T-shirt for sale. Part 1

Stories about girls getting pantsed, stripped and humiliated by anyone or anything.
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T-shirt for sale. Part 1

Post by FunKelly »

This is my first story on this site so I figured I'd start by sharing a few details about myself. My name is Kelly and I have a small T-shirt business in Southwest Oregon. The majority of my sales are to the local schools, municipalities, softball teams etc. I also make designer shirts that I sell at fairs, flea markets and such on the weekends. My business allows me a good living but consumes all of my time. Now about my physical description. I am 5' 3" tall and 121 pounds. My hair is jet black and cut short. Then there's my breasts. They are a small size '"B", closer to an "A" actually. I do however have a greats ass though, or so I've been told. Well, enough about me personally for now. Let me tell you about the weekend that changed my life when I decided to get away for some "Me Time".
I had never been to San Francisco. The fact that it was only a five hour drive made it a suitable destination for a weekend getaway. I booked a room at a nineteenth century hotel for an upcoming weekend in June on line. I left Oregon at noon on Friday and arrived at my hotel around 5:30 p.m. An attractive woman about thirty years old checked me in. She was dressed in a white conservative pant suit and introduced herself as Kim. She then offered her services if I needed anything, being I was from out of town and traveling alone to the big city. I went to my room located on the fourth floor and walked in. The room was decorated in Victorian fashion and absolutely awesome.
After unpacking my things, I changed into a yellow cotton sundress that came down to my middle thigh area. I had chosen a white bra and white cotton panties so they could not be seen through the thin yellow material of the dress. Ankle socks and white sneakers finished my attire for the warm evening out. Grabbing my purse, I headed down to the lobby to ask for recommendations for a local casual restaurant in the area for dinner. Kim was still working the hotel lobby desk when I exited the elevator. She gave me a big smile and asked, "Where are you off to Kelly?" I asked her for a recommendation for dinner and she told me, "You should try "Albert's Restaurant". It's only two blocks down to the left. They have really good food there. And if you decide you'd like a drink after your dinner, I'll be at "Brian's Pub". It's only three blocks up the street in the opposite direction". I thanked her and let her know I might take her up on the invitation for drinks. As I walked away I heard her call out. As I turned towards her she said, "Oh by the way Kelly, Nice dress", giving me a smile that seemed a bit seductive.
Thinking about what Kim had said about my sundress, as I walked down towards Albert's Restaurant, I started feeling a bit exposed. The warm San Francisco breeze was blowing across my nearly naked legs and no one was wearing a dress similar to mine. There were some women wearing very revealing clothing, but I felt that a well timed breeze could reveal my white cotton panties at any moment. I've worn this dress a dozen times before at home, but never felt underdressed or even slutty for that matter. I entered Albert's and was seated by the hostess in the family friendly restaurant. Maybe it was paranoia, but I felt that if I didn't cross my legs, any number of people could see my crotch with the right vantage point. My server arrived and I immediately ordered a margarita as she handed me a menu.
I drank my Margarita, then ate the fabulous meal I had ordered, trying to remember not to expose myself to anyone in the restaurant. Do you know how hard it is to eat a full meal with your legs crossed ? Well I can tell you, it gets uncomfortable. I finished my second margarita, paid my tab and returned back out to the street. It was now 8:15 p.m. and the two margaritas were making me feel a bit tipsy. I'm not a big drinker but was glad the effect allowed me to be a bit less anxious. I decided to walk up the street and meet Kim at "Brian's Pub". Walking up the street with a cooler San Francisco breeze blowing across my shoulders and legs, not to mention up my inner thighs was adding a bit of arousal to my short journey. I entered Brian's Pub and looked for Kim.
It was a small place with about 19 to 20 patrons, 1 female bartender and a young guy dressed in short shorts and a skin tight T-shirt, who could barely be 21 years old, waiting the tables. I would later find out his name was Andre. I must say, Andre was a cutie! The place didn't seem like the kind of bar Kim would frequent very often. She seemed much more reserved than those I was seeing as I scanned the place for her. Andre walked up to me and asked if I was looking for someone. I replied, "Yes but I don't see her here". He asked, "Does 'She' have a name ?" I responded, "Yes. Her name is Kim, but I don't think she's here". "Hey Kim! There's someone here to see you!", Andre yelled out. A woman got up from her seat at the bar and made her way over to us.
I almost fell over when I realized it was Kim. Her normally flowing hair was now spiked into some sort of grunge look. She was wearing a black leather halter top with no bra, short cut off jeans that allowed the red waist band of her thong to be seen running across her lower back and black military boots. Like I said, I almost fell over.
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Re: T-shirt for sale. Part 1

Post by Revengedpirate »

Hello, welcome, it’s a great start, a couple of tips, try to break your writing up a bit more.

Add a few more paragraphs with maybe a space between paragraphs.

It just makes it easier to read and a lot less daunting. But I’m loving the story can’t wait for your second part.

A bit like this obviously with more sentences in paragraphs.

It’s obviously just a suggestion every writer has a different style. But I’ve liked what I read please write more 😊
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Re: T-shirt for sale. Part 1

Post by FunKelly »

Thanks. Appreciate the advise. I see what you're saying about breaking up the paragraphs. :
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Re: T-shirt for sale. Part 1

Post by Revengedpirate »

No problem but it’s great what I read so far. You can edit story’s on here if you need to. I’ve found sometimes errors creep in by mistake. Or predictive text on my phone writes for me lol
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