLE steps I suddenly discovered I was THREE houses away from my own!!!! The jolt of electricity that hit my clit at that realization was earth shattering!!! A wave of wetness splashed between my legs as if someone had turned on a faucet full blast. WOW, I thought. This is AWESOME!
I nervously looked around and all was quiet. No lights were on in any of the houses and I was still secluded in relative darkness as there were no security or street lights on my block. “Go on,” that little menacing voice urged, “Just a few more steps. Let’s see how far you can go.”
I looked back at my front porch, “I could make it back there pretty quickly if I HAD to” I consoled myself once more and then proceeded to take another step, then another and another, one bare foot cautiously in front of the other, step by step nervously keeping my arms over my chest and pubes just in case until I reached the small cross street at end of my block. The lights were closer now – only one short block away! I paused and my fingers slid down the slippery slope towards my vagina. I just HAD to see how close I could make it to the main road. I just HAD TO!
My street, which I was on, ran perpendicularly into the main highway. It was a small, little-used street except by those that lived here. Behind me, my street eventually dead-ended about a half a mile past my house. It was so insignificant that there was only a stop sign; no traffic light at the corner where my street met the main road. The bright lights taunted me. The sound of the occasional cars passing by on the main highway screamed a warning to me that this was crazy! Still, I wasn’t really going to run out on the road and flash people, I rationalized. I was just going to see how far I could push myself to go. How close I could get. Before I knew it one bare foot was stepping in front of the other and I was slowly but steadily on my way. The closer I got, the brighter the lights appeared to be and the more thrilling the feeling deep down inside me!
Still nervously covering myself I crept ever so carefully toward the end of my street. I somehow managed to get close enough to the main road that I now could read the stop sign letters: S-T-O-P. The safety of the darkness that once enveloped me was fading away. I guess I was now about thirty feet from the corner. The four-lane highway stood menacingly across my path. To my left was an old service station that was now closed. Its parking area was full of cars needing service safely stowed for the night behind a chain link fence. To my right was a long strip shopping center. There was a small open alleyway behind the building that was occasionally dotted by garbage dumpsters behind the stores. A chain link fence and some shrubbery separated the stores’ alleyway from the neighborhood to the rear. I stood there for a moment checking things out. Across the highway was a bank and its neon sign flashed the time and temperature: 81 degrees, 1:30am. HOLY CRAP I had been out naked for an hour and a half!!! Surely it hadn’t been that long, HAD IT? I needed to get home, I thought. If my mom should happen to have awakened during the night and discovered I was gone I’d be in a world of hurt! I started to turn when that darned little voice said, “Make it to the stop sign. Just go and touch the sign, THEN you can go home!” I looked back over my shoulder at the sign. It wasn’t that far, I thought, but it was dangerous right out on the highway. I began arguing with myself, “No way, it’s too risky.” Then the voice countered, “Don’t be such a pussy, just run up there and touch it. You’ll regret it if you don’t, you know you will.”
I felt that familiar gnawing in the pit of my stomach that was oh so intoxicating that I couldn’t say no. I turned around. I didn’t hear any cars approaching so the traffic light up the road must be red. Before I could change my mind, I took off running, my boobs bouncing with each leap forward. In order to run I had to abandon any attempt to cover myself as I needed to swing my arms to keep my balance and speed. I made it to the sign and reached out to touch its red surface. I looked up and saw a small line of cars approaching as the light had now turned green. I let out a squeal and bolted back down my street. I never looked back as I dashed towards home. I wasn’t sure if anyone saw me but I clearly heard the sounds of the cars passing on the highway behind me. Did anyone see me I wondered? Just the thought that they might have, pushed me almost to a spontaneous orgasm right there in the street!!
I ran all the way home and by the time I reached my front lawn I was panting so heavily I sounded like an obscene phone call! I sat down on the front lawn to catch my breath and unconsciously began rubbing myself to ecstasy. I couldn’t believe what I had done or the fact that I was sitting naked outside in my own neighborhood masturbating!! I imagined all my neighbors looking at me as I drifted off into secret bliss. Of course, if anyone HAD been looking at me just then I would have had to move to Mexico or something as the shame would have been too much to endure!
When I climaxed, it took all that I had not to moan for fear of waking my mom. Words fail me to adequately describe what I was feeling right then. All I can say is: “WHAT A NIGHT”!!!
I sat there for a few moments collecting myself and then quietly made my way back onto the porch, redressed in my nightgown and carefully reentered the house. As far as I could tell my mom was still sound asleep and was none the wiser. It was a good thing too!
As I relaxed in bed, I made up my mind about two things. First, I HAD to do this again and secondly, I definitely was going to wear running shoes next time. My feet were cut up and sore from running on the asphalt. If there ever was a real emergency, I might not make it if I was bare footed and had to run for my life as it were. No shoes were a necessity even if they ruined the overall effect. I’d just have to make up for it by pushing myself even further.
Copyright May 28, 2008 by Hooked6. All rights reserved.
No reproduction, retransmission, re-posting on another
Internet site is permitted without the expressed WRITTEN
consent of the author ( The following
story is for mature ADULTS only and is pure fiction. Any
similarity to actual events is pure coincidence. The story
is for ADULT entertainment. The plot of the story if it were
true may be considered illegal or abusive in some
localities. The author neither advocates nor condones such
conduct but believes in the right of free creative
expression. The author understands the difference between
fantasy and reality. By reading this article, the reader
hereby asserts that this material is appropriate for the
area in which the reader resides and is of an appropriate
age to access ADULT material. Comments are ALWAYS welcome.
The Midnight Run – Part One (Public Nudity, Humil, Bullies)
BY: Hooked6 (Copyright May 2008 by
(Synopsis: A shy, High School senior, small in stature, dreams of making the track team at her school until she runs a foul of bullies already on the team.)
Author's Note: I have added additional material and a revised ending to this story from when it was originally published. If you liked the story, please let me know.
Why do I like stories like these so much? Well to understand that I’d have to take you back to a simpler time when I was in High School. My name is Katie Lynn. Nobody ever called me Kate or Katie. They always used Katie Lynn which made me sound so immature. I lived in the Deep South, however, and that’s just the way it was.
I was never really popular growing up. In fact, I pretty much kept to myself. I did make the track team at school though my junior year. It was fun and I did well until I got kicked off because of shall we say, a “little misunderstanding”. Anyway, I’m getting off track. I was an only child raised by my mom. I never knew my dad and mom never talked about him much. Mom was pretty strict about most things so as a consequence I seldom confided in her about things that I really didn’t understand, like boys for instance, for fear of facing her wrath or giving her the wrong idea about me. Without many friends I was pretty much on my own to figure things out for myself.
I guess, in a way that’s how I got myself into trouble in the first place.
It all started one night in early August before the start of my junior year. It was hot. I mean stifling hot! We had air conditioning but my mom seldom allowed me to turn it on because of the cost. If it was used at all, it was used sparingly only during the day – NEVER at night. She figured we’d be asleep for most of the night anyway, so why waste it? So as usual I couldn’t sleep. During the dog days of August there wasn’t much of a breeze either. On this particular night I looked at the clock on my nightstand – midnight. At this rate I’d never get to sleep. I decided to go out onto the front porch to try and cool off. Quietly I made my way through the house so as not to awaken my mom. Once outside I sat on the porch swing muttering my complaints about the weather and the fact that we weren’t rich. The thermometer said 82 degrees! I was sure I’d never get any rest with it that hot.
Then it occurred to me for the first time that I was sitting outside in my short lacey nightgown and cotton panties. I felt my nipples stiffen under the sheer fabric and immediately felt a tingle shoot up my spine! It was a level of excitement I had never really felt before – wicked in fact. ANYONE could have walked by or passed our porch in a car and seen what they weren’t supposed to see! After all, good girls didn’t prance around in their lingerie. My heart began beating just a little faster and I forgot all about the heat. Of course, my brain tried to tell me that I was sitting in the dark shadows and the risk was very small that anyone would ever actually see me, but still the danger seemed real and for some strange reason I liked it.
After a few minutes I decided to push things a bit. I made my way down the front stairs and wandered around in the yard! Man, what a rush! No one was out but I just knew that at any moment I could be discovered. You must understand that although this might seem pretty tame to most of you – especially today, this was the first time this normally shy and well-behaved girl was doing something naughty - and in my mind as a result of my mom’s strict control over me, anything even remotely sexual was evil! Deep down I was so alive I wanted to scream!!
I meandered around the yard for almost thirty minutes before deciding that I had taken enough of a risk and headed back inside to relieve myself. I had long since discovered the joys of masturbation and on that night, I had the most intense orgasm ever.
The following evening, I couldn’t wait for my mom to go to bed so I could try my new-found hobby a second time. Fortunately, my mom usually went to bed early during the week so that by midnight I was once again outside on the front porch. Soon, however, I became bored. To make things interesting I eventually dared myself to take off my panties and leave them on the porch swing and roam around the yard in just my nightgown - which on this night was a little too short to completely cover my pubes. The feeling of the night air on my now exposed pussy was exhilarating and I found myself instantly wet. I told myself that in an emergency I could bend my knees and tug on the bottom of my gown to at least hide myself if I HAD to. After wandering around for another half an hour I returned to my room to pleasure myself.
This pattern continued for several days until I eventually became disenchanted. I needed a new challenge to keep the excitement alive. You guessed it: off came the nightgown one night, and for the first time ever that I can recall I wandered around my yard completely naked! Every square inch of my skin was on fire and the gnarled feeling in the pit of my stomach was intoxicating! I was scared to death that someone might catch me but I didn’t care. In fact, I believe that the risk of doing something so nasty and possibly getting caught was one of the driving forces behind my being so foolish.
I ran down the front yard to the street and back revealing my body in all its glory to anyone lucky enough to spot me. Of course, I wasn’t really brave, just stupid. I wasn’t that well-endowed either. Being a runner, I was barely an A-cup with very prominent nipples. Not much for the guys to gawk over but I didn’t care. Being naked where I wasn’t supposed to be, I was the sexiest woman alive – or so I told myself. Truth-be-told, I was embarrassed about my lack of development up top and would die if some spotted me. No one saw me of course as it was dark and most people were asleep.
Our house is located in an older neighborhood that has been swallowed up by urban sprawl. All the houses on my block are older and full of trees. Two short blocks up the road is a VERY busy 4-lane highway lined for miles with strip-type shopping centers and big box stores on either side. Though I was relatively safe among the dark shadows of my tree-lined road, the bright lights of the business district reminded me of the danger of being out naked in public. THAT thought made my adrenalin pump and the excitement level boil over within me! Those distant bright lights were like a magnet beckoning, no make that fiendishly tempting me towards them. It was as if they had some hold on me that I couldn’t resist. I kept staring at them. Of course, I knew that danger lurked there and the possibility of being seen, or worse arrested, was unbelievably high but I couldn’t get them out of my mind. After all I was NAKED and ALIVE! That’s all that mattered at the moment. I was having FUN!!
I’m not sure that I ever made a conscious decision to do what I did but for some reason I soon found myself taking a few steps down the sidewalk away from my house in the direction of those blasted lights. I stopped and pondered a bit. I took another step. “Just one little step,” I said to myself, “what could it hurt?” I was still close to my house and could dash back to the safety of my porch if I spotted anyone. The fact that my only means of cover, my flimsy nightgown, was still on the porch only added to the danger. Looking back of course I must have been brain-dead. I was surrounded by houses of people that knew me – AND my mom. If any of them spotted me, my life would be over for sure. Naturally I never gave that a thought at the time. I was too wrapped up in the thrill of the moment. “Just one more step,” I pushed myself. “See nothing happened,” I heard a little voice say somewhere in the back of my mind.
Time flies when you’re having fun and after just a FEW more LITTLE steps I suddenly discovered I was THREE houses away from my own!!!! The jolt of electricity that hit my clit at that realization was earth shattering!!! A wave of wetness splashed between my legs as if someone had turned on a faucet full blast. WOW, I thought. This is AWESOME!
I nervously looked around and all was quiet. No lights were on in any of the houses and I was still secluded in relative darkness as there were no security or street lights on my block. “Go on,” that little menacing voice urged, “Just a few more steps. Let’s see how far you can go.”
I looked back at my front porch, “I could make it back there pretty quickly if I HAD to” I consoled myself once more and then proceeded to take another step, then another and another, one bare foot cautiously in front of the other, step by step nervously keeping my arms over my chest and pubes just in case until I reached the small cross street at end of my block. The lights were closer now – only one short block away! I paused and my fingers slid down the slippery slope towards my vagina. I just HAD to see how close I could make it to the main road. I just HAD TO!
My street, which I was on, ran perpendicularly into the main highway. It was a small, little-used street except by those that lived here. Behind me, my street eventually dead-ended about a half a mile past my house. It was so insignificant that there was only a stop sign; no traffic light at the corner where my street met the main road. The bright lights taunted me. The sound of the occasional cars passing by on the main highway screamed a warning to me that this was crazy! Still, I wasn’t really going to run out on the road and flash people, I rationalized. I was just going to see how far I could push myself to go. How close I could get. Before I knew it one bare foot was stepping in front of the other and I was slowly but steadily on my way. The closer I got, the brighter the lights appeared to be and the more thrilling the feeling deep down inside me!
Still nervously covering myself I crept ever so carefully toward the end of my street. I somehow managed to get close enough to the main road that I now could read the stop sign letters: S-T-O-P. The safety of the darkness that once enveloped me was fading away. I guess I was now about thirty feet from the corner. The four-lane highway stood menacingly across my path. To my left was an old service station that was now closed. Its parking area was full of cars needing service safely stowed for the night behind a chain link fence. To my right was a long strip shopping center. There was a small open alleyway behind the building that was occasionally dotted by garbage dumpsters behind the stores. A chain link fence and some shrubbery separated the stores’ alleyway from the neighborhood to the rear. I stood there for a moment checking things out. Across the highway was a bank and its neon sign flashed the time and temperature: 81 degrees, 1:30am. HOLY CRAP I had been out naked for an hour and a half!!! Surely it hadn’t been that long, HAD IT? I needed to get home, I thought. If my mom should happen to have awakened during the night and discovered I was gone I’d be in a world of hurt! I started to turn when that darned little voice said, “Make it to the stop sign. Just go and touch the sign, THEN you can go home!” I looked back over my shoulder at the sign. It wasn’t that far, I thought, but it was dangerous right out on the highway. I began arguing with myself, “No way, it’s too risky.” Then the voice countered, “Don’t be such a pussy, just run up there and touch it. You’ll regret it if you don’t, you know you will.”
I felt that familiar gnawing in the pit of my stomach that was oh so intoxicating that I couldn’t say no. I turned around. I didn’t hear any cars approaching so the traffic light up the road must be red. Before I could change my mind, I took off running, my boobs bouncing with each leap forward. In order to run I had to abandon any attempt to cover myself as I needed to swing my arms to keep my balance and speed. I made it to the sign and reached out to touch its red surface. I looked up and saw a small line of cars approaching as the light had now turned green. I let out a squeal and bolted back down my street. I never looked back as I dashed towards home. I wasn’t sure if anyone saw me but I clearly heard the sounds of the cars passing on the highway behind me. Did anyone see me I wondered? Just the thought that they might have, pushed me almost to a spontaneous orgasm right there in the street!!
I ran all the way home and by the time I reached my front lawn I was panting so heavily I sounded like an obscene phone call! I sat down on the front lawn to catch my breath and unconsciously began rubbing myself to ecstasy. I couldn’t believe what I had done or the fact that I was sitting naked outside in my own neighborhood masturbating!! I imagined all my neighbors looking at me as I drifted off into secret bliss. Of course, if anyone HAD been looking at me just then I would have had to move to Mexico or something as the shame would have been too much to endure!
When I climaxed, it took all that I had not to moan for fear of waking my mom. Words fail me to adequately describe what I was feeling right then. All I can say is: “WHAT A NIGHT”!!!
I sat there for a few moments collecting myself and then quietly made my way back onto the porch, redressed in my nightgown and carefully reentered the house. As far as I could tell my mom was still sound asleep and was none the wiser. It was a good thing too!
As I relaxed in bed, I made up my mind about two things. First, I HAD to do this again and secondly, I definitely was going to wear running shoes next time. My feet were cut up and sore from running on the asphalt. If there ever was a real emergency, I might not make it if I was bare footed and had to run for my life as it were. No shoes were a necessity even if they ruined the overall effect. I’d just have to make up for it by pushing myself even further.